VOLUME 11 * NUMBER 6 * JUNE 1973


Robert R. Wagner, Editor-in-Chief (1977) University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville

Myron Levine, Editor (1976) Norman P. Salzman, Editor (1975) School of Medicine, National Institute of Allergy and University of Michigan, Infectious Diseases, Ann Arbor Bethesda, Md.

Dwight L. Anderson (1974) Angus Graham (1975) Bernard Moss (1974) David Baltimore (1975) D. MacDonald Green (1974) Elmer R. Pfefferkorn (1974) Marcel A. Baluda (1975) Klaus Hummeler (1973) Lennart Philipson (1973) Allan M. Campbell (1975) Paul J. Kaesberg (1973) Fred Rapp (1975) Purnell Choppin (1974) Albert S. Kaplan (1973) Bernard Roizman (1973) Eugene H. Cota-Robles (1973) Edwin D. Kilbourne (1973) Aaron J. Shatkin (1973) Vittorio Defendi (1973) David W. Kingsbury (1973) Robert W. Simpson (1973) Walter Doerfier (1974) Lloyd M. Kozloff (1976) Donald F. Summers (1973) Richard M. Franklin (1973) Margaret Lieb (1973) Howard M. Temin (1973) Robert M. Friedman (1973) Jean Lindenmann (1973) Peter Vogt (1973) Harold S. Ginsberg (1973) Royce Z. Lockart, Jr. (1975) John S. Wiberg (1973) Marc Girard (1974) Christopher K. Mathews (1973) Julius Youngner (1973)

Robert A. Day, Managing Editor, 1913 I St., N. W., Washington, D.C. 20006


R. G. E. Murray, President (1972-1973) L. Leon Campbell, Vice-President (1972-1973) Donald E. Shay, Secretary T. J. Carski, Treasurer

The Journal of Virology, a publication of the American to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., N.W., Wash- Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. ington, D.C. 20006 (area 202 833-9416). Correspondence from 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of fundamental ASM members relating to membership dues, member knowledge concerning of bacteria, plants, and ani- subscriptions, changes of address, incorrect address, mals. Investigators are invited to submit reports of original incorrect journals, etc., should be directed to the Executive research in all areas of basic virology, including biochemis- Secretary, American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., try, biophysics, genetics, immunology, morphology, and N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Published monthly by the physiology. The Journal is issued monthly, two volumes per ASM at 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore, Md. 21202. year. 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AUTHOR INDEX VOLUME 11

Aaronson, Stuart A., 218, 893 Compans, Richard W., 441 Heine, J. W., 810 Aguet, Michel, 1004 Copps, T. P., 552, 1017 Hemphill, H. Ernest, 25, 372 Allen, Patton T., 709 Cordell-Stewart, B., 232 Henry, Patrick H., 655, 665 Allison, David P., 585 Crumpacker, Clyde S., 655, 665 Hewlett, Martinez, 150 Altaner, C., 177 Hirth, C., 694 Anderson, Dwight L., 9, 153, 756, Darnell, J. E., 953 Hlavayova, E., 177 806 Deeb, Samir S., 353 Horowitz, Marshall S., 544 Andrews, D. P., 78 de Harven, Etienne, 325 Howard, Bruce D., 17 Aubertin, A.-M., 694 De Sain, Carol V., 9, 153 Howe, Calderon, 1004 Dhar, Ravi, 682 Hruska, Jerome F., 129 Bachenheimer, Steven, 610 Diamond, Louis S., 129 Huang, Z. Eng-Shang, 508 Bachi, Thomas, 1004 Deitzschold, B., 748 Hutchison, Clyde A. III, 378 Bader, Artrice V., 314 Dierks, R. E., 748 Hyman, Richard W., 306 Baker, Nicola, 137 Dmochowski, Leon, 709 Baltimore, David, 520 Drake, John W., 35 Incardona, Nino L., 775 Barban, Stanley, 971 Duberstein, Ronnie, 460 Issinger, Olaf-Georg, 465 Basilico, Claudio, 702 Dumas, Lawrence B., 848 Baugh, C. M., 637 Johnson, Paul H., 596 Baum, Stephen G., 544 Earhart, C. F., 527 Beiderbeck, Rolf, 345 East, James L., 709 Kaesberg, Paul, 116, 603 Benveniste, Raoul, 600 Eckert, Edward A., 183 Karam, J. D., 933 Benyesh-Melnick, Matilda, 146 Edgell, Marshall Hall, 378 Kawakami, Thomas G., 515 Ben-Ze'ev, Hannah, 648 Egger, Denise, 565 Keister, David B., 129 Beyersmann, D., 879 Enzmann, P.4., 748 Khoury, George, 54 Bienz, Kurt, 565 Eskin, Barnet, 1020 Kilbourne, E. D., 272 Birdwell, Charles R., 502 Everitt, Einar, 449 Kingsbury, D. W., 243 Bishop, D. H. L., 487, 915 Kirn, A., 694 Biswal, Nilambar, 61, 146 Fioretti, Armanda, 991, 998 Klenk, Hans-Dieter, 823 Boling, Maxon E., 585 Fischinger, Peter J., 978 Knesek, John E., 709 Boone, Charles W., 515 Fleissner, Erwin, 250 Koch, Robert E., 35, 41 Bondurant, M. C., 642 Fletcher, Gail, 527 Kolakofsky, Daniel, 615 Borsa, J., 207, 552, 1017 Flygare, W. H., 141 Kolenbrander, P. E., 25 Bose, Henry R., 741 Fogt, Suzanne, M., 338 Koski, R. K., 799 Bowen, James M., 709 Folk, William R., 424 Kozloff, Lloyd M., 630, 637, 840 Brayton, Carol, 544 Frenkel, Niza, 886 Krauss, S. W., 783 Bratt, Michael A., 926 Friedkin, M., 783 Kuff, Edward L., 329 Bromley, Peter A., 761 Friedman, Robert M., 193 Brunovskis, Ilze, 306, 621 Fritz, Robert B., 736 Landman, Otto E., 69 Bruschi, Andree, 615 Furukawa, Toru, 991, 998 Lang, Dimitrij, 946 Burge, Boyce W., 730 Lautenberger, James A., 1020 Burns, R. O., 621 Gage, Z., 953 Lebowitz, Paul, 682 Bussell, Robert H., 46 Gallagher, Robert E., 1027 Lee, Amu Shiu, 596 Byrne, Janet C., 54 Gallo, Robert C., 1027 Lees, N. D., 606 Gillespie, David H., 1027 Lesnaw, J. A., 141 Caliguiri, Lawrence A., 441 Girard, Marc, 98, 107 Levin, Myron J., 655 Carter, Michael F., 61 Gomatos, Peter J., 900 Levine, Arthur S., 655, 665, 672, Cascino, A., 335 Gordin, Fred, 515 Cassai, Enzo, 610, 886 1027 Chan, James C., 709 Haapala, Daniel K., 978 Lewis, Andrew M., Jr., 655, 665, Chantler, Janet K., 815 Hackett, A. J., 642 672, 682 Chapeville, F., 238 Hanafusa, Hidesaburo, 157 Linn, Stuart, 1020 Chapman, J. D., 207, 552, 1017 Hand, Roger, 223 Lippincott, James A., 345 Chatterjee, S. N., 872 Haroz, Richard K., 761 Litvak, S., 238 Chaudhuri, Utpal C., 368 Hausmann, Rudolf, 465 Long, D. G., 207, 552, 1017 Childs, J. D., 1 Hayward, William S., 157 Loskutoff, D. J., 78, 87 Choppin, Purnell W., 263 Haywood, A. M., 168 Lotz, Wolfgang, 946 Coffin, John M., 761 Heberlein, Gary T., 345 Lueders, Kira K., 329 Cohen, Amikam, 648 Hefti, E., 915 Luftig, R. B., 432 * * AUTHOR INDEX J. VIROL.

