Anastas Vangeli, Nedzad Mehmedovic, Bashkim Bakiu National Report:

Introduction proceeding the year of the study. Brain Drain in However, there is no policy in place to Macedonia address the brain drain or any research on the clear extent of the brain drain.” Scope CONTENTS One large-scale survey on the Brain drain has been pointed as a aspirations of young people in crucial problem for the Macedonian BRAIN DRAIN IN Macedonia conducted in 2006 (FES/ MACEDONIA economy in many reports and papers. IDSCS 2006) says that “the majority of Scope and Factors Vedran Horvat (2004) has portrayed the young people surveyed express a Macedonia as a case where: “brain drain desire for permanent relocation”. EXISTING FRAMEWORKS is signicant, where there is little Furthermore, the survey comes up with Review of the existing policies, awareness that a problem exists, and disturbing ndings, such as the one programmes and strategies on where almost no research has been that:“42.6% of the young people who are European and national level carried out in order to examine what planning to emigrate would leave the impact political instability has on highly country for good (...) Young people in the Q&A skilled labour migration out of the Republic of Macedonia perceive the Identifying and interviewing the country. There are at present no policies same problems as other parts of the stakeholders in the eld which could reverse the adverse effects of population, but the responses indicate this exodus, and according to the that they place more emphasis on certain EFFECTS available data, there are no signs of any problems and needs. The main problem Are there any? measures planned for the future.” The they report is unemployment. Young data provided by the World Bank (2005) people who should become part of the GAPS AND CHALLENGES points to the fact that the emigration rate What is needed for proper workforce certainly don't want to join the of tertiary educated is 20,9%. In development of adequate ranks of the unemployed, or, on the previous studies conducted by the CRPM other hand, to work for low salaries or at policies? (2007), it was argued that brain drain is unsatisfying employment. That is the “one of the biggest problems of the reason why some of them want to leave RECOMMENDATIONS country, linked with loss of investments in Description and interviews with the country in the search for a more human capital, creative work force, etc” . stake-holders in the eld secure future. (...)”. The IOM Country Prole for Macedonia (2007) says that “over the Factors FURTHER WORK past decade, (...) Macedonia, like most of As Margareta Nikolovska (2004) Summary of the National Round its neighbors in South East , has argues, the bad conditions of the Table and Suggestions for further suffered from brain drain, with a strong Macedonian economy have induced a work decline in the number of researchers spiral of brain-drain: “One of the most throughout the 1990s. Between 1995 and signicant factors for emigration from the 2000, for example, the number of FYR of Macedonia was and still is the scientists and engineers in research and very high level of unemployment. (...) On development has decreased by over the whole, the labour market in the FYR seventy percent (from 1,332.7 per million of Macedonia has experienced a long- people to only 387.2). A 2003 study lasting period of unfavorable conditions. estimated that between 12 to 15,000 During the transition from one socio- young, educated, and highly skilled economic system to another, persons left the country in the decade unemployment reached its peak and

DEVELOPING BRAIN GAIN POLICIES IN THE WESTERN BALKANS: MACEDONIA! 1 CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND POLICY MAKING! APRIL 2010 went through signicant structural common perception that “the West steals universities such as London School of changes. Unemployment in the FYR of our young minds”, and along with that, Economics, or Cambridge University Macedonia is one of the greatest diminishes the hope for a better future. have had their diplomas recognized, economic and social problems, which Besides the socio-economic factors, although many after up to 12 months began at the start of the transition period however, it should not be omitted that long procedure.” Nonetheless, in 2008 a and has deteriorated over the last few there are other “push” factors in the new Law on the Higher Education has years. (...) [D]ue to insufcient economic country. As Horvat (2004) puts it, the been enacted which is supposed to development, chances of eventual problematic democratization process is signicantly enhance the recognition employment are still small. Because of also a factor that motivates highly procedure, that is supposed to last around this, many graduates emigrate, educated individuals to leave. Other than 20 days. representing the loss of important that, the general lack of capacity of the However, the practice seems to be development resources. (...) If we take system to deal with the generic needs of not very efcient. The procedure still fully into account the high numbers of people the citizens is more than demotivating. depends on the actions of Minister of with primary and secondary education in When we are talking about brain Education himself. The risks of the total number