Out of the Box KMET AOR 4.7 5.7 6.0 Who Handles the 6 to 10 P.M
20 Radio Four- Year -Old Rating Service 6 I RC H GROWS Now Available In 56 Markets CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. -With 5). The addition of Philadelphia this AOR programmers particularly August /September Birch competition in radio ever intensify- month and Columbus (Ohio), San like Birch. "AOR, for the first time, Following are the August /September Birch Report figures for Atlanta, Boston, ing (there's only a nine- tenths of a Diego and Baltimore by the first of is getting a fair shake," Birch claims, Chicago, Dallas -Ft. Worth, Detroit, Houston -Galveston, Los Angeles, Miami - percentage point spread among the the year will mean that the Birch noting that listening levels to AOR Ft. Lauderdale, Minneapolis -St. Paul, New York, Pittsburgh. St. Louis, San Antonio, San Francisco -San top seven New York stations in the service will be available in every ma- stations show up much higher in Jose, Seattle -Everett- Tacoma and Washington. Stations results are compared with the June /July and most recent Arbitron, for example), jor market for the first time. Birch than in Arbitron. For ex- July /August Birch figures. All figures are for 12 plus, 6 programmers need all the help they In these markets, the report is of- ample, in Detroit, AOR WRIF has a.m. to midnight, Monday to Sunday. a station can get. For many, that comes in the fered monthly. There are another 10.7 share in Birch, while the station format Aug. /Sept. July /Aug. June /July form of immediate audience indica- 100 markets getting periodic reports only scores 5.6 in Arbitron.
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