Testimony Sanford City Engineer Tells About Curbs In Lawsuit

ByDONNA ESTES strenuously that Speer would not permit with testimony from LaZenby. He said Herald Staff Writer the professional engineer to fully answer the improvement plan, prepared by the City Engineer Mack LaZenby was back questions. city staff, calls for cutting the number of on the stand this morning as the fourth Circuit Judge Roger Dykes, conducting parking spaces along First Street and day in the trial on the downtown Sanford the non-jury trial, agreed with Colbert's Magnolia Avenue from 73 to 56. But he improvement lawsuit began. objections. added that a new parking lot at Magnolia Drawing sketches to illustrate his and Second Street will add 36 spots to testimony, LaZenby said new curbs to be In testimony Wednesday, Thomas give more parking places than the constructed in the First Street area from Speer insisted that the proposed down­ downtown area now has. Park Avenue to Magnolia Avenue will be town improvements would cut property of poured concrete and are designed to be values by 40 percent. luiZenby also attempted to demon­ safer than the old granite ones in place Attempting to show his expertise on strate graphically that brick curb ad­ now. real-estate values, Speer, law partner ditions will not hinder or obstruct the flow of drainage water or traffic on the Since the granite curbs are of cut rock, and aon of G. Algernon Speer, said he they are Irregular in shape and sharp at devotes to percent of his law practice to First Street through!are. points. The new curbs, however, will be real-estate matters. He also said he has The proposed Improvements for which created with standardised forms, been involved in many condemnation the city has budgeted 1314,000 for the last laZenby said. proceedings. three years call for rebuilding sidewalks, Under intensive cross-examination Speer's testimony was allowed by constructing planters, brick paving and from lawyer C. Algernon Speer con­ Dykes for the record for the purpose of the closing of a portion of Magnolia cerning the proposed plans for sidewalk, appealing the case if necessary, but will Avenue to vehicular traffic to create a planter and curb improvements, not be considered In a decision on the pedestrian mall. LaZenby refused to deviate from his lawsuit by the Judge. testimony. G. Algernon Speer, representing He said the travel-way (the area where Dykes said the major issue in the himself and nine other property owners cars will be able to drive) on First Street lawsuit is whether the city has the power in the lawsuit, contends the city has not after the Improvements will be wider to do the downtown improvements on shown a public purpose for spending the than it is today. publicly owned property. money. He also says that dosing a LaZenby also said the plans and Kenneth McIntosh, Colbert's associate, portion of Magnolia Avenue will be release some 600 balloons into planning details for the improvements as under cross-examination, elicited detrimental to the area and that other work will adversely affect drainage and the skies Wednesday as the final activity of a month-long project. The presented In court are Identical to those testimony from Speer showing that he impair deliveries to businesses. helium-filled balloons bear nam e tags with the youngsteri' addresses, adopted by the City Commission in May had not considered property values in AND AWAY.. 1900. other communities in Florida which have and the children are hoping the eventual finders of the airborne The trial is scheduled to end Friday. had downtown revitalisation programs. spheres will write (hem letters. As Speer cross-examined LaZenby, Hearings began Monday in the suit filed City Attorney Bill Colbert objected And the dty began Its side of the case by Speer early in 1960 Seminole Greyhound Track: Costly White Elephant?

By JOE De&ANTIS Seminole Greyhound Park, while the Sanford-Orlando Kennel today he will go before Judge Leffler next Monday for a In effect, the attorney general's move suspended Leftist's Hermld Staff Writer Club la leas than firs miles from the Seminole greyhound hearing in attempts to get a temporary stay of the appellate ruling and allowed racing to continue during the track'a Unless Seminole Greyhound Park can get a favorable ruling track. court's ruling. Strawn said that if he is unable to get a stay maiden seaaon in 1311. from the state Supreme Court, the Casselberry dog track may The bill that allowed conversion of the track was sponsored during that 1 waring, the track wtn appeal directly to the state Lefflsr then ordered the track's owners to peat a surety bend turn out to be the moat expensive white elephant Seminole by State Rep. Robert Hattaway, D-Altamonte Springs, and Supreme Chart. to continue operating white the lawsuit mads its way through County has aver seen. war. pushed through the House on the final day of the I960 “The Supreme Court is the final arbitrator on any state the 3th District Court of Appeal. On Wednesday, the 3th Circuit Court of Appeal In Daytona session. Since that time the conversion has been challenged by statute," he said. Jack and Bill Demetree posted a 3471,000 surety bond, but Beach upheld a ruling last June II by Chief Seminole Circuit several other dog tracks In the state, and the track has been "We have 30 days in which to file an appeal. Within 30 days did not have to put up any cash or pledge any tangible Court Judge Kenneth Leffler that the conversion of the track embroiled in troubles during Its first racing seaaon. after the appeal is (Usd, I have 30 days to IDs a brief on the collateral for the bond, merely promising to foot the bill for from harness to dog racing in 1ND was unconstitutional on the court's ruling. Their attorneys (for the Sanfor&Orlando any financial losass the Daytona Beach Kennel Club might Seminole Greyhound Park is currently the subject of a grounds It violated stale statutes governing proximity of pari­ Kennel du b and the Daytona Beach Kennel dub) then have 10 suffer white the case w u being appealed. In 1961 Seminole seven-month-long investigation by state parimutuel division mutuel plants and usurped the duties and privileges of both the days to file a brief in response to the appeal. Greyhound Park and the Daytona track ran Identical race officials for possible administrative violations. That probe is Division of Pari-Mutuels and the Commission on Pari-Mutuel "We're looking at a timetable of not more than 73 days as far dates — May through September. expected to be completed within a week. The results of the as getting a ruling from the Supreme Court,” said Strawn. The Daytona Beach track contended that the identical race Wagering. investigation will then be reviewed by the Department of leffler said In his June decision that the stale should not In an ongoing legal battle since the track was first converted dates cost the Volusia County pari-mutuel between 37 And $1 Business Regulation. A decision on whether to file ad­ from harness to dog racing, Leffler ruled June 16 that the million on its 1960 handle. have granted Seminole Greyhound Park racing dates because ministrative complaints against the track will be made at that Statute 330.09, Paragaraph 3. indicated no permit shall be conversion w u unconstitutional The stats attorney general's Jerry Collins, chief officer of the SanfordOrlando Kennel tune. issued by the Division of Pari-Mutuels nor voted upon in any office, however, Immediately stepped in to appeal that Club, said Wednesday he wasn’t concerned about Seminole's county to conduct the running of horse races, harness races w* The track’s principal owners - Bill De me tree, his brother decision to protect the state's interest In the case. appeal to the state Supreme Court. dog races at a location within 100 miles of an existing location Jack, and Paul Dervase - invested more than 34 million in Siding with Seminole Greyhound Park in the suit, the at­ "We weren't fighting anything but what the law states," said for which a permit has already been Issued and a racing plant converting and Improving the track, which is scheduled to torney general's office determined the dosing of the track Collins. 'There were no personalities Involved In the suit. “The law is on our side. The appeal court (teals in the law, located. open for its second Mason of racing May 3. could cost the state about S3 million in lost revenues through The Daytona Beach Kennel Tub is some 30 miles from David Strawn, lawyer tor Seminole Greyhound Park, said taxes. and ao does the Supreme Court,” he added. TODAY Casselberry Man

Around The Clock ...... 4A Dr. Ia m b _____ ...... 16A Television ...... UA cost of hard-caver boaks ISA Editorial U Weather ...... !A •oaring, many readers are Calendar...... UA Florida ...... »A World ...... SA turning to the library u d to Is Found Slain ...... ISA the leas expensive paper- Classified Ads 13-HA Horoscope ...... ByTENlYARBOROUGH ...... !A Read any good books backs. Read all about the Comics ISA Hospital Herald Staff Writer 1A lately? U you have, you more titad In staff writer Donna Crossword ISA Natlou ...... The Identity of a man shot to death at a Casselberry shopping ...... »A Estes' story la Friday's Dear Abb) 9A* Ourselves...... than likely checked them tut center Wednesday h u been determined u that of 40-year-old Sports ...... MA of the local library. With the leisure magazine. Deaths ...... 16A Albert Martin Grasao of Casselberry. Seminole County sheriff’s deputies, responding to a shooting at Willa Cleaners, Wills Springs P lus, Red Bug and How Parents Long Lines In County Tuscawills roads, at about 3:07 p m., said they discovered Cope With Graaso's body lying in the shopping center’s parking lot with a bullet wound in the c h u t Problem Teens— A 33-year-old Casselberry woman, an employee at the That Last-Minute Tax Rush cleaners, told deputies she w u Grasao’s roommate at 907 Starts Sunday Eldorado Way and that he had assaulted her, according to B y JANE CASSELBERRY can avoid an additional fee for the cost of will (all under the wire if they are sheriffs spokesman John SpolskL . Herald Staff Writer advertising, said Assistant Tax Collector postmarked before midnight March 31. Reports Indicate that three shots were fired from a small handgun by a woman at Grasao and that one bullet entered Ms Dinosaur Footprints? procrastinating taxpayers Wednesday Sally Upsey. Those paying in March paid the new Approximately 3639,603 w u collected chest, Spolskl added. rushed to the Seminole County tax amount of property taxes owed, white over the counter at the three offices ■The woman we questioned about the shooting w u not DALLAS (UPI > — College geology student Julie Tyler had a collector's offices at the courthouse in those who paid in the preceding months Thursday, said Ms. Upsey, and this does arrested and no one else has been arrested in connection with hard time persuading museum officials she had stumbled Sanford, Seminole Plaza in Casselberry received a discount. The discount for not Include mall receipts. “ We still have the shooting," he said. “We did question a woman concerning across a "one in a million" set of dinouur footprints. and the Interstate MaU In Altamonte November w u 4 percent; December, the incident, but later released her to her family's custody. She The fact that dlnouurs Inhabited Texas 63 to 133 million Springs in an effort to meet the March 31 boxes of mall to open," she added. 3 percent; January, 3 percent; and w u not arrested.” deadline (or property taxes. Taxes paid St the courthouse office February, 1 percent years ago already h u been proved by the discovery of their Lines were long u an estimated 690 were approximately 3600,000. white at the Spolskl added that the Seminole County grand Jury, which is remains, but finding actual footprints is most unusual - and taxpayers tried to avoid the 3 percent Casselberry office 340J80 w u received The tax list will be published April & meeting today in Sanford, is expected to review the case. unique In the DaUu area. penalty for April payment. If payment is and at the Interstate Mall 31S6.V33 w u and 39 and May 6 and 13 In the Evening Grasao w u pronounced dead on arrival at Winter Park The Brookhaven College geology major and her husband, made during the first week of April, taken in, she said. Herald. Tax certificates on property on Memorial Hospital, Spolskl added. both dinouur bulls, sighted the six footprints, 13 by 19 Inches, County Medical Examiner Dr. G.V. Garay said he will before the delinquent tax list Is taken to Ms. Upsey said she expects the last- which taxes are not paid will be sold May in a sandstone rock when they went to Lake Grapevine near perform an autopsy on Grasao today to determine the cause of the newspaper for publication, taxpayers minute mall tn be heavy. T u payments 13. Dallas-Fori Worth Airport to look for fossils a few weeks ago. death. 4 Avalanches Snuff Out 3 Lives On California Peak A supervisor at Tahoe Forest Hospital In Truckee said the SQUAW VA1JJ2Y, Cakl. (UPI) - Four avalanches roared Valley, where 3 to 4 feet of snow h u been falling dally since There were unconfirmed reports that u many u a docen facility had been alerted to receive u many u 10 victims. down a Sierra peak, shoving a twostory building into s ski Sunday. others might be missing, including two crosscountry skiers. Authorities also learned Wednesday night there had been lodge and killing at least three people. Blixxard conditions and Nearby residents were ordered to evacuate their homes and Authorities said two people were injured in the avalanches at skiers on the slopes and lifts when the avalanches struck. fear of mere snow slides prevented rescue teams from sear­ were taken to the Sierra Mountain Intermediate School in the resort but the extent of injuries w u not known. nearby Truckee. Sheriffs deputies, ambulances, fire trucks Webber said one avalanche pushed a two-atory equipment Earlier, it w u reported skiing had been canceled for the day at ching for u many u a dozen missing people. the pyi'i” resort because of the bad weather, but main­ and California Highway Patrol unite were dispatched to the storage building into the main lodge of the Alpine Meadows Rescuers rushed to the area on “snowcats" but had to wait tenance workers and other employees were on the Job. resort, but some were hampered by smaller avalanches. resort, smashing windows and a portion of the waH until dawn to resume the search for the missing because of "We were told the lodge w u dosed due to poor road con­ The avala-^he in Squaw Valley, site of the I960 Winter Rescue workers and dogs searched tbs snow at tbs 7,000- blixxard conditions and the threat of more avalanches. ditions," Webber said. “Now we are told people were still on Olympics, buried two houses. Five people were rescued (oot-blgh resort for survivors but the mission w u called off The first of the avalanches to hi! the Alpine Meadows ski the lift. We don't know what we hare now on the number of uninjured. after several hours u the blixxard became w oru and the resort-located 3 miles east of Squaw V alley-carried a two- people who were in the area." story “A-frame” building into the resort's lodge, killing at Placer County Sheriffs Chief Jim Webber said three bodies avalanche danger Increased. “We are moving out our personnel bet su e of the danger of A second alide burled cars in the parking let of the resort least three people. were uncovered near the Alpine Meadows resort An avalanche expert advised evacuation of more than 160 Officials said there were u many u four avalanches in the “Possibly more are missing," he said, "but not a large other avalanches,” said Sgt. Keren Besana of the Placer residents In the area, Webber said. Alpine Meadows area Wednesday and another in Squaw number." County Sheriff's Department I

I—Evening Herald. Sanford, FI. Friday, April}, Itn

Start With Burger Chef's Country Style Breakfast

Start your day with a Country Style break­ another of Burger Chef’s specialties for down, all these delicious foods are also fast at Buigcr Chef. breakfast. The biscuits can even be served available at their drive thru window. Of course with a country style breakfast there is Burger Chef is proud to announce their all with the scrambled egg platters. And for a always down to earth country style fast and new touch for a Country style breakfast! person with ever a heartier appetite there are friendly service just for you. Biscuits with sausage gravy! Now for all you biscuit sandwiches with your choice of city folks who aren ’t familiar with what they country fried steak, country ham, bacon or are, order this and you’ll get two biscuits open So rustle up your family and friends and sausage. faced with sausage gravy poured over top. hurry on down to Burger Chef’s Country Style Fresh baked country style biscuits arc If you don’t have time to come in and sit Breakfast!


THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Seme&ijq NEW b to«>e»w«g STEAK SPECIAL - *6.95 OPEN MONDAY —OR- 10a.m. ■ Jp.m. All You u q c Burger Chef TUES. THRU SAT. Con Eat SEAFOOD BUFFET 10a.m. - la.m. INCLUDES SOUP AND SALAD BAR SUNDAY Sp.m. • la.m. INTRODUCING ------Ocean Gemt Frlad Shrimp A Homo Shrimp Finport MARINER'S NIGHT Fried Rico — Corn On The Cob LUNCH EVERY TUESDAY Shrimp Croole — Frlod Fl»h SERVED 11 a.m. til 4 p.m Crab Roll — Crab Lop* 3 PM TILL CLOSING Clam Strip* — French Frio* Hu*h Puppios — Clam Chowder BUFFET CHOICE OF Maniac* Platte* ENTREE, VEO. S:00p.m. til f :00 p.m. A SALAD BAR Include* ] Pcs et Children Under I I .., Vi price Cod IKS - Hal Fries — Melt Vlneper “ //iC .U M lifr.v Unlimited It Item Salad Bar

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9m Banquet Nowhere else ’ Faclllllet Yrt- 9? Ph. 322-3108 B u r n e r Try O m Brveiftil Fhfftr or Senriie lendwidl ] Available .8 Hwy. 17-92 ______CheF motto 321-0690 ON THE LAKEFRONT ISO* J. French Ave. Sanford SANFORD OPEN CLOSE 3300 S. Orlando Drive fiMa.m.JUn. ll:te pm . Sen.. Then. <:M a m. Man. Th ru tat. ll:t* e.m. Prl.S tat. and Dining

tM ***M ei********t**H*t*********t*ti*tts***a**i*tt*t*it**s*a*s*t**M (i**fs**iM H i*e***tM *t*t«H i - ■ I W • A # • t f awo e#ee •# e e ae eae • a m awee»«epp • p,e, m * . . . p 4—Ivtwlin HsroM.lsirtsri, FI. frt«sy,AprtH, iwa A p r il 5 Stars Fighting Cancer t o (15) g r e a t 1 0 3 0 By RUTH THOMPSON i of two' modified form of surgery for Schubort t Mm * No I In E-EMI _ I5104ARLMW AMOS L4 5) BENNY HILL Boy* and aavaral aeionla horn Ih* off the compliments the todOjoCEANUS to(lO|POSTCAPTl heroes. It If Impost hie to against cancer share impariai Chapa! m Warm* gusss how many adult received following her another thing in common. 6 0 5 11:10 5 :0 5 0X(17)AMOVORWFTTH vlctlmi of cancer were public dlacuaslon of her They rally fast from the ax (17) MOVE ' Damn Yank**#' OX (17) ALL IN THE FALRLY motivated to battle the breast cancer surgery. With shock of the diagnosis end 6 :3 0 |i»S*| Tab Huniaf. Owan Vat don 11:30 disease because of the public her customary, no-nonsense start thinking positively NSC NEWS With a um* haw bom Ih* dtvd, an a a ) t h e BEST OF CARSON aging baaaba* Ian bacoma# a Gu m i i Own 0*Lt*M. Mal T ilb*. candor of celebrities who vitality, she said we should' aboutIL i ABC NEWS ihampwnaNp bauptayar Johnny Yun* (Rl }) O CEAN IA O M 'A 'S'H fought the same fight. give credit for such open 8 :3 0 Last fall, I complimented O ABC NEWS MOHTUNE 6 :3 5 (|) REPORT TO MURPHY discussion to Shirley O (35) STREETS OF SAN FRAN­ The late John Wayne — Mary Martin on her peaches a i (17) OOMCR PYLE iPramrara) A landathaartad young Temple Black, who waa the CISCO heavy •smoking, hard-living, and cream complexion. She 7 :0 0 paten* otlicaf daihat *nh to* first to "come out of the tupatviior and Mkjw workart ovar beloved — w u able to buy OlfltHEMUPPETS 11:40 absolutely giggled before h.» unotihodot ityt* M*ck. ion tlatt Micha*) Cam*. Sha**y Wmlart surgery. (D o MOVIE You Only Lly* years after yielding one good Job of applying makeup th* i i m i Japan*** atoctfomc 12.00 invonliont Twit* (I9STI Saar. Connary. Don­ cancer-ridden lung to Certainly, xs the arsenal of over those areas that are ald Pwatanc* Jam** Bond pur- (!) O QUINCY (TJ O JOKER'S WILD (7) O MOV* O uiw On Th* surgery, lie left a gallant medical treatments In­ scarred, "from skin cancer (IT (35) THE JET PERSONS au*i muB.ng RuBBian and kmafican apac* captuie* |R) Coattknai ( l»T9l W **m Shatnat. example of gratitude for crease, the exam ples of surgery. But getting It was ff) (10) UACHCK / LEHRER Lloyd Bndgv* those who win give more REPORT 0:00 thoae extra yearn. my own fault. I just stayed In 12:30 7 :0 5 (D O M 'A 'S 'H Hawkty* m e m Bui the other names on hope to others. And more Ihc sun too much when I out oi I ho Swamp altar a light * THE BEST OF THE NEW 2 :1 5 Htotovtoti SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE (Z) O HEWS Theft It to much salt In th e Greet Salt Lake of Utah that one cannot sink or completely (f) o PRIVATE BENJAMIN (1) O LOU GRANT 2 :4 5 submerge on tel I In It. (I) O WE DARE YOU1 Motto Tarry 01135) WOEPCNOFNT NETWORK McGovern and Jon Bauman antic# (DOM OVlf Th*F«*lty(IS37) Jaanati* MacDonald. AAan Jona* everyday cittiene lo play tricfcl on B (10) TOOAY IN THE LEGISLA­ friend* relative# and itrangaft TURE 3 :5 0 while huldan earner at record I he 1X<17)MOVlC Th# Fort Ktftar Daytime Schedule rta d ll 10:10 (1965) Anthony Perkmt Edward (11. (35) THE ROCKFORD FILES 12(17) NEWS Albert Jr 0 :3 0 IT) □ QENERAL HOSPITAL 5 :0 5 l]|.|35) ANOY GRIFFITH (H (35) BCOOSY OOO April 6 OX 117) put p a t r o l (for) 6D (10) ONCE UPON A CLASSIC 1000 (MON) TUESDAY 5 :2 5 t ) i r e g is p h il b in {D(10)OUCPASAT{TUC) ( E o c e l e b r it y rtevuE (t u e - J Q RICHARD SIMMONS to (10) WHY IN THE WORLD Alianbotough looii *1 Ih* pari FN> It) (35) I LOVt LOOT (WEDI EVE WHO (U> (35) BENNY HILL 6:00 commutucalion hi, playad in m* 5'3 0 10:30 m (10) DUE PASA (THU) davatopmanl ol man rl 11:30 to (10) PASSOVER (FPU) ■ CflOnaODONcwa t} i O suttmsE scuts ten a 4 blockbusters a CD TONIGHT Hot! Johnny 11 (35) CHARUE B ANGELS 6:30 11 ( 17) IT S YOUR BUSINESS t ) O ALICE (R) |MON. W tD -f RT) Carton 3 :0 5 D (J) BERENSTAtN BEARS’ (WON) fj l Q HEALTHBEAT (TUEI S (10) UNDERSTANDING d ) O M 'A ’ S'H 1X(17|FUNTRJE HUMAN BEHAVIOR EASTER SURPRISE Ammaiad IX 1 1 ' I PUT PATROL IWEO, THU) (D O ABC NEWS MOHTUNE 011(35) LEAVE IT TO BEAVER Pap* Raac mtanli an [a*l*r agg 3 :3 0 6 :0 5 O (35) BTREETS OF SAN FRAN­ 6 :3 5 11.-00 Ot (35) I DREAM OF JEAMNIC (IX (17) ANOY GRIFFITH machm* and pfomuaa lulls CISCO a x (17) WORLD AT LA nae (FRO a 14) WHEEL OF FORTUNE S ( t O ) S-l-1 CONTACT (R )g Biolhar llaar a vary ipaual Eaalar t Q THE PRICE RIGHT 6 :3 0 autptwa (Ri d 1*00 6 :5 5 a i 1 ) 0 LOVE BOAT (R) 3 3 5 O CD O JOAM E LOVES CHACHI g (!) O ALICE Akco It caught m th* a x 117) WORLD AT j u i o e (TUE) (j) NSC NEWS 1! (35) »S LIVE OX (17) THE FLINTSTONCS o midow whan lotabad* Flo and Mat (II CBS NEWS 6 :0 0 5 :0 0 O ABC NEWS mlo an argumanl |R| 4:00 O GD SIEVE MARTIN 8 BEST I U j (IX (17) NEWS 11 :0 5 O FANTASY ISLAND Mr O (1) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE 0 (10) UNDERSTANDING SHOW EVER Steve Mertm per­ S U 8 A U IX (171 MOVIE Roark# i> nulad by a baaulllul II O HUMAN BEHAVIOR form* Kr* unique brand oI comedy 1 1 :3 0 woman who hat laaan in tor* with Q f t ____ _ (!) O BEWITCHED (MON. WED 6 :3 5 be-tare an audience at NBC • lamed (35) JM b a r k e r tom and a macho man bacomaa a OlDBATTLEBTARB FRO at (17) OOMER PYLE SiixJo 6H (R) lit (35) INDEPENDENT NETWORK movw l,p* h*»o (R| 6 :3 0 (!) O YOUNG PEOPLE’S SPE­ (il O MOVIE Love And Buttela ‘ NEWS 7:00 O (4) TODAY PN FLORIDA CIAL (TUEI (19?9| Charlei Bronton. Rod 12:30 (J iOMCRV GRIFFIN a (1) THE MUPPET8 Sieger The FBt Ida a detective to t o Cl) LATE MOHT WITH DAVID 6 :4 5 AFTERNOON II (351 BKMRCWOMAN 11) O PM MAOAIMC An agot*- traefc down the mittreta ef an LETTERMAN Ouaalk Bob and (0(10) AM WEATHER * 0 1 tO) SESAME STREET g photnc who tud m hat hwn* tot 30 important 'underworld ligure Ray, tporlt promolar Don King yaar* a man who wufl, taatood tot NBC aaaihaiman Wrurd Scoll 7 0 0 12:00 4 :0 5 (7 )0 THREE'S COMPANY Q Ih* FDA 3X (35) WANTED DEAD OR AUVE O 'ilT O O A V • (DTTCTACDOUOH ax (17) THE MUN8TERS (MON. m O JOKER'S WILD a r (35) OUNSUOKE ^ ( T O MORNMa n e w s TUS. THU. FRG OU (35) THE JEFFERSONS 0 (10) AMERCAN PLAYHOUSE 1 2 3 5 ■» Q OOOO MORNMQ AMCFMCA m i s s r * OX (17) BASEBALL (WED) S (10) MACNEN. / LEHRER ' Madal Ol Honor Rag'' In an Cl) O WKRP IN CMCMNATT '1)1(351 TOM AHO JERRY adaptation ol Tom Cow l itago Johnny I ton*, thal h* it pong 1 2 :3 0 4 :3 0 REPORT CD (10) VTUA ALEGRE (R) Q drama baaad on a liu* tlory. a m tan* and chacki hanaaK mlo I ho (4 NEWS ( ) a h a p p y d a y s a g a in (m o n . (MON. THU) ^ 1 7*05 Mack Vwlrvam -alar an raaorf* lo hotpilal |H| B (10) VXLA ALXORE (PS (TUB. 8 to t h e YOUNG AMO THE WIDPW) OX (17) CAROL BURNETT ANO robbary whan ha hnd* IhM h* can­ WED, PM) RESTLESS Q) to AFTERNOON PLAYHOUSE FRIENOB not auppufl hi* !am*y g 1:10 (7 1 0 RYANS HOPE (TUE) CD O MCCLOUD McCloud mvaa- 7 .0 6 i t (35) MAUDE 730 * 3 0 Ig aiat ih* damn oI a rodao alar dX(17)FUNTMiE 4 3 6 to UI ENTERT AMMENT TOWGHT CD O TOO CLOSE FOR COM- 1.00 OX (17) LEAVE IT TO BEAVER An miarmaw wtlh Daw Amai and th* murdtri ol tavorN woman 7:30 0 1 ( 1 OATS OP OUR LIVES m Contra! Park |Rj (MON. TUE. THU. FRI) J O (1| (351 WOOOt WOOOPCCKER 1710 * U UY CHILDREN YOU ASKED FOR IT *50 CD to MOUE "Tha Graal Waltj" 6:00 " Q FAMILY FEUO 0 ( 1 7 ) 1 t o 110) SESAME STREET g i t (35) MOWS (35) BARNEY MH.LEA 11934) luiaa Rarnar. Farnand Ora- to (£ LA VERNE A BHML1Y B 1 0 3 0 BOO 1 0 5 COMPANY (lO)OFCKCAVKTT a x (35)CASPER 0 ( 1 7 ) MOVC (D to HOGANS HEROES (MON • ® SHAPE OF THINOS 1:20 7:35 (Ptatmatal Morgan Faachad. Sar­ OX (17) NEWS 1 3 0 WCCLFTW) 6:05 OX (17) NBA BASKETBALL ah Purca*. Lynn Kadgjava. Batty 1 3 0 OX (17) I DREAM OP JEANNC (D O At THE WORLD TURNS I ALL W THE FAMILY Atlanta Hawk* v* Haw Tor* Wtuia Manny Youngman and Vic 5) MCREDWLE HULK to GD CAROL Knicat Ta,back talair* n x m laauaa and FRKNOS 6:30 2 0 0 110) LESTER ROGERS (R) par tonal rdalionahip* a t (351OAEAT SPACE CO ASTER O (41 ANOTHER WORLD * 0 0 5.-06 CD t o HART TO HART 1:50 0 (10) MMTER ROGERS (R) ( D O ONE U FE TO LIVE to (£ DAFFY DUCK* EASTER OX (17) THE BRADY SHOW Anawaiad Daffy Due* ttw* H I (35)'fcOEPENOENT NETWORK OX (17) MOV* For A 8 :3 6 2 :3 0 (MON. TUE. THU. FRI) m Ihta* Caslat onantad cartoon* B adman (IM4) Murphy. OX (17) SIT THREE SONS (D O CAPITOL Dan an McGavm 5:30

Evento# H w M , K i r i r i , FI, Friday, April!, im -7 WEDNESDAY April 7

an along lb* Thame* Rner docu­ Urich Makes A Deal OJ (35) BENNY M U * 0 0 ment* the mattive clean-up Ihal 0 (10) POSTCRIPTS By VERNON SCOTT with seven people getting both." baa raatored <1* *>al*r* la a naer t___ (DC 1 1 5 0 UP1 HoUywood Reporter killed In the first 30 seconds. Uhtil he signed with Metro, 5) CMAMUTt AMQCLS yitaMy q OX (17) A U M THE TAMILY It got our lowest rating. I 10) ITS EVERYBODY’S BUB4- 8 :0 5 HOLLYWOOD (UP1) - Urich's feature film career (Ol (1 7 ) NBA BASKETBALL 11:30 Robert Urich, the handsome used to fight for comedy and consisted of a five-line role in Atlanta Hamrfit v*. Detroit Piston • 9 (1) TONIGHT Hott Johnny 6 3 0 Car*on Guail Robert Kiam itsr of the defunct “VegaJ” fun but I finally got worn Gint Eastwood’s "Magnum 0 IT) NBC NEWS 0:00 ( T O M -A -S -H series, wants to be a movie down and worn out. Force." ) O C8S Mnvs O <£> t h e f a c t s o f u f i m a ABC NEWS MOHTLINE (T) O ABC MEWS star and has found a means iJ) o WKRP IN CINCINNATI Lh iTC (35) STREETS OF SAN f RAM- "When we finished the Urich's deal calls for three 9 (10) ITS EVERYBODY'S BUSI­ Announce* that ha it going to pur- CISCO to reach his goal. NESS *u« hit chtWhOCKJ dream of bacom- fourth season last March, t feature films, a TV series 1 1:60 A veteran of five TV series I a famous Naw York (ournaHtt locked the doors of our I j is 7 :0 0 IX (17| MOVIE Imavon O* Th* — "Bob and Carol and Ted with a two-hour pilot, a firm OP THE MURREYS O THE FA IL QlfY At a ttunt man t convention. Oo4l it pul m th* Dndy Snail bar* |19M) Kavm Vegas home and drove to our 13 weeks on the air and part O P M MJ-OAZME a men and Alice,” “S.W.A.T," poait*on of having to rescue hi* McCarthy. Dana Wynlar place on a lake In Ontario S«*w cr»»h«» pro >c -‘mg "Tabitha,” "Soap" and ownership. MGM also ditguiked t participant. oiagno*- major contender tor tha group a 12:00 (Canada). I was sick with agreed to pay Robert Urich annual award ( i) O MOVIE A Man. A Woman "Vega$," Urich concluded tog haallti proMamt by eiemuung the flu and 3o pounds I inductions for developing th an ** (H;P5*gunsmo«e And A Bank" , I* TV) Donald Suthar- that he could spend the rest 0 ) 0 JOKFIJO K E R S WHO ffl (10) MI00LETOWN land. Brocaa Adam* overweight. I was In terrible books and stories into movie Community Ot Prai»a“ A family of his life unhappily on the n |3 5 ) T H E JtTFERSONS m a l o v e b o a t shape. properties. MACNEIL / LEMRER of fundamental**!! par*i«tantty call TV treadmill. ® ( i y pul E alter egg* in obvious Goll Tournament (horn the Auguste IF a (4 1 HOC NEWS place* *0 then lilll* brother PJ can National Goll Club m Augusta Ga ) YOUR a Q l Q C B S NEWS hnd ll-wn m a ABC NEWS NIGH TUNE (7J O ABC NE.YB ( B O BOSOM BUDOIES IT. (35| STREETS OF SAN FRAN­ a (10) EARTH, SEA ANO SKY a (10) THIS OLD HOUSE Bob CISCO 6 3 5 Vila and Norm Abram laaa a lour o4 CO- the newly renovated home q 11:40 11 (17) OOMER PYLE l U O U ' A ’ l'H 7 :0 0 9 :0 0 11 (17) MOVIE the Chamt-on " a (4) THE MOPPET* O (4) DifF'RENT STROKES Mr 11949) v.rk Douglas Ruth Roman WORKERS (I) O P M MAGAZINE A htl tong Drummond* utter decide* he i*n'l 12:00 that raumted lh* author with hr* taring the right Sard Ol woman q m o VEGAS th tend, aohnng crime ol TV (C O CAGNEY A LACEY CagrWy LOOK ) 0 JO K ER S WILD and Lacey mvetlgete an attami on 12:10 r (35) THE JEFFERSONS a lough young alreel gang member (1) O QUINCY A m i kbertanan (10) MACNEIL / LEHRER by an elderly Caucauan Itm* io ind ECONOMICAL OX ( 17) SANFORD ANO SON (1) O KNOTS LANDING Gary McMillan lues lo prove that. deaptla convincing evidence. Sgt convince* VaJ not lo pubk*h her 8:00 Enright did not k41 hi* wife (R| •LOSE IN THE RIGHT PLACESI *NO EXERCISE *NO CONTRACTS book about lh* Ewmg dan and B ® SMURF SPRINGTIME SP E­ • ECONOMICAL#p a y AS YOU LOSE •SUPERVISED BY FLA. PHYSICIAN CIAL Animated Oargamal di*cov­ Richard i» •U'oted by a proslilule 1:30 er* that boamg *< Smurf* wnh lead on tdiYtttcm 0 (1) CAROL BURNETT ANO •N O HABIT FORMING DRUGS ^CHOICE OF D IFFEREN T PROGRAMS •A produce gold r j (7 ) 0 2 0 / 2 0 FRIENOS (35) independent n e t w o r k (!) o MAO HULL P I A lor mar 1:45 Rutuan pool haa* Magnum lo kid­ NEWS 0 ( 10) TODAY IN THE LEGISLA­ 11 (17) MOVIE Appomlment nap hr* tiancaa (R) With Danger ’ (19111 Alan Ladd. m O POLICE SQUADI Tha mve»- TURE Phyllis Calvert Slinics tgaiion ol a nightclub come * 10:10 baath put* Dal active Drebm on the 0 2 (1 7 ) NEWS 3 :00 c s o n e w s 'Where wefefcf control u mere than just § Sot” Irak ol an underworld drug ring 10:30 I t (35) THE ROCKFORD FILES OX (35) BH0P3MITH 3:30 0 ( 1 0 ) SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger m O MOVIE I he Street* Ol AZALEA PARK WINTER PARK S A N F O R D I WINTER HAVEN Ebert and Gene Snkel review The 11:00 San Francnco |l9T7)Karl Maiden Cal People.' "I Ought To Be kt Pic­ a'iujiom oN cw s Michael Douglas ture*.' "Victor, Victoria and (11; (35) BENNY HILL 2824666 629-1441 323-6505 299-8311 Silent R age' CD (10) PASSOVER Tha hulory 3:40 practice and wgndicance ol I hr* 01 (17| MOVIE Stwrloc* Horme. 8 :0 5 Jewth heyday i* d elu M Waiving And The Pe*rl 0*. Death" (1944) 12 (17) MOVIE rsnenandoeR * focus on 4X1 <8fl’tS#M* ff*l Baa^T^41^^Kvve7^■a4lBrlkA, 4 I