Lute, M., 637 Raj, Tilak, 141 St. Jeor, Stephen, 986 Lute, Murl, 630 Rapp, Fred, 986 Stollar, B. D., 783 Rawls, William E., 61 Stollar, Victor, 592 McLean, Charles, 341 Reichmann, M. E., 141 Stone, Henry O., 243 Maiti, M., 872 Reilly, Bernard E., 153, 756 Stone, H. O., 137 Maldonado, Reynaldo L., 741 Renger, Hartmut C., 702 Strauss, James H., 502 Male, Carolyn J., 840 Repik, P., 915 Strohmaier, K., 748 Manteuil, Simone, 98, 107 Rettenmier, Carl W., 372 Summers, William C., 306 Martin, Malcolm A., 54 Reynolds, Roberta K., 218 Sundquist, Bo, 449 Mathews, Christopher K., 150 Rhode, Solon L., III, 856 Swift, Robert L., 386 Mattern, Carl F. T., 129 Riva, S., 335 Szilagyi, J. F., 279 Matthaeus, W., 748 Roizman, Bernard, 810,886 Mayer, Frank, 946 Rosemond, H., 399 Takemoto, Kenneth K., 54 Mayer, V., 272 Rosemond, Hortencia, 961 Tamm, Igor, 223 Michel, Marcel R., 900 Rott, Rudolf, 823 Tarrago-Litvak, L., 238 Mikolajczyk, M., 879 Roy, Polly, 487, 915 Taylor, Milton W., 232 Miller, Christine A., 848 Rueckert, Roland R., 341 Thoren, Marilyn M., 721 Miss, Aaron L., 69 Rustigian, Robert, 926 Travo, C., 694 Moss, Bernard, 961 Tress, Ellen, 250 Mowshowitz, Deborah, 535 Salzman, Lois Ann, 299 Trowbridge, Sidneye T., 146 Salzman, Norman P., 721 Nagai, Yoshiyuki, 479 Samaha, Richard J., 655, 665 Uryvayev, L., 279 Naot, Yehudith, 862 Santoli, Daniela, 998 Nebert, Daniel W., 193 Sargent, M. D., 207, 552, 1017 Van Etten, J. L., 799 Newbold, John E., 508 Sauri, C. J., 527 Vidaver, Anne K., 799 Nichols, J. L., 432 Schachtele, Charles F., 9, 153 Nomura, Shigeko, 978 Schaechter, Moselio, 359 Waite, Marilynn R. F., 198 Nonnenmacher, H., 694 Schaffer, F. L., 642 Wall, R., 953 Notkins, Abner L., 473 Scheid, Andreas, 263 Ware, B. R., 141 Schlesinger, Milton J., 1013 Warner, Huber R., 806 O'Donnell, P. V., 933 Schlesinger, Sondra, 1013 Weber, J., 953 Oeschger, Max P., 460 Schlicht, M., 879 Webster, R. G., 137 Oxman, Michael N., 672 Schneider, L. G., 748 Weissmann, Charles, 761 Schnipper, Lowell E., 665 Weissman, Sherman M., 682 Pagano, Joseph S., 508 Schulman, J. L., 272 Welker, N. E., 606 Pages, Jacqueline, 98, 107 Schuster, H., 879 Whiteley, H. R., 25 Palmenberg, Ann, 603 Sclair, Morton, 378 White, Wesley, 299 Pao, Chia-Chu, 1024 Scolnick, Edward M., 600 Whittington, Melvin O., 153 Parks, Wade P., 600 Sefton, Bartholomew M., 730 Wiberg, John S., 386 Parson, Kathleen A., 806 Selvidge, LeRoy, 775 Wickus, Gary G., 730 Parsons, J. Thomas, 761 Setlow, Jane K., 585 Wilsnack, Roger E., 893 Pedersen, Ib Rode, 416 Shalitin, Channa, 862 Winston, Stuart H., 926 Peebles, Paul T., 978 Shenk, Thomas E., 592 Pene, J. J., 78, 87 Siegel, Pamela J., 359 Wivel, Nelson A., 287, 329, 575 Philipson, Lennart, 449 Silverstein, Saul, 886 Wolff, David A., 565 Pierce, John S., 168 Sinsheimer, Robert L., 596 Wulff, Judith L., 527 Plotkin, Stanley, 991, 998 Smith, Gilbert H., 575 Poddar, Ramendra K., 368 Smith, Janet Duyckinck, 325 Yamazaki, Shudo, 473 Portner, Allen, 46 Snustad, D. Peter, 806 Yang, Stringner Sue, 287 Price, Alan R., 338 Speyer, Joseph F., 1024 Yashouv, Judith, 648 Sreevalsan, T., 399 Young, Nathaniel A., 832 Quade, Kristina, 432 Stampfer, Martha, 520 Qualtiere, Louis F., 736 Stephenson, John R., 218, 893 Zain, B. Sayeeda, 682 Stehelin, Dominique, 98, 107 Zeece, Viola M., 756 Radloff, Roger J., 116 Stevely, William S., 815 Zsigray, Robert M., 69 SUBJECT INDEX VOLUME 11

Actinomycin phage 029 development, 78 inhibition of replication of LDV, 473 phage 029 genetics, 756 Adenoviruses phage SPO2c1 , 25 assembly, 449 site of phage 029 DNA replication, 153 mRNA production in transformed cells, 953 Bacterial extracts Adenovirus 2 phage tail components, 637 hybrid with SV40, 665, 682 pteroyl hexaglutamate complementation, 637 species with SV40, 672 Bacteriophage SV40 virus hybrids, 655 H. influenzae, 585 synthesis of DNA, 544 rescue of production after infection, 335 Aedes albopictus restriction and modification in B. stearothermo- homologous viral interference, 592 philus, 606 Sindbis virus-infected cultures, 592 Bacteriophage 41c Agglutination penetration into B. subtilis, 69 of Sindbis virus by plant lectins, 503 Bacteriophage j22 Amoebal virus infected B. subtilis, 25 properties of E. histolytica, 129 Bacteriophage CP-51 Antigenic glycoprotein B. cereus outgrowth, 648 isolated from influenza virus hemagglutinin, 183 Bacteriophage H Antigens growth on male and female E. coli, 460 avian oncornovirus, 736 P. pestis, 306 Amber mutant Bacteriophage HPlcl phage Q,B, 603 comparison of properties, 585 Amber mutations Bacteriophage lambda DNA polymerase, 933 mutants lysogenic for, 879 phage T4 43, 933 tryptophan residue involvement, 353 suppression by translational ambiguity, 933 Bacteriophage Qj8 Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase amber mutant, 603 induction by interferon, 193 electrophoretic properties, 116 Assembly overproduction of Q,8 replicase, 603 adenoviruses, 449 Bacteriophage PBS2 Autointerference resistance of infection to HPUra, 338 oncornavirus, 642 Bacteriophage PS8 Avian C-type virus crown-gall tumor initiation by DNA, 345 radioimmunoassay for group-specific antigen, 893 Bacteriophage oe Avian oncornavirus interference of B. subtilis development, 372 group-specific antigen by radioimmunoassay, 736 Bacteriophage II Avian sarcoma virus E. coli, 306 morphologic revertant in transformed cells, 218 Bacteriophage 06 Avian tumor virus lipid in P. phaseolicola, 799 reticuloendotheliosis virus, 741 Bacteriophage 029 RNA, 157 B. subtilius, 78, 87 DNA-RNA competition-hybridization experi- BHK cells ments, 78 enzyme-synthesized RNA, 900 early and late RNA, 9 Sindbis virus-infected, 535 messenger RNAs, 87 BHK-21 cells 429 transcription, 78 NDV-infected, 479 of DNA in B. 153 polyoma-transformed, 424 replication subtilis, Bacillus cereus transcription during development, 9 phage CP-51 DNA in, 648 Bacteriophage q80 Bacillus stearothermophilus tryptophan residue involvement, 353 phage restriction and modification, 606 Bacteriophage 4149 Bacillus subtilis infected V. cholerae, 872 blockage of phage infection, 69 Bacteriophage 4X174 development of phage 029, 78 adsorption and eclipse mechanism, 775 penetration by phage 41c, 60 DNA replication, 848 phage oe development, 372 mapping of E. coli restriction sites, 378 Hii iV SUBJECT INDEX J. VIROL.