of the unemployed, gain, and especially about the possible downgrading the diploma, the which together comprise about 85 return of highly skilled individuals to problematic recognition of diplomas of percent, the situation may be considered Macedonia, there are other factors that interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and as highly unfavorable The most serious have to be taken in account. For instance, specialized studies and the expensive situation is that of youth unemployment. one extremely de-motivational factor for procedure are still factors that make the (...) The signicant presence of unused, Macedonians that have graduated from process a difcult one. younger, skilled labour serves not only as universities abroad to return home are The inability of the ofcial a limiting factor to the growth of the the complicated, by many described as institutions to properly recognize certain Macedonian economy, but is also the “Kafkaesque” procedures for recognition specialties also corresponds with the main reason for the unwillingness of of foreign diplomas, which are also quite reality of the Macedonian labour market, young people to get married and have expensive with regards to the living where certain qualications (such as children. This results in unfavorable standard in the country. As a study by the advanced science, interdisciplinary social demographic developments, and forces CRPM has revealed: “(...) In order to science or advanced research) are simply people to work and live abroad. In validate a diploma earned abroad not demanded and there is no room for circumstances such as those described Macedonian universities often ask the people of such background to develop above, the idea of migrating abroad is candidates to rewrite their theses, or take their careers. That has been especially the very attractive among the unemployed, additional exams. If the academic case with the social sciences, where especially among those with higher standards at the local department are according to a study of the CRPM education who have been waiting for a different than those at the graduate (2008) , the situation is far from job for a long period of time. The young school one studied abroad, there is a risk promising. The Macedonian social higher educated people and professionals that your diploma might be downgraded. science sector has a very low capacity and who already have a job, but are not (...) A special problem is the recognition can not be benecial for eventual satised with their wages, including of diplomas of multidisciplinary or returnees that want to get involved in young scientists and students who are interdisciplinary studies. (...) In fact, many research work: “the number of research close to nishing their education, Macedonian students educated abroad projects conducted (i.e. nanced) in the represent a large group of potential have problems with the recognition of social science sector is among the lowest. Macedonian emigrants.” their higher education diplomas once This may mean that the social science Partially due to the better socio- they return to their home country. Based topics are not considered a public economic conditions, the developed on an independent research and a interest, or that these researchers more countries, in the rst place the ones from questionnaire that was circulated among frequently tend to nance their projects the EU, but also the US, Canada and Macedonian students that have on their own (since they typically cost less Australia attract highly-skilled migrants graduated abroad, the Center for then the ones in technical, technological from Macedonia. The salaries, the Research and Policy Making has and medical sciences). Also, the existing working facilities and the possibilities for identied different problems that our structures (although in place) career advancement in these areas are students face validating recognizing their insufciently promote and encourage much higher than they are in Macedonia. diplomas by the Macedonian institutions. social science research, which causes As well, the tendency is that the entrance (...) About 70% of these (interviewed) Macedonia to be poorly represented in in the European Union is signicantly students have not even tried to apply for the international social science research easier for highly skilled workers and for recognition of their diploma, 20% still networks (...) This situation has the prospective students, rather than for waiting for a response by the Ministry of danger of affecting the quality of the older, not very skilled workers and part- Education. Only 10% of these research conducted, because the time “Geistarbeiters”. Therefore, it is a Macedonians graduates of distinguished standards for what constitutes a good


THE BRAIN DRAIN CLIMATE Between 1995 and 2000, the number of scientists and researchers in scientists in Macedonia has decreased by more than 70% due to the massive emigration of the highly skilled abroad. In 2006, a study showed that the majority of young people want to leave the country, and a signicant portion of them want to leave it for good. Structural problems, such as bad economy, unstable politics, bureaucratic procedures, bad education system and no meritocratic values are the “push” factors that create such attitudes.

