Volume 65 Number 33 | August 24, 2020 LookoutNewspaperNavyNews @Lookout_news WE ARE LookoutNavyNews BACK OPEN! SAFETY MEASURES IN PLACE! newspaper.com COME SHOP! MARPAC NEWS CFB Esquimalt, Victoria, B.C. CANADIAN MILITARY’S Mon to Friday 9am to 5pm TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE Sat / Sun 10 to 5pm RIMPAC underway Leading Seaman Lee Michalcheon participates in a replenishment- at-sea with U.S. Navy fleet replenishment oiler USNS Henry J. Kaiser (T-AO 187) off the coast of the Hawaiian Islands during Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC). Ten nations, 22 ships, one submarine, and more than 5,300 personnel are participating in RIMPAC from Aug. 17 to 31 at sea around the Hawaiian Islands. Photo by Leading Seaman Valerie LeClair, MARPAC Imaging THE RIGHT REALTOR® CREATIVECREATIVE SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS THAT FOR THE RIGHT JOB CREATIVE SOLUTIONS THAT THATPROVIDEPROVIDE PROVIDE RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS JUSTINE CONNOR CREATIVEServicesServices SOLUTIONS We Offer We THAT Offer •Web DevelopmentPROVIDE RESULTS Healthy Beautiful Smile! 250-474-4800 • Web Development • SEO/Social Media • SharePoint•Microsoft Training Training •Content Creation •MS Project Training www.vicrealty.ca • Content Creation • Business Consulting • Adobe CC Training •Graphic Design •Sharepoint Training • Graphic Design • Microsoft Training • And much more •SEO/Social Media •Adobe CC Training Dr. Stephan Picard Fax 250-984-7538 • MS Project Training Cell 250-888-1059 We specialize•Business in Consultingcustom training to fit your business•And much needs. more 250-382-1541 Toll Free: 1-866-806-0981 En 34503450 UptownWe Uptown specialize Boulevard, Boulevard, inSuite custom 323 training to fit your [email protected] needs. 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Whitehorse. strain of the high winds and sea “The heavy winds and sea The Maritime Coastal state,” said LCdr Chura. state, the near total darkness, Defence Vessel, currently Once on scene, Whitehorse’s the erratic movements of the deployed on a coastal surveil- LS Lombardi, LS Kathol, and sailing boat, and the inability lance search and rescue (SAR) Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) to board the boat made this mission, responded to a mayday Rescue Specialist Wesley Scott one of the more dangerous and at 11 p.m. during a fierce storm took the rigid hull inflatable tricky SARs I’ve personally Aug. 16. An 11-metre sailboat boat (RHIB) to the stricken sail- been involved with,” said LCdr had become disabled in heavy boat. They verified there were Chura. seas off the northwest coast of no injuries aboard and then With the sailing vessel under Vancouver Island. embarked the two sailors and tow, it took approximately five “The vessel’s outboard motor their canine companions. hours to reach Winter Harbour had stopped working and the The Commanding Officer as the seas were up to three sails were ripped in multiple then turned to SLt Gomery for metres. They arrived around 8 places, so they were drifting guidance on how to tow the a.m. and disembarked the four uncontrollably,” said LCdr Jeff stricken vessel. thankful impromptu passengers. Chura, Commanding Officer of “He has a 15-year history of “I can say with all certainty, Whitehorse. “Without any steer- both owning and racing his own and with great pride, that the ing and propulsion, they were sailing vessels, so I was able to crew of Whitehorse reacted violently thrashing around, with consult with him for expert swiftly and professionally, and, wild pitching up and down, a knowledge of yacht design and while working closely with our 30 to 40 degree roll side to side, specifications. He was able to partners in JRCC and the CCG, and would suddenly spin com- tell me that the masts of sail- represented the RCN with the pletely around on a swell.” ing vessels of this size are fitted highest of standards,” said LCdr Without a radio aboard, the right through the hull and are Chura two sailors waved down fish- attached directly to the keel of Twice a year, ships of the ing vessel Pacific Viking, who the boat, so it can take a huge Pacific Fleet take part in SAR relayed a May Day to Coast amount of strain. In light of this Zone Patrols to provide an on- Guard radio. information, and the fact that water presence and a ready The Joint Rescue all the other fittings