photodynamically inactivated, 368 Coxsackievirus production of RF DNA by endonuclease HP, 596 comparison with poliovirus and echovirus, 832 replication of single-stranded DNA, 368 Crown-gall tumor restriction mutants, 378 initiation by phage PS8 DNA, 345 Bacteriophage S2 Cycloheximide comparison of properties, 585 synthesis of Ad2 in presence of, 544 Bacteriophage SPO2c, Cytomegalovirus infected B. subtilis cells, 25 growth characteristics of in human fibroblasts, Bacteriophage SP82 991 infected B. subtilis, 25 infection of guinea pig cells, 998 Bacteriophage T3 protein synthesis early in viral replication, 991 amber mutants defective in gene 1, 465 replication in IUdR-pretreated cells, 986 infection of E. coli, 465 Cytopathology Bacteriophage T4 HEp-2 cells, 565 cadaverine in E. coli hosts, 792 colicin E2 inhibition, 386 dna Mutants DNA attachment to membrane, 527 lysogenic for phage lambda, 879 head maturation, 359 prophage induction by high temperature, 879 ligase-defective, 35, 41 dna E mutant release of progeny DNA, 359 E. coli, 848 role of gene 52 in DNA synthesis, 862 Deoxyribonuclease superinfection exclusion, 1 blockage of phage infection in B. subtilis, 69 suppression of amber mutations in gene 43, 933 Deoxyribonucleic acid thymidylate synthetase, 783 heteroduplex molecules, 17 Bacteriophage T4D HSV, 610 dihydrofolate reductase funct.ion, 840 inhibition of degradation, 386 Bacteriophage T7 Kilham rat virus, 299 amber mutants defective in gene 1, 465 nondefective Ad2-SV40 hybrids, 665 infection of E. coli, 465 order of injection of phage T7, 1024 modification and restriction by E. coli B, 1020 phage qX174, 368, 378, 848 order of injection of DNA, 1024 phage OX174 replicative form, 596 Bacteriophage tail components phage T4, 527 E. coli B, 630 phage T4, T7 breakdown in host, 806 pteroyl polyglutamate synthesis, 630 release of progeny after phage T4 head matura- T4D gene 28-complementation, 637 tion, 359 replication in HPUra-treated B. subtilis, 153 Cadaverine rescue of replication after infection, 335 lysine and phage T4, 792 Rhizobium phage, 946 Capsid proteins SV40, 98, 107, 508 SV40 plaque mutants, 971 SV40 synthesis, 721 Cardiovirus SV40-transformed cells, 54 comparison with rhinovirus, 341 Deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase Cat cell line suppression of amber mutations, 933 isolation of oncornavirus from, 978 Deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis Cat leukemic cells adenovirus type 2, 544 surface antigens, 515 cycloheximide effect on, 544 Chicken embryo cells effect of noninfective reovirus components, 223 detection of avian tumor virus RNA, 157 role of phage T4 gene 52, 862 Chicken sarcoma virus B77 Dihydrofolate reductase transformation of rat liver cells, 177 phage T4D, 840 Chymotrypsin Dimethyl sulfoxide activation of reovirus transcriptase, 207 gradient sedimentation analysis, 615 modification of reovirus infectivity, 1017 Double-stranded ribonucleic acid uncoating of reovirus virions, 552 effect on protein synthesis in intact cells, 232 Colicin E2 inhibition by phage T4, 386 Echovirus Coliphage growth with and S. typhimurium, 621 comparison poliovirus coxsackievirus, Complementary ribonucleic acid 832 species from VSV virions, 915 Electron microscope Concanavalin A study of Rhizobium phage DNA, 946 agglutination of Sindbis virus, 502 Electrophoresis Concentration method properties of phage QA, 116 for herpesviruses, 325 SV40 capsid protein difference, 971 VOL. 11,p 1973 SUBJECT INDEX v Encapsidation Haemophilus influenzae SV40 DNA, 107 bacteriophage, 585 Endonuclease HP defective phage from strain Rd, 585 H. parainfluenzae restriction enzyme, 596 Haemophilus parainfluenzae production of OX174 RF DNA, 596 restriction enzyme, 596 Endonuclease Z HeLa cells analysis of SV40 DNA, 508 Sindbis virus-infected, 399 Entamoebae histolytica site of measles virus infection, 926 viruses, 129 Hemadsorption activity Enteroviruses development in infected BHK-21 cells, 479 comparison of genomes by RNA hybridization, Hemagglutinating activity 832 thermal stability of NDV, 168 Envelope proteins Hemagglutinin subunits NDV, 263 influenza viruses HON1 and HlNl, 137 Enzymatic iodination HEp-2 cells Sindbis virus proteins, 730 cytopathology, 565 Escherichia coli poliovirus-infected, 565 bacteriophage tail components, 630 Herpes simplex virus binding intermediate analysis, 806 bouyant density determinations of DNA, 610 cadaverine in phage T4, 792 RNA synthesis in infected cells, 886 mapping of restriction sites on phage OX174 specified proteins, 810 DNA, 378 Herpesviruses nuclear disruption analysis, 806 concentration of, 325 phage H growth, 460 Human fibroblasts phage 4II, 306 growth characteristics of cytomegalovirus in, 991 phage T3 and T7 infection, 465 Hybrid viruses phage T4 inhibition of DNA degradation, 386 Ad2-SV40, 665, 672, 682 plhage T4, T7 infection, 806 Hydroxylase induction phage T4 thymidylate synthetase, 783 stimulation by interferon, 195 restriction sites K and 15, 378 6-(p-Hydroxyphenylazo)-uracil RNA transcription in SV40, 682 blockage of DNA production in B. subtilis, 153 Escherichia coli B resistance of phage PBS2 infection, 338 modification and restriction of phage T7, 1020 nature of tet defect, 150 Immuno-freeze-etching pteroyl polyglutamate synthesis, 630 study of fusion of erythrocytes by Sendai virus, Escherichia coli C 1004 T-even phage-tolerant mutants, 150 Immunology temperature-sensitive dnaE mutant, 848 phage T4 thymidylate synthetase, 783 Escherichia coli infection Influenza virus DNA breakdown, 806 HON1 and HlNl, 137 Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide neurovirulence, 272 mechanisms on OX174, 775 protein formation, 823 RNA polymerase from infected cells, 441 Feline lukemia virus Influenza virus hemagglutinin surface antigns on cat leukemic cells, 515 antigenic glycoprotein, 183 Frog virus 3 Infectivity inhibitory extract, 694 X heteroduplex DNA molecules, 17 Furazolidone Inhibitory extract effect on phage ¢149-infected V. cholerae, 872 frog virus 3 particles, 694 Interference Genetics B. subtilis phage pe development, 372 phage T4 thymidylate synthetase, 783 Interferon sus mutants of B. subtilis, 756 stimulation of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase in- Glycoprotein duction, 193 influenza virus hemagglutinin, 183 Intracisternal A particles Group-specific antigen high-molecular-weight RNA, 287 detection in avian virus, 893 Intracytoplasmic A particles Guinea pig cells mouse mammary tumor virus, 575 human cytomegalovirus-infected, 998 5-Iodo-2'-deoxyuridine cytomegalovirus replication in cells pretreated HABA protein with, 986 influenza virus, 183 Haemophilus aegyptius Kilham rat virus restriction enzyme, 508 conversion of single-stranded DNA, 299 Vi SUBJECT INDEX J. VIROL.