research are not clearly dened. (...) The the life abroad is much better than the life that regularly allocate abundant share of lack of public funds especially affects the in the country and stimulate brain drain, European budget for human resources, research activities of the state universities and are also a big challenge in the efforts which to a great extent addresses the and institutes. Hence, they tend to to achieve brain gain. issue of brain drain and its reversal into additionally apply for funding from brain gain. international donors in order to be able Existing frameworks in the eld of Migration in general, has been one to realize their research activities. brain drain and brain gain of the most important issues for the However, this prevents them to always Legal instruments, European institutions in the last decade. conduct the studies they believe are policies, strategies With the Treaty of Amsterdam signed in important, but instead need to adapt to and programs 1999, immigration became a the requirements set by the funding Competence of the European Union. European Level institution”. With the inauguration of the Hague Brain drain is not just a challenge These are all of course, only some of Programme in 2005, Migration became for Macedonia and the Western Balkans. the factors that contribute to the brain one of the ten priorities for the EU for The EU faces notable emigration of its drain tendencies, but also to the inability the period of 2005-2010. highly skilled workers, especially the to mitigate its adverse effects. There are However, the sub-topic of labour researchers and scientists. The data say certainly other factors which have not migration in particular has been a subject European researchers' preferred been examined, such as the personal that is marked by diverse regulations that destination are the . needs of highly skilled individuals living differ one from another and a lack of Although there can be hardly found an abroad, beyond the socio-economic general European policy to address it. At exact data on the migration of the highly reasoning (for instance, the need for a present, the EU institutions can only skilled European scientists, many good infrastructure, urban culture, high regulate the legal and procedural matters European institutions have acknowledged tolerance towards all kinds of diversity, of entry and residence of immigrants and the rising emigration of highly skilled and many other features that the rights of national of non-member professionals, and labeled it as an Macedonian society lack). As well, it is countries moving to or residing in important issue. Therefore, the European important to take in account that Member States. The measures taken at institutions have adopted a multi-layered Macedonia still struggles with corruption European level, rst of all are intended to policy approach towards overturning in all the spheres of social life, and still standardize and improve the legal status brain drain and achieving brain gain. fails to adopt meritocratic values in the of the highly skilled individuals and There are several legal instruments that public sector. All of these are “push” especially the ones in the research improve the mobility of researchers and factors that perpetuate the attitudes that industry. Depending on the legislative in highly skilled workers and programmes

DEVELOPING BRAIN GAIN POLICIES IN THE WESTERN BALKANS: MACEDONIA! 3 CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND POLICY MAKING! APRIL 2010 the country of residence, they can be In May 2009 the European Council documents attesting the relevant higher categorized as employees, self-employed adopted a Directive on the Admission of professional qualications in the citizens, civil servants or students. For Highly Qualied Immigrants, which occupation or sector specied in the work example, it can be an additional motive determines: “(a) the conditions of entry contract or in the binding job offer as for a researcher to move out of a country and residence for more than three provided for in national law;(d) present a if in his new destination, he would have a months in the territory of the Member valid travel document, as determined by better status (to become full-time States of third-country nationals for the national law, an application for a visa or a employee instead of self-employed). As purpose of highly qualied employment visa, if required, and evidence of a valid well, the level of social security and as EU Blue Card holders, and of their residence permit or of a national long- benets varies across countries. In some family members; (b) the conditions for term visa, if appropriate. Member States cases the friendly taxation policies and entry and residence of third-country may require the period of validity of the the high level of social security can be an nationals and of their family members travel document to cover at least the important factor for researchers to move under point (a) in Member States other initial duration of the residence permit;(e) or remain in a given