WEPWESDAT, NOVEIIBER M, IN ? Avtragt D sllj CIrealatlon U w ^ ______ "fAOB nZTEEH lEttgttteg Ifrralb P W On Maath ot Ortshar, IMY tba lafldwM 604 bfli4wi»4 tkfl PWr, isattaai l eeld tealgbt and OBalala aalaantaa of Wat* mitaea. Tba wotir waa «afl»> 9 ,3 11 Maa Brotbara a a j q ^ a Cui> Pack 9 1 Widening Job plated last Saturday. M— bar at tba Aain Bttiwtfggib A i w n t T o m t dinner laat night at the Country No Herald By widening tba road from Christmos Tree Bozoor lEupnittg Baraaa at Cbealatldaa Club bouae. prepared and a w e d Sprues to Clinton strsete that sec­ b » three of the men from the atore, Is Completed tion of Oak strsst now canfom a Mtmehetter^’A City of Vlttage Charm __________ m M i Holds Meeting Tomorrow CENTER CHURCH H LaOM ■octets «C nimely John P. Baw la. wlw Juia to the width botb asst and want ttawaMBt • Oeop«t*tMiml V Dsc. S— 11 A. M. Tb 8 P. M. PRICE FOUR CENTS a flair lor cooking; Bruoe Watklna of tbs newly flntsbsd aection'of m rage M) MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1947 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) irUt MWt FHd»y «T«il«g and Henry Smith. Maurille V. Oak from Spruce to VOL. LXVn„ NO. 50 .» MMi kMm* o ( H jataar Curtsoo* Oyer 120 Ppesent at No iMue of The Rerak) win Oak street. Not only does tba Cafeteria. Lmch 11:80 to 1:80 b Plamme of the appliance depart* change greatly Improve tba ap­ w itrM t McmbtiB a n be pabliflhed tomorrow. Clinton Street in Fine WOODRUFF HALL _ to rt ura their holiday ment provided « » * <**,*J?^*: Green School; List of pearance of Oak atrest but it ance. WhUe on a bunting trtP re­ Thanksgiving Day. Condition Now allows traffic to move on that thia BMottiif. cently to bla native atote of Malm, Awards Presented Btrset with much greater ease. Tea 2H)0 To 4:30. In Federation Room Crowd Greets Mayor Curley he bagged the deer. It w emb­ Sapper At • In Woodmff HaH At tka raffia Soadw afUiapai ed toUiequeen'ateato and Mr. La- WiSstiing of Oak atrest from France Proposes Lower Prices Hopes the November meeting of Cub OilldreB OOe, Adults $1.00 A i W W U ■ afla ban. w a r Msploaa yiunme and the fcooka were highly Sprues to C31nton strsete has been Pack t l waa held in the Manches­ Mlnnlcuecl, David Murphy, David S « . Jolm'a PoUah N a t lo ^ complimented for their aklll. eomplsted. The project waa ap­ Reeerratlow CIo m N ot. 28* Call *u telL tba wtanar of the flrat ter Qrcen School hall laat evening Vale, service stars. proved at the annual town meet- ■atta taa doUara. waa Mlao Ruth Mra June Teomam Park of with an attendance of 120 Cuba, Den 4— William Bayer, John teg in 1M6 and flSAOO waa ap­ Ghoreh Office 6568 Hartford, formerly of thla towm, ESSUEY Austria Pay Reds i M U m a ( M Hndaon atraat; parents, and friends. The theme Grogan, Jack Sopher, Carl Silver, propriated for the work. Cblldrep’s Party 3:30 Of Truman Program; a turkey, waa won by W ll- will be the featured altiger at the service stars; Robert Buckley, In order to widen the street it SurKOdea of IT WNrord ajW t concert Sunday * for the month pertained to Health bear badge and aervice star. waa neceaeary to cut back Into and the various boya displayed Tbefpiami Plsy-—**A Mad Breakfast** tad tba third priaa flea doUara, o*doDk mt Bushntll MPtnoriRi by Den 5—Richard Carter, W olf tbe lawns and to remove trees on arwit to DavM arayb of T4 North the Hartford Symphony O r d ie a ^ posters and acrap booka on the sev­ the north side of the street. This At 8:00 P. M.* S5e From Production Mra. Park, coloratura aoprano. wtii badge and denner stripes; Alfred SH IR T S •troat A church aopper followed. eral phases of health. Tarbox, W olf badge and assistant waa accomplished after tbe town be beard in a.t aria fn>m “ H er^ had secured the necessary deeds diade,” by Maamnet, enUUed. **n The requeaU for admlMlon of denner stripe; Brendan Shea, Ban on Arms Buying The Aaaarlcan Leghai Auxiliary boya to the Pack had reached auch Wold badge and gold arrow; Wil< to the land from the abutting Suggests $100*000*000 wlQ aaaat Monday avonlnc at eat doux. 11 eat bon.” with the or- property owners. In several caaSs cheatra. and in a duet from "La proportions that during this month Ham Kelley and William Mao- ^ Hand Cut Russians Hold aavan o'clock la the t«fton home it waa necessary to cut down . From Current Output to work on auridcal dreaalnca for Traviata” with Oerald Laaarre, two additional Dena were formed Ardle, W olf badges; Donald