4— E w r Ifu H tf 14, Unford. f I. FrMay, April 1, IN I April 3 'Capitol' Set In Washington "Uayday' Maydayl" Tao cNMian 6:30 "Search" back to Its most ar* >1 landed m tha wedamaa* after By N y q r M. Rddkardt 6 :1 6 I N SC NEWS tfae parantt ara miurad n a plana IC S S NEWS NEW YORK - Casting NBC welcomed “Search papular lime slot of 11:30 02 (17) RAT PATROL craah (Pan l)< R ln I NEWS notes on the new CBS soap for Tomorrow" Into Ita fold p.m. (EST) would benefit the ■ 110) VOYAGE 6 :2 5 74)0 (C 0 CELEBRITY REVUC opera, “Capitol," Include by throwing a fantastic party show tremendously. 12.4)5 | (4) M SEARCH 0 F _ Constance Towers as in the Rainbow Grill atop the 5 3 0 02 (17) MOVIE Moment To ) B HEEHAW There will be no changes in Moment" ( I9M ) Jean Sabcrg. Hon­ Clarissa McCandless, Oil Q LAWRENCE WELK NBC building at Rockefeller or Blackman Through a chance ) (35) WILD. WILO WIST the cast or the writing team 5 :4 6 Carolyn Jones as Myma Center In New York City. meeting an unhappy woman b*gm* • (1 0 | UNOERSEA WORLD OF as the soap begins Its NBC 42 (17) WORU) AT LAROE (101 Clegg And R «7 Calhoun as an ehcrl alia*, but acodanlaiy JACQUESl COUSTEAU< Everyone on hand, which run. Location scenes filmed thaola her paramoie 6 3 0 7:30 Judson Tyler. NEW z o o n e v u s Included the entire cast of In the Caribbean on the 12:30 ■ ® CA LL YOUR CONGRESS- ( 1 ) 0 LAW ANO YOU 0 ' * I AMERICA'S TOP TIN “Capitol" made Its debut the show, was In an en ­ exotic isle of St. Kitts will DR SNUOOLES OWM ( O“ P I «SOUO GOLD March J6th as a one-hour thusiastic mood about the begin siring within a week 7 OI AlAMERICAN BJINDSTANO 6:00 nighttime special following network switch and the in­ and will feature Rod 6 :3 0 ■ 00)1) VOYAGE 0 ® ONE OF THE BOYS (MXIOAN-S OLANO (It P CMARUE BROWN'S ALL­ “Dallas." It first aired terest that NBC executives Arrants, Sherry Mathis 1.00 STARS Animated Chart* Brown SPECTRUM JWRCTTUNO and th* Peanuti gang muddle (hen during the day last week and have taken In the future of (Travis and Lisa Sentell) EELOl. THE CAT Oil (35) MOVIE the Tenth Vk - way through another memorable has now settled Into Its half- their show. And all those and "Search" newcomer, 7 « 0 tm r ( 19*51 MarcaAO Mavlroranre. aaaton (R) hour dally format. present felt that moving Susan Manta (AJa Doyan). 0 f4) GrU JO A N S ISLANO Urlula Andraaa In a world where CD O T J . HOOKER Hooter and S O BLACK AWARENESS honucid* n legal, an adiata n Romano accidentally chic over an 1 O MR MOONS promt ted dearrabN pOkWMMna ll illegal weapon* operabon April 2 CIRCUS ah* can h * 10 people a t (35) OUNSMOKE FRIDAY at (35) AM BARKER 0 ( 1 0 ) FAMILY PORTRAIT 0 (1 0 ) THE GOLDEN AGE OF 1:30 TELEVISION Pal tern i Ed flag 7 :0 5 ley Fveretl Sioane and Richard 02 (17) VEGETA BLE SOUP dtOSHOPSMITH Kd*y alar in a 1.55 production of done* m Nt personal and profaa- (710 WRESTLING mirnaiAn interview with Michelle Laa Rod Serbng a multi faceted nudy nl EVENMO s I Ma trie* to racaptura tha 7 :3 0 ■ | tO) FAMILY PORTRAIT YOU ASKED FOR IT 1004 tlraaa m tha competitive world of 6:00 d lO W tpsof and idaait ot N t youth O f 41 BULL WINKLE ( 7 ) O EI FAMILY A FEUD S O THIRTY MINUTES 2:00 big buameta 0 < i ) ( 1 ) 0 ( E D NEWS ( 5 0 DALLAS Cliff t mothar aakt (Hi (35)) IBARNEY MILLER ( 7 ) 0 FOHZ / HAPPY OAYS GANG 0 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN 11 (351 CHARUTS ANGELS (10) D C * CAVETT Gurral htm io iptigf), fkthby con!acts Far* (Jt p H OGANS HEROES 8:05 CD (1 0 ) AMT OF be WO HUMAN Jonathan Mater | Pari S) radayt underworld carmtcllontt 7:35 ■ (10) LIVING ENVIRONMENT 02 117) NASHVILLE ALTVE Gueil and MOC«nt pftBOnw UP < '4 4 ) NBC 1 NEWS O (4) SONNY ANO CHER It t (35) QUHSUOKF “ 1 C M NEWS CD (1(3) CREATIVITY WITH BILL I Q SUPERTRIENDS 01 the E eat m th* Mih annual all- Of C«rson contsdori • pfiwal# j n i I J) O THE DUKES OF MAZZARD a t 735) FISHING WITH ROLANO pfactic* «rtcfi Ontion tponiiOft *n I ABC NEWS MOYERS Garbaga" Bill Mayors alar game (live Irom laa Vegaa. n i p t The Dukei Boat Hogg and Roa- MARTIN •ngry youth *n a B«g Oroth^f p#o- 10) AAT O f MAM HUMAN m»«tt tamo unutual paopt# wHo m a i (To] coa ara herd prnoner al I he Duka 0 (10) PHOTO SHOW Hu* And larm by atcapad convict* work tfiyolw#* studying whai wa CD o SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S 6:35 1 re Jon Goe* d ia c u u n type* of GOLDEN GLOVES ) O FAT ALBERT EASTER SPE­ (7) O BENSON Banaon and C la y throw away Q 5! oxiwioomcrpyle color him. nor eg* him ap**d. Vghl ■ (10) LA PABCUA DEL BCNOR CIAL Ammatad Fat Alton and tto Ion parr oh agaetal the g o n n w r 0 :3 0 7:00 mg prouatmg and vanout color gang pilch m to help an old trwnd and Paia m the tu la poll lourrwy CD (10) INSIOC STORY fntrda balancing teiera da RCVWW March 28th Hacftont. and wf**l ft ft hr* caretaker ib uamg hw vela aa a itammum with a home computer 6:30 1*5# lor tha raporlart who ara covar* SB (IT nut men hotel when he a away Jactaon A widowed doctor halt* I/IQ JOKER S WILD 8 0 5 hit C au n o v a tand«nci«a long mg Itota tinners < 110 T ARZAN / LONE RANGER n I) (3 5 ) THE JCITERSONS 0 2 ( 17) MOVC And Hoar M.gu­ 3:00 enough to faH for an outtpoken €D (1 0 ) MACNCJL / LEHRER a r ' (IM S) Ou* Slock read. Cki 10:00 (7) O THUNOARH I GOLDIE ■ CD MOVIE Advenlurn Of ‘ divorcee who doem 1 ibetiemw in phi GOLD REPORT Outage, A young thaphard trtaa lo (1) O FALCON CREST Lknc* Sherlock Holm** |1«») BaM landwring (R) 11(35) RILL DANCE OUTDOORS h# «« rtspontiN* #noug»i to O'.ri in lo Angie • pi nature to m o ­ Ralhbon*. N-gel Bruce Thwvoa lad (7J O LOVE BOAT 7:05 0 110) FLORK3A HOMEGROWN to twefud#d on lh» gr*/mg trek* re I M u l by the mlamou* Or Mortarty plan lo I I (35) BK3 VALLEY 0 2 (1 7 ) WINNERS I D O f l o r id a i ileal lha Crown Jewell ol England fi‘30 8:35 9:05 7:30 (7) O BAflNCY MILLER P w fn ch t lit (35) INDEPENDENT NETWORK 42 (17) THREE STO O GES / LIT­ dll (35) MOVIE A Tail* Ol Hon­ 02 (17) UNOERSEA WORLD OF O <4) entertainment t o n ig h t (jtrlln#(«J from N§ umvwrttfy day* NEWS TLE RASCALS ey" < 1962) Dora Bryan Rita Tuah. JACQUES COUSTEAU rifiw m nwiNKl woman, rdhfndtaMi fC (10) TODAY M THE L E CHS LA- Ingham Atler a young Mnarltv* TIRE 94)0 Br tilth girl hat an affa* w4h a Uack (htB oW lUm«nk Of lov* f J 4 t (35) HCRAU) OF TRUTH 9:30 CD HO) WALL $Tf«T WtEK aatlor. ah* alruggwa lo accapl lha O (10) ALFRED HITCHCOCK 1 0 :0 5 0 ( 1 0 ) FLORIDA HOMEGROWN I eel that ah* it pregnant ■ WtiBf t N«« From Bwchw?" a l l 17) NEWS PRESENTS Guest Larry WatfiM. fwtt vice 9:05 0 (1 0 ) PRESENTS pfoudml U*cto Maltey Stuart 1 0 :3 0 a2(17)W A R ANO PEACE 104X) 3:30 ■ ( i) MCCLAIN 8 LAW McCla.n B N fM l Inc a t (35) OMNI THE NEW FRON­ ( I ) O PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TIER 930 it enraged when two vtcroua 9 * 0 0 (it MO SU PER POWER HOUR TOUR *110 000 King low* Open rob bar i a r* guaranlMd immunity m O I I I MOVIE Save the Tiger" 11:00 (T) O BUOS BUNNY / ROAD Ik** bom itv* King '■ out* W »t in • achang* lor lha* cooperation m Overland Park. Kant I (19/3) Jack tewnoti. Lkurta Hama- 0(4X1) a (so news RUNNER another cat* |R| (10) MATTERS OF UFI ANO man A nuddi* aged draaa tttanu- HI (35) BENNY HILL (Z) Q LA VERNE E SHIRLEY 0 CD O PERRY COMO'S EASTER IN laclurar diairaugni over lha dec* ( D 110) POSTCRJPT8 a t (35) LIFE BEGINS AT CAL­ DEATH GUJLDALAJJLRA Ann A lan and VARY 1 1 :0 5 44)0 Charo (om eniarlaewr Perry Como DOG KMIK 0 ( 1 0 ) COOKIN' CAJUN to celebrate Cellar m Menu [ J 6 (1 0 ) WE8TMMSTCR DOG (12(17) ALL IN THE FAMILY 0 KJ SHOW HIGHLIGHTS OS (35) INOCPtNOCNT NETWORK NOW 1 1 :3 0 104)0 (7) a RICHIE RICH / 8COOBY NEWS R A IN O R SHINE I e 41 TONIGHT H ail Johnny D00 4:30 0 (10) ALFRED HITCHCOCK Carton 0 (4) ONAH SHORE INVITATION­ PRESENTS eKHAZA TWIWi- ( 1 ) 0 SATURDAY NIGHT 0 (10) THIS OLD HOUSE Bob AL Thud round coverage ol IhN POST TIME I P.M. Yea g-vea po*it*ra on laying a no- NIGHTLY it) O ABC NEWS NIOMTUNE lourntmenl lealurmg lop lenxala 104)5 NiiinM iM iuiA (11(351 STREETS OF BAN FRAN ear floor and chacka lha progreea gollata I Itv* Irom lh* Miaawn Hika a x ( i 7 j n e w s (T L O tE D SUNDAYS) CISCO of lha landacapmg | R ) p Country Club In Rancho Mirage C a t!) 10:30 MATINEES 10:05 an 135) FROM BOTH SJOCS 1 1 :3 5 (5) P SPORTS SATURDAY WBC EVERVMON .W ED. SAT 02 (17) MOV* Sergeant Rykar" •12 (17) M O VE Beau Geala 0 ( 1 0 ) DAVE ALLEN AT LAROE (1966) Doug McClurt. Guy IS round hghtwwght cnampionahip POST TIME M l (IM3I la * Marvin Bradford DR- boul between champion Alalia 114)0 man Stochwvd Th«M Frmncti For won la’giortnwrM damn rstponwbiiity ArguaHo and W BC No I-ranked a C41 <1) a ( D O NEWS 12:00 for a t*wal thaft m ordw to protact a contender Andy Gengan |bv* bom or. (35) BENNY HILL ONLY (7) Q MOVIE The P o en a ltd? thorite# 1 e t Vagaa. Nav I 0 110) THE aOOOES Gam* |IH / I Dora Oay, John 5:00 114)5 Rail 10-J0 O<1i8PI0CR-MAN CD O W»C WORLD OF SPORTS ax (17) KING WEEK 1 / A CELE­ 26 DAYS 1 2 :3 0 a I (35) CAR CARE CENTRAL I n * coverage of lhe Honda Darby BRATION On lh# *v» of th* anre- 0 ll) SC TV NETWORK Ouatli 0 1 TO) THIS OLD HOUSE for 1-ywar-old thoroughbrada (bom veraary of Martin lulher King a LEFT Th* Takung Meedi Tha Plaatlca (R) Outtitream P ark m HakandaN. Fla l daalh. thia apacial commemoralea ^lAlAJM iiM-tiH (1) O MOVC Pock*l Moray" 11:00 IICAA Swimming And Diving Chtm- th* lila of tha lata end nghll Nader 1 IIT/IPaJ Nmeman la * Marvin 0 ( 4 1 SPACE STARS PMnah.pi |Irom Brown Dear. Wwc ) WE CLOSE ( 7 ) 0 LASSIE l b (35) DANIEL BOONE 11:30 0 1 (35) WANTED DEAD OR ALIVf 0 ® SATURDAY NIGHT UVE MAY 1 CHUCK NORRIS in Ob (35) BACKSTAGE AT THE 0 (10) SOCCER MADE M GER- 1:20 ORANO OLE OPRY e MANY E a il Germany va Poland Mott John Madden Ou**la Andy SILENT RAGE fgr 02 (17) MOVIE Cura* Of Tla 0 (10) AMERICAN GOVERN­ Kaufman. JanrvNr Hotuday (Rf Wareeort |TMI| Ckflord Evan* MENT 5:05 1 Jt O SOLID GOLD OaarRrao 12 ( 17) THIS W EEK M BASEBALL 0 ) O M OV* "Th* Cardinal' / R f l F O R D - 11:30 I tWU) Tom Tryon Romy SchnawNr (iMO.ViUASt>JU 5:35 f as 2:00 (11 o ULACKSTAR An American pnaal looka back __ IMS _ 32 (17) MOTORWEEK ILLUS­ O R L f l n D O "■? IM It M l «!»• M » | 0 ) 0 NEWS a ki>an hungry baron 3 :2 0 0 (1 0 ) U FE ON EARTH UN In l unga.iM>d <12 H 7| MOVIE Death Moon" ~ AMERICAN GOVERN- 124)5 0 (10) Th* I r a * * ’ David Allan borough M OV* Dev* Under MINT 02 (17) • (1.7.1 Robert Foavvorlh. Barbara Meat al a variety of pnmata* and Th* Elm* (I.M l Sophia Loren. 8 3 1 - 1 6 0 0 TtWMMM . AFTERNOON how they aotved lh* drfhcuniaa ol Anthony Pet km W . Nil On. living (ugh up m lh* lor*11 Q 4A6 124)0 12:30 1J •><>**• I A den if lid UJ O MOVIE Pacrfic OMtmy" Gt) DAFFY / SPEED Y 6:05 (I) O M OV* Rabbit Run 11.5*1 Denholm ENoll. So lan SI*- I P TROLL KINS 02(17) WRESTUNQ 8 O WEEKEND SPECIAL I Continued 0 b Psge S) 1

Evening Herald, Sanford, FI. Friday, April!, It*!—] A p r i l 4 SUNDAY Soap . Star D e m a n d s

AFTERNOON AL Final round coverage of this announcr* hw mgogwnant lo an 6 JO 12:00 tournament, tealurmg some of the older man |P*rt 7 )Q Proper Murder top female goiters (five from the | HEALTH FIELD DOF io h t b a c k 0 :0 5 Mission Hills Country Club in Ran­ 7) agriculture u s a . d l( 1 7 ) IN A WEEK'S TIME 12:30 cho Mirage. Gakf) HOU.YWOOD (NEA) - In store for Mary Anderson. 8:00 ■ (!) MEET THE PRESS 0 ) (10) APPOINTMENT WITH 0 :3 0 Fernando Valenzuela "I was at a party," (II o MORMON WORLD CON- , S' O THIRTY MINUTES DESTINY The Crucifition Of ( I ) O AMERICAN FILM INSTI­ decided not to pitch until the Melinda aays, "and Pat FERFHCE i?) O DIRECTIONS Jesus" The last week in the life of TUTE SALUTE TO FRANK CAPRA (1) o AGRICULTURE U 8 A. f i (10) TONY BROWN'S JOUR­ Christ, from hit triumphant Jama* S m tH hotl* IN* ttkita lo [os Angeles Dodgers paid Falken-Smlth (the show'a n O n n e w s NAL South Africa Tune Hunting entrance into the Holy City lo hi* rtruhi-award mnnmg dvocto* Frank him a big salary. Pro foot­ head writer) aald lo me, Out"'. Tony Brown ir in n e i the 8 :3 0 trial and execution, is portrayed Capra at ha t* pcnaniad with AFI • fording* and recommandetioni qi a LrN Athiavwnanl Award ball players have sat out ‘Sorry, you’re going to be ® O VIEWPOINT ON NUTFfltON 4:30 tludy on U S pokey toward South d r (35) JIMMY 5WAQGART entire seaaons to get their killed.’ ” CD O WIDE WORLD O f SPORTS 7 :0 0 Africa salary demands. Suzanne Melinda didn't like that Q (!) OPPORTUNITY LINE The Rebel 600 stock car race 10:00 if) Q PICTURE OF HEALTH 1:00 (live from Darlington. S C ) , the 45th W (10) KISS ME PCTRUCHIO Somers left "Three's idea. It wasn't that ahe waa f li CD NBC MAGAZINE Jock running of the Santa Anita Derby Joseph Papp s vers*on of Shake I I (35) BEN HAOEN km* fepor11 on po**tbN destruction lor thoroughbred racing t Triple speafes Taming Of The Shrew,** C om pany" becau se of a worried about finding work 7.-05 Of North Carolina hshing grounds Crown hopefuls (five from Arcadia, taped during the summer of 1979 m salary dispute. — she has always worked 31(17) BETW EEN THE LINES ' because of bureaucratic - buck- C*M ) , Ctntral Park, taalures between-the- and always will — but she patting. Garrick UDey •Eimmu the scenes interviews with the 'stars But all those hold-outs pale 7 :3 0 5:00 ttata of heallh car* ♦<-» m* Soviet Meryl Streep and Raoul Julia by comparison to what didn’t like the Idea of her O CO MONTAGE: THE BLACK a t (35) DANIEL BOONE Union, Batty Aaron aiammat lha Melinda O. Fee recently character leaving In such a PRESS effectt of m att ursempAoyment on S ) (1 0 ) riRtH d LINE Th# fulur# 10:05 (7) O TOOAY'S BLACK WOMAN several Amnfican families Ot Our Relations With Mainland OX ( 17) NEWS accomplished. She staged a violent way. 31 (35) E J DANIELS China" Guest John King Farrbank. CD O MOVIE The Heart It A 10:30 author of Chinabound A Fifty Year polite little strike until 7 :3 5 Lonely Hunter" (1968) Alan Atkin, 0(1 (35) JIM BAKKf R "The way a character Sonora Locke Bated on the novel Merno+r "Days of Our U ves" agreed leaves a show," she says, "is 3J (17) IT O WRITTEN 11:00 by Carton McCullert A tenttirva 5.05 to kill her decently. important. Sometimes, the 8:00 deaf mute it befriended by a ■young © (17) TORRE, TORRE. TORRE O i l l til Q NEWS O U l V O C E O F VICTORY girl who under stands hit privtle THE RITES Of SPRINO A pre sea ED (10) top OF THE WORLD writers send a character (|) O REX HUM BARO ConlatMnti tram tha Uni I ad torment. son look at the 1982 Atlanta Brave* ( 7 ) 0 BOB JONES Statat tiraat tlrilarn' amt Auktralia upstairs — and ahe never (7 i O DISCUSSION is presented I f (35) JONNY QUEST 5 ! (35) MOVIE Humoresque conrpatu m a quiz program that comes back down ttgain. 03 (10) SESA M E STREET |R )g (194 71 John . Joan Craw­ 5:35 IN II than aafiarltka m a wida «wia- They Just forget about ty ot tubroclt 8 :0 5 ford A wealthy woman, benefactor 9X (17) WRESTLING them." 11(17) JAM ES ROBISON of an ambitious viokrvst, it cat! by 11:05 the way tide when the is no longer EVENING 1 2 (17) CARIBBEAN NIGHTS Melinda didn't want her 8 :3 0 reedftl O H SUNDAY MASS ffi | 10) WASHINGTON WEEK IN 11:30 character to be murdered. I) 1 O OAV OF DISCOVERY REVIEW |R) eoo o 4) ENTERTAINMENT THIS NBC NEWS IX (17) CARTOONS three modern couple* get caught 0 fl (35) JACK VAN IMPE S O CBS HI W5 tragedies In her private life 9 :0 0 up m a round of last-minute deci­ < 7 I O ABC NEWS 11:35 — her sister and inofher had O ( f THE WORLD TOMORROW sions and social obligation* ® (1010) FLORIDA HOME GROWH c n O H c w s died and, as it later turned i)l O SUNDAY MOANINa 1:30 Pruning Methods ,11 (17) OPEN UP MELINDA O. F E E a KID3 ARE PEOPLE TOO (7) O OUTDOOR LITE out, her father died Just (35| BUGS BUNNY AND m (10) WALL ITREET WEEK 0:35 12:00 ...had her say three days before her own FRIENDS ■Whir* New From Bach*?" 9Z<17)MCEPCOFLE DJI (35) IT S TOUR BUSINESS B (10) MfOOOWRtGHrS SHOP Melinda O. Fee U a sen- scheduled onscreen murder. Guest Larry Wachled frrtf w e 7:00 12:05 A DowlM By Hand" (R) national looking redhead who president Bach# Halsey Stuart 0 (1) FATHER MURPHY Spuirmd ( 7 ) 0 LOUIS RUKCYSCR Now that that has been 0 :0 5 Sfwetds Inc (R) by John MichaN Murphy a young had been playing the 12:30 11(17) LOST IN ftp ACC girl ravaata tha truth about "Fatbar" resolved peacefully — 2:00 O (!) MOVIE Fwilwo For A character of Mary Anderson Murphy lo authonhaa (Part t i n 0 (4) CHAMPIONSHIP FISHING t v , in Sr ana (19A4) tbchwd Egan Melinda's big death scene 0 :3 0 ( I ) O B0 MINUTES on the NBC soap opera for a REAL ESTA TE ACTION LINE (KOSPORTSBEAT Vivaca Lmdlort was aired on two days in late O ( I RE (?) a INSIDE AMERICA year or so. In her past 11(35111 HE JET SONS H) < tO) PROFILES IN AMERICAN I I I a m o v ie ' Slranga Now ART Sculptor George Carlton iFhamara) Ok * Clark taka* a look February — she Is content. 03(10) lMOVIE ‘ A Study In Scot* World (1975) John Satun. Kath- career, ahe has been on there* hi* Hva for the Tirahumara at lha paopla arid avanfa that ara No hard feelings. She did It (10331 rVgniMd Owen AUn making naw* m A/nanca today other soap operas and been Mowbray Based cm Ifw story Indians cl New and! Ns 31) (35| THE HARDY BOYS / NAN- 12:35 and she's glad. Arthur Conan Doyf* Sherlock tecbnique* for capturing thee spoil­ written out — that’s the CY ORCW MYSTERCS (71 O MORMON W ORLD CON- Holme* mvesftgale* a buarra mur­ ed personalities 0> (1 0 ) AUSTIN CITY LIMITS FERENCE nature of the beast. And she perhaps der involwmg a lore*Qn word Mutton 2 :3 0 ' Gaorg* Thorogood And Tha 12 (17) MOVIE The furies But then she heard that the established a principle: You tn blood at tha scene of lb# cum* 0 (D MOVIE f’My H Again. Daatroyara I Dand Otnay And Tha ( 19501 Barbara Stanwyck, Walter writing team who concocts can't kill an actreaa off 10.-00 Sam (1972) Woody Alien Diane X-Ray* Huslon O (i) MOVIE ThOM Daring Keaton The spirit of Humphrey the story lines for "D ays of without letting her have a 7**05 2 :3 5 Young Mnn In T t w Jaunty Jato- Bogart provides advice to a 1 1 ( 1 7 ) MOVIE The Private War CD Q MOVIE Babat In Arm* Our IJves" had a grim fate say In how It’s done. pw*' (IM S) BootnC Tony Cur In lovelorn movie buff Of Major llenton (1955) Charlton 119391 M-ckoy Flora my Judy Oar ■ Monla Carlo It lha acana lor an d ) Q AMERICAN SPORTSMAN (Season Premier e| leVar Burton Heston. Julie Adams A lough Army land nlarnalronal car racm m orfuch chu­ man us sntiened by a female doctor rn atiampl lo trkbolog* aacA Dinar raft* down Africa * Zamben River, 2 :4 5 •even eaperl climbers attempt to after he it IrantNrred lo a military 1C (35) M O V * ' Beware 01 B*on- school OX (17) MOV* tha Vanqu­ d«" IIS S I ) Arthur Lake. Panny Sin­ scale Ama Datum *n the Himaia- ished 11953) John Payn*. Jan gTel on Pandamonajm foNcMt whan ya* 0:00 Slwkng Mr Dihara laav*a lha bu*w*«* m CD (10) PROFILES IN AMERICAN O I D CHIPS A crook trains ani­ 4 :1 0 l.agwood a tumbling handl lor ■ ART Watercolorist Donald Teague mals to convnri crimes, and Ponch CD a MOVIE "Tha ru m * And W da, a la ** about U s work at magaame learnt that a mala stripper bears • iNutlv^for and hi* career m the fine •ink *ng. r esemblance to hen Th* Arrow " 119501 Burl lancatlar, IBUDGET 1 0 :0 5 aria ( J ) O ARCHIE BLINKER'S PLACE Vagmra Mayo IX (17) LIGHTER SIDE OF THE ( D O TODAY S FBI Ben and his 4 :3 0 NEWS 3 :0 0 U (35) MOVIE ErntxacubM agemfs scramble lo save the life of • OX 11?) MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 1 0 :3 0 You 119*8) Oano Clak. O w ald n wealthy eaecutive's ton who hat ID a FOR OUR TIMES A tpacuF Biookt Aha, m luring ■ gM tn * M- been krdnapped hr comnuaatonad caniata bated on tnd-tun ocorjont. • potty crook lt ( 3 5 ) W .V GRANT SATURDAY lha Old Taaiamani alory of Dand bocomat iom*nlit**y mychmd with 0 (10) NOVA Artists In The and Baihahaba laaturaa Motropok- Lab" A look t* taken at th* 20th* century prorwMvi who are using 'OPTICAL lan Opara aolonla |R| 03 (10) PRO FILES IN AMERICAN (Continued From Page 4) D a FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ART Conrad Schwwmg th irn hr* computers and lasers lo create an m extraordinary array of strange now 119701 Jam** Coon. Anianatt* 1 0 :3 5 I lor Ihw mountaail and hr* pN- art forma (R )Q Comer IX (17) MOVIE operation Ptlli- krtophy about pomtng a* ha work* 01 (35) WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE coal (ISM ) Cary Grant. Tony m VaMowalooa Park 0:30 Curlra A aubmarlna commander 3 :0 5 & ) O ONE OAV AT A TIME Alai 1:00 ignoret regutalrona m order lo gal 01 (17) MOVIE The Ghost Of presses M ai mto service as lha new 0 (!) DANCE FEVER ha vattwl back tn action Fkghl 401" (1971) Ernest Borgmne, coach for his baseball laam dX (3 5 ) JERRY FALWELL 1:30 11:00 Kim Basinger The apparition of a 0 (4) CAROL BURNETT ANO D Q BLACK AWARENESS dead fkghl officer begins appearing 0:00 FRICNOS B (10) MATMEE AT THE BU0U to crew members of planet uimg 0 0D MOVIE UMtbWt* tt9 79) Featured Wrldcal" (lb * alar- salvageable parts of hn downed Hi* Murray. Chn* Makafwac* Th* 2:00 mg Fbchard Arlan and Butter hood COunukv *1 • u n w comp OX (17) MOVIE Pukaga Watt • Glosses Duplicated • tov undWKtumwl n«p«M hit (1961) John Payne, Arteeri Whelan Crabba, a ISIS thorl and lha Inal 3 :3 0 chaplar ol " Z o n a * Fighting (1) a MOVIE tha Iknui chwgn* but tlrltM out «bwi hk 2 :4 0 Your Doctor's Prescription Filled • legion ' |R) 1 1977) S la v a McQuaan. All Ii i m to wnpv*** tv* Mmol* couniw- ( 7 ) 0 NEWS MacGiaw Tha profit* l>o>n a halt- wt IR) • Free Adjustments ond Repairs • 1 1 :1 5 () o ALICE Akca bocomot no*- 3 :1 0 11(35) LAUREL AND HA ROY rmllron-iJo**> haul by a huiband- 8 CD O MOVIE th* Rot urn Ot and-vbita laam aia oknotl lo*t lo laigic avtion Tommy Iwid* an ocimg Doctor * 1939 Humphray Bogwt. 1 1 :3 0 >oM m a ptay 1 1 tnal crooki Oannr* Morgan D O FACE THE NATION (?) O U S A V S THE WORLD M CD O MOVIE Shout At Tha Dm. (?) O THIS W EEK WITH DAVID OLYMPIC SPORTS U S national * " 1197SI Lo* Uofvm Ftogw Moora 3 :4 5 SANFORD BRINKLEY gymnulica loom vt lha national A bootar and ■ kbkil-tooad Bniun (12 (17) MOVIE Saturday Night 2544 FRENCH AVS. lawn at tha PaopN * Rapubkc ot taka on a tquad ot Owman* m an And Sunday Morning" {1960) Albert 1 1 :4 5 ChmattfomLoa AngNaa Cakl) African M<« (MM during World Finney. Rachel Roberts (ACROSS FROM SAMBO'S) I I (35) MOVIE HI Ta Chum B (10) MATTERS OF UTE ANO W w l r-j II9I5I Bit* Brother*, Robert Perga 4 :2 0 DEATH (D (101 MASTERPIECE THEATRE Mon. Thru Fri While on then way lo Hoflywoad a Lova In A Cold Ckmal* Coming (Z) O MOVIE Carson City 3 2 3 - 8 0 8 0 Ntontoy comedy act gate trdelracked in a 4 :0 0 Out" Lo u iu ha* hw cnmmg-oul (1962) RondkUptt Scott Raymond fa.m.Sp.m. w w w w fi.m,-lp.m. amen loam • 0 (31 DINAH SHORE INVtTATION- ball and Shaitty lharaatlar M alley

l »—tvs Mm H w M , lanlerd, Ft______Friday, Ayrll 1, ...The Price Of Books Is Soaring CMtiMed From Page I libraries and institutions. copy. Today, they run {ran H U to 94.M each. The biggest single seller, other than the Bible, is cook­ G O GUIDE Mra. Hall aaya aa the price of hooka goea up and money books, he says. "Many people a re cookbook collectors U ysa're ttitaU ag of getttag out af the fcenae and ere geta tighter, more readera are using the public library. Some have enormous collections and they tend to want to looking far eemethhsg to do this weekend, h ere are a "It'a cheaper than buying (heir own books.” buy the hardcovers. They don't resist the price put on the lew lagfeetioas: Youngsters using the library are tend of easily readable hard coven in this Instance,” Barnett says. Photographic Images of the lllff Century (including material with pictures, she says. Another big seller la the dictionary. "They are always In early Sanford) March 14-April 18, Maitland Art Center, Older kids are reading magaHnes, more non-fiction and demand. Even though the softcover dictionaries are not 231 W. Packwood Ave., Maitland. Free to the public, more for Information than pleasure, Mrs. Hall says. nearly ao complete aa good hardcover ones, paperbacks Tuesday through Friday, 10 am . to 4 p.m. Saturday, 10 "Nationally, the slower fuelling category of books are are in demand. Price increases for softcover dictionaries a.m. to I p.m. and Sunday, 1-4 p.m. children’s books," Barnett says, noting the larger pur­ have not been as great as with other paperbacks,” Bar­ chasers of these type books are public and private school nett says. Cettral Florida Zoological Park, open dally 0 am . to 5 pm. U.S. Highway 17-M between 1-4 and Sanford. Picnic facilities. W h o Played 'Brown Shoe' On TV? u Yotmg-at-H eart” Dance, every Sunday a t 8 p.m., DeBary Community Center, Shell Road, DeBary. DEAR DICK: My husband and I have a b et Remember Instruction, 7:80 p.m. Open to public. the shew "Ten*peed and Brows Shoes"? I say Brown Shoe Geneva Genealogical aid Historical Society w u played by Lou Gossett sad my husband says be was Ask Dick Museum, First Avenue, Geneva. Open Sunday, 3-4 p.m. played by Ben Vereen. Twenty dollars Is resting so yter or by appointment by calling 8488300. answer. MRS. MD.HUDSON, Killeen. Texas. Kleiner "The Magical World ol Mask” presented by the city DEAR DICKt My husband says Richard Benjamin 01 Altamonte Springs, 4 p.m., Sunday, April 18, 4 p.m., played with Ben Vereen la "Tonpeed and Brawn Shoe.” Eastmonte Civic Center. Produced and staged by Ills best friend says It was liada Lavin'* husband, bet William and Adele Plrtgy. Free to the public. can't rem em ber his name, I say It was someone else, but I "The Mound Builders,” Seminole Community caa't remember his name, either. Please settle this College Fine Arts Theatre, April 14-17,8 p.m .; April 18, dispute for us- L MARTtNSEN, Reeds, Mo. want to go. la the movie “ High Noon," 1 say Will Kane 2 p.m. It was Ben Vereen and Jeff Goldblum, playing the leads was played by Randolph Scott. My brother says It was Oviedo Woman's Club Sth Annual G reat Day to the in that TV series (which might have survived had It had a Jim m y Stewart. Who Is right? SHIRUrV SMITH, Monc­ Country, Arts and Crafts Festival, April 24, St. Luke's better title). It wasn't Gossett or Benjamin or Ron ton, N.B., Can. Lutheran Church, Slavta. Lelbman, Linda’s ex. It looks like that big Chicago dinner will be Dutch treat Jan a la Carte, an afternoon of >azz starring Uncle DEAR DICK: What were lb* ratings and the network’s because you're both wrong — it was Gary Cooper. Waldo’s Band, T erry Iamond with Don Lamond and conclusions from last year’s pleasaaily quiet presentstioa DEAR DICK: 1 recently saw a movie railed "The ol the pro football gam e that eliminated most ol the an- Island,” starring Michael Caine. There was a boy la the Ron Gllotll, the Coconut Manor O rchestra, Richie oouacers’ constant chatter? R.W. CASSIDY, Michigan movie who played his son. Could you please tell me his Aakam and the Bubba Kolb Trio with Bill Frangus as master of ceremonies, 34 p.m., Sunday, April 18, City, Ind. name? K.V., Kitts won, Mich. Don't look for any permanent adoption of that no- That was Jeffery Frank. Maitland Art Center, 231 W. Packwood Ave., Maitland. Food available. announcer sportsenst technique. But Insiders believe that DEAR DICK: We recently beard Bob Barker say that the experiment had an Impact on the whole sportaeaiting his wife, Dorothy Jo, bad died. Can you tell ns when she "A Man For AU Seatons," April 2-3, &-10,14-15,16-17, picture. Don Ohlmyer, executive producer of NBC sports, died, and what was wrong? JEAN BLACK, Scottsbluff, 21-22, 8 p.m.; April 18, 2 p.m„ Central Florida Civic said It showed the public announcers w ere necessary, b it N e b . Theatre, 1010 fe. Princeton Ave.. Orlando (Loch Haven Many, many letters have Inquired about Dorothy Jo It did point up the Importance of good cam era work. Park). Call 806-7365 for reservations. Barker’s death. It happened around Christmas. She died Sportacaster Dick Enberg says that, as a result of wat­ ching that game, he has cut down the amount of his own 0fD SJISrblCK: Could you teU m e U MacDonald Carey, commentary by a good 20 percent. Obviously (at least It's the sta r of the loop opera "D ays of Our Lives," and Gov. obvious to m e), sportacaster* do talk loo much, but good Hugh Carey of New York are related? 1 think they ores help the viewer's enjoyment of the game. resemble each other a great deaL TOM GEORGE, DEAR DICK: Would yoa settle an argum ent for my Bayard, Neh. brother and me? U 1 lose, I have U take m y brother la The resemblance may be there, but the relationship Is More than 100 dependents of Johann dinner la Chicago and 111 wla I get my choice of where t not They are not related, as far as Mac Carey knows. Sebastian Bach have btan cathedral orpiniiti. nature vueinc The best dressed ENERGY EFFICIENT SKYLIGHT shed on e Meets South Florida Building Code e Delivered to your site Installed, SYSTEMS anchored and ready to use e windstorm protection up to 120 mph LIGHT UP DARK ROOMS! the block. e Shingled root Introducing THE CYPRESS e Custom stained to match your home e Aluminum buildings also available If there’s such a thing as a designer shed, this Is definitely It. But don't let Its LONGWOOD natural pure good looks tool you. Because A ltam o n te 8 3 0 -8 3 0 0 this pretty little storage shed can FOREST CITY really hold Its own. West Orlando 2 9 5 -3 1 0 0 G OLDEN RO D East Orlando 2 7 3 -8 6 6 3 C