country. In the worst than the rst Member State.” with this present evidence of having or, if provided case scenario, they can be a subject of Directive the Council nally accepted the for by national law, having applied for a double taxation or to experience proposed the EU Blue Card instrument sickness insurance for all the risks difculties with the pension taxation. after plenty of debates and disagreements normally covered for nationals of the Therefore, the EU institutions put efforts and for now is accepted by 24 of the Member State concerned for periods in the standardization and optimization Member States, with the exception of where no such insurance coverage and of social security regulation concerning United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark . corresponding entitlement to benets are researchers, highly skilled individuals and The “Blue Card” is conceptualized as a provided in connection with, or resulting students. work permit, which should resemble a from, the work contract;(f) not be In terms of the improvement of the counter-part to the American "Green considered to pose a threat to public status of the highly skilled, there are Card" and similar instruments in world policy, public security or public health.” several notable EU legal instruments economies that regulate the inow of At the end of 2009, the Stockholm adopted in the last 5 years. On 12 foreign workers. In the Directive, the Programme was adopted. One of its October 2005, the European Council term is dened as:“‘EU Blue Card’ objectives is:“reinforcing the link between issued a Recommendation to facilitate the means the authorization bearing the term migration and development by involving admission of third-country nationals to ‘EU Blue Card’ entitling its holder to migrant communities in the development carry out scientic research in the reside and work in the territory of a of their country or region of origin, European Community (2005/762/EC), Member State”. adopting measures aimed at preventing without legal obligations to the Member The “Blue Card” policy is especially and reducing brain drain and facilitating States. The Recommendation had several friendly towards the highly skilled transfers of remittances; and making a proposals regarding the facilitation of the migrants and advances further the family more efcient use of the existing Union's process of long-term admission of third- reunion rights. However, the “Blue Card” cooperation instruments to increase the country researchers to conduct scientic will only provide a common basis for capacity of the central, regional and local work in the European Community. As a development of further European authorities of third countries to manage follow up, the Council has adopted the policies, while leaving the possibilities for migration issues, including improving Directive on a specic procedure for different programs (primarily more their capacity to offer adequate admitting third-country nationals for the advantageous) among the Member States protection”. purposes of scientic research which that have accepted it. The duration of EU and the research industry determines “the conditions for the the EU Blue Card will be variable with a Another eld in which policies admission of third-country researchers to possibility for renewal. The applicants for regarding brain drain are implemented is the Member States for more than three EU Blue Card will have to fulll several the nancial investment in the research months for the purposes of carrying out a conditions:“(a) present a valid work industry, depicted in the action plan research project under hosting contract or, as provided for in national “Investing in research: an action plan for agreements with research law, a binding job offer for highly Europe”. According to this plan by 2010 organizations”1. Some of the Member qualied employment, of at least one the EU was supposed to “provide a States fullled the obligations from this year in the Member State concerned; (b) stronger public research base and make it Directive with the introduction of a so present a document attesting fulllment more attractive to private investment to called “research” or “scientic of the conditions set out under national attain the objective of devoting 3% of visa” (France being the typical case). The law for the exercise by Union citizens of GDP (gross domestic product) to “scientic visa” has been issued as a legal the regulated profession specied in the research”. With these measures, the EU permission to for researchers that are work contract or binding job offer as attempts to compete with the US, as the third-country nationals to enter, reside provided for in national law; (c) for big and widening gap between the US and conduct research work in the EU. unregulated professions, present the


INVESTING IN RESEARCH EU’s FP7 is set to last for seven years (2007-2013), through which over ! 50 billion will be spend in order to address Europe's “needs in terms of jobs and competitiveness, and to maintain leadership in the global knowledge economy.”

