THETUFTS DAILY [Where You Read It First Thursday, March 14,1996 Volume XXXII, Number 37 I Delaney says administration ordered Sources thrown out by GREGORY GEIMAN ported a second incident to TUPD in the recent past in which an Daily Editorial Board in which issues of the same pub- individual purposely disposed of Colin Delaney, editor-in-chief lication had been removed from copies of a campus publication of the Primary Source, recently Cabot Auditorium, Carmichael and was identified. According to reported to the Tufts University Dining Hall, and Barnum and Reitman, there had been a case in Police Department (TUPD) that Braker Halls. November of 1993 in which a at least 50 percent of the copies of ‘We have not been able to de- student did not like the coverage the publication’s most recent is- termine who was responsible for he received in an Observer sports sue had been stolen from certain removing them,” King said. article, and he disposed of copies locations around campus. In an “Those areas are not really under of the newspaper. “The perpetra- interview with theDaily on Tues- anyone’s constant supervision... tor agreed to pay restitution for day, Delaney accused the Univer- the feedback we’ve been getting the value of the papers stolen and sity administration of possibly is that nobody’s watching the en- made a public apology in the pa- being involved in the mass re- try foyer of a building.” per.” moval of the often controversial King also spoke in response to King said that, in the case in- publication. Delaney’s accusations of an orga- volving the Observer, it was easy According to Director of Pub- nized effort to remove copies of to determinewho was responsible lic Safety John King, Delaney said his publication. “The issues were because there had been feedback he had delivered copies of the not taken from all the locations in from the Tufts community. Ac- Primary Source to Dewick/ which they were distributedin each cording to Lonero, in this most MacPhie Dining Hall on Feb. 29, of the buildings,” he said. “If there recent case, “We didn’t get any and the next day a large number of had been an organized attempt, information back from the com- those copies were missing. King wouldn’t someone take them from munity -that’s unusual.” said that Delaney reported this more than one location? Delaney said that when incident to TUPD on March 4. In “We have no proof that any Lonero’s police report had been his police report on the incident, individual or group went out to filed on Tuesday, he contacted Det. Lt. Charles Lonero said that eliminate copies of the Primary King to request a copy of the re- UNICCO custodial workers were Source,” King continued, “but if port. “I wanted to seeexactly what responsible for discarding of the anyone knows of anyone who did, the officer had to say,” he said. issues. Tufts Police would love to hear “Kingrefused... hesaidthatit was In three downtown galleries, spring is arriving early. Read all “The papers were in disarray about it.” University policy not to disclose about it in Weekender. all over the floor of DewicW King said that Lonero’s police that information.” Macphie, which is not uncom- report, which was completed on King said, “We don’t show or mon,’’ King said. “It became a Tuesday, was only an initial re- give copies of the report to the Environmental forum safety or cleanliness issue... the uort. and that the case is still ongo- individuals involved. We want to custodial workers are supposed to keep the area clean.” coming this weekend King said that he had spoken by MELISSA GALIN The conferenceattracts people with UNICCO custodial supervi- Senior Staff Writer involved in the fields of educa- sors in the course of the investiga- The 18th annual New England tion, art, environmentalhealth, and tion, and according to them, no EnvironmentalConference, spon- medicine, as well as writers, sports custodial workers had admitted to sored by the New England Envi- figures, and members of the gov- removing any issues of the Pri- ronmental Network and the Mas- ernment, she said. Tufts was cho- mary Source on purpose. King sachusetts Audubon Society, will sen as the location because it is the said he feels that the workers were be held at Tufts this weekend. US central environmental institution just doing their job in removing Senator John Kerry (D-MA) will in the New England area. the issues, that “none were re- be among the speakers coming to A pre-conference symposium moved because of their point of campus for the event. will be held on Friday. Dr. view.” The focus of the conference is Lawrence Susskind, an associate Delaney disagreedwith King’s to reach out to people with envi- professor at the Fletcher School assessment, however. “It would ronmental concerns throughout and an expert in conflict resolu- not surprise me if [the UNICCO New England and connect them tion, will lead a role-playing ses- workers] had been directed to re- Photo by Jen McCarthy with environmentalprograms both sion dealing with community dis- move them ... the only people who Copies of theprimary Sourcewere removed from DewicMMacPhie cussions of environmentalissues. had the motive or authority to do at Tufts and in the New England Hall bv UNICCO workers, according to the Tufts Police. area. Dennis Hayes, founder of Earth this are members of the adminis- The title of this year’s confer- Day, will speak in Cabot Audito- tration,” he said. ing. He said that TUPD is not maintain control and order over ence, “Faith in a Seed,” was cho- rium at 7:30p.m. “We want to get ‘‘Theprimary Source has cnti- ruling anything out, but at this information ... it has not been our sen to encourage people to have people into an action mode for the cized the administration on a host time, they have nothing on which practice [toreleasepolicereports] hope and take an active role in conference,” Simmons said. of issues,” he continued. “I’ve to draw any solid leads on the in the seven years I’ve been here. helping the environment.Accord- The conference will be educa- accused [University] President second alleged incident. “He didn’t agree with me, and ing to Caroline Simmons, execu- tional, as it includes over 100 DiBiaggio of breaking federal Delaney said that the police said that he needed a copy of the tive director of the New England workshops facilitated by Tufts law.” report placed blame for the issues report by Thursday.. . I reiterated Environmental Network and co- graduatestudents, professors, and Assistant Dean of Students being removed in Dewick/ to him that I wasn’t going to give ordinator of the conference, there experts in the field of environ- Bruce Reitman said that he didn’t MacPhie on the inadequacy of the him a copy,” King continued. has been an assault on environ- mental awareness, Simmonssaid. even know how to respond to such delivery boxes in the entry foyer. Delaney claimed that King’s mental laws and issues, and the Workshop topics include Skills an accusation. “Nobody that I “The manager of Dewick/ policy was a violation of the Free- conference will be a way for and Strategies for Environmental know of, in the administration, MacPhie had told me that these dom of Information Act. “There is people to make informed deci- Practitioners,Environmental Edu- would ever or certainly did not boxes were adequate,” Delaney an extensiveongoing effort to pre- sions and fight back. cation, Health and Safety, New ask anybody to remove any cop- said. ‘“we deliver issues in boxes vent Tufts from disseminatingin- “It is New England’s biggest Thinking and New Priorities ies of thesource. I couldn’t imag- in Cabot also.” formation... they’ve done it many environmentaltown meeting,” she (which will address environmen- ine it,” he said. Delaney also said that King times before.” said. tal issues and human rights), as Delaney said he believed the had told him in a phone conversa- University General Counsel well as Business, Labor, and issues were removed on purpose tion that he could confirm that Mary Lee Jacobs spoke with Economy (which will address because the cover, entitled “Tufts UNICCO was involved with the Delaney about the matter yester- I Inside: 1 wetland issues and waterquality). Loves Honkeys,” mocked an ad- removal of issues in buildings day, and decided that the Freedom According to Simmons, medi- vertisement that the Tufts Les- besides DewickMacPhie. see SOURCE, page 2 Viewpoints ...... P. 3 There has only been one case David Meyers on health services, cine and the environment will be a bian, Gay, and Bisexual Commu- thoughts on the Israel situation, and the main focus at this year’s confer- nity (TLGBC)placed in theDaily. Medord/Somerville divide. ence. Dr. The0 Colburn and Diane This advertisement, which stated Dumanski, co-authors ofOurSro- “Tufts Loves Faggots,” was de- len Future, will speak about the veloped by the TLGBC in refer- Weekender ...... p. I-IV hazards of organochlorines. ence to an incident of homophobic All about art galleries, Sting’s latest Organochlorines, which are graffiti which appeared in CD is alluring, St. Patty’s day is upon used in filtration plants and found Carmichael Hall in January. us, and an Oscar preview. in cosmetics and the insides of tin “People saw the cover, and they cans, cause reproductiveproblems were shocked and outraged,” Sports ...... p. 6-7 such as birth defects, low sperm Delaney said. “This was a reac- We preview all of the NCAA bas- counts, and low fertility rates. tionary response of dislike.” ketball regions: East, West, Southeast, see CONFERENCE, page 2 After reporting the incident in and Midwest. DewickMacPhie, Delaney re- ?age two THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, March 14,1996 TUFTS Re ister for New England’s environmental conference rw DAILI CO &RENCE lated to organochlorines. Dumil, author of tion Agency, and Molly Harriss Olsen, ex- :ontinu& from page one The Making of A Conservative Environ- ecutive director of the Presidents Council Jessica N. Rosenthal Editor-in-Chief We hear the [chemical industries] are put- mentalist, looks at environmental issues as on Sustainable Development. ing up $15 million to discredit [scientists] non-partisan issues. A member of the Repub- ‘‘These top-notch conferelnce speakers Managing Editor: John OKeefe who are coming up with the most alarming lican Party, he is concerned with the lack of and over 100 workshops help anyone who Associate Editors: Dan Tobin, Samantha Levine nessage about the silent toxic sea of artifi- policy within his political party. He is calling wants to find out more for themselves about Editorial Page Editor: Greg Youman upon Republicans to make environmental critical environmental issues,” Simmons Production Managers: Ryan Otto, :id estrogens,” said Founder and President Pratiksha Thakkar, Raquel Almeida )f Earth Island Institute David Bower. concerns anissue. “[Theconfe~nce]isaplat- said. “From air quality in schools to Consulting Editor: David Meyers 3ower, referred to by 7’he New York Times form for people who may not agree on any- brownfields redevelopment to wetlands res- IS the most effectiveconservationist in the thing to speak on environmental issues,” toration to socially responsible investing, the NEWS vorld, will also speak at the conference. Simmons said. New England EnvironmentalConference is Editor: Karen Epstein, Greg Geiman an easy way get informed and involved.” Assistant Editor: Pete Sanborn Gorden Durnil. chair of the United Other speakers include John DeVillars, .--to itates Joint Commission, wi peak about chief administrator for the New England Registration is open to the public. To VIEWPOINTS he qoblems in the Great La i reginn re- Division of the US Environmental Protec- register. call 627-3162. Editor: Amy Ziet Disclosure FEATURES SOURCE Editors: Laura Bemheim, Micol Ostow bontinued from page one TuftsStudent Resources Assistant Editor: Merredith Portsmore )f Information Act didn’t ARTS &ENTERTAINMENT tpply in this case since the Editors: Julie Eisenstein, Cara Maniaci, Jniversity is a private insti- Duy Lmh Tu ution. Delaney said that if WEEKENDER acobs continuesto refuse to Entrepreneurial Editors: Liza Cohen, Rob McKeown ;ive him a copy of the re- m, he would :look into fil- SPORTS ng a motion with the federal Editors: Bill Copeland, Eric Polishook issistant Editors: Marshall Einhorn, Erdhein ourts. Scholarship Sam “I should be able to get a PHOTOGRAPHY )hotocopy of that report,” he Editors: Jennifer McCarthy, Shane Tilston aid. “I want written confir- Assistant Editor: Nick Hnatyk nation that they know PRODUCTION here’s a problem and intend Layout Editor: Karen Thompson o pursue it further.” $1 000 for a student who demonstrates Graphics Editor: Wenimo Poweigha Jacobs was unavailable Copy Editor: Karen Altschuller entrepreneurial skills in the area of’ .or comment. b u sin ess. . . Neil D. Feldman PbotoBraP hers Executive Business Director wanted For information or an application come by the Informiation Business Manager: Freya WoIke Booth or Tufts Student Resources Office at the Hayes House Office Manager: Ethan Goldman Advertising Managers: Anna Papadopoulou, Call x 3090 on 17 Chetwynd St. Abby Kxystel Phone 3224 ask Subscriptions Manager: Dean Gendron ext. for Becky Ades. Receivables Manager: Megan Hoskyns-Abrahall ,And have a nice day.

