
L. to R. Rachel Blackman, Maria Driscoll, Laura Scanlon, Jean O'Byrne, Sarah Denver



L to R. Seamus Boyle, Alan Gallagher, Mark Buckley, Donal O'Shea, SeSn Troy

L. to R. Rachel Goean, Adam Joyce, Shhh Emma Wilson, Mark young, Kate O'Reilly Here is the News with Mary Kennedy • • •

got the job. "How on earth did you cope?" I asked. "Oh", she replied "the Continuity job was mostly at night, so I always taught at the same time". During the years that followed, she met and married her husband, Ronan. As time passed, life in RTE became more hectic. She was involved in presenting many pro- grammes, perhaps one of the best remembered, an 11 part series on Education, geared mainly to 5th and 6th year students. Two years ago, she decided to take a career break but the final challenge came last year when she ans- wered another advertisement — this time for part time Did you know that we have another celebrity living in our newsreaders. It was an open competition and not surpris- midst in ? She is Mary Kennedy who is appear- ingly, Mary was accepted and put on the Reserve Panel of ing quite a lot lately on our television screens, reading the Newsreaders. The part time option suits her well. "The news. children are in bed while I'm away and although there are I called on her recently and was welcomed into the late nights, I'm always there when they wake up in the kitchen by her four delightful children, Eva, Tom, Eoin and morning. Occasionally there is a late night and a 6 a.m. Lucy. The two eldest, Eva and Tom had just returned from start, but, she laughed, "the adrenalin always flows". school. It was obviously 'snack time' and the children Working in television is a fascinating job but is also settled down at the table to enjoy various bowls of goodies. difficult. However, once you're hooked it becomes a way of They were completely confident and business like. Lucy, life. Right from the planning stage when all the various 16 months, started to cry and Eva, 8, lifted her up and departments are allocated slots in future broadcasting hours carried her to the door murmuring politely: "I'll take her — time is of the essence. From then on it is up to most de- out, she's making too much noise". I was impressed. When partments to adhere to the schedule. Mum arrived, the boys disappeared to the playroom. "They The Newsroom is rather different. Every day is a race are good", I remarked. "Sometimes", she smiled. Definite- against time. New items flow in throughout the day and it ly a happy house. is often necessary to change news bulletins almost as one Mary Kennedy is a very attractive and elegant young goes on air. Newsreaders write their own copy but last woman. She is friendly, honest, talented, has a great sense minute changes add to the pressure. Newsreaders too, are of humour and is bubbling over with what I can only des- expected to be well turned out, relaxed and more or less cribe as an overwhelming zest for life. A Dubliner, the easy on the eye. But it is not just looking glamorous or in- eldest of five children, she was educated at Colaiste Bride telligent - it is very hard work. Only when the 'On Air' sig- Presentation Convent and afterwards at U.C.D. where nal comes on can you begin to relax. Countdown starts, she graduated in French and Irish. The Higher Diploma in the music begins, the minute hand touches the hour — and Education came next and on completion of her studies, "you're on. The moment of truth has arrived. she spent a year in France teaching English at a university "Do you have time for hobbies?" I wondered. "Well", in Brittany. replied Mary, "I still run and go jogging for health sake. I At university, Mary became interested in athletics. love tennis and play it often. I like concerts too and going Always keen on sport, she took part in Inter Varsity sprints to the theatre and for meals with friends — oh and I love and relay races. Mini marathons came next and later in shopping and fashion". "Cbn't \/ou ever get tired?" I 1982, she was 12th woman home in the City Mara- asked. There was no hesitation. "When I'm tired, I go out thon, a feat which she accomplished in 3 hours 35 minutes, to the garden. I love gardening — I find it relaxing and and an accomplishment of which she is very proud. therapeutic". Life was going well for Mary. She loved her teaching job What an amazing woman! "I really love my work" she and even found time to gain the ALCM in Speech and admits, "I hope it will continue for a long time to come." Drama. Then one day she saw the advertisement in the So do we, Mary. You grace our screens with charm and newspaper. It was for Continuity Announcers with RTE. efficiency. We like having you and long may you stay! Naturally Mary answered the challenge and to her delight Eileen Casey

DIPLOMA STUDENT WAQ,[L<§<§WB[a[][K]®§ ©Q^S^U will give piano lessons and theory of musie Choose from our extensive range of Fabrics, Wallpapers and lessons for examinations to beginners. Carpets in the comfort of your own home. 'Phone 931917 Phone 946954 • DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS • JW] FUELS O'DRISCOLL ELECTRICAL 'Ft. FOR SMOKELESS FUELS & ANTHRACITES • PROMPT DELIVERY • • PHONE 624 3263 / 941504 • Telephone Pat Swan at 945733 • SCOIL RINNCE BASTABLE-WARREN • CABINET MAKER Irish Dancing Classes held every Thursday at St. Colmcille's Senior School Hall 3.30 p.m. - will repair all types of furniture, chairs, etc. 5.30 p.m. • Pupils accepted from 4 years of age • Pupils trained for all Major Feiseanna and ALSO Upholstery Work Carried Out An Comhdhail Grading Diploma Examinations • Enrolments for September accepted now Specialist in Restoring Antique Furniture Enquiries to Mrs Brenda Bastable-Warren, T.C.R.G., A.D.C.R.G. Telephone 943681 Tel: 527533 ART & CRAFT CLASSES - KNOCKLYON PARISH CENTRE GERRY KEEGAN ~ Plumbing & Heating Contrs. Ltd. Boys & Girls 7 -12 years Fridays 4 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. Oil/Gas/Solid Fuel Heating 8t Services Painting • Pottery • Crafts, etc. BATHROOM 8< EN SUITE INSTALLATIONS • Showers, Leaks, Blocked Drains New term beginning end of September GAS FIRES A SPECIALITY • PHONE FOR A FREE QUOTATION Phone 906834 for details from 6 - 8 p.m. 10 Carriglea Downs, Road Tel. 516281 COUNTY COUNCIL Summer Brides • C O M M E N T 8 • COMMUNITY SCHOOL SITE, SCHOLARSTOWN ROAD

Two soccer pitches are available for use at Scholarstown Road dur- ing the current season. The stream that runs through the Department of Education lands has been diverted to maximise the area to be made available for a camogie pitch and the original route of the stream has been infilled and grassed down. Accordingly, the camogie pitch will not be available for play until September 1993. Arrangements are being made to provide an access to the pitches at Scholarstown Road and to carry out minimal surface works to render car parking possible at this new entrance.

