Linoleum Wlmra Ahbo ICWM Paiaoba Ara An* Heariy Killed Off in Connecticut Aa from Theac Shows Is Put Into the Imtshatien Hot Water, Stnem, Vepor Or Warm I Oonnactlcut
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WEPWESDAT, NOVEIIBER M, IN ? Avtragt D sllj CIrealatlon U w ^ ______ "fAOB nZTEEH lEttgttteg Ifrralb P W On Maath ot Ortshar, IMY tba lafldwM 604 bfli4wi»4 tkfl PWr, isattaai l eeld tealgbt and OBalala aalaantaa of Wat* mitaea. Tba wotir waa «afl»> 9 ,3 11 Maa Brotbara a a j q ^ a Cui> Pack 9 1 Widening Job plated last Saturday. M— bar at tba Aain Bttiwtfggib A i w n t T o m t dinner laat night at the Country No Herald By widening tba road from Christmos Tree Bozoor lEupnittg Baraaa at Cbealatldaa Club bouae. prepared and a w e d Sprues to Clinton strsete that sec b » three of the men from the atore, Is Completed tion of Oak strsst now canfom a Mtmehetter^’A City of Vlttage Charm __________ m M i Holds Meeting Tomorrow CENTER CHURCH H LaOM ■octets «C nimely John P. Baw la. wlw Juia to the width botb asst and want ttawaMBt • Oeop«t*tMiml V Dsc. S— 11 A. M. Tb 8 P. M. PRICE FOUR CENTS a flair lor cooking; Bruoe Watklna of tbs newly flntsbsd aection'of m rage M) MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1947 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) irUt MWt FHd»y «T«il«g and Henry Smith. Maurille V. Oak from Spruce to VOL. LXVn„ NO. 50 .» MMi kMm* o ( H jataar Curtsoo* Oyer 120 Ppesent at No iMue of The Rerak) win Oak street. Not only does tba Cafeteria. Lmch 11:80 to 1:80 b Plamme of the appliance depart* change greatly Improve tba ap w itrM t McmbtiB a n be pabliflhed tomorrow. Clinton Street in Fine WOODRUFF HALL _ to rt ura their holiday ment provided « » * <**,*J?^*: Green School; List of pearance of Oak atrest but it ance. WhUe on a bunting trtP re Thanksgiving Day. Condition Now allows traffic to move on that thia BMottiif. cently to bla native atote of Malm, Awards Presented Btrset with much greater ease. Tea 2H)0 To 4:30. In Federation Room Crowd Greets Mayor Curley he bagged the deer. It w emb Sapper At • In Woodmff HaH At tka raffia Soadw afUiapai ed toUiequeen'ateato and Mr. La- WiSstiing of Oak atrest from France Proposes Lower Prices Hopes the November meeting of Cub OilldreB OOe, Adults $1.00 A i W W U ■ afla ban. w a r Msploaa yiunme and the fcooka were highly Sprues to C31nton strsete has been Pack t l waa held in the Manches Mlnnlcuecl, David Murphy, David S « . Jolm'a PoUah N a t lo ^ complimented for their aklll. eomplsted. The project waa ap Reeerratlow CIo m N ot. 28* Call *u telL tba wtanar of the flrat ter Qrcen School hall laat evening Vale, service stars. proved at the annual town meet- ■atta taa doUara. waa Mlao Ruth Mra June Teomam Park of with an attendance of 120 Cuba, Den 4— William Bayer, John teg in 1M6 and flSAOO waa ap Ghoreh Office 6568 Hartford, formerly of thla towm, ESSUEY Austria Pay Reds i M U m a ( M Hndaon atraat; parents, and friends. The theme Grogan, Jack Sopher, Carl Silver, propriated for the work. Cblldrep’s Party 3:30 Of Truman Program; a turkey, waa won by W ll- will be the featured altiger at the service stars; Robert Buckley, In order to widen the street it SurKOdea of IT WNrord ajW t concert Sunday * for the month pertained to Health bear badge and aervice star. waa neceaeary to cut back Into and the various boya displayed Tbefpiami Plsy-—**A Mad Breakfast** tad tba third priaa flea doUara, o*doDk mt Bushntll MPtnoriRi by Den 5—Richard Carter, W olf tbe lawns and to remove trees on arwit to DavM arayb of T4 North the Hartford Symphony O r d ie a ^ posters and acrap booka on the sev the north side of the street. This At 8:00 P. M.* S5e From Production Mra. Park, coloratura aoprano. wtii badge and denner stripes; Alfred SH IR T S •troat A church aopper followed. eral phases of health. Tarbox, W olf badge and assistant waa accomplished after tbe town be beard in a.t aria fn>m “ H er^ had secured the necessary deeds diade,” by Maamnet, enUUed. **n The requeaU for admlMlon of denner stripe; Brendan Shea, Ban on Arms Buying The Aaaarlcan Leghai Auxiliary boya to the Pack had reached auch Wold badge and gold arrow; Wil< to the land from the abutting Suggests $100*000*000 wlQ aaaat Monday avonlnc at eat doux. 11 eat bon.” with the or- property owners. In several caaSs cheatra. and in a duet from "La proportions that during this month Ham Kelley and William Mao- ^ Hand Cut Russians Hold aavan o'clock la the t«fton home it waa necessary to cut down . From Current Output to work on auridcal dreaalnca for Traviata” with Oerald Laaarre, two additional Dena were formed Ardle, W olf badges; Donald Vac- baritone. The concert la free to to accommodate the boys. Mra. cantl. Bobcat. large shade trees. Senate Voles Restric Harriman Says Gut in lha M am nal boapttal. After the Raymond Schaller and Mrs. H. P. After the necessary permission As Part of Settle huatneaa aeaMcn tlw mem ben will all and a number of local mualc Den S—Jack Anderson, Denner Firm on Japs^ Fateful Vote Prices lor Meats* lovera are planning to be prea- Addis were inaUlled aa Den Moth had been secured the town laid a For Precise Fit tion for France, Italy Bontlaua to fold dreaalnta. stripes and aervice star; Raymond new walk the entire distance from ment; Foreign Minis ent ____ ers. Kachevich, W olf badge; John Steel andi L u m be r The attendance award waa given Spruce to Clinton atreete on the And Austria With A t the Knlgbta o f Pjrthlaa aa- Patelll, Service star. ters Coniddering Fu S t Margaret'a Circle. Daiightera to the newly Inatalled Dens for north side of Oak street, regraded Treaty Stand On Partition anal aopper, which by Um way. ia Den 7—Bruce Tedfbrd, W olf *Hopea* from *Anti- of I f belle, held a micceeaful card having the greatest percentage of ture of Germany Today Under $597,000*000 an oM taahloned Bwedlab aupper, badge; Mary Salomon, Bobcat. CLIFFO RD 'S party and aale of hand made aril- parents present Since these I>uui Emergency Assist Inflatkm' Proposals; hi Oraafe had Wodneaday night, rim laat night at the K. of C home, tied for flrat honors the poeaeaalon Den lA —Herert L'Heureug, Keeps to Oft-Repeated Looms Today lha Beathoeea Glad <3ub wiU alng. with Mra. John Lappen aerring aa of the Cup will be divided between Bobcat. Bulletin! ance Bill; Final Vote Clashes With Taft n wtn ha aaaiatad by Mlaa Haael Den 4A—Bary Schaller, David DRIVING SCHOOL Position Groundwork ritalrman of the committee of ar- the two Dena for the next month. London, Nov. 28.— On *Good Faith' of IMgga orho artn rire aelected rangementa. Thirteen tablea were Chase, David Ogren, Bobcat. DNAB 80I.0M0N80N Monday Expectation itffd Nations Assem- itaillniai Program atarta at d:90. Awards Presented Rnssian Foreign Minister V. Must B^ Laid by in day, all pivot and the wtnnera After a report of committees, The meeting cloaed with group Leaaoaa on Oual-tkmtrol Uata Allocation Controls at each table received a priae of M. Molotov appealed to the Cnimcil of Ministers y Meets in Grim the awards were presented to the singing of The Stor Spangled Ban Calls rakea at U ty Cab Co. I Washington, Nov. 28.— (/P) hand-painted tinware. CuMakea ner. The posters and scrap-books Council of Foreign Ministers following boys: —Sefnator Taft (R., Ohio), And Tense Air; Ont- Washington, Nov. ^8.— (/P) and cOTee were aerved at the ao- D e n i: Mickey Fendell. gold ar on health were examined by the TELEPHONE 5141 today against the cstabllsli- Moacow, Nov, 38 — (F) — The clid time following the gamea. told the Senate today that the — Secretary of Commerce f e n d e r a n d b o d y row and aervice star; Kenneth Ber- boya and their parents. Plans for ment Of any “ segment** gov Soviet union stood firm today on come Still in Doubt the December meeting are being Harriman said today lower Oroup D of Center church held kamp, gold arrow; Ralph Haxen. ernment of Germany, French its oft-repeated position that Truman administration’s pol- David Holt and Gary Bogll, aervice made to provide a Christmas W O R K . Ita November meeting laat eve sources said. The French said cios are “ largely responsi BbllcUn! irices for meats, steel and stars. party for the Pacit When Minnlea groundwork for the Japanese ning In the Pederatlon room. A Blidotov asked the ministers )Ie’’ for the economic chaos New York, Nov. 38—(F)— umber are “ hopes” from SdltadM and Fkmr. !»«• moat Intoreating talk waa given by Den 3: Morgan Steele Bear peace treaty must be laid by the badge and aervice sU r; Jon Steele, n Europe. Taking the floor to Supporten of tlip "Sovtet- President Truman’s 10-point Mlaa Anna French, a member of of the United States, Great Council of Foreign Mteiatera, Denner stripes and service star; Count! Anwrlcaa” plan te partittea “ anti-inflation” program. The the ataff of the Mary Cheney U - Atlantic Britain and France to with where the veto may be exercised. announce that he will vote for George Dormer, gold arrow and Paleatiao were accaeed of «a- cabinet member, testifying brary.