Hodge Genealogy
HODGE GENEALOGY FROM THE FIRST OF THE NAME IN THIS COUNTRY TO THE PRESENT TIME WITH A NUMBER OF ALLIED FAMILIES AND MANY HISTORICAL FACTS COMPILED BY 0 ORLANDO JOHN HODGE (605) BOSTON ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL PRESS 1900 TO THE MEMORY OF MY SON AND ONLY CHILD, <tlarn 1Roberts 1bobge, BORN JULY 16, 1857, AND DIED NOVEMBER 29, 188o, THIS VOLUME IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDIC.A.TED. Clark was a young man of generous impulses, great energy, and exemplary life. A few months before his death he had happily married and entered into business pursuits with ani- mation and high hopes. o. J. H. IN FRIENDSHIP'S CROWN. '' Fast as the rolling seasons bring The hour of fate to those we love, Each pearl that leaves the broken string Is set in friendship's crown above. As narrower grows the earth!y chain, The circle widens in the sky ; These are our treasures that remain, But those are stars that beam on high." Oliver Wendell Holmes. SUCCESSIVE GENERATIONS. "Like leaves on trees the race of man is found, Now green in youth, now withering on the ground; Another race the following spring supplies, They fall successive and successive rise; So generations in their cause decay; So flourish these when those have passed away." Alexander Pope. THE SHADOWY PAST. '' Gather we from the shadowy past The struggling beams which linger yet, Ere o'er those flickering lights is cast The shroud that none can penetrate." Platt Rogers Spmcer. THE TRUMPET. "The trumpet! the trumpet! the dead have all heard; To=the depths of the stone-covered charnel are stirr'd; tFrom the sea, from the land, from the south, and the north, The vast generations of man may come forth." Henry Ha,-t JJ,filman.
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