PROVISION OF ROADSIDE TREES - TEMPLEROAN The roads within Templeroan Estate are not in charge of the Coun- Karen Higgins (Westbourne Lodge) and John Redmond () cil. Street tree planting cannot be carried out until the roads are who wed on 8th August 1992. taken in charge.


The Roads Department report that there are no funds available in the current year's estimates to landscape the area of land at this location.


Dublin County Council advise that: "The front portion of the site is required for the purpose of improving the Knocklyon Road and in this respect a Deed of Dedication has been sealed by the Council dedicating this land to the Council for road improvement purposes. The rear portion of the site is a conditioned open space in the Plan- ning Permission granted for the adjoining estate. The Council have now received a draft Deed of Dedication for these lands. The Co. Manager has arranged to have this documentation processed urgent- ly. As soon as the legal formalities have been completed the Coun- cil will be in a position to enter upon and tidy up the lands as requested. Elizabeth Byrne (Cremorne) and Vincent Milroy () REALIGNMENT OF THE KNOCKLYON ROAD who were married in St. Colmcille's on 3rd July 1992. AND BALLYCULLEN ROAD While the construction of the main motorway will not commence until late 1993, it is hoped to commence construction work on these two roads in the Spring of 1993. All this supposes that the Motorway Order and C.P.O.s will not Thanks, Mr. Minister! be challenged in the Courts. In our efforts to provide extra elassroom space for Courtesy Councillor Mary Muldoon St. Colmcille's Senior School, we are indebted to TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT SCHOLARSTOWN ROAD AND Mr. Seamus Brennan, Minister for Education, for KNOCKL YON ROAD JUNCTION his kindness, co-operation and help. We have been advised by Councillor John Hannon and Tom Kitt T.D. that the County Council have agreed to erect pedestrian lights Alan Fitzpatrick later in the year at the above junction. Councillor Hannon has also Chairperson, Board of Management assured us that he will be pressing strongly for an early start to the work on the Ballycullen Road/Knocklyon Road.

VEGA-SCAN / ALLERGY TESTING MM^ THE ROMPER ROOM 135 Food Allergies • 100 non-Food Allergies • Allergies can ^"JE^ DAY CARE/PLAYGROUP/MONTESSORI cause low energy, chronic bowel complaints, skin problems, WMlff^^ Caring Qualified Staff - Lots of Play Space asthma, etc. • Homeopathic remedies available in v Phone Margo 937524 or 945179 after 7 p.m. CYRIL MAHON, Tel 942437, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. TEMPLEOGUE HEATING Sf PLUMBING PAPER HANGING SERVICES INTER-LINK SYSTEMS Otl/Qas/Solld Fuel Electric Showers • FAST • NEAT •RELIABLE Washing Machines - Dishwashers - Bathroom Suites, etc. TOP CLASS PAINTING - ESTIMA TES FREE All general Plumbing ALL WORK GUARANTEED PHONE: 51 1 183 TELEPHONE SEAN - 524542 AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE CHIROPODY SIGHLE HANNON, R.G.N., R.M., M.C.S.Ch.,M.I.Ch.0„ M.A.Ch.l. Car Alarms, Batteries, Radios etc. supplied & fitted Registered Chiropodist Charging, Starting & Wiring Problems Repaired Surgery: 11 Knocklyon Heights, Dublin 16. Contact: JUSTIN ROSSNEY 941870 For appointment: Telenhone 942045 (Home Visits on request) BUILDER/CARPENTER WHY HOT HIRE A HAT FOR THAT SPECIAL OCCASION Extensions • Alterations • Garden Walls • from • Electric Showers • Plumbing All household maintenance MAD CAP HAT HIRE Telephone: 979745 anytime Beautiful Selection Phone: 941507 Vv st^SchoolNews %

We're all well settled back in school now. There were very few tears AI L IRELAND CHAMPIONS! this year (except for the sobs heard from the Teachers' Staff room!). We say "Hello" to Triona Cooney, who is with us for the year from the Senior School, and to Siobhan O'Donoghue who is taking the place of Paula Callaghan. Tonyc Sweeney has defected to the Senior School for the year — we hope he gets plenty of wear from his new uniform. (By the way, he's the one with the beard!!)

Our contingent of 200 Junior Infants arrived on September 2nd - shining, smiling and eager to get going (home!). Many a sad-eyed parent was seen in Superquinn that morning. It is surprising how quickly the children have settled, you would think they had been here for years. Well done to all the parents for turning them out I. to r.: Yvette O'Neill, Aoife Murtagh, Ruth Cahill and so well. April Pounch with teacher Orla Gillan proudly displaying the All Ireland Cup. The top hall in the Junior School got a face lift The entire hall was It was a busy summer this year for twenty girls from Knocklyon. dry lined and repainted during the summer break — we hope this These girls, both past and present pupils of the school were picked is the end of our damp problems — no more mushrooms for Mr. to represent Dublin in the Final of the Community Games Dalton's lunch! Choir Competition in Carlow at the end of July. To the choir's delight, Dublin was chosen to go forward to the National Choir We would like to remind you to be careful where you park, when Competition Finals in Mosney on August 31 st. dropping and collecting children to and from the school. Please On the Monday morning and afternoon the choir had to take don't park where the cones have been placed or we will be out with part in yet another heal and eventually were one of the six choirs our clamps! (If at all possible, please park in the top yard.) chosen to sing in the "Grand Final" that night. It was a tense moment for all concerned when at the last the results were called That's all the news for now, we will keep you up with the goings-on out in reverse order. The delight was evident on each girl's face each month in the Newsletter. when it was announced that Dublin (Knocklyon) had won First Prize. Each girl received a gold medal and the choir a cup. It was in- deed a just reward for the girl's hard work and dedication - they had done it - they're the All Ireland Champions. T(t

The Principal and all the Teachers would like to welcome a new member of staff, Yvonne Keating, who is teaching fourth class. We hope she enjoys working in Knocklyon.