! « • A h UHitWdlM | , l , lt«M »*H — iwwpna rrw i<«m k m r •<* cMWtwawe tun Natwtf <*M Hr p i t ___ MMiiMtr ln .r w .~ l UL Ul't* - »«'«<•> Rmifaf • MrMt C lw M I n w w w M A m e r ic a TJtE STORAGE EXPERTS LONGWOOD I7 V2 8.414 SKYLIGHTS W. ORLANDO-4IOO W. COLONIAL DR. E. ORLANOO-IU2 E. COLONIAL DR. INSTALLATION g T A ft O flO l free Wt Up 4 Delivery 1*0*4. eg Vatws.a Ceu*‘ » GUARANTEE / O C r Y U O I

< Evening HbtbM, tanfard, FI. Friday, W M TELEVISION r r P T n m April 2 thru 8

COM* CK CaM* cn ledeptndeel (DO (ASCI Orlande 0 ( 3 5 ) Orlande Indaerndanf j (CBIt Orlando (DO (Q> (17) Attaala, Oa (NBC) Daytana Baacn (10) & Orlando Public DO Or land* Br*adcaitm« System

In *dtf!H*n t*Ik* cMannaH llila d , tablavlilan m k icrib a ri m ay Ian * In t* tndapandant ( U n n a l 44, 1*. PaTtfibarg, ky Iwntag la ckannal 1 1 tuning ta Otannat t), « n t(h (trrtat ■ parti and TN* C h rliN an Brapdtatttnf Nitwark (CBNI. Specials Of The Week

DESTINY The Crucifixion 01 •t>y a*ch f**t» »h« mull play in th* hut restored III wifait to a new SATURDAY Jesus The last week in (he fete of etompioriih.p gam* vitality q j EVENING Christ, from hit triumphant 4:30 800 entrance into the Hofy City to h»a (1 O AFTERNOON PLAYHOUSE THURSDAY trial and eiedition, it portrayed ■Journey To Survival’ Sii trou­ (3) O CHARLIE BROWN'S ALL- EVENING u Wll is almost over but luchard U tre is still STARS Animated G tier he Brown EVENINO bled teen-agers are enrolled for and IN . gang muddle I hew rehabilitation in a wilder ness 8:00 a long way from home In the television war though another memorable 9:30 encounter project O 8MUW SPRINGTIME SP€- C|i O AMERICAN FILM INSTI­ Ut) premiere of the feature film "Y anks." to air season |R) EVENINO CtAL Arvmnled GArgamel discov­ CD (10) THE GOLDEN AOE Of TUTE SALUTE TO FRANK CAPRA er* lh al boihng p i Smurf* with lead Sunday, April 4 on ABC. James Stewart hosts this saMe to TELEVISION Panama Ed Beg 8:00 wdi produce gold g ley Everett Stoane and Richard mufti award winning director Frank O &) OAFFY DUCK S EASTER Kiley liar m * 1 ®S5 production ol C ads as he is presented with A ll a SHOW A run ited Daily Duck stars 6 :3 0 Rod Sarong a mutt i-faceted ilu d y of Life Achievement Award m three Taster-oriented cartoons o (4 ■ FAMtlY CIRCUS EASTER alt at» in the competitive world d 10:00 (R| S P E C IA L Animated Ooby Jetty big tMitmna arid Billy pul fester eggs in obvious CD (10} KISS ME PETRUCHO 8*30 place* to lhe« kttm twolher P J, can Joseph Rapp s version of Shake­ 8:30 O CD BERENSTAIN BEARS' Imd Ifwm (J O TAT ALBERT EASTER SPE­ speare s Taming Of The Shrew, EASTER SU RPRISE Animated CIAL Animated Fat Albert and th« taped during the summer of 1979 In Papa Bear invents an Easier egg 11:00 gang pitch m to help an old friend Central Park, features between the - m achine and promises Little S ) (10) PASSOVER The fwslory. who *• down on Ms luck, sennet interriews With the start Brother Bear a very special faster p iiK tice and significance of this Meryl Streep and Raoul Julia surprise (H |£j Jewi'iPh holiday it delated featuring 10:00 a locus on an American Seder (R| d) o COMO'S EASTER IN MONDAY 9:00 GUADALAJARA Ann J.(l.in and EVENING O (1) 8TEVE MARTINS BEST Charo K>n *n)*rtamar Parry Como SHOW EVER Slave Manm per­ FRIDAY loc**t»ai*E*at*r>nM*iKO qj 10:00 forms h»t unique brand ol comedy AFTERNOON o 81 IHE BEST Of THE NEW before an audience at NBC ft famed 11:05 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Studio 8M (R) 3 0 0 32 (17} KINO W EEK M A C E L E ­ CD (10) PASSOVER Th* hniofy, BRATION On ihe ewe ol the arm* TUESDAY'S SPECIA LS practice' and egrulicaiiice of I Ins versa'» of Martin Luther King* WEDNESDAY Jewisti holiday *s det^ipd featuring dealh. thia special commemorate* A P R ILS . 1982 a focus on an American Seder |R | the Ida of the late c»vd rights leader EVENINO EVENINO AFTERNOON SUNDAY eoo 8 0 0 llJ O EASTER FEVER Animated AFTERNOON 4:00 S ) ( 10) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Cll o YOUNG PEOPLE’S SPE­ SPECIAL Th* Ihim n A Irani* When the faster Runny decwfes lo 4:00 CIAL Th* ChamptonMip ' Tou< en along the Thame* River docu­ lake an e irly rtturme-il he n giv»Hn 8 ) (10) APPOINTMENT WfTH h^n tcnool g .rli m ar# IT * i N m ments the masaive clean up lhal a farewell m ail

Sports On The Air Span Connery plays James Bond, who is spying In the O rient and meeting a new fem ale SATURDAY tS-icund kghlwmghl champwnilkp 3:30 10:05 bout M tiun champwn lam (D O U 8 A. VS. THE WORLD W (13 (17) BASEBALL Allan!* friend in the process, in “You Only Live UORNMO ArguMo and WBC No 1 itm ptj OLYMPIC SPO RTS U S runonal Braves et Seri Dwgo Padres Twice,” to air Monday, April 5 on ABC. coni*nd*i Andy Garugan (fcrr* trom gymnatnc* l*am *» It* nitron* 8:00 l *i Vagai N*» I an (35) nSMMQ WITH ROLANO l**m ol lha P *o p * I AapvtAc ol Chuia llnyn I n Angata* C»*l ) WEDNESDAY MARTIN 5:00 AFTERNOON 8:05 (D o WIDE WORLD Of SPORTS 4:00 105 TUESDAY 31 (17) BASEBALL BUNCH In* covar ag* ol in* ftondi D»ty lot 1 y*ar OM tnoroughprada llrom B O l DINAH SHORE INVITATION­ 3 2 (17) BAIEBAIL Atlanta GuHtlr*am Park m HaNandal*. I I * ). AL fm * round covwag* ol lha Bray** al San Owgo Padrat 8'30 NCAA Srrrmmng And Diving Cham- tournament Ivaiurmg m m ol It* EVENING (Ul (35) BILL DANCE OUTDOORS proniOrpt prom Brown 0**t. Vine ) lop lamal* gorl*r» |*v* Irom in* B (10) SOCCER MADE M GER­ Million H>M Country CkiO in Ran- 8 05 AFTERNOON MANY EailOarm anyrr* Poland cno Mnuga. Cafcl I 32 I 17) NBA BASKETBALL Atlanta Ha wk a w Del roil Pi si on a 1:00 5:05 4:30 88 (J)WRESTUNQ 31 (17) THIS W EEK IN BASEBALL CD O wioc WORLD Of SPORTS THURSDAY Th* TWO* S00 ' Mock car r*c* 1:30 5:35 |k«* Irom Darkngton. S C ) M 4Mn (X) O WRESTUNO (Q (17) MOTONWCKK ILLUS­ running ol in* Sanl* Ami* Dartry TRATED lor Ihtvoughbrad ratmgi Tnp* 11:30 Croon Iropaluli |k»* Irom Arcadia. 2:30 GD O M ASTERS O O L F (1) O COLLEGE ALL-STAR BAS­ C*M) HIGHLIGHTS rtghkghlt ol lha hrtl KET BALL CLASSIC Top W W I 8 0 5 round of pMy n lha 4

1 :3 0 6.-35 EVEMNG 3:30 32 (17) WRESTUNO (X) O FR O m U O N A L BOW LERS (D O OUTDOOR UPC 7:35 TOUR 1110 000 King L o u * Open 32 (17) BASEBALL Houtten I try* Norn It* King LouW V £ 0 0 Aalto* al Atlanta B/ayn Omrland Part. Kana I B (I i CHAliPIONSHM*mrwam i nSHBKl TUESDAY (D O| BPORTBBEATBPORTBBEA1 1030 4 8 0 OT P5) SPORTS AFIELD B (J) DINAH SHORE NVTTATTON- 2 M 7 :3 5 11:30 AL Tlwd-tound coiarag* ol IN* CD O AMERICAN SPORTSMAN CD O MASTERS GOLF l Uv TTU w ! ° <’ 7 > **1A b a s k e t b a l l MelUta Michaelsen b the 18-year-old who tournament Maturing top lim ili IMHUGHTb mgnagnt.olinaaac- goH*>li |W*It Worn in* Mn *ion M*N r iC ^ n A^ r.’zJ^ Ll^ r, ond round ol play vi it* 46rh Maa- becomes O.J, Sim pson's manager In “Goldie Country CMO n Rmclw U**u* •even exped ckmbers attempt to lar* Gorl Townamanl (Irom in* and the Boxer,” to air Tuesday, April • on CaM J ■cafeacaN Am*Ami Debtam m the Mimeia- 9 :5 0 Auguaia Manorial God Club m (i) O SPORTS SATUROAY m i, . Awes-Au...... , . ... NBC. «* -%V ...... ’lV M M W A V V ...... Evening llor.ikl LEISURE Comptot* Wm Ic'i TV Listing* Ssnlord. Florida — Friday, April ». WW You ReadAny Good Books Lately?

By DONNA ESTES Herald Stall Writer Faced with soaring book prices and a sour economy, Sanford readers have found new ways to feed their habit. Paperbacks are replacing hardcovers as their choice of reading matter and the library has become their major source. Some have insisted that Americans are reading less. Actually, they are reading us much today but con­ centrating more on hard information rather than leisure time books. And readers are getting younger. "A lot of three and four year olds are visiting the library to read," according to Barbara Hall, head librarian for the Sanford branch of the Seminole County library. "As long as they are able to write their names and their parents will sign for then), they can get library cards,” she says. Sonte 3,000 volumes are checked out of the public library each week by Sanford and lake Mary readers. The library currently is operating from the ground floor at Sanford City Hall while Its facilities at First Street are renovated. Heading habits have changed somewhat over the past few years,’ Mrs. Hall says. North Seminole County readers are now concentrating more on self-help books — material on how to do almost everything from fix the family car to getting in shape. And paperbacks are more popular Hum ev-r before, she says. Sanford book store owner Richard Barnett agrees. Books on personal relations - knowing oruself and how to get along with others — were popular a few years ago, he says. But today, self-help volumes on the economy, money and real estate, are the rage. "It’s a reaction to the national scene to the economic facts of life," Barnett says. , . "People are reading to find how to get from out under. They thumbed their noses at the oil embargo a few years ago. Now, five years later when it's having an impact through higher food and power costa, and salaries are not Jumping up to keep pace, more people are trying to un­ derstand and find what they as individuals can do, he

"Their reading has gone out of theory and into practical literature." Do readers go into a book store with a specific title or author in mind? "It’s a mixed bag." Barnett says. Certain authors are popular. "Books by Danielle Steel and Janet Dailey (authors of light romances ranging from contemporary to historical) are popular. It makes no difference what they write." Barnett says. The two best-selling male authors are Robert I-ullum and Ken Follett. Both write espionage-mysteries. Barnett said while the sale of 25,000 hard covers is considered a good seller, I-udlum's books sell about 250,000 in hardcover and another 3 million in paperback. Follett's hardcovers sell about 100,000 copies each. A hardcover best seller only a few years ago sold from 18 to 812 per copy. Today, a book by the same author sells for 815-820. HtroM Photo by Tom V i m m I And many Sanford readers are not Inclined to spend that much money even for a favorite author. "They are Paperbacks are becoming the choice o f both ford City llall. Sanford and l.ake Mary watting for the paperbacks to come out," Barnett says. the buying public and library users since readers often wall to purchase best-sellers "People today know paperbacks will be out eventually prices of hardcover volumes have until they become available in the soft covers, and they wait to economize." skyrocketed. Sheri Decker of l.ake Mary according to Sanford book store owner Dick And the savings are substantial, despite the fact that carefully exam ines the selection available at H arn ett. years ago, a best-selling paperback sold for 81.75 to 82.25 a the Seminole County branch library at San- See THE PRICE, PSKC 2 ...... m uimuMis f j f i I T : * * 3 a sc E)h •3?" 5.- 11 55 ,- j j B ■ 8 £


I—Evuning Hurt Id. Sanford. FI. Friday, April I. t« J E w ninj; IkTdld LEISURE Start With Burger Chef's Country Style Breakfast Comploto Wook’s TV Listings Sanford. Florida — Friday, April 2. 19*2 down, all these delicious foods are also Start your day with a Country Style break­ another of Burger Chefs specialties for available at their drive thru window. Of fast at Burger Chef. breakfast. The biscuits can even be served course with a country’ style breakfast there is Burger Chef is proud to announce their all with the scrambled egg platters. And for a always down to earth country style fast and new touch for a Country style breakfast! person with ever a heartier appetite there are friendly service just for you. Biscuits with sausage gravy! Now for all you You Read Any Good Books Lately? biscuit sandwiches with your choice of dty folks who aren’t fam iliar with what they country fried steak, country ham, bacon or So rustle up your family and friends and By DONNA fcSTES are. order this and you’ll get two biscuits open Hrrmld Stall Writer V- s a u s a g e . hurry on down to Burger C hefs Country Style faced with sausage gravy poured over top. Faced with soaring book prices and a sour economy, Fresh baked country style biscuits are If you don't have time to come in and sit B r e a k f a s t! Sanford readers have found new ways to feed their habit. Paperbacks are replacing hardcovers as their choice of reading matter and the library has become their major source. ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE TREAT YOURSELF! Some have insisted that Americans are reading less. fH € Actually, they are reading as much today but con­ COCKTAIL AT THE DELICIOUS - DIFFERENT Q SANFORD HOU3€ centrating more on hard information rather than leisure Lunch Sanrad Tuesday • Saturday time books. And readers are getting younger. b u c c a n e e r 11 A.M.-2:10 P.M. fi€STRURRNT Our dussarti Art Special "A lot of three and four year olds are visiting the library' LOUNGE £injU . CM tiM odai to read," according to Barbara Hall, head librarian for 1 1 HAPPY MOUR THE RUMCIBU SPOON TEA ROOM the Sanford branch of the Seminole County library. . _ _ , D R IN K S ISC a t Brwwsar's Bam Cmine "A s long as they are able to write their names and their ■ O tVU trr v HoatD'Ocuvot* 1MW. JCSSCPAVE. RESERVATIONS I^VrvVW UN N O.i- Avenue parents w ill sign for them, they can get library cards,” r niotcr inn j ^ HITI 60lo- e n t e r t a i n s j LONCW OOD C A L L «>-***< lllU Sanlord FI 32771 3 2 1 - 0 9 0 6 ■ she s a y s. M O N * m w w r M C A P l 1 Some 3,000 volumes are checked out of the public DINNER LUNCHEON library each week by Sanford and l.ake Mary readers 321-0690 VON M il M 10 : K VON SAT J JO tfi 06 The library currently is operating from the ground floor 3200 S. Orlando Dr CASUAL D»tSS AMPLE PAWNING P ip SANFORD L 7 i d □ at Sanford City Hall while its facilities at Fust Street are renovated. Heading habits have changed somewhat over the past few years. M rs. H all says. North Seminole County readers THURSDAY are now concentrating mere on self-help books — m aterial FRIDAY AND SATURDAY on how to do almost everything from fix the fam ily car to b happening getting in shape. And paperbacks are more popular than e v r before, she says. STEAK SPECIAL - *6.95 Sanford book store owner Richard Barnett agrees. — O R — Burger Chef Books on personal relations — knowing or .-self and how to get along with others — were popular a few years ago. he SEAFOOD BUFFET SL’S . *6.95 sa y s. INCLUDES SOUP AND SALAD BAR INTRODUCING But today, self-help volumes on the economy, money and real estate, are the rage. “It’s a reaction to the Ocean Gem s------MARINER'S NIGHT national scene to the economic facts of life,” Barnett Friod Shrimp A Homo Shrimp Finger* s a y s. Fried Rice — Com On The Cob EVERY TUESDAY “ People are reading to find how to get from out under. Shrimp Creole — Fried Fish They thumbed their noses at the oil embargo a few years Crab Roll — Crab Legs 3 PM TILL CLOSING ago. Now, five years later when it’s having an impact Clam Strips— French Fries through higher food and power costs, and salaries are not Hush Puppies — CUm Chowder jumping up to keep pace, more people are trying to un­ CHOICE OF Ktatixm Vlattefi derstand and find what they as individuals can do.” he ENTREE, VEC. a SALAD BAR Includes 2 Pcs of sa y s. 5:00 p.m. til f :00 p.m. C x Jfn n — Hot Fnes s * o \ 0 "Their reading has gone out of theory and into practical Children Under 1 2 ... VS price — Malt Vinegar literature." 4C.it»alirrX Unlimited 79 Him SaUd Bar Do readers go into a book store with a specific title or m otor in n No Ofher OttCWRt in Contwncfton wnffi flh» S^ociol p rk t author in mind? £oh l/Howm "It’s a mixed bag." Barnett says. Certain authors are popular. "Books by Danielle Steel Nowhere else and Janet Dailey < authors of light romances ranging from 9hh Banquet \ 9? contemporary' to historical* are popular. It makes no Ph. 322-3108 Facilities Burner Try Ovr IrreAfttl H ttU r •r I n n : Available difference what they w rite," Barnett says. ' L Hwy. 17-92 Chef 233-199# The two best-selling male authors are Robert I.udlum i i fW OH THE LAKEFRONT 2SM S. French Ave. Sanford and Ken Follett. Both write espionage-mysteries. 321-0690 SANFORD OPEN CLOSE Bame'.t said while the sale of 25.000 hard covers is 7 M i m A " 3200 S. Orlando Drive H Mom Son TOorv considered a good seller. I.ud!um's books sell about IJO a k i . Mon Thru S«t. 11 M o m F n .4 Sot 250.000 in hardcover and another 3 m illion in paperback. MMM Follett's hardcovers sell about 100.000 copies each. A hardcover best seller only a few years ago sold from $8 to $12 per copy. Today, a book by the same author sells fo r $15-120. And many Sanford readers are not inclined to spend HtraM PNoto by Tom V iiK n t that much money even for a favorite author. "They are Paperbacks are becoming the choice of both ford City llall. Sanford and I.ake Mary waiting for the paperbacks to come out," Barnett says. the buying public and library users since "People today know paperbacks w ill be out eventually readers often wait to purchase best-sellers and they wait to economize.” prices of hardcover volumes have until they become available in the soft covers, and Dining And the savings are substantial, despite the fact that skyrocketed. Sheri Decker of l.ake .Mary according to Sanford book store owner Dick years ago. a best-selling paperback sold for $1.75 to $2.25 a carefully examines the selection available at H a r n e tt. See THE PRICE. Page 2 the Seminole County branch library at San- w ; c# fW A#

