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SBA Update, Page 3 College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History 1996 Amicus Curiae (Vol. 7, Issue 6) Repository Citation "Amicus Curiae (Vol. 7, Issue 6)" (1996). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 339. Copyright c 1996 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. SBA Update, page 3 .. ~micug ((uriae MARSHALL-WYTHE SCHOOL OF L AW Americas First La w School VOLUME VII, ISSUE SIX MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1996 SIXTEEN PAGES Gradplex Residents Complain About Cable Installation By Sutton Snook College plans to take. colors, while Sutton Snook (:2L) staled access for their classes. they have no Due to the large number of complaints, According to Courtney Carpenter of that one of the construction workers liter- choice now but to buy the $ 140 Ethernet on Monday. November I L the Office of Telecommunications. the network is now ally put his foot through his ceiling. card. Yet. because installation took so Telecommunications and the Office of operational in all of the buildings. TV Sarah Cra\\'ford (:2L) complained that long. they wil l only be able to use it for Facilities Management held a meeting cable will not be turned on until "early workers smoked in her apartment and. five months before the end of the aca- with the graduate students living in the next semester. when she asked them to gO outside. they demic year. Graduate Housing Complex. At the meet- Notwithstanding the convenience of all propped her door open~and stood in th~ Another common complaint was that ing, students voiced their complaints to having computer on-line access, residents doorway. "Twenty of them smoJ...e out- the College provided only general notice Kathy Green. Director ofTelecommuni- expressed many problems w ith the instal- side my door \\'ith the door propped open to residents when entering apartments fo r cations, and Adolph Height, Director of lation. One resident noted that his bed- - you might as well bring in Marlboro construction. Signs were posted in stair­ Facilities Management. spread had been painted and said he was Man himself." wailed Crawford. wells providing a 1\\ 0 \\'eeJ... window dur- Students related horror stories of the concerned about further access to his room. One common complaint involved the ing which time construction \\'orkers could cable installation and asked the College Robert Worst (l L) complained that his fact that. because' several students. in- enter at will. Consequently. there were representatives what remedial action the apartment had been painted two distinct cluding MBA shldents, must have Internet See CABLE on 4 Bhala Delivers Inaugural Black stone Lecture By Palll A. Walker scholarship done by current fac ulty in .:.'\ssoci[!~e Professor Raj Bha(a deliv­ much the same wa) that the Cutler and ered the \naug,ura\ ~\ackstone Lecture to Wythe lectures do for professors from a packed classroom of students and pro­ outside the William & Mary community. fessors on Thursda) , November I·t The Dean Krattenmaker expressed his satis­ Blackstone Lecture series was established faction at the large student and faculty this year to recognize the scholarly turnout. However. with most of the s'tu ­ achievements of a junior member of the dents in the audience either second- or William & Mary Law School faculty. third-years, the Dean said he was "disap­ The annual lecture is sponsored by the pointed with the relative dearth of lLs." La\\ School Alumni Association. Ac­ He stated that the opportunity to attend cording to Dean Krattenmaker. a com­ such lechlres is part of the "academic panion series, tentatively named the SI. ic ing" which allows students to gain per­ George Tucker Lecture. will honor the spectives apart from their casebooks. achievements ofa senior faculty member Bhala's lecture. "Reth in king Anti ­ next spring. The Dean in formed the A 11/­ dumping Law." \\"as based on an article iCliS that the inaugural Tucker Lecturer by the same title which was recently pub­ wou ld be Professor Paul Marcus. lished in the George Washington Journal According to Krattenmaker. the of International Lal''; and EconQlllics . Blackstone and Tucker Lectures are de­ Bhala's lecture centered around his theory ··.Iwf, {,holo signed to recogn ize high-level academic See BHALA on 4 Professor Raj Bhala A Voice for Children: CASA Inducts New Members By Sutton Snook volunteers will work were represented. provide in sight. They then prepare an program received start-up funding from Last Monday, November 18, the Court Five law students were sworn in - independent report fo r the judge making th e city, but has since received very litt le, Appointed Special Advocates program Melissa Augusti (1 L), Kim Barney (I L), recommendations on the best interest of forcing it to re ly upon the generosity of inducted its largest class in years, whixh Anne Dobson (3L), Cindy King (I L),and the child. "The goal is, ifpossibl e, to keep pri vate donors. One such fr iend, Barba ra included