The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper, publishe Monday through Friday during the academic year and di! tributed free to the Tufts community. The Daily is entire1 -compiled by Merredith Portsmore. Photos by Jennifer McCarth.y. student-run; there are no paid editorial positions. The Dail TUFT SPEAK is printed at Charles River Publishing,Charlestown, MA. The Daily is located at the back entrance of Curtis Ha at Tufts University. Our phone number is (617)627-309( Recently The Daily has come under attack for the way it has presented and addressed iurfax numberis(617)627-3910,andoure-mailaddress II)[email protected]. Business hours ill cultural issues. ):OOa.m.-5:00p.m.,MondaythroughFriday,and1:OOp.n .5:00 p.m. on Sunday. The policies of The Tufts Daily are established by th Do you think The Tufts Daily is culturally biased? xiitorid board. Editorialsappear on this page, unsigned. I! lividualeditorsarenon~y~nsiblef~,~~~~ nent with, the policies and editorials ofThe Tufts Daily. 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Letters should be typed or printed in letterquality or near ttterquality mode and tumed in to the Daily’s offices h !dsHall. Letters can also be sent via electronic mail tc [email protected], with all stated regu Kalei Kekuna, ’LA’99 Ben Arrow, ’LA7* Kyong Kim, ’LA’97 itions regarding Letters to the Editor still applying. ‘No, I think that all viewpoints are ‘‘I don‘t think The Daily is culturally “I don’t know what role The Daily Letters should address the editor and not a particular in. -epresented.” biased. I think people are swayed vidual. While letters can be Critical of an individual‘s ac has to play in cultural stuff...Culmal ms, they should not attack someone’spersonality traits. by the columns or the strong reac- irssues aren’t that big a deal for most me Daily will not accept anonymous leaers or pen name tions.” xept in extreme circumstances if the Executive Board de. of the campus.” mimes that there is a clear and present danger to the au. or. The Daily will not accept letters regarding the cover. ;e of other publications, unless their coverage itself has be. me a newsworthy issue that has appeared in the Daily. The aily will accept letters of thanks, if space permits, but will it run letters whose sole purpose is to advertise an event. When writers have group affiliationsor bold titles or p tions related to the topic of their letter, the Daily will note at following the letter. This is to provide additional infor- ation and is not intended to detract from the letter. Classifieds Information All Tufts students must submit classifiedsin person, pre- lid with cash or check. All classifieds must be submitted by p.m. the day before publication. Classifieds may also be wght at the Information Booth at the Campus . All ssifiedssubmined by mail must be accOmpanied by a check lassifieds may not be submitted over the phone. Notices and Lost & Founds are free and run on Tues- iys and ThursdaysOnly. Noticesare limited to two per week r organization and run space permitting. Notices must be ritten on Daily forms and submitted in person. Notices can- it be used to sell merchandise or advertise major events. The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due to ty- igraphical errors or misprintings except the cost of the in- rrion, which is fully refundable. We reserve the right to Bree LeMasters, ’LA’98 Teresa Santos, ’LA’97 Seth Aframe, ’LA’96 luse to print any classifieds which contain obscenity,are of ‘No, it sems like there’s a new view “I think people like to complain. I think “The news part seems to be rela- n overtly sexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate i everyday - whether it’s positive erson or group. the paper is only diverse if people con- tively unbiased.” or counter to what someone else is tribute to it.” saving.” Thursday, March 14,1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page three VIEWPOINTS Standing by Israel A healthvw choice? An ad hoc committee appointed by Vice President of Arts: Sciences, and Technology Me1 Bernstein completed a study of Tufts Health Services last spring. A year has passed and the University is iust now beginning to act on the recommendations. I was quite ;hocked to read the results in the abbreviated report released by the :onunittee last year. “No evidence was uncovered ... to indicate thal the quality of medical care at Healih Services is deficient; in- David Meyers deed, the committee feels assured Off the Record that the standard of care is consis- tently high.’’ If this was not such a serious issue, I would find the results to be very funny. How many Tufts students would agree with the committee that the standard of care at Health Services is “consistently high”? Probably not much more than a handful. When my neighbor injured her leg recently, someone at Health Services diagnosed the problem as a stress fracture and sent her on her way with a pair of crutches. My Friend abandoned the crutches the next day, claiming she did not trusl anything the Health Services staff tells her. She then went to the hospital to have the ankle re-examined and received a much differenl diagnosis. Another friend of mine went all of sophomore year with undiag could be overcome by terrorism will not be nosed bronchitis because the people at Health Servicesdid not realize the momentum ofnego- “Hamas killed someone I knew... ” easy and requires she had anything more than a minor virus. When this same person went to Health Services to ask for a new inhaler for her asthma, she Therefore, what botheredmemost the world to continue fighting ter- tions by Israel and other countries. was sent to the hospital for treatment of a nonexistentblood clot in her leg was that I was unfortunately be- rorists and secure peace. The summit argues that civilized Many women have mentioned that no matter what physical ail. coming used to these attacks and Extremists who cannot toler- countries understand that not only ments they possess, a Health Services staffer always asks the studenl adept at dealing with them. ate for one second Israel’s very the Middle East peace process is if she is pregnant. I went on with my normal day existence have shown again that at stake, but also the norms of [Fade in] until I returned to my room that they will stop at nothing; I real- international behavior. A young woman injures herself playing and goes tc afternoon and found a message ized that their actions not only It is vital that there be greater Health Services to have her wounds examined. After an extremelj from my father. One of the Ameri- attack innocent victims like Sara regional and international coop- long, painful wait in the entryway, the young woman is directed tc cans whodiedonthe bus wasSara Duker, but they attack the notion erative efforts against terrorism Room 3. Duker. Initially,Icouldn’t believe of civility itself. and its sponsors in Tehran, Tri- “So what do we have here?’ the staffer asks. it. Hamas killed someone I knew. Sara Duker’s death proves that poli, and elsewhere. Chairman “When I was playing ball this afternoon, I took a jump shot bul SaraDukerwasasmart, shy, beau- no one in this civilized world can Arafat must continue to carry out landed funny and fell down and nearly sliced my finger off on a piecc tiful young woman three years feel safe. Terrorists do not recog- a permanent and unrelenting war of broken glass.” older than me from Teaneck, NJ. nize international or moral bor- against terrorists who threaten not “Do you think you might be pregnant?” We grew up in the same commu- ders. Middle Eastern groups op- only innocentIsraelis and visitors, “Uh,no. I’m just bleeding to death.” nity. We attended elementary posed to the US, to Israel, and to but the very possibility of peace “Are you sure you aren’t pregnant?’ school and synagogue together. the peace process have already and security for his own people. “Look, dammit, I’ve never had sex, okay!” Her younger sister is agood friend exported their violence to far away Although the end of terrorism “Yes, honey, I understand, but are you sure?’ from my class. I remember seeing places like New York City and can never be guaranteed, the [Fade out] Sara last year shortly after her Buenos Aires. They operate so- American government can do its The committee had considered privatizing Health Services anc graduation from Barnard College. phisticated internationalnetworks part. The US government should received bids from four outside companies. If the committee hac This year she had been studying in with funding and support from continue to pass strong anti-ter- decided to accept one of these bids, Director of Health Service: Israel in order to be near her fiance, organizationslike Iran and Libya. rorism legislation and sanctions George Rizzone would be out of ajob as soon as Harvard Communi0 Eisenfeld, arabbinicalstudent. Ironically, they raise money in the against Iran and Libya, and enlist Health, Collegiate Health, or one of the others set up shop. Why is ar Matt In Boston I read articles and US by taking advantage of the US allies to stop the commercial employee whose fate rests in the hands of this committee allowed tc saw pictures every day on the front very right of free association that ties with Iran that help to fund participate in making decisions affecting the future of his job? ofTheNew York limes describing they deny to anyone who does not terrorist activities. Apparently the committeedecided that Health Servicesis doing a fine the tragedy of the bombings and support their mission. The entire region has a stake in job, even though it would be hard-pressed to find students who agree Sara’s short life. Many people I It is speculation to find a spe- Middle East peace- as we all do. I wonder how Rizzone voted. knew were quoted in the articles cific motive for these attacks. The time has come for everyone According to the oh-so-brief report released by the committee and shown crying in the pictures. These killings are not in response and every state to speak out more student dissatisfactionwith Health Services is a “pervasive miscon- It is overwhelming that a terrorist to a specific agreement,policy, or aggressively against these acts of ception” of the department’s quality and credibility. attack occurs in Jerusalem; but to action. These terrorists are op- terrorism. This is a defining mo- So we’re wrong and they’re right. see a picture of your rabbi and posed to any kind of peaceful ment. Yesterday’s summit proves Excuse me, but if students are mistreated and misdiagnosed,doe: friends crying at a funeral in your agreement with Israel. They can- that those serious about peace in that not constitute a lack of quality and credibility?In order to correci town weighs a heavy burden. not be convinced otherwise. I am the region truly realize the impor- this supposed misperception, the committee has decided to imple. For the first time I realized this very proud of President Clinton’s tance of stifling terrorism and ment two strategies. First, Health Services will be “undertaking fur- could have been me. I studied in unwaveringcommitment andlead- thering the cause of peace. The regular and frequent assessment of user opinion about its service anc ership. In response to the latest death of Sara Duker proves how use of those opinions as a basis for improved service or improvec Aaron Dworkin is a sophomore bombings Clinton said, “The personal theseglobalconflictscanbe. communication with its constituencies.” Okay, who is going to bothei majoring in political science. filling out a survey on aregular basis regarding a service no one likes: ‘I People don’t even fill out the Dining Services survey for which the] can get free pizza or ice cream. Improving Somerville relations Second, the committee has decided to create and publicize ‘‘av- by Rebecca Perlis separate entity. We forget about American, joining students and enues for addressing specific student concerns and complaints.’ our neighbors, people whom we citizens in forum for discussion. These avenues are Rizzone, Dean of Students Bobbie Knable One of the many factors that I could help, and people from Yes, it is a long name for the Women’s Center Director Peggy Barrett, and Alcohol and Health considered when deciding which whom we could learn a lot. simpleconcept that students from Education Director Armand Mickune-Santos. These people are go- college to attend involved that This segregation started to Tufts and people of various cul- ing to be advertised as the new places to go when you have complaints ominous phrase, “towdgown re- bother me. I would walk to the T tures and backgrounds in the about Health Services. Well, these people have been arQund for quite lations,” that is inherently sug- station as if in a foreign land, Somervillecommunity are going I while, so why would this change make any difference; skdents have gestive of a type of segregation. I glancing curiously at the sur- to come together to talk. This is dways known where to go to complain. The problem is that com- admit thatIdidn’teventhinkabout rounding houses and wondering an incredible opportunityto break Aaints have fallen upon deaf ears in the past. interacting with the surrounding what types of people lived there. down the barriers that form be- And from what it sounds like, these ears will not be gaining the town of my chosen school. My Where do their children go to tween the students and residents iower to hear anytime soon. The committee has already decided thal main concern was that relations school? Where are the parks of Somerville. .he medical service has no faults, just the students who complain shouldn’t be so poor as to cause a where they walk their dogs and Somerville has traditionally [nstead of following up on students’ concerns, Health Services is stressful college life. Thankfully, socialize? In my community at been a gateway city for immi- ;oing to -are you ready for this? - renovate the waiting area. Gc relations between Tufts and the home I knew many of the people grants, and now many of those ahead and laugh, I did. city of Somerville aren’t antago- who lived around me and what immigrantswill talk with us about The report states: “Significant renovations and improvements nistic or stressful. Relations are, their lives were like. I felt like their experiences. Tufts students should be made in the facility, especially its waiting and appointmenl however, extremely apathetic. We part of my hometown, but Idon’t also have much to contribute to nea, both to improve its aesthetics and its functioning. The costs foi live in our own little community feel like that here. the conversations;our own view- .hese renovations can be funded from potential savings withoul and venture forth into Boston or Finally an opportunity has ar- points will make the conversa- jiminution in the quality of service.” other suburbs, but Somerville is rived to change the disconnec- tions all the more interesting.I’m Let me get this straight - the appearance of the waiting room is largely ignored. tion that I feel exists between very excited about getting to know a top priority (the committee defined it as “crucial”), but there is It seems that Tufts was set down Somerville and Tufts. The Cen- the people of Somerville. iothing wrong with the quality of health care. I agree, the room could in the middle of a town and the ter for Interdisciplinary Studies ie a bit more comfortable because patients are forced to spend an barriers were clearly drawn. Ide- at Tufts in conjunction with the Now when I walk down the nterminable length of time there. Rizzone explained the reasoning ally, it should feel as if we were community of Somervilleis spon- streetsofthis town, maybe1won’t iehind this in theDaily last week. “We need afunctional building with connected to Somervilleand not a soring a project, The Somerville feel out of place. Maybe I’ll unr 1 waiting room that students can be proud of.” Conversations on Ethnic Iden- derstand the houses, the stores, Hey, Dr. Rizzone, how about a Health Services we can be proud of? Rebecca Perlis isafreshman who tity: The Immigrant Experience the rotaries, andmost importantly, has not yet chosen a major and What It Means to Be an the people who use them. page four THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, March 14,1996

