t-i u'i H -J a H o JO r -) -*- V '». jy -J < 'J1 o s; v S ' — O O .•j .-> ' I ~7) 0 <_ -r , 1 ringfield County Leader ^ru/«|Mi|»ers VQL.59NO.14 SPRINGFIELD, N.^., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23,1*87-2* TWO SECTIONS IS CENTS J House fire claims life By JOHN A. GAVIN water damage to the wood frame "The object of a smoke detector is The proper location of a fire dwelling's second floor. Although to detect smoke," Richelo added. detector could have meant the officials.found a heating pad on the Ironically, the house at IS Rose difference in saving, the life of a , couch and an ashtray nearby, the. Avenue is less than three blocks Springfield woman. That, was the cause of the fire- is still under in- away from the fire station. The opinion of Springfield Deputy Chief vestigation. house can be seen from the flrehouse Gerard Richelo on Monday, after However, Richelo said" that the across a municipal parking lot. pondering over the reports of'a fire home's only fire detector was found According to relatives," that killed Josephine Slenklewlcz, a in a stairway leading from the Sienkiewicz,. a widow, had worked in long-time town resident. kitchen to the basement. He said a dress shop tn Union as a sales clerk Sienkiewicz, .70, was pronounced . that the ideal location for a smoke some years ago. She is survived by a dead at 3:14 aim/Friday morning at detector -is "between the sleeping daughter and six grandchildren, Overlook-Hospital in Summit after area and living area of a house.'' Friday's fatality was the first fire . attempts by firefighters and the "We believe that if the smoke related death in town since NovniT" Springfield First Aid Squad to save detector had been in the proper 1986. Before that incident,. Richelo her proved futile. According to location, she would''have been said that the previous fire fatality Richelo, firefighters responded at 2' alerted within enough time. to.get was hi the early 1960s. a.m. after neighbors called that the out," Richelo said.. "In a standard victim's two-story frame house was dwelling, there should be a smoke Eleven paid firemen and 22 on fire. When firemen arrived on the detector at or near the hallway volunteers with two engine ladder scene, they~found" the'woman un- adjacent to the bedroom." trucks and a light weight unit conscious on a bed in her first-floor' Richelo also.said that many people • responded' to the two alarm fire. In bedroom, apparently overcome Make the mistake of Installing fire addition, a fire engine from Summit from smoke inhalation. detectors.tooclose to the kitchen or was called on standby at the Richelo~said~that-the-fire—ap-—bathroomrHe^aid that-such location -Springfield—headquarters—as—an— parently started oh the living room ' Increases the possibility of 'false emergency backup. The fire was couch and spread through the room, alarms because of the heat declared under control at 3:15 a.m. causing .extensive first-floor generated by. cooking and running Normal fire operations resumed at 5 damage. There;was also s_moke and hotwater. a.m. THANKS SANTA — Springfield residents Dennis, 5, and Katie Tupper, 3, look with holiday DWI pleased after telling Santa Claus what they want for Christmas. They youngsters New,Year holiday, In-addition to who has been drinking too much or , were among about550 people who attended the 'Little Elff sk)t held at St. James " ByT.AiFORCELLINI ™ ~ Just: as the holiday season is a, stopping drivers suspected of too fast. ' -. Church last week. Almost 100 kindergarten to fourth-grade sWdlpnts participated In drinking,' police will be handing out ^ Close the bar at least one hour the TioHday play. • , time for wishing good cheer to family and friends, it is also a busy leaflets explaining the program and before-the party ends and serve non- times for local police departments the need to adhere to DWJ laws. ' alcoholic beverages.;':.. ' whe/must often contend with an ' j>If anyVdttyers baye had. too..' noye^4iyiTOg«^tvgi]QDQF.>)^wvfMnuutr .• Removed Intoxicated Drivers - much toto drinkdrum; call a cab, drive methenm Rescue iquad members dtivere:' "•;Liyv.1.?!:.'•••."•.' •'<•':•-,'••• Wy Jeretyrj^ n CoBpi*^p*ra^ ^ Last year,- the Springfield Police Office of Highway Safetylv, N.JJMiT. ^Organizers' of office -parties Department arrested 35 drivers for Division of Motor Vehicles, has should provide transportation for drunk driving. Out of those arrests, ' -provided the following information people who are in no condition to give — arid gain 26 were conyicted In court. ,\ ]r !••; \. for. holiday party-givers end people drive home. .'