five law students being sworn Adrienne Parker (I L). The volunteers the child in the home with services," noted St. Pierre hosted the reception Monday. in. The event was attended by such no­ underwent 30 hours of training plus six Serra. "Unfortunately, that is not alw ays "We wanted to say thank you to the vol­ tables as Judge Hoover, who inducted the hours of court observation time. They possible." unteers," said St. Pierre. volunteers; Miss Virginia, who isa CASA heard speakers from social services, child Often the judge will require parenting St. Pierre works ti relessly to help the volunteer; Williamsburg Mayor Granger; development services, Avalon, a guard­ classes, anger control classes, or therapy See CASA on 4 and guardians ad litem, such a our own ian ad litem, an d other agencies that work in order to stop the cycle of ch ild abuse. adjunct professor Ed Bell. The event in the fa mily court system . The CASA volunteer maintains contact 1-----.:.- Inside - -- marked the end of the fall training pro­ CASA volunteers investigate cases of with the fa mily to monitor compliance Eyeglass Fundraiser 3 gram. neglect and abuse in children's h omes with the judge's orders . In cases where Rock the Vote 7 "This fa ll's program surpassed our after being appointed to the case by a the fa mily has not full y compli ed, th e case Crossfire 8 expectations," said CASA Volunteer Co­ judge. They perform an independent in­ is referred back to the judge for further Exam Advice Trading Cards 9 ordinator Sarah Serra. Serra commented vesti gati on, interviewing the child ren, acti on. C y n ical Guy 10 that this fall's reception was the largest their families, teachers, social workers, Tragically. the fu nding for CASA is Calendar 12 scale ever. as many agencies' \I'ith whom doctors, baby-sitters - anyone who cou ld very tight. Sinc.e its rebirth last year, the 2 Monday, November 25, 1996 THE AMIcus CURIAE From the Editor's Desk • • • Students should take note-ofthe recent surveys on the progress and set forth their and installing wiring. tom line. Conserving taxpayer money is cable installation at the Graduate Com­ complaints, but no action was taken. Not We now hear from the director of important, but in this case, how much did plex. Although this does not directly until November II, did Telecommunica­ Telecommunications that the College the College save? Because they had to affect most law students, the process re­ tions and Facilities Management respond never promised a completion date. But resolicit bids, wasting another month, it is flectsmore thanjustthe College's botched . to student concerns, after residents com­ why, then, were so many offices under the likely that their bottom line was higher. cable installation - it represents a lack of plained en masse at a meeting with the misguided perception that the installation Unfortunately, this time the bottom line respect for the students. It is true that directors of those offices. Only then did the would be complete? Can so many offices did not include the residents. some of the problenis were beyond the College verbally apologize, and then only independently come up with identical, But what is the College planning to do control of the University, but many were after students pointed out. that the College yet still erroneous, predictions of the now to compensate ~tudents for this di­ not. For these, the College should make had done nothing to remedy complaints, completion date? saster? So far, the College is considering amends. including apologize. Students should not All of these factors lead to the inevi­ several options, but has yet to offer any­ Students ' were subjected to three have had to ask for an apology when it was table conclusion that the College did not thing officially. In the defense of the months of invasions of privacy and con­ clear that they had been wronged. respect the nee.ds and wishes of the resi­ College, they are seriously considering struction debris as the installation period When students called College offices dents. Many now complain that they feel abatements on rent and have indicated extended well beyond what was origi­ to complain, they were met with the fa­ like second-class citizens. Some resi­ they will do everything necessary to rec­ nally promised. More troubling than these miliar response, "That portion of the dents indicated that they never would tify the problem. The College should temporal delays, incidents occurred in the project is not handled out of this office." have moved into the Gradplex had they certainly reimburse students for damaged Gradplex which could prompt legal ac­ With too many College offices handling known of the impending disaster and oth­ personal property and should compensate tion in the "real world ." The worst ex­ the installation and the project being too ers have indicated their desire to move all students for the repeated invasions of amp les include construction crews compartmentalized, the College left stu­ out.
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