The Radiochemistry of Francium

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The Radiochemistry of Francium 546.5 /’4W3P C.ti National Academy v of Sciences INational Research Council B NUCLEAR SCIENCE SERIES The Radiochemistry of Frcmcium COMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE L. F. CURTISS, Chufrmau ROBLEY D. EVti8, Vice National Bureau of-staderde MtisaohueettaI @ntltute of Techdo# J. A. WJUREN, &?cretfwy WeWlnghouee Electric Corpor?xlon H. J. CURTIS G: G. MANOV Brwkhaveit Nationel Labornt6ry Traoerlah, Inc. ” ~UEL EPSTEIN W. WAYNE MEINKE California inwltute of Technology Untvedty of Mlchlgen HERBERT GOLDSTEIN A. K SNELL NucIear Development Corpratlon of CM&Ridge Natfonal Labo~ry hlerictl E. A. UEHLI19G H. J. GOMBERG Ualverdty of Waeibgton .- Unlverelv of “Michigan D. M: VAN PATTER E. D. KLEMA B-l Re”eearch l%mfilldolr Northwem@ Unlve+y ROBERT L. PLAT2!MAN A-e National hbor&Fy LIAISON MEMBERS PAW C. AEBERSO~” -. w. D. URRY Atamlo Energy Commlsdon U. S. Air Farog J. HOWARD MoMfLLEN WKLLIAM x. WRIGBT National science Foundation OffIce of Navai Reaeamh SUBCOMMITTEE ON RADIOCHEMISTRY W. WAYNE MEINKE, Chafrman “EARL BYDE Univerdty of Michigan Unlveralty of California (Berkeley) NATHAN BALLOU lMRoLD KIRBY Navy Radlologioal De&we Laboratory Mod hbcmitoxy GREGORY R. CHOPPIN GEORGE LEDJ31C~E Florlda State Univereiw oak Ridge National Lahorutmy GEORGE A. COWAN ELLIS P. STEINBERG LOE Alenms scientific .Leixmtory Argonne National I.ahorntory ARTHUR W. FAtRHALL PETER C. STEVENSON Univedty of Waeh&gton Unlvereity of California (Llvermore) HARMoN FINSTON LEO YAiFE Bro&haven National Lehorauq McGill Unlverelry 5+(.?.5 . The Radiochemistry of Francium By EARL KHYDE Lanwnce Raddion Laboratory t?kiversity of Cala’fiwnia Berkeley, Califcnnia J~ 1960 Submmmittee m Radiochemietry Naticmal Academy of 8ciences —Naticaml Research Cmmll Prtnbd inUSA. Prlce$O.60. A~ h ha OHla d Teokicd 0emi6ea, h~t ofCommerce.Wuhi@aI 26, D. C. FOREWORD The Subcommittee on Nadiochemistry is one of a number of subcommittees working under the Committee on Nuclear Science within the National Academy of Sciencen - National Reseamh Counci?.. Ita =mbera represent government, industrial, and university laboratories in the sreaa of nuclear chemistry and analytical chemistry. The Subcommittee has concerned itself with those areas of nuclear science which involve the chemht, such aa the collec- tion and distribution of radiochemical procedures, the eatsb- liahment of specifications for radiochemically pure resgenta, the problems of stockpiling uncontaminated materials, the availability of cyclotron time for service irradiations, the place of radi=hemiatry in the undergraduate college program, etc. This series of monographs has grown out of the need for up-to-date compilations of radiochemical information and pro- cedures. llM Subcommittee has endeavored to present a series which will be of maximum use to the eurking scientist and which contains the latest available information. Bach mono- graph collects in one vol~ the ~rtinent information required for radiochemical work with an individual ele=nt or a group of closely related elements. An expert in the radiochemistry of the particular elernnt has written the ~nograph, following a atendsrd format developed by the Subcommittee The Atomic linergyCommission has spxusomd the printing of the Beries. The Subcommittee is confident theme publication will be useful not only to the radiochemist but also to the research worker in other.fields such aa physics, biochemistry or tiicine who wishes to use radiochemical techniqms b solve a specific problem. W. Wayne Meinke, Chairman Subcommittee on Eadicmhemistry iii CONTENTS I. Introductory Rwks - The Greet Nuclear Instability of Francim. 1 II. The Acttiium DeCay Chati end tha Ratitiuns Of Actinium K. 3 III. Topical Revlev of the Rediochemistry of ~enclum. 6 A. Coprecipltitim Behavior. 6 B. Ffiter Paper Chromtogmphy. 9 c. Use of @lhenayltrtiluorcacetme in the purification of Actdnium K. D. volatility Of hanclum. E. Ion Exche&e. Y. Metiod.e or pr~-g Actidm Ree or Redioecttiium, and Actinium X. , 15 Iv. Cc!llectionof Detiiled Frmeihmee far IeoLation and Purification of Hencim. 17 Y INTRODUCTION ~is volume which deals with the radiochemintry of francium is one of a series of monogrmphe on radiochemiatry of the elementm. There is included a review of the nuclear and chemical fea”tures of particular interemt to the radiochemiat, a diecumwion of prob- leme of dissolution of a eample and counting techniques, and finally, a collection of radiochemical procedures for the element as found in the literature, The eeries of monographs will cover all elements for which radiochemical procedures are pertinent. Plans include revision of the monograph periodically as new techniques and procedures warrant. The reader is therefore encouraged to call to the attention of the author any published or unpublished material on the radiochemiatry of francium which might be included in a revimed version of the monograph. vi The Radiochemistry of Francium” EARL K. H?31E Lswrence Radiation Idnratory University of California Berkeley, Caltiornia January 1960 I. INI’R3DUCIWYREMAFKS- THE GREAT NUCLEAR