and EU in terms of research investment conditions for the mobility of researchers through a Memorandum of is pointed as one of the reasons for (such as possibilities for re-entering their Understanding. undertaking the plan. The plan consists native country, stable social security, Student exchange programmes of several crucial areas: ensuring a "user-friendly" recognition of degrees). The perception of stake-holders and process of European coordination, The most important nancial tool for generally policy makers in Macedonia is improving public support to research and nancing the research industry in Europe that most important programmes in the technological innovation, redirecting is the 7th Framework Programme for eld of brain drain and brain gain are public spending towards research and Research and Technological the ones under the European Lifelong innovation and improving framework Development (7FP). Generally Learning program. The assumption that conditions for private investment in 'Framework programmes' (FPs) are the Macedonian education system is research. The European Commission has most important European nancial tools somewhat inferior to the one in the other generally established a trend of for the support of research and European countries has contributed to increasing investments into research. development activities. FP7 is set to last the perception that a limited time abroad These investments have been for seven years (2007-2013), through for Macedonian students means an implemented through the expansion of which over " 50 billion will be spend in excellent opportunity to gain advanced nancial schemes that benet researchers order to address Europe's “needs in terms experience, knowledge and skills that they and highly skilled workers, and through of jobs and competitiveness, and to can hardly obtain if they stay in their the establishment of networks for maintain leadership in the global homeland. The impression is that after assistance for researchers; as well as knowledge economy.” The programme, coming back to Macedonia, the returnees through the advancement of Internet- which is very competitive, functions on a contribute to the economy with their based information services; and through basis of grants that are awarded to advanced skills obtained abroad which is programs on knowledge-transfer towards researchers and research institutions from in fact seen as the brain gain effect. the peripheral countries of the EU and Europe and beyond for conducting purely The Lifelong Learning Programme the Candidate ones. As well, the EC has scientic work, that will enhance the has been enacted by Decision No. taken other actions for reversing brain scientic and technological base of 1720/2006/EC of the European drain. Besides investing in research, the European industry and improve its Parliament and of the Council of 15 EU “competes” against the brain drain “international competitiveness, while November 2006 which aims to geerally mainly through policies that “make promoting research that supports EU improveand standardize the European Europe attractive to researchers from the policies.” Macedonia joined FP7 in 2007 education system, make quality education rest of the world”, that consist of along with Turkey, and more available to individuals regardless of improving legal and administrative their age, origin and social status,

DEVELOPING BRAIN GAIN POLICIES IN THE WESTERN BALKANS: MACEDONIA! 5 CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND POLICY MAKING! APRIL 2010 stimulate student’s mobility and to give training, which in Macedonia is seen as Tempus also covers structural measures, the education a more practical underdeveloped. such as governmental reforms related to component that would bridge the gap The Grundtvig programme (named the university management and services between the education system and the after the Danish pastor from the XVIII for students, introduction of quality labour market. and XIX century) deals with adult assurance, improving institutional and The Programme includes six sub- education and training. Although there nancial autonomy and accountability, programmes. are clear benets from the programme providing equal and transparent access to The Comenius project supporting (for instance, increasing the general level higher education and developing actions for pre-primary and primary of highly educated population), its impact international relations, contributing to schools and is therefore not an object of for the brain gain is limited as its subject the general improvement of the interest of this report. are not young highly-skilled potential education system in the country. The European Region Action migrants. Two less discussed sub- The Erasmus Mundus programme Scheme for the Mobility of University programmes of the Lifelong Learning which “aims to enhance quality in higher Students (known as “the ERASMUS Progamme in the Macedonian context education through scholarships and Programme” or simply Erasmus – as a are are the Jean Monnet Project which is academic cooperation between Europe tribute to the philosopher Erasmus of focused on excellence in studies related to and the rest of the world”. The Rotterdam who has lived and worked in European integration, and the programme has initially been adopted in the XV-XVI century) is considered to be Transversal programme that supports 2001, and currently it is in its second the most important brain gain agency in activities in the elds of studying foreign phase (2009-2013). It aims to stimulate Macedonia. It provides opportunities for languages, improvement of education structured cooperation between higher student exchanges in higher education policy and ICT development. They have education institutions and academic staff and volunteering, as well as for the potential as the rest of the sub- in Europe and third countries, to create cooperation