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Spring Recess begins on March 15th and end: propaganda. It created M on March 25. This is a time when the Tufts Com- international image for munity is vulnerable to break-ins because many Adolf Hitler. residents leave the campus. To reduce your chances of becoming a victim of crime, S/SGT. Brevard, Crime Prevention Coor- dinator for the Tufts Police, is advising residents Jazz Jam ‘96

who are leaving the campus at Spring Break to: , Featuring a Silent and Lock the d.gor to your room when Live Auction!!! leaving! - hosted B Before leaving, check to make sure h your windows are locked! The Eliot-Pearson Ch7ldren’s School of Tufts University Espe cially windows at ground level, or windows accessible fro] Friday, March 29,1996 . an exit or fire exit!

0 Before leaving, pull down the shadc at the Westin Hotel, Copley Place to your windows! Doors open at 7:30PM This will help to conceal items of $55 - Before March 11th at 4:OO p.m. value from outside view! $70 after March 11th

0 Register your bike with the Tufts University Police! Always use a Jazz Jam ‘96 is the majorfundraiser for the Children‘s School Scholarship Fund. high quality u-shaped lock to secure the front tire to the rear Featuring Dick Johnson, John Bunch, tire, together with the frame to Gray Sargent, Whit Brown, Artie Cabral and Sue Melikian. stationary object! The musicians will be introduced by JflTurtin, host of WFNX 101.7 Jazz Brunch.. For more information on this or any other crime For more information, call the prevention topic, contact S/SGT. Brevard at 627- Eliot-Pearson Children’s School at 627-3434. 3912. Thursday,March 14,1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page five FEATURES The X-Encounters Communal living at its very best Ask Ms. Thing How to live with your friends (and like them afterwards) Julie Eisenstein & Bridget Neely by LAURA BERNHEIM and MERREDITH PORTSMORE Dear Ms. Thing, Daily Editorial Board I have aproblem. I keep running into my ex. She is the former love The Housing Lottery is right 2nd light of my lge, who completely slaughtered my heart and hung around the corner and it’s time to it on aflagpole. Almost a yearpassed without us speaking once. This think about where and with whom yemestel;howevel; we havefinally broken the iceandare dealing with you want to live. Residential Life each other on the friendship level, After the breakup, it took us quite provides a myriad of options - z while to become amicable, ifdistant, friends. Howevel; now that this friendship singles, friendship time has passed, she is becoming more and more the cheerful and doubles, room groups, and the gpen person I once loved. I can feel us becoming closer friends. very popular cooperatives. 4lthoughI know we will never be togetheragain, the thought of being Coops are a highly valued com- with her still haunts me. Ifeel tom between two desires: to try to win modity at Tufts. The units, com- her back, or to neversee heragain and regain my sanity. Whatshould plete with a full kitchen and bath- I do? rooms, are a form of transitional --Lost living. While you have the com- fort and freedom of your own Dear Lost, apartment,there aren’t the hassles Daiiiy file photo DEAL. Get a grip on reality. Either this girl is worth your trouble, oflandlords and monthlyutilities. Latin Way is one building giving students a chance to live in coops. Dr she is just playing you for a fool. I’ll let you in on a big secret - Whether you choosea six-per- give you toilet paper). Human plans! What do they do now? girls can be manipulative sometimes.Maybe she’sjust feeling lonely son Hillside apartment or a four- nature dictates that people will Ah ha, here is another sched- md is lookin’ for some lovin’. Then again, maybe she is sincere and person suite in Latin Way, similar not spontaneously vacuum or ule, this one being called the really wants to spend more time with you. (Yeah, right, dream on.) It issues arise. Living in a coop is an scrub the toilet, unless directed. It shower schedule.It will look very is up to you to decide how much this is worth, and whether or not you intimate experience. You may is probably best to have some sort nice on your refrigerator next to are willing to put your heart on the line again. Be frank, wise and think you know your friends, but of chart or cleaning schedule. This thechore wheel. Wipe boards work honest, but if you ask Ms. Thing’s opinion, she thinks you’re a share a bathroom with them, and may sound anal, but it is better well, in the event of changing class SUCKA! ! ! you’ll find out things you never than the alternative.Picture acoop schedules. Some of the people in Since this relationship seemed extremely painful, think prudently. knew. One student tells the story with dishes in the sink piled higher your apartment may actually dis- You have a lot of trust that needs to be reestablished and an open, of walking to the bathroom to find than the Eiffel tower, dust bunnies cover that they prefer taking their honest dialogue is crucial. Don’t go into this with a bag over you one of her suitemates using her who answer the door, windows so showers at night. head, you may just run into aconcrete wall. Ouch. Just talk, kids, talk. toothbrush. If you are at all claus- clouded that you are surprised Living in close proximity will And by the way, please think with the appropriate head while trophobic or possessive of your when you walk outside and see bring other issues to surface, such conducting this dialogue. Otherwise,you may just end up in the same things, group living is NOT for that it is sunny, food in the refrig- as music taste and sleep patterns. sorry situation you were in before - screwed! you. erator whose color would qualify Just because there are no quiet And while we are on the topic, lets talk the X talk. Living on the Before submitting your appli- as the 99th color in the Crayola hours in Hillside and Latin Way, Tufts hill gives you acertain sense of gravity, what goes up must come cation, choose your suitemates box, and a shower with such dirt does not mean that there is to be down and likewise, what lives uphill may stumble downhill and vice wisely. First of all, pick ones with residue that you can plant a gar- partying 24 hours aday. Your early versa. The probability of encountering an X someplaceon campus a1 good karma. One bad lottery num- den. to bed suitemates will soon hate least once a weekis as likely as ... smelling burning meat near Dewick, ber can squash any hope you have Continuing on the schedule you if you make too much noise in falling on your ass on the Memorial Steps, losing your super- of not living in a Lewis single. theme, keep in mind that you are the common room. The walls important file on the computer. According to the specifics of this There are both singles and doubles going to have to share a shower within the apartment are not ex- Tuftsous Gravityous Theoryous,the harsher, messier or more embar- available in coops. If you are liv- with two, three, or in most cases, actly soundproof. Try to be con- rassing the breakup, the more likely your chances of seeing your X. ing in a double, pick your room- six other people. In six-person siderate when you are having late Xs come in all shapes and sizes. From the former love of your life, mate carefully. Beware of room- coops, there are one and a half night gab sessions with others. like Mr. Lost’s savior angel, to the random you hooked up with at a mates with significantothers who bathrooms, providing two toilets Living in acoop, however, can party and haven’t seen since (ooops, and your name would be...?), to expect you to sleep in the com- for the six suitemates. There is be a great experience. You have a the sweet girl who reminded you just a bit too much of your mother. mon room on a regular basis. only one bathtub, however. Imag- kitchen for those days you just When they come around, what is one to do? As usual, the Divine Ms. Cleanlinessis another issue that ine six roommates all having an don’t feel like eating in the dining Thing is here to provide you with some useful approachesto be suave will come up. For those of you 8:30 class on Monday morning. hall, and you have the opportunity through this sticky situation. who read the coop application, As they did in years past, they all to live with some of your closest 1. RUN! Inventing an imaginative crisis situation which requires you will see the dreaded fact that get up at 8: 15 expecting to jump friends. Applications are due this your immediate attention will provide a timely escape. Beware, custodial service is not provided right into the shower. But, wait Friday in the Residential Life Of- however. This cannot be used EVERY time. Not only will you look in the apartment (though they do their suitemates all have the same fice in South Hall. like a fool, this is a sorry way for a Jumbo to lead his life. 2. Take Charge! Deal with the situation. Confronting an X is sometimes the best way to move on in life. If you are the heartbreaker, take time out to feel guilty. Go directly to jail and do not collect $200. Do good deeds for a day. Call Grandma, help the freshman down the hall with homework and just be nice. 3. Revenge! For those dumpees out there, don’t underestimate Daffodils, the symbol of hope that cancer can be beaten, will be on your powers. You have been hurt and are certifiably entitled to be mean. .. to only the X and for only a limitedtime. So take advantage sale at the Campus Center, Today, March 14th, from 10:30-5:00. of this prime opportunity: spread nasty gossip, make ugly public scenes, and generally make life for your X-loved one miserable. Who cost: see THING, page 10 Bouquet of 10 daffodils: $5.00 Bouquet in vase: $10.00 *Preordered flowers can be picked up between 10:30 & 500.

Also at the Campus Center today: With the arrival of Spring Break, please check out our skin cancer information. . .New this year: The Skin Saver -- the machine that will allow you to see the damage to your skin that is caused by the sun! Come see for yourself.