IN9TABIL171TOF FRANCIUM The principal isotope of the alkali element, francium,is actiniumK 1-3 discoveredin 1939 by MUe. M. Ferey among the decay products of actinium. Perey showed that alpha emi8sionoccurredin 1.2 percent of the radioactivediE- integzationsof actiniumand gave rise to a beta emitterwith the properties of a heavy alkall element and a half llfe of 21 ndmutes. Following the sys- tem of nomenclatureused in the natural radloelements,she chose the nmne actiniumK for this radioekment. Later when it became clear from her ex- tensive studies of the nuclear origin and the chemical characteristicsof this redioelementthat she had made the first unch.sllengeableidentification of an isotope of element 87, she acceptedthe honor of naudng the element and chose &mcium. A nuniberof isotopesof francium have been preparedby reactionsof arti- ficial tmnsnutation. The identificationof these isotopeshas come about chieflyby the investigationof the complexmixture of radioactivitiesprcduced * This report was prepared at the request of the Subcommitteeon Rediochemistry of the Committee on Nuclear Science of the lVationalResearch Council aa a contributionto a proposed maater file on the radiochemiatry of au the elements. 1 when thorium is bombardedwith high energy protons. One isotope4,the 4.8 nrhute ~r221 , is a member of the decay chain of l?33. Fromaglance at Tablel, It is Table 1. The Isotopes of Francium Emergy of Type of a-particles Isotope Half life decay (WV) Method of Preparation ~223 21 min B -- Mughter AC227 in U235 (AcK) decay family ~r222 14.8 mti P .- ,h+p ~221 U233 4.8 min a 6.33(84$ Member decay fatiy 6.12(1@ 1 ~220 ~228 27.5 8ec u 6.69 M?mber decay family ~219 0.02 eec a 7.30 Member Pa’q decay family #8 ~226 5x10-3 sec a 7.85 Member decay famfly (est.) -212 19.3 * a 44$ 6.342 24$ ,h+p K“5@ 6.3873% 6.4IJ.H37$ seen that none of the artificially-pre~red isotopes is of longer life than. gctiniumK. A number of authors5-7 have exemtiedthe trends in nuclear 8tabilitythroughoutthe entire heavy element region ebove lead and hawe arrived at the following conclusionsabout the nuclear atabflityof francium lsotopeB: there is no possibilitythat a stable I[jotopewill be found; there is a slight possibilitythat a nuclear specieswith a somewhatlonger life than AcK wfll eventuallybe Identifiedbut the chances even of this are not high; it appears likely that francium wIH remain the nmst unstable of the first 100 elements, It follows then that the macroscalechemistryof fmncium cannot be investigatedand that the chemistryof franclum is identicalwith the radio- chemistry of the element, The radiochemist is interested in the radiochemistry of francium for three chief reasons. 1. The separationof acttiiumK from natural or artificialsources of actlnlum as e preliminaryto the investigationof the radiochemicalor 2 biologicalpropertle6of a pure solution of this activity or for an lnveBtige- tion of ita radiation. 2. The quantitativerenmval of actiniumK from an actlniwn source and quantitativemeasurementof ita disintegrationrate as a method of asmy of the strengthof an actinium source. This application16 of some importancebecause of the difficultyof the calibrationof actinium source8by other methode.8 3. The separationof francium lsotope6from targets bombardedwith charged particlebeams. In the past the principaltype of nuclear reaction study has involvedthe bombardmentof thorium targets with high energy protons in aynchrocyclotrons. In the ne-srfuture there will be titerest in the isola- tion of franclum from targets of mercury, thallium,lead, aridbismuth bombarded with highly acceleratedions of such heavier elements as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, neon and argon. II. THE ACTIXHJMDECAY CHAIN AND THE RADIATIONSOF AIX’llUCJMK. Since actiniumK wfll remein the most widely used isotope of francium, it is necessary to consider its radiationsIn come detail. Because of Its short half life it ie necessary In any work with AcK to consider ita genetic rela- kionahipawith actinium and with the other membera of the actlnlum decay chain. Figure 1 shows the course of the actinium decay chain. Only 1.2 percent 227 of the dlslntegyationsof Ac produce atoms of AcK which puts a severe limitationon the amount of AcK which one can isolate. Some pertinent inten- sity fl&res are aummsrizedin Table 2. Actinium K also undergoesalpha branchin~ to produce At219 but this branching Is so alight that for ordinary radiochemicalpurposes it can be completelyneglected. The chief decay is by the emission of energeticbeta ~rticles with an endpoint energy of 1.15 Mev. These energeticbeta particles are easfly counted In an ordinaryGM counter or proportionalcounter using stintlardcorrectionsfcm back scattering,self absorption,self scattering,etc. In addition,actiniumK does emit some characteristic_ rays aB sunmmrlzedin Table 3. Details on the measurement ~f these gamma rays can be found h referencesa and c cited in the table. 3 1$%’ v“ ACTINIUM 227 Ac a DECAY 21.6r. CHAIN a [Ra223 T2z1.2% ‘+” 11.60d m “r ml An (Rn2’e) 5XI0-%4 v; c13.92 sec. ai 97”/0 I ‘?”.F L 4 m-18331 Fig. 1. The decay chain of actinium.
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