Volume 65 Number 33 | August 24, 2020 LookoutNewspaperNavyNews @Lookout_news WE ARE LookoutNavyNews BACK OPEN! SAFETY MEASURES IN PLACE!

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RIMPAC underway

Leading Seaman Lee Michalcheon participates in a replenishment- at-sea with U.S. fleet replenishment oiler USNS Henry J. Kaiser (T-AO 187) off the coast of the Hawaiian Islands during Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC). Ten nations, 22 , one , and more than 5,300 personnel are participating in RIMPAC from Aug. 17 to 31 at sea around the Hawaiian Islands. Photo by Leading Seaman Valerie LeClair, MARPAC Imaging

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Local kilt makers bring breath of fresh air to classic garment making tradition

ackson Wagner and Justin Guthrie young men are looking to bring a touch they designed a are on a mission to bring the joy and of their Scottish or Irish heritage to the custom ‘pride Right: Justin in freedom of everyday kilt wearing to occasion to make their family proud. kilt’, which Guthrie Kilt. men and women of all ages. ey Jackson and Justin recently created features the Left: Jackson Jlive by example, wearing kilts every custom kilts for a Victoria wedding party. colours Wagner and Justin day. Wagner only owns one pair of pants. e stylish groom was Duncan Polson, of the Guthrie. Guthrie says, “It takes a certain amount of Assistant Manager of the well-known rainbow con dence to wear a kilt. When you strap Victory Barbars in the Atrium in Victoria. tucked a kilt around your waist you’re telling the He said, “I don’t think my Dad has ever inside world - I don’t care what you think, this looked happier than he did seeing all his each pleat. is what I like. Con dence is sexy.” ey boys grown and in the MacKay green and One brand own North of Hadrian’s Kilts and Celtic blue. I’m especially thankful you could new pride kilt Clothing in View Royal. ey are not kilt breathe new life into the old tartan my pops customer said, snobs. ough they will give kilt fashion wore on his wedding day. My mother made “I just got the pride advice when asked (maybe not with a it for him while they were just starting to kilt made for me and I have to say it looks cowboy hat), they encourage people to date at university, and it means the world amazing. ank you guys for convincing wear and accessorize their kilts anyway to us that it won’t just be a memory on the me that kilts are a glorious piece of clothing they like, “as long as the pleats are at the shelf.” that my wardrobe was lacking. I can’t wait back”. ere are a lot of kilt snobs out Wagner and Guthrie serve the traditional to wear it.” there, but there are very few kilt cops, says kilt wearing audience, such as military, Wagner and Guthrie  nd that Guthrie. pipe band musicians and highland dancers, everywhere they go, people ask to have ere are a number of reasons for but they are also exploring new potential their photo taken with ‘the guys in kilts’. the resurgence of interest in the pleated markets. Last year they attended the Wagner’s wife has started telling people garment - from the current kilt romance Vancouver Fan Convention, where they that he is not a tourist attraction. She’s novel trend (yes that’s a thing right now!), had the chance to meet William Shatner. always surprised by the number of females to the hit show ‘Outlander’, which features Despite the busy autograph line up, Shatner attempting to answer the age old question, the traditional garment - kilts, kilts and stopped long enough to have a quick chat “What’s under your kilt? e kilt makers more kilts! And with the current trend with them about kilts. ey also attended don’t seem to mind one bit. ey just hand towards personalized weddings, many the 2015 Victoria Pride Parade, for which out their business cards.

778-406-2243 North of Hadrian’s Email: [email protected] 264 Island Hwy, Victoria, BC KILTS AND CELTIC CLOTHING northofhadrians.com August 24, 2020 CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS LOOKOUT • 3 Basic training underway with COVID-19 protocols in place

In a makeshift tented barber shop in Work Point, 40 recruits enrolled in Basic Military Qualification training shed their civilian locks for the more formal military look. Pictured here, the before and after of OS E.G. Hamilton.