Well done to all the children who donal'ed their pocket money lor the Somalia Appeal Fund. At the lime of printing, the total amount raised was £1,635.

DEATON SCHOOL OF DANCING MONTESSORI SCHOOL - ASHTON LAWN Beginners' Ballroom Dancing Classes • Knocklyon Community Centre • Fully Insured • Qualified Teacher • Well Established Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Monday 8.30 p.m. • Also Ckildren's Classes on Saturday 10.30 a.m. 1 Ages 2 /2 - 5 years PUne Yvonne 947132 PHONE KATE AT 934408 * CAB HIRE* COFFEY SCHOOL OF DRAMA Fully Licensed Hackney Service • Long & Short Runs • Airport Runs • uNite Outn • Courier Service • Debs KNOCKLYON COMMUNITY CENTRE Phone 932885* 088-540960 TEMPLEOGUE CRECHE Classes for children, teenagers & KNOCKLYON MONTESSORI adults on Mondays, Wednesdays Full Day - Half Day - After School Care • 0 to 5 Tears Phone 933194 or Saturdays LYNDA McCOOL S.R.N., S.C.M. CHIROPODIST To book, please contact: M.C.S.Ch. attends SCHOLARSTOWN FAMILY PRACTICE every Wednesday afternoon from 2 p.m. Eva Coffey Kathryn Coffey - 5.30 p.m. For appointment, 'Phone 936711 941715 946197 SOMALIA obviously common even in Biblical times. Three years later the Bishop was shot dead on the steps - FROM BAD TO WORSE of his cathedral, precipitating violent clashes which eventually resulted in the overthrow of the country's dictator Siad Barre. Looking at the T.V. picture of the ruins of the Cathedral I remembered Bishop Columbo's quotation to me from another church martyr Archbishop Romero, "If I give them food they say I am a Christian, if I ask why they don't have food, they say I am a communist". Switching the T.V. on and off as we all do, it is too easy to forget that men, women and children are dying of hunger on the hot plains of Somalia. As the saying goes "FOR GOD'S SAKE GIVE A LITTLE, IT WILL HELP A LOT". V. Kenny (942092) Vincent Kenny (Glenvara) pictured with some Somalian children in 1985. 7{/e fauve a 'Dtetutis

Looking at the Media coverage of Somalia is pain- The summer as usual has passed all too quickly and the ful. There is a terrible feeling of helplessness which haunting melancholy and beauty of autumn is upon us. So just won't go away. I have worked there on a num- yet again new beginnings, stock-taking, as we try to grip ber of occasions during the past decade and I never ourselves, our lives. We know the pain of aimless living, poss- thought that it could get worse, but it has. Recent- ibly one of the greatest pains in life. ly I saw on television the ruins of the old Italian We need purpose and motivation. God is the ultimate Cathedral of Mogadishu and my mind returned to here but as yet with our human vision we do not see him clearly, "through a glass darkly" and "this tent of clay Good Friday 1985. In this arid Muslim land the weighs down the teeming mind". Bishop of Somalia, Salvadore Columbo, held a Meanwhile there is a gap to be bridged, so what to do? If service for the Christians working in the country, there is not order and purpose in our everyday lives, reach- about thirty in all. Outside the Cathedral the ing God will be that much harder, "Grace builds on nature". temperatures were scorching at around 40° centi- God allows us the great dignity of free will, of making grade, water was scarce and famine ravaged the land. something of ourselves. He works through this and in his Inside it was cool and strangely silent. own good time brings the process of development to The Bishop, who had lived there for over thirty perfection. years, spoke of the crucifixion of Somalia, the All the time the vision of God must be in mind, develop- poverty of the people and the sanctity of life. ing our natural selves alone will not sustain us. I once met a There was a feeling of impending doom, which man — prominent in the political life of our country at the at this distance in time, now seems justified. I time — who thought he did not believe in God. As he seemed a decent enough guy, I asked him then, what was remember too the lesson which I read on that day. his motivation for living? He replied he got fulfillment from It spoke of water, life and death, and given the his work and his family. He was a happily married man. terrible drought throughout the land, its message I believed then and still believe that he was mistaken, was understood by alt. that his lifestyle to a point was good but we are made for The reading which the Bishop read, Psalm 22, far greater things. was almost like a medical description of cholera, There is a deeper hunger within us which must be God- that dreaded disease of poor refugees. "I am made. He alone could give us the courage greater than our- poured out like water, and all my bones are out of selves, to dream beyond the stars. joint. My heart is like wax, it is melted within my And the hunger is for no less than this same God him- breast. My strength is dried up like a potsherd and self: "You have made us for yourself, 0 Lord, and our hearts are restless, until they rest in you". my tongue cleaves to my jaws. Thou dost lay me in the dust of death". Drought and famine were Pat Alan Fitz

Kiilakee, OLYMPIC OIL , Dublin 16, Same Day Delivery Service of (Near the Hellfire Club) . Home Heating Oil & Kerosene Tel: 931034 Large or Small Orders Welcome O'KELLYS SAWMILL & THE SHED MAN "Do Not Delay - Phone Today!" See our Large Display of Garden Sheds, Tree Winter Grade Oil All Year Houses, Fencing & Mouldings. 6 Day Delivery Service - Monday to Saturday FREE 6x3 Wall Trellis with every purchase over £25.00 with this add until 31/10/92 When ordering your oil, the number to dial is: Buy Direct from the Manufacturer 599399 or 599366 Mon-Fri, 9.00-5.30 Sat, 9.00-4.00 Knocklyon Active Retirement Association ALL IRELAND HURLERS