Lambda hetroduplexes Nucleoprotein cores DNA, 17 mouse mammary tumor virus, 575 Large protein VSV, 520 Oligo(dT)-cellulose Laser spectroscopy purification of RNA by, 600 defective particles of VSV, 141 Oncornavirus L-cell virions autointerference, 642 physicochemical studies, 432 isolation of one like RD-114, 978 Lipids murine sarcoma-leukemia virus, 642 phage 06 of P. phaseolicola, 799 Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus Parvovirus H-1 different classes of RNA, 416 parasynchronous cell system, 856 replication process, 856 Measles virus Pasteurella pestis effect of 6-azauridine on replication, 46 phage H, 306 effect of cycloheximide on replication, 46 Phosphoprotein component infection in HeLa cells, 926 vaccinia virions, 961 protein synthesis, 46 Photodynamic lesions RNA, 46 phage OX174, 368 RNA synthesized in infected HeLa cells, 926 Physicochemical studies Messenger ribonucleic acid L-cell virions, 432 production in adenovirus-transformed cells, 953 Physiological studies Mitochondria ligase-defective phage T4, 41 role in production of RNA-containing tumor vi- Pichinde virus ruses, 314 RNA, 61 Molecular weight Picornaviral gene order DMSO sedimentation analysis, 615 comparison of rhinovirus with cardiovirus, 341 VSV, 141 Plant lectins Moloney murine sarcoma-leukemia virus agglutination of Sindbis virus, 502 replication in XC cells, 146 Poliovirus Monospecific antisera comparison with coxsackievirus and echovirus, to influenza virus hemagglutinins, 137 832 Morphologic revertants infected HEp-2 cells, 565 sarcoma virus-transformed cells, 218 Polyanions Mouse mammary tumor virus stimulation of Sendai virion transcriptase, 243 intracytoplasmic A particles, 575 Polyhedral virus nucleoprotein cores, 575 E. histolytica strain HB-301, 129 Mutation rates Polyoma virus DNA ligase gene effect, 35 transformed BHK-21 cells, 424 Murine intracisternal A particles Polyoma virus 40 structural organization, 329 comparison of DNA sequence homology with Murine sarcoma virions RNA tumor viruses, 1027 RNA composition, 709 Prophage induction Murine sarcoma virus thermosensitive dna mutants, 879 morphologic revertants in transformed cells, 218 Protein formation transformation of rat liver cells, 177 influenza virus, 823 Murine sarcoma-leukemia virus Protein precursors autointerference, 642 Sindbis virus, 1013 RNA patterns, 642 Proteins HSV-1 specification, 810 Neuraminidase activity RSV-transformed cells, 250 thermal stability of NDV, 168 Sindbis virus iodination, 730 Neurovirulence virus-induced, in PrV-infected cells, 815 influenza virus, 272 Protein synthesis Newcastle disease virus direction by Sindbis virus mutant, 198 envelope proteins, 263 effect of dsRNA in intact cells, 232 infected BHK-21 cells, 479 Pseudomonas phaseolicola thermal inactivation, 168 phage 06 with lipid, 799 Nondefective hybrids Pseudorabies virus ad2-SV40 isolates, 655 proteins in infected cells, 815 Nuclear ribonucleic acid Pteroyl hexaglutamate post-transcriptional processing of, 953 bacterial extracts complementation, 637 Nucleoprotein Pteroyl polyglutamate VSV, 279 E. coli B bacteriophage, 630 VOL. 11,p 1973 SUBJECT INDEX *ii Radioimmunoassay HSV-infected cells, 886 avian oncornavirus detection, 756 measles virus-infected HeLa cells, 926 avian oncornavirus quantification, 736 Ribonucleic acid transcriptase avian virus group-specific antigen, 893 VSV, 279 Rat liver cells Ribonucleic acid transcription transformation with chicken sarcoma virus B77, initiation and direction by VSV virion trans- 177 criptase, 487 transformation with MSV, 177 Ribonucleic acid tumor viruses Reovirus comparison of RNA sequence homology, 1027 effect on DNA synthesis, 223 Ribonucleoprotein Reovirus infectivity rabies tests, 748 modification of by chymotrypsin digestion, 1017 Ricinus communis agglutinin specific monovalent cation effects on, 1017 agglutination of Sindbis virus, 502 Reovirus transcriptase Rous sarcoma virus activation by chymotrypsin, 207 RNA in chicken cells, 761 Reovirus virions transformed cells, 250 new intermediate subviral particles, 552 uncoating in vitro by chymotrypsin, 552 Salmonella typhimurium Replication process coliphage T7 growth, 621 parvovirus H-1, 856 Sarcoma virus Restriction enzyme RNA from cells transformed by, 600 endonuclease Z, 508 Semliki Forest virus Reticuloendotheliosis virus BHK enzyme-synthesized RNA, 900 avian tumor virus relationship, 741 RNA synthesized in vitro, 900 polypeptide composition, 741 Sendai virion transcriptase Rhabdoviruses stimulation by polyanions, 243 RNP antigen, 748 Sendai virus RNP typing and grouping, 748 immuno-freeze-etching study of erythrocyte Rhinovirus fusion, 1004 comparison with cardiovirus, 341 fusion of erythrocytes by, 1004 Rhizobium bacteriophage molecular weight determination, 615 DNA, 946 RNA, 615 Ribonucleic acid Simian virus 40 associated with intracisternal A particles, 287 analysis of DNA with endonuclease Z, 508 avian tumor virus, 157 capsid proteins of plaque mutants, 971 Ribonucleic acid comparison of DNA sequence homology with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, 416 RNA tumor viruses, 1027 measles virus, 46 DNA encapsidation, 107 molecular weight determination, 615 DNA synthesis, 721 MSV-Soehner-Dmochowski virion, 709 DNA transcription, 54 nondefective Ad2-SV40 hybrids, 672, 682 electrophoretic differences of capsid proteins, 971 phage 029, 9 hybrid with Ad2, 665 Pichinde virus, 61 nondefective hybrids, 655 polysomal, in BHK cells, 535 one-step growth cycle of DNA, 98 produced by sarcoma virus-transformed cells, replication of DNA, 98 600 species with Ad2, 672 purification by oligo (dT)-cellulose, 600 temperature-sensitive cells, 702 reticuloendotheliosis virus, 741 transformation phenomena, 702 RSV-infected chicken cells, 761 Simian virus 40 chains Semliki Forest virus, 900 DNA intermediates, 721 Sendai virus, 615 Sindbis virus Sindbis virus associated with ribosomes, 399 agglutination by plant lectins, 502 tumor viruses, 314 BHK cells infected by, 535 transcription by E. coli polymerase, 682 enzymatic iodination, 730 turnip yellow mosaic virus, 238 infected A. albopictus cultures, 592 virus hybridization assay, 761 infected HeLa cells, 399 Ribonucleic acid hybridization large-molecular-weight protein precursors, 1013 comparison of enterovirus genomes, 832 protein precursors, 1013 Ribonucleic acid patterns RNAs associated with ribosomes, 399 murine sarcoma-leukemia virus, 642 Sindbis virus mutant Ribonucleic acid polymerase direction of protein synthesis, 198 isolation from influenza virus-infected cells, 441 Soehner-Dmochowski-murine sarcoma virions Ribonucleic acid synthesis RNA, 709 * *ii SUBJECT INDEX J. VIROL. Spores Turnip yellow mosaic virus B. cereus phage DNA development, 648 3' end sequence in RNA, 238 Structural organization Tumor viruses murine intracisternal A particles, 329 RNA-containing, 314 Superinfection exclusion phage T4 genomes, 1 Vaccinia virus Suppressor-sensitive mutants phosphoprotein component of virions, 961 B. subtilts genetic study, 756 Vesicular stomatitis virus Surface antigens complementary RNA, 915 cat leukemic cells, 515 defective particles, 141 feline leukemia virus-induced, 515 defective virions, 915 initiation and direction of RNA transcription, T4 deoxyribonucleic acid 487 ligase mutants, 335 isolation of infectious nucleoprotein, 279 T-even phage-tolerant mutants large protein identification, 520 E. coli B, 150 Temperature-sensitive cells molecular weights, 141 SV40, 702 Vibrio cholerae Transcribing nucleoprotein furazolidone effect on, 872 isolation of from VSV, 279 phage ¢149-infected, 872 Transcription Virus formation control in HSV, 886 development in infected BHK-21 cells, 479 Transfer ribonucleic acid nucleotidyl-transferase Virion transcriptase turnip yellow mosaic virus RNA as a substrate, VSV, 487 238 Tryptophan residue XC cells involvement in phage 080 and X assembly, 353 site of MSV-MLV replication, 146 JOURNAL





VOLUME 11 * 1973


Robert R. Wagner, Editor-in-Chief (1977) University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville Myron Levine, Editor (1976) Norman P. Salzman, Editor (1975) School of Medicine, National Institute of Allergy and University of Michigan, Infectious Diseases, Ann Arbor Bethesda, Md.

