²æòæà PÁ²PÁ² ±ÉõÀ±ÉõÀ ±Á¹Ûç±Á¹Ûç bÁjl§¯ïbÁjl§¯ï læ¸ïÖlæ¸ïÖ Shri Kashi Sesha Sastri Charitbale Trust EMB@JCQQC?AFB?WMD WMSPJGDCUGRFF?NNGLCQQ “Adishakthi" No. 14/16, First Cross Road, Munireddy Layout, Chikkakallasandra Subramanyapura Post, Bangalore - 560 061 Website: www.bestctrust.org email:
[email protected] Mobile : 94482 63836 Phone: 91 080 26392148 UÀÄgÀĪÀAzÀ£À-2016 Shri B.S.S. Koushik Smt. Haimavathamma 8th September 2016 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bangalore Our salutations to all those teachers who shaped our lives Sri Sadananda Sri Ravi Rao M. S. UÀÄgÀĪÀAzÀ£À - 2016 ¸ÀägÀt ¸ÀAaPÉ ¸ÀA¥ÁzÀPÀgÀÄ qÁ|| ºÉZï. «. ±ÀAPÀgÀ£ÁgÁAiÀÄt ¸ÀzÁ£ÀAzÀ ¸É¥ÉÖA§gï 8, 2016 Shri Ravi Rao M.S. Co-Trustee Phone : 97431 01921 UÀÄgÀĪÀAzÀ£À - 2016 ¥ÀæPÀluÉ : 2016 UÀÄgÀĪÀAzÀ£À ¸ÀA¥ÁzÀPÀgÀÄ qÁ|| ºÉZï. «. ±ÀAPÀgÀ£ÁgÁAiÀÄt ¸ÀzÁ£ÀAzÀ ¥ÀÅl «£Áå¸À ¥sÀÉæAqïì PÁA-mÉPï ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ - 18 ¥sÉÇãï : 9343078454 Shri Kashi Sesha Sastri Served as the Defacto Guru to his own king-the Maharaja Mummadi Krishnaraja Wadiyar of Mysore State. He moved with the Maharaja as a Friend, Philosopher & Guide and acted as a wellwisher of the state as in the ancient hindu period. His valuable writings were paribhashendu shekara vyakhya- sarvamangala, Prabha, Vada ratnavali, laghu sabda ratna pancha sandhi vyakhya. He established the school of sanskrit grammar as a department of the state university which produced galaxy of top scholars. For more details refer book titled "Kashi Sesha Sastri and his descendants" published by Madras Law Journal Office and Shastria-4 by Dr. T.V. Venkatachala Sastry. The trust has been formed in memory of the patriarch to continue the ideals & principles to which he stood for.