For Immediate Release TOTO Introduces the MH Connect+ Wall
For Immediate Release For more information contact: Lenora Campos, Ph.D. 917.237.0665 x3104 Brittani Kaim 212.704.8144 $rittani.kaim @e& TOTO Introduces the MH Connect+ Wall-Mount Toilet and Washlet New MH Connect+ Wall-Hung Dual-Flush Toilet and D-Shaped Washlet Combination Offers an !legant, Seamless Look (Morrow, GA) January 10, 2017 — ()() expan&s !ts l!ne o* Connect+ h!,h-e*.ciency to!lets an& Washlet com$!nat!ons 1!th !ts ne1 23 Connect+ 1all-mount h!,h-e*.ciency &ual 4ush to!let an& D-shape& Washlet. (h!s ne1 a&&!t!on to ()()5s popular Connect+ l!ne com$!nes po1er*ul Dual- 2ax 3D (orna&o 4ush!n, per*ormance 1!th an ele,ant appearance—mo&ern, clean, simple, an& t!meless. (he Water6ense la$elle& 23 Connect+ h!,h-e*.ciency to!let 738(9 an& Washlet pa!r :o!n ()()5s ne1 23 an& popular 2ar!s an& ;<u!a 1all-hun,, &ual-4ush mo&els. Connect+ Line Dur!n, the manu*actur!n, process, ()()5s Connect+ l!ne o* h!,h- e*.ciency to!lets are pre-&r!lle& 1!th a hole locate& near the seat $olt holes at the $ack o* the to!let5s $o1l, 1h!ch ena$les the Washlet5s po1er cor& an& 1ater hose to pass throu,h easily. (he speciall/-&esi,ne& Connect+ Washlets' electr!cal connect!on an& 1ater supply are &esi,ne& to pa!r seamlessly 1!th the ne1 conceale& connect!on to!lets.
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