C. Traffic, Circulation and Parking
IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS C. TRAFFIC, CIRCULATION AND PARKING 1. INTRODUCTION This section is based on the technical report, Traffic Impact Study for the Carson Marketplace, prepared by Kaku Associates, October 2005. This Study has been reviewed and approved by the City’s traffic engineer. The traffic study presented in Appendix D of this Draft EIR analyzes the potential impacts of the Project on the surrounding street and freeway system, including the Project’s driveway access points, public transportation, access during construction, and parking. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING a. Regional Network The San Diego (I-405) and the Harbor Freeway (I-110) provide the primary regional access to the Project site via interchanges located at I-405/Avalon Boulevard, I-405/Main Street, I-110/Figueroa Street, and I-110/Hamilton Avenue. The I-405 Freeway/Avalon Boulevard interchange is located near the southeast corner of the Project site. The I-405 Freeway/Main Street interchange is located approximately 0.4 miles north of the Project site’s Main Street/Del Amo Boulevard intersection. The I-110/Hamilton Avenue interchange (southbound) and the I- 110/Figueroa Street interchange (northbound) are located approximately 0.3 miles southwest of the Project site’s Main Street/Del Amo Boulevard intersection. b. Local Street Network The existing street system serving the Project site includes Avalon Boulevard, Main Street, Vermont Avenue, Hamilton Avenue, and Figueroa Street in the north-south direction and Del Amo Boulevard, Carson Street, Torrance Boulevard, 213th Street, and 190th Street in the east-west direction. Del Amo Boulevard via Stamps Drive, Main Street via Lenardo Drive, Avalon Boulevard and the I-405 southbound ramps via Lenardo Drive provide direct access to the Project site.
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