Dwight L. Anderson (1974) Angus Graham (1975) Bernard Moss (1974) David Baltimore (1975) D. MacDonald Green (1974) Elmer R. Pfefferkorn (1974) Marcel A. Baluda (1975) Klaus Hummeler (1973) Lennart Philipson (1973) Allan M. Campbell (1975) Paul J. Kaesberg (1973) Fred Rapp (1975) Purnell Choppin (1974) Albert S. Kaplan (1973) Bernard Roizman (1973) Eugene H. Cota-Robles (1973) Edwin D. Kilbourne (1973) Aaron J. Shatkin (1973) Vittorio Defendi (1973) David W. Kingsbury (1973) Robert W. Simpson (1973) Walter Doerfler (1974) Lloyd M. Kozloff (1976) Donald F. Summers (1973) Richard M. Franklin (1973) Margaret Lieb (1973) Howard M. Temin (1973) Robert M. Friedman (1973) Jean Lindenmann (1973) Peter Vogt (1973) Harold S. Ginsberg (1973) Royce Z. Lockart, Jr. (1975) John S. Wiberg (1973) Marc Girard (1974) Christopher K. Mathews (1973) Julius Youngner (1973)

Robert A. Day, Managing Editor, 1913 I St., N. W., Washington, D.C. 20006


R. G. E. Murray, President (1972-1973) L. Leon Campbell, Vice-President (1972-1973) Donald E. Shay, Secretary T. J. Carski, Treasurer

The Journal of Virology, a publication of the American to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., N.W., Wash- Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. ington, D.C. 20006 (area 202 833-9416). Correspondence from 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of fundamental ASM members relating to membership dues, member knowledge concerning viruses of bacteria, plants, and ani- subscriptions, changes of address, incorrect address, mals. Investigators are invited to submit reports of original incorrect journals, etc., should be directed to the Executive research in all areas of basic virology, including biochemis- Secretary, American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., try, biophysics, genetics, immunology, morphology, and N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Published monthly by the physiology. The Journal is issued monthly, two volumes per ASM at 428 E. Preston St., Baltimore, Md. 21202. year. The subscription price is $40 (foreign, $41) per year; single copies are $4.00 (foreign, $4.25). Members of the American Society for Microbiology may receive the Journal Second-class postage paid at Baltimore, Md. 21202, and as part of their dues. Correspondence relating to sub- at additional mailing offices scriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back Made in the U.S.A. issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted hnanu- Copyright i 1973, American Society for Microbiology. scripts, and general editorial matters should be directed All Rights Reserved. CONTENTS Xi Volume 11 Contents for January Number 1 Animal Viruses Measles Virus Ribonucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis: Effects of 6-Azauridine and

Cycloheximide on Viral Replication. ALLEN PORTNER AND ROBERT H. BUSSELL... 46 Patterns of Simian Virus 40 Deoxyribonucleic Acid Transcription. II. In Transformed Cells. GEORGE KHOURY, JANET C. BYRNE, KENNETH K. TAKEMOTO, AND MALCOLM A. MARTIN...... 34 Characterization of Nucleic Acid of Pichinde Virus. MICHAEL F. CARTER, NILAMBAR

BISWAL, AND WILLIAM E. RAWLS ...... 61 Replication of Simian Virus 40 Deoxyribonucleic Acid: Analysis of the One-Step Growth Cycle. SIMONE MANTEUIL, JACQUELINE PAGES, DOMINIQUE STEHELIN, AND MARC GIRARD ...... 98 Aspects of the Encapsidation of Simian Virus 40 Deoxyribonucleic Acid. MARC GIRARD, DOMINIQUE STEHELIN, SIMONE MANTEUIL, AND JACQUELINE PAGES...... 107 Viruses of Entamoeba histolytica. III. Properties of the Polyhedral Virus of the HB-301 Strain. JEROME F. HRUSKA, CARL F. T. MATTERN, LOUIS S. DIAMOND, AND DAVID B. KEISTER ...... 129 Serological Cross-Reactions Between the Hemagglutinin Subuiits of HON1 and HINi Influenza Viruses Detected with "Monospecific" Antisera. NICOLA BAKER, H. 0. STONE, AND R. G. WEBSTER ...... 137 Molecular Weights of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus and Its Defective Particles by Laser Light-Scattering Spectroscopy. B. R. WARE, TILAK RAJ, W. H. FLYGARE, J. A. LESNAW, AND M. E. REICHMANN ...... 141 Replication of Moloney Murine Sarcoma-Leukemia Virus in XC Cells. SIDNEYE T. TROWBRIDGE, MATILDA BENYESH-MELNICK, AND N. BISWAL ...... 146 Bacterial Viruses

Superinlfection Exclusion by Incomplete Genomes of Bacteriophage T4. J. D. CHILDS . 1.. Transcription During the Development of Bacteriophage 429: Definition of "Early" and "Late" g29 Ribonucleic Acid. CHARLES F. SCHACHTELE, CAROL V. DE SAIN, AND DWIGHT L. ANDERSON...... 9 Infectivity of Lambda Heteroduplex Deoxyribonucleic Acid Molecules. BRUCE D. HOWARD ...... 17 Mixed of Bacillus subtilis Involving Bacteriophage SPO2c1. P. E. KOLEN- BRANDER, H. ERNEST HEMPHILL, AND H. R. WHITELEY ...... 25 Ligase-Defective Bacteriophage T4. I. Effects on Mutation RateS. ROBERT E. KOCH AND JOHN W. DRAKE...... 35 Ligase-Defective Bacteriophage T4. II. Physiological Studies. ROBERT E. KOCH. 41 Penetration of a Bacteriophage into Bacillus subtilis: Blockage of Infection by Deoxy- ribonuclease. ROBERT M. ZSIGRAY, AARON L. MISS, AND OTTo E. LANDMAN. 69 Gene Expression During the Development of Bacillus subtilis Bacteriophage 429. 1. Analysis of Viral-Specific Transcription by Deoxyribonucleic Acid-Riboinucleic Acid Competition Hybridization. D. J. LOSKUTOFF, J. J. PENE, AND D. P. ANDREWS ...... 78 Gene Expression During the Development of Bacillus subtilis Bacteriophage 429. II. Resolution of Viral-Specific Ribonucleic Acid Molecules. D. J. LOSKUTOFF AND J. J. PhNE ...... 87 Electrophoretic and Other Properties of Bacteriophage Q,B: the Effect of a Variable Number of Read-Through Proteins. ROGER J. RADLOFF AND PAUL IKAESBERG . .. . 116 T-Even Bacteriophage-Tolerant IIutants of Escherichia coli B. III. Nature of the tet

Defect. 'MARTINEZ J. HEWLETT AND CHRISTOPHER K. MATHEWS...... 150 Selective Replication of Bacteriophage 429 Deoxyribonucleic Acid in 6-(p-Hydroxy- phenylazo)-Uracil-Treated Bacillus subtilis. CHARLES 1F. SCHACHTELE, BERNARI) E. REILLY, CAROL V. DE SAIN, MELVIN 0. WHITTINGTON, AND DWIGHT L. ANDERSON ...... 153 xii CONTENTS Volume 11 Contents for February Number 2 Animal Viruses Detection of Avian Tumor Virus RNA in Uninfected Chicken Embryo Cells. WILLIAM S. HAYWARD AND HIDESABURO HANAFUSA ...... 157 Thermal Inactivation of Newcastle Disease Virus. I. Coupled Inactivation Rates of Hemagglutinating and Neuraminidase Activities. JOHN S. PIERCE AND A. M. HAYWOOD ...... 168 Transformation of RatLiverCells with Chicken Sarcoma virus B77 and Murine Sarcoma Virus. C. ALTANER AND E. HLAVAYOVA ...... 177 Properties of an Antigenic Glycoprotein Isolated from Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin. EDWARD A. ECKERT ...... 183 Stimulation of Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase Induction in Cell Cultures by Interferon.