Sponsored by Cancer Outreach. Questions? Pkase call Beth Schreibman (627-8084) or Liz Weinstein (627-1271). page six THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, March 14,1996 SPORTS Wildcats to fight it out for Final Four in the Midwest by MARSHALL EINHORN Wildcat’sloss as the best thing Kentucky’s bench output, as they able to coach his team through along with ( 16 points), Daily Editorial Board that could have happened to Rick lead the country with 32.6 points, such a slump. provides a powerful frontcourt. For most people, this is Pitino’s squad. Pitino himself de- 15.2 rebounds, and 9.3 assists per The Wildcats will have no While Cal’s youth could help take Kentucky’s tournament to lose. clared Sunday’s shocking 84-73 game. Defensively, the Wildcats problem with San Jose State (13- them places, most pro’bably it will After an early season loss to loss to the Bulldogs great for the apply frantic pressure, creating 16), who are just happy to be in hurt them. Iowa State has come team, as it would certainly bring 12.2 steals per game, and forcing the Big Dance. Michigan transfer too far to fall to the inexperienced the Wildcats back down to earth. their opponent’s into poor shot Oliver Saint-Jean, who leads the Bears in the first rounld. After crushing team after team for selection. Spartans with 17.2 points and 6.3 The winner of that contest will MidwestRegion so long, it’s only natural that Ken- Despite the look of it, the Wild- rebounds, will do his best, but the face the winner of the Utah- @ only question here will be the fi- Canisius game, which features the I tucky began to think they were cats do have some weaknesses. UMass, the Wildcats cruised invincible. Although they don’t rely on the nal score. Runnin’ Utes high sco~ringtandem through the rest of the season on En route to its 28-2 record, three-pointer as much as Pitino- Next in line for Kentucky will of arid Brandon a 27 game winning streak, creat- Kentucky came at their opponents coached teams of the past, they be the winner of Wisconsin-Green Jessie. Van Horn’s 21 .’7 points and ing a lot of believers around the with an incredible lineup. Led by still are primarily a perimeter Bay versus Virginia Tech, in the 9.1 rebounds were enough for him country. Kentucky should walk guard ’s 18.1 points per team, and that could hurt them if eight-nine game. After their 22 to earn a Player of the Year nomi- away with the Midwest region of game, and forward Antoine they run into a team with a strong game winning streak was snapped nation, and Jessie contributes 14.3 the NCAA tournament, not fac- Walker’s 8.3 rebounds per game, inside presence. That could also in the semifinals of the Midwest- points alongside him in the ing a serious challenge until the the Wildcats are much more than prove to be a problem if they go em CollegiateConference tourna- frontcourt. Beyond that, Utah (25- quarterfinalsagainst Villanova, on a couple of great players. Amaz- cold. They are deep, but if the ment, the Phoenix (25-3) were 6) has a team of role players, but their way to the Final Four in the ingly, ten players on Kentucky’s team goes into a collective slump, thrilled to get an at-large bid. All the Utes do lead the country in Meadowlands. roster average over ten minutes a savvy opponent smelling upset five starters return from last year’s free throw shooting percentage at Even when their streak came per game. There are few teams in could trounce all over the Cats. NCAA tourney team, as they are 78.2 percent. Canisills (19-lo), to an abrupt end against Missis- the entire tournament who can However, being the coaching wiz- lead by senior forward’s Jeff from the Metro Atlantic Athletic sippi State in the SEC tournament match that output. In fact, there ard that he is, and having the tal- Nordgaard’s 23 point per game. Conference, should prove little final, believers were hailing the are no teams that can match ent that he does, Pitino should be Virginia Tech (22-5) received trouble for the Utes as they will a prized at-large bid as well, as win their fourth straight first round they split their final six games in NCAA matchup. their first season in the Atlantic However, Utah will have its 10. The Hokies made into the top hands full with Iowa State in the 25 numerous times during the sea- second round, as the Cyclones son and rely on junior forward will continue to hush heir critics. Ace Custis who leads the team in Unfortunately, their run will end scoring (13.6) and rebounding there, as Kentucky will down (9.8). IowaStateintheSweet 16ontheir The Phoenix’s NCAA experi- way to the quarterfinads. ence and all-around attack should The other half of the bracket prove too much for the Hokies in provides some very intriguing their first ever meeting. However, matchups and should provide a Wisconsin-Green Bay should tremendous amount of highlight prove little competition for Ken- material. Eleventh seeded Tulsa tucky, as they already have al- (22-7) has made it to the Sweet ready done once this year, in a 74- 16 each of the past two seasons, 62 loss at Kentucky on Dec. 6. but will have a tough road ahead Fifth seeded Iowa State dis- of them if they are to repeat that proved all the critics who picked feat. Junior small forward Shea them to finish last in the Big Eight, Seals (16.9 points) and the rest of by finishing second and knocking the Golden Hurricane will have to off top-seeded Kansas in the con- first get by up and down Louis- ference finals. Despite losing four ville. After a controversial season, starters from last year’s team, the during which their starting Cyclones used the emergence of frontcourt was lost to academic small forward Dedric Willoughby ineligibility,.theCardirials (20-1 1) and his 20.2 points per game to are stumbling into the tourney, as cruise to a 23-8 record. Also, with Louisville has lost four of their shooting guard Kenny Pratt’s 15.4 five games, which is not a good points, the Cyclones feel they sign. Despite the efforts of for- have a legitimate shot at making ward Sum& Walker, Tulsa will it to the Sweet 16. once again surprise people by Their first round opponent, upsetting the Cardinals in the first California (17-lo), has something round. to say about that. The Bears are However, the Golden Hurri- young, led by freshman forward cane will have a tough time when Shareef Abdur-Rahim’s 21.6 see MIDWEST, page 1.0 points and 8.7 rebounds, who The Tufts Daily’s Annual NCAA Tournament Editors’ Challenge

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Thursday, March 14,1996 THE TUFTS DAILY Page I Tufts University’s Arts and Entertainment Guide The Tufts Daily D Landscap s in Bloom At Newbury Street’s galleries, nature is the watchword by CAMMANIAC1 approach to color is, in fact, quite violet. The trees in the painting Murakami, was one of the greatest Daily Editorial Board impressionistic, and her loose, almost appear to tremble, while the brush painters in modern Japanese ou know spring’s coming textured brushstrokes affect form stillness seems to pulsate. Moving art. Perhaps it was his grandfather’s \/ now. The extra hour of and light in nature through color along to Moment in Time XXV, we spirit that enticed the young sunlight, the moist smell of regain clarity Nakagawa to 1 snow melting, the crash of andcanfeelthe become a the icicles as they slide off the artist’s senseof rooftop. Those little details - you serenity in the can sense them, and a refreshing crystallineblue impulses through color. 1 works do not energy rushes through your bones. sky- bear any As the Earth transforms itself, you Another h assachusetts resemblance to his grandfather’s feel it and, in subtle but meaningful native, Allen Whiting is Buddhist literati works, Nakagawa ways, you are re-invigorated. showinghis work at the Chase clearly retains a religious reverence . It’s no wonder that so much Gallery at 173Newbury Street. for the earth. poetry has been inspired by and Whiting, a native of Martha’s Nakagawa’s most recent works written about nature - and art. Vineyard, was first introduced are on display this month at the Where would the Impressionistsbe to painting by his grandfather, Nielsen Gallery at 179 Newbury without it? Or Turner? Or Claude? Percy Cowen, a well-known Street. The paintings exhibited are Nature has, andcontinuesto, inspire illustrator and landscape artist. from two series of his oeuvre: some of the most beautiful art that Whiting shares Gerding’s “Rose” paintings and “Earth” exists. Believe it or not, interest in color and its ability paintings. In his “Rose” paintings, Impressionismis still alive and well; todefineforms, but hechooses it seems as though Nakagawa’s but at the same time, nature has been to employ color strictly in an heightened focus on form and color translated into dozens of other objective sense. creates an intensity that, although stylistic renditions. Contemporary In its attempt to depict super-realist,elicits strong emotion artists continue to look for new scenery by reducing it to basic as well. The Nielsen Gallery space meanings in the mysterious beauty sculptural and tonal qualities, does him justice, permitting the Nature’s Essence: Gerding’s landscapes of theearth, oftenmultinginastounding capture specific moments. Whiting’s brushwork leaves intensity and emotive qualities of and immssive works of art. something to be desired. His his works to shine through. Each In iespirit of spring, a number alone. The combination of her skill paintings, in tu;n, lack a believable painting is displayed as though it of Newbury Street galleries are as a colorist and her sensitivity to senseofplace.FourSheep, Whiting were an icon. When we see exhibiting works this month which her own reactions to the nature she Farm, for both interpret and reflect nature’s paints gives her work an instance, is ’ exhilarating energy. It is of composed Operating in a space between reality and particular interest that her with bands landscapesarelargely of local of color: mysticism, symbol and areas - Concord in meadow, image, East and West, particular. Gerding also has t r e e s , Nakaqfawa’s WOrkS remind the fascinating ability to ocean, and us that painting is about project her identificationwith sky. Insipid, philosophy. the land into her work. coarse Many of Gerding’s paintings brushstrokes are entitled “Moments in fail toevoke

~ dotting the surface of Nakagawa’sRedAngels, the feeling views of Martha’s .Nevertheless, Whiting intensifiesfurther. The rosebuds are s built himself a open and appear as if they were fresh wounds, sensitive to even the slightest touch. Nakagawa’s “Earth” paintings numerous have a similar intensity, and although they lack the emotional quality of the “Rose” paintings, they surely have a mysterious aura.Night Earth Bank, James Taylor, IZZ captures the rich fertility of the earth though its macro-view of a tuft Naoto Nakagawa’s of grass. Nakagawa’s attention to interpretationsof nature the texture and movement of the connect Eastern and grass exhibit his Japanese aesthetic, Western belief systems, as he captures the organic essence while retaining spiritual of the land. Operating in a space mysticism. He projects between reality and mysticism, these attributes through a symbol, and image, East and West, lens of super-realism. A Nakagawa’s works remind us that throughv an exmessionistic lens. a n native of Kobe, Japan, painting is about philosophy. Nature for Geriing is a theater in feelings.Theskyinthe \-Nakagawa was also the In light of the works by all three which she can play out her emotions painting Moment in Time XXZZZ, grandson of a well-known and impulses through color. Her for instance, is a deep and somber artist. His grandfather, Kagaku see ART, page III page I1 THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, March 14,1996 WEEKENDER And the Oscar ThE King of Pain grows up goes to... On ‘Mercury Falling,’ Sting makes no mistakEs by ROB McKEOWN craftsmanship. He is a musician of the finest Second-guessing the Academy Daily Editorial Board caliber, at once acomposer and a player, alyricist SAMANTHA LEVINE fter his mid-’80s break from the Police, and a rock star: His influences include pop, Daily Editorial Board Sting embraced a solo career which, in classical, jazz, and Latin music. And since he is t’s almost Oscar time and we can once again many ways, eclipsed his work as a pop widely recognized as the foremost -and perhaps prepare to wonder exactly what was going heartthrob. With lyrical density, world- only -example of intelligentlycrafted and jazz- on in the Academy’s head when its members A class musicianship, and what became his signature informed pop, he has the clout to surround himself made theirdecisions. But here’s aprediction I dose of existential angst, albums likeSoul Cages with some of the world’s more talentedmusicians. that may (or may not) come true... andThe Dream of The Blue Turtles demonstrated But Sting not only has access to some of the Disclaimer: I did not see ‘I1 Postino’ and Sting’s deepening nature, both in music and in world’s finest musical resources, he also knows since the movie appears in both the Best Picture Life. Soul Cages was and Best Actor categories, my judgments are one of the most made excluding that film. menacingly lyrical Best Picture: Sense and Sensibility will win, efforts ever released by as it should. An adaptation of Jane Austen’s a former pop frontman; novel, the film hovers close to the text and deftly Nothing Like The Sun explores the hope and despair ever-present in juxtaposed rock-laced romance. Transcending boundaries of time and ballads with probing class, the film’s beautiful story is touching and and soulful melodies. sensitive without even nearing saccharin. And Sting’s last release, the presence of Emma Thompson will certainly however, tarnished his score points with the Academy. record as the oft- Apollo 13 runs a close second. The movie was maligned solo artist. powerful and magically captured the excitement ~ky~dli&t-h& and anticipation of the early space program. Ijust Ten Summoner’s Tales don’t think it can overpower the classic appeal of did, however, garner Sense and Sensibility. Of the other nominees, across-the-board Braveheart may have been agreat movie, but it’s acclaim, converting not Oscar calibre and, on Babe, I didn’t catch it, those who had so I will defer to the thumbs-down opinion of my previously ignored his friend and former Daily editor, Michael J.W. solo work as too Stickings.As forllPostino, with my disclaimer in morose or pensive. mind, this movie is very highly acclaimed, but it Sting’s latest is unlikely that a foreign film will claim best release stakes out the picture. middle ground Honorable mentions go to the absolutely between a solemn, self- overlooked Dead Man Walking and The Usual reflective effort like Suspects, the latter of which just may grab best Soul Cages and a more screenplay. broadly appealing and witty work like precisely how to orchestrate them. The subtle Best Actress: At first glance, this looks like a Summoners. Released this Tuesday, Mercury intricacies and nuances ofMercuryFallzng are an tough category, but it soon becomes obvious that Falling blends optimism and bitter irony with apt complement to the expansive abilities of the the only woman who should win is Susan thoughtfulness and brooding resignation. It does artists with whom he plays. Sarandon. Whether or not she will, however, is not evoke the dark landscape of Soul Cages, the “Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot” is an not quite so clear. She deserves it for her isolation ofNothingLike The Sun, or the tell-tale atmospheric and, well, soulful cut about the performance in Dead Man Walking, where she zomedy of Summoners. Nor does it break down importance of self-healing and guidance. It is a told a heartwrenching story almost entirely with - or, for that matter, put up - any untouched reflection of Sting’s devotion to his lengthy her eyes. Intensely believable, this multi-layered musical boundaries or frontiers. What Mercury sessions of meditation, sessions which have character demanded a stunning performance, Falling does do is take yet another logical, seemingly cultivated him as both a person and a which Sarandon flawlessly delivered. Emma intelligent, and musically valid step on the long, musician. With fills from the Memphis Horns, Thompson, however, may well walk away with 3dmirable road which is Sting’s solo career. Branford Marsalis, and the East Londoin Gospel this one. She is aclassic actress who consistently Expertly crafted, carefully written, and Choir, it is a tune whose arrangement gradually gives wonderfully sensitive, steady performances, jelightfully complete, Sting’s latest effort is not encompasses the listener. “La Belle Dame Sans and her role inSense andsensibility is no different. phenomenal, but it is nonetheless flawless. Regrets” is similarly successful in this fashion. What makes her miss the “best” mark, though, is Perhaps the most alluring aspect of both Sting From a tribally-infected opening segment to the that she’s done this before. She is always great, md his solo work is the uncanny ability he has to swelling and expressionistic keyboards of Kenny but she always plays very similar characters.The fuse the accessibility of moody pop with the Academy loves her, though, so don’t count her integrity of jazz structure and undeniably fine out. see CD, page III As for the other nominees, Meryl Streep was excellent. The effect of her character in The Bridges ofMadison County, however,just didn’t linger enough to beat out Sarandon. As for Sharon Stone (Casino) and Elizabeth Shue (Leaving Las Vegas), their performances were good. Very good, in fact. But, their performances really only shine in relation to their respective movies, which, relative to the competition,really are not all that great. Best Actor: This category is perhaps the most difficult because, unlike recent years, the competition is more a choice between several pretty good performances than a battle between outstanding leads (remember the year that saw the contest between Anthony Hopkins insilence of the Lambs, Robert DeNiro in Cape Fear, and Warren Beatty in Bugsy?). While I don’t have a personal favorite in this category, I think that the winner will be Nicholas

