22nd century man ryan ridge boston : chicago 22nd Century Man by Ryan Ridge © 2013 by Ryan Ridge FIRST EDITION Cover art: "Your Favorite Nuclear Physicist" Jacob Heustis oil, graphite, collage on paper 84 x 60 in. T is h book was printed in an edition of 100. Book design and printing by Sixth Finch Books. Titles are set in Futura (Paul Renner, 1927). Text is set in Adobe Jenson (Robert Slimbach, 1996, based on typeface cut by Nicolas Jenson, 1470). T e hcover is printed on Wausau Royal Linen. T e htext is laser printed on Neenah Howard linen. For more info, visit sixthfinch.com or email us at
[email protected] AUTHORʼS NOTE Padgett Powell’s Interrogative Mood (HarperCollins 2009) is a novel in questions. By posing Powell’s original questions to a trio of internet chatbots: Cleverbot, Brother Jerome, & Sensation Bot respectively, I have created a book of answers, a pithy poetic reply to Mr. Powell’s book. However, chatbots being chatbots––and not yet human! T ank God!––the majority of the replies contained herein are non sequiturs which bear barely any resemblance to the original source questions but instead create a series of kinetic monologues. “Robots will make great aphorists. T ey like to communicate in short sentences.” — Aleksandar Krzavac “It is always the same: once you are liberated, you are forced to ask who you are.” — Jean Baudrillard “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” — Walt Whitman to the future 22nd Century Man MY EMOTIONS ARE dry cleaning.