DANIEL W. NEBERT AND ROBERT M. FRIEDMAN ...... 193 Protein Synthesis Directed by an RNA- Temperature-Sensitive Mutant of Sindbis Virus. MARILYNN R. F. WAITE ...... 198 Extraordinary Effects of Specific Monovalent Cations on Activation of Reovirus Transcriptase by Chymotrypsin In Vitro. J. BORSA, M. D. SARGENT, D. G. LONG, AND J. D. CHAPMAN ...... 207 Characterization of Morphologic Revertants of Murine and Avian Sarcoma Virus- Transformed Cells. JOHN R. STEPHENSON, ROBERTA K. REYNOLDS, AND STUART A. AARONSON ...... 218 Reovirus: Effect of Noninfective Viral Components on Cellular Deoxyribonucleic Acid Synthesis. ROGER HAND AND IGOR TAMM ...... 223 Effect of Viral Double-Stranded RNA on Protein Synthesis in Intact Cells. B. CORDELL- STEWART AND MILTON W. TAYLOR...... 232 Stimulation of Sendai Virion Transcriptase by Polyanions. HENRY O. STONE AND

D. W. KINGSBURY ...... 243 Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Analysis of Viral Proteins from Hamster and Chicken Cells Transformed by Rous Sarcoma Virus. ERWIN FLEISSNER AND ELLEN TRESS ...... 250 Isolation and Purification of the Envelope Proteins of Newcastle Disease Virus. ANDREAS SCHEID AND PURNELL W. CHOPPIN ...... 263 Nonlinkage of Neurovirulence Exclusively to Viral Hemagglutinin or Neuraminidase in Genetic Recombinants of A/NWS (HON1) Influenza Virus. V. MAYER, J. L. SCHULMAN, AND E. D. KILBOURNE ...... 272 Isolation of an Infectious Ribonucleoprotein from Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Containing an Active RNA Transcriptase. J. F. SZILAGYI AND L. URYVAYEV...... 279 Analysis of High-Molecular-Weight Ribonucleic Acid Associated with Intracisternal A Particles. STRINGNER SUE YANG AND NELSON A. WIVEL ...... 287 In Vivo Conversion of the Single-Stranded DNA of the Kilham Rat Virus to a Double-Stranded Form. LOIS ANN SALZMAN AND WESLEY WHITE ...... 299 Role of Mitochondria in the Production of RNA-Containing Tumor Viruses. ARTRICE V. BADER.314 Concentration of Herpesviruses. JANET DUYCKINCK SMITH AND ETIENNE DE HARVEN 325 Structural Organization of Murine Intracisternal A Particles. NELSON A. WIVEL, KIRA K. LUEDERS, AND EDWARD L. KUFF...... 329 Picornaviral Gene Otder: Comparison of a Rhinovirus with a Cardiovirus. CHARLES McLEAN AND ROLAND R. RUECKERT ...... 341 Bacterial Viruses Pasteurella pestis Bacteriophage H and Escherichia coli Bacteriophage II Are Nearly Identical. ILZE BRUNOVSKIS, RICHARD W. HYMAN, AND WILLIAM C. SUMMERS.... 306 Rescue of DNA Replication and Bacteriophage Production After Infection with T4 DNA Ligase Mutants. A. CASCINO AND S. RIvA ...... 335 CONTENTS *x*ii Resistance of Bacteriophage PBS2 Infection to 6-(p-Hydroxyphenylazo)-Uracil, an Inhibitor of Bacillus subtilis Deoxyribonucleic Acid Synthesis. ALAN R. PRICE AND SUZANNE M. FOGT ...... 338 On the Question of Crown-Gall Tumor Initiation by DNA of Bacteriophage PSS. ROLF BEIDERBECK, GARY T. HEBERLEIN, AND JAMES A. LIPPINCOTT ...... 345 Plant Viruses Turinip Yellow Mosaic Virus RNA as a Substrate of the Transfer RNA Nucleotidyl- transferase. II. Incorporation of Cytidine 5'-Monophosphate and Determination of a Short Nucleotide Sequence at the 3' End of the RNA. S. LITVAK, L. TAR- RAGO-LITVAK, AND F. CHAPEVILLE ...... 238 Volume 11 Contents f-or March Number3 Animal Viruses Viral RNAs Associated with Ribosomes in Sindbis Virus-Infected HeLa Cells. H. ROSEMOND AND T. SREEVALSAN ...... 399 Different Classes of Ribonucleic Acid Isolated from Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus. IB RODE PEDERSEN ...... 416 Induction of Virus Synthesis in Polyoma-Transformed BHK-21 Cells. WILLIAM R. FOLK...... 424 Physicochemical Studies on L-Cell Virions. J. L. NICHOLS, KRISTINA QUADE, AND

R. B. LUFTIG...... 432 Isolation and Properties of an RNA Polymerase from Influenza Virus-Infected Cells. RICHARD W. COMPANS AND LAWRENCE A. CALIGUIRI ...... 441 Assembly of Adenoviruses. Bo SUNDQUIST, EINAR EVERIrr, AND LENNART PHILIPSON.. 449 Bacterial Viruses Involvement of a Trytophan Residue in the Assembly of Bacteriophage c80 and

Lambda. SAMIR S. DEEB ...... 353 Bacteriophage T4 Head Maturation: Release of Progeny DNA from the Host Cell Membrane. PAMELA J. SIEGEL AND MOSELIO SCHAECHTER ...... 359 Identification of the Block in the Intracellular Replication of Single-Stranded DNA of Photodynamically Inactivated Bacteriophage 4X174. UTPAL C. CHAUDHURI AND RAMENDRA K. PODDAR ...... 368 Prophage-Mediated Restriction of Bacillus subtilis Bacteriophage 4e. CARL W. RETTENMIER AND H. ERNEST HEMPHILL ...... 372 Mapping of New Escherichia coli K and 15 Restriction Sites on Specific Fragments of Bacteriophage 4X174 DNA. MORTON SCLAIR, MARSHALL HALL EDGELL, AND CLYDE A. HUTCHISON III ...... 378 Bacteriophage T4 Inhibits Colicin E2-Induced Degradation of Escherichia coli Deoxy- ribonucleic Acid. II. Inhibition by T4 Ghosts and by T4 in the Absence of Protein Synthesis. ROBERT L. SWIFT AND JOHN S. WIBERG...... 386 Growth of Bacteriophage H on Male and Female Strains of Escherichia coli. RONNIE DUBERSTEIN AND MAX P. OESCHGER ...... 460 Volume 11 Contents for April Number 4 Animal Viruses Inhibition of Replication of Lactic Dehydrogenase Virus by Actiinomycin. SHUDo YAMAZAKI AND ABNER L. NOTKINS ...... 473 Mietabolic Requirements for the Development of Hemadsorption Activity aind Virus Formation in BHK-21 Cells Infected with Newcastle Disease Virus. YOSHIYUKI NAGAI ...... 479 xiv CONTENTS Initiation and Direction of RNA Transcription by Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Virion Transcriptase. POLLY RoY AND D. H. L. BISHOP ...... 487 Agglutination of Sindbis Virus and of Cells Infected with Sindbis Virus by Plant Lectins. CHARLES R. BIRDWELL AND JAMES H. STRAUSS ...... 502 Analysis of Simian Virus 40 DNA with the Restriction Enzyme of Haemophilus aegyptius, Endonuclease Z. ENG-SHANG HUANG, JOHN E. NEWBOLD, AND JOSEPH S. PAGANO ...... 508 Surface Antigens on Cat Leukemic Cells Induced by Feline Leukemia Virus: Area Density and Antibody-Binding Affinity. CHARLES W. BOONE, FRED GORDIN, AND THOMAS G. KAWAKAMI ...... 515 Identification of the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Large Protein as a Unique Viral Protein. MARTHA STAMPFER AND DAVID BALTIMORE ...... 520 Identification of Polysomal RNA in BHK Cells Infected by Sindbis Virus. DEBORAH MOWSHOWITZ ...... 535 Synthesis of Type 2 Adenovirus DNA in the Presence of Cycloheximide. MARSHALL S. HORWITZ, CAROL BRAYTON, AND STEPHEN G. BAUM ...... 544 New Intermediate Subviral Particles in the In Vitro Uncoating of Reovirus Virions by Chymotrypsin. J. BORSA, T. P. Copps, M. D. SARGENT, D. G. LONG, AND J. D. CHAPMAN...... 552 Virus Replication, Cytopathology, and Lysosomal Enzyme Response of Mitotic and Interphase Hep-2 Cells Infected with Poliovirus. KURT BIENZ, DENISE EGGER, AND DAVID A. WOLFF ...... 565 Intracytoplasmic A Particles: Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus Nucleoprotein Cores?