Peter Mallett social distancing is not feasible. training serials. Specialized spaces have Staff Writer To further fight the spread of any been set up in the barracks block, such potential viral infection, the entire as a CANEX Annex mini-mart and a orty new military recruits course is broken down into four 10-per- multi-faith quiet room, for use by the enrolled in Basic Military son sections called “cohorts”, in much recruits. F Qualification (BMQ) train- the same way that compartmentaliza- A typical day during BMQ has recruits ing at CFB Esquimalt have been tion in a ship limits the spread of up at 5 a.m. for physical training fol- placed inside a self-isolating bub- flooding. Initially, the four cohorts will lowed by breakfast, and then drill and ble to mitigate COVID-19. remain separated, only coming together instruction emphasizing basic military Recruits are confined to Work in larger groups after the initial two- skills, such as weapons handling, map Point to live and train for 10 week period has passed with no out- and compass use, marches of up to eight weeks, and will not be permitted breaks occurring. Additionally, eight kilometres in full combat gear, first aid, outside the facility at any time. members of the instructional staff are and CAF values training. “This situation is absolutely also isolating at Work Point for that Since physical fitness is a key com- new to us and there are a new initial period. ponent of naval and military service, Also, each day recruits must fill out set of rules involved,” said Lt(N) a large part of the course is spent on a daily health questionnaire and if they Guillaume Brochu, Leadership fitness training. They will tackle a range show any symptoms of COVID-19 they Division Section Officer with Naval of challenging physical requirements, must display a red card on their cabin Fleet School (Pacific) (NFS(P)). “BMQ such as the confidence course and rap- door. They will then be examined by is already an important and complicated pelling, and will also undergo the CAF’s staff of Canadian Forces Health Services course to administer and involves taking FORCE Evaluation fitness testing. (Pacific) before the appropriate follow- Before lights out at 10 p.m., the civilians, many of which have no formal on protocols are actioned. At every step remainder of the recruits’ time is spent military training, and transforming them of the planning, Health Services have studying, preparing for the next day’s into regular force members. Now, this been engaged, and have been extremely lessons, polishing their boots, and effort has been made more complicated helpful with the provision of expertise This situation is with restrictive COVID-19 measures.” and guidance, said Lt(N) Brochu. making sure their uniforms are clean, These recruits are among the first wave He added that BMQ instructional pressed, and presentable for the next absolutely new to of Regular Force military trainees across staff, a core portion of whom underwent day. us and there are Canada taking part in the BMQ restart General Military Training Instruction Preparing for this BMQ event has since COVID swept across the world (GMTI) coursing at the Canadian been an “all hands on deck” process, and a new set of rules in March. To assist with the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School stakeholders from across the Formation involved.” Armed Forces (CAF)-wide recruit train- (CFLRS) in St. Jean, Quebec, in July, have contributed significantly to the ing backlog, and to prove the concept are very keen to tackle this job, and are overall effort, said Lt(N) Brochu. These Lt(N) Guillaume Brochu, of decentralized BMQ training delivery approaching the demands of the course include Personnel Support Programs, Leadership Division by the various service elements, the and the unique conditions surrounding Base Administration, Base Logistics, Section Officer, Naval Fleet Schools (under the leader- it in a highly professional and responsive Base Operations Range Control, Base ship of the Naval Personnel and Training Foods, Base Information Services, Base Naval Fleet School manner. Group) on each coast were tasked with A Morale and Wellness Officer has Accommodations, TEME, Real Property (Pacific) running a BMQ serial. been appointed to design and execute Operations, Health Services, CANEX, In hitting the BMQ restart button, a program of leisure, social, and fitness and Personnel Coordination Centre. enhanced force protection measures activities to relieve stress while mitigat- The training is now underway, and have been implemented at Work Point. ing, to some extent, the absence of shore the 40 recruits, all of whom are in the All recruits and staff must wear non- leave recruits were able to earn part way , are taking their medical face coverings and gloves when through training on pre-COVID basic first steps towards a career in the CAF. 4 • LOOKOUT CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS August 24, 2020 OPINION of WHO WE ARE WHAT SAY WE