see OSCARS, page III Thursday, March 14,1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page I11

WEEKENDER --r A wee 6it 0’ fin for everyone J Stay in tom6 thjreen ceh6ratG by LIZA COHEN plethora of pubs and other drinking Daily Editorial Board venues, and even its beloved and unday, March 17 marks the beleagueredNBAfranchise,Boston annual celebration of Saint ranks as a premiere US city on the Patrick‘s Day, a day most Saint Patrick’s Day celebration closely associated with little scene. elvess and green beer. While New Even though it is full of Celtic York City may claim the largest pride, Boston did not create the parade and the Windy City pulls off March 17 holiday. It is a day set the impressive feat of dyeing the aside to honor Saint Patrick, the

Chicapo- _._Q River ”green each year, it is missionary credited with converting the Irish to Christianity in the AD 400s. It is said that Patrick had an unusually charming Photo by Shane Tilston c personality, a quality Davis Square’s The Burren is the perfect Saint Patrick’s Day stop. which helped him win over converts. It is also Leprechaun), not the jovial Lucky Celtics to hold their own in the bar said that Patrick drove Charms fellow we all know and love. war; check out the Harp, the Irish all of the snakes out of The first American celebration of Embassy Pub, and R.J. Fitz Saloon Ireland, and they Saint Patrick’s Day took place in to pack them in on Sunday -arrive subsequently slithered Boston in 1737. While more than early to assure admittance. into the sea and drowned, lOOUS cities currently host parades, But if you are looking for an even symbolizing the way Boston seems to have an Irish flame more local way to toast the luck of Patrick drove paganism that burns all year long. And as the the Irish, a little slice of the old out of the country. saying goes, everybody is Irish on country exists right inDavis Square. Saint Patrick’s lore Saint Patrick‘s Day, so Boston’s The recently opened Burren is a is still seen in the residents need little encouragement mid-sized pub with authentic Irish modernizedconventions to celebrate their heritage. flavor. On Sunday,the Burren opens of the holiday. He used One can hardly swing acat around its doors at 2 p-m., and features the the shamrock, which Boston without hitting an Irish bar. live music of Johnny O’Leary and resembles a three-leaf They come in all sizes and shapes, local favorites Louis and Tommy. clover, as a metaphor to ranging from hole-in-the-wall At 6 p.m., the evening’s line up explain the concept of drinking wells to glitzy dance bars begins with AidanO’Flannigan,Matt TheTrinity (Father,Son, that seem Irish in name only. Glover, and Paul Groff, with Sarah, Holy Spirit). However, Regardless of their party philosophy, Louis, and Tommy on hand again. the connection between-. these bars are sure to pull out all the So if your big SpringBreak travel The Burren’s Kevin Beatty pours a mean pint of leprechauns and the stops to make Sunday’s celebration plans fall through, or you want to do Guinness. good Saint are a bit both memorable and profitable.Look something alittle more adventurous tougher to make, since for Faneuil Hall’s Houlighan’s,The than renting Brothers McMullen, here in Boston that Saint Patrick’s leprechauns are actually mean little Purple Shamrock, and the Black the city of Boston awaits. Grab y&r Day got its American start. With its creatures (like the one immortalized Rose to host big parties, as well as blarney stone and your favorite rich Irish-American heritage, its in the classic screamer flick The the bars surroundingthe home of the leprechaunand paint the town green.

~ Fine musicianship, lyrics, and feelinIgs mark Sting’s finely crafted album CD Mercury Falling ’sdominant motifs. woman who deserted him. juxtaposes Memphis Horn fills and continued from page II Like the seasonalfocus the album’s Lyrically, each tune wields Kirkland’s Hammond Organs with Kirkland, it imparts feelings which title suggests, songs seem to swoon weather andnaturebothas emotional Dominic Miller’s effectively placed are alternately emotional and like the weather itself: one moment references and descriptivebeacons. guitar riffs and Colaiuta’s steady detached. The French lyrics which happy and comfortably warm, the In“Valparaiso,”Northumbrianpipes drumming. After establishing the Sting reflectively purrs are the most next swirling and dangerouslycold. evoke the dangers of the sea. story’s premise in its first hundred effective element of the song’s “All Four Seasons” is a flirtatious Kirkland’s organ play, along with seconds, “I Hung My Head” begins musical mosaic. story of an unpredictablelover; “The the drumming of Vinnie Colaiuta its climb towards a closing flourish Ambiguity is actually one of Hounds of Winter” is a tale of a and Sting’s challenging bass play, of lyrical revelation. At song’s end, lend a daunting feel to the song, as nearly seven musical elements are Look for winners to be predictable he sings of stars and watery graves: working away simultaneously. Yet - OSCARS Sean Penn’s a close second for “Red the port light/ Starboard the it never seems like too much. Each continued from page II his performance in Dead Man greed How will she know of the element is assertive without being Cage. For some reason, Hollywood Walking, but, as disturbing and devils I’ve seed Cross in the sky, aggressive,discernible without being really seems to see something in resonating as the film was, I think star of the sea/ Under the moonlight, overwhelming.Sting andhis musical Leaving Las Vegas and, since it just Cage’s character was more intense. there she can safely go/ Round the cohorts know exactly when to do can’t be the script, I’m going to Hopkins has performed better and Cape Horn to Valparaiso.”“Lithium what. They manage to be both assume that it was the acting. And won for better than his role idixon, Sunset” is a short, but satisfying, musicians and craftsmen at the same Cage certainly did convincingly and as for Richard Dreyfuss, while closer.Harmonica, B.J Cole’s pedal time. And they succeed portray a drunk so lost in despair Mr. Holland’s Opus had quite an steel guitar, and wistful lyrics make tremendously. - that he doesn’t even want to find audience impact, the film depended for an oddly optimistic feeling of hope. much more on sentiment and the moving on. With Mercury Falling, Sting musical score than it did on his Sting also uses his army of further entrenches himself into a Newbury exhibits performance. He can’t beat Cage or musicians to delicately explore musical realm which is already all his ART Penn. different genres. He makes nods to own. It is the realm of the musical continued from page I Finally, some quick picks: country(“1’mSoHappyThatICan’t aristocrat,a place where noble music - of the aforementioned landscape Best Supporting Actress: Kate Stop Crying”), funk (“You Still is the rule, with a stage that only the artists, we come to realize that Winslet forsenseand Sensibility or Touch Me”), and smooth jazz- gifted can have the pleasure of philosophy itself is about Joan Allen for Nixon. induced pop (“The Hounds of gracing. While Sting’s latest may understanding nature. Painting Best Supporting Actor: Kevin Winter”). But, most importantly,he not be the most innovative effort, it nature, writing about it,. and Spacey for The Usual Suspects. never overdoesit. “IHung My Head” does not falter. Rather than force _I * composingmusic about it are simply Best Director: Tim Robbins for is a good example of Sting’s affinity himselftopushthemusicalenvelope, ways that we have learned to Dead Man Walking. for striking the perfect musical Sting has crafted an album which is contemplate its aw e-inspi ring Best Screenplay: The Usual balance. A summertime story of seamlessly arranged and subtly mystery. Suspects. impulse gone murderously wrong, it inspiring. THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, March 14,1996