GILBERT H. SMITH AND NELSON A. WIVEL ...... 575 Homologous Viral Interference in Aedes albopictus Cultures Chronically Infected with

Sindbis Virus. VICTOR STOLLAR AND THOMAS E. SHENK...... 592 Production of Specific Fragments of OX174 Replicative Form DNA by a Restriction Enzyme from Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Endonuclease HP. PAUL H. JOHNSON, AMY SHIU LEE, AND ROBERT L. SINSHEIMER ...... 596 Purification by Oligo(dT)-Cellulose of Viral-Specific RNA from Sarcoma Virus-Trans- formed Mammalian Nonproducer Cells. EDWARD M. SCOLNICK, RAoUL BENVENISTE, AND WADE P. PARKS...... 600 Effect of Isotopic Label on Buoyant Density Determinations of Viral DNA in the Preparative Ultracentrifuge. ENZO CASSAI AND STEVEN BACHENHEIMER ...... 610 Bacterial Viruses Synthesis of Bacteriophage-Coded Gene Products During Infection of Escherichia coli with Amber Mutants of T3 and T7 Defective in Gene 1. OLAF-GEORG ISSINGER AND RUDOLF HAUSMANN ...... 465 Effect of Inhibition of Macromolecule Synthesis on the Association of Bacteriophage T4 DNA with Membrane. C. F. EARHART, C. J. SAURI, GAIL FLETCHER, AND JUDITH L. WULFF...... 527 Bacteriophage of Haemophilus influenzae. III. Morphology, DNA Homology, and Immunity Properties of HPlcl, S2, and the Defective Bacteriophage from Strain Rd. MAXON E. BOLING, DAVID P. ALLISON, AND JANE K. SETLOW ...... 585 Amber Mutant of Bacteriophage Q# Capable of Causing Overproduction of Q13 Replicase. ANN PALMENBERG AND PAUL KAESBERG ...... 603 Restriction and Modification of Bacteriophage in Bacillus stearothermophilus. N. D. LEES AND N. E. WELKER ...... 606

Volume 11 Contents for May Number 5 Animal Viruses Molecular Weight Determination of Sendai RNA by Dimethyl Sulfoxide Gradient Sedimentation. DANIEL KOLAKOFSKY AND ANDREE BRUSCHI .615 Infectivity and RNA Patterns as Functions of High- and Low-Dilution Passage of CONTENTS xv Murine Sarcoma-Leukemia Virus: Evidence for Autointerference Within an On- cornavirus Population. M. C. BONDURANT, A. J. HACKETT, AND F. L. SCHAFFER. 642 Studies of Nondefective Adenovirus 2-Simian Virus 40 Hybrid Viruses. V. Isolation of Additional Hybrids Which Differ in Their Simian Virus 40-Specific Biological Properties. ANDREW M. LEWIS, JR., ARTHUR S. LEVINE, CLYDE S. CRUMPACKER, MYRON J. LEVIN, RICHARD J. SAMAHA, AND PATRICK H. HENRY ...... 655 Studies of Nondefective Adenovirus 2-Simian Virus 40 Hybrid Viruses. VI. Charac- terization of the DNA from Five Nondefective Hybrid Viruses. PATRICK H. HENRY, LOWELL E. SCHNIPPER, RICHARD J. SAMAHA, CLYDE S. CRUMPACKER, ANDREW M. LEWIS, JR., AND ARTHUR S. LEVINE ...... 665 Studies of Nondefective Adenovirus 2-Simian Virus 40 Hybrid Viruses. VII. Charac- terization of the Simian Virus 40 RNA Species Induced by Five Nondefective Hybrid Viruses. ARTHUR S. LEVINE, MYRON J. LEVIN, MICHAEL N. OXMAN, AND ANDREW M. LEWIS, JR...... 672 Preferred Site for Initiation of RNA Transcription by Escherichia coli RNA Polym- erase Within the Simian Virus 40 DNA Segment of the Nondefective Adeno- virus-Simian Virus 40 Hybrid Viruses Ad2+ND, and Ad2+ND3. B. SAYEEDA ZAIN, RAVI DHAR, SHERMAN M. WEISSMAN, PAUL LEBOWITZ, AND ANDREW M.

LEWIS, JR...... 682 Preparation and Properties of an Inhibitory Extract from Frog Virus 3 Particles. A.-M. AUBERTIN, C. HIRTH, C. TRAvo, H. NONNENMACHER, AND A. KIRN . 694 Temperature-Sensitive Simian Virus 40-Transformed Cells: Phenomena Accom- panying Transition from the Transformed to the "Normal" State. HARTMUT C. RENGER AND CLAUDIO BASILICO ...... 702 Structural Rearrangement and Subunit Composition of RNA from Released Soehner- Dmochowski Murine Sarcoma Virions. JAMES L. EAST, PATTON T. ALLEN, JOHN E. KNESEK, JAMES C. CHAN, JAMES M. BOWEN, AND LEON DMOCHOWSKI ...... 709 Inhibition in the Joining of DNA Intermediates to Growing Simian Virus 40 Chains. NORMAN P. SALZMAN AND MARILYN M. THOREN ...... 721 Enzymatic Iodination of Sindbis Virus Proteins. BARTHOLOMEW M. SEFTON, GARY G. WICKUS, AND BOYCE W. BURGE ...... 730 Avian Oncornavirus Group-Specific Antigen: Detection and Quantification by Radio- immunoassay. ROBERT B. FRITZ AND LOUIS F. QUALTIERE ...... 736 Relationship of Reticuloendotheliosis Virus to the Avian Tumor Viruses: Nucleic Acid and Polypeptide Composition. REYNALDO L. MALDONADO AND HENIY R. BosE ...... 741 Rabies Group-Specific Ribonucleoprotein Antigen and a Test System for Grouping and Typing of Rhabdoviruses. L. G. SCHNEIDER, B. DIETZSCHOLD, R. E. DIERKS, W. MATTHAEUS, P.-J. ENZMANN, AND K. STROHMAIER ...... 748 Quantitative Determination and Location of Newly Synthesized Virus-Specific Ribo- nucleic Acid in Chicken Cells Infected with Rous Sarcoma Virus. J. THOMAS PARSONS, JOHN M. COFFIN, RICHARD K. HAROZ, PETER A. BROMLEY, AND CHARLES WEISSMANN ...... 761 Proteins Specified by Herpes Simplex Virus. IX. Contiguity of Host and Viral Proteins in the Plasma Membrane of Infected Cells. JOCHEN W. HEINE AND BERNARD RoizmAN...... 810 Bacterial Viruses Growth of Coliphage T7 in Salmonella typhimurium. ILZE BRUNOVSKIS AND iR. 0.