MANAGING EDITOR Melissa Atkinson 250-363-3372 matters [email protected] Charity campaign set to start STAFF WRITERS Defence Team Members, The cooperation between Peter Mallett 250-363-3130 As you know, the launch of the 2020 labour leadership and the [email protected] National Defence Workplace Charitable Defence Team is what PRODUCTION Campaign (NDWCC) is fast approaching. made the 2019 cam- Teresa Laird 250-363-8033 As such, I wanted to take this opportunity to paign such a success [email protected] introduce the 2020 NDWCC Coordinator, and I look forward to Margot Cutcher. Bill Cochrane 250-363-8033 the opportunity to join A familiar face on the Base, Margot has spent [email protected] together again in support more than 20 cumulative years here work- of this worthy cause. ACCOUNTS/CLASSIFIEDS/RECEPTION ing in positions at Base Information Services, In these challenging times, our 250-363-3372 MARPAC HQ, Civilian Human Resources, and support is needed more than ever most recently, the Learning and Career Centre. SALES REPRESENTATIVES before. I encourage all who are able I know the NDWCC is in great hands Ivan Groth 250-363-3133 to find a way to give back during [email protected] and look forward to working with her on this unique campaign where we will come this year’s campaign and to find new Joshua Buck 250-363-8602 together virtually to support the United Way, ways to build support while maintain- [email protected] HealthPartners, the Esquimalt MFRC and ing physical distancing protocols. Together Brad Schneider 250-880-2705 many other registered Canadian charities in we can continue to make a difference in the [email protected] their missions to provide services to those in lives of those in need. As always, stay healthy, stay ready to support, EDITORIAL ADVISORS need. SLt Michelle Scott 250-363-4006 Last year, the Base raised $273,000 for local and keep crushing the curve. Katelyn Moores 250-363-7060 charities, helping to make a positive impact Captain (N)/ Capitaine de vaisseau on thousands of lives within our community. Sam Sader Published each Monday, under the authority of Capt(N) Sam Sader, Base Commander. Le LOOKOUT est publié tous les lundi, sous l’égide du Capt(N) Sam Sader, Commandant de la Base.

The editor reserves the right to edit, abridge or reject copy or advertising to adhere to policy as outlined in PSP Policy Manual. Views and opinions expressed are not nec- essarily those of the Department of National Defence. Le Rédacteur se réserve le droit de modifier, de condenser ou de rejeter les articles, photographies, ou annonces plublicitaires pour adhérer Manuel des politiques des PSP. Les opinions et annonces exprimées dans le journal ne réflètent pas nécéssairement le point de vue du MDN.

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Mark’s Commercial and DND – Maritime Forces Pacific partner each year to provide you with August 24, 2020 CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCEour Pay-As-You-Go • CELEBRATING workwear 76 YEARS program. PROVIDING RCN NEWS LOOKOUT • 5 MOVIE REVIEW GREYHOUND a convincing Battle ofWe’ve worked the together withAtlantic Mark’s stores so you only needdepiction to show your employee ID.

CPO1 (Retired) Pat Devenish and Icelandic air coverage. escorts and jockey for positions on This is the settingMark’s for stores the action will recognize flick, start your to employeethe ID’splaying and gridthey thatwill haveis a finite your programspot somewhere information Canadian Naval Memorial Trust finish. in the mid North Atlantic. For the rivet counters, Tom Hanks’ latest tale of war Greyhound cen- Hanks plays a newly minted United States there are a few minor disruptions, but none take tres on a 72-hour period of the longest Second Navy Captain recently charged with away from the story. World War military campaign that stretched the duty of Escort Commander. The escort Surface action between escorts and U-boats, from 1939 to 1945. The movie takes place in is comprised on-hand.of his destroyer, codenamed though not common, was a last resort and the April 1942, though this block of time could Greyhound, two Royal Navy code- viewer gets caught up in these exchanges of have been pulled from any of the months of the named Harry and Eagle, and a Royal Canadian shellfire as if it were an old western shootout. . Navy codenamed Dickie (played by As the events transpire over a relatively short The movie is based on the 1955 novel The none other than HMCS Sackville). The escorts period, there really is no need for charac- Good Shepherd by C.S. Forester. His story takes are charged with getting a 57-ship convoy to ter development, though after one particularly place during what was known to the German a meeting place on the far side of the air gap nasty U-boat scrap Hanks’ character calls out submariners as the “second happy time.” from Halifax, Nova Scotia. At the time, this was to his escorts for damage reports. Dickie reports Inadequate escorts, untrained crews, and known as the Mid Ocean Escort Force. three holes above the waterline but ready to lack of corporate knowledge on the part of The computer generated imagery (CGI) was continue the fight….ahhh, that Canadian can- military leaders led to the wholesale slaughter not overdone as some diehard fans had feared do attitude! of merchant ships up and down the eastern it might be. HMCS Montreal was used at sea for All in all, Greyhound is an action-packed flick seaboard, as well as far out into the Atlantic; shots of the sea surface, which apparently is very worthy of seeing. If there is one disappointment, specifically the area known by sailors difficult to mimic in CGI. Hard turns, waves it is the lack of mention of HMCS Sackville or as the Black Pit in-between eastern North over the bow, and general typical North Atlantic HMCS Montreal in the credits, but we can’t American air coverage, and western European rollers make for10% a realistic DISCOUNT experience as the ONhave ALL it all. ITEMS IN THE STORES