Iffd Notict legal Notice QIM f SpAtt CLASSIFIED ADS W ih U lW w more fra* cWhaal F or L # « ir s a n f O r o r e a l t y noticiofim iriffi Nava t Baa Lina party 1 Call GENEVA OAPDENS •io ? i n ( A l l FICTITIOUS NAME Seminole Orlando-Winter Park REALTOR RASH! Jarre DIEM I A 1 bdrm apt! family and JSfL H rvR 7 4 f$ 4 . TIMM) Notica it hereby glyan fhai'i am NOTICE II HEREIV GIVEN adufl section From na me • 'B iv r Ot»»ce Sp*(f that by vlrhra of that certain Writ engaged In butinaw at Rt, 1 Boa to 322-2611 831-9993 P'OwtS^nff Bivcf DritOP* Dodd Rood Maitland lam mote w a r e h o u s e man and local Ooon Monday >o Saturday ¥ E iK u iio n Hatred out of and JIM Sq I f Can Bp 0 • Ord SANFORD ISAM • Iv tr. Mutt have Chauffeurs IMS W ISth Si HlWfO under IM ta il of tho COUNTY County, Florida under tha fte­ A th F i f i n g D*»% JOS IT I Quiet established area Ib d rm .) CLASSIFIED DEPT license, and know area waft Court of Orange County, Florida, tri lout name ot D IXIE ORCHID RATES 111? ( & fier-hi+ay bth. cen Heel Alr. FIRE upon a final ludgtment rendered RANCH, and that I intend to Commercial Chemical P LA C E , gprpg*. comer lot, 1 time Medina Products m t m t A DIM . Kitchen equipped, aa *0* M* Mf)______In tho aforesaid court on th* )nd regittor told name with the Clark HOURS ) conttcufivg timet ttc a ling •m in children. I R S me. Pt*s walk lo schools, shopping at tha Circuit Court, lam I note OFFICES Furntihrd pful day of Nevombtr, A D ltdl, in I 04 A M IKPM wearily doped!. HAROLD •TV Comfy, Florida in accordanca icBnwcullygtlfMt «)c cop.rr S7S0 mo ELBOW ROOM UIO00 that ctrtain caao antitlod. Ernest M O N D A Y thru F R ID A Y 10 consecutive fungi Healing NALL Rialty lac. BppIHr. W. Mandtr Flalntlfl, n Harvey writh the promtlont ot the Fie- + * R M 771. 0*n#r )?] 9141 Access to Ypnkra Lik e 3 bdrm, ) S A T U R D A Y • Noon Ltvindor and DtnUt Levingtr dba fltiotd Name Uatidat, To Wit: tl.M Minimum blh. 1 dcrt BASEMENT, ACE Cloanlnp Industrial. lection til pa Florida Itatutat A PARTM EN T — NEW workshop, boil slonge. last, iUngg Minimum AAA EMPLOYMENT Dtfandant, which at or tu Id Writ THE t E I T I t Bdrm, 1 bits, kitchen equip 1)00 110 000 down owner will hold at Elocution «at dallvtrtd to mt tig George M Kamptr DEADLINES mg H. 0 Rtelly Inc. Rtlltor. 37D Industrial financing Crank Const A at lharlfl of Seminole County, Publlth: March 1, It, 31, I k April POE LESSI tor Rent Ratify. Ratify world. Florida.and l have ltriad jpon in* M i d ) D E I td Noon The Day Before Publication 1*17 PUNCH AVE. Meaner s Viilege on te k * Ada I R E A L T O R h o tfll. John following Otter toad proparty (xjffn from 1110 3 bdrm from Slrlbllng 77)1)01 iff hours m -sin 7 ROOM Off let trpiler cent Hr. owned by Harvty ft Lotinoar, FICTITIO US NAME Sunday - Noon Friday 1110 LQCft'ttf I M l mV South pnvtd.SITO m o . Senior A ntir said properly bate* locatad in Notice it hereby given that I am ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ of Airport B'vd m Sanford1 All SR 44 R i m ) or 17)4410 lam mol* county, fieri**, mar* engaged In butlnett al T31 Duncan Adu«H 11)1*10 particularly drierIbad at fallows: Trail. Long wood, Florida 1)710. Ona 1171 Pontiac Catalina, 1 W AREHOUSE - Manufactur Samlnola County. Florida under JANITORIAL — Sanford, parson mg. 4)00 sq tt. SO It calling, door awtomobila, white groan In tha Iklitiout name of SPORTS fi http clam retell store I It 31—Aparimenls Furnished secured outside lloragt. t*U color 10 No lU T Y tP ItK tt 4—fttrtonalt 4—Child O n SPECIALTIES FLORIDA, and fnanUngs T days a weak Ideal mo . Saniord Off SR tf, H I 4S1I I tor ad at tamlnota It, Lonewood. that I Inland la rag I tier tad noma Nr rafirad or stenl retired or 1)1 R D Florida with tha Clark ot tha Circuit Court. parson m a t e s lurch wed apartments for Sen or F R E E child cart fa* and tha undartlgnad at Sheriff ot Samlnola County, Florida In ac­ W ILL NOT BE RESPONSE Cif'ims 111 Piimeffo Ave . J B L E FOR ANY DEBTS IN those who qualify lamina la County, Florida, will at cordance with the proutturn of tho Cowan No phone ta in CURRED 1Y ANYONE m sato MIADOW FR ESH FA RM S 38—Wanted to Rent tl:M A M o n th * llthdayol April, Flclltloui Noma Statutav To Wit: A D ltd), attar for tala and aatl to OTHER THAN MYSELF AS Tasty healthful, nutritious STENSTROM Section U S Of Florida Itatutat l give eictnant child care ) BDRM furnished tha hl«hatt biddar, tar caah. HS7. OF APRIL 1. IN) Distributors ward ad 11)1741 JlffrtyK Otbom In my home RM m e IR S sec. REALTY - REALTORS whiter to any ana all aaittind Slg SHARON H MAURO a la w M OBILE Home space in or near I lent, at tha Front (Watt) Door ot r u m ] Publlth March 34. A April 1. a. II. W ILL baby IX In my REAL EMt'd Associate* needed the Sanford Area Call after 4 Sanford's Sales Leader tha lamina la County Courthauta in tat) new lor busy otftce with 4 local p m R ))4 1 ) home dally, hourly 1 WE LIS T A N O StLl la n ia rd . Florida, tha abova DCS 1)4 S—Lost a> Found tranches. Spatial need lor 31A—Duplexes weekends H I 0111 m o r e HOMES* Hlh Otteribed partonal proparty. Sanford.Lako Mary area. That u id tala it bring mada to A N TO N I IN THE IN YMB CIRCUIT COURT FOR Eictflent training and com WANTED larmlend to rent 1 to) u tltfy tha larm t ot laid Writ ot S T ILL LOST Mettly white with 9-Good Things Id Eat SANFOROAREa SRMINOLR COUNTY, FLORIDA mMtma. WE’LL try tp fill your or more acrat o* land suitable Elocution soma pelt orange tamale PRORATE DIVISION needs June P o riig Reedy, tor vegetables Call Hi 4 p m Mm E Polk, Sheriff PROBATE NO. D l l f CP potntee. Ginger TerrWted of •ERALUCKENBACH b o p e n in g soon freals produce •tailor 1R M7| MAKE A WISH 4 term. I Bam Samlnola County. Florida DIVISION! noise, ran Horn thunder. R 14411. and ornamentals Old L*k* •REALTY INC.* heme with Cent HA, wall wall Publlth: March It, It, April t, a, IN B E : EST A T E OF Would so appractete your Mary Xaad lust past Mantltetd REALTOR m 1444.4714000 SLIM BUDGETS AXE carpet, custom kltchra, large with tha tala on April It. ltd) DARRELL W MONROE, aka taking lima lo sat if trial lighf l a k e M ARY 1 bdrm. kids, air. Fla. rm.. spartael bdrmi. DESS) Nursery lo iha Sauth aeon (meed 174J mo u * 7)00 uOLSIERED WITH VALUES OW MONROC. colored'dog mlghl ba her. fenced yard and large lall Reward Luma on upper rear le<-ONRentals I m . Rtaller FROM T H E WANT 40 1EMIN0LC COUNTY BOARD OF Deceitid g a r a g e sties are In 1 Jl—Situation* Wanted Only IS7.SMI NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION right lag. could Idanilly her If COLUMNS COUNTY C0MMIIII0N1R1 Tad lha paoptt about H wtlh a DUPLEX ) bdrm. I bth centril TO ALL PERSONS HAVING dark collar Is missing. CiateHied Ad M tha Herald. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SEWING M my home air A neat, kitchen equipped JUST FOR YOU ) Bdrm, I gilts CLAIMS OR DEMANDS P L E A S E THANKS D IM M . m-Mii; a im ) " d T ^ H o u s e s HEARING Any type sawing Lake Aye t n s mo i n sew tie me la nice artel Ciat. HA AGAINST s a id e s t a t e a n d A P R IL tt.ltd l Call R ) i m Wal wall carpet, tin eg rm, fiddP.M. OTHER PERSONS IN BY OWNER 1 bdrm Ds bath, legal Notice Whan you pi act a Clatlifiod Aa LAROE 1 Bdrm air, heal, FI*, rm. wltk Fireplace, Tha Board at County Com T E R ES T E D IN SAID ESTA TE: flrtp la c i. ttneert yard, .n The Earning Herald. Her carpal, appliances, no orU. equipped kitchen, fenced yard mitt Kmart ot Samlnola County. YOU ARE HEREBY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF NOT enough time for numv, screened porch $4) 000 1)000 dole lo your phone because U7S Mo . 1110 Deposit. ))) 7)31 and much mere I SIMM. Florida, will hold a public hearing N O T IF IE D lhal fha ad THB IIGHTEINTH JUDICIAL family A 1007 Let m t do your down, no qualifying >7)4)70 something wonderful it abou ell I p m to confide* the following ministration of fha Eltatt of laundry while you work. C IR C U IT IN AND FOR fa n topers GENEVA erea near )t Johns ■RANO NBW ) Idrm, ] Bern 1, EQUITY DEVELOPMENT DARRELL W. MONROE, aka SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA m le u . I BDRM. control hoot A air, S'y acre mini ranch ) bdrm.) ham* In L a k * Maryl Cent M A. SYSTEM S. MIC - BA (1111)1 0 W MONROE, dacaatad. lata of CASE NO. IM IU C A -tl-L n ctfltn l location lit A last bth. manufactured home Wall wall carpet, fireplace. IE - A I Agriculture Iona — Semlrlolt County Florida, hat W ILLIAM 0 O'DONNELL and 34-Business Opportunities months ront. )73 77S4 11)000 assumable mtg 431 Irp* bdrm i, paatry and many Appaal ogamtt IM Board ot Ad commenced In tha captioned ELAINE P O'DONNELL, hit m art n ifra il Many eptieni proceeding 11—Instructions 14eg day* 444 740) eves lull man! in deny ng a Spatial wilt. When you pfece a CletutirO Ad lust 171.1*1. Eitrptlon to permit development YOU ARE HEREBY Plaintiffs, M04ILE MECHANIC. Business in The Evening Herald, liar at en Adult Congregate Living NOTIFIED AND REQUIREO to yt. Includes 1171 Toyota Truck. ciose to your pnone because KISH REAL ESTATE 1 U P IR I Bdrm. Us H lh heme Ilia any claims and demand! ooooaoaaaooo Facility an tha following datcrlbed HAROLD ft WILLIAMS, In •Quipped Plus yellow page something wonderful it about In Sannrn South with Cent H A which you may have against tha adt. and much more 14.000 Ml 0M1 B (4 L T 0 I property dlvldualty and at Truastaa: JA CKIE Cook) Swim School to hepoen w ill w all carpel. Ml la kit- Estate and to tile any challenge lo Call far details Tha 1 >.t of SW •« ot Section 33II WESTERN STEER OF Swimminq lessons storting Alter Mrs. It) 7441 A It) Ml* chen, wallpaper In kitchen end It, locatad at tha intersection ot the validity ol tha Latl Will and ALTAMONTE SPRINGS. INC , t April'1st M ill): SANFORD Super n *w l patlel Bnnrpy uvlng Itttvrti Dean and McCullough Roedt Tenement ottered tar probata, it Bdrm units oHISth St dissolved r lor (da corporation: eaooaoooaoaaa ALLFLO RID A R E A L T Y BATEMAN REALTY feel III.lie (OUT II any. or any obleclion la I ha HAROLD R WILLIAMS, tha last OF SANFORD REA LTO R U ll mo ondsocurlty. 30 it r r i 70 m litt front Stntord Thlt public hearing will b* hard qualifications ot tha Partonal surviving director as Trustee of 177 W0 MATFAIR VILLAS) 14 ) In Room 304 ot the Samlnola Rapraianlallva. vanut or WESTERN STEER OF R44S. French Ave R IO D I •ERA LUCKENBACH b After Hours H70771, M l 713) •dim 7 Beth Cende Villas, County Courfhoutr. Sanford, lurltdlchon ol tha Court, with Ihe ALTAMONTE SPRINGS. INC ,1 11—Spactol N otion •REALTY INC.* COUNTRY M id i repair; 3 br, nest to Mayfair Country Club Florida, on April 77, tail, al 7 00 Court, Samlnola County Cour dissolved Florida corporatism: and term*. !7t SO) REA LTO R RT 1444.471 1000 Select yaur fat. liter pen A P M . or at toon thartatttr at Ihoute. P O Drawer C, lantord. VETERANS SEPTIC TANK AM SAFER ROUTE Earn intrrier decor' Quality lets pot tibla Florida )777l WITHIN TH R EE CLEANERS. INC., a Florida SEM INOLE Bingo But • na.Ml. dillairlag malar COUNTRY mo bite mu Ith on# aert Written comment! tiled with tha MONTHS FROM IH E DATE OF gager la tha Oanava area. struct"* by SheemaStr ter corporation: and FRAN K J. lilps For lnl«f mat ton call II—Houses Unfurnished tlAeSOO. _L*nd Management Manager will THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF D rC ESA R E. Jean 1)7 o u t Terms a v illatft. C all Ray 141.700 A up) 'he conltdtred Partont appearing THIS NOTICE OR YOUR RIGHT Jlhnsen Rt altar Associate |. Defendants iicrnow rvr financing at J|S CALL ANYTIME at the public hearing wilt ba heard TO DO SO WILL BE FOREVER NOTICE OF ACTION MM IT! ar MT4 l i l t . SANFORD 1 Bd . 1 bth . CA. W H I 000 BARRED Hearing! may be continued from TO HAROLO R WILLIAMS, II—Htlp W»nttd D Drapes STOOmo « Dtp No time to lima at found necessary ALL CLAIMS DEMANDS AND 1)41 individually and as Trutftt: pets )4IU)7 After S L*t BfDArr Further dtlailt available by OBJECTIONS NOT SO F IL E D 7i mada. * k a. D W MONROE protesilonal, eager loncad - Those Buying And Those lest known address) IMS p a o b r route N r sola — suy hes Vi'awJuvi REALTOR. MLS which record Include! the Decanted Americano Beuleverd I t X , care Nurias, t e e s or com leiiiivg l i n e n wv a>l w ii tattlmony and evidence upon IM Waal Wyndham Court oonieei, hourly or lira In tar afternoon o d ays gar Orlando. Florida IB M week 14SM07 Aft I p m which tha appaal I! to be bawd Long wood Florida DIM YOU ARE N O TIFIE0 that an Available 74 hours, weekend! LAKE MARY J) can H A. nice Santera Board ot County Commissioners ATTO RN EY f o r PERSONAL action lo foreclose a mortgage on A holidays trees A yard. n«ar public Samlnola County. LOCAL Italian restaurant, sub REPRESENTATIVE the following property in Seminole x s r a tan a n te m u i t beach Lin t new. no pats. 24 HOUR G3 M2-WaJ Florida shoo Must ga. make offer, HERBERT JAY COHEN P A County. Florida: M ID ICA L f e r w n n e l p o o l v a g i 474.1444 REFERENCES A MUST! SMO By Roberl Sturm, (<04 S Dadeland Bird A^WKlATf V INC RIAlTOBS T na West 1 IS ierf ol tha East 17$ MANNY KU N IT 174.1417. * dtp 177 AIM NAl C0LBIRT REALTY Chairman J lO ffitn TfcftwgNKi* Sulla MO loaf. Block C. W EA IH E R S F IE LD DATA ENTRY O PERATORS I m Altai) Arthur H Beckwith. Jr Ctnlf ai f loridi Miami. Florida )1IM SUBDIVISION, according lo lha LAKE M ARY A R E A - roomy I Publlth April 1. Itt3 323*7132 Telephone iSMI tu gall Mat thereof, at rtcarded In P'at Two operators needed In Lake 23— Loans bdrm. ) bth homo with eat in LAKE MARY DETW Publlth March 34 A April ). IN I Mary, mtlor corporations, kitchen A family room 113) Eves 17) 0411 Book II, pages 44 and 4S. of lha )0) E 7)lh St DCS 1)1 Public Records at Samlnola data Divinon Qualifications per month mitts IN THB CIRCU IT COURT FOR Harris computer or Key to HOME EQ U ITY LOANS Alger A Fund Really Sal A tak e Mary Bird SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR County, Floridl LONGWOOD ; conlemponry ) Disc eeperience Minimum ) No pa mis or Brakar lees, loans lo Realtor ER A 11)714) IN DR IF I WOOD VILLAGE 1IMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA L E S S enisling right of way tor bdrm. 1 bth. itont tireplice. PROBATR DIVISION yrs recent working aa 171 000 '0 Homeowners f.FC PROBATB DIVISION State Road No <14 Credit Core, lani. Pi m e do great room, large breakltsl File Number (1-tU-CP par lanef Musi be a mollvatad LAKE MARY 4 SR. THbeslatt File Number I! 1)1 CP has bean filed against you and the SANFORD ) bdrm kids. pels, art* 7 car qartgt, urge bit man sail starter, tb it •• work home La rg e pool, patio Divisran Prebile above named defendants, and you tool. (TOO dn SUS mo m 7)00 shade trees, glassed in porch IN RSi C1TATE OF wllhbul supervision and overlooks lek* Split plan, IN R l : ESTA TE OF a rt required to serve a copy el 29—Rooms with screens IOi M 1)0 TOO LCOTA MOOR SCHULI operate equipment with tf Sev OaRentals Inc. Reeltir many luvurlous tenures Detrain) RODNEY O ROSS your written defenses, H any. to It liciency Call Lynn at list 000 NOTICB OF ADMINISTRATION Dacaaiad on WILLIAM 0 0 DONNELL. COMFORTABLE sleep.rvj NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION N O R R EL L. 447.7111 Ab 10 ALL PERSONS HAVING EXQUIRE. piainllll’t atlornay. room MS per noth WINTER SPRINGS 4 bdrm. TO ALL PERSONS HAVING toiuieiy no contracts lo sign or LOG HOME custom built, two CLAIMS OR DEMANDS whose address Is to East 1714447 STEMPER AGENCY CLAIMS OH DEMANOS employment lees Involved pets, tppi U » ))1 7700 story, large rooms. IS It AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE Livingston Street, Sulla 104, AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE Orlando. Florida 17101. on or with gny position thru Sav On Rentals I m . Renter porch. 1411 calming mLR See AND A LL O IH ER PERSONS SANFORD Reas wklv A EXCH A NG E WHAT YOU HAVE AND A LL OTHER PERSONS NORRELL Services Inc lo to appreciate! MltttO INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE before April IS. Itt), and tilt lha tor what you want w* buy INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE monthly rates Uv.fl Inc Ktl YOU ARE HEREBY original with lha dark ol this court WANTED port lima mature houses and mortgages YOU ARE HEREBY too O41 Adults 141 fM) SANFORD ) bdrm. appll t ill LUXURIOUS apt. ) bdrm. ) N O T IF IE D that the ad aithar before service on pfelnlltf't individual lor hook hooping NOTIFIED lhal ihe ad attorney, or Immediately mo IWO sec dtp S bath Tha ultimate In decor, if m lnitirellon ol the ettala ol te> Sfot. Air conditioned room for rent OWNER FINANCING LOW m lnlilration ol Ihe etlale ol l her eerier, otherwise e oeteult references, no pees R ) 1177 you Ilk* plush end betuty It'S LEOTA MOOR SCHULI, Nice home, goad neigh DOWN EA SY TERM S 2 bdrm. RODNEY 0 ROSS, dacaaiad. File will be entered against you lor ihe yours! 1)4.000 deceatad. File Number I] 114 CP, LPN wanted to work full time II boyhood Kitchen privileges I bin block home IM.000 It pending In tha CKcun Court tor Number t3 I)) CP. It pending in relief demanded In the complaint 7 shift Aooty et longwood Call for deitlts R l gall ) B D R M .) bth home tha Circuit Court lor Samlnola WITNESS my hand and the taal SeminolaCounty.Florida. Probe'* Health Cara Canter DS«304 111 E Airport Blvd ) SORM I bth. frame SM.SOO OWNER reduces DOOOO - ) County. Florida. Probata Division, Division, tha oddreti of which It ot this Court on March 17, latl IRS R ) 5771 bedroom. 1 btths. tet in hit the address ol which l! Pott Otllce (Stall XFApirlmefits Unfurnished Samlnola County Courthouse. 1 BDRM. 1>y bth block home chen. dining rm. family room, Drawer "C ". Probe'e Division. 130110lo MU to weekly working Sanford t lor Ida ARTHUR H BECKWITH. JR. plus living room, screened Saniord. Florida, llf ll pari or lull lim e iterling SEC LU D ED Lnrg* I Bdrm central ev A heal tit S00 Tho partonal representative of as Clark ot lha Court FOR rent J ) Lakafronl Alt pelio. and pool, many tilra s Tha partonal representative ol By Susan E Tabor Immediettly Complete defo111 country setting, a Miles the a tla ft it HAROLD H logs Fool. Sets 111 R7J or 1 * ACRES Cleared 111.100 now S41.1O0 the ettala It Lite Anna Rost, Deputy Clark A application form sent on from I 4 R ) * » 1 SCH U LI. whose addratt It Route III 144) il k for Charlene whole and rats It tfl Wrtllake W ILLIAM O O D O N N ELl request Send (lamped, self ]. Boa VO (MB), Oviedo Fkirlde W O O O M ER E PARK 1 bed Circle. Longwood Florida 13IS0 so East livingtlon Suita 104 addressed envttooe to C D S1I LOVELY ) bdrm apartment I BUILD ING lots Geneve U.S00 33141 The name and eddrati of Ihe each roomi. l's baths, girage. Tha nam* and addratt ot I ha Orlando, Florida 13101 Dorters Or ., Oviedo. Fit. conveniently toceied No petL R EN I S4IDor rent with option I partonal representative'! attorney central hrat and air, new paint partonal representative's all or nay T Ha phone (301) le i MOO t in s children welcome 1300 sac bdrm |l> Wh. H>S. FHA are tat forth below Lie Salesmen heeded inside A out. today's best bur art set forth below Atlornay tor Pit Ini I Ml deg li t per week R l mar iv lllo o lo - w ill consider All partont having claims or al U1.000 Good terms All partont haying claims or Publish March II, )4. April 1. a, fmonclng perl of equity - demand! agamat the m att era r e a l t o r ) R evil Oeyor h in t demands againtf fha estate are make offer R ) 4441 required WITHIN THREE tail WIN the Alarl Gama or A 10 N IC E ) bedroom home In required. WITHIN THREE DCS in BEAUTIFULLY remodeled MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF Sgotd Rika glut of htn Havoa country Fenced I acre, with MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF I bdrm. in town I BDRM. Ill bath, wall Is wall THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF M Anno Kimberly Jewelry many cllrvs frits Markham THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: ins mo i ate s a il carpal, lanced in back yard. THIS N O TICE, to file with the partyl Call Jayca HIB31I. Woods A rt a H ) COO THIS NOTICE, fg file with Ihe Notice is hereby given that lha Coni air. oil hoal D M t)00 clerk ol I ha abort court a written clerb ol the above court a wuttan Board ¥ Adluilmant of tha C lly ol WOOOSMOP lo taw A build 1. t AND ) BDRM From S14S security Call S R IU7 statement pi any claim or demand LOG HOM E 1 Story 14)4 Elm statement of any claim or demand Sanford wilt hold a ragular Iremet in Sanford A ral Eag Ridgewood Arms Apt 1)M FR E E SchMIing tar Reel Billie thay may have Each claim mull ) BDRM. 1 BATH Ava. 174.500 See anytime. they may havt Each claim mutl mealing on April a, IM) in lha City preferred 7M1411 4« PAA Ridgewood Avo. R ) 4410 ba In writing and mutt Indicate the SCREENED PORCH Lieantai Call far defani. Great term s Owner I mincing ba In writing and mull Indicate tha Hall at II )0 AM In order to b elli lor tha claim, the name and t » 4057 basis tor fha claim. Hit name and consider a request lor a variance MEN »r woman full or part lim a I ROHM, apartment now carpal, wldratl ol tho creditor or hit agent arid rest ol Ihe creditor or his agent in lha lonlng Ordinance as It wort on new telaphont drapes, dishwasher, pool, no LU X U R IO U S CONDO beaut! or attorney and tha amount 1S4) F LOR ID A D R . DELTONA I Or allomay. and Ihe amount pertains la Hde yard setback program Ba your own bo*L kUS.arpafs.SlSOm* DIM M I BDRM. ) B with double car fully decorated 1 bedroom. ) claimed It tha claim It not vat •drip, ) Bath, family no., claimed II Ihe claim is nof ytl requirements In SR.I Ioned choost your own hours, tar. Keep ringing garoqe A etecufive type home bath, all appliances, screened dut. tha data when it will become fireplace, fenced Owner will due. Ihe dale when it will become District In Sly Let 4, ilk II. Tr B. nlng depending on llm # in Deltona Call S74 14)7 days. porch, many evtras SM.SOO due shall be titled It tha claim It UHit In IlMMlng ttl.Nl. due shall ba sta'ed II lha claim is Town of Ssnigrd. PB 1, Pg St available R7 IASI SANFORD lovely 1 bdrm U l l . I 7)4 M l) eves A weekends contingent or unhquidaird. tha Irani far Wnlsk Renter contingent or unliquidated, lha Being more specifically bdrm IRQ. furniture available, OUAORAPLEX - •iclliint nature ol tha uncertainty than t» AuMtaf*. Ives HS7ITM*. nature ¥ fha uncertainty shall ba described as located al t34 Pina T Y R Ilf - (4 WPM * busy adum 111 Tit) SANFORD ) bdrm. 1 bath appil. condition Owner linenclng I Haled It tha claim It secured tha staled If fha claim is secured, tha Ave prolaidanal oltice. Lea Rd fresh carpet and paint, Itt tid Mock to shopping U 1.0CO tacurlty than ba described The area On call bases its HOC security shall ba described Tha Planned use of tha property AANFORD 1 bdrm. kids, appll. last deposit, references. IMS LO V EL Y )-1 Heme en large ctaimanl than deliver lufl'tteni claimant inen atnvar sufficient Singie Famiiy rniom ta Adil Temporary SaruRoo elf, term , 1M0 ms S t fSC Lust Pitt. Ntqoc trtxij csntsr let. O u t to t l i u i l rad LA K e MAR Y new Sus'tx 131M copies ol the claim to tha dark la ft. each side ltf.N0 copies of tha claim la fha clerk to B L Parkins lav On Rentals Im . ReeHea ihepplng. Deed iitgmiblt enable tha clerk to mall ona copy PART lime hours full time enable lha dark la. man one copy Chairman m irtg ag at. M 7.IM. Jean terms to tech partonal representative lo each personal rapratantatlva Board t Adiuitmtnl earnings Trl Cham Liquid SANDLE WOOD Villas 1 bdrm. 1 BDRM, f'.y bath, large yard, Heening R ealter As sac ill I All partont Infer tiled m tha All persons interested in Ihe Publlth Marth li A April }, m i Embroidery crelt products. 1 bth. air, pool Mis pa I io quiet neighborhood IP ) R J l t l l SAHFORO S acres Beautitullr allala to whom a copy ol thlt For interview R l IA4S. cleared tor home - Mobil* or eslele to whom a copy ol this D ES7S ______m m * ...... mo + uoo dtp Ml lrtl Notice of Administration hat bam 4-1 HOME with 00*1. split pita animals. Hat wall and tire Not let ol Administration hat bean FAR T lime evenings Lake Mary ■AMIOO C O v c apis eft. mailed are requ-red. WITHIN NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS with na* paint InsMe and Ml. Irlcity on land Paved road mailed a rt required. WITHIN A South Simlnoie. Phots* A ) bdrm Start mg THREE MONTHS FROM THE T H R EE MONTHS FROM THE NAME STATUTE 31— Houses Furnished Ready la nrave Me am. t i l .540 Orlando (411B1 at 11*0 R l IM# DATE OF THE FIRST O A TE OF THE F IR S T TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN tll.Ttf. Jnan H new eg Reiner PUBLICATION OF THIS Asseclatt. H l tSM PUBLICATION OF THIS Notice If hereby given lhal lha COOK eager lane ad only. LAKE FRONT apts 1. I 't . I 1 HANOVER WOOOS Calif. Con N OTICE, to Ilia any obitctlont COTTAGE furnished ) room A temporary 4 bedrooms, 3 baths NOTICE to Ilia any oo!actions u n d e rlin e d , pursuant to tho Apply al Holiday Im bdrm on Lake Jtn n * . in they may have that challenge the both, iewrt treeg A garden I hay may have lhal challenge lha "Fictitio u s Name Statute'', I-4 At aa Sanford Pool, recreation L A R I M A R Y . FLA |)7«4 with pool in courtyird. Micro validity ol me decedents will, tha Rtf No pell R l fill validity ol lha decadent s will, lha Chapter 1st Of, Florida Statutes, room, outdoor BBQ tennis 1U 1M * wav* bull! in Jmneir* I’sv* qualification! ot tha partonal R EST AUR ANT help wanted qualifications al lha partonal will register with the Clerk of the cowls, disposal, walk ta Juki IVs y n old II71.S00 rtprttanlatlvt. or tha vwiue or Apply In person am» representative, or the venua or Circuit Court, in and tar Samlnola Shooting Aduttsonly, sorry no lurltdiction of tha court Stuckey's la A H w ya a M -Mobile Homes COIY FIREPLACE jurisddtien ol the court County. Florida, upon receipt of oats R ) 0347 ALL CLAIMS. DEMANOS. AND ALL CLAIMS. DEMANDS. AND proof of me puoncation of this U rg e tarn rm with lovely brick LAN D ll 10 Acres cleared end NEW marketing concept tales A OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED notice, the Uctnious name, to w ll: tirtpiace, formal dining A fenced an para road Near St. esuRI ft yet ) ! comm t l u x u r y a p a r t m e n t s WILL BE FOREVER BARRED WILL RE FOREVER BARRED OAVS INN LO D G E O F WINTER PARK OR . 5 rms. living room 1 br. 1 bfh. pool A Johns 14.000 par acre Data of tho flrtt publication ot overt Kies Mt Hopper 74) 4307 Family A Aduin section kids. pets, i l l s U S uoo patio on 4 Urge loti VIM- Data of tha first publication of ORLANDO (ALTAMONTE1 under P«,Ida 1 Barms Masltr thlt Notica ol AdmlnitlralRHt: this Notice ol Administration which we are engaged In business lev-On Rentals I m . RaaHar MIDWAY GROCERY Land, CARE TAKER pprf time Coy* Apts R ) 7*00 Open cm April ). IM) March » . INI «! 4 partnership under which w f building end iguipmant tgmalt. Lake Mary prlvatp " wet*rndi Harold H Schuif Lisa Anna Ross eipect tr ingage in busL-wts in Owner w ill train Vary busy dub Will him info otllce At Partonal Rapretantahva As Portonal Rtaretanfaiivt the Cdy ot Altamonte Springs. INJOT cevnfry living 7 ) Bdrm area Belt financing, rental position In oil sopson. Coll Ba* 37—Business Property of I ha E lta tt ol of tha E lta tt ot Florida Apts Olympic si Pasl CallBart apartment IN OOC JDtse) Endrna R l 7111 LEOTA MOOR SCHULI ROD N EY G ROSS That the parties Interested Us Sheaenateh Village Open • I • r e a l e s t a t e Deceased said business enierprise are aa OFFICE or raiall French 4vt D eem ed TIRBDOP THB Ml m i REALTOR.Ill 744| SALES ASSOCIATES ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL IAMB OLD BAB? UOO sq leer, central heal A REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTATIVE Gu la me 11 M Dewll air. rtady for occupancy DM NEEDED Gat your new purse trig. Can ROOM TO STORE L W CARROLL. JR . ESOUIRE FRAN CIS V GAY. ESQ Habib M Habib R) 7747 or n> 114) m a k e ROOM to StDUE Judy )R « tf* an a p.m. YOUR WINTER ITEM S . . . YOUR WINTER HEM) 5openings left. 323 8960 LAWRENCE W CARROLL JR . von den Berg. Gay A Burke, P.A Muslim M Habib SILL "DON'T NEEDS'1 PA P 0 Bos 111) Dated *1 Orlando. Oringd PERSONNEL U N LIM ITED StLl DON I NEEDS FAST WITH A WANT AD COM M ERCIAL Building FA St w it h a WANT AO POST OFFICE BOX U Orlando. F L R t f ) County. Florida, March 1, I H I. Employment epportun filet Phone )fl S411 *r u i gggj and caliSKd fee il if le i Busineu or Phone 13J J i n or 4)1 MS)an* CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA H707 Tatapnono (MSI 431)414 Publrsh; March 11.1*. H . April 1. Neap your own Fall Harytat • friendly Ad Vigor will help Warehouse P rice negotiable a Ir.mdiy Ad v.ser a.n help Telephone I VS) 1)4 Publish March » . April 1. IN ) t n t now Call R l 144* Fall Cash - Us* Herat* w t f l iU t At) $10*771)1)1 you Publish April 1. f. IN ) OET 11 Of Stag DESS4 *ds Otian m u ll. OUR BOARDING HOU8E with Malof Hoopla Eutnlng Hare Id, Sanford, FI. FrM iy, April 1. lH l-fA 4J—Lots- Acreage 41—Houses 51-A—Furnlfury 73—Auction 77—Junk Cars Removed 80—Autos for S«le NORTH CAROLINA MUST S E L L ESTATE AUCTION W i HAVE 1 Mobil* Homtt tor MOUNTAINS WILL SACRIFICE Everything told on location TOP DoMjr Pa <3 »ep Juak A 7IOATSUN B 210 4* 000 MM, I Mrm. 1 tom . icrtonod Larg* trout itrggm. a SS acral Foul* lull •• baautlful naar ntw April 17. II a m . Sanford For mile* Asking S7 0D0 perch. *nd fully furnMhM an paatur* land, fane ad ha* a lurnilurt. Includat tlagant detail* A brachur* call B H U»ad can frwck! 4 heavy 9Qw omanf 322 5990 172 B«(« AM • 1 Sdrm. 1 Both, family tmail atroam on cn* aid* and tarlhlona tot* B matching Weil*. I l l 1147 rm. Iti*f,h*t in itty mump love teat worth ovar It,ICO bordered by a larg* tpltl BUVjUNkCARS A TNUCKI^ Will i*ll both piece* SJ7S Alta lion C*ti ut Honing trou* ttraam on back F rem D0 te |50 er more TOYOTA Tercet 00 lid back All hay* oak Broyhlll nlnt p ic* LKalad on tla l* paved road. Auction Sato Can )22 U24 322 4can *«tr*» aac cgndi Must tall ALL FLORIDA REALTY pNnty of room lor call I*, queen tit* bedroom set worth Friday Nita7 P.M. aUing S4 7| Makt offer norm and trvrrai houtat S lim W ill 1*11 compitta 1 1 441* OF SANFORD REALTOR Owner it.d tail only sn.SOO. SI.I SB Gorgaou* Ip itc * family 74—M o to fcycles COM PLETE butcher boy pin* IVF4S French U7M11 pay S5000 down attuina lo*n room bttgt Mia. lov* leal A JEEP S — Government Surplus chl.r worthll.400 Will n il ill living room tel. pint IreuM n i o u t Lined tor S I.1(4. Sold for tat 1 SI acre* over juu teat on ita't 1 P ace* tor S700 Beeuiiiul * fable ana banchtt. TV *, 1(77 550 Honda All ac For Into call 1)111 (11 l(«l tier rot. I told ng bicycle*, Hay U Good garden area piece oak formal dining room castorie* II OOOF.rm )J) 27)5 EXT 114* Vary private Ideal tor tyme. tel. 1.1 place cot taw tab'* i n lewd rdgtr* and other tool*. 1 Alt. ) 172 4)70 nice teti of golf club*, bag* A cab.n trailer, or commercial S p.ace wood party u t. ] floor 77 FIR E B IR D light blue honey golf ball*, automatic wtther A ute Sir 500 EicfHenl lermi lamp* many dacgaatlyt tablt comb wheel*. V B. AC. etc drytr. bi Ntd door*, call Iron ■Muniing- tor RaiultiT You'll SaSOO attume morlgaga lemoi l more Ail le u than 1 running condition Asking 1154 SI per month pot* A all kind* ol houtet,old F md Good Shot*' in Want Ad* month* old P ita** call SI 100 277 7117 or 177 )W1 T»* h o i item* Irom an eitatt 777 7(11 Mounta.n home. 1 bedroom* >■«*.! WE BUY ‘77 and newer located 1 mile* from Murphy, CASH DOOR PR I I I ! HiHiiinmrai Rail good accett eicellent' WILSON M AIER FURNITURE Cadillac* A Lincoln* neighborhood One o* our bett i n u s e f i r s t st DbII'b Auction 79—Trucks Trailers Personam** Auto Saiei SANFORD dupttx * if r * c liin buy* Large metier bedroom, i l l San Long wood 110 *007 *M specious. central H I * in* w. Hwy. at Plenty of ciotrtt Nettled in the lu'ly rtnftd Owner will hold lU M It mounteint *t end o< private 1**0 FORD 100 ' I ton. I cyl. ttd Jnd ml* 17*500 LOWEST price* in town JiAYTONA AUTO AUCTION raid T V A lakt nearby Irm t. eacHlent coeidlflon Jan*in* Furniture A Auction Mwy 97 1 milF mrM of IpfAd Good year around living 171 » * ( IBS E ISth St way, Daytona fti*ach * il ^ if irr WO Pgy SIWO down am) 75—Recreational Vehicles a pub !•€ AUTO AUCTION move in eng atlum e 11*, 54—G arage Sales *4 Ch e v r o l e t truck tvty'i W'Pdm’tdiAv at 7M0pm niortgage 71—Auction (c y l good shape II'! .iNr only on** P'fofilcM ' 5J—Appliances (1.0041 ) j} |* ) 4 ■You %ftr fh t .f« # ry # c i. pricr, REALTORS Thtte are a lew cK over 1000 MULTI Fam ily yard tala April 1 1*71 ROAOMASTER 17 It, a n t io u b a n d fail 904 355 1111 for turfhyr sits ElmA«t Ml 7(71 lilting! We hive ell type* ot Xfnmqre partv teryiCt, irtfd A 4. I S p m 111 Mon P . titto* A new lire*, awning, HOUSBHOLO FURNISHIHOS 7* DODGE Pick Up Camper tog. cietaH property lor 1500 per acre and Meadow L ta on Th* River, fully tall conlamad SI.100 kfVMh MOONEY APPl « AT PUBLIC AUCTION panelled. AM FM redlo. bulH DeBery Bike* gaiori. toot*, ______77 2 0515______uo We have tmail traclt. we , ANCE3 )?1 0*97 Saturday. April 1. tftJ al 10 » m in CB end I trick Low alto have tavaral cabin*, ctotne*. furniture lotio lm ltc Harold Hall 1501 W Haw York St Watt of POP uo camper mutt tell, new miifig* *4(00 Don't ml** thl* houtet old tarrnv etc Write RENT A A^ihpf Dryff item* aal ta il truck rt on 44 DeLand. kitchen sleep* I Ntw double today 17) 147) can an s p m TEXAS MOTORS or call today tor a tree luting RHr qvrefof 6P TV RIALTV.INC Florida Thl* It a 10 room cant** top Itvtltr lack*, t40N M AY If 9j brochure You can call tree by »04 775 am HIOOEN L A K E - 10* Ventura r e a l t o r 71)177* house full ol lurnlfur*. neat A dean m A out ll.BOO 1(7) CH EVRO LET Bister. 4 33M34I dialing i too alt 7411 Write or Dr Friday and Saturday IB 4 M TEARS E X P E R I I N C ! glassware, chin*, picture*, too 111 1575 or 11(1217 wheel drive run* good St,100 call today KENMORE difthwether fl3S CASH O N LY Tvnt, dt atr* kuf* aaki. EXCHANGE onr Winter Psrk lit. IN. prop tor country prop GUN AUCTION •In Sanford Art# 105 441 7174 SUN .APRIL HthlPM Dial 322-2611 or 831-9993 At HAVE RENTALS 54—Garage Sales SANFORD AUCTION 47 A—Atortpiiges Bought 11) 714* 371 57 74 A Sold SA T APR IL Ird 9 a m Women4! W- A-Business Equipment IBDRM. I bin w yy carpal, doihsng men'* ihirfli children clothe! m«ic 700 can haal air lor tala w t p a y cam tor u t a jnd Accounting A Made Aye by owner MJ 0405 morfgaqt! Lrqq L *C FILIN G cabinet, 1 secretary Tax Service Clock Repair Lawn Service Roofing Mortgage Brower .711 25«« GIGANTIC 3 family yard sale dr*k*. I larg* mttal detk. I Something for everyone Sat. wild wood executive detkL 1 OMRY » NASHS 47—Mobile Homes April 3rd v 4 p m 1104 beeutllul eiecullva chelr. plus t A l i i ' Brooks Lawn Maintenance CENTRAL F l OHIDAHOME SO-Mistellanoous f o r S a le income Tab SeryiCf Magnolia Aye other secretary A attic* 372 5511 Quality yardwork Att 4 A IMPROVEMENTS yyknds Larry 3)9 4479 George Jl Tamarac* U .M Ib d .m I bih. Metf kemr i ampifrij chair* AH In eicetlent con 1*4intng Roofing. Carpenirv 33 7 4 450 can h a Eicaiiani condition aOw no longrf gye*. ill ditkm. Dell * Auction 11) S4» L >< Bonded A CruafanlHkl s e a r s 25$ cu ft froitim A Cariiaoa Co»a. larm t. 11,500 Additions & Concrete Work Free estimates 3713141 frmer 1175 Man! 10 tprrd ■a tn .« OMtVtied Ad ^n The down Bit IRIS DO. woman % 3 spaed b*k# 135 Nrraid Can 177 ?*M or |]i Remodeling LAWNS moered. edged. •frvt) and a Ir.endif -ad yiygt *7 -Lawn Garden trimmed:, etc Reasonable • MCX)I iNC* ol ail I»ndv tom two Bobby Mar car %eati DO CONCRETE Aar! foolers FOR lilt mobile hom i com - each, tw© data ■« child carriers . a* ■ i» help fO-w Call i n 554)att 4 p m mere*ai A • nil iukhI ciI plainy it! up In adult park Hours A pooiy Landscaplngi A A msured 111 7597 for bik« ild each Everything 4 A T H I, 'MtCfitfH, fMl'IFlf. K latk. Call aval A w ntvn d t M3 3113. f ILL CM W T a. TOPSOIL WB6 *arlB Fry* m%* M l f 161 MOWING. ED G IN G A M saicflltnf condnion 3311402 F l e a m a r k e t t*i* ipontwM c o n cftft windO'Wi #66 a YELLOW SAND HEDGE TRIMMING INFLATION F 10H '.ER by Lake Mary Woman'! Club roam, fr«* tifim alt 171144) HEAL C oner ft f *■ man quality RE ROOF INCV, i Arprfilfr, tout Ceil Clark A M.rl 111 7*ab CALL HOC 1049 5119 Nan 71.40 Royal Oakt. ] bdrm. 1 FR E E Hahn riding lawn mower, Sat. 1 ) 0 L a k e Mary opFraLon pai'O! driveway! r rpau A . paint mg 14 years- Nf. W Nffnodil Ataatr balk plln gardtn tub. m#ch. i p k You pickup Elementary School al Lake Day! )J1 7111 f 17» 1)21 r»p 172 197# l catnadral ceiling*. ikylightt. 333 157* Mary Blvd A Sth Sf B A H IA SOD All ty p « ! (onyfructfon Sp^CiaUir! Iirrp'^frv dry *,ill maaanlta tiding, and much tllaaailet MS IKI Sidr»allii Drivewayy, Pafio!, Mini U-Lock FR EE to good hom* 3 yr. old GARAGE Salt, lire* US. drums hrioq-rm cyfl.fsq tpafurr! t •t mart Only llt.faS dallvarcd Peef Dress Spa*! Complete BUILT up and Shingle roof, Gtrm«n Shephard, vary good US. ml!c 7*Sf Magnolia April carprf 5fa'r i nenvrd and tat up VA, no monay down E r y r E it 327 2)99 licensed and insured Fret FHA IOS U N C L E R O V S with children preferably ) A 4 95 50 Baimt ))) in; );;##«! estimate* 372 I9JA country home 72 Plymouth F R E E I month* rent with * m4>» MOBILE HOME SALES James E Lealnc GARAGE Ml* Sat »1 pm 1*0 AS—Pets-Supplies rent ut advance Mini Personal Leesburg US a ll So *04 717 Fury reasonable, 17 ft. Vihltn Rd Lly * E n te r bun Storage iim o free rent with I 0M4 Optn Monday thru Mohawk canoe, a ir boat Addition! Rrmodrlms) A Rypatr Electrical #iwfn.]ts dttiytr ed Boarding A Grooming K.T. REMODELING S *'ru t. LengwucKl 11)47(1 WOO Beautiful walnut cabinet lu n lm d E l l ale * 111 04711 » ) 17)1 Reoairs. faucets. W C tleroAM FMradioS1S4 tool*, glauw ara, and tibia* Scrmkiers 33)1510 . 32 ) 0704 10 BHICAOlER UxtO J bdrm. t I KIT bath A adiUmjns Quahty 111 IlfS o rlltin i and matching cottea labia, Mk U ISO ariiyared 48—W anted lo Buy aygvAmamtHp nr* all home ( Hi /.P r MCAP CH EAP clothe*, tlarao contoie Sad ANIMAL Ht.en B urd no end .mcfOvements Cduhir y plum ber, cc m plala STEEL BUILDINOS Haavy duly bet. cord ft It*!, Groom.ng Xennei* Shjdv ,n 17 DOUBLE Mtda Boythoro 1 I irFNCFfl A INSURE D pty»eo,pg repair Water Typing Service Cammerclal — Farm — Rail while boat ***** fibarglau St ALUMINUM can!, copp#r4 f j’lfts u rlF ll. 11, u-oul •„ Bdrm. I Wh. gardan tub CALLKENTATLOR 111 1*51 heattrs faucets, gra ns 74 nr tfrrsTLa!, All u ru tural ileal. b ra u Afivar qouj *>de W * 4 , fun* Fin* Also Oaliyarad A tat up SIAFtS ser.ee 471 45)5 Wrnieciia priced1 Call Tom day! 1 4 30 5a* f I KokoMo AC c*get We cere, to „4>ur Miner C O LLEC T TOOAYt MM S L A U R E L Ay*, acre** Tool Co 91» W m 3* )3) 1 iQp DO vcn need home im pet* Sfef.ng *>ud 'eg S’.y STORING IT M A KES WASTE - BONLICMOBILE HOMES til *51 X)41 Horn P in a cra tt School prqvemtais? i do it all Just Ph j p 5*57 SILLING IT MAKES CASH aal in Apopka Saturday * S Black and whit* N E PAY c**h lor n,o*t an,thing call 327 9171 Remodeling J05 1041400 t r t l X S t i l 2441 at vatu* I'lAC E A CLASSIf lEO AD TV. wet tun and tcuba gear, SLIM BUDGETS ARE NOW Can 77? 7011 oe III m ) Call Collact doth**, bosk* and magtlint* Jtnkint Furniture AAgcHon Carpentry rfpa.rs Spaci«llitng 51—Household Goods b o l s t e r e o w it h v a l u e s end mltc. 1110*11 in cedar. sd*ng A decks Remodeling Specialist IJ Guerdon ] bdrm. lumithad. FR O M THE WANT AD 33) 0147 or in 111! Nr H ITS including oalivary I OAV O N LY S a t . April Ird ( A COLUMNS Ae r-and'e fr-e CLEAN full »iie hotel bed* IIS a and lit uo M H S ORLANDO IIS Anthony Or (Gray* View). Have some camping equipment Ahe>e Ban ol Aa« Upholstery m Sanford Auction Ills s 71—Antiques F i l l * ) ______Dinette m i , la b l* lamp*, yOu no longer u if9 Sell *» afl HOME Remweling. Room French Aye . I l l flag B. E. Link Const. clothe*, drape* A Iff* at mile enfh a Classified Ad m The Agg,i«n* Complete n IJtH SHELBY Cat a Vaga. S HENDRIX ANTIQUES A Hetaid Call 377 7411 or 9)1 Garage Door Service 312-7029 CUSTOM CRAFTED bdrm. tty btlt. fully lum YA R D B ALB NeflnMhlng F r it E*l. MS 9993 and a friendly ad y*vor D id G rn * 745*170 F>n«ru ng k .e ies.e uphoi*i*r y. *1,0 < oyer i, liSOO Adult tec Car nag* Saturday I III) 1 101 E »th It JJ40. Day night Lee lied ] ml will help you »r*p*l r*t,ni*hing A lurnitur* Covi By ownar in SOU Antigua*, small frttltr A N. at Oviedo an Hwy 41? REPAIRS. r*h*b. *m*l* or big r*p* r of r*4ign40lr pr.ct. by 51-A—Furniture H4LHOMECARE mltc. llama lob*, free itllm ****. 17)4*10 u p tn * )J) 14)* Do >t PiM Ing, reefing, r*moO*ling. Evergrt*n BYHPO 04,1*** *l»c* ct**n*d Call 47—Lots-Acreage Garag* tale* are In leewn Tell tf*w4*l* U |**||ftrT. STANL EY solid oak dining room the people about ,1 wrth a Ceiamic Tile tvtning* t u It l t wit* paid 11-000 sail only SSOt CHURCH of God of Prephtcy Sp*(,4l>ing ,|* #11 type? gl ISO* Elm Ava. Saturday. April Classified Ad hi in* Herald turn,fur* Reel pr.cvt Free Pool labia comotet a B2*S SOB 1711*11. Ill- tt y j Lin d t tearing 3S ACRES Lab* Sylvan art*. win CE imp!tiler nig ) IB till. Planty at furniture, Ett ))? 7057 mttc. 1U.5O0 W AAALICZOWSKI m i m MEINTZEM TILE Eip t«K* r e a l t o r n i - m i ITS) New 4 ok) work comm 4 Roofing CUSTOM upfnlittry *11 types YAH P ta t* 1)141 7J—Auclion '•Lid—I ret esi.nfAi* *4*4547 1 BEDROOM sell, matter LAND CLEARIN G. (Ill turn fr*t *»•,, pickup A SanfurdAv*. Friday A Bytivtey Sheron Be,ley m I0A N LA kE CO . J now 10*40 floatation bed. 1 drabber* all Saturday (to m Bin, Bilking, mowing groan houtat. mobila hom* Oik. twin canopy bedroom let 1)2)41) EVERY Wtdnetda.7pm Sit age Term* ayJiLabla. *11 whiff, captain* bad brown. SPRING CLSAN1NO MLB - COMPLETE CtfiKiR Til* S*.v KEN5 roofing ig rv k t gal * Jtnkint F u rn itu n l Auclian m BS4I______1 draw* Saa anyflnt* Alt April Ird A 4lh f t p m . Start w(H* noor* (Sunteflopi r* leek? II we can't fix if you JOSE HlhII. Baywood Dr Sunund dilhwttftar SITS Saar* tawing mgdti ,ep4', Fr »*t 1)(Bill Oortl My « eroding A rtp«lrt Will Drilling IT JOHNS Rratf iranlag*. *> * machine SI SOB Clac. Lind set ping 14 yr* tip free «?f 12) *1)0 acre earctlt. alto interior SOFA iiaapar. regular ilja, typnvrHtr S7S. Boat A motor FOR E S T A T E Commercial o' When you pitet * Cleiiil.e* A a par can dear accett It *,(00 INrcuUn aar Hi Ion* color* INC Add machine, c* mar it , ,n Th* (yen.ng Herel* illy Setdent ai Auction* A Ap FRENCH end Bud* Win Pubi< paler. JO min to Alla (icallfnt condition SJOO Ml man A •Oman clothing, ethar