BURNS ...... 621 Bacteriophage Tail Components. IV. Pteroyl Polyglutamate Synthesis in T4D- Infected Escherichia coli B. LLOYD M. KOZLOFF AND MURL LUTE ...... 630 Bacteriophage Tail Components. V. Complementation of T4D Gene 28--Infected Bacterial Extracts with Pteroyl Hexaglutamate. L. M. KOZLOFF, M. LUTE, AND

C. M. BAUGH...... 637 Outgrowth of Bacillus cereus Spores Harboring Bacteriophage CP-51 DNA. I. Ini- tiation of Bacteriophage Development. AMIKAM COHEN, HANNAH BEN-ZE'EV, AND JUDITH YASHOUV...... 648 XVi CONTENTS Genetic Study of Suppressor-Sensitive Mutants of the Bacillus subtilis Bacteriophage 429. BERNARD E. REILLY, VIOLA M. ZEECE, AND DWIGHT L. ANDERSON ...... 756 Mechanism of Adsorption and Eclipse of Bacteriophage 4X174. II. Attachment and Eclipse with Isolated Escherichia coli Cell Wall Lipopolysaccharide. NINO L. INCARDONA AND LEROY SELVIDGE ...... 775 Genetic and Immunological Studies of Bacteriophage T4 Thymidylate Synthetase. S. W. KRAUSS, B. D. STOLLAR, AND M. FRIEDKIN ...... 783 Cadaverine in Bacteriophage T4. LAZARUS ASTRACHAN AND JOAN F. M\ILLER ...... 792 Bacteriophage 06: a Lipid-Containing Virus of Pseudomonas phaseolicola. ANNE K. VIDAVER, R. K. KOSKI, AND J. L. VAN ETTEN ...... 799 Analysis of Nuclear Disruption and Binding of Intermediates in Host DNA Break- down to Membranes After Infection of Escherichia coli with Bacteriophages T4 and T7. KATHLEEN A. PARSON, HUBER R. WARNER, DWIGHT L. ANDERSON, AND D. PETER SNUSTAD...... 806 Volume 11 Contents for June Number6 Animal Viruses Virus-Induced Proteins in Pseudorabies-Infected Cells. I. Acid-Extractable Proteins of the Nucleus. JANET K. CHANTLER AND WILLIAM S. STEVELY ...... 815

Formation of Influenza Virus Proteins. HANS-DIETER KLENK AND RUDOLF RoTT.... 823 Polioviruses, Coxsackieviruses, and Echoviruses: Comparison of the Genomes by RNA Hybridization. NATHANIEL A. YOUNG ...... 832 Replication Process of the Parvovirus H-1. I. Kinetics in a Parasynchronous Cell

System. SOLON L. RHODE III ...... 856 RNA Synthesis in Cells Infected with Herpes Simplex Virus. VIII. Control of Tran- scription and of Transcript Abundancies of Unique and Common Sequences of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2. NIZA FRENKEL, SAUL SILVERSTEIN, ENZO CASSAI, AND BERNARD ROIZMAN ...... 886 Radioimmunoassay for Avian C-Type Virus Group-Specific Antigen:...... Detection in Normal and Virus-Transformed Cells. JOHN R. STEPHENSON, ROGER E. WILS- NACK, AND STUART A. AARONSON ...... 893 Semliki Forest Virus-Specific RNAs Synthesized In Vitro by Enzyme from Infected

BHK Cells. MARCEL R. MICHEL AND PETER J. GOMATOS ...... 900 Complementary RNA Species Isolated from Vesicular Stomatitis (HR Strain) De- fective Virions. POLLY ROY, P. REPIK, E. HEFrI, AND D. H. L. BISHOP ...... 915 Persistent Infection of Cells in Culture by Measles Virus. III. Comparison of Virus- Specific RNA Synthesized in Primary and Persistent Infection in HeLa Cells. STUART H. WINSTON, ROBERT RUSTIGIAN, AND MICHAEL A. BRATT ...... 926 Production of Viral mRNA in Adenovirus-Transformed Cells by the Post-Tran- scriptional Processing of Heterogeneous Nuclear RNA Containing Viral and Cell Sequences. R. WALL, J. WEBER, Z. GAGE, AND J. E. DARNELL ...... 953 Phosphoprotein Component of Vaccina Virions. HORTENCIA ROSEMOND AND BERNARD Moss...... 961 Electrophoretic Differences in the Capsid Proteins of Simian Virus 40 Plaque Mutants. STANLEY BARBAN ...... 971 Isolation of an RD-114-Like Oncornavirus from a Cat Cell Line. PETER J. FISCHINGER, PAUL T. PEEBLES, SHIGEKO NOMURA, AND DANIEL K. HAAPALA ...... 978 Cytomegalovirus Replication in Cells Pretreated with 5-Iodo-2'-Deoxyuridine. STEPHEN ST. JEOR AND FRED RAPP ...... 986 Growth Characteristics of Cytomegalovirus in Human Fibroblasts with Demonstra- tion of Protein Synthesis Early in Viral Replication. TORU FURUKAWA, ARMANDA FIORETTI, AND STANLEY PLOTKIN ...... 991 Nonproductive Infection of Guinea Pig Cells with Human Cytomegalovirus. ARMANDA FIORETTI, TORU FURUKAWA, DANIELA SANTOLI, AND STANLEY A. Plotkin...... 998 CONTENTS XVli Fusion of Erythrocytes by Sendai Virus Studied by Immuno-Freeze-Etching. THOMAS BXCHI, MICHEL AGUET, AND CALDERON HOWE ...... 1004 Large-Molecular-Weight Precursors of Sindbis Virus Proteins. MILTON J. SCHLESINGER AND SONDRA SCHLESINGER ...... 1013 Specific Monovalent Cation Effects on Modification of Reovirus Infectivity by Chymotrypsin Digestion In Vitro. J. BORSA, M. D. SARGENT, T. P. Copps, D. G. LONG, AND J. D. C AkPMAN ...... 1017 Lack of Sequence Homology Between the 70S RNA of Various RNA Tumor Viruses and the DNA of Simian Virus 40 or Polyoma Virus. ROBERT E. GALLAGHER, ARTHUR S. LEVINE, DAVID H. GILLESPIE, AND ROBERT C. GALLO ...... 1027 Bacterial Viruses Function of T4D Structural Dihydrofolate Reductase in Bacteriophage Infection. CAROLYN J. MALE AND LLOYD M. KOZLOFF ...... 840 Replication of Bacteriophage 4X174 DNA in a Temperature-Sensitive dnaE Mutant of Escherichia coli C. LAWRENCE B. DUMAS AND CHRISTINE A. MILLER ...... 848 Role of Gene 52 in Bacteriophage T4 DNA Synthesis. YEHUDITH NAOT AND CHANNA SHALITIN ...... 862 Effects of Furazolidone on the Infection of Vibrio cholerae by Bacteriophage 4149. S. N. CHATTERJEE AND M. MAITI ...... 872 Prophage Induction by High Temperature in Thermosensitive dna Mutants Lysogenic for Bacteriophage Lambda. H. SCHUSTER, D. BEYERSMANN, M. MIKOLAJCZYK,

AND M. SCHLICHT ...... 879 Suppression of Amber Mutations of Bacteriophage T4 Gene 43 (DNA Polymerase) by Translational Ambiguity. J. D. IKARAM AND P. V. O'DONNELL ...... 933 Electron Microscope Study of Length and Partial Denaturation of Rhizobium Bac- teriophage DNA. FRANK MAYER, WOLFGANG LOTZ, AND DIMITRIJ LANG ...... 946 Host-Controlled Modification and Restriction of Bacteriophage T7 by Escherichia coli B. BARNET ESKIN, JAMES A. LAUTENBERGER, ANI) STUART LINN ...... 1020 Order of Injection of T7 Bacteriophage DNA. CHIA-CHU PAO AND JOSEPH F. SPEYER. 1024 INDEX TO DATE OF ISSUE

Month Date of Issue Pages

January 12 February 1973 1-156 February 9 February 1973 157-350 March 16 March 1973 351-464 April 19 April 1973 465-614 May 16 May-1973 615-814 June 14 June 1973 815-1030