Our annual outing this year took place to Avondale, County Wicklow, birthplace of Charles Stewart Parneli (the un- crowned King of Ireland). Approximately thirty of us left by bus from the Community Centre at 1.15 p.m. on Tues- day, 30th June and after a very enjoyable journey, arrived at our destination.- Unfortunately, as we were about to alight from the bus 'the rains came' but rain couldn't dampen our enthusiasm and soon we were treading the same boards that the famous Parneli and his ancestors had done so often before in days of yore. After a guided tour of the house, which still retains much of the original furnishings, we settled down comfort- L. to R. Colin Durkin, Kieran O 'Neill, Rory Costello ably to a very interesting and informative talk about the and Paul Donohue Parneli family which was accompanied by slides - one felt almost carried back to those 'golden days'. The four boys above are members of The Feile Afterwards, we partook of a lovely afternoon tea, with na nGael team which defeated Loughrea in Athenry in the home-baked pastries etc. which was served in the adjoining All Ireland Final, thereby bringing the coveted Christy tearooms. We followed this by a leisurely stroll around the Ring Perpetual Trophy to Dublin for the first time ever. beautiful gardens which were resplendant in their beauty Congratulations boys and well done. See p. 10 for report. and colour. Everyone was in a happy mood and one could almost sense and feel the ghosts of former days mingling in the atmosphere. The sun came out and brilliantly enhanced the scene and very reluctantly we had to bid I.C.A. NEWS Avondale 'adieu' as we headed to our next and final port of call which was the Glenview Hotel in Delgany, Co. Wicklow. Welcome back to all our old members and a big hello to all We were served with a lovely dinner there at 7 p.m. with our new ones. We have recommenced all our activities every specially printed menus. This was greatly enjoyed by one first and third Tuesday of each month in the Community and all present. Great credit is due to our very able Chair- Centre. person, Lyla Kennedy, who did all the work involved in Congratulations to four of our members who'won Arts organising such a splendid day. Awards for Effective Speaking. We arrived home at around 10 p.m. after enjoying a The Guild presented Brother Columba of Orlagh College perfect day's outing that will long be remembered by all the with a new banner of St. Colmcille. This was used at the participants. annual celebration of his feast day at St. Colmcille's Well in M. B. O'Gorman, Sec., K.A.R.A. June. On 20th October we will hold an open evening at which P.S. The Association resumed activities on 8th September. all are welcome. There will be a talk from Bob Jones on New members welcome. Antiques and he will appraise small articles for a fee of 50p per item. There is an admission charge of £1.00 at the door Invitation which includes tea and biscuits. Are you newly arrived in Knocklyon and wonder how you might serve the Catherine Cardiff parish in some way? Can you sing? Whether you arc newly arrived or not, can you give up one evening a week (Wednesday) to sing and to socialise? ARE YOU BETWEEN Well, on Wednesday 14th October next, the choir of the 11 o'clock Mass will 11 & 15? hold an Open Night. Anyone interested in joining the choir is most welcome to come along and meet the choir members. Refreshments will be served. DO YOU LIKE CHALLENGE AND ADVENTURE? Please come to the presbytery on the 14th at 9 pm. if so, why not join Eoin Garrett, 9 Knocklyon Park. Tel: 941568 y KNOCKLYON GUIDE COMPANY

KNOCKLYON CREDIT UNION? We are a group of girls who meet every Friday night at A Credit Union has been proposed for Knocklyon. Please 8 p.m. in the Scout Den, off Knocklyon Road, where we complete the survey form enclosed with this newsletter. It do many things including Arts and Crafts, First Aid and will be collected within the next ten days approx. Campcraft. We are also involved in outdoor activities such If the survey results indicate sufficient interest within the as hikes, camps and cook-outs. We have plenty of fun community a public meeting will be Hfcld in October, (date through games and activities. The Irish Girl Guides has a and venue to be announced). great deal to offer any girl. If you think a Credit Union should be formed in If you are interested in joining, contact: Knocklyon, your attendance at this meeting is vital. Louisa Richardson at 945676, after 6.00 p.m. ftutterfidd Orchard Professional Creche & Kindergarten Templeogue - Phone: 904681 ext. 288 • Bright modern bungalow, large private rear garden. • Qualified teaching and caring staff • Excellent equipment, stimulating environment • Low ratio of Children to staff • Beautifully Equipped Montessori and Playrooms