■ ■» •* ,v.^.v»»B AidB M(B,

v f e * * • »•

»A— IvtwI.nHifiM.WMofi.yi FfMEy. A»rfU, ItM XFApsrfnwnh Unfurnish* 37-B—Rental Offices 41 -Houses Ltfol Hofict Legal Notice 099 <9 Sp4(f CLASSIFIED ADS WIN AH JB or more free cNthosl t or l N ir SANFORD R E A L T Y NOTICB OF SH ER IFF'S Hovt a Be* Lina fortyt coil GENEVA GARDENS 1 n t m R8ALT0B HVIU4 FIC T ITIO U I NAM E . Semmole Orlando- Winter Pork M i l Joyct H I B lit I A 1 bdrm apt* fpmify and Jklt M ltJtUm. HS4MS NOTICC It HEREBY OIVEN Notico it horoby glvon thot 1 om •dull sort an From lias mo PRIMC 0 M(r Spj< f the! by virtue of that certain Writ ongogod In butmoM ot«», 1 Roi M 322-2611 831-9993 p'o* 0 Driton# WAREHOUSE men ond Neal Open Monday ta Saturday m Elocution issued owl of and Dodd Rood Moltlond Sommoto ?t*A So »* C«n Br D f d f d s a n f o b d driver. Must hovt chauffeurs 1IBSW MthSt HllOfO urdtf IM Mil 0 Mil COUNTY County. Florldo undor tho He ttifh Pilfl HQ 0 4 V! )0) V I QutaT ostabiishad area 3 bdrm. 3 CLASSIFIED DEPT Ikons*, and know via seen Court ot Orange County, Florid*, tnioui nomo ot DIXIE ORCHIO RATES 14JJ bth. can Htat A ir. F I R E ­ Commercial Chemical uoon 0 Imol lodgement rendered RANCH, ond that I intond to Hlirsd SBc 4 Km 1 BDRM. KHcBm aqetapad. a* PLACE. garage comer lot. HOURS P roducts 3310SBJ walk ta schoo's. shopping In fho oNmoM court on itio Jnd roglttor told nomo with tho Clorh Kinsdcvflvdtimos Stealing gown cMlPrt*. s n i u p Plus doy ot Ntvtmber, A D IN I, M ot IM Circuit Court, SomMoM sacerlty dtpatll. HAROLD OFFICES FurnV'rd plu! im a m l n PM iconstcullvtlinsgs an cop •hot cortoM COM tntltkd. Ernest Candy, Florldo In occordonco NALL Raafty lac. Realtor. 17 SO mo ELBOW ROOM U S.000 MONDAY thru FRIDAY IJ consecutive tlffsei 31c 4 line W. Mono«f Plaintiff, v* Horvoy with tM provision* ot tho Fie- BA via. 17J9UI Access to Yanktt Las* ) bdrm. 3 Lovlnoor ond Danis* Loving or dbe Htlew Nomo Stotutot, To Wit: SATURDAY . Noon 11 00 Minimum bth. 1 acre BASEMENT, APARTMENT-NEW A C E Cleaning In o v tir ln , loctlon lotto Florldo Stotutot 1 Llogi Minimum EMPLOYMENT workthtp. boil storage. t*ii. 1 Bdrm. 1 bth. kitchen equip SlOO *10 040 down owner will held Defendant. which otorould Writ T H E BEITI 37t> Industrie I ot Elocution wot dmivorod to mo Ifg Goargo M. Kompor DEADLINES mo H. D (Mlty Inc. Rtaltor. I inane tag Crank Const t , 01 Shorltt ot tom Kioto County. Fubllth. Morch S. 11. II. 1A April FOa LESSI for Rent Realty. Realty World. REALTOR BIO 1041. John ? lor Ido. ond I Hon levied upon tho 1. IM1 D E I00 Noon The Doy Before Publication 1917 FRENCH AVE. Marine* t Viiiagean Lake Ada I St rioting 11)1100 alt. hours. following dotcrlbod property bdrm trom 1114 I bdrm trom 9214171 7 ROOM PHict iraiior cant air. ownod by Morvty R Lovlnoor, FICTITIOUI NAMB Sunday - Noon Friday sno Located lit] IVS' South paved, lif t me. Sinterd. near u ld proporty being locotod m Notice is htftbv given That I gm of Airport B'rd m Sentord Ail ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ SR 44 H I 1011 or H I 4410 lomlnolo County, F lorldo. moro engaged in butinott at 111 Duncan Adutts i l l tars pprtlculorty dotcrlbod ot tallow*: Troll. Longwood. Florldo HISS. WAREHOUSE - Manufactur Ono \ m Pontloc Colollno. > Seminole County. Florida under JA N IT O R IA L- Sentord.parson Ing. 4SM SO It M It calling, door owtomobilo. white groan m the I kilt lout nomo at SPORTS 4-PErsorsib To hole clean rtfoll stare 1 10 31—Apartments Furnished tacurad asJide storage. Sff« color ID No tum punoi SPECIALTIES FLORIDA. ond t—Child Can mornings 7 days • yeeek ideal mo . Sentord aft SR 44. HS 4410 ttorod ot lomlnolo Ft. Longwood. the* I Mind to register told nomo Tor retired or semi retired or ID H H F lorldo person. O l ROeO Furnished apartments tar Sen or with tM Clerk ol The Circuit Court. F R E E Child cor •f a ­ ond tho undersigned ot Ihoritt ot Seminole County, Florida M ec I WILL NOT BE RESPOND Cititens 111 Palmetto t . r , j BLE FO* ANY OEBTS IN mes* who Quality lomlnolo County, F lorldo, will ot cordencowlthtM provisions ol tM Cowan No pnone cant CUBBED BY ANYONE m sotg 38—Wanted to Rent 11:00AM on tho llthdoyot April, FklitWui Nome Stotutot. ToWlti MEADOW FRESH PAKMS A D ItBl. ottor lor tolo ond toll to OTHER THAN M YSELF AS Tasty hoolthful. nutritious STENSTROM Section Its Of Florida Statutes I give eicof lent child con 1 BDBM furnished tho highest blddor, lor coin, OF APRIL >. TNI- Distributors wonted H I lie 1 lfV . bs my homo. SISOmo HIS sac sub I eel to ony ono oil oilttlno Je ffre y * Osborn M O B ILE Horn* space in pe near REALTY - REALTORS Sig SHARON H MAUMO H I IN I Hint, ot IM Front (WotII Door ot Publish Morch M. A April }. 1 ,14. W ILL bobv sit In my R E A L tsto fo Assoc lot as needed trio Sentord Araa Call attar 4 Sanford's Sales Leader tho lomlnolo County Courlheuto In tool hem* dolly, hourly 4 nowfer bs/sy offset with 4 local pm m ill) tontord. Florldo, tho obovo S—Lost A Found Wl list AND S ( L L DCS 114 . H I 0114 broncho* Spoclol Mod for 31A—Duplexes MOST HOME* ‘ HAN dotcrlbod portonol property. Sanford L a k e Mary orod. Thot Mid toN It Ming modo to ANTONI IN THE IN THI CIRCUIT COURT FOR Eicfttent training and com W ANTEO farmland to rent! to J totltly tho lormt ot told Writ ot ♦—Good Things to Eat SANFOBD AREA SRMINOLC COUNTY. PLORIOA STILL LOST Mostly whlta with m Natans W E ’LL fry It lilt your rental or mart acres at land suitable Elocution urn* pal* orangt femaia PROIATE DIVISION needs Jim* Poaiq Beatty, tor vegetable* Call aft a p m John I . Fob. ihoritt calmer. Ginger Terrified at •ERA LUCKENBACH* FRO IATB NO. SS-IIT CP OPENING soon frosn product Realtor 1HUTI wi tan MAKE A WISH a Bdrm. 1 Bam lomlnolo County, Florldo Atita. ran tram thundar. DIVISION; and ornamentals OM Lake • R E A L T Y INC.* ham* wtm Cant HA, w all wall Publish; Morch It. ) L April 1. t, IN N il ESTATE OF Would ta ap p reciate yaur carpal, rvitem kitchen, large Mary Rood lust post MansMfd realtor ufiaaa. tngm l a k e M ANY! bdrm. kdt. air. SLIM BUDGETS ARE with IM seta on April 11, tftl DARRELL W MONROE. Oka lasing lima lo sat If that light Fla. rm.. spactaui Bdrmt. Nursery lo tho South oOlsteredw ith v a l u e s D E I I I OW MONROE. catered‘dag might be her tr —_ - ■ — appli. leesced IN I ma U f f 100 fenced yard and larga tall FROM THE WANT AD Doc toted Reward Lump an upper rear See On Rentail lot. Baalfoe Only SST.M4I SEMINOLE COUNTY BOARD OF OARAOE solo* a rt in 21—Situations Wanted COLUMNS NOTICE OF ADMIN.STRATION right leg. could Identity her It COUNTY COMMISSIONRRS Ton IM poopM about it wtm 0 D U P L E X 1 bdrm. I bth central TO ALL PERSONS HAVING dirk catlar Is milling. NOTICE OF PUBLIC CIOS* It led Ad In tho Herald. SEW IN O In my home •ir B boat, kitchen equipped JUST FOR YOU 1 Bdrm. I Bam CLAIMS OR DEM A ND S _ PLEASE THANKS HIOtlt 'dT-Uxises HEARINO midtti ai-**n. Any Typo lowing Lake Avt IBS ma HIMSO heme in nice areal Cant. HA. AGAINST SAID E S T A T E AND APRIL IMtOl ______Coll H I in a Wat wall carpal, dining rm .. OTHER PER SO N S IN B Y OWNER I bdrm. Its bath, Fla. rm. with Fireplace, FiMF.M. legal Notice" When you ploeo • C lass*.** Ad LA R G E 1 Bdrm ale. heat, TERESTEO IN SAID ESTATE: fireplace fincen yard, •quipped kltckpn, fenced yard Tho Boord of County Com •« Tho Earning Herald, stay carpal, aapiiancet. no pets. mi** loners ot Somlnolo County. YOU ARE HEREBY IN THI CIRCUIT COURT OF NOT enough time tor Mm*, screened porch 141 000 SHOO •nd meek marel ISt.tdd. dose to tour phone because SllSM o . SIM Deposit U U U I F lev Ido. will MW o public Morlng NOTIFIEO that the ad THI IIOHTIINTH JUDICIAL family A lob? Lot m* do your down, no ouaMrmg 1)14110 ministration ot tM E tte tt of something evonderfut 1 abou •ft 4 p ns lo cent dvr IM following CIRCUIT IN AND FOR laundry evhlle you work G EN EV A tret near St Johns BRANO NEW 1 Bdrm. I Bam OARRELL W. MONROE. Oka t* happen I, EQUITY DEVELOPMENT SIMINOLB COUNTY. PLORIOA H I *441. 1 BDRM. ctntril hoot A air, S' 1 aert mini ranch 1 bdrm, 1 kamt la Lika Maryl Cant HA. SYSTEMS. INC - BA (IISI1I DW MONROE, deceased, lata at C A II NO. U B IddC A B t-L eicellent location 1st A lost Wall wan carptf. fireplace, Seminole County Florida, hat bth. manufactured home I E I — A I Agriculture Zone — WILLIAM 0 O’D O N N ELL And 14—Business Opportunities months rant in VH SSSOOO assumable mtg a ll trpe bOrmi. pantry and many Appool igomtl tM Boord ot Ad commtnctd In Tha captioned mart titrasl Many npttant ELAINE P O'DONNELL, his 11—Instructions lie * oar* 4*4 1*01 eves lutlmont in donrmg 0 Spocfol proceeding wilt. When vou place a Classified Ad lull Vf.fPP Eicoptlon ti permit dovtlopmonl YOU ARE HEREBY Plaintiffs M O BILE M ECHANIC. Butinott in The Evening Herald. Slav ot on Adult Congregote Living NOTIFIEO ANO R E Q U IR E D la vs include* 1fl$ Toyota Truck. ciose to your phone because KISH REAL ESTATE SU PER I Bdrm. 11* Bath hem* flit ony cleimt ond demends a a * * * • 0 * o 0 a a a •Quipped Plus y ft lew page FoClllty on tM following dotcrlbod HAROLO R WILLIAMS. In something wonderful it about l i t goat r e a l t o r In Saner* Stum with Cent HA. which you mar have against IM ads. ond much more la m property dlvldually and as Truant*; JACKIE Cooks Swim School to hep pen wall wall carptf. eat In All- Estate end to tile any challenge lo Coll for dofaiit Tho S '.? ot SW U of Section 11II WESTERN STEER OF Swimming lessons starling After Hri m ru n III me chan, wallpaper in kitchen end the volWity ot tho Lott W ill ond II. locotid ot IM inter Mellon of ALTAMONTE SPR IN G S. INC , a Apeirist m in i SANFORO Super new 1 Mttat Inerpr saving ftatvret Uoon ond McCullough Roodt Tetlament ottered for probata, if ALL FLORIDA REALTY Bdrm units eft 15th SI BATEMAN REALTY dissolved Florida corporation; t ...... e i l l Inti Ul.SW IO IST II ony. or any obiod Ion to IM HAROLO R W ILLIA M S, the last OF SANFORD REALTOR H it mo and security 10 acres 10 mile* trom Santoro Thlt public Morlng will bo hold qualifications ol tho Portonol surviving director as Trustee at SH.SOO MAYFAIB VILLAS' I A I In Room KM ot tho Somlnolo Raprotentaflvt, venue or WESTERN STEER OF naaS FrenchAv* H1IDI •ERA LUCKENBACH* After Hours H lt n t .B lIll] Bdrm 1 Balk Condo Villas, County Courlheuto. ionford, lurltdiction ol the Court, with tM ALTAMONTE SPRINGS. INCA 12—SptcUl Notion • REALTY INC* COUNTRY, needs repair. ) br, Court. Semmole County Cowr noil I* Marine Country Civb Florldo. on April It. INJ. it 1 00 dissolved Florida corporation, and REALTOR Uf 1444. V I 1000 terms US MO P M ., or ot toon thereafter ot thorse F O Drawer C. Sanford. AM PAPER ROUT! Ians Select veer let. titer plan A VETERANS SEPTIC TANK inter.ee decor! Ouelity con pottlblo FlorWa lif t I WITHIN T H R EE CLEANERS. INC. a Florida SEM IN O LE Bingo But • SIS.M l. dellverlpg malar COUNTRY mobile with on* acre paper in fho Geneva art* strvet-d kr Shoemaker ter Written comments Hied with tM MONTHS FROM THE D A T E OF flip* For Information coll SI MOO carpe’dtlon; and FRANK J. 32—Houses Unfurnished ler IPO A up' ^Lond Monogomtnl Monooor will THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF DeCESARE. J#*n 337 0119 Terms ovollakto. Call Ray Johnson Realtor Associate |. ”tw coraWorod Portont appearing THIS NOTICE OR YOUR RIGHT Defendants S acres owner Inane ing al 11*. CALLANYTIME ot tho public hearing will bo hoard TO 00 SO WILL BE FOREVER NOTICE OP ACTION Bf4-1 Iff or l ife n il SANFORD Ib d .l bth. CA.W SlI-OOO BARRED Hearings may bo continued trom TO HAROLO R WILLIAMS, II— Htlp Wantod D Drapes 1)00mo ♦ Drp No L*c BeeiEs'a'e Broker IMS tlmo to time as found necessary ALL CLAIMS OEM ANOS ANO individually and as Trustee, pets IAS 41)1 Alter S 1440 Sentord A vf Ftrk Further details available by OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILEO WESTERN STEER OF CAREER IN REAL ESTATE 322-2420 colling i n 4110. Eit ISO WILL IE FOREVER BARRED Frte tuition — Root Estate O REAM W OLD ) bdrm quiet ALTAMONTE SPRINGS. INC . i t e r n 321-0759 E v e 322-7*43 Persons are advised thot. It they First Publication ol thlt Notice dissolved Flo rid a corporation, School Call Alger and Fond street. Kids 4 oett o t 1 teso decide to appeal ony decision on IM lath day or March, ion Realty me 111 1441 per mo. HAROLD R W ILLIA M S, tha last NEW b u sin o si opening up modo it this Morlng, they will Elitobeth S Monroe surviving director as Trustee at Alger A Pond R u itr wont mg antiques and hand need a record ot the proceedings, At Personal Representative WESTERN STEER OF Realtor ERA H I 1441 end. tor such purpose, they may ol the Estate of NURSINOCARE mode crafts on consignment *♦*3*4 ROBBIE’S ALTAMONTE SP R IN G S . INC., phone i n osie or i n MU need to Insure that 0 verbatim OARRELL W MONROE, present address unknown IN your h a m s personal, Want Ads Get Pegpie Together MALTY record ot me proceedings is made, aka. DW MONROE professional, emperltnced - those Buying And Those last known a d d ra tt: ISIS P A P ER route for solo — tv* hr* S t U ’R g j J b e a l t o r . m l s w hich record Includes tho Deceased Amer.cana boulevard SS K. core Nurse*, aide*. or cem letting IH N il -er 111 fee J list S French testimony one evidence upon 100 Wets Wyndtsom Court •amen, hourly or ttva In. par ofternoen * dors per Orlande. Florida DOW weok )e« SOOT AH I p i r Milch tho oppeoi it to bo based Longwood Florida IllSO YOU ARE N O T IF IE O that an Available 1* hours, weekends LAKE MARY llctn HA. nice ^ S«Mord Board ot County Commissioners ATTORNEY f o r p e r s o n a l action la tacacloaa a mortgage an A holidays LO CA L Ittllon restaurant, tub trees L yird neer public Somlnolo County. REPRESENTATIVE IM tallowing proparly In Seminal* » s if d sen or r o a m sh i shop Must go. make after beech Like new.' na pats. 24 HOUR (3 322-92W Florida HERBERT JAY COHEN. PA M EDICAL P ER S O N N EL FOOL REFERENCES AMUSflllSO County. Florida: VRRRIfBiaM ASSOCIAHSl INC «lAITO VS By Robert Sturm. 04W S Dadeland Blvd The west US tael ot the East VS ♦ dtp 111 1411 NAL COLBERT REALTY Chairmen MANNY KU RST VOMIT. IJ0»f‘(f! Throvfl^ou* Suita 100 laet. Block C. W EA T H E R S F IE L O IBC. Attest Arthur M Heckwith. Jr Miami. Florida HISS irfllrtl 9 lor'<3A SUBDIVISION, according ta IM L A K E M A R Y AREA - roomy 1 12)7132 Publish April 1. toil : Telephone liOII 4440401 plat maraal, as recorded In F<*l Tseo operator* needed In lake 23—Loans bdrm. 1 bth home with eat in LAKE MARY DC T l« ' Publish Match la A April ]. IN I Mary. ma|or corporations, kitchen A family room SIM Eves UlOell Book 11. pages 44 and 4S. ol tM 101 E ISthSI 313-19(0 OES III Public Records at Seminole data Division Qualifications per month IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HOME EQUITYLOANS SOW lakeMpry Blvd IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR County. Florida Harris computer or Kay la Atqar 1 Pond Rea Hr SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA No points or Broker leev loans 10 LONGWOOD eoniemporarv 1 IN DRIF1 WOOD V IIL A G S SfMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA LESS tilsllng right of way Ior Disc eeporlonct Minimum I Realtor ERA 111144) PROBATE OIVISION S IS 000 to Homeowners r.FC bdrm. 1 bth. stone fireplace, PROIATE DIVISION Data Road No ala yrs recant working ti great room. Urge breakfast File Number I1IM -CF Credit Corp . Sent. FI 014110 LA K E MABY a B R .) bth estate Flit Number H lit CF has been Iliad against you and IM parttnee Must bo o motivated SA N FO RD 1 bdrm kids. pets. area. 1 car garage, large Division Mil si after, able to work home large pool, petlo Dtvltwi Prebela above named defendants, and you aopi. 1100 dn t ill mo lit 1100 shade trees glassed in porch IN R E 1 ESTATE OF overtook! lake Split pitn. IN R ( : ESTATE OF art required to servo a cope at without sup ervision and 29— R oom s with screen! tOall 410 14)0 LCOTA MOOR SCHULZ operate equipment with ot lav On RtwtalilM. Rtatter many luaurleu! Ireturtt Deceased ROONEY G ROSS your written delames. If any. ta H Deceased on WILLIAM O O'DONNELL. llcitncy Coll Lynn 41 *1*4 000 NOTICE OF ADMINISTEATION N O R R E L L . 441 1111 Ab CO M FO R TA B LE sleeping TO ALL PERSONS HAVINO NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION EXQUIRE. plaint Ilfs attorney, room 14) Mr W IN TER SPRINGS a bdrm. TO ALL PERSONS HAVING sehitety no contracts t* Ugn er STEMPER AGENCY LOG HOME cuvlom built, twu CLAIMS OR DEMANDS whose addrass Is *0 East HUNT CLAIMS OR OEM ANOS ‘ Livingston Strael. Sulla 10a. employment tee* Invalvtd pets, appi UM U f 1100 story, lergt rooms. IP ft AOAINST THE ABOVE ES T A T E AGAINST THE ABOVE EST A T E Orlando. Florida HdOI. on er with pny position thru Say On Rentals tec Realtor porch. )4tt ctlinlng m L R See AND ALL OtHEN PERSONS NORRELL Services Inc SANFORD a , A\ Whig 4 EXCHANGE WHAT YOU HAVE ANO ALL OTHER PERSONS be lore April IS. ttil. and flit tM to to ppprpciatp! U l 10*0 INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE: monthly r it r \ UM Inc Kif for wtitt you W4nf W* buy IN TERESTED IN THE E S T A T E : anginal with tha clerk of thla court HOUW! And mortgtgn YOU ARE HEREBY WANTED port tlmo mature WOOlh Adult! 141 7M) SA N FO RD 1 berm, appli 1HS YOU ARE HEREBY either before service on pfakitlft's LUXURIOUS opt. 1 bdrm. 2 N O T IF IEO that Ihe ad individual for hook keeping N O TIFIEO that the ad mo SlOO Itc dtp B bath Tha ultimata in decor, if minltlrtilon ol tha eslato ot attorney, or Immedialily M l 1400 Air conditioned room lor font OWNER FINANCING LOW ministration ot tha e s to lt of references, nopets ill tall you like plush and beauty If * L E O T A MOOR SCH ULZ, thereafter, olherwise a default Nice homo. good ntJgh DOWN EASY TERMS 2 bdrm. RODNEY G ROSS, deceased. Fit# yours I SM fOO deceased. File Number II IM CP. will be entered agamsl you tor IM LFN wanted lo work full lime II borhood K itch on prlnltget 1 bth Uock horn* 11) 000 Number It 111 C P . It pending in relief demanded In tha complaint It pending In IM Circuit Court lor T thit! Aooly ot Lor*wood Cam For detain 27)1471 1 BDRM.]bfhhome the Circuit Court lor Seminole WITNESS my hand and IM seel Seminole County. Florida. Probata Health Coro Center US tjog 1I3E Airport Blvd 3 BDRM 1 bin tr«m# 112.SOO OWNER reduces SI0.000 - ] County. Florldo. Probate Division, ol this Court on March ti. IMl Division. IM address ol which It SHS HI VII bedroom. 1 both*, eat in kit the address ol which It Pool Ollko 30-Apartmerits Unfurnished Somlnolo County Courlhouto, (Seal I 3 BDRM WH block homo chen. dining rm, family room, Drawer "C". Probe'e Division. ARTHUR H BECK W ITH . JR IMl 40 to 4411 40 weekly working Sanford FtorWe SEC LU D EO Larg el Bdrm CfntrAi A*f i h*4» 111.SOO plus living room, screened Sentord Florh-o. It m as Clerk at the Court pert or lull tlmo stoning FO R rent 11 Lottfranl Alt Tho personal rtprotantallva ot country setting. aMiiet patio, and pool, many w ir e s TM per tone 1 representative ot By Susan E Tabor immediately Complete details Sogt Fool. Sets aft H fl or the estate It HAROLO H trom 14 U14MI 3 ♦ ACRES Cl«4r»d t il SOO now 141 too Ihe estate it L ite Anne Rost, Deputy Clerk 4 application lorm tent on i l l 1441 ask for Cnorlen* SCHULZ, whom address It Route whose eddiess It 441 Westlake WILLIAM 0 O 'D O N N ELL request Send stamped sett 1. Boa M (74 01. Oviedo Florida A BUILOlNG »0*! Gt^tvo U *00 WOOOMERE PARK 3 bed Circle. Longwood. Florldo UttO 10 East Livngslon Sulfa IM addressed onv*loo* i«C 0 111 L O V E L Y 1 bdrm apartment l i l t s The name end address ol Ihe REN T 1410 or r»hl with opium ] M Cll roams. 1‘s baths, garaga. TM nemo and address ot IM Orlando. Florida 11401 Doctors Dr • Oviedo. Flo. conveniently totaled No pets, personal repr rsenialive s ottor nay central heal and air. new pain* personal representative's attorney Telephone I10SI ID UOC lifts children welcome USD sec bdrm. Uy bth. F i S FHA are tat form below t«C SAlnmonnotdod inside A put. todays best buy ore set lorm below Attorney tor Plaintiffs dap MS per week HI tfer a v a ila b le - will consider All persons having claims or pt SI* 000 Good terms All persons having claim s or Publish March If. 1*. April 1. f. financing part ol equity — demands ogamst tha estate or* make offer H14M1 REA LTO R 222 4»tl Oovof N.ght demands against ma estate ere INI required. WITHIN THREE WIN Tho Atari Oome or A IS N ICE 1 bedroom home In requited. WITHIN THREE OES 101 BEAUTIFULLY remodeled MONTHS TROM TH E OATE OF Speed Blkt plus others Herat country Fenced I acre, wtm MONTHS FROM THE D A TE OF I bdrm. in town 1 BDRM . U s bath, wall ta wall THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF j* Ann* Klmborty Jewelry many citrus trees Markham THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO T H I P U B LIC : SHSma 1 M44VI carpet, fenced m back yard. TH IS NOTICE, to TIN with IM petty I Call Joyce HIB1II ____ woods Arpp U Sooo THIS NOTICE to Hie with IM Nelke is hereby given that tM Cant a ir . oil hoot UM 1100 Clerk ot IM above court 0 written I. 1 AND 1 BDBM From 1141 security. Call IH IMl clerk ol IM OMvo court • written Board of Adjustment of IM City *f WOOOSHOP to saw i build statement ot any claim or demand LOG HOME 1 Story 3*14 E lm statement ot ony claim or demand Sentord will hold a regular tramos m Sentord Area Eep Ridgewood Arms Apt nag F R I ■ Scheei.e* ter Beal I Hat* they may hove Each claim mutt 1 BDRM. I BATH Avt S1LSOO So* anytime they may havt Each claim mutt meeting on April 0. It t l in tha City preferred IM MM 4 0 PM Ridgawaod A v t m 4H 0 bo in writing ond mutt Indicate tM SCRECNEDPORCH Liceetai Call Nr Oetam Greet lerms Owner I inane log bo m writing and mutt indicate IM Hall at II )0 A M In ordar la Detit lor mo claim, the nomo ond HEARS! bout tor the claim, tha noma and consider a request tor a variance MEN or women M l or pari lima 1 BDBM. apartment new carpet, addressoltMcreditor or his agent LUXURIOUS CONDO baavtl address ol IM creditor or h it agent m tM Zoning O rdm jnct a* II work on ntw Itlaphant drapes dishwasher, pool, no or attorney, ond IM amount HOI PLORIOA OB. DELTONA I fully decorated I bedroom. 3 or attorney, ond me amount ptrlaKb ta aid* yard setback program Be your awei boas kids or pots. SISOmo H)US0 1 BDRM. 1 I min double CAr claimed It IM Claim IS not vet *dr», l Bam. family rm . bath, til aaplienca*. screened claimed It tM claim l« not vet rtgvlramtntt In S R .| Zoned choota your own hours, far Keep ringing 1 garage A eatcutive tvpe heme duo. the dote »nen It will become fireplace, NeceA Owner will parch, many n tra s sit.POO due me dele when It will become District In S'» Lot 4. Blk It, Tr B. nlng deoendmg on lima m Oeiiona Can va m i aavt. duo shell bo steiod It the claim It SANFORD lovely 1 bdrm U l! .1 MINI la llkeecleg 441.1*4. due shall bo tta'ed It the claim is Town ot Sanford. FB 1. Pg S* available H M S S I Tie MBS eyes i weekends Jennifer Wtlik R ttlftr contingent or wnliquWttod. tM bdrm I ISO furniiuraivaiiobl*. Q U A D RA FLEK - •■CdUarst contingent or unliquidated. IM Being moro sp tclllco lly Assoc lata, leas fSailPM tf. condition Owner I inane mg I nature at tM unctrtolnly than bo nature ol tM uncoelamly then be described as located at tlfl P.n* TYPIST - 00 WPM ♦ busy adults S41 ran SA N FO RD 1 bdrm. 1 bath appli. staled If the claim It secured. IM profaflianal office. Lee Rd block to shopping 14S.000 stated II tM claim 11 secured. tM Avt fresh carpet and paKB, 1st and security snail bo dotcrlbod TM security thou bo described TM Planned us* ot tho property are* On call bases ISStfOt SANFORD 2 bdrm. bids, appli. last deposit references SHS LO V B LY S I Naoip pa lo r n claimant shall deliver sufficient »?■* Temporary Seevlrw LA K E MARY ntw tJ S ’t* H I SQ. claimant sm u deliver sufficient Smgie Family residence pit carptf. t l * mg Ht 1SS LU U Pits. Nigsc ITtSSft an ttr 1st Clai ta u t a l i and ft tach sida SPt.tOO Good copies ol tM claim to tM clock to copies ot the claim to tho clerk to ■ L Parkins Samoa Rentals lea. Bstlter shppplnp Sled tiiu m a b lt FABT lima hours full time terms enable tM clerk to moll ono copy enable IM clerk tq moll ono copy CMlrman mertgpges. Sfl.tM Joae tim in g s T r I Cham Liquid to each personal representative to etch personal representative lean* I Adlsntment SANDLE WOOD Villas I bdrm, ] BDRM . H* bath, targe yard, Heeaiag leaner Alkoclot*. embroidery craft products All persons Interested in tM All person! interested In tM Publish March J l 1 April 1. m i Ib th . air. peel IH! P*ti«. quiet neighborhood IV% SU-IN4. SANFORD S tern Beautifully ottett la whom copy ot thlt For tnterviaw H I I44S. ctaerad Nr home — Mobil* o r 0 osloto to whom * copy of mis DES1S ______L a t i n * ______mo -e BNO dtp H I US* Notko ot Administration ho* been 4-1 HOMI witk peel, ppm plan animals Ha* wtll and tiac Notico ot Administration has boon FAR T lima evenings Lake Mary BAMBOO COVE PpH HI. moiled ore required WITHIN maned art required. WITHIN NOTICE UNOBB FICTITIOUI with mw pami lend# and out tricity on land Paved road i South Seminole Phene A 1 bdrm Starting DUB T H R EE MONTHS FROM THE THREE MONTHS FROM THE NAME ST A TU TE 13—Houses Furnished Raspy ta neve lata now. Orlande M T1D ) ______at SUB H J lSag______Uf.tM. J*tt Henning Realtor D A T E OF T H E F IR S T DATE OF THE F IR S T TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Assacitie IIS lei*. PUBLICATION OF THIS PUBLICATION OF THIS Notice Is hereby glvon thot tM COOK a i par lane ad aefy. HANOVER WOODS Calif. Can l a k e f r o n t apt* 1 . 1'li 1 1 C O TT A O E Ivrhithod 1 room A temporary 4 bedrooms. 3 baths NOTICE, to Hla any obioctlont NOTICE 10 1110 any obitctlona undersigned, pursuant to Ik* Apply at Holiday im bdrm on Lika Jtnnr. In they may hove IM l challenge IM bath, lawn, treat A garden with poet in courtyard. M icro they may have that challenge IM “Fictitious Nomo Stotutt", ______M R I.4 P ______Santard Fool, racriatian LA KE M BIT, FLA Ilia * rjgg no pen m ini way* built M Jenna Ira slave validity Ol the decedent s will. IM validity ol the decedent * will. IM Chapter MS Of. Florldo Statutes, room, outdoor SBO lan. 'c tUH M RESTAURANT help wanted Just Us yrs eld Ulf.JOO qualifications ol the portonol qualification! ot m* portonol will register with IM Clark of IM courts, disposal, walk to representative. or the venue or Apply In parson only representative or tM vonua or Circuit Court. In ond lo r Stminok Shopping Adultscnly.iorr> na lurltdietton t» me court luritdklion ot Ihe court County. Florida, upon receipt ot Stuckey * I-4A Hwy44 M—Mobile Homes COZY FIREPLACE pats 111 D i a l ______Large Itm rm with Nealy brick ALL CLAIMS DEMANDS. AND A IL CLAIMS. DEM ANDS. ANO prod cf me publication ot thi* LAN Dll N Acres cleared and NEW marketmq concept u w l tmepiaep. Nrmai dining 4 OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILEO OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED notice. IM IkHHovs nomo, lo w*; lanced on pave rood Near I t . mu«I level IS comm » l u x u r y a p a r t m e n t s W IN T ER PARK O R . S rm t. living room ) br. 1 bth. pool 1 WILL IE FOREVER BARRED WILL BE FOREVER BARREO OATS INN L O D O E OF Johns 14000 per per*. overrides AAt Hopper 1*14101 Family A Adults IttHtn kids, pet* UTS U f UM Pdlie an 4 l*rg* lot* 417,10*. • Oett ol IM first publication o« Dale at IM tk tl publication at ORLANDO (ALTAMONTE)under Pooi* id* 1 Bdrmt Master Sav-Oai Reelalt lac. Beaiier thlt Notko of Administration: thlt Nolle* of Administration which we we ongogod In bus ires s MIDWAY GROCERY Land, C A R E T A K E R pert lima Cove Apts 111 TfOO Open on April 1. IN] Morch M. IN I os a partnership undor which we building and equipm ent. female. La k e M ery private " weekend* HoroM H Sc hull LIU Anne ROSS report If moo®* In bull.ness In Owner will train Vary busy club Will turn M e ettkt A t Portonol Representative At Personal Roprttanlotlvt IM City ot Atlomoedo Springs. BN JOY country living! I Bdrm araa Best Imencmg. rental position In Off toeton Call Btv 37—auslness Property ot tM Estate of 01 IM Estate ol Florida Apts Olympec st Fast CallBart apartment IN40C 111 IS *7 Endrosa 111 T ill.______LEOTA MOOR SCHULZ ROONEY G ROSS that tM portias Intorotlad In Shenandoah Village Ope* t S ■ RIALISTATI Uid business enterprise or* O F F IC E or m all Franck Avt OtCMItd Oectasod *1 TIKBDOF TNI 111 Iflf REALTOR. Ill rpei SALES ASSOCIATES INO sq lift, central twot A ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL SAMI OLD BABT REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTATIVE Gulameii M Oewll •ie. ready ter occupancy tiso NEEDED Cot your now purs* tie# Call ♦MAKE RO O M TO STO RE M A k l ROOM TO STO N E L W CARROLL. JR . ESOUIRE FRANCIS V O A Y. ESQ Habib M Hobtb H I 1101 pc V ) 1441 S openings left. 323 8960 Judy IHBSOO aft BRM . YOUR W IN TER ITEMS . . . YOUR WINIIR ITEMS LAWRENCE W CARROLL JR . von den Borg. G ay B Purse, P A Muslim M Hobtb SILL “DON'T NEEDS" S i l l DON'T NE E O S ” PA P O Bo. n n Dated at O rlando. Or»ng* P ER SO N N EL UNLIM ITED FAST WITH A WANT AD COM M ERCIAL Build mg E s FAST w ith A WANT AO POST OFFICE IOX M Orlando F L MOT County. F lor id*. Morch I . lfC Em ploy moot opportunities Phone I H M il or All fftl and crilenf facunits Busmesi or Phene 171 Nil w i l l PPY) ami CASSELBERRY. FLO RID A HF01 Telephone (MSI 4111450 Publish: March 11. If . 14. April L Neap yfur awn Fall Harvest * VMvdty Ad Vigor wui help Waretsows* Price nagetiable a Handle *d Vispe w.ll help Fall Cadi - use Herald We T otophone (MSI 014 1W Publish Mdrch M . April 1. m i im now. C all H I Seat 444 Ua« Alt itoansiut Ad* Often i n M il. Publish April L I. INI DEMI D ES 1 R Df 144