on board capability to assist those peo- Coordination Centre (JRCC) the vessel had already broke, I ple and vessels in danger, or then tasked Whitehorse to pro- decided to attempt the tow via requiring help, along the British vide support. the mast.” Columbia coastline. Local kilt makers bring breath of fresh air to classic garment making tradition ackson Wagner and Justin Guthrie young men are looking to bring a touch they designed a are on a mission to bring the joy and of their Scottish or Irish heritage to the custom ‘pride Right: Justin in freedom of everyday kilt wearing to occasion to make their family proud. kilt’, which Guthrie Kilt. men and women of all ages. ey Jackson and Justin recently created features the Left: Jackson Jlive by example, wearing kilts every custom kilts for a Victoria wedding party. colours Wagner and Justin day. Wagner only owns one pair of pants. e stylish groom was Duncan Polson, of the Guthrie. Guthrie says, “It takes a certain amount of Assistant Manager of the well-known rainbow con dence to wear a kilt. When you strap Victory Barbars in the Atrium in Victoria. tucked a kilt around your waist you’re telling the He said, “I don’t think my Dad has ever inside world - I don’t care what you think, this looked happier than he did seeing all his each pleat. is what I like. Con dence is sexy.” ey boys grown and in the MacKay green and One brand own North of Hadrian’s Kilts and Celtic blue. I’m especially thankful you could new pride kilt Clothing in View Royal. ey are not kilt breathe new life into the old tartan my pops customer said, snobs. ough they will give kilt fashion wore on his wedding day. My mother made “I just got the pride advice when asked (maybe not with a it for him while they were just starting to kilt made for me and I have to say it looks cowboy hat), they encourage people to date at university, and it means the world amazing. ank you guys for convincing wear and accessorize their kilts anyway to us that it won’t just be a memory on the me that kilts are a glorious piece of clothing they like, “as long as the pleats are at the shelf.” that my wardrobe was lacking. I can’t wait back”. ere are a lot of kilt snobs out Wagner and Guthrie serve the traditional to wear it.” there, but there are very few kilt cops, says kilt wearing audience, such as military, Wagner and Guthrie nd that Guthrie. pipe band musicians and highland dancers, everywhere they go, people ask to have ere are a number of reasons for but they are also exploring new potential their photo taken with ‘the guys in kilts’. the resurgence of interest in the pleated markets. Last year they attended the Wagner’s wife has started telling people garment - from the current kilt romance Vancouver Fan Convention, where they that he is not a tourist attraction. She’s novel trend (yes that’s a thing right now!), had the chance to meet William Shatner. always surprised by the number of females to the hit show ‘Outlander’, which features Despite the busy autograph line up, Shatner attempting to answer the age old question, the traditional garment - kilts, kilts and stopped long enough to have a quick chat “What’s under your kilt? e kilt makers more kilts! And with the current trend with them about kilts. ey also attended don’t seem to mind one bit. ey just hand towards personalized weddings, many the 2015 Victoria Pride Parade, for which out their business cards. 778-406-2243 North of Hadrian’s Email: [email protected] 264 Island Hwy, Victoria, BC KILTS AND CELTIC CLOTHING northofhadrians.com August 24, 2020 CANADIAN MILITARY’S TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS LOOKOUT • 3 Basic training underway with COVID-19 protocols in place In a makeshift tented barber shop in Work Point, 40 recruits enrolled in Basic Military Qualification training shed their civilian locks for the more formal military look. Pictured here, the before and after of OS E.G. Hamilton. Peter Mallett social distancing is not feasible. training serials. Specialized spaces have Staff Writer To further fight the spread of any been set up in the barracks block, such potential viral infection, the entire as a CANEX Annex mini-mart and a orty new military recruits course is broken down into four 10-per- multi-faith quiet room, for use by the enrolled in Basic Military son sections called “cohorts”, in much recruits.
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