T.T. THE BEAR’S Comedy THEhsm OIF CON- Walt Mink, Fig dish, and COMEDY ~0NmCnoN Cherry 2000. 10 Brookline TEMPORARY ART St. in Central Square, all The lovable Tom Connor and Through May 12:Inside the Invisible, an exhibit that shows are 18+; call 492- Chris Miguire. Faneuil Hall, Theatre Concerts BEAR for more information. call 248-9700 for more revisits influences and AVALON information. CHARLESPLAYHOUSE practices by 20th century Ziggy Marley and the ~~~way~eno~nonwomen artists. 955 I3olyston Melody Makers. 15 NICK’SCOMEDY STOP thathasbeenaselloutfor years Street, 266-5152. Landsdowne St. (7:30 pm Side splitting hilarity of makes a run in Boston. start, $20, 18+) Call 262- Kevin Knox. 100Warrenton Check out the heraldernhe MUSEUMOF FINEARTS 2424 for more information. Concerts Street, call 482-0930. Man Group. 74 Warrenton Through May 26; The Street, 93 1-2787. biggest exhibit in over 20 HOUSEOF BLUES CLUB3 years of this native SO~’Sart, Tom Hambridge Band. 96 TheBlueRouteandTheLime CHARLESPLAYHOUSE the MFA’s Winslow Homer Winthrop Street, Harvard Rockets. 608 SomervilleAve. STAGEI1 Retrospective is a Square. Call 49 1-BLUE for nearPorter Square. Call 623- magnificent collection of his 6957 for information. shear more information. Concerts longest-runningnon-musicalin is now the life’s work. Call 267-9300 for details on all exhibits; JOHNNY D’s THEWESTERN FRONT Americanthm*Thismurder- admission to the museum is JOHNNY D’s - Island fun with Loose mYsklY its adknce The vocal blues of Evil Gal, free with a Tufts Bring in the funk with Caboose, as they finish a sleuths and participants - ID. Random House of Soul and festuring Michelle Wilson two-.,ight stand. 343 always a reliable treat. 74 (2 1+). 17Holland St. in Davis. the Boogiemen. 17 Holland Warrenton St., Boston. Call MUSEUMOF SCIENCE Call 776-2004forinformation. Western Avenue, call 492- St., in Davis Square. Call 426-5225 for info. Through April 28: Liquid 7772 for more information. - *. . - __ 776-2004 for more Visions:Lasers, HoLograms, information. MAMA KIN THEATRELOBBY and Virtual Reality.In In the Music Hall: Fear, JOHNNY Ds Cambridge, off the Science Two blues treats with Eddy The popular musical- MAMAKIN Antiseen, and Thorazine comedyNunsense has been Park T stop. Call 7;!3-25OO ( 19+). 36 Lansdowne Street, “The Chief” Clearwater and Front Room: Hard-core running for years in Boston, for information about for info call 351-2525. ToniLynnWa~hington(21+). admission and exhibits. groove with Stickmen, inDavisSquare,call776-2004 and is currently housed in nominated for 7 Phoenix for more information. this charming North End Music Poll Awards, at 1Opm. MIDDLEEAST Theater. Call 227-9872 for Daddy BlackBootsplays the me Helium info. Films early show at 9pm (21+). headlines. Juicy and MAMAKIN In the Music Hall: Weddjng ASSEMBLYSQUARE Music Hall: John Mayall and Kittwinder open (18+, $7). THEAMERICAM REP- Kip London (8pm doors, Upstairs: Cannanes, John Pment,Butterglory,andTmna Birdcage; Down Periscope, 19+). 36 Lansdowne St., call Davis, Twig, and Weeping (19+). 36 Lansdowne Street, ERTORY THEATER Up Close and Personal; 536-2 1oOformoreinformation. In Fits And Starts (18+, $7). call 35 1-2525 for more info. Darlings of the Hub theater HomewardBound2; IfLucy 472 Mass. Ave, call 497- scene, Ma and Pa Ubu return Fell; Hellraiser 4; Rumble 0570 for more information. MIDDLEEAST along with all thehilarity and in the Bronx; Before and MIDDLEEAST raucousness of Ubu Rock. After; Mary Reilly; City Downstairs: Berklee’s Fat Downstairs: The addictive THETAM. groove of Moxy Fruvous. Through March 23rd. 64 Hall; Muppet ’s Treasure Bag hip-hops into Central Brattle Street in Harvard Island; Happy Gilmore; Jam at the Tam with Calypso With Tufts funksters Square (18+, $7). Upstairs: Square, 547-8300. Broken Arrow; Dead Man Hurricane and K.T Sullivan. Doobious Leghorn and Val Elixir’s Record Release Walking; Sense and Party. With Tugboat Annie, 1618 Beacon Street in runs Amok(l8+, $7). Upstairs: Chrome Cranks, THEWANG CENTER Sensibility. 35 Middlesex Trona, and Spool (18+; $6). Brookline, call 277-0982 for Ave., Rt.93 at the Assembly more information, dinner Quivver, Eight Ball Shifter, Closing: The Boston Ballet 472/480 Mass. Ave., call Square Mall in Somerville, 497-0576 for more info. served until 1:OO. and Buffalo Daughter (18+, presents A Midsummer $7). 472 MassachusettsAve. Night’s Dream, an showschangeFriday,call 628- in Cambridge. For more enchanted tale of mixed up 7000 for times or 333-FILM T.T. THE BEAR’S PARADISE information call 497-0576. love and fairy mischief. to order advanced tickets. Local boys Powerman 5000 Hop on the red line and check ThroughMarch 17,~all931- rap, thrash, and scream into out Talking To Animals, THERAT ARTS. HARvm SQUARE Kenmore. Joco Bono and Jules Verdone, Jehovah The Birdcage; Rumble in Big Wig open. 967 starbelly, and Incorruptibles. Snapper, Blanks 77, and Unseen (9pm, 19+). 528 WILBURTHEATRE the Bronx; Beautiful Girls; Commonwealth Ave, call the All shows are 18+. 10 Sense and Sensibility; The concert line at 562-8804. Brookline Street in Central Comm. Aveh Kennmore Agatha Christie’s classic Square, call 536-2750 for whodunit The Mousetrap Postman. On Friday and Square, Cambridgecall492- Saturday at midnight: BEARfor more information. more information. makes a Boston run. 246 THERAT Tremont Street, 423-7440. Rocky Horror Picture Show. Averitablemusical festivalwith THETAM 10 Church St. in Harvard Six Feet Under, Immolation, THERAT Square. Shows change Internal Bleeding, and Rogue El Dopa, Thought Industry, Barrence Whitfield. Also- Museums Friday, call 864-4580 for (5 p.m., all ages). 528 Solid Frog, and WOCC aclassical Brunch with Celia ISABELLASTEWART times, or 333-FILM. Commonwealth Aveh (9pm, 19+). 528 Schnieder and friends. 1648 Beacon Street in Brookline, GARDNERMUSEUM Kenmore Square, call 536- Commonwealth Ave., in Highlights include works by 2750 for more information. Kenmore Square, call 536- call 277-0982 for more information. Rembrandt, Botticelli, BRAT~ETHEATIiE 2750 for more information. Raphael, Titian, and Whistler Tonight: Two Women with THETAM T.T. BEAR’S Through April 7: TheArtistic Jean-Paul Belmondo, and Big Character, Wood, and PARADISE THE Splendor the Spanish Yesterday, Today, and Kustomized’ CD Release of Living InExile. 1648Beacon Fall Fling alumsBim Skala Kingdoms: The Art of the Tomorrow with Marcello Street in Brookline, call 277- Bim play it solo (7pm, 18+). Party. With The Lyres and 15th Century Spain. 280 Mastroianni. 40 13rattle 0982 for more information. 967 Commonwealth Ave., the Bald Guys. 10 Brooline The Fenway, call 278-5 107 Street Harvard Square, 876- call the concert line at 562- Street in Cambridge. call for more information. 6837. 8804 for more information. 492-BEAR for information. Thursday, March 14,1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page seven

SPORTS ~__ UMass rules East region of NCAA - Minutemen or Hoyas expected to advance to Final Four by ERIC POLISHOOK season. They won’t lose again this nobody really knows or cares Daily Editorial Board season. about, but many of them are good. TheEastRegion OftheNcM Georgetown is a potential TexasTechhascompiledagawdy Division I College Basketball Powerhouse on a n y 28- 1 record. Doesn’t matter; they Tournament starts and ends with given night. In- play in the “Southwhat” (South- two years west) Conference. Texas T&h will (coach John not advance beyond the second Eastern Thompson round. Region has never had a North Carolina will defeat the I player leave Red Raiders. Despite losing Jerry the top two seeds: Massachusetts early), guard Alan Stackhouse and Rasheed Wallace and Georgetown. Not that there Iverson will be on to graduation, the Tar Heels are aren’t qualified teams seeded far- the all-Rookie still a formidable opponent. Give ther down in the bracket, but the Team in the NBA. them two wins to advance to the Minutemen and the Hoyas are by Iverson can win Regionals. far the cream of the crop, and if games by himself on Marquette, the. number four neither team advances to the Fi- both ends of the seed, is playing great nal Four it would be a great sur- floor. Give credit to now. Despite not play- prise. Thompson for loosen- ing in a perennial pow- Let us start with the number ing his usually tight erhouse conference, the one ranked Mass Minutemen. reins, and letting Iverson They have been the best team in run the show. the country this season by a long While Georgetown shot. While Massdoes not pos- can beat anyone on any sess the most talent in the nation given night, it is not by (they have perhaps the eighth or a longshot a consistent ninth best talent in the country), team. The key to the Minutemen have gone 3 1-1 Georgetown’s game is for three reasons: , coach John Calipari, and team Play- Camby is this writer’s choice next great center, fol- for co-Player of the Year with lowing in the foot- Connecticut’s . Despite his collapse prior to a game ear- lier in the year, Camby has gone Mutombo an Mass-Georgetown above and beyond the call of duty. Alonzo Mourn would be a great Re- He can score and he can defend Final. The Min- better than anyone else in the country. Calipari has taken a team that really only goes five deep, and “young coach” vs. the “old taken it to the top. Calipari is be- coach.” The star center vs. hind his team, and makes them think they can beat anyone. His emphasis on team play has made UMass will prevail be- UMass’ players believe the team’s se it is a better team. slogan, “Refuse to Lose.” Calipari has molded the stardom of Camby, the rebounding of Dana Dingle, the scoring of Donta game, Calipari has done an even bet- Bright, and the defense and shoot- oyasmay ter job of making UMass a ing of guards Edgar Padilla and Carmelo Traveiso. Much to the to the tournament for the past four chagrin of Daryn Freedman, the The rest of the Eastern Region years. It has the experience. This Minutemen lost their undefeated consists of a bunch of teams that is UMass’ year. Connecticut Huskies have earned the Southeast bracket by SAM ERDHEIM They will go as far as he takes them. ing five is very good as four players aver- the number one defense in the nation in Daily Editorial Board Against the Huskies, Colgate will bow out age between 13-18 points, but they have points allowed, giving up just 5 1.5 points After just squeezing by Georgetown to early. an inexperienced bench. Nonetheless, they per game. This is a very disciplined and win the Big East tournament, the Connecti- For the Duke Blue Devils, the eighth should be able to handle 12th seeded Vir- conservative team, which doesn’t turn the cut Huskies have earned the number one seed in the Southeast,as Chris Collins goes, ginia Commonwealth. ball over much. However, Princeton has no they go. Collins gives the team much The Rams have depth and inside power real star, are small up front, and have a weak needed emotion and attitude, and can hit going for them with forward Bernard bench. They have given big-name teams the clutch shot, but sometimes tries to do Hopkins leading the way. Virginia trouble in the past, so don’t be surprised if -- too much. With Collins and Jeff Capel, Commonwealth’s strength is in the they frustrate UCLA, but when it comes Duke is set at the guard positions, but the frontcourt, but they are undersized com- down to talent, the Bruins run away with seed in the Southeast bracket. They should Blue Devils’ inside game is nonexistent. pared to Mississippi State. They also have this one. have no problems winning this bracket and They have been outrebounded the entire sporadic perimeter shooting outside of An interesting follow-up could be a sec- advancing to the final four. year, which will make for an exciting Sherman Hamilton, which on occasion has ond round match between UCLA and Mis- Their backcourt features superstar Ray match-up with Eastern Michigan, the ninth resulted in stretches of offensive lapses. sissippi State. Mississippi State thrives in Allen along with to form seed. That does not bode well against a defense- frustrating opponents and will drive UCLA arguably the best guard tandem in the coun- Led by guard Brian Tolbert, Eastern oriented team such as Mississippi State. crazy and knock them out of the tourna- try. Allen is an explosive player with in- Michigan has won this year with a high- The UCLA Bruins, who are the defend- ment. credible range and Sheffer is a smart and octane offense, with most of the points ing NCAA Champions, lost starters Ed The sixth ranked Hoosiers are consistent player who can move the ball coming from the backcourt. Tolbert leads O’Bannon, ’Qus Edney, and George Zidek, making their 25th tournament appearance, c around and shoot as well. They lead the the team with 20 points per game and point but have put together another solid season but are going in with one of their weakest team in scoring with 23.6 and 15.8 points guard Earl Boykins has done a solid job and are ranked fourth in the Southeast. tournament teams ever. Depth is a big prob- respectively. Sheffer also leads the team in moving the ball around. It will come down Charles O’Bannon, Toby Bailey, and J.R. lem, as there are only ten players on the assists and steals. Center Travis Knight has to which backcourt plays better, as Eastern Henderson, are the main offensive threats roster. Forward has carried this been a solid presence in the middle with Michigan’s frontcourt is also undersized, for the Bruins. Cameron Dollar, who starred team throughout the season and the team 2.1 blocks per game and has a nice touch but look for an upset here with Duke exit- in last year’s tournament, has emerged as a will look for his guidance in the tourna- to his shot. UConn has held opponents to ing in the first round. solid point guard. They are one of the top ment. The Hoosiers are strong defensively - 38.4 percent shooting from the field, and, Mississippi State, .the fifth seed in the teams in field goal percentage at 52.9 per- and coach Bob Knight always getsthe most with a 17-1 record in the heavily competi- bracket, boasts one of the toughest defenses cent, and are tournament tested, but they out of what he has, but for them to escape tive Big East, they are a very strong team, in the country, holding opponents to 39.4 have had problems with turnovers all sea- the first round, Evans has to play great and which could make a run for the champion- percent shooting from the field. The Bull- son, something which must be corrected if they cannot get into foul trouble. ship. dogs are a big team, with center Erick they are to make a serious run at a second The Hoosier’s opponent is 11th seeded Their first round match-up is with 16th Dampier in the middle, providing an intimi- straight championship. They also are im- Boston College, which has really turned it seed Colgate, which is led by star center dating post presence. Guards Darryl Wil- patient and can become frustrated quite around from last season’s record of 9-19. . Foyle, who was second in son and Marcus Bullard give Mississippi easily. Forward Danya Abrams provides leader- the nation in blocks, has single-handedly State a solid outside game to go along with The Bruins first round match-up is see SOUTHEAST, page 9 carried the Red Raiders to the tournament. Dampier inside. The balance of the start- against 13th ranked Princeton. They boast I Massachusetts (31-1) # 1 I I # 1 Connecticut (30-2) - # 16 Colgate (15-14) 8th Annual Tufts Daily March Madness Challenge I 1 Central Florida (11-18) # 16 I I i I ' I # 8 Duke (18-12) I Bradley (22-7) # 8 I I I I I#9 E. Michigan (24-5) Stanford (19-8) # 9 I . Indiana 1 I Providence, Rhode Island March 14- 16 I March 14-16 I# 5 Miss. St. (22-7) I I Penn State (21-6) # 5 1 Arkansas (18-12) # 12 I L I I#4 uc- - Marquette (22-7) # 4 I#13 Princeton (21-6) Monmouth (20-9) # 13 I SOUTHEAST EAST I Lexington, Kentucky AtI ant a I # 6 Indiana (19-11) March 21 & 23 North Carolina (21-10) # h I March 21 & 23 , New Orleans (21-8) # 11