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Volunteer firefighter hailed for ROADSIDE RESCUE

Peter Mallett a roadside fence. It caused Equipment, applied gauze to accident, she sent a letter of Staff Writer her to lose her footing on the the wound to stop the bleed- thanks to Patterson to express gravel surface and fall. ing, secured her foot, and kept her gratitude for his timely A Royal Canadian Navy Driving by was Ben her calm to mitigate shock. and professional assistance. sailor is expressing her heart- Patterson, Otter Point “As far as pain goes, on Peterson says it was a pleas- felt gratitude to a volunteer Volunteer Fire Department a level of one to 10, it was ant surprise to receive OS firefighter who aided her Captain Training Officer in a 10, and I have delivered Oulton’s letter. after a slip-and-fall accident his duty truck. babies. Just complete blinding “It’s very humbling to get a in Sooke on Aug. 14. “Fortunately for me he was pain, it took all my focus just response of gratitude from a OS Charleyne Oulton was in the right place at the right to breathe and remain calm,” patient as that is not always heading home with her fian- time and promptly sprang said OS Oulton. the case,” he said. “We go cée PO2 Jonathan McGregor into action,” she said. Her fiancée took her to to first response calls with and eight-year-old Jack She had sustained a Victoria General Hospital. BC Ambulance and many Russell Terrier Frayzer when sprained left ankle, strained He had to remain in his vehi- times never hear the final the dog’s leash got caught on ligaments, fractured tarsal, cle in the parking lot due to outcome or get any feedback and a three centime- COVID-19 procedures. After from a patient. To get a let- tre laceration on doctors bandaged her wound ter of appreciation like this her foot. Patterson and thoroughly examined her, reminds me of why I joined grabbed his first she was fitted with a walking the fire service 24 years ago: aid kit, donned his cast and crutches. To help out and give back to Personal Protective Immediately following the my community.”

To get a letter of appreciation like this reminds me of why I joined the fire service 24 years ago: To help out and give back to my community.” Ben Patterson, Otter Point Volunteer Fire Department Captain Training Officer August 24, 2020 CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS LOOKOUT • 7

Lt(N) Gill Herringer Wood carvings created puts the finishing by Lt(N) Gill Herringer. touches on a carving created in her new workspace.

Photos courtesy Lt(N) Gill Herringer Sailor opens a pub, that isn't

Peter Mallett School (Pacific) Venture modest profit, while paying in Montreal and before join- Staff Writer Division launched her for materials and giving peo- ing the navy more than 25 uniquely branded workshop ple the opportunity to own years ago she frequented Irish Lt(N) Gill Herringer united during the pandemic lock affordable quality items. pubs such as Old Dublin and her love of pubs with her down, which afforded her lots “The business grew out of Hurley’s, where pints were creative craft tinkering to of after-work free time. a hobby because I eventually hoisted, dancing ensued, and create O’Malley’s Irish Pub, She cleared out her and her ran out of things to make for loud music blared long into Carpentry Shop, and upcom- daughter’s hockey equipment myself,” she says. “Now I make the night. After joining the ing Bakery. and other items, and trans- things for friends, co-workers, forces and being posted to Don’t let the name deceive formed the 600-square-foot and sometimes through word Halifax, she visited Halifax- you though, there’s no unfinished basement space of mouth on my Facebook famed The Lower Deck. alcohol involved. into a workshop. The set-up page.” Further afield, while on Her fledgling small busi- includes a work bench, wood- Wood carving served her deployments to South East ness creates “fun, funky and working tools, a label maker, well during a recent deploy- Asia, she visited Irish pubs useful wood art, with some organized piles of screws, and ment aboard HMCS Ottawa in Darwin and Brisbane, sewing, some baking, and the wood. for Operation Neon. Australia, Singapore, and best damn pickles you have “I spent four days sorting “Carving is really an activity other locations. ever tasted,” she says. “I’m and setting things up,” she that helps me attain a healthy “So when I returned home slowly working on building said. “The new set up meant work-life balance,” she says. from a deployment back in up a decent inventory, but I that instead of scrambling “It’s a hobby I can take with 2016, I decided I would make also can do custom carving to pull out tools only when me on my ship because I can a pretend Irish pub in my and other woodworking proj- things needed fixing, I could bring my tools and wood to home. All you really need is to ects. The bakery part is what actually make things, and I work on. It’s something to create a Facebook place and I envision adding later, you did.” keep my spirits up when I’m magically there is a pub that know, when I'm retired and She has carved and built away because it can get bor- is real because the internet can spend my weekends sit- home décor items, selling ing during down hours on the says it is. So of course, when it ting behind a table at various them through word of mouth ship.” came time to find a name for farmers' markets.” and her Facebook page at But where does the pub my business, why not name Lt(N) Gill Herringer displays a multi-paneled The Officer “very affordable prices.” The theme fit in? it after the pub that doesn't cutting board she hand crafted. and instructor at Naval Fleet aim being to make a very Lt(N) Herringer grew up even exist?" she quips.