and establishment of joint programmes, yet they have not been on “centres of excellence” and to provide programmes between higher education agenda of the National Agency and there highly trained human resources. The institutions. The Programme has been are not much data on their Erasmus Mundus programme offers established back in 1987 and has implementation in Macedonia. several special degrees in studies related achieved immense success. The ofcial Another set of European to the European integration. website of the European Commission programmes considered by stakeholders Policies and programmes on brain says that: “Around 90% of European as important instrument for achieving drain and brain gain in Macedonia universities take part in Erasmus and 2 brain gain in Macedonia are the external Macedonia is considered to be a million students have participated since it programmes and policies. The most country with a lack of policies addressing started in 1987. The annual budget is in important from them is the Tempus the brain drain issue. The single most excess of "440 million, more than 4,000 programme which “supports the important strategy brought by the higher education institutions in 31 modernization of higher education and Government and in general the state countries participate, and even more are creates an area of co-operation in institutions of the Republic of waiting to join.” countries surrounding the EU. Macedonia has been the National The Leonardo da Vinci programme Established in 1990 (...), the scheme now Resolution on Migration Policy (named after another famous European covers 27 countries in the Western 2009-2014. Some of the basic principles from the history, the renaissance man Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central of the Resolution, among other things, Leonardo who lived and worked in the Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.” are “the primacy of long-term macro- XV and XVI century) targets students The Tempus includes two sets of economic utility based on the free who want need support in their initial activities: joint projects implemented by migratory movements” and the and continuing vocational education and higher education institutions and responsibility of the state for the return of training. Its main goals are providing structural measures intended to reform of members of Macedonian diaspora. In opportunities for advanced training for higher education institutions and terms of the labour migration, the main students, improvement of the general education systems in the EU and in the goal is “to monitor and harmonize the level of quality in advanced eduction and partner countries. Currently, Tempus IV national legislation with the EU acquis, enhancing the appeal, mobility and is being implemented in Macedonia, after (...) the creation of a centralized database individualism of advanced studies and the completing of the previous three on foreigners, and improved employment internships. The nal goal for the phases. It supports reforms in the procedures concerning foreign employees programme is to improve competitiveness academic curricula which are reected able to ll the labour market gap for of European labour market and to through the introduction of the three- desirable and needed skills, such as support innovative actions in vocational cycle system, modernization of the investors and highly skilled professionals education and training. The programme curricula and the implementation of the in various disciplines.” Labour is important since it deals precisely with European Credit Transfer System immigration is regulated with the Law on the sphere of vocational education and (ECTS) and the recognition of degrees.


Employment and Work of Foreigners, and punctuates the lack of accurate data starting positions in the labor market, but enacted in 2007. The main instrument on that matter. The Resolution also also improves the general level of the that regulates labour immigration is the points to three most common types of market itself. However, there have been work permit, which is issued on the basis emigration after 2000: the one motivated objections to this claims. Some of the of equal treatment and non- by the idea of uniting with the family stake-holders claim that regardless of the discrimination, upon request of the members that are already abroad; the possible increase, still no large number of worker or the employer. The procedure is temporary economic migration of young students from Macedonia are actually rather complicated and painful. The law people seeking part-time jobs for a involved in mobility programs. On the on the other hand, contains provisions limited amount of time in more other hand, Macedonian universities are and measures for regulating (limiting and developed countries and the brain drain, not ready to accept foreign students as stopping) the inow of migrants in cases or the increased emigration of young part of the exchange, which is also a of increased migration, regulate the highly skilled people, which is often factor for the limited participation of presence of self-employed ones, permanent. The brain drain is hereto Macedonian students in the process. penalizing foreign workers with high fees, labeled as “worrying” for the future of Furthermore, the lack of capacities of but it does not focus on the immigration the country. However, there is an evident Macedonian educational institutions to of highly skilled individuals. Macedonian lack of advanced policies that will relate provide the necessary conditions for migration policy is especially concerned the diaspora with the issue of brain gain. attracting foreign students, is a negative with the diaspora. The diaspora is The only direct measures taken are in the indicator for the possibilities of achieving important economic factor as a lot of eld of brain circulation, since every year