Vac- baritone. The concert la free to to accommodate the boys. Mra. cantl. Bobcat. large shade trees. Senate Voles Restric­ Harriman Says Gut in lha M am nal boapttal. After the Raymond Schaller and Mrs. H. P. After the necessary permission As Part of Settle­ huatneaa aeaMcn tlw mem ben will all and a number of local mualc Den S—Jack Anderson, Denner Firm on Japs^ Fateful Vote Prices lor Meats* lovera are planning to be prea- Addis were inaUlled aa Den Moth­ had been secured the town laid a For Precise Fit tion for France, Italy Bontlaua to fold dreaalnta. stripes and aervice star; Raymond new walk the entire distance from ment; Foreign Minis­ ent ____ ers. Kachevich, W olf badge; John Steel andi L u m be r The attendance award waa given Spruce to Clinton atreete on the And Austria With A t the Knlgbta o f Pjrthlaa aa- Patelll, Service star. ters Coniddering Fu­ S t Margaret'a Circle. Daiightera to the newly Inatalled Dens for north side of Oak street, regraded Treaty Stand On Partition anal aopper, which by Um way. ia Den 7—Bruce Tedfbrd, W olf *Hopea* from *Anti- of I f belle, held a micceeaful card having the greatest percentage of ture of Germany Today Under $597,000*000 an oM taahloned Bwedlab aupper, badge; Mary Salomon, Bobcat. CLIFFO RD 'S party and aale of hand made aril- parents present Since these I>uui Emergency Assist­ Inflatkm' Proposals; hi Oraafe had Wodneaday night, rim laat night at the K. of C home, tied for flrat honors the poeaeaalon Den lA —Herert L'Heureug, Keeps to Oft-Repeated Looms Today lha Beathoeea Glad <3ub wiU alng. with Mra. John Lappen aerring aa of the Cup will be divided between Bobcat. Bulletin! ance Bill; Final Vote Clashes With Taft n wtn ha aaaiatad by Mlaa Haael Den 4A—Bary Schaller, David DRIVING SCHOOL Position Groundwork ritalrman of the committee of ar- the two Dena for the next month. London, Nov. 28.— On *Good Faith' of IMgga orho artn rire aelected rangementa. Thirteen tablea were Chase, David Ogren, Bobcat. DNAB 80I.0M0N80N Monday Expectation itffd Nations Assem- itaillniai Program atarta at d:90. Awards Presented Rnssian Foreign Minister V. Must B^ Laid by in day, all pivot and the wtnnera After a report of committees, The meeting cloaed with group Leaaoaa on Oual-tkmtrol Uata Allocation Controls at each table received a priae of M. Molotov appealed to the Cnimcil of Ministers y Meets in Grim the awards were presented to the singing of The Stor Spangled Ban­ Calls rakea at U ty Cab Co. I Washington, Nov. 28.— (/P) hand-painted tinware. CuMakea ner. The posters and scrap-books Council of Foreign Ministers following boys: —Sefnator Taft (R., Ohio), And Tense Air; Ont- Washington, Nov. ^8.— (/P) and cOTee were aerved at the ao- D e n i: Mickey Fendell. gold ar­ on health were examined by the TELEPHONE 5141 today against the cstabllsli- Moacow, Nov, 38 — (F) — The clid time following the gamea. told the Senate today that the — Secretary of Commerce f e n d e r a n d b o d y row and aervice star; Kenneth Ber- boya and their parents. Plans for ment Of any “ segment** gov­ Soviet union stood firm today on come Still in Doubt the December meeting are being Harriman said today lower Oroup D of Center church held kamp, gold arrow; Ralph Haxen. ernment of Germany, French its oft-repeated position that Truman administration’s pol- David Holt and Gary Bogll, aervice made to provide a Christmas W O R K . Ita November meeting laat eve­ sources said. The French said cios are “ largely responsi BbllcUn! irices for meats, steel and stars. party for the Pacit When Minnlea groundwork for the Japanese ning In the Pederatlon room. A Blidotov asked the ministers )Ie’’ for the economic chaos New York, Nov. 38—(F)— umber are “ hopes” from SdltadM and Fkmr. !»«• moat Intoreating talk waa given by Den 3: Morgan Steele Bear peace treaty must be laid by the badge and aervice sU r; Jon Steele, n Europe. Taking the floor to Supporten of tlip "Sovtet- President Truman’s 10-point Mlaa Anna French, a member of of the United States, Great Council of Foreign Mteiatera, Denner stripes and service star; Count! Anwrlcaa” plan te partittea “ anti-inflation” program. The the ataff of the Mary Cheney U - Atlantic Britain and France to with­ where the veto may be exercised. announce that he will vote for George Dormer, gold arrow and Paleatiao were accaeed of «a- cabinet member, testifying brary.
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