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The Naval Remote Weapons System on board HMCS Winnipeg is the first of its kind to be operated in the Pacific Fleet.

Dan Murphy, RAdm (Ret’d) crew of was tested Captain Chelsea Dubeau HMCS Regina Another new piece of kit is the New technology aside, there ments were made to ensure the ship Lawyer with a Military Perspective HMCS Winnipeg PAO as well, as they are also participating Naval Remote Weapons System was another unprecedented event. achieves high readiness. Despite the in RIMPAC. (NRWS), an upgraded version of Hundreds of Greater Victoria resi- rigorous flex and the much beloved Corporal Jordan Rioux 250.589.4571 HMCS Winnipeg did something Mass tests for COVID-19 are a the traditional .50 calibre machine dents lined viewpoints at Dallas bong bongs, the crew is leaning into (front) and Corporal Grievances • Service Discipline • Notary that many ships have done before, first for the Royal Canadian Navy, guns on the bridge wings. Road and Esquimalt Lagoon to the training, helped greatly by the Sebastian Jaeger (rear) Pension Appeal • Criminal Defence • General Practice and many will do again: depart on but are now part of a new standard “Traditionally, the .50 calibre watch both ships and their helicop- mentorship of Sea Training staff. conduct maintenance deployment. But something was implemented before putting ships machine guns were crewed by a ters sail past, with sailors formed up Finally, on Aug. 12 Winnipeg got on HMCS Winnipeg’s [email protected] • www.danmurphy.ca new and different with the Aug. 1 to sea. sailor who was physically standing and waving goodbye as they left for to do something not done before CH-148 Cyclone deployment. Winnipeg also has a new weapon at the mount and firing rounds at a . by a Canadian : engage a helicopter. For one, Winnipeg is the first ship in its arsenal: a Biofire. It’s an instru- target,” said Lt(N) Adam Thomson, On the starboard bridge wing simulated surface threat using three on the west coast to deploy on an ment that can test for and detect Deputy Operations Officer. “The of Winnipeg, bagpipers played a weapons systems simultaneously. international operation since the bacteria and viruses – including accuracy of the weapon was heav- tune to mark the moment. It was Using a hammerhead target – a pandemic was declared in March COVID-19 – from samples taken ily dependent on the proficiency poignant and emotional for some; remote-controlled device used for and, due to COVID-19 precautions, on a ship. of the operator. The NRWS has Winnipeg sailors won’t see home target practice – the ship simulated its sailors won’t be able to explore “The ship is a confined space and taken our traditional machine guns until December. a reaction to a surface threat, in the many foreign ports of call that if there is a positive COVID patient and mounted them on a remote- Sea Training Pacific staff are this case, a vessel closing rapidly are usually such a big part of the it can rapidly spread,” said Master controlled and stabilized mount embarked in Winnipeg until Sept. on the ship. This unique training deployment experience. Corporal Junkyu Lee, a laboratory that is both highly accurate, even 4 to conduct Intermediate Multi- opportunity had operators engag- Below, from left: A few days prior to leaving, all technician on board. “The sooner in increased sea states, and also Ship Readiness Training (IMSRT). ing the Naval Remote Weapons Members of Sea Training, PO1 Brant Dame and CPO2 Christopher Smith, discuss training tactics while wearing we can detect the virus, the sooner eliminates the need to put a sailor Warhips typically don’t go imme- System, Close-in Weapons System, members of the ship’s company non-medical masks as part of enhanced COVID-19 precaution protocols on board the ship. Masks were worn were tested for COVID-19 in we can confine and control the situ- outside at the mounts if the ship diately from IMSRT into deploy- and .57mm Bofors gun. MILITARY APPRECIATION for the first several days at sea. anticipation of their participation in ation more efficiently.” comes under attack.” ment, but with RIMPAC and the The hammerhead didn’t stand a RIMPAC 2020 off Hawaiian waters, The Biofire setup in Winnipeg is Winnipeg is the first ship in the enhanced COVID-19 precautions chance. One of HMCS Winnipeg’s hammerhead targets is lowered in the water for target practice on Aug. 10. WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER YOU and the follow-on deployment on the first instrument of its kind on a Pacific Fleet to be fitted with this built into the beginning of the Winnipeg and Regina are now PO2 Robert Morris and SLt Phil Hopkins play the bagpipes during the ship’s departure sail past on Aug. 6. $ BONUS CASH Operation Projection/Neon. The Halifax-class ship. system. program and throughout, adjust- fully engaged in RIMPAC. 1000 Off eligible New & Used Ford Vehicles