NOW BOOKING FOR PLAYGROUP & MONTESSORI-MON/FRI9-12 MIDDAY We welcome your inspection, yphone for appointment. Community Games 1992 ALL IRELAND SUCCESS FOR BROTHERS PEARSE A.C. At the end of June a contingent from Bros. Pearse Athletic Club Golden Moments in Athletics journeyed to Antrim in search of success at the N.A.C.A.I. All Ireland Athletic Championships — and found it! The ten athletes who competed won a total of eleven medals between them (2 gold, 3 silver and 6 bronze) and their achievements on behalf of the club and their parish should be applauded. The athletes who took part were: MARY ELLEN HOLMES COOLAMBER SUSAN TYSON COOLAMBER STEPHEN BOURKE COOLAMBER EOIN CUMMINS LANSDOWNE DAVID FOX ORLAGH STEPHEN KIERNAN DELAFORD SEAN KING IDRONE PAUL MANLEY GLENDOHER Christopher Coffey and Claire Butterly, both U-8, BRIAN O'DONOGHUE WESTBOURNE who won Gold Medals in . JOE RAFFERTY ORLAGH These and all our athletes are now in training for the Cross Country Congratulations to all who took part in the Athletic Finals of the Season which begins at the end of October. Training takes place at Dublin Community Games in Santry recently. Cherryfield on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7.00 p.m. and on For two full weekends the athletes had to compete against both Sunday mornings at 11.00 a.m. Newcomers welcome. inclement weather and very stiff opposition on the track. With the Local T.D.s and councillors please note that these results were great effort and determination shown by our athletes, success was achieved without any Government funding and despite the fact soon to come, 11 out of 23 athletes made the finals, and 5 of the that the club officials are fighting a constant battle with the County relay teams also made the finals. Council to retain the small piece of field in Cherryfield for training. Claire Butterly, Christopher Coffey, Brian O'Donoghue, Ruth Think what could be achieved with a little help from "officialdom!" Walsh all won gold. Karen Morgan won silver and Sean King bronze. Yours in Sport, Even those who were outside the medals did themselves proud and LARRY KIERNAN, Hon. Secretary in some cases were most unlucky. A special word of thanks to all those parents who came out and Boys' U-11 Relay Team - Bronze Medal Winners supported the athletes and also to the members of Bros. Pearse A.C. who trained and prepared them. Tommy O'Raw, Athletics Manager, Knocklyon Community Games. Musical Gold! J3 We send warm congratulations to the Knocklyon Choir who scoop- ed the All Ireland Title this year on only its second appearance in Mosney. Once again, we commend Mrs Orla Gillan on her tireless / to r: Stephen Bourke, Paul Manley, Stephen Kiernan and Sean King dedication which earned the choir this well deserved success. (See photo page 4.) Finally, the 1992 Knocklyon Community Games Committee would like to congratulate all the children who took part in the many sports at local, Leinster and All Ireland level. Two brothers from Knockaire, Colum and Eoin Cunningham were We look forward to seeing you all next year . . . captains of Dublin under 12 and under 14 teams which recently Our A.G.M. will be taking place in November and we would competed in International Tournaments in France (under 14) and like to see a large attendance representing all the different estates Germany (under 12). The boys returned with cups won by their in the neighbourhood. teams. It is the first time that brothers have captained teams at this Aileen Millane (Secretary) level. Very well done, lads, and we wish you continued success. 942263 ictiicMckictfa'xiri^

BEAUTY & TANNING M I RTAlI?A /B ELLA Avail now of our new relaxing TONING i TANNING OLIGODERMIE FACIALS (For every skin type) including all BEAUTY SALON other Beauty Treatments, • • AUTUMN SPECIAL • Electrolysis, Manicures. Now the kids are back at school, make your time your own and get into shape LADIES and lose inches with little effort! Feeling tired, depressed, anxious??? If so, why not pamper yourself with TONING TABLES 1 MONTH UNLIMITED USE - £50 our new relaxing 2 MONTHS UNLIMITED USE - £85 AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE . . . Rosemount Shopping Centre, Marian Road, Rathfarnham. Phone 947713 LIFE AFTER SCHOOL KNOCKLYON FAITH Over the coming months we hope to bring you a series of DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME personal insights into particular career paths undertaken by Following the directed retreat last February and the Parish various young people in the locality (for the benefit of Mission in June, several people asked if some kind of Faith many young adults at present contemplating their own car- Development Programme could be arranged here in Knock- eer choices). In this first of the series, Fiona Lynch, who is lyon this autumn. a final year student at St. Patrick's Teacher Training Coll- It was very evident from the House Meetings during the ege Drumcondra, tells us of her experiences there. Mission that many of you would welcome further oppor- St. Patrick's College in Drum- tunities to talk about and learn more about your faith. condra isn't really comparable to Therefore, a series of six talks has been arranged and the faceless institutions of many will take place on Thursday nights at 8 p.m., commencing 3rd level colleges in the country. 