Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1983 Daily Egyptian 1983 7-20-1983 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 20, 1983 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 68, Issue 176 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 20, 1983." (Jul 1983). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1983 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1983 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. HOlt~ hot If'US it? .. It v. a~ hnrtf"r than a {"on~rps~nlan WIth fJ t("("na~HI pal::!~· and ;J '1\ pa"1i Tllf'''r..I\' a~ !{'mpl'ratllres hroke tllf' lIWHh·grp(, mark in (·;lrtlOndal .. for fhl' flr,r tlml' thl< "lmm'~r 'Daily 'Egyptian Ttl'" ",,1j t h.·rn ilhnol .... ·\Irpor' n·phrTt·d a tugh lit' Itll ri.·~n·p",:, '.a.(lllf· It ('rp~ ,.)ffu·j.;:d "';;tld that Tuf· ... da:.. wa~ a ppak da!" 'If I"''-'''r 'hi g •. l'Ir ,~lf' \It! IIt\ r:5outhcrn/lJil1oi.r.; UniH_'r"ity \If)fP hur dnd hllr1l1d ('or:"dltlon~ an' "Xpf_"'l·tl'd for t;~(· rf"st .,f th., ".. ,,·k \\ ,·fill",,,!:,,',, fon'ell -! .. " II~ for m!)~tl\' 'unn\, skI!''' ,mr! .. hl~h rpOlp"raIUrt' or ·.lc,"ut l'~1 rl('grt.~ . • \ 1:;,T!nrm Id., llP"T \\ an' h.. ;; Killer! at least l'lgh! p"('ple ar.d C;1 1.l<.:f·d f!Jany trw_ n .. to rt·...,~jl(.~ -,II, ah'r usa~(~ tf) tJ bar~~ ~l;;rllm1j!1! 'h,' .,\s'''':lat .