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SLt K.B McHale-Hall The latest release addresses the down nine categories in order of Units are advised to use their Unit to members. Imagery selected MARPAC Public Affairs Office services that can be offered, the priority: operations and exercises, Public Affairs Representatives for retention is rated and sent speed at which imagery can be investigations, intelligence, pub- (UPARs) for more routine occur- to the National Defence Imaging They are the rarely seen faces required, and the ever-evolving lic affairs, engineering, support to rences, such as medals, awards, and library in Ottawa; other imagery behind the camera taking photos technology available, all established training, historical, production and junior level promotions. is locally archived relative to the of (CAF) in standard operating procedures. research, and general. Individual services for members location the images were taken, deployments, events and people at Services include, but are not Local units and Commanders such as executive portraits, media and retained for set time limits. work on base. limited to, imagery in support of can then use the National Imagery photos, passports and visa photos If you are aware of the correct However, the imagery techni- operations; intelligence gathering Service Priority as guidance to pri- continue to be supported and are source for an image, then con- cians from on operations; fire and flood inves- oritize or limit services based on available by appointment. tact that source. If in doubt as to (MARPAC) Imaging Section do tigations; photographing through the existing operational tempo or Executive portraits are reserved the source, then contact Imaging far more than just digitally capture still and video events such as manning limitations. for senior ranks after relocation, Services for assistance. the faces of the forces. departures and homecomings of “Our main priority remains promotion, or change in position. Members with imaging ques- Manifested in the recently ships; helping in the assessment operations and exercises and However, during the National tions or requests should visit released CAF Unclassified Imagery of weapons systems performance; intelligence gathering, all while Defence Workplace Charitable the MARPAC Imaging Services Instructions, imagery technicians creating visual training aids; docu- supporting Public Affairs,” said Campaign, Imaging Services offers intranet page for more informa- are at the forefront of most opera- menting change of command cer- MWO Brian Leonard, the NO2PA members the opportunity to have tion. The Imagery Request or tions, logging in countless hours emonies; and producing physical Imaging Services Officer, confirm- their photos taken in uniform with Work Order form (CF 315) is behind the scenes, serving in ways media from imagery files. ing their primary function coin- family members (dogs included), accessible through the site. It is you may not expect. Meeting the mission cides with the priority list. for a charitable donation. highly recommended requests be The new set of guidelines Imagery Technicians are trained In accordance with the recent Requesting imagery submitted well in advance, with a Last year, the Unclassified to execute all imagery needs iden- directives, MARPAC Imaging is When requesting CAF produced minimum of 72 hours’ notice for Imagery Instructions were revised tified, but requests may outweigh now delegating certain tasks in images, be advised not all images still photography and two weeks and signed, providing guidance to resources available. That’s where order to avoid being overbur- and video are stored locally for for video dependent on the proj- the CAF, public affairs and imag- the National Imagery Service dened. They now provide equip- distribution. Personal media pho- ect, to ensure adequate time to ery technician trade. Priority plays a vital role. It breaks ment and/or training as requested. tos are not available for release book the service. August 24, 2020 CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS LOOKOUT • 11