FINAL FOUR I Texas Tech (28-1) # 3 Northern Illinois (20-9) #14

Orlando, Florida Richmond, Virginia March 15-17 National Championship March 15-17 New Mexico (27-4) #7 East Rutherford, New Jersey Kansas State (17-11) #10 April 1 I Georgetown (26-7) # 2 '-1 '-1 Miss. Valley St. (22-6) # 15 I#15 NC-Greens. (20-9) < mifinal Semifinal East RI :rford, New Jersey East Rutherford, New Jersey vlarch 30 March 30 - Kentucky (28-2) # 1 # 16 W. Carolina (17-12) San Jose State (13-16)- # 16 - Wisconson-G.B. (25-3) # 8 Virginia Tech (22-5) # 9

Albuquerque, N.M Dallas, Texas I March 14-16 March 14-16 I # 5 Memphis (22-7) Iowa State (23-8) # 5 I I#12 Drexel (26-3) I California (17-10) #12 I For contest rules, I# 4 Syracuse (24-8) 1 please see page 6 of I Utah (25-6) # 4 i # 13 Montana St. (21-81 I Canisius (19-10) #13 WEST today's Daily MIDWEST I Denver Minneapolis 22 & 24 March 22 & 24 I Louisville (20-11) # 6 # 11 G.W. (21-8) Tulsa (22-7) #11 Marc: 1111.11.I # 3 Arizona (21-6) I Villanova (25-6) # 3 I # 14 Valparaiso (21-10) , I Portland (19-10) #14 Tempe, Arizona Name: Milwaukee, Wisconsin I March I # 7 Maryland (17-12) I March 15-17 Michigan (20-11) # 7 I I I I#10 Santa Clara (19-8) I Phone: L Texas (20-9) #10

I I I # 15 S. C. St. (22-7) N.E. Louisiana (16-13) #15 I I Thursday, March 14,1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page nine Georgia Tech will be in eight Kansas is top team in West region of NCAA -r SOUT~XST WEST continued from page 7 Coach John Chaney likes to use continued from page 7 come off the bench, which he is too much for the poor-shooting his trademark match-up zone de- not very likely to do. They are a Terps. Johnny Rhodes is the ship and solid all-around play for fense, which helps the Owls on ange and take them into the Elite good offensive team, and have the ACC's all-time steals leader and the Eagles, and the emergence of poor shooting nights, which oc- Eight. tools to shut down sharpshooting could contain Vaughn, but the freshman guard has cur often. Also, their bench pro- Kansas is the class of the and Santa Clara in the Jayhawks have too much depth to been a big plus for the backcourt. duction is limited after Johnny Tempe half of the region. Jacque first round. fall to the Terps. They are a very young team, as Miller and Jason Ivey. However, Vaughn is a great point guard, Some people are picking Arizona got their high seed af- the five regulars are freshmen or Temple has the intangible of while 6' 11" Raef Lafrentz and Valparaiso to top Arizona as the ter a solid season in a slow year sophomores, and the lack of tour- overachieving against better op- 6' 10" Scott Pollard combine with major upset in the tournament. for the PAC 10. The Hawkeyes' nament experience could be a fac- ponents, which is proven by their 6'6" freshman Paul Pierce to Lute Olsen is known for shock- balance will help them, as Arizona tor, especially against a tourna- wins over Kansas and Villanova. make a fearsome frontcourt. Roy ing first round departures, but his is not deep, nor do the Wildcats ment regular such as Indiana. Temple has an interesting first Williams has molded a solid de- experienced squad should top the have a proper star. Look for Iowa Nonetheless, they have a very ac- round match-up against the tenth fense with the Jayhawks, holding Crusaders, who only managed a to pull the upset. tive defense and are looking for seeded Oklahoma Sooners. Led their opponents to 40.4 percent 2 1- 10 record in the Mid-Conti- Kansas will then roll over the respect. They will gain it once by the all-around play of forwml shooting. nental Conference. Hawkeyes. The Jayhawks' small they upset Knight's Hoosiers in , Oklahoma will give The Jayhawks can only go as Iowa beat Connecticut early to backcourt is bigger than that of the the first round. the Owls a tough time. The Soon- far as their shooters take them, and gain recognition. Forward Jess Hawkeyes, while the frontcourt The Georgia Tech Yellow ers are a very good three point and shooting guard Jerod Haase has Settles is a proven scorer, while will dominate over the much Jackets enter the Southeast foul shooting team, which could shot only 37.1 percent from the sixth man Chris Kingsbury can hit smaller Hawkeyes. Settles might bracket as the third seed. They are play a major factor late in a game. field on the season. Williams will threes in the clutch. George Wash- put up a fight, but it won't be sparked by the incredible play of However, Oklahoma is very un- have his troops fired up for the ington is a good 11th seed who enough. freshman guard , dersized with their tallest player postseason, and they will pummel beat Massachusetts once in three -* who surprised many in the ACC at 6'7." The Sooners also have a South Carolina State, who has tries. They are a streaky team, and Kansas has its usual depth, with his maturity in only his first very weak bench, which averaged only one player taller than 6'6". they could pull off an upset, but which will be key in Denver year. He leads the team in scoring fewer than 12 points and nine re- Maryland squeaked into the look for the Hawkeyes to win by against Purdue. You need a star with 18.4 points per game, fol- bounds per game during the sea- tournament after a disappointing outsizing the Colonials. to get to the Final Four, and that lowed by sophomore forward son and are also coming off a season by beating Duke in the is where the Boilermakers are Matt Harpring with 18.2 points mediocre second half of the sea- ACC Tourney. The Terps have Kansas will wipe out Maryland lacking. Vaughn will lead the per game. The player with senior- son at 7-7. Look for Temple, played most of the season as if in the second round. The Jayhawks to the Meadowlands for ity is guard (one of which has a big height advantage they are waiting for Joe Smith to Jayhawks' size and speed will be the Final Four. the many esteemed Barry broth- over the Sooners, to squeak into ers), who, along with Harpring, the second round. has become an all-around player An even more intriguing game with the ability to hit clutch shots. will occur if the Owls face the They step up their games when Cincinnati Bearcats in the second they need to most, which in a tour- round. Temple wants revenge for nament is very important. Though last year's 77-71 loss in the first they lack the experience, Georgia round of the NCAA tournament Tech has the talent and Marbury and are known to pick up their brings a dimension which few game against tough teams. None- teams can match. theless, the Bearcats will survive The Yellow Jackets will have the scare and move on to the no problem beating 14th seed Sweet 16 where they will lose in Austin Peay, which is making its a great match-up with the Geor- third ever tournament appearance. gia Tech Yellow Jackets. It are led by forward , The last first round game in the who led the team and for most of Southeast bracket has second the year the nation in scoring at a seeded Cincinnati facing 15th delivers free clip of 26.7 points per game. Aus- ranked NC-Greensboro. The l[-dml tin Peay's problem lies in its size, Bearcats have a formidable or lack thereof, as it has been frontcourt led by forward Danny outrebounded all year. Even with Fortson, who provides a strong the great scoring of Wells, Austin inside presence, but their outside Bread Sticks (8) $1.95 Peay is no match for Georgia shooting is limited to Darnel1 Bur- With Pizza Sauce PRICE Tech. ton and Damon Flint. Their de- Chicken Rings (12) $4.95 With Sweet & Sour Sauce BLASTER The seventh ranked Temple fense forces 17.5 turnovers a Chicken Wings (10) $4.95 Owls are a team to be wary of. game and holds opponents to just 6 Different Sauces To Choose From: 12" Cheese Pizza Center Marc Jackson has emerged 38.8 percent shooting. The talent Buffalo/Buffalo MediumlTeriyakil Plus 2 FREE toppings Rajin'CajudSmokey Mountain as a legitimate presence inside. is there to advance to the Final BBQMoney Mustard & a can of soda Four, but they have to stay fo- cused, which has been a problem, Our Superior Cheese Pizza 12" Medium Pizza $5.90 in order to do so. 14" Large ('ho Pizzas) $8.76 $ 6.95 NC-Greensboro is making 16" Super Large Pizza $8.95 their first tournament appearance Additional Toppings and should bow out without much Pepperoni. Ground Beef, Mushroom, of a fight. During the season, it Sausage, Ham, Onion, Anchovy, Green SUPER Pepper, Green Olives, Double Cheese, was shellacked in games against Black Olives, Pineapple, Spinach, tournament-caliber teams, and Eggplant, Tomato, Broccoli, Garlic, SAVER Prosciutto, Canadian Bacon, Hot 16" Cheese Pizza will pose no threat to Cincinnati Pepper & Bacon in the first round. 12" Item $ .9s Plus 2 FREE toppings 14" Two For One Item 51.24 & 2 cans of soda A possible game between Cin- 16" Item $1.24 cinnati and Georgia Tech could Extra sauce is FREE prove to be the most exciting Try our Thin crust pizzas. Try our FREE seeded crust. game ofthe bracket, as both teams Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Sunkist $9.40 have the talent to make it to the & Nestea Iced tea S.70 per Can great eight, where either will lose to the Connecticut Huskies. This is the Huskies' year to finally play up to their unbelievable potential. On April 1, they will be crowned the chamDions.