• > Ev«tting Mart M, tintord, 71. Friday. April I. IMI-6A O UR BOARDING H OUSE with Major Hoopla 43— Lots-AcrNgg 41-Housci 51-A-FumitUfr 77—Auction 77—Junk C ars Removed 80— Autos for Sale N O R TH CAROLINA MUST SELL ESTATE AUCTION. W l H AVE 1 M obil* H*ma tor MOUNTAINS WILL SACRIFICE Everything said on lot a'On TOP Oo«»Jf P # 6 •o* JwhA 4 I I DATSUN B 110 44 0M U K 1 M rm . 1 M tn. screened Larpa trout ttrtam. A ll acres house full at beautiful naar new April!». It • m . Santord For Ut*d c m truck» A ht*vv miles Asking 1)000 porch and fu lly tvrrvihed •II pasture land, lancad hat a furniture Includes alaganl PetA'IS A brochure call B H fQu.pmynt 122 5940 lllBAOd And t } Bdrm. 2 Patti. Umily small stream on «nt td» and aarthtona sate 1 matching Wans. 11)1111 love seat worth Over I MOO rm.. mat .hat tn ta tr atump Dor oared by a largt awitt BUY jUNk CARS4 TRUCkS •ion can vs •lowing trout ttrtam on back Will sail both P'tcH ISIS Also F rom |10 *o 5V) or mor9 TOYOTA Ttreat B0 Idt back All have oak Broyhiil nine place Located on title oared road Auction Salt Ca i i )77 U24 )77 44*n eitras. t ic condi Must sen A LL F L O R ID A REALTY plenty or room ter cattle, ouaen ilia bedroom sat worth Friday Nito 7 P.M. asking ta N Mjki ettr, hortet and trveral houtet Sl.SOO Win tali complete 1 1 t a il OF SANFORD REALTOR Owner s a d ten only »n SOO It.tSO Gorgeous ] piece family 78— Motor cycles pay SSOOO down auuna loan room Daijt iota, lova leal A COMPLETE butcher boy pine J E E P S — Government Surplus 1SA4S r ranch Ml 11)1 living room set. pint fressef chair, worthll too Will tall all Listed tor 11.1*4 Sold for Bad mitre table end benches. TVi. IES acrat over mu laat on ttata S pieces tor s m Beautiful * tftt SS0 Honda All ac For Into call Hill »lt INI stereos 1 folding bicycles Hwy AO Good garden trad theca oak formal dining ream crssor.es SI 000 Firm 11) l l ! l EX T flat lawn edgers and other tools. I V a ry o riv a K lorei for rpmt. tat. 2. ] okc t cat laa table tats AH ) M14S10 nice sets el golf clubs, bags i cabm trailer, or commercial S piece wood party tn . 1 floor tt FIREBIRD lighlblu* honey gait baits, automatic washer i uta 111 SOO Etcaiiant larmt tamos many dtcoratlvt labia comb wheels. V I AC. esc * >er b. told doors, cast iron S4SOO atium a mortgage temioa 1 mart All law than 1 ■Hunting' for Results! You'll running condition Asking m t SIM !! oar month months no Please call pan 1 all kinds ol household F md Good' Shots’ m Want Ads u too in iiti or mm I route Kuirr ttl HOI Warns trom an estatt 11) 2*11 Mountain home 1 bedroom! •» * Reel ■ stake Iraki WE B U Y *1! ind newer located 1 m.ies trom Murpny. CASH DOOR F R IZ E S Cadillacs B Lincolns » m «m i ««. m i n i Rtai good accttt ticaiiant ’ WILSON VAIER FURNITURE Fwrsanaiiiaa Auto Salas neighborhood One ol our bat* 111 USE FIRST ST Dell's Auction 7»—Truck s-Trailers SANFORD dupten aitra tKan Longwood ISO NOf buy! L a rg e mailer bedroom, 11! Sal! and spec lout. cantrai h i a im W .H w y .4 4 ptmtyofctoirti hntiedmthe n iM it •ully rtntad Oum rt »Ji hold tftt FO RD 100 ' a tan. I cyl ltd Ind mlg tlt.SOO mountalni at end ot pnyatf •^ A VTO N A AUTO AUCTION LOW EST pnctl intown front, tacetlerst condition road T V A lakt ntirby Jenkins F Lfn.tura 1 Auction Mny *7 1 m.ln west Bl Speed Good y e a r around Hying m sta* 70S E TSthSt way OaytenA Brtih w.ll hpd t*S MO P * v SHOO down and 75—Recreational Vehicles a pub' c AUTO AUCTION inovt in and aiiumt l|', 44 C H E V R O LE T truck S-t-Garage Sales 72—Auction every Wednesday at f 10 p m rviongaoa 52—Appliances acyl good shape l» % *hr on I * OOF n riofisll tt oon 123 USS You tbf resffvM pr.rr ■ ■A LT O N ! M U LTI Family yard aala April 1 Ittl ROAOMASTER I! It, Theta a r* a lew ot over MOO a n t io u e a n d Cam 404 711 B ill *v turthff HIS Elm A.a 1 d. 01 o m l)a Most P r deeps 4. new tires, asvning. til W7 littmgt We hare all lypat ot Kenmore parts srry ce used HOUSEHOLD FU R N IIH IN O S If DODGE Pick Uo Camper tap. Or*A»V Meadon Laa an Tha River. fully Mil contained Sl .SOO property toe SSOO par acre and washers MOONEY APPLI ATFUILIC AUCTION panelled AM FM rad*, built OeBery Bikes gatoee. loots, _____ moits______uo Me h ave until trpett, wa , A N C ES 1)1 tear Saturday April L 1*11 at 10 a m in CB and • tract La* alto have ttvtral cablnt. clothes furniture Lott ot m lsc m.leapt SHOO Don I m lu this Harold Hall N ( NT A A itN f D^irr items M4 sail ISO! W New York St W ist of POP uo camper must sail, new houtat old tarmt ate Mnta truck rt. on 44 DeLand, kitchen, sleeps l New double today 11) U 2 ) call an Sp m TEXAS MOTORS or call today lor a trta titling WHrrQefA»0f 0» TV • 40 N H hfr 17 •) ■ I A L T V . INC •04 7f5|H5 HIDDEN LAkE - I0S Vantura Florida This la • 10 room canvas tap Leveier lacks RIALTOR mull brochure You can can Iraa by houia lull ol furniture, nett t clean in A out B1.B00 !*!) CHEVROLET Blatar. 4 ))* 9MB diai ng I *00 4M1411 Write or Or Friday and Saturdar 10 a MYIARtCXPERIINCI glasswara. china, plcturas. too til ISIS or U t I 111 wheel drive, runs goad 11400 call today K E N M O R E tflthwAlhtr 4125 CASMONLY Tent, dining tat. 74 NOV A 4 Cyhndff lOAdrO numerous ta m ention U! IUI aft a p m CENTURY!! KtnmorA tAwing mAchio# 147 desk dothin* and mlsc 74 Ouitrr 4 C»l Ader tyarythlng You will find this a )l FT NORRIS Midas travel AFFORDABLE SPECIAL I Cherokee Land Comoany Abbott Avt S711119 Lb Mary 129 9100or >94 4401 vary Mfaraling u la with lots trailtr. screened room B bdrm. the ice toe alien treat Murphy. North Carolina 80—Autos for Sale pafanlial lit.M b. 55—Boils & Accessories of furniturt Salt by order of anning. AC B heat, raal good owner Sales in tha cona tion SI 400 firm , also D rB* 'f Au»0 4 Mit,oe SA'fl S — 3 TV-Radia Stereo management ot Barber Sales •boy* ground pool as is B taka Itll MG M ID G ET Completely Atrm\ »br f'vrr *opo*h tl 174 HORSE FLAY | A C R ID Mrm. 46— Commercial Property IA F T TRI hull. IS HP Evlnruda Auctioneers. DeLand it away SMO w-> bth rneb.ie home o.tk t in ) motor still under warranty W4 t i t 0300 owner 1)1 ta ll U t 4*00 Rama addihan, can HA. mm REPOSSESSED RCA 35 'COlOR TV ih wblnut U.000 or bat otter 111 ttse carpal, terfewvs vita. ease W O RKSH O P trot building with It n a t Only 111.Mb console Or*gtft«l prut 1415. I) F T C0BIA boat 4 IS HP otlica tultabl* tor any type ol b iU n c* dut 1110 or 517 ptr b u sm ets Hwy It *1 Evlnruda 1)00 Ml Abbott CONSULT OUR IT'S YOUR M O VE la a tana and month Still »n ««rranff NO Ava 1)1 lilt Lb Mary Longwood. S Pomts area naar M O N EY DO INN W.II deliver ••tv manthlv paymtalL taty SCC at treitic light 12J 2*11 tar van ta mava into itvtir 1 Call 71%t Century. 147 5394 dev or night F R E E M OVE bdrm wllb cantrai bait A air, —Sports Equipment earner lancad y ard , trait traat. T R IA L, no oblige*>on 57 Only M l.tot M ava Natebty an 47-R e a l Estate Wanted E •Mat Good lM«d T v i 5714 up GOIN G OUT of but nett tH r MILLERS Douot Bl f 4 Tacbl* County R IA U T IF U L R IV E R FRONT WF. B u r I*qg »* n Nou%at 7419 0'iendo D* Ph 177 0)17 Road 15 L4tt Monro* April AND LET AN EXPERT DO THE JOB HOME SITE. Spailaiaiar 40it*mpn*\, vacant land And 3 viaar avarltot mg |i j,e « . Acff Ag»* LUCkY INVEST 4 4th 9 5 Rlvtr, law daarn. 4M44S V I NTS *’ 0 Boa JttO San R A T T L E the erindowt with fhl» •o*d f i « u rn M i n i 90 wbtt Fiiher AM FM ttereo will demomtrett 4150 S7A-Guns AAmmo To List Your Business- CHOICE HOME S I T E law,Han 277 4440 Riact >i acra hvat taka. E XCM ANGE ©ur W-ntyv P*rk ut.ua proo for countr* prop GUN AUCTION m Sanford ar»a )M 447 7174 SUN .APRIL littilPW Dial 322-2611 or 831-9993 ME HAVE RENTAL! 54—Garage Sales SANTORO AUCTION 32) 7340 <7 A—Mortgages Bought 121-5774 B S o M _ „ SA T A P R IL Ird t a rn Woman'! 60-A —Business Equipment clothing. man's shirts, ] BDRM. I pin w wcarprl. children clothes m.|c 200 can hvat air f o r c e WE PAY each lor lit A jm Accounting & V aole Aye Clock Repair Lawn Service by owner )72 ObOS mor*j4idd»\ R#v lujg L •( F IL IN G cabinet. 1 secretary Tax Service Roofing ^Oflgigf Rrosrf 711 ll»l g i g a n t i c 1 family yard sale dusks I urge metal desk. 1 Something tor everyone So t, solid wood uecutivt desks 1 OMRV 7 RANKS 42— Mobile Homes Brook % Lawn nfminiy A p ril 3rd a t pm 1104 beautiful eitcutive chair, plus iiwom* T*« Service CEN TR A L F l OHIOAHOMI SO— Mistellaneous lor Sale OuBlify yBrdwork AM 4 1 Magnolia Aye other saciatary A otlica 177 5VI4 IMPROVEMENT! wkndt Larry 139 4471 Georgy •1 Tamarack IJ*tO 1 bdrm, I bin. r.a.e somy campng yq. pmmi chairs All In ticttlent con Fainting Roofing (irp aniii can ti a Eacatlant cond'-on ditlon. DN S Auction 11) !*30 377 4450 L i< Hondfd Ik OgiMnirnil SEA RS 25 5 cv ** fro\fin% ' .ou no longrr use’ Sr" >t a". Carriaa* Cova. tarmt. Sl.SOO Additions & Concrete W ork Fry* Ctlimoltt111 )B4f ffN ttr 4175 Mi m 10 W r t * tn a Class I rd Ad n the Oman M l lb>! 430. a o m in s ) tpaad bM 135 Hrraid Call 111 lstt or all Remodeling L AWN 5 mo wry d rdqrd 1 eve] and a friendly ad vior -Lawn Garden trimmed ric Weavonatie UOOf *N(* of BH I nds tom two Bobby Mac cac %aat% HO 62 (O N C R C T l WorB foofrr% FOR tala mobile homo cam •ach tw o daluat ch'»d a rt iff % .. Witt help you Cdll 377 5503 Bft 4pm mrf i i AI A ro\td»f>tiBI IWndfd I'OOM A poo'% lam lN d p nq i A *k%o«rd 321)197 piataiy tat up In adult part tor b.ke 410 «A F R E E HAhn r*d ng 14asm mowar. Sat PM Lakt Mary OPoraLon pa * ch dfve*A»t NEW tymed.l Repair ballt arith g ard tn Ivb. moch. %poc You pkkup Elamantary School at Lakt DAf% 3)1 7)1) r » n 177 t)7l rap )77 1974 k cattiadral calllnok. skylgtiii. ______221 >574 Mary Blvd i !th SI BAHIA SOD All typr% (oet%*rvclson maaaaRg tiding, and much *'»rpi«*tr\ dry w.«n F R E E lo oood homo ) yr oId O l a NIKI MS4S0I S'dffrjiki. Drivrfrayi. Palo*. Mini U- Lock mort Only Slt.atS Aallytrad GARAGE Salt. Urea UL drums hAAg ng crtiifvg *n *u rr4 » *e. OUllY up and Shingly roof. Gorman Shyphyrd. vtry good Poo* Orc4%. Spa'% Complrff and tat up VA.no manereown US. m lsc last Magnolia April Cjrpr* V l'r l nrfUrd I team yd and miurtd f rti nr If h c b iltfrtn prAf«r«bly 7ff» C»l J27 2S9B FMA I0«. U N C L E ROY'S ) B. a a s ______5 G Bof nl 17) a l); 377 t*i% rtfimafya 727 1934 country bom* 7) Plymouth F R E E I month* r#o* with 4 mot MOBILE HOME SALES J a m fi E Lay Inc Fury roAtoniblf. 17 ft. GARAGE ula Sat 11 pm POO 65-Pets Supplies ronf »n odvonco Mini Prrtonil e Laatburg US AA! So t«t III Vihlan Rd Llvt Easlw bun 5ior#gy 'jm o fryyrynf with I 0114 Opar Monday Itru Mohiwfc CAnot. Air bo At AtfditiOAt. RtmoQrliftf A Hrpoir Electrical Alum num hull 1 Continantal Nee L chicks, clothes B mlsc mol rent m scU/sna All tifn Saturday IT. Sunday! lit A K C m|tf Con’1 u%mq your pool 7 tftt tw in %hee*t And cAtet Pressure Cleaning smyii Mrs and Comm | rra conventional Uncla Rar't AKCrrg t'tr^ 32 2 tl?l *ab<«. U K a cur. and %rll if Mobila H o rn S alat. US ttl So C all 171 7513 I \* 174 B014 or 7f? 1)70 G A R A G E u la. stereo turn table, »ith 4 Hrraid (l4%tifi#Q a17 7 INTERIOR A yafyr.or painting Salat Brand rt*w ItiM 1 S I 44 See al Santord Sawing Asphalt Paving IN SfA LI end Repen counter tap stave, bunk bads, Plaata call 322 346? aH 4pm bdrm. 2 only SILttS Cenitr Santord Piaio Acroai Rrsuthni.ei end (emn.erc.el bin glass, misc Ilf E Coleman HANDYMAN. Light hauling, or waakyndt dallvarrd A tat up VA no trom B urg er King 66-Horses I re e l si !/4 ecse pr Iff eijg Circle alt Airport Elvd yard work, odd tob% montvdn. FMA TOSRn Many R O MATHESON Co COO Frid ay. Saturday and Sunday, 373 B044 QUALITY a muvf raf. fray ext ho mat on display Saa In W A R EH O U SE la'a April J4S0I ttrurten of ntfr driytfrayf. t a r n till ENGLISH Itttonft. training rtturfiCihQ. patching 1 teal Wat ar proofing tt a mull in Laatburg. Hoy *41 So 1 H I A Sun * a X Da'tun pickup Pooitt tor lt*t Sycamora coating F r r r r t f 377 00IB V ARO (on%»ru(f *on «nd Central Fla Anthony Cor mo 024 Ooan Mon Sal 1 1 p m with CPD. Ia n ltd contained Traclor Work YA R D Sola Saturday «S Avon Far m i )49 5704 Bft 4 m \c (1 ran up 377 0071 - Sun I I I p m travel tra ile r, air heal B tea (B mn*y \wref> 32) >750 w ay ratrig 4i4 cevartd utility bottles, clothes, misc Hams too numerous to men I lor 110 l STOR'Nr, IT V A » r S WASTE Wf Out beau* fu» nfM BROAD trt'lfr J C Alim eiactnc cam Beauty Care BUSH HOG Work Plo* ng Sun I and Dr. 67—Livestock Poultry ALL T Y P ES I i 1 ‘NO IT VA» I s (ASM MOVE Iron* 4 r e s t Bfi I reg itar. A departments 1 O Nk-ng Cly«r mg «ryf ail change hay Garden tools Of h a u l i n g •M AC I A C L A IM ! if D A tJ GREGORY M OBILE MOVES YARD salt — havtewaras. CNan up Ph )77?)01 hand loots A electric egup 171 1974 NO A (.»'» 177 7AII » • I i ?W| MO) OriAnoo Of 17)1700 furniturt. kitchen i^entlll. TURKEY!! 10 Duckst) mant I a Industrial Pen I d TO M B 5 61 A uTy SALON VA 4 t HA f nami ng clothing B toys Frl l Sat. 0-4 Collins ltd . Osteen FORM IRLY Harftftf B Roaofy SR 44 Santord 111 IMS p m . U 1I AkeHamrllle Ava. DISH) Hava \qm# (im p in g a*w Nook 519 E lit 5* . 327 574? Home Improvement NEW SPINET MOO Sola Plumbing Tree Service fO>- " v SHI -• ••• 0'»"0 F L E A market Sat. April Srd CATTLE late Yeetling with matching chan SIM Bath OPALINES Beauty Shop, for «. ,n a CUtt950 FONSECA PLUMBING AH plumb ng M.nor rrpair% *0 UGLY tree slumps* Removed anil haip you N EW portable home ttoem both bargains goiort lyoei Emergency leryice. math economically eny sue RA BBITS, cages, equipment. adding a 'worn Don )7) )974 SIM New homo tanning booth, Sewer DremCleen.ng H I cot! or localrfin Also tret B shrub baoutilul walnut cabinet DM YA R D tala. Sal 04 p m . IBS g»a»a. 10 HF M ' cut alaclric II I2UI BARRINGTON!bdrm. frrd d -a Rot>n%on Plumb>ng prun.ng B removal Rem Tree Go cart double ira bin. t t .lt i dallvarrd Boarding & Grooming K.T. REMODELING Sereica. Langwciod 1X0*1 DOC Beautiful walnut cpbinaT Sunland Estates lllSdTSI mini R a o a iri. l a u c t f i . W C. tools, glassware, and tables Sor.nkiar% 373 1510. 17) 0704 It BRIGADIER llaAO 1 bdrm. I itnoAM FMradallM Klf ba'h A add'.ons Quaidy Ml T S M o r W in i and matchin* coMat labia, bill. M ISO daiivarad 68 -Wanted lo Buy woramansn.p .n a ll home CHEAPCHBAP c h e a p clothes, stereo contalt BAP ANIMAL Htvrn Board.ng and ■rrorOfemyntk Country plum per, ci mpifta STEEL BUILDINOI Heavy duty e«t card 01 laat, Groorr ng Rennets Shady in D D O U BLE wida Btythorr 1 1 i r r n i f n a i n s u r f d piumt> ng ry p a r Water Typing Service Commercial — Farm — Rail whit* boat sears libergies* BA a l u m i n u m cans, copper. Vj'J'tJ serttnaj lie pr wti .ft bdrm. 1 bth. gardtn It* ■ CALL k e n TAYLOR III test Nl*»f1 fawcatt. drir>\ 14 hr gent lit A lt tin, turil He*!. pr______>eao press s.'ver gold Week 1 * 1 Bv*t4e runs Fans Also Daiivarad A tat uo lit .ttl Whn'ataia priced' Cdll Tom days A a to !a* f t KpKaMo u r v r * 471 4515 AC (ages Wa cater ta vuur DO you nead noma im Ml mar C O LL EC T TOOAVI IDt S LAUREL Ay* acroai Toot Ce auw tsiv ill nop oeft Start>ng stud rag stfv RONLKB M OBILE HOMES oravamants’ I da all Juki STORING It MAKES WASTE- t U t i ) » S R trom Flnacrast School Fh 111 !f!l U L L I N G IT M A k li CASH 441 in A pop** WE F A Y cashier mast anythlito can >13 11)1 Saturday 0 1 Black and white Remodeling FLACE A CLASSif lED AD MS M* I*t0. avat 10S til IR1 TV. wet suit and scuba pear, •• ••lira SLIM BUOGEt) ARE NOW C am ))) 1411 arm **•),' Call Collect Jtnk Ins Fur m lure B Awe I t«i Carptnlry rtpe.rs Sowcai'img 5 1 -Household Goods clothes, books and maaaiinas b o l s t e r e d w it h v a l u e s and m lsc m u s t >a eager, siding B desks Remodeling Specialist I) Guerdon l bdrm. furnithed. • ROM THE WANT AD U ) Bit) or 177 11*1 ter M MS Including dalivary I DAY O N LY ta t. April Ird 0 S. COLUMNS Wehynd'y try CLEA N full s ilt holtl bad! US A and tat uo M M S OELANOO It) Anthony Or. (Grsvt View) Hava soma cemp-ng eou.pmeni Whoia Ba i of Wa* Upholstery se« Santord Auction MIS S 71-Antiques ITS >*n______Dlnatta tat. teblt lamps, you no longer use* Sell .1 all HOME Ramodai.ng. Room French Ay* . IT)TM B. E . Lin k Conti. clothes, drapes l Ms at mlsc W.fn a Class l.ed Ad .n The Additions Compiaia n llaM S H E L B Y C a s t Vtgt I HENDRIX ANTIQUES L Heft'd Call l l l l U t or a il Oarage Door Sarvic* 121-702* CUSTOM crafted bdrm liy bth. furiiy him YARD IALB Reflnltfilng Free E st. IAS *t*J and a ir.enaiy ad vsor Dick Gross MS BI10 • nerve ny Are.legif uphoiktary %isp (ovan, Sl.SOO AduM ta c Carnage Saturday B till T 007 E JOtti St ) ) « Oer«i#>t Located 1 ml. w.ll hrip .av draprv rat rs \n ng A turn-tuft Cava By owner i n Self Antiques, smell frtaitr A N. of OuMaon Hwy 41* I REFAIRS, rahab. small er big r?Pa r at raasonao't pr ea t» S I-A —Furniture HBL HQMECARE lobs. Trta anim ates. 11)4410 y«p*rt% 31) 543? Da.a mlsc. items Feinting, rooting, rtmadaling. Evtrgrttfl RVHFO garages etllct cltaned Cell 43—Lots- Acreage Garaga u l a ere n season Tall STtwarts UpA(||ttrT STAN LEY so lid oak dmlng room tha pa«p>e about a with a Ct(6in«c Tile evenings )U 2*10 kuitt paid S3.000 tall onty ISM CH URCH ot God at Prophecy Spec.llit.ng .n ell IrPeS Ol ISO* E lm Avo Soturday. April Classified Ad M the Herald • urn.lure Rees prta Free Pool table complefk IMS M 1)1 2411 1)1 rrvj Linde tearing AS ACRES LbA* Sylvan ATM. wptt CE emptier SMB 1 M lilt. Plenty el tvmltwra. Isf >1/ 20S3 Ml. MO W. AAALICIONSKI 1 2 1 n n mlsc. MEINTtIR TILE Eip s.oc* REALTOR W-FRtO. ITS) New B ok! wart comm B Roofing CUSTOM upholsfery ell frptt YA R O oak ISMS 72-Auction ra sa .) rat estimate Aat ASA) Turn, tree **f , pickup B ) BEOROOM sell, mailer Santord Ava Friday i LAND CLEARING, fill TOA N L A K E C O . 1 net lOttO Uowtatwn bed. ! d ra w n all Wirt. 0.sk.ng, mow mg Saturday OApm. DAO I * grtan houses mobile name oak. tem canopy bedroom let HI 141) EVERVWMnesdevFpm Ut.too Tarmt availakia pit wnlte. cagiem i bad brown. SPRING CLEANING MLB - COMFLBTI Ceramic Til* tarv KENS roofing service go! * Jenkins Furniture 1 Awe tan o t b s a s April Ird t *th O B p m Soars waits nears cauniartopt. re leek? If « • cen t Hi II you ) draws Sea anytime 410 M4E ISthSI V < Baywood D r Svnlend dishwasher BUS Seta saving modal 'tear Fr att U * B )ll don'l oey Rerooling B repairs W ill Drilling ST JOHNS River tranfage. l'» m ach in e SIMS E la c. Landscaping 1* yrs tip Tree tsl US *110 acre parcels. alto Mirier SOFA sleeper, regular lilt, typewriter CM Beat i motor FOR ESTA1E Cammercul O' Whan you pteta a Ciets.t.e* a a aarcatt. rivaa access I UNO Herculon earth lent catari IMP Add mtchina, camerat. •n Tto (ytn ng Haratd. stay Res.dent,ai Auct.ons B. Ap FRENCH end Buds Will Public water. H m in N Alia E*ce"enl condition IMO Ml man L woman clothing, ether dost It rSur phone because ■Hunllng' tar' RatstRsT-VewH or a .sals Ca" Dens Auden LAROItREI INSTALLER Drilling r to WtH rapt In. manta M alt l * \ >1 yf. B IO efts o r w amend! MS MIS household items 14} Abbott something wonderful •) about L4hd1C4B'hg Old LBfrnv Rt Find Oood ‘Shots' In Went Ads. 121 SalP Irrigation » S BS4BIN Eves » financing, n* gualilym*. days Ava O l I1S0 LA. Mary to happen 0*4Cfd 145 5501 D1M II. E/Oktr AM MM I * * *711 avat wkndS.

\ »<\'|p'sn'k«.

t 4

- * t f

BLONDIE aR-Evowin* HtriM, ta atari, FI. Fri4ay,Aaflt2, IHl ACROSS Annnr to Prmoirt Punt* . i Cowboyi Exercise May Cause MkHM 4 Aftomoo* 47 MKk II 7 Spread to dry II Swelling In Hands 10 hia (tMyuio 14 DEAR DR. IAMB - My 12 Riot Strlwnrtr 14 Groin for 1$IS Southern □ton nun neighbor and I have been on a wbitkiy State |»bbr) uim im unii nut in walking program since last 15 Intention SI Luxury □nnn■uuun■nan falL We have worked up to □ □ □ n l a t H i o 11 Common 17 Corn <« n tja n ln n n n three-and-*-ha If miles In CO SI Time tone minutes at least five days a 17 Nucloor I Orgontof 35 Softlod in ig«ncr |ibbc) | | week. Before this w* were KS” ngM 21 Indoftniw in doing aerobic dancing two I I Hovoo M Slow • Month (Ibbr) 20 Fishing lures II Actroot 40 Pin days a week fer one hour each 27 In large DOWN ■untyn 41 Sciry time. swelling of your legs while 24 Glued 1 Oropod 12 Adomi 43 Copitil of During aerobic dancing 71 Dutch aormont grondoon Itily class I noticed that my hands standing still will esuse embankment 2 Sotf-ootoom II Conjunction 44 Hobrtw would swell and feel quite swelling. 20 Oocodo |Oor| patriarch Common id 45 Shinny filh warm. They do the same thing The swelling you hive 21 Stood foctor 2 Aid in diognoo- j ' during our walks. H en do the noticed in your hands during 22 Ciobon |obbr.) ing Icomp « Cling 41 Nipple 22 Rested in wd) K Gin 41 Soowood same thing but to a lesser leg exercise is entirely nor­ chfir 4 NoBifr Within |pr»f) lubtlonci degree. mal and will not harm you. 24 Typo mooturo S Port of com 27 Imogo 49 Now tin I a n 40 years old, very B ulking is very good for most Sim 50 Ploying cord 21 Choor ptont 21 healthy, not tick with even a people's health. And it cer­ 27 Short |odd I Admit! 29 Sundown 51 Scott* h up 21 Toll umbrogo 7 Sntith 20 Moo___ S3 Our country cold all winter. Are my hands tainly helps control body ot ttroottor lung llbbr) anything to worry about? weight. They do return to normal I am sending you The r 2 r " 4 T « 7 8 9 after a while. What cusses Health Letter number 1M. this? Walklniz to Health. to tt 12 tJ 14 DEAR READER - When DEAR DR. IAMB - I was involved with sports for many 15 11 17 you are walking your hands may awing but they do hang years, including boxing. ; 1 II 19 21 down and you are not con­ developed a pain somewhere tracting your arm muscles. wtlhln the left shoulder near 22 2 3 ] The blood tends to pool In the the Joint and an "on and off" reins In your hands. Let your pain and discomfort below the 24 is 27 28 29 neck In the spine. An X-ray • ( 1 hand hang down by your side _ ■ ” and watch the veins over the showed I had a compressed 30 back of your hand pop out. disc. ■ ■ _ ■ ■ That 1j because blood runs Lately the big toe in my 31 L downhill In response to right foot has persistently 1 ■ 1 " 1 1 “ been going numb; while I'm 40 41 gravity. Now hold your hand 17 standing it throbs. There Is a 11 ” In front of your face and feeling of pins and needles 42 43 4 4 ] watch the velna collapse as the blood runs downhill when I rub It aginst the bed 45 49 48 4t 10 toward your heart. sheets for relief from numb­ i l ness. I was told there Is a 91 52 91 54 The Increased pressure In connection between the the vein In your hands during compressed disc and a numb SI 5* 57 walking causes fluid to escape big toe. Is this true? Would Into the tissues and remain calcium supplements help? 51 59 80 there causing swelling. The DEAR READER-A numb -A same applies to dancing. The big toe can be from many Increased flow from In­ causes, including poor cir­ creased heart work (dually culation or pressure on nerve augments the change. tracts that supply the area HOROSCOPE Training helps because You'll need an examination By BERNICE BEDE OSOL your body gradually develops by your doctor. You could rede* control to decrease have a disc in your lumbar For Saturday, ~Aprll 3, 1962 blood flow to the parts of the spine that Is causing the YOUR BIRTHDAY person today. body that are not working, problem or any other form of such as your hands and arms degeneration or spur for-' April 1, !H t VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Some contact! and when walking or exercising mation that causes nerve root Because you were big enough acquaintance! you’ve already your legs. Your contracting pressure resulting in numb­ to give credit to coworkera for made will be initnunental leg muscles milk the blood out ness. E E K ft M E E K by Howl* Sctin*ld*r a Job well done, an observer of your legs up toward you No, calcium supplements this coming year In helping may invite you to participate you enlarge your circle ot heart and actually prevent will not help if it is a ruptured OD MXJ0JER VJAfcE UP in something from which you friendi. You’ll enjoy your new swelling. That Is why walking disc, pressure or poor cir­ IU TWE- M0GU06 AUO Z*t can gain. pala and the treah Interval to or even Jogging will prevent culation. *OU(V0UKT3 TME USE-*? which you're Introduced. UBRA (Sept. U-Ocl. 22) You function well as a ARIES (March 21-Aprll II) catalyst'today (or either You Innately have an ap­ pleasurable or commercial WIN AT BRIDGE pealing, dramatic dare which purposes. As the middleman, today will be accentuated wanted to get the rubber you bring others together. over with so he Just signed even mere 10. Others will find NORTH II I! off at four hearts. your performance en­ SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) ♦ Kill As soon as dummy hit the thralling. Prediction! of A goal which you previously * 7 I J table, South remarked what's In store for you In each thought to be unattainable Is ♦ AISS "Surely you could have season following your birth within your reach today, ♦ Kgs made some sort of slam try WIST EAST after I made the club cue date and where your luck and provided your desires are bid We probably have not opportunities tie are In your strong enough to motivate 9Q J10I * a s h ▼ g u t f l bid enough " AstroGraph. Mall )1 tor each you. • I I • ITS1 The queen of spades held to Astro-Graph, Boa 489, *171 *101(1 the first trick and the Jack Radio City Station. N.Y. SAGirrARRIS (Nov. 23- was continued South relied Dec. 21) Today you are Ukely SOlrTH and to show his partner how 10019. Be sure to epedfy birth ♦ a to be rather restless, but In a slam might have been date. W AKJ10I missed South led a club to your case, this could be good. ♦ KQJt TAURUS (April 20-May 20) dummy, returned a heart The more things you have to ♦ A JI and carefully finessed hi* 10 Someone who has been Juggle, the better you per­ Vulnerable: North-South spot West look his queen watching the kind and un­ form. Dealer South spade Souti derstanding way you treat had to use a highhi trump to people li going to do CAPRICORN (Dec. Z2Jan. Wnl Nurth Eail SMk ruff that one 19) Because you seek to treat I* South played his are of something quite nice for you Pus I* Pee* 14 others unselfishly today, It trumps East showed out and today. You deserve it. Pmi IV Pau (♦ all of a sudden the potential could be that you'll ultimately Pus (V Pau Pau GEMINI (May 21 Ju n e 20) slam had been reduced to a benefit as much or more then Pau doubtful game There ii an excellent chance they, South gave the hand a you’re going to bear from final try. Re ted out three AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. Opening lead *1) BUGS BUN NY by Stoffal ft Helmdthl someone special today who diamonds If the third dia­ you've been hoping would get 19) Shifting conditions could mond had gone through he 6 1HiS HHE KIND QP In touch with you. have a disruptive effect on could have discarded NUtClENTS EAl?TWt.iN/55 others today, but you'll be the By Oswald Jacoby dummy's last spade A MPTHOKTE \JUST A CANCER (June 21 Ju ly 22) sad Alai SoaUg made the contract But V C o n s u m e -? one who Is able to keep your I OUST SAW? /SA-HSPiED An ambition or desire you've ruffed that third dtarrk balance and get all back on- Here Is another hand from and led another spade h-^K^i/ICJSTDHEI? been nurturing may ripen into track In the process. "International Popular lo rn South to ruff with his a reality today. It may coma Bridge" to show an unlucky last high trump through a person who feels PUCES (Feb. 29-March 20) espert at his wont. The principle involved you’ve earned 1L Your poaribilitles for personal South's four club cue bid here la an old one South LEO (July 22-Aug. 22) Nice gain are premising today. « u a distinct overbid SUtl should simply have played things are being said about This doesn't mean you'll get he happened to be showing the ace and king of hearts and then played minor suit something for nothing, but off far the benefit of ao audi­ you. They'll get to the ear of ence North wai either an winner* to guard against one you'd like to know better. you will be generously underbidder or be had seen any and all 4-1 trump splits You may even hear from this rewarded for solid effort South at work before and (NEWSP4PDI ENmPHDX ASNI