1st October. Details of the themes, speakers, etc. are listed Unlike others, St. Pat's is a below. college where all the students get A Booking Form is included in the Red Brochure avail- to know each other as there able at the back of the Church or from the Presbytery. You are only 300 enrolled there. are encouraged to take one of these and if you are interest- Even the lecturers are often ed in participating in this programme, please return the Ap- on first name terms and this in itself is bound to be a help plication Form to the Presbytery as soon as possible. We re- to those settling in. The fact that there are residences on gret that in order to cover expenses, a fee of £10 per person campus also adds to the family-like atmosphere. However, (or £15 per family) is requested. The Programme is open it also means that as Dublin students we feel squarely in the also to young adults. The exact venue will be decided upon minority. when numbers are confirmed. A wide variety of academic subjects is offered, including English, Gaeilge, French, Maths, History, Geography and • Programme Details • Music. There are few differences between the various faculties as ultimately everyone is aiming for the B.Ed, Thursday 1st October degree. HEALING LIFE'S HURTS - A WAY TO FREEDOM There is a great emphasis on Irish for entrance purposes Chris O'Donnell, O.Carm. but up until this year places have been awarded on the basis of an interview as well as Leaving Cert, results — but this is Thursday 8th October likely to change. Naturally, there are many new subjects to DIFFERING PORTRAITS OF GOD - WHAT'S be tackled like Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Tech- YOURS LIKE? nology and Religious Studies. St. Pat's is often host to Brendan Staunton, S.J. students from France, Spain and the U.S. — giving a cosmo- Thursday 15th October politan air to the campus. COMMUNICATING WITH GOD CAN SOMETIMES SEEM The social scene in the college revolves around the many A VERY ONE-SIDED CONVERSATION clubs and societies — whether sporting or otherwise. How- Brian O'Leary, S.J. ever, in stark contrast to our neighbours in DCU, we have no bar, thus we rely heavily on the local hostelries of Thursday 22nd October Quinn's and Fagan's in Drumcondra. HOW CAN I TALK TO MY FAMILY ABOUT MY FAITH? As girls greatly outnumber the boys in St. Pat's, we also Anne Moran rely heavily on an influx of male company from other Thursday 29th October colleges such as DCU and Bolton St., especially on oc- LIVING IN THE REAL WORLD - WHAT DIFFERENCE casions such as the Thursday night disco! DOES MY FAITH MAKE? Thanks to the generosity of school principals and staff Sean O'Rourke around the country (St. Colmcille's notwithstanding) we also undertake teaching practice twice yearly, where we can Thursday 5th November put the theory we have learned into practice — with varying "I BELIEVE, LORD, HELP MY UNBELIEF." results. Eltin Griffin, O.Carm. St. Pat's is somewhat special as a third level college, however, if the proposed amalgamation with DCU goes EACH TALK WILL BE FOLLOWED BY AN OPPOR- ahead then the unique character of this college as we know TUNITY FOR QUESTIONS OR DISCUSSION. it may be lost forever. Fiona Lynch SHAPE 'N HAIR J.P. Armstrong & Co., Knocklyon Shopping Centre INSURANCE BROKERS SPECIALISTS IN 55 Cremorne, Templeogue, Dublin 16. Cutting, Colouring & Body Waving FOR ADVICE ON ALL ASPECTS OF INSURANCE MOTOR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITIES, MARINE, LIFE, GIFT TOKENS AVAILABLE MORTGAGES, EDUCATION FEES, ETC. Household Insurance - Special Rates For Residents of this Area. For Appointment, Telephone Why not 'phone for your Quotation todayl 942138 Tel./Fax: 947493 1st 8l 2nd Year Junior Staff required. Apply to Salon. (Bonded in accordance with the terms of Insurance Act 1989) Knocklyon Golf My Mother's Hands SOCIETY They were working hands, unused to revelling in creams, coarse and calloused here and there, with tight-clipped nails that never knew the glamour-touch of varnish. Instead, around the cuticles, French Polish stains that no amount of scrubbing could erase. RESULTS OF CAPTAIN'S PRIZE BALLINASCORNEY G.C., And yet they had the gentlest touch, 28th August 1992 deft with paintbrush as with shammy, removing splinters, bathing cuts, H'cap creative making shadow pictures Captain's Prize Justin Lynch (15) 41 pts. on my bedtime wall. 2nd John Murphy (11) 40 pts. on L.G 3rd Liam Mongey (14) 40 pts. 4th Michael Gilchrist (23) 39 pts. (40-1) They were diligent in soapsuds, Class I (1) Kevin Maguire (11) 38 pts. (39-1) clumsy with a needle they prodded on Class I (2) Fergus Egan (14) 37 pts. (38-1) through years of hems and buttons. Class II (1) Austin O'Hanlon (18) 39 pts. I was guided by their strength Class II (2) Brian Fleet (16) 33 pts. (34-1) and never felt their anger. Class III (1) Jim Goodall (23) 37 pts. Class III (2) Arthur Ward (21) 34 pts. Rosaried and idle, in death Front 9 Terry Mangan (16) 19 pts. they seemed ill-at-ease. Back 9 Ken Ellis (14) 19 pts. on L.G. Visitor Dave O'Connell (9) 40 pts. Marie Gahan SPECIAL Pat Butler, Paddy Collins, Michael Coleman Sponsor for the day was FAREWELL LYNNE! COYLE HAMILTON INSURANCE BROKERS Over the past number of years, Lynne Rafferty has been associated with the Newsletter in various capacities — photographer, features NEXT OUTING: HEATH GOLF CLUB - 3rd OCTOBER writer and roving reporter. Lynne has taken a "career break" from the Newsletter Committee. She is greatly missed for her inspiration- Liam Mongey (Honorary Secretary) al talent and Fr. Alan plus the remainder of the Newsletter Team would like to say a big "Thank You" to her for all her work over many years. Keep in touch, Lynne, you will always be welcome to drop in on "Press Nights". R0CKBR00K PARK SECONDARY SCHOOL FOR BOYS KNOCKLYON BRIDGE CLUB will hold an IN FORM A TION DA Y St. Colmcille's Senior National School on Sunday OCTOBER 4th The Bridge Club meets at 7.30 p.m. each Monday commencing at 2.30 p.m. night (except Bank Holidays) in the above school. Everybody Welcome — you don't need a partner when parents seeking entry for their sons in as a committee member is always available. September '93 will have an opportunity Enquiries to Telephone No. 947201 or 942884 to view the school and its facilities.