. ' who use alcohol during the season: ' • Being firm, says RID literature, is By JOHN A. GAVIN Although firemen are renowned under the steering wheel of an In Springfield Municipal Court, a VServie snacks of hbrs d'oeuvres a-host's right and responsibility and As Marcel Campion relaxes in his for their heroics in rescuing victims automobile or lodged behind a DWt first offender will receive a ?250 first during a party to prevent guests their action may prevent the death easy chair watching' a Sunday af- from burning buildings, one of their jammed door, the tool can be used to fine and a $100 surcharge to be paid from drinking on an empty stomach. or injury of a guest or an innocent ternoon football game, an most dangerous tasks is saving the shear a door open or cut the roof off to the Department- of Motor •>*Keep cocktail''hour" short. victim. emergency call blasts on bis elec- lives of victims trapped in" ~~ a car A special chain link to the Vehicles. In addition, the offender •? Avoid serving salty foods which As a matter of fact, according to motor can even be used to lift a will have his. license revoked for. six tronic pager Campion instinctively wreckage With the recent com- stimulate thirst. Instead offer high' RID: •.'... ;•. •' .•••••- • .•..••/ jumps out of his chair and dashes to _pletion of Interstate 78, local cargo trailer off another vehicle months and will • have_.tb serve , protein and moist foods. ' ' •'only.the passage of time can his car on the way to the Springfield firemen say that they have been "Today a firefighter (s also a between 12 and 48 hours in the In- •-Have a. selection of attractive reduce the level of alcohol in the Fire Station,, getting more rescue calls for ac- rescue person," says Campion "We toxicated Driver's Recovery Center. non-alcoholic beverages available at. blood; If the call is to rescue a1 victim cident victims trapped in vehicles get called to most automobile nc- "We want to .remind people that all times. •'coffee, exercise or a' cold shower trapped In, an automobile crushed that were traveling at a high rate of ~~ cidfints for the extrication of vie- they should stay sober if they are •-Use. a shot glass/'when will not make a person sober; beneath a tractor trailer truck or speed. In addition, they also have to Just last week, about 20 of the planning to drive/'warns Sgt, Ivan : measuring mixed drinks. A free •-driving ability is unpaired at a save a resident on the top floor of a contend with the hazards of flam- volunteers gathered at the firehouse Shapow .of the Springfield Police hand leads to a heavy hand. blood alcohol level of .05 percent, burning building, the. job could take to take a crash course in using the Department. "If you are planning on • M>Don't force drinks or hurry to which is half the legal limit to be all night. Although Campion "ff's fhe satisfaction "jaws of life " The volunteer squad attending a party with friends, make refill glasses. considered Intoxicated; , , '"•• recently purchased a back up Hurst sure that one stays sober so that they probably won't be able toiind out the of helping others, f : •-'At large gatherings, a bartender •a drink equals.U4 ounces of 88 game results until he watches the tool in case the other tool is in use at can drive.". i>, ..- ' ... ''.••' is recommended to oversee guests' proof liquor, 12 Ounces of beer or six late night news, he doesn't mind. He could bo driving another accident scene Local police will be participating drinking so the' hosts.are free to ounces of table wine; and loves helping people in emergency through town but when in me Driving.While Under the In- entertain, • ' •'it takes about one. hour for the situations. the beeper goes off, Although the local volunteer fluence, DWI Task,Force Sobriety ••»>Act early to offer-milder or non- .body to burn off one drink. .' • "It's the satisfaction of helping 1 department has been fortunate Check-Polnt program during the alcoholic beverages to any guest Have a happy and safe holiday. others," says Campion as to why he I'm ~ off to the enough to purchase additional uses his spare time to fight fires and flrehouse." — equipment, they still are in rescue trapped victims "I could be desperate need of volunteers Like driving through town but whenjhe Volunteer Marcel the local first aid squad, the beeper goes off, I'm off to the Campion. • volunteer fire department depends flrehouse." ,on the seryices of local citizens who will use their spare tune to help the Campion, who has been on the mable cargoes and leaking fuel lines squad for 15 years, also serves' as town Matthew D'Andrea, volunteer while rescuing those victims, deputy chief, says that the squad is president and as a captain on the "I Would say-th^^worst hazard is volunteer squad.
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