GARFIELD by Jim Davit’


O U R SaV ES E voting Herald, Sanford, FI. Friday. April M W -TA

Gardening Florida lubber' Grasshoppers Common In County Each month there are always a few label directions. Q. Is there anything that I can do to rid label. Insecticide approved for (bigger my trees? They are fairly small and are questions that I am asked quite black with red undersides. They seem to Q. Could you pleaae tell me what the my property of chiggers, or prevent them control are Dursban 2E and Diazinon frequently by local residents. Here are fine webbing Is that Is covering the trunk from biting? Apply as directed on label. cluster together. some of the more common questions and limbs of my oak trees and If It Is A. Yes. Chiggers or "red bugs" are Q Could you please tell me what A. Yes. The Injects you described are recently asked. I hope the answers will harmful? actually Ihe larvae of mites and certainly causes the oranges on my navel tree to called "cotton stalners." U ke a lot of help other county residents who may be can spoil many hours of relaxation. If you insects they hatch In large numbers In Hortimltorist A. The webbing you are seeing Is spun get covered with raised bumpy spots? experiencing the same problems. are going Into an area suspected of being the spring and begin causing confusion m-aa by psodds or bark lice. With a closer A. You have a common disease of Q. Could you please tell me what kind Infested with chiggers, wear protective among homeowners. Cotton Stainers do examination, you will find large numbers citrus trees called scab. This problem aI grasshoppers I have all over my yard? clothing and use repellents. Effective not cause much harm, but they can be a young black ones hatch out in the spring, of tiny Insects clustering together un­ can be controlled with iprays of neutral They are small and black with an orange- repellents are: Diethyl Toluamlde real nuisance. Spray If needed with in large numbers which is why you are derneath the web. Although psodds are copper fungicide. Repeat this treatment yellowish stripe down their hacks. t DEET), Dimethyl Phlhalale, and Ethyl either Malathion or liquid sevtn for seeing so many. Don't feel alone because often seen on plants, they are not con­ 10 days later. As always, follow label control. A. Yes. They are young Florida they are all c m the county, and 1 am sidered pests since they feed on fungi and Hexanediol. These repellents should be directions. “Lubber" grasshoppers. When they receiving many calls about them. Control lichens found on trees. Insecticide applied to legs, ankles, cuffs, waist and All Extension Programs are open to reach maturity they are quite large and involves spraying with an insecticide sprays, therefore, would not be lle e v e i by clothing application or Q. Could you please tell me what kind anyone regardless of race, color, sex or they change to a much lighter color. The such as Malathion or Dursban. Follow necessary. directly to the body as directed on the of bugs I have in my yard, and on some of national origin. In And Around Geneva Showcase Features Good Friday : ** ; . » Bake Sale ContinuousProgram The second annual "Seminole Community Seminole Community College first opened College Showcase," an open house fee the Its doors in 1966 in sn Initial enrollment of 73^ Central Florida community, will be presented students. The coUege has grown In its service Scheduled April 17, at the college campus. to Central Florida until It now serves some The annual Good Friday Scheduled to start at noon, the showcase will 20,000 people per year. Bake Sale sponsored by the Lou feature a continuous program of exhibits, I*rograms in occupational education have Geneva Homemakers musical presentations, and demonstrations supplied the training for many of the people In Association will be held April Childers Involving personnel and facilities from all the area work force Including essential fire,. 9 In front of the post office sectors of the college. pollce and medical personnel; air-conditioning building. Ihe event will begin Geneva Among the program features will be fashion and auto mechanics; electronic and building at I a m. and continue until all Correa pond ent shows, performing arts presentations, and an technicians; and many personal service and Items are sold. 349-3710 exercise featuring units of fire, police and business personnel. Mrs. Mildred Geiger, The college Community Services program spokesman - for the paramedic training. has devoted educational efforts in addressing organisation says, "There Demonstrations will involve small business the new church site on High­ many of the problems and needs in Ihe com- will be crafts and plants as computers, chemistry, physics und biology way 419 April 9 at 5:30 p.m. to niunity. -I I well as lots of good homemade labs In operation and physical education. The attend the Good Friday college Museum will be open. There wiU be As a two-year college credit institution, SCC baked goods." performance of the "Black displays and exhibits as well as open leaching has brought quality education to students who: The proceeds from Ihe Hills Passion Play" in Uke Homemakers' sale will be areas throughout the coUege. seek degrees Wales. donated for the renovation of The Passion Play has been the community hall. presented each Winter in In case you didn't notice, Uke Wales since 1952 and is a dramatic reconstruction of school is out. Spring Break SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! the last seven days of the life will conclude April 12 for of Christ. It is held outdoors In FARMER S PRODUCE Srmlnole County schools. FLEA a specially constructed Those lucky kids at Geneva MARKET Elementary School got to amphitheater. MARKET MONDAY All DAY celebrate their vacation the OPEN FR l. NIGHT closing hour of school Three Oviedo High School J TO » P.M. FRESH students, Mary Goaselin, Sue yesterday by having "Spring SAT. A SUNDAY • BAKERY GOODS Break Parties" In their Coe and Barb! Childers, ALL DAY • SEAFOOD homerooms. received first place ribbon* • PRODUCE and certificate* recently In Stlacttd, trustworthy • EGOS Homeroom mothers Karen (testers ottering you a wide Kelly, Mrs. flora, Mrs. Trail, the District FHA-HEHO • NUTS H«eaM Photo ky Tan Vincent vartely o4 marchandiso at Mrs. Sweat, tinda Evani, Proficiency Events. The girl* lanlaitk savlngsl • OTHER SURPRISES Sandy Wisdom, Linda Jacobs, represented their Future Mrs. Appleton, Sharon Ciener Homemakers of America club QUILT A MANY SPLENDOKCD THING and Doralne Harrington by presenting a skit entitled, AT THE LOWEST PRICES! provided cup cakes, candy "Working it Out." Irnogene Yarborough of Geneva, chairman of the Florida Cowbelles and punch for the refresh­ The skit was original and Association Ways and Means Committee, shows a colorful quilt made by the GEM'S FLEA MARKET ments. portrayed a divorced mother Cowbelles as a benefit project. The resplendent quilt is created from 20 lllMilMh OtUInMlry SI>S raising two teen-age squares, each representing a Florida county and its agricultural forms. The on it si tn isao The regular monthly daughters, ages 15 and IT, one quilt will be given away at a draw ing at the annual C attlem an's Association ( In Th, Old Ar I Or Indl# WhHl lin c h l meeting of the Geneva obedient and sweet, the other Banquet on June 2fi In Fort Lauderdale. For Information, call Mrs. Yar­ Csmslttsly Undtr Covor heady and rebellious. Citizens Association will be b o ro u g h , 349-5342. held Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Their skit will be presented the community hall. again as they advance to the Florida State Proficiency The regularly scheduled Events April 20 — 30 at the meeting of the Geneva Sheraton Twin Towers In W h o 's Cooking Homemakers has been Orlando. Tbc Herald welcomes suggestions for Cook Of The changed this month. They will The young women are Week. Do yon know someone you would like to aeo fea­ April 4-7 meet at 10 a.m. in the com­ raising money to pay their tured la this spot? There Is something for tttrysa la munity hall on April 12. expenses to the slate com­ the Uae of cooking. petition by accepting Novice cooks, u well as master chefs, add a dif­ The youth fellowship of the donations. If you would Uke to ferent dimension to dining. Chuluota First Assembly of make a pledge, you may caU Please contact OURSELVES Editor Doris Dietrich God Church will be leaving J49-5790. about your new* and views m cooking. Rude Daughter A Child Abuser Tough/ove DEAR ABBY: KecenUy I flew 1,000 sons brought home the kind of grades I diet to visit my only daughter, whom I do. But mine are never satisfied. Not only id not seen In a year. When I arrived at thaL but I'm beginning to work up a real lam ., she wasn't home, but I found her hate for my brother. For parents frustrated and year-old daughter taking care of her 15- I feel better Just getting this off my wnthold baby brother. My daughter chest. I hope you print it for my parents Infuriated by teen-age behavior... ame home at 4:10 p.m., saying she had een to her bridge dub. She pulled some NO. 2 IN OAK PARK nd out of the freexer and put It In the this rude and ungrateful daughter, ilcrowave oven. (It wa* still frozen In Abby? DEAR NO. 2: Parents c u 'l be faulted When communication breaks down and just loving * middle when she served It!) HAD ENOUGU for rarouraftag their cblldrea I* work up At 7:30 pro. the left me and went to DEAR HAD: Year daughter's to their potentiaL but never should ooe your children Isn't enough...there Is help. It's called ■wther bridge party. I was In bed when rudeness Is the lead of it; leaving a 9- child be compared with a sibling. w came home. The next evening she year-old to look ofter a lVmontb-oM child Uiloriuaately, m ail pareali area'l yened a can of chicken aoup for five la rhild abuse. Add U that her failure to aware of bow damaging inch com­ Tough/ove, and ft's o concept spreading throughout topic and called it "supper." She gave feed the chDdreo properly. Since your parisons caa be until It'a too late. le half* cup. Saturday morning she and soo-io-law witnessed all this and went DEAR ABBY: Ten years sgo you gave the nation. tr husband left for the weekend while I along with U. he is sU u unfit parent me the address of where to write to iby-ut. Out of concert far your grandchildren, request that my name be taken off the Ust Monday afternoon she went shopping please don't Ignore that sad situation, of junk mall. ith her husband. They had dinner out even 11 yon hate to notify the child Well, three years ago I ordered a This exclusive 4-day series examines the Tough/ove id brought aome pizza home (or the protective services In the city where your sweater that was advertised in a itldren and me. daughter Ifml respected magazine, and as a result of phenomenon — the national and local trends — Tuesday she had some women over for DEAR ABBY: 1 am a rophomoro In that innocent purchase, I am on the Hit ridge while I Ironed. (1 Ironed 12 shirt*, high achooi (a boy) and I nm an A-B again. Now I am receiving 33 catalogs z blouses and six pair of trousers.) That student. I am active in sports and In quite from every kind of publication what the experts say — how parents are learning ight she served some leftover chill from a few extracurricular activities. imaginable! it freeier. Abby, when she was growing My problem Is my parents. They can’t Per your suggestion, I wrote to: Direct to cope. p we always bad linen tablecloths and stand to tee roe do anything except study. MiU M arketing Association, Mail ipkina. She doesn't even hare paper The minute 1 gel home from achooi my Preference Service, • East 43rd » ., New spkins; the lean one sheet of paper mother la on my back. "Go and do your York, N.Y. 10017. iwtllng in half for two people. homework!" Then the lays, "I never had This w u two months ago and I have I had planned to stay for two weeks, but to tell your brother todohla homework." heard nothing. Shouldn't I get s form to ic week w u long enough considering My brother la three yean older than I, fill out? Or Is the address 1 have out­ e way she treated me, to I gave her $» w u a straight-A student, a real brain and dated? Evening Herald drive me to the airport a bookworm. He never did anything but UP TO HERE WITH JUNK MAIL When the w u U, I was widowed, so I study. DEAR UP: Ihe address you hare la ent back to teaching school in order to Abby, I am not my brother. Moat currenL W rite again. (Maybe Ike Phone 322-2611 or 831-9993 nd her to coUege. What do you think of parents would be tickled to death if their computer "ate" your letter.)

—wi m ve* m s *«*..,•* m -r 1 w*i -tnwMuF* « #-*#

A . ‘ I v I

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Happy Birthday to my hometown, Winter to our little town bringing great art, music and morning Wetter*, movie at the Baby Grand Evening Herald Park, which la celebrating It* Centennial this drams Into my young life. I saw and heard the Theatre across the street IUIM 41 Nil week- Born in an orange p o r t on Palmer world's great In the outdoor annual "Animated Favorite stops on the main street Included the Arenot and raised on the Mariom grande of the Magazine" Initiated by Rollins President Chocolate Shop where 10 cents went a long way, MN. rRENCHAVE.,SANFORD,rLA. >1771 Alabama Hotel I was convinced it an early age Hamilton Holt, who wielded a blue pencil on the Area OdtK*mMl lor BI-MU the popcorn stand, and the WCTU reading room that Winter Park was the beauty spot of the contributors. Writers, new^aper editors, movie where you could use the rest room and while Fridty, April 1. 1MJ-4A world and cultural center aa w e! Since then I’ve stars, musicians, statesmen, nude their con­ away time looking at magazines. traveled frem on* end of thti country to the other tribution. Park Avenue had tta cast of characters such a i Wayne 0. Ooyto, PuWlihtr and to Rone, Athena and Jerusalem, but there's But for the real Winter P u ters the center of the blind man who played his accordion and ThomnGtordam ti Giordano, no, MiManaging Editor no pines Ilka my hometown. small town life was Park Avenue and, then as "Doc" Gardner, whose little dog always carried Robert Lovenbury, Advar tiling and droit*Hon Director Althaigh we were poor and ut the midst of n now, Central Park, which looked much like il the mail home In its mouth from (he poet office. does today thanks to the foresight oflts donor to ✓ Homo Delivery: Week, >1.00; Month, lift; I Martha, 524.08; depreattoi I enjoyed the eame beautiful natural "Doc" lived upstairs over the drugstore next to the city. The park was a place for fun and Yaw,«U.M By Mail: W eek,* 1 » ; Month, ISIS;« Month*, ■urrwndlngs and cultint advantages as the his office. He didn't ask for cash in advance or if festival. Gala Japanese lanterns strung between *30.06; Yaar. 567.60. rich and famous whose mentions were near by. you had Insurance, in fact many of his patients The lakes, canals, and Kraft Azalea gardens light poles on Founder’s Day; college students In couldn't pay him at all. "Doc" not only made were my playgrounds. In the summer In those pajamas doing a snake dance down the sidewalk house calls, he came to the school to treat my in- days we pretty much had the neighborhood to for their bonfire and homecoming celebration; grown toenail. old men playing pinochle, or men sitting on park ourselves as the hotel elated and in the big I would make several trips a week by bike to benches discussing politics and swapping tales How The IRS \ C S O C * home* mothballe were spread and newspapers the public library to check out more Jungle Boy, while their wires shopped for the weekly covered the windows until the late tall when Tartan, and Nancy Drew books to devour. groceries or picked up a little yard goods for a owners returned. Across the street from the library w u the By JANE CASSELBERRY new dress, and the children romped, and slid Woman's Club, the scene of flower shows, art Mistreats Savers Grass grew high in our brick street with tracka down the barrels of the brass cannons. Ml ontybythenempapennan,thclcenunand There was no "trick or treat." We dressed up shows, Girl Scout silver teas, and high school April la the crudest month and April 15 Is the other delivery men. My lather helped build the In our costumes and went to the park. The park dances and prom*. crueleat day. Thanks to the Internal Revenue hotel and worked there for 44 years. w u also a place for rallies, bands playing, and tOO years! Winter Park you’re beautiful and Service, we're all thinking of way* to reduce our Rollins College was a great cultural Influence parking your bike while you went to the Sat’irday may you stay Just u you are. Income taxes this year and next year. And we're thinking about everything that's wrong with the ROBERT WAGMAN ROBERT WALTERS Income tax system. LEONID, L E T ’fc NOT LET ’S G E T NO INSANE ' This is the time of year to remember the Liberty Amendment, which we haven't heard much about STOP WITH A FREEZE. RID OF THEM. ARMS RACE! lately. It would repeal the 16th amendment to the Notes NO NI/KE5. NO TERROR of Reagan U.S. Constitution, which authorized the federal w ANNIHILATION/ Income tax In 1913. . Not even In times of great personal stress would From Sensitive we go that far. The income tax has been denounced as an invention of Karl Marx but as a concept it is just as sound a principle of taxation Illinois To Jobless? today as it was early In this century, when Col. Ira WASHINGTON (NEA) - Conservative MIAMI (NEA) - When the Postal Service C. Copley of Illinois, founder of the Copley Press, political organization* are citing the result* of announced recently that it w u searching for won election to the Congress on a platform that the recent Illinois primary u proof tiiat people to fill 700 Jobs that will become vacant called for adoption of the 16th amendment. Ronald Reagan and hia economic program through attrition here in the next two years, are still popular with voters — and that No, the trouble with the income tax is not the agency officials expected a flood of Job members of Congress risk substantial peril seekers. basic principle. It is the way in which that prin­ by opposing (he president. To cope with the expected onslaught of ciple has been complicated and contorted by the requests from unemployed South Florida The key race in this first primary of the application of thousands of special rules and workers seeking a new source of Income, election year — and the one on which the farsighted Postal Service managers were exceptions. All of them have some rationale, but conservatives are basing their Judgment — prepared to distribute 40,000 Job applications. taken together they make the system in­ occurred In the newly redrawn 19th But that wasn’t nearly enough to meet the comprehensible to the average taxpayer and oil Congressional District in west-central demand. but unworkable without the help of a special class Illinois. When the sign-up period for prospective of experts, the tax consultants, who have arisen Eight-term Incumbent Tom Railsback, one mail clerks and letter carriers had closed, the and come to the rescue of the bewildered citizen. of the moat prominent moderate Republicans Postal Service had dispensed more than The list of tax expenditures, exemptions and in the House, was seeking renomlnation 140.000 Job applications. deductions is too long for comprehensive against the more conservative Kenneth That's 200 applicants for every Job — and discussion here. But we want to say a word about McMillan, a popular stole senator. It's distressingly typical of a pattern that h u developed throughout the country at a time the deduction for interest paid and the taxation of Railsback has been leas than steadfast In interest received. when one out of every 11 members of the his support of the Reagan program. As a nation's work force is unemployed. Is it any wander that Americans have the lowest result, a number of conservative In New York City, the Postal Service organizations, such as the National Con­ rate of saving and the highest rate of personal J. received more than 225,000 employment debt in the Industrialized world? The Tax Code servative Political Action Committee, put EDWARD WALSH applications after it advertised the rewards such behavior generously. money and organizational effort Into availability of 2,500 Jobs. In Kansu City, Mo., A taxpayer who borrows$10,000 for a vacation McMillan's campaign. Thus, the challenger's 18.000 people applied (or 60 Postal Service 1,000-vote winning margin w u hailed as a trip to Europe can deduct the cost of his loan from Defense Buildup Essential Jobs operating letter-sorting machines. The major conservative victory. same dismal situation prevails when non­ his income tax. If he pays 15 percent interest a Both conservatives and liberals are fighting developed. The B-l strategic bomber has been llowsver, moat observers do not agree with technical Job openings are announced by year, it costs him $1,500 and, if he if in the 30 mad about President Reagan’s proposed revived, after being canceled by President that reading ot the return*. private industry. percent bracket, the federal government reduces budget The Lett ts up In arms over reductions Carter In 1977. Eventually, 100 B-U ere ex­ As millions of Job seekers become more his income tax liability by $500. The U.S. Treasury Although McMillan did campaign a i a In welfare spending, the Right about the pected to be bought. The '83 budget provides desperate for work with each passing day, has, In effect, subsidized his vacation. conservative, Hallsback's defeat probably record deficits Mr. Reagan Is asking the funds for seven B-ls. President Rcagsn has surfaced to proclaim can be ascribed more to the composition of nation to face. Already tost In the smoke and The Soviet Air Force is composed of Tac­ his irritation with the commercial television Another taxpayer saves $10,000 and buys a fire Is the administration's Justification for tical Air Armies in 11 Military Districts, with money market certificate. If he receives 15 the redesigned district than to his support or networks for their "downbeat" coverage of lack of It lor the Reagan administration. more military spending. Thai is, Soviet Soviet Force Groups throughout Eastern the situation. percent Interest a year, It pays $1,500, and if he military spending. Europe. These air armies have 4,800 fixed- “It Is news that some fellow out in South also Is In the 30 percent bracket, the federal The new district is more rural and While comparisons can be misleading, we wing aircraft, 2S0 transports, and 3,SCO Succotash somewhere has been laid off," said government takes $500 of his interest money in agricultural than the district from which can learn from examining how the Reagan helicopters. Long range aviation units a sarcastic president, "that he should be income taxes. Railsback previously w u elected. McMillan defense program will translate into men, number 880 aircraft. Soviet air defense forces interviewed nationwide." Our thrifty ant thus has subsidized the was well-known to Illinois farmers thanks to planes, and ships — and then placing It next to Include an additional 2,500 fighter- What Reagan won’t or can't recognize — his tenure u an aide to former Agriculture corresponding Soviet numbers. For example, interceptors, and Soviet naval air -sings add perhaps because he seldom spends much time grasshopper's grand tour. Is this fair? Is it just? Secretary Earl Butz and an official of the the Pentagon expecU the total number of U.S. some 1,400 planes, including the nuclear- Is it sound economic policy? with anybody outside government except Illinois Farm Bureau. active duty military personnel to rise to capable Backfire bomber. busineu executives and ■ small circle of There Is much more justification for the interest Z, 189,000 by ltd . According to the Defense Meanwhile, the Reagan budget plana It The election returns atvrw that McMillan wealthy California friends — is that the deduction when it comes as a result of borrowing Department's report on Soviet military naval air wings ot 88 planes each, by 19*7. problem is not limited to South Succotash. to buy an education, a home, a car or clothes. But, won the election by building up an in­ power, released last summer, the Soviet In the complex arena of strategic weapons, surmountable lead In the farm precincts. It is nationwide, It is severe and It la rapidly in all cases, it tends to encourage borrowing while Armed Forces number 4.8 million. That the Reagan program calls for one new destroying the good will the president enjoyed strategic system, the MX missile. Nine MXs the tax on interest tends to discourage saving. As McMillan himself aald of his victory, "I figure includes border guards and other among the nation's voters only one year ago. are funded this year, of a planned total of 100. don't think It signals any kind of turn toward miscellaneous units not part of the regular When the CBS News-New York Times Poll The interest deduction for individuals should be These would gradually replace the old more conservative politics or that it w u a armed forces. Still, u the expression goes, it recently asked a nationwide sample of men phased out over a long period of time, so as not to concentrates the mind. Mlnuteman HI which Is becoming vulnerable referendum on the Reagan administration." and women whether any adult In their upset financial planning. It might take 30 years to The Reagan plan alms at a CQ&ship navy, to a new generation of Soviet missiles. households had been out of work and actively phase It out entirely, but a policy should be and envisions s lib-ship fleet by 1890. The Currently, (he U.S. h u 1,051 submarines looking for a Job during the past year, almost adopted now to begin the process without delay. Meanwhile, the results of the Democratic budget calls for the construction of 1U new with about 700 missiles, and 30010-year-old B- one-third replied "yea" At the same time, a corresponding exemption primary In the Sth Congressional District on vessels through fiscal 1987, and the reac­ 52 bombers. Soviet strategic forces include Moreover, almost two-thirds of thou from taxation of interest on savings could begin. Chicago's southwest side may have some tivation or retrofitting of IS more. It contains 1,391 lCBMs, 950 submarine-launched surveyed u ld someone they knew well w u long-term political repercussions. funds for two Trident nuclesr-powcred missiles, and 156 long-range bombers. Jobless and actively seeking employment at The amount of the exemption could be gradually missile-firing submarines, 71 Trident In Europe today, the United S tatu has an increased. In this way, there would be an in­ the time the poll w u being conducted. In that district, Rep. John Fary w u badly missiles, and research on a newer miaalie. arsenal of 108 intermediate range nuclear Early last year, the NBC Newa-Asaodated centive for Americans to begin to save for their beaten In hia race for re-nomlnation by Furthermore, 17 new attack submarines ire missiles. In addition, the U 6. Air Force h u Press national survey found (hat respondents big-ticket items. Chicago Alderman William Uptnakl. Fary projected over the next five years, aiming at 555 fighter-bombers. The Soviets hive 730 overwhelmingly endorsed — by ■ 83-27 Our entire economy would be healthier for it. received his House seat in the mld-1970* from a total of 100 torpedo-firing subs. land-based nuclear missiles, and 3,095 margin — the statement that "Ronald Mayor Richard Daley and h u line* retained The Soviet navy, In contrut, h u 1,297 bombers of varytng capabilities. The faceoff Reagan has shown he really c a m about Uw support of the Democratic machine that la surface combatant ships, of which Ml are In Europe also Includes 323 British, French, people like me.” PLEASE WRITE now controlled by Msyor Jane Byrne. major warships and amphibious ships. The and Weat German bombers and missile* lor s Early this year, however, voters rejected Soviet fleet bouts 377 submarines, of which composite count of 9*5 Allied versus 3,825 the same statement by a 49-47 margin. Upinski la a close ally of the late mayor'* Letter* to Ike editor are welcomed tor paMIcattew. All 180 are nuclear powered. Soviet missiles and bombers. Finally, a recent ABC News-Washington aon Richie, a sworn enemy of Mrs. Byrne. To letten matt be signed, with a malltai address Bad, II The U.S. Air Force Is expected to have 40 These are some old and new truths about Post survey found that 52 percent of those some observers, the Upinski victory shows the military balance, or Imbalance. It is true possible, ■ telephone number ao (be Ideality af the wtIISX tactical air wings of 71 planes apiece by 1988, polled thought “Reagan c a m more about that the younger Daley la gaining the power to aaay be refilled, th e Evealai Herald reaped lb* an increase from 81 wings currently. These that statistics can deceive. UJJ. arms, to win challenge Mrs. Byrne for control of the serving upper-income people," while only 47 wtohea el writer* wha da aal waal tbrir aamea la print. would be composed of high-performance F-ll many cases, are technologically superior to percent thought he w u conceited about political organization that for ao tong w u and F-li Jet fighter-interceptors. Bomber the Soviets', nullifying some degree of the The Evealai Herald a too rtaerve* the right to edit letten dominated by his father. serving the poor, middle-income people or all to dim lu te libel or to conlorm to (pare requirement*. versions of these planes would slso be Russians' numerical advantage. dliiens equally. JACK ANDERSON BERRY'S WORLD Olympics Coin Deal Under Scrutiny

WASHINGTON - The Olympic Games, collecting an estimated 594 million profit. The "questionable activities" concerned (to what extent unknown) In the proposal." like other great sports qxetades, to big And what apparently caused the sub­ the partnership's handling oi Moscow legislation OK'ing the LazardOcridental- busineu. Already, there have been some committee staff to smeti a ra t in the tudden Olympic coin isles in 19*0. "The Franklin Franklin contract h u pasted the Senate. But multtmillion-doUar manipulation] over the alliance of Franklin and LaxardOcrideqtal Mint people told you," the memo reminded Annunzio — despite enormous pressure from sale of commemorative coins (or the 1984 Los w u a stringe series of events. These began Annunzio, "that they had evidence that the the Coin Group’s lobbyists — Is holding up the Angeles Summer Olympia. with Franklin's lou of the marketing contract Lazard-Occidental group had melted down bill while the General Accounting Office looks The story to told In a staff report Intended and ended with its sudden embrace by the Moscow Olympic coins, had established into the situation. for the confidential guidance of a House winning group. The stall evidently felt that secret bank accounts and tried to control Uw Banking lubcommlttee. Hera are the the lubcommlttee unwittingly w u used to market for the coins so that the two com­ Footnote; Neither Annunzio nor Print fascinating details: force the deal upon Lazard-Occidental panies could make extra profits. The would discuss the memo. A Franklin Mint In the bidding for the coin marketing A confidential memo to the subcommittee representatives of Franklin Mint claimed to spokesman, while acknowledging the meeting contract, a partnership of Occidental chairman, Rep. Frank Annunzio, EMU., from have documents 'ttx feet high’ outlining the with Annunzio, told my associate Tony Petroleum and the Lazard F re m In­ staff aids Curtis A. Print spells out the itaffs quuUonable activities." Capaccio the only thing i t the ternational banking firm won out over the But, the Prina memo relates, the Franklin meeting w u "the unique qualities of the Franklin Mint ot Philadelphia. Yet l u t (all, The memo, ominously titled "Scandal — Mint twice canceled meetings with the sub­ Franklin Mint and why we should be In the the losing bidder mysteriously joined the two Olympic Coin Leglilatlon," reminded committee staff at which they were to present deal." He added: "All (he other stuff in the winner* In the socslled "Coin Group." Annunzio of a meeting he and Rep. Thomu their massive evidence. memo to baloney. Il Just never happened. Pure baloney. It's absurd." Whet make* this the lubcommlttee'e Foglktta, D-Pa., had with Franklin Mint "U now appears that Franklin Mint used buitneu to that the Coin Group's contract representatives several months earlier. The the threat of turning the documents over to An Occidental Petroleum representative In requires congressional approval. The 25 Franklin executives had asked for the your subcommittee u the hammer to Washington aald he had "no knowledge" of different Olympic coins a n to be minted by meeting "because that company had In­ bludgeon Lmrd-Occidenta) Into cutting any accusations the Franklin Mint had Ifce government, with part of the proceeds formation that it wanted to present to you Franklin Mint in for a piece of the action," the against his d m He also denied there w u paying tor UJL athletes' training cotta. The regarding questionable activities" by Lazard- memo states, explaining: "It has now been anything fishy about Occidental's alliance Coin Group wtU handle the actual sales. Occidental, the memo stile*. confirmed that Franklin to in (act a partner with the Franklin Mint. *