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P BACARDI-MARTINI More ways to haunt your X Don’t discount Villanova yet U.S.A., INC. THING MIDWEST 69 Hkambkincl continued from page 5 good you are looking and feeling, continued from page 6 his ensuing suspension. The Wild- and how much better you are do- cats (25-6) lost his 20.5 points and ever said revenge isn’t sweet? ing, than when you were with your they face Villanova in the second 7.1 rebounds, while losing two out SALES REPRESENTATWE 4. Denial! Regardless of the X. Ha. round. Don’t expect ‘Nova to pull of the three games he: missed REWlREMENTS situation, sometimes both parties 5. Get back together! Why the same disappearing act as it did down the stretch due to his sus- -dwmm*naywu*.a find it most convenient and least not? There was a reason why you last year. After winning the Big pension. Along with three-point awkward to pretend that NOTH- started the horizontal mambo in East Tournament last season, the threat Eric Eberz, big point guard ING ever happened between the the first place. Andstranger things Wildcats lost in triple-overtime to , and 6-11 center two of them. fight-hearted chit- have happened ... like the inven- fourteenth seeded Old Dominion. , the Cats will be chat or variations of the “Hi-how- tion of sparkly, fuzzy, neon pink However, this is a much different tough to beat. are-you” game can masquerade leg warmers. team, led by a much more mature Villanova should not have the underlying tensions - and emo- , The Divine Ms. Thing wishes , exemplified not same trouble with 14th seeded tions - between two Xs. As an you luck in all yourfuture X en- only by his play on the court, but Portland as they did with last extra added bonus, this little game counters. May they be amusing ij also by his ad&ttance to illegally see MIDWEST, page 11 will only demonstrate just how not successful. using a university calling card and - Would you rather pay $4 or $20 to get to Logan airport? Spring Break Shuttle- Only $4

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Wednesday and Thursday,. .- April 3rd& 4th, 7sOO p.m...... ,...... *...... *...... Reservations required by 5pm Wednesday, March 27 Call Hillel at 627-3.242today! .. Thursday, March 14,1996 THE TUFTS DAILY page eleven Keer pour eye on Kentucky during basketball's NCAA Midwestern region MIDW S ing to repeat the magic that took the 23-5 Demon Deacons: as Tim round matchup. Look for Duncan sttles has come too far to let the continued from page 10 all the way to the National Cham- Dilrican goes, so goes Wake. The to step up and carry this team on opportunity slip through his fin- year's 14 seed. The much smaller pionship back in 1989. The Long- 6- 10 junior highlighted a superb thiough to the second round. On gers. Pilots (19-10) will have their horns (20-9), under former Tufts season (19.6 points and 12.3 re- the off-chance that Texas is able WiththebattleoftheWildcats hands full with the bigger and coach Tom Penders, won nine out bounds) with a tremendous ACC to shut down Duncan, it will have in the finals of the Midwest re- faster Wildcats. It's now or never of their last 12 games, losing twice tournament, during which he had adecent chance at the upset, how- gon, Kentucky will certainly have for Kttles, who has the ability to to 28-1 Texas Tech during that 68 points and 55 rebounds in three ever, don't expect any miracles. its hands full with Villanova. strap this team right to his back stretch. Reggie Freeman leads games. The Deacons do possess The Wake-Villanova game in EMes will be tough to defend, as and take it very far. They should Texas with 22.8 points and 6.8 astrongeroutsidegamethanyears the Sweet 16 is a marquee he will blow by a bigger player cruise right past Tulsa in the sec- rebounds, and has scored 66 past, with senior Rusty LaRue, matchup that pits the teams from and toy with a smaller defender. ond round on their way to the points in his last two games. who is also thequarterbackof the the two best conferences this year However, Kentucky will do a sweet sixteen. Penders has a knack for winning football team and a starting as well as two first team All- good job of shutting down the rest Michigan-Texas provides one frrst round NCAA games and this pitcher for the baseball team, and Americans. Both Kittles and of 'Nova's weapons, as they don't Of the most exciting first round year should be no different, as sophomore Tony Rutland drain- Duncan have the ability to Carry have the dominating presence in- matchups in the entire tourna- Texas has too many weapons for ing shots from downtown. their teams, so it's necessary to side necessary to beat Kentucky. ment. Both teams possess high an erratic Michigan squad. After crushing the Indians (16- look at each player's Supporting In a very close game, Kentucky flying, high octane offenses that The final first round matchup 13), tempo will be the key against cast. Wake has the three-point will make it back to heFinal Four, have the ability to explode at any of the Midwest region pits ACC the Longhorns in the second threats while 'Nova has a tough where the Wildcats will be fa- mOment-kdmanLmkBullock champion Wake Forest against round. Whichever team is able to front line and a solid backcourt. vor& to bring the NCU cham- (13.4 points) has stepped UP for Southland champion Northeast control the pace of the game will In this classic matchup, the edge pionship home to the Bluegas Michigan (20-1 l), which is look- Louisiana. The story is simple for walk away with this great second will go to Villanova as the senior state. Classified! Classified! Classif iedsclassifieds cheap for $150. Call Mike 393-7914 featuring computer storage for future VIDEO wah program shows what to Rooms In Private Home Short walk to Tufts updating. Your choice of typestyles, expedlS.E.I. (919)932-1489, ext. A60 2 Bedrooms available now in West 4 bedroom duplex apartment, 1 1/2 including bold. italics, bullets, etc. on COLLEGE RINGS Medford home with all utilities. $320. bathrooms, washddryer on Strathmore paper. Have your cover AlTEHnON ALL STUDENTS! ips NOT TOO UTEI I Neweststylesl Any College Any Yearl Both roomsfor$520 (nocoup!&). On premises, large kitchen, separate letters done by us to match your Over $6 Billion in public and private Come to 72 Professor's Row to find JWeekDeliiery. Nowavailabledirect bus line to Tufts Microwave, fridge, dining room, living room, quiet street, Resumel One-day service avail. 5 sector grants 8 scholarships is now out how you can earn a guaranteed by accessing our site on the internet. no kitchen. 3rd floor privacy, own backyard lease. No pets. Available min from Tufts. (Member of PARW: available. All students are eligible. stipendandsingle mom by becoming Fully Guaranteed, Great Prices. bath. Call 396-7005 JUne1,1996.$1175/mO.(617)227- Professional Assoc. of Resume Let us help. For more info. call: 1~ a Resident Toutor. Call ext. 2205 and Come visit our site and order your 8000 (days) (617)969-3075 Writers. Call for FREE 'Resume/ 800-263-6495 ext. F50354 speakwith Nada Medina. 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~ Doonesbury by Garry TrudeaL Around Campus Today drawing, etc. Info. Booth, Eng. Dept., Tisch Resource Desk. Deadline: March Jewish Women’s Collective 15 Meeting to Crate a Haggadah for the Women’s Passover Seds. Didgeridoos Anonymous Hillel Center. 10 a.m. Stop Playing your Didgeridoo and Submit to Queen’s Head. Hebrew Table Campus Center Info Booth, Tisch Informal Conversation in hebrew. Resource Desk, English Dept. by Bill Amend All welcome. Deadline: March 15 FoxTrot DewicNacPhie, Upper Conference Room. 6 p.m. Tomorrow University Chaplaincy CHAPLAIN’S TABLE-DIVER- ISSUE HERE. THEM THAT THIS WoULDF(‘T WORD. SORRY. Ri6HT NOW. NRN INTO ONE OF OUR USUAL SITY AND COMMUNITY: CAN KISSFESTS. r-ToLD YOU MAT TUFTS HAVE BOTH? “How do Spring Break Shuttle $4 We Live Together? Residential Life Bus to Logan every hour on the at Tufts” SPEAKERS: President hour. John DiBiaggio, Anne Gardiner, Campus Center. 9, 10, 1 1, 12, 1,2, Interim Dir., Res. Life and Nikki 3,4, 5. Willis, Resident Advisor. MacPhie Conference Room. 5-7 QUEEN’S HEAD & AIRTI- p.m. CHOKE Dilbert by Scott Adams TIMES Running out! Submit your QUEEN’S HEAD & ARTI- stuff pronto. IT5 DEFSNITELY OElTER CHOKE ‘Iisch Resource Desk, Info Booth, TO BE AN OWNER THAN SUBMIT Poem, prose, photos, Eng. Dept. By March 15. AN EMPLOYEE. COMPANY UE’RE WHACK YOU INWE LET’S LINK HI5 HEAD WITH BALLED-UP I SALARY TO EARNINGS ! n HE€ HE€!

Non Sequitur by Wile)

~~~ Weather Report Sherman’s Lagoon by J.P. Toome)

Spring-like Sunny High: 56; Low: 34 I High: 51; Low: 32 The Daily Commuter Crossword

ACROSS 1 Disfigurement 5 Food and drink 11 --relief 14 Abhor Dinner Menus 15 Eloquent speaker THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAM 16 4eFrance DEWICX- 17 Excited D@mma bytl.NiLunoldandMik.&‘gbic CARMICHAEL 18 Grow to be nscramble these four JumMes. MACPHIE ie lener to each square, to form 19 Academic ur ordinary words. ~~ ~~ degree: abbr. 20 zodiac sign *Barleybean soup *Tortelhisoup 22 Exile’s isle 23 Mauna- *Sesameshrimp 24 Member of an .Salmon w/ red order *Spicygreen 26 Disappoint pepper 28 Overturned, as decision .Mustard rubbed beans 32 Ship’s hazard 33 Sash flank steak *Pekingravioli 34 Film 36 Put off SYakatori chicken *Porkchar su 39 Low-down JUPGES HAVE fellows MANY OF THESE. .Fried chicken 41 Fochand *Pintobean Simone 43 Masculine jambalaya *Bakedchicken Yesterday’s Punle solved: NOWarrange the circled letters I 44 Joints form me surprise answer, as su 46 Birthmark 4 System of gested by me above cartoon *Vegetarianpad thai Cheese ravioli 48 Took flight government 49 €ye 5 ”- Crusoe‘ Answer hem :“m” *Linguinew/ *Steamedrice impertinently 6 Before 51 Dweller 7 Step (Answers tomom marinara Corn and ginger 53 Overwhelm, in 8 Ring-shaped ,ste,d;n/s I Jumbles: OZONE AFTER SLOUCH WHENCE way island Awwer: Another name for a tounst center - . fried rice 56 Box 9 Depressing A WHERE’ HOUSE BZuchini 57 Sch. gp. 10 Handled *Turnovers 58 Holy image 11 Menu *Nonfatcarrot cake 60 Appear 1213 PermitCertain 64 Get-up-and-go 65 Pillar automobile 67 Farming need 21 Standard Quote of the Day 68 Tell a tale 25 Kline or Kostner 69 Destroys 27 Judge gradually 20 Kind of candy “The apple of discord is now fairly in our midst, and if not nipped in 70 Difficulty 29 Abb- 71 Finish 30 Recorded 03/14/96 the bud it will burst forth in a conflasraton which will deluge society 72 Placid 31 Place to eat 73 Time long past 35 Roof border in an earthquake of bloody apprehension.” 37 Ardor 47 Thailand, once 55 Sorrow DOWN 38 Tom 50 Repeat 59 Withciut covering 1 Long nap on 40 Utah’s flower performance 61 Nevada city -Nebraska newspaper editorial, c. 1870 cloth 42 Hitchcock’s 52 Stylish 62 Equipment 2 Imprison specially 53 Pome 63 Brink Late Night at the Daily 3 Corpuscle 45 Watery channels 54 Beer mug 66 Chess pieces
