Helms Football Annual 1943
1943 Helm» athletic Foundation - ■ ■ - ■ • For Release: Wednesday Afternoon, December 22, Thursday Morning, December 23, * * * ALL-SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA C.I.F. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL ISAM 1943 90S, FLAYER TEAM HEIGHT WEIGHT YEAR REMARKS E ELLERT WXLLIM3. Pasadena 6* 00 168 Sr. Pass Rcr,19 pts. Def. 1 TERRY HENNESSEY. * * MtoCarrael * 6 ’01 198 sr. Pass Rcr»34 pts, Defi T RUSSELL POMEROY. „ Whittier ' 6»00 183 Sr. Charges,Tackles.GoodE T BILL IKTTT . 175 Sr, Rugged & Aggressive,. G KETTFT DEEDS. 5*09 165 Sr. Xlnt blocker.Defense G ROBERT LEFORT. ■ . Leuzinger 6*02 220 Sr. Fast for'siz^aBlóckSí "T ■J RICHARD MAYHEW . • Bonita(LaVerne)- 5’10 175 Sr, Accurate .Defense .inch'-oa B NORMAN VEEH. 6’00 187 Sr, Runs¿Passes¿Kicks,55 pts B BOB NEBO ........ 5*08 158 Sr, Runs«Passes, 79'ptsy " 3 RONNIE DEAN. 5? 09 148 Sr. Runs .Fast .Shifty .71 Q JAMES CHADWICK . , . ■ Santa Monica ■&*08 150 Sr. Runs«Kicks .Good, 72 j > o ■ ' 3B AL Sa.Wi.YA. • , San Diego 6*01 200 Sr. Terrific BlockercLender Comment; Twélve Seniorá gained places on the 1943 All-Southern California Team:. Norman Veeh, of Tustin, a brilliant all-around back, was the only player to cap- tore honors for the second consecutive year, Veeh was chosen for the blocking tack assignment on the 1942 AllSouthern California outfit, ' Williams and Hennesey iinke up a pair of glue-fingered ends, who caught passes galore and knew what to do with the pigskin after they had gathered it in Both boys sparkled on defense, too, Pomeroy was a definite standout in the lino for a strong Whittier eleven, while Hoover Glendale*s Bill Tritt was known far and wide for his brilliant play at a tackle post, Keith Deeds, of Wilson, wasri i.
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