Enquiries 933204

WANT TO LEARN TO PLAY THE PIANO? RELAX WITH REFLEXOLOGY Fully qualified tuition available - Beginners to Advanced Yes, it really does release stress and tension Royal Irish Academy of Music Examinations covered • Increases vitality and well being Phone 937410 after 6 p.m. CAROL DOYLE A.L.C.M. .• Improves circulation and makes for MONTESSORI SCHOOL - DARGLE WOOD • NATURAL HEALING • ^ . Well established - qualified teacher For details contact Phone Anne 945467 ^ M I Mont. Dip. in Education BETTY FITZPATRICK S.R.N., S.R.C.N., S.C.M. JOE CLANCY, SOLICITOR REFLEXOLOGIST M.S.R.I. 1 Main Street, Rathfarnham FOR A PERSONAL LEGAL SERVICE Telephone: 942475 after 2.30p.m. Freephone 1800 603 603 BALLYBODEN G.A.A. AND CAMOGIE CLUB KNOCKLYON FOOTBALL CLUB In articles in this Newsletter before the Summer holidays you may The long, hot summer (???) has come to a close, bronzed remember that we wrote about the Feile na nGael All Ireland Com- bodies are beginning to recapture their Irish colour, the petition for Club u.14 hurling teams. We said that we expected to memories of the sun, sea and mountains are now fading. win it and that is exactly what happened. At the final in Loughrea The highlights of the sporting achievements of our Olympic on 28th June last, Ballyboden/St. Enda's forged ahead in extra time heroes are now lodged in our minds forever, and the Dublin to take the Feile trophy to Dublin for the first time. football team are back on top. The schools have re-opened, Each one of those young Ballyboden/St. Enda's hurlers has every uniforms are out, schoolbags are packed, shoes are shined right to walk tall and enjoy the admiration of the rest of us but in and pbove all the Knocklyon United Roadshow swings back the background there are many others whose contributions to the preparation of those young lads were vital. into action. Parents and teachers played a very important part. The team Once again fellow residents, the sound of hooting horns, manager was John Kirwan who was assisted by Tom Durkin and the joy, the tears, the wins, the losses, are all upon us. As Daithi Scollard. Others who helped are Fintan Walsh, Tom O'Rior- we embark on a new season, the question is, can we main- dan, Paddy Corrigan, Tom Phillips, P.J. Donogue, Malachy Bucker- tain our standard of success both on and off the field of idge and Donal Collins. play? Last season we won 5 competitions and were runners- The young hurlers are: Michael Phelan (Captain), David Bucker- up in 8 — the most successful club once again in the South idge, Kieran O'Neill, Colin Durkin, Paul Donohue, Martin Kenny, Dublin Boy's League. We in the club have no doubt that we Derek Foley, Gerard Mullins, Finbarr Kiely, Ruairi Costello, Dar- are going to build on our previous experiences, and contin- ragh Spain, Joseph Byrne, John Butler, Christian Connolly, Aidan ue to bring many more honours to the club and to Knock- Reilly, Emmet Carroll, Stephen Coughlan, Declan Maguire, Conor lyon in the coming season. The club has expanded once Davey and Colin Kelly. (See photo page 6.) again, we are now fielding 20 teams and are catering for The effort, hard work and back-up necessary for this great 400 boys (approx.) from the ages of 7 to 19. Five years achievement was made by a team that is much larger than the actual ago, the club had only 3 teams, but with the hard work of panel of twenty stars who played on the field and won the glory. committees, managers, players and parents we are now one It would be wrong to give the impression that this is the only of the largest schoolboy clubs in Ireland. Our past achieve- successful team at Juvenile Level in the club. We have others such as ments are something we are proud of, and our future plans the Under 15 hurlers who will meet St. Vincent's in the Final of and objectives should see us becoming a major force in the Dublin Co. Championship on September 27th next. We ex- Schoolboy Soccer. pect to win that too. There are other such as the u.15 footballers and the u.16 hurlers. We welcome back all our players and managers and Neither would we want to allow anyone to believe that we are thank our new managers for joining us, and wish them and interested only in the high profile A teams. The Club has just as deep our players every success for the coming season. We now a commitment and provides the same back-up to the weakest B have 46 managers dedicated to the future development of team. the boys and the club and without whom we could not These achievements are wonderful successes to talk about and succeed in our goals. The executive committee for 1992/- to savour, but they are last year's highlights and we cannot rest on 93 is as follows: our laurels. We have to look to the new season just now beginning to pave the way for future successes. CHAIRMAN: MICHAEL MCSWEENEY, 944764 We have vacancies in some teams and at the pre-competition stage — under 9 years of age. Any boys or girls anxious to play VICE-CHAIRMAN: JOHN DOYLE, 946160 Hurling, Gaelic Football or Camogie should call to the club on SECRETARY: NOEL GAUGHRAN, 935740 the Firhouse Road any Saturday morning around 11.00 a.m. and talk to Tony or Shay Lennon who will be glad to help. Contact may also be made through any member or by ringing Club Secretary Sean Flynn at 932920 or Chairman of the Juvenile • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • committee, Paddy Walsh at 942795. Anne and Mary wish to thank all their neighbours We are always in need of adults who are interested in helping out and friends who supported in any way their recent with teams. No previous experience is necessary, you will get plenty of on the job training. Think about it! coffee morning at 52 Orlagh Park in aid of Somalia. A sum of £656.43 was riased and has been lodged D. Mac Mathuna to Community Health International for Somalia. •••noncroononon BILL SHEEHAN & SONS 74A Road, Dublin 6 Telephone: 970123 / 979025 TOLEDO Main From SEAT £11,175 Dealer For all of your Sales, Service,

Volkswagen Group Parts and Leasing Requirements. Volkswagen Group cy <% cy Care With