9 I


Seminoles Sweep County Track Meet Williams, McNulty Tribe Boys Share MVP Honor Avenge Last By SAM COOK Herald Sport* Editor Seminole'i girls track team may have run Year's Setback away with the team title Thursday at Lake Mary, but Lyman's Schowanda Williams walked away The wait is over. with a smile. Coach Hank De\ Irro’s Seminole boys knocked Just a sophomore, Williams swept both hurdles off Lyman, 93-83, Thursday at Lake Mary to events and in the process knocked off arch-rival reclaim the Seminole County Track Cham­ Tony Hardy of Seminole, one of the best in the pionship they lost to the Greyhounds last year. state. "We wanted this one,” related Daviero Friday "That was the bit to do," said lake Brantley coach Jim Marshall. "Schowanda was out­ standing. To beat Hardy twice Is really P r ip T ra c k something." Williams outstanding performance earned her morning. "We were disappointed we didn't win the co-MVP award with another exceptional last year and 1 kept reminding the guys that it's been ours for a long time." athlete — Trinity Prep's Shannon McNulty. "The coaches couldn’t decide between the two When Seminole lost last year, It Interrupted a girls," said Marshall. "So we Just gave it to both string of six consecutive years that the 'Noles had of them. They both had great days.” held the title. Williams stepped toa 14.7} in the 110 lows which Junior Dion Jackson led the way with a triple Jump record of M-feet-3. Jackson’s second in the just nipped Hardy by three-hundreds of a second. long Jump also contributed to the Tribe cause and Seminole's Arlene Jones took third. The lime earned him the meet's most valuable field per­ broke the existing record by five-hundredths of a former award second. Trinity I‘rep's Gerald Sutton was the most In the 130 intermediate hurdles, Williams valuable runner despite an outstanding triple by zipped to a 43 66 which edged Hardy's 43.9. The lake Howell's Ken Cheesemin. Sutton set a time smashed the previous mark and also leads Marais phalas >f Brian LaPalar record In the IM yard high hurdles In 14.8. The old the way far the state. Hardy is next in line. At the left, Seminole’s Crystal Caldwell mark was 13 flat. He also ran the 330 in­ McNulty, meanwhile, dominated the distance gets set to unload the discus. Caldwell look on hrr face ns she glides over a termediates in 39 5 to smash his own record set events The Saints' senior ran a S:0#.l mile to didn't plare in the discus, but she won hurdle, Hardy was upset by Lyman last year of 40.8. whip lake Brantley's Tracy Bonham by 12 In the Tribe's winning mile relay team . sophomore Showanda Williams in both Cheeseman, lake Howell'a distance ace, seconds. Brantley's Kathryn Hayward was third. Above, Tony Hardy has a determined the 330 intermediates and the 110 lows. captured Ihe mile (4:30) , two mile (9:53.1) and The clocking is the second fastest in the state this 880 <2:00.7). None, however, were record per­ year and shattered the meet record. formances. points, which easily outdistanced second place SHANNON McNULTY McNulty also took the two mile In 11:39.1. Lyman who had 1034. lake Brantley (334), ... distance specialist Seminole, meanwhile, received an outstanding Hayward ran second in 11:43.3 and Patriot Ellen Lake Howell (42), Trtnity Prep (24), lake Mary effort from senior Vince Edwards. The flashy Stern was third in 11:43. The time also broke the (9) and Oviedo (2) followed. sprinler won the 220 In 22.1 and ihe 440 In 49.4. The 440 time equaled the county and school records meet standard. BOVS oi a Li held by Darrell Young, who later transferred to Overall, seven marks were broken. Hardy turn t carat — Samlnol* (S) tit, Lvmin ID IM'), Tm k i Ite m — Semlnol* 111 tl, lymunn > 1 Blochar (LHI 104 4<>. SMI — 1 Tow# (OI S3 6 3 Davit (SI 461 3 William* of 17-feet-ll. I Jackson (L) IM Sly. Ml*h lump — 1. Carroll (L) S4i>. ($) 46 4 L in t Jump 1, Dum ei O 70 7'-*. 1 Jackion mile relay. "Vince Is a big part of our team," > Arctibold IT P I SO 1 J e m IS) 4 IS L*ns lump - I (S)30r>. S Perry IL) 70 7 110 Mflti — 1 Sutton (TP) Informed Daviero, about hit senior standout who Tribe teammate Crystal Caldwell zoomed to a Hardy IS) 14 It (record) 1. Carroll (L) 1) Z'y ) Jonas 14 I Iracord) 3 C Him (LH I 14 f J. Loll (O) IS 3 Mile - 1 ChMMmin (LHI 4 » 2 Me Broom (L) 4 17 1. Beary ta headed to Central Florida on a football new record in the 440 yard dash. She ran a U.0 to IS) U S'S. US taws — l. Williams IL) 14 IS Iracord I Hardy IS) 14 IS. 1. Jonas (1) II M Ska! — 1. Lawranc* ID 4 11 4 446 relay ~ V Oviedo (Turner, Yarborough, scholarship. "Our relay Learns really cam* Lewiv Hadden) 44 1 7 Lyman 44 7 1 Seminole snap the exIaUng standard of 99 second# by IS) 3*0 1 Hardy (SI U S I Franch ( L I U S Mila - I. through for us again. Mike Bennett (third, 109) 44 6 High — I Palteraon (LB) 4 5 (record) 7 Brenda Davis. McNulty IT P I 1 OS I Iracord) 1 Bonham (L S I 1 11.4. ) and tarry Eason (second, long Jump) gave us K Hayward (L S I 3 I t 0 44! ralav — I. Samlnola Herring (S) 6 3 3 flout# ILM ) 6 0 Ottcut — I Beaaw Davis, nevertheless, left her mark by helping IJankmt. Madlock. Davit. Brown) at U (racordl 7 (LB) 1544 7 William* (S) US 1 J Magaro (LH) 1)7 t<» some key points loo." Triple |emp — I iackaon (Si 41 1 (record) 7 Eaton IS) Sharon Jenkins, Charita Medlock and Trad Lyman 41.** 1 L a s t Brantlty >11 It* — I. Brown (SI One of those relay teams — the mile medley II 4 > Lamon (L I 11.4 ) Madlock (SI 11.4. 444— I. t 41 * 3 Duma* (O) 40 4’* IM — 1 Cheeteman (LH) Brown to the 440 yard relay record. The speedy CaldwalMS) M t Iracord) 1 Carroll IL) 40 a 1 Camper Y 00 7 7 Me Broom (L) 2 01 4 ) Campbell (LB) 7 01 9 contingent of Eaaon, Joe Whack, Torin Williams IS) 411 SM laws — I Williams IL) 4) S4 Iracord 1 to* Mile medley relay — 1 Seminole (Eaton, Whack, T Seminole quartet ripped off a 49.33 to Just nip the William*, Wooten) 7 37 4 (record) 2 Lyman 3 If 1. 3 and Mike Wooten - cruised the track in 3:37.4 for standard of 50 seconds. lima in Halt I Z Hardy 411 ) Spsarman ILH) SO 1 IN — a new record. 1 Bonham (L S I > > 4 1 1 Lugarlng ILI I X i 1 J Oviedo 3 41 0 Jit — I Edward* (SI 77 1 • Hadden (0) 77 4 3 Yarborough 10) 27 d IM — 1 Turner 10) 10 I 7 Hayward IL B I Z 31 3 MUa madlay rtlay — I Saminola Pretley (U 10 7 3 Bennett (S» 10 3 ) » IM - ) Sutton Another recording-breaking performance Seminole, as usual, dominated the relays. IB Caidwtll. Jonas. Janhlnt. Davit) 4 33 1 3 Lyman (TP) If S '(record) 7 Copeland (Lfll 40 1 3 Manley ISI Crystal Caldwell, Brown, Davis atd Jenkins won 4 J4 4 3 Laky Sranilty 4 34 7 311- 1 Hardy It) IS 5 1 came In the high Jump. ) 3 mil* — |. Che#*#m*n (LMI f S3 * 3 Palmer ILB I Caidwtll I I I M i l Madlock 1)1141 lm lla - 1 McNulty 40 the mile relay In 4: OBJ, while Revonda Caldwell, f 54 3 I Me Broom ILI 10 0# 4 440-1 Ed*ard*ISI 49 4 lak e Brantley’s Mike Paiteraon leaped S-feet-5 (TP1 II 111 (racordl. 3 K Hayward IL8 ) l u l l 3. Arlene Jones, Jenkins and Davis look the mile SttrnlLB I 11:4) M ilt relay — I Srminoi# (c Caidwtll, I tied record I 1 Manley (SI 11 4 J Get mano (LI SI 6 to set b new standard in the high Jump and break Pelf Vault — IWdllamaon ( L 1 13 0 7 Braun(LH) 11 4 3 medley relay in 4:23.9. Brown Davis. Jtnklnt! 104 1 3 Lyman 4 111 1 Lakt the existing mark of S-feet-3 by Seminole’s Joe Rinker (LH) 110 Milt reliy — 1 Seminole (Manley, Ho wall 4: It 1 The spring domination gave the 'Notes 121 Bennett, Wooten. Edward*) 3 34 1 Davidson. - SAM COOK Deadlocked Rinker, Poppa Jay's, Sunniland Scramble For Little National Lead The first week of the season is history and there Willie Grayson limited the Railroaders to four U H I . National double and single. Sunniland Carp m m s - n » * is a three-way scramble for first place In the hits In pitching Rinker to its win Thursday. After Sunniland Corporation scored 13 runs in the (op CirllM l In*. )M t-ll 1 ) Sanford Little National league. two quick itrikeouta In the tint inning, Grayson three-run fourth inning rally. of the first Inning enroute to an easy win. Hinker, off to a surprisingly fast start, topped was touched for three consecutive hits, lie struck Todd Revels had three home runs (or Sun­ WP Dwight Brinson LP — Porn,* Allan the Railroaders 12-2 Thursday to push Iti record out the next batter. Tarance Carr, the losing pitcher, I tail a double H ITT ER S Sunni I «nd Cor par »t ion Todd Rt 1 4 for the Railroaders. niland, two of them In the first Inning. Tim thrr* horn* run*, tim Graham ] 4 lwo doublat, Roo*r to 2-d, while pre-season favorite Poppa Jay’i won After giving up a single to open the second Graham had two doubles and a single and Roger G*iion 1 1 ham* run. Anthony M*f1hl* ) ]. Dwight its second straight game, 25-2 over Sanford inning, Grayson retired the next nine batten in Poppa Jay's led Just 3-1 after the first inning, Gaston added a solo home run. Brinson 1 ] doubt*. Cardinal Industrlas Burn*)! D.A.V. Chapter 30, order. but exploded for 20 runs in Hie second inning and Washington I 1. 0*«id Willli 11 Sunniland Corporation is also 2-0 after beating The Railroaders squeezed two runs out of their coasted to the win. lawrence Ayers and Melvin R»ilr**d*rl iss S- 1 4 4 I t it lord D A V IS* I - I I S Cardinal Industries 22-13. three first-inning hits, but Rinker scared five Stevens combined lo pitch a nohitter for Poppa B ln ltr >11 > - I) 4 S Popp* Joy's >11*11 ■ — IS IB • Poppa Jay’a and Sunniland Corporation play at times In the bottom of the first, scoring without ■ Jay's. WP - Willi* Drayton L P - Tnrnnt* Carr WP low rint* Ayrrt LP — Bobby Coflald j p.m. Tuesday at Fort Mellon Park, while Poppa hit. Edward Gordon blasted a home run and two H ITT ER S — Railroad an T#r*nc* Carr 1Z doublt. H ITT ER S O A V Non* Poppa Ja y s Edward Craig Waihtr 1 1. Chuck Roll 11, John Kattar 1 >. Rinkar: Cordon ) 4 homa run. Wltll* McCloud I a doublt. Jay’s battles Rinker at 3 p.m. Thursday at Fort Griyson helped his own cause with a three-run singles for the winners, while Ayers slammed a will!* Crayton 11 homa run, L*onard Lutan 1 Z. David Lawronca Ayart I I homa run, doubla, J off Blakt I I Mellon. homer in the second. He also had a single during* home run and double. Willie McCloud had a Wright I t Irlpit. Slav* John ion 1 I. Caorua Cordon 11 doublt Hill's 6 RBI Drop DeLand; Scorecard

> RR Janny 4 4* Walk 17 11 >14 ll iarn la r 40 . 4 0 , Marritt d Harm 0(1411*1 tlP U l] II Hi T I) Ntw J«ftV , . t t 14 Ml IT ) 0. 4 0 . Stripp Stops Patriots On 6 Hits M l H IM N*w Yon It 41 os Illy Dfuhlan Cailt*Nlthalli o At laniard Or la not Iifkihrua — I II, Bi ti ll Cantral Dlylslan Wlnlar Clerk 7 1. 4 1, Dam ir ThwrtSay nig hi rtiu lli T Braid > 10 4 00 I N y Milt* >0 Z) 44) — Parntors d O'Brian Horn 4 4, 44 , Seminole's Greg HUl smacked three P in trsca — 514. C, 11.41 I Oni* Dtvcn IN in Atlanta 11 14 IN 1)V| Millar lavarmon d Thomptm e s s s s IComlOrlaf 4 44 ISO 7 40 4 Ronda'i John 1 SO Dal roll 14 40 41* l|i) Barnlar 4 1. 4 >. hits and drove In six runs Thursday u ^ 2 2 JS £ £ !L 1 Nall,* J ISO } SO 0 (Ml It Mi P (51) ISIIi T il Indian* 1) N 41) 11 the Tribe belted DeLand, 114, in Five > MK*s Nancy Mankt i n M l 14 M Chicago 7* 4) 40) » i Hbwell erupted for lour runs against Nlnthrac* — 111. D : IM S Ciavalnd IS 17 IN 111) DIALS Star Conference baseball at DeLand. O II1) IIMi T (I Ml IM.Si I par fa Tra***cn**« Pitnot ace Billy Green, 4-4, In Ihe second i*c**dra<*— i i Ci n r* 1 Kiafil 1110 S N 4 n Wailarn Ciahnac* The 'Noles, 9-12, erased a three-mn 7 Mrs Jug 1140 1 40 ISO 4LaMariFracklat IK 4)0 Mid wan oivlslen By UNlad Pres* InfarullaMl Inning. Doug Chlodlnl slammed a ground Thursday Bulldog lead In the top of the third Inning I FenFam * 110 1 » 4 Mytlar y Capar I N W L Pel. OB ball through Scott KUtam'i legs at first 1 Alriion 5(011 4 40 0 I * II IM.Mj P 144) H IM , T 5*fl Anton 44 IT 40) - ttsaBiU with three markers, then went ahead lor Boston — Purchtsad tatchtr base for two runs and shotatop Tony Q II >1)4 W lPIM IOJM t TIT- ( 1*41 1,114.41 41 10 M l IVy good with five runs in the sixth and three Hautton Rogar LoFrancois from Paw Dimauro roped a single for two more. M I IM.M* DO till S IM , lllh rac* —141, A: 11 Cl 4) 1) IN h in the seventh. Third rsca — S IL M i 11.4* 4 Bruct't Julc* ISM 4 N ISO Kan City 14 41 .1)4 11 tuckft; sanf oulflddars Oary The Patriots had taken a 2-0 lead In the Dallas i) i* ns ip) Hancock and Chico Wtlksr, in Senior Greg Register had a good day at 4 F iy 'l Willi* I N 4)0 I N 1 Kano's Not* > X 1 40 first Inning when Bill Powers and Scott ZOoify Scot) 4 40 4 10 1 BluaWalw ) N Ulan 1* S) 144 I4<) IMdtr aulllaldr Eddl* Jurik and the plate with three hits and three runs Q IM I 1111, P151) 1)4 44. T ( * Pacific Dlvlilan Infloldar Marty Barrett lo Killam clubbed sob home rvns over 7 Favcrlt* Roosttr 5 40 scored. Shortstop Tracy Walker had two 01141 11.44, P (411 11.4*< T I S 511 in .M > LM Ang 10 2) 44) - PawluckM, sanl pitchars Mark Brantley's 255-foot right fenl fence. I II >41 44 llfhract — 1 It, D: 11,11 Saam* 44 14 4IT ) ’ ) Fldrych and Stave Crawford fa It: hits Inducting a double. Phoanla 40 » 114 TV) Palarsburg instructional laagua David Martinez slugged two doubles Faurrh r i u — 414, D i >144 lEvaryllrld* 1) 40 4 N IN Hill started on the mound, but was 1 Ddatutacti* > 40 >00 140 1 Dues Count I N 110 Go id an W 40 U M 11 San Fr*nc n co — Placid H u m bailed out by senior Jeff Litton, who and drove in two runs for ihe Hawks, ZZwaaiLMda 4 40 1 40 1 Abrupt Edgt T 10 Portland 37 1) S it ID ) Itannatt on walvare. while Killam had a double along with his 4 RK'iGianpraslon IM 011-11 IMS, P (III IM S, T il 5an Dlago 14 M .114 14V* Chicago (NLI — Tradad pitchar threw four Innings of scoreless relief I II ITT M • clinctMd *f*T*ff Barth •ill Caudill to the Naw York round-tripper. 0 (M l II.Mi P 151) SI.4*i T I L until Fred Howard balled him out in the 14) I71.M llthrsc* —»t,D : 1SJT T cu*th*e Oral Rise* I* eivltus Yankaes to complats a deal mtda seventh. In Junior varsity baseball Thursday, F Itth rsc a - 514. Cr Il ls 4 Brisk Walk T 40 I N 4 N Thursday's Ramils last Avgust In which th* Cuts ( IpacaShot I N ISO N*<* York III. CMvaland II* racalvtd Intlaldar Pal Tattar, lake Mary blew an 1-1 lead en route to a 5 JR'S Who Ar* Litton picked up Ihe victory, his first, You 14 n 11« 440 IS k y E lItt* 17)0 Delias 111. OtTroll in ralaesad ovltiaioar Scot Thompson while DeLand's Kevin Rood took the 196 setback to Oviedo at Westmonie. I Wright Chutnav I N 140 0(111 II.M i P (M l IT.SO, T (5 Houslon 104. Golden SI 111 to in* Iowa Oaks, and askw Paul Alegre crunched a grand-slam 1SUvtr Gold** I N M l MS1.1I Milwaukee Ilf, Allama ill wdirdrt on pitchar Rawly Baal setback. * - U lSi Hindi* S174.TM LM Ang 111, 5*n Diego 100 wick lor th* pwrpoa* of giving him home run in the first inning to get the 0(HM4M,P(MH*4M; TIL The Tribe bools league-leading Apopka m sues PorTI*ne 10*. San Ardanl* NS his unconditional rataaa* Rams rolling, but the rigbthanded hurler Cincinnati — Acouir*d pitchar tonight at 7 at Sanford Memorial lu tk race — I I I , A i IM S couldn't keep the Lions off the 4 Dai'tfOOul IT 40 1440 1 40 NBA Boo Shlrtay tram St. LauN In p Stadium. SWaGeSch* IN >40 NBA Ilia*uses JC trpd* tor pit chart Jos* trite pnd scoreboard. Tamils Jett Lahti. »Bart>i*G*l >00 •r Uailad Press InlarnitW Ml MIN Elsewhere in the county, righthander Bill Golden picked up the win for Itslara Cttlarauca Mm#* City - Sent pitchers Jim 0 IM I M4SlP(4.|| III Mi T 14- So m IaoM T, V*I« acIa I Billy Stripp, 4-2, spaced six hits as Lake M I SU M A tit nl It OlvIiMn Wright, Faith Craat, Frank wills Oviedo and Alegre was Ihe loser. Scott SunWsi Domtr a WiMar 51, 4 •td Don Hood, catcher crag laytalh r*t* — M l. Ci I M ] W L Pci. OB I; Psridors d Clark 47 All BILLY STRIPP Howell dropped Lake Brantley, 74, at Underwood stroked two hits for the Kaatlay and outllaidir p h 1 TrIM*Arthur 410 IN IN ■ Baton 34 14 771 — Synwond O BM»n44.41. Cash* ...‘burtalt-hiUer Lake Brantley. Rama. 1 Boo t Relund 110 4 N K P h ll4 K D 4*4 ‘ 4 Sheridan lo tholr Trtpia a term d Thomoson 41. f S: Millar d cM> In Omahi

• -vnw»-<- * 0 mm-m- m -• a* «* • -% 9 * * -% «* » - vw.dpy( m «w •» - r *# • 9 f > ** • * V

t lA-tvtnin« Herald, tsi>4or6, FI. Friday, A»rill, 1961 Elderly Woman, Son Robbed At Home Continents Trsvtl Inc., applied for a variance with the city By TENI YARBOROUGH zoning administrator March 1. The request to erect a 32-square Herald Staff Writer NATION Action Reports foot sign at BOO N. State Road 434 was denied by the zoning An 17-year-old longwood woman w u listed In good condition this morning at Florida HospiuLAltamonte where the la being board and by the board of zoning appeals. ★ Fire t City rules dictate that a sign can be no larger than eight treated (or a broken ankle and multiple bruises received when ■quart (tel without a variance. IN BRIEF she and her son were robbed at gunpoint at their home. ★ Courts If the travel agency cannot persuade the court to order city Russell, U, and Agnes Barbour, both of 113 Rcwebriar Drive, approval of the variance request, the company is asking Bight Persons Die In were robbed by an unidentified gunman u they were about to ★ Police enter their home through a garage door at about 11:10 p.m. Seminole Circuit Judge C. Vernon Mize Jr. to declare part of the city's zoning ordinance discriminatory, vague, un­ 'Sudden Ruth O f While' Thursday, sheriff's deputies said. STUDENTS EXPULSION UPHELD Barbour told deputies he w u attempting to open the door constitutional and an Invasion of property owners' rights. SQUAW VAL1£Y, Calif. (UPI) - Rescuers digging The Altamonte Springs Christian School w u within Its legal The travel agency argues that s smsU sign poses an ad- when a man came uptohltn, pointed a revolver at hii h u d and rights to suspend ■ high school senior for alleged drug use, a through torn of snow discovered Lie bodies of three said, "I want It." Barbour laid the man stole hit wallet, which vqjjising hardship because a larger sign would lure customers more avalanche victim* Thursday, bringing the death Circuit Court Judge has ruled. u> ihe company and promote trsvtl packages. contained about 9100 cash and personal papers. Judge Kenneth Lefder ruled Thursday that Jacqueline Ann count from the "Bidden rush of white” to eight. Two The gunmen then went to the passenger side of Barbour's LONG WOOD FIRE SUSPICIOUS mlMtng people were presumed dead. Locke, suspended from the school operated by the Palm Fire Investigators are sifting through the ashes at Longwood n r and demanded that Mrs. Barbour hand over her purse, Springs Drive Baptist Church, is not entitled to a temporary The tearch resumed again at dawn today at the deputies u id . When the frightened Mrs. Barbour backed shopping center to determine what sparked an early morning AlpIne.Meadowa mkl resort, where two avalanches hit injunction allowing her to return to classes and graduate May blaze at about 1:08 a.m. today. away, the robber grabbed her, threw her against the car and 28. momenta apart Wednesday. Officials said one wall of then to the ground, deputies said. "The fire apparently started In a bedding-type store,” ac­ snow w u about half a mile wide and 1,000 feet deep. Leffler u id he baaed his decision on a school-student con­ cording to Longwood fire LL Jim Kocian who responded to the The assailant then stole Mr*. Barbour's purse, which con­ tract and the school's student handbook. tained blank checks and personal papers, and fled. fire at Ihe Winn Dixie Plaza. U.5. Highway 17-92 and Stale Miss Locke's lather, Thomu, Bled a lawsuit last month Road 434. "The fire then spread causing damage to a vacant Reagan's Tests Normal Mrs. Barbour w u then transported by Herndon Ambulance seeking the reinstatement gLMs daughter, claiming her ex­ personnel to the hospital for treatment. store on one side and a shoe store on the other. There was also WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Reagan, having pulsion would force ha To repeat her entire senior year at HOME BURGLARIZED...AGAIN smoke damage to the remaining stores in the complex In­ breezed through a medical checkup for recent urinary- another school. That would cause Miss Locke a potential loss of Thieves broke Into a Maitland woman’s home sometime cluding the Wtnr, Dixie.” tract discomfort, is back at work and feeling "great." Income and embarrassment, the suit claimed. between 5 p.m. March 22 and I p m. Thunday, stealing about Koczsn uid John Richardson, Longwood fire investigator, is A team of four doctors examined Reagan on Thur- ■ In the suit, Mis* Locke denied the school's charge that slie 13,935 worth of property. at the fire scene today trying to determine the exact cause of sday and afterward the White House issued a used drugs, but in Thursday’s hearing, the admitted taking leslee Y. Bamirex, 35, of 155 Springwood Trail, told deputies the blaze. However, Koczan u id the fire is of a "suspicious statement saying, "The results of all tests were nor­ Quaaludes during a field trip to a choir festival in Ocala. She the thieves broke Into her home and stole a guitar, two pairs of nature.” mal. No further medical treatment Is required." u id she took the pills because she w u depressed over her Koczan was the only person injured in the blaze with dirt and gold earrings, tw>i gold wedding bands, a pearl ring, a parents' divorce. silverware set and two silver candelabra. Mi. Ramirez u id embers getting into his eyes! SUBSHOPSACK ED 5fh War Games Casualty her home has been burglarlied several times in the p u l two “We've got to wait until John Richardson completes his A lyfmgwood sub shop w u broken Into sometime between Investlgstion and until the store owners can Inventory their FORT IRWIN, Calif. (UPI) - A fifth paratrooper weeks, deputies added. INSANITY PLEA FILED 10:30 p.m. Wednesday and 1:20 a.m. Thunday by thieves who stores to determine the loss,” Koczan said. injured in a war exercise airdrop in the Mojave Desert lawyers for a Fern Park woman charged with si looting her made off with an undisclosed amount of property. BROWN BAGGING IT this week died at Loma Linda Medical Center on Robert B. Schofield, 50, who la the owner and manager of A 21-year-old Apopka man is being held In the Seminole Thursday, U S. Army spokesmen said today. t-year-old daughter on Feb. 7 on a dirt road near Walt Disney World, have fUed notice in Orange County Circuit Court that Sobtka Sub Shop, 409 N. U S. Highway 17-92, told deputies the County Jail under 1500 bond following his arrest at 3 a.m. First U. Gregory L. Watson, 25, son of Mr. and Mr*. they will argue insanity as a defense in the trial set lor June. thieves broke into the shop by prying open the side door with a Sunday on charges of possession of marijuana. Aaron L Watson of Hot .Springs, Ark, died it 3: JO Kathy Oviatt, 26. ot 240-250 Oxford Road, la charged with tire tool. Once Inside, the thieves forced open the office desk David Wayne Shlplet, of 637 Overland Road was arrested p m., Army spokesmen at Fort Bragg, N.C., confirmed attempted first-degree murder in the shooting of her daughter drawer and stole the property, deputies uid. after deputies observed a man walking along Unneal Beach today. Further details were not Immediately available. Pamela. Pamela u id her mother shot her In a game of blind SIGN SUIT FILED Drive, la (he Bear tak e area, carrying a large brown shopping man's bluff along the south Orange County road. An Altamonte Springs businessman h u filed suit with the bag, deputies uid. When deputies approached the man, he Auto Workers Favor Pact Pamela w u hospitalized and treated for the gunshot wounds Seminole County Circuit Court against the city of Altamonte threw the bag into a nearby ditch. at tie Orlando Regional Medical Center and has recently been Springs for its refusal to allow him to erect a larger business Upon further investigation, deputies discovered the shop­ DETROIT (UPI) — The United Auto Workers placed In the custody of the state Department of Health snd sign In front of his travel agency. ping bag contained several plastic bags of what appeared to contract to give General Motors Corp. U billion in Rehabilitative Services. The suit, filed by lawyer Bernard D. Sommers, states that 7 deputies to be marijuana, deputies uid. concessions sppesred on Its way to ratification by ! union members today, and the auto Industry showed rare signs of economic health, including price cuts. layoff-weary autoworkers In Anderson, Ind., Lake Mary Clamps Down Thursday were the first to officially endorse llic proposed GM pad, designed to S've the company |3 billion in union costa in exchange for thousands of Jobs. A Detroit local had Jumped the gun and approved the On Mobile Home Parking p ad Sunday. By DONNA ESTES Southern Standard Building Code. Herald StafI Writer In other business, ihe council; Sacred Music The city of take Mary now has the power to —Voted 3-2 to authorize the Fellowship of dean up the trailer home situation off Hum­ Christian Athletes from Crooms High School lo, phrey Road. use Crystal take Park for a rally and outing The City Council on Thursday night adopted later this month and to the city's Brownie Concert Friday an ordinance banning the parking of trailers in troop to use the park In May. Councitmen' Dick the city except on property specifically loned Fess and Ken King voted against the use after ; The 40-volce Clearwater Christian College choir will present for trailer parks. Fess said the city could be subjected to a concert of sacred music at the First Baptist Church of The ordinance also requires all persons in discrimination charges if it denied use of the Deltona, 1200 Providence Blvd., at 7:30 pm. Friday. Ihe d ty who own trailers parked In other areas park for aimllar events in the future. The choir has toured the U S. as well si the Bahtinas, to apply to the dty'i Board of Adjustment (or a —Authorized Kuibes lo sign a contract with Metlco, and Canada and has presented two mlional telecasts ■pedal permit. ta w Sealing li Maintenance On., • ta k a M ary on NBC (.rid CHS. Although city law forbids the parking of firm, to do patching work on paved city Friday's program will include the works of J.S. Bach, F.M. G O IN G O N C E, G O IN G TWICE mobile homes in areas of leu than 10 acres in streets. Kuibes estimsted the cost for the Christiansen, Randall Ttuunpson, and Maurice Monhardt. size zoned for agricultural purposes, city staff patching at 1500 to $600 annually. A freewill offering will be taken during the concert, "What am I bid for (his watchamacalllt?" says Sanford City Commissioner members found 14 trailers perked on three —Heard Kuibes report that he has ordered a Milton Smith (left) as Greater Sanford Chamber of Commerce Board parcels totaling little more than five acres off septic-lank cleaning company to stop dumping Chairman Gib Edmonds holds gavel as they practice to be VIP auctioneers Humphrey Road six weeks ago. raw sewage on privately owned property off at Ihe auction and flea market to be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at the chamber City Manager Phil Kuibes, who Inspected Country H ub Road. He Hid he reported the WEATHER the site, uid some of the trailers had no ap­ parking lot at Sanford Avenue and First Street. Mrs. Bill Gielow, chamber incident to the Seminole County Health proved toilet facilities or approved water beautification committee rhairm an, and Vivian Buck, president of Sanford's Department. supplies and large amounts of garbage, trash —Approved a proposal from Police Chief NATIONAL REPORTS One of the most brutal springs on Interested Surahs To Encourage Rejuvenation (SISTKit), hold two of the and Junk cars were on ihe property. Harry Benson to upgrade the dty'a police record bombarded the nation — killing as many sis it people, Items to be sold to raise funds for SISTER'S Ft. Mellon Park beautification Kuibes told the council Thursday that 10 of dumping more unstable snow on northern California and pension program so officers will be vested in project. Ihe 14 trailers are sill) parked at the site But, the program in five years rather than 10. buffeting the F-ast gnd Gulf coasts with winds dial ripped he added, the garhage, trash and Junk can buildings Irma the ground. A spring billiard described as the —Agreed to set up a pension plan (or other have been removed. city employees in the 1962-63 fiscal-year wont in a generation dumped almost 13 feet of snow on Councilman Gene McDonald opposed Ihe California's High Sierra between Sunday and Thursday and budget. Seminole Educator Dead At 96 ordinance, Hying the city is being short­ more storms wrre forecast. Winds of more than 70 mph hut the —Authorized Sorenson to sign a contract purchased it prior to the sighted in banning the mobile homes In all East Coast and high winds, lunnel clouds and thunderstorms Retired Seminole County with ConiBank's Casselberry branch for the couple's retirement. areas except trailer parks. He u id young raked Texas, West Texas was under a tornado warning today. educator Mrs. Wealthy Mabel city to borrow $13,300 to purchase a computer couples, particularly, can't afford permanent A I3-year-old boy died alter lolling in a snow drift in Tahoe Hlchardjon Grooms, the Survivors include her system for City Hall. The money is lo be housing today and that manufactured housing City, Calif., in tlie Pacific Northwest storms, and live death toll widow of the founder of daughter, Mrs. Nathalie repaid over a five-year period at a 9.75 percent is their only alternative. mounted to six In two giant avalanches that crushed down on Croomi High School In Crooms Jenkins; a foster ton. annual Interest rate. Sanford, is dead at 96 Dr. Howard A. Roberts, Mayor Walter Sorenson u id mobile homes the Alpine Meadows ski resort in the Sierras Wednesday. Two and manufactured housing are two different —Gave preliminary approval to change the people were missing and presumed dead ami a search for more Mrs. Crooms, of 236 N. Tallahassee; two grandsons, zoning from agriculture to office commercial Keeck Ave., Daytonu Beach, Stephen M.C. Jenkins and things and noted that manufactured housing is victims was to resume at daybreak. being constructed in the city now. He uid a on a tract of property off lake Mary 'AREA READINGS <1 a.m.j; temperature: 74; overnight died Thursday at her Nathaniel W. Jenkins, both of Boulevard, adjacent to the take Mary daughter's home in that city Daytona Beach; and a sister, major difference between the two is that low: 59; Thursday high: 84: barometric pressure: 30.12; manufactured housing complies with ihe Elementary School playground. relative humidity: 73 percent; winds: east at 5 mph Sunrise a her a long Illness. Mrs. Willie R. Roberts, 6il5 a.in., sun>et 6:44 p.m. Winter Park. Born Dec. 20, 18C6, in f SATURDAY TIDES: DAYTONA REACH: highs, 4:03 a m . Memorial services will be Monticello, she moved to Sanford Businessman Dead At 71 4:29 p.m.; lows, 10:00 a.m., 10:21 pin.; PORT CANAVERAL: held at 5 p.m. Tuesday at St. Winter Park as an Infant. In Prominent Sanford highs, 3:55 a m , 4:21 pm .; tows, 9:53 u rn , 10:12 p.m.; James African Methodist resident was a former 1910 she moved to Sanford, In 1926 at Crooms the businessman John Murray tylYPOKT: highs, 11:13 a m,.9:43 p.m ; lows, 4 .03 a.m., 4:30 F.pltcopal Church, 619 Seminole County com­ where she later met and became assistant principal as Fitzpatrick died it hla home pjr.. Cypress Ave., Sanford, with missioner, a life member of marrtej Prof. Joseph well a i teaching late Thunday night following {BOATING FORECAST: St. Augustine la Jupiter Inlet. Out the Rev. K.D. White, pastor, the Elks Club, a member of Nathaniel Crooms In 1911. She mathematics, English, a short Illness 4 MUet: Wind easterly 10 to 15 knoU today and southerly 15 in charge. Funeral services the Greater Sanford Chamber began teaching in 1908 at sewing and cralta. She and Fitzpatrick, 71, of 405 kpots tonight. Southwest winds 15 to occasionally 20 knots will be held Wednesday at of Commerce and a member Hopper Academy In Sanford, her husband purchased 75 takevlew Drive, was born Slturday. Seas 3 to 5 feet increasing Saturday. Partly cloudy. Stewart Memorial United of the Fleet Reserve, and was which was then In Orange acres adjacent to r rooms and Jan. 12, 1911, In Columbus, Widely scattered showers and thunderstorms by Saturday. Methodist Church, Daytona an advisory board member County. Stic taught there until built additional classrooms to Ohio, arid moved to Sanford In UREA FORECAST; Partly cloudy Ihrough Saturday. A Beach. for the Salvation Army. 1926, when she began leaching relieve the overcrowded 1949. d an ce of thundershowers Saturday. Ilighj in the low to mid at Crooms Academy. She conditions. The property w u W ilson-Eichelberger He was the owner of the Funeral arrangements are ads. taw* in the low to mid 60s. Wind east to southeast 10 to 15 taught at Crooms until her leased to the Seminole County M ortuary, Sanford, la in Fltzpatrick-Hartsock CPA being handled by Gramkow njdi today decreasing tonight. Rain probability 30 percent retirement In 1954 School Board, which later charge of arrangements. firm in Sanford. The longtime Funeral Home, Sanford. Saturday. HOSPITAL NOTES AREA DEATHS employed trucker and was a MRS* CONNIE I. ALLEN longwood from Bay City, Homestead, Pa., she came to Survivors include his wife, Alltr* )*. 04 IJO W Firm S I. Catholic. i SEM IN O LE M EM ORIAL Ann Hong *nd Lanh I hi Van. a Mrs. Connie Lee Allen, 34, Mich., In 1976. He was a Sanford 11 years ago from Richard Mae; seven tons, Sanlord oNod-td Thursday. will b* at 1 pm Saturday at ; h o s p it a l baby girl ol 220 W. Fifth St., Sanford, quality assurance manager Tallahassee. She w si an He la survived by his wife, Alphonso Pryor, St. Frank Thandiy accountant, a World War II Brends, New York; two sburg, the Rev. Dr. Drank Gramkow Funtrai Horn*, won ADMISSION!. OISCHAMOE I: died Thursday at her home. and a member o( Ascension in* Btv L t* King officiating Sanlord Unlord Born April 21, 1947, In Tom­ talheran Church and of the WAAC, a member of the sisters, Mrs. Jams Majurt, Fayson Jr., Gainesville, Dr. Gramkow Funtrai Horn* In Rachatl L Dontium M anic* M Bungay pkins County, N.Y., she came German-American Society, Women of the Moose and Mrs. Judy Didcco, both of George L. Fayson Sr., chargt Jyiiuv Lo di* Priscilla O Grant Ladles Auxiliary Fleal Peabody; three daughters. Titusville, James Sr., Miami, Patricia E Mluigan Pamti* S Htrrtll to Sanford six years ago from Casselberry. Bryan L Jor>** * Reserve Association, and was Nancy, New York, Sharon the Rev. Verdel Fayaon, ■ ALL. MSS ALBERTA MARIE B aalrtc* O Paul Ithaca, N.Y. She was a Survivor* include hi* wile, - Funtril karvkat lor Mrt ivabtl F Ntyllt* Ntllia Sltniawtki Betty; a daughter, Mrs. Carol a Preabyteiim. O'Connell, Usa O'Connell, Ronald and tarry , all of Albert* M ark Rail. Sa. ol Ml Gim M Flayd. Or Bar * homemaker. Ka'hryn E. WtIDarnt both of Melrose, M an.; hla Titusville; three daughters, Hignland Court. Sanlord. who Slant y t Ran Altamonl* Kathryn Botrnrr. ( V I and Survivors include her Wetherbee, Tampa; three Survivor* Include her mother, Mildred R. Grasao, d>ad Wtdntsdty. will b* a noon Spring! B rvtrly A Wills. On. and husband, I-arry; a daughter, sons, Ryan, Bay City, Gary. Olivia Hudson, Miami, Jam** E Shorn**, Paola husband, Howard; and two Saivtdar at Gramkow F un«r*i a ton O Bam io*u. taka Mary Peabody; and his father, Bernice Garvin, Titusville, Horn*will* lh# Ntv Dr. Virgil L Jorct N Watson. Oranga City Jenny Sue Allen, Sanlord; her Houaton, Kenneth, Sarah A Troylman, Lakt brothers, George and Albert F. Grasao, Revere, Bryam Jr ollitlaJIng Burial In Frtddia L Biowdy, Oviedo parents Mr. and Mrs. George Casselberry; three slater*, Beverly Mazloom, Manroa Lawrence Hamper*, Pitt­ Oakitwn AAtmorlal Park tlRTM li Eugan# E Skowrcmki. Shalton. Mrs. Verlyn Almond, Mrs. Mass. Washington, D.C.; a brother, Conn H. Heed, Ithaca; two slaters, sburgh. Gramkow Funtrai Mom* Id SanFord Elizabeth Lovely, both of Baldwin-Falrchild Funeral Benjamin; a sister, Mrs. Ella ctiargt Nathinal and Phyllii M a rla , a Susan V Johnson and baby alt*. Mrs. Patricia Whitman, Dtdary Home, Goldenrod Chapel, is Pratt, Titusville; a godson, baby g irl Washington, D.C., Mr*. Susan Auburn, Mich., Mrs. Janet Gramkow Funeral Home Is in charge of arrangements Carvry Simon, Tampa; 34 Drake, Ithaca; and a brother, Caustey, Bay City; and a in charge of arrangements. FAYSON, MR. FRANK I E George H. Reed Jr., Ithaca. grandchild. FRANK FAYSON SR. grandchildren and 17 great­ Funtrai w rvlcn lot AM. Fi Evening Ik'm i (I

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