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AIMING FOR Former pro athlete Jordin Tootoo career games. Of Inuit and Ukrainian Experience seems like he has it all—wealth, fame descent, Tootoo is not just the first WELLNESS and the spoils of a high-flying career. Inuk player, but also the first one raised But on August 28th, 2002, Tootoo’s in Nunavut to play in the NHL. As an TOGETHER brother Terence took his own life, Indigenous athletic leader, Tootoo has and things were never the same. In long understood his responsibility the precision of memory of Terence, Tootoo started as a role model, speaking openly the Team Tootoo Fund to raise about the need for mental health Join the MARPAC Health & awareness for suicide prevention and resources, and fighting the taboos Wellness Strategy as we youth at risk, all while dealing with his around discussing mental illness. He own addiction to alcohol and a family is committed to reaching Canada’s customized vision recognize World Suicide legacy of mental illness. Growing up Indigenous communities through Prevention Day in Canada’s north, he witnessed first- his work with the Team Tootoo hand the devastating impact that Foundation, founded in honor of his 10:30 – 11:30 AM mental health and addiction issues late brother Terence. He was awarded can have on families and communities. a Meritorious Service Medal for his In this moving and eye-opening talk, work in Nunavut promoting healthy Reimbursement of fees THURSDAY Tootoo discusses his own personal living and encouraging conversations experiences, destigmatizing the about difficult topics like addiction available from Canadian SEPTEMBER 10 important conversation around and suicide. Forces for eligible addiction recovery, mental health, and “It’s part of Canada that a lot of suicide prevention, all while sharing a people struggle with mental health members. ZOOM LINK: hopeful message of resilience and and addiction, suicide, these issues understanding. https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/6742 are a national epidemic. I feel that, 1888349?pwd=dlJWMkxZSU9rV Jordin Tootoo played for the Brandon at this point in my life, it’s my GhLekloYVlkUVpFZz09 Wheat Kings in the Western Hockey calling to give back to a lot of these League (WHL) from 1999 to 2003 remote communities,” says Tootoo. #105-814 GOLDSTREAM AVE. Registration is not before being chosen by the Nashville Bestselling author of the memoir All PHONE: (250) 474-4567 required. Simply Predators in the 2001 NHL Entry The Way: My Life on Ice, Tootoo brings LANGFORD connect to link . He went on to play with the an uplifting message to his audiences, EMAIL: [email protected] provided to log in to Detroit Red Wings, New Jersey Devils creating a culture of inspired www.langfordoptometrists.com the presentation. and Chicago Blackhawks, banking inclusivity with authentic hockey and 161 points, including 65 goals in 723 community stories. 12 • LOOKOUT CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS August 24, 2020

Want to know what your Base Commander is up to? Follow Captain (N) Sam Sader @MayorCFBEsq and visit facebook.com/EsquimaltBase/

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Petty Officer Second Class Ryan Hart receives his certificate of completion. Residential and Commercial storage Award winning, modern facility Residential and Comme Residential rcial Individual and storage Commely alarmed Arwcialar d storageloc winningkers , modern Easy Awa rmonthd winning facilityly rentals, modern facility Individually alarmed Individual lockers ly Heatedalarmed Easy locmonth lockerskersl y r Easyentals Easy access monthly rentals

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Petty Officer Second Class Ley Ireland receives her certificate of completion.

Petty Officer Second Class Shawn Beckett receives his certificate of completion.

Petty Officer First Class (PO1) Ryan Hart, LCdr Michael Erwin, Chief Petty Officer Second Class Chris Calhoun, PO1 Ley Ireland, LCdr Christopher Maier, and PO1 Shawn Beckett pose for a group photo. 14 • LOOKOUT CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS August 24, 2020

Transition Group Change of Command Photo by Cpl Jay Naples, MARPAC Imaging Services

LCdr Judith Harlock, out- going CAF Transition B.C. Unit Commanding Officer, signs the change of com- mand certificates with Cdr Colleen O’Brien, incoming CAF Transition B.C. Unit Commanding Officer. Attending virtually, CWO Martin Rondeau, CAF Transition Group Chief Warrant Officer, and BGen Dyrald Cross, Commander CAF Transition Group. In the background are CPO2 Matthew Goodwin, out- going CAF Transition Unit BC Chief, and CPO1 Yvan Vallières, the incoming CAF Transition Unit BC Chief.

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