NEW PEACE COMMISSIONER FOR KNOCKLYON AWARE is a voluntary organisation formed in Lansdowne Park Resident and Knocklyon Community Council member, Damien Fee, has just been appointed as a 1985 by a group of interested patients, relatives Peace Commissioner on the nomination of local TD, Seamus and mental-health professionals whose aims are to Brennan. assist people whose lives are directly affected by FORMER LADIES COMMITTEE MEMBERS depression. A reunion will be held on Friday 23rd of October, venue to be arranged later. Interested parties please contact: Phoneline Counselling Service at Colette Brennan 946795 01-6791711 and 01-775423 Ext. 639 Jaquie Donnelly 942260 Aileen Millane 942263 Decent Baptisms SCOUT DRAW RESULTS June 1992 £100 M. McEntee, 58 Cremorne Sonja Elise Dunne, 9 Knocklyon Green £50 J. &: N. Fitzsimons, 103 Dargle Wood Graham Albert John, 55 Templeroan Avenue £25 Patrick Farrelly, 21 Knocklyon Court Andrew Patrick Reynolds, 171 Woodfield July 1992 Philip Joseph Jones, 14 Beverly Lawns £100 R. Phillips, 16 Knocklyon Close Scott Michael Cullen, 18 Templeroan Crescent £50 B. Kilpatrick, 15 Templeroan Crescent Aisling Troy, 24 Templeroan Drive £25 Mary Smith, 10 Templeroan Crescent Niall Thomas John, 23 Templeroan Way August 1992 Darren Liam Clarke, 13 Knockfield Manor £100 R. Phillips, 16 Knocklyon Close Evan Paul Maurice Power, 5 Templeroan View £50 Helen Daly, 63 Lansdowne Park Grace Mary McGarren, 11 Orlagh Green £25 T.F. & J. Lehane, 15 Knockaire Shane Mark O'Toole, 25 Templeroan Drive Stephen Christopher Buggy, 10 Beverly Grove I ^^^^ KNOCKLYON YOUTH CLUB Lara Adelaide Madden, 104 Westbourne Lodge f | . The Knocklyon Youth Club will commence Kevin McFeely, 7 Beverly Avenue Ik Y J activities again on Friday 25 th September Caoimhe Treise O'Regan, 24 Beverly Avenue A, ' (Juniors) and Saturday 26th September A <«B|j (Seniors). Brian William Dempsey, 170 Glenvara Park Eimear Louise Deane, 1 Orlagh Grove CHILDREN'S CHARITABLE EFFORTS Emer Frances Nally, 40 Templeroan Way On Saturday 22nd of August Sinead Rafferty, Lynn Fletcher David William Eugene Higgins, 25 Knocklyon Green and Cathal Rafferty had a cake sale in aid of the people in Roy Daniel Grimson, 13 Knocklyon Heights Somalia and raised £152.10. They would like to thank all Siobhan Bernadette Smyth Pennycook, 35 Lansdowne Park the residents of Mount Alton for their support. Laura Somers, 27 Orlagh Court More busy children who collected £51 for Somalia were: Kevin Hopkins, Gwyneth Duggan, Neil Caden, Ronan Michelle Alice Delaney, 26 Scholarstown Avenue Hopkins, Ciara Deegan, Andrew England and Sandie Tolan. Beibhinn Kate Jameson, 8 Knocklyon Close Another group of children, this time from Glenvara, Simon Ludden, 88 Woodfield namely Louise Byrne, Aoife Moynihan, Orla Baumgarten, Andrew Joseph Murtagh, 18 Beverly Crescent Ruth Cahill and Barbara Fields would like to thank their David Stephen Pio Farrelly, 55 Scholarstown neighbours who supported their Sale of Work in aid of Paula Margaret McNamee, 17 Delaford Grove Somalia. £110 has been handed over to Concern. Donal Kevin McNamee, 17 Delaford Grove Well done to Ruairi Nolan, James Cummins and Roderick Sheppard from Coolamber Park who raised £29.30 for St. Vincent de Paul Society during the summer. They organised NEWSLETTER INFORMATION a sponsored cycle, and thanks to all the generous Coolamber Items for inclusion in the next issue should be handed into residents for supporting-the lads in this great cause. the Presbytery by Monday 5th October. The newsletter will CONGRATULATIONS . . . be circulated from Thursday 22nd October. As advertising to all the children involved in these very caring projects. space has become so popular we are accepting adverts on a Keep up the good work. first come, first served basis only, with payment, so make sure to book your space in good time. Enquiries re advertising MOTORCROSS CHAMP to June at 941204 (10.00 a.m. - 12 noon) Monday to Friday. Congratulations to Peter Lumley from Knocklyon Heights for being chosen to race on the Irish Team at the Inter- PRINTOUT: 3,500 copies. HAND DELIVERED: about 3,300 national Schoolboy Motorcross in Scotland in August. copies. Copies also available at Superquinn and Shape in Hair, Peter rides a 100 c.c. Kawasaki Motorcycle, and is doing very well at the moment in the Irish Championships. Knocklyon and at back of church.

NOW SPECIAL NEW PRICES y nom BEAUTY SALON FLAIR IINT HAIR Sunbed • Slendertone • Facials • Manicure Rosemount Shopping Centre, Ballyroan Tel: 944438 Pedicure • Massage • Eyelash/Brow Tints Special Offers: Mon., Tues., Wed., & Thurs. WELLA Bodywaves were £30.00 now only £18.95 and much more Highlights were £25.00 now only £16.95 Electrolysis: 15 mins- £5.00 FREE tube of Styling Gel with every Bodywave or Highlights Half Leg Wax - £6.00 Children's Dry Cuts were £3 JO now only £2.95 Ear Piercing was £4.50 now only £3SO including Earrings Facials now £10.00 Experts in Up Styles for Parties, Debs and Weddings Mon. - Sat. 10.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. Stuck at Home? Why not let us come to you. Call us on 944438 for appointment. For Appointment 'phone 936255 Open at Lunch Hours for your convenience. No Appointment necessary. Students and Senior Citizens - Special Prices Mon., Tues., Wed. at 36 Westbourne Lodge Opening Hours: 9.15 - 6p.m. Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Sat. (Behind St Enda's GAA Club) LATE NIGHT OPENING 9.15 - 8.00 p.m. FRIDAY MURPHY & GUNN () LTD. HY PASS ROAD, TALLAGHT, DUBLIN 24. YOUR NEARESTPHONE : TOYOTA517447 FAX: 52075 1MAIN DEALER

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MAURICE MULVEY MOTORS H^ie Cutting Company Unit 8, Landy Industrial Estate (Rear Coman's) Knocklyon Road, Dublin 16. New Hair Salon Now Open At Orlagh Shopping Centre, Orlagh Grove REPAIRS & SER VICING Specialists in Styling, Colouring & Perming TO ALL MAKES OF VEHICLE ALSO UP STYLES FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS - WEDDINGS, DEBS, ETC. Introducing: Top Stylists Sandra Keville, Aileen Perry, Rachel Andrews Mon. - Wed. 9.00 - 5.30 Thurs. - Fri. 9.00 - 7.00 Sat. 8.30 - 5.00 TELEPHONE: 946339 one: 937656

MASSEY BROS. 4 h SUNNYHILL || j| FUNERAL DIRECTORS GARDEN CENTRE BOHERNABREENA, DUBLIN 24 Templeogue Village (just beyond the Cemetery - opposite Church) Phone: 907601 TIME TO SOW Bulbs and Spring Bedding HEAD OFFICE: also • Alpines • Heathers • Conifers 129, Thomas Street, Dublin 8. Shrubs and Trees Phone: 778902 Open 7 days - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 24 Hours FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE & KEENEST PRICES - TEL. 513619 KI MASSAGE THERAPY A HOLISTIC TREATMENT O'DOWD INSURANCES LTD. helping you get the INDEPENDENT LIFE BROKERS most out of LIFE • Family Protection • Business Protection Lucia Creed • Educational Fees • Mortgages Dip. Ki-Mass. M.I.H.C.A. • Personal Pensions • Company Pensions Tel. 946867

Templeogue 20 CLARE STREET 56 DARGLE WOOD By Appointment Only DUBLIN 2. KNOCKLYON. Member of the Irish Health Culture Association. Tel: 768507 Tel: 944415