brain gain. Another remark made by remittances and foreign direct the Government provides scholarship for experts in the eld (Filkov, 2010), is that investments come from Macedonian several students to complete their there is a demeaning trend demonstrated citizens abroad or foreigners that have expertise abroad, after which they are by public ofces in terms of the family ties in Macedonia. Additionally, obliged to come back in Macedonia and utilization of highly skilled returnees in with the National Resolution on work in the public administration for an Macedonia. Namely, there is often a case Migration, the diaspora is seen as a arranged period of time. that students or young working people potential factor in overcoming the that are sent abroad for completing their negative impact of the brain drain and The impact of these policies and education, completing advanced initiating brain gain in the country. As the programmes programmes and training and obtaining IOM (2009) suggests,“According to the Effects and/or important experience, knowledge and resolution on the country’s migration counter-effects skills, after their return in the homeland policy of 2009–2014 the main policy aim Due to the objective lack of reliable are put on inadequate positions, for in relation to the diaspora is to mitigate statistical data, the research team has which they are either too qualied or not the negative impact of brain drain on the been forced to use reduced methodology qualied at all. These impressions have country’s socio-economic development which was based primarily on anecdotal been conrmed during our contacts with and growth. Among the countervailing studies of individual cases, and analyzing several young highly skilled returnees, measures to stem the loss of local skills the outcome of the brain drain / brain who have complained about their and knowledge are efforts to facilitate gain policies in the light of other unfavorable position after their return in temporary or circular migration and to tendencies in the Macedonian society. Macedonia. Some of them have even promote return, including temporary Several of the interviewees have stated stated that they are now in positions that returns for expatriates to benet t from that the student exchange programs have are lower payed than before leaving, and their special skills and expertise in various resulted with increased student mobility. that they seriously consider leaving the elds of importance to the country’s The involvement of students from country after they fulll their obligations. growth, and that are not otherwise Macedonia in European exchange In these cases, the problem of brain waste available. As part of this endeavor, the programmes seems to be on the rise emerges, since the investment in one's government is considering a number of compared to the years before. The advanced training is not returned. As measures to be able to assess the size and assumption is that students receive good well, the improper usage of individual's geographical spread of the diaspora education through which they improve capacities can harm their own well-being communities more accurately, including their skills and competences and after and future development. The extreme the establishment of a database and the their return they contribute to the case of corruption that broke out in the registration of particular categories of increase of quality at the domestic labor National Agency for European Education Macedonian expatriates whose support market. Similarly, representatives of Programs and Mobility is another and contribution would be of particular youth organizations that participate in indicator of the problem of corruption value and benet t to the country and its the internship and volunteering even in the eld of brain circulation. The citizens (diaspora mapping).” programmes, have stated that through the National Agency has been involved in a The Resolution sees emigration experience that students acquire abroad major nancial fraud, while it failed to from Macedonia as an “intense” process has the same effect of improving their implement some of the arrange tasks


PERSPECTIVES The general impression is that it will be very hard to mitigate the adverse effects of the brain drain. Macedonia lacks concrete policies and programmes that address the issue properly. Ofcial institutions frequently declare their concerns over the developments yet there is no follow up in terms of concrete measures. At the same time, although Macedonian diaspora is considered an important political factor and a possible factor in the economy, there is no steps towards its engagement into brain gain processes. The picture is the logo of the so called Diaspora Coordination Body which was established in 2007 and mysteriously stopped working since. with the European institutions that were trend of highly educated professionals From here on, we can conclude that generally intended to help Macedonian leaving Macedonia, a parallel trend of there has been no signicant effects in researchers (FOSIM, 2010). Another less educated illegal immigrants coming terms of preventing or reducing the brain factor that has a negative impact on the to work in the country occurs” (CRPM, drain tendency; no signicant effects in efforts to achieve brain gain is the hard 2008). As well, there have been no terms of stimulating brain gain neither procedure for foreigners willing to obtain signicant effects in terms of the linking through the attraction of highly skilled work permit in Macedonia. Several cases with the diaspora. First, there is a workers nor through stimulating the analyzed by the CRPM have shown that constant failure on keeping track of the return of highly skilled emigration from the bureaucratic procedures are rather movement of Macedonian citizens Macedonia; the only result that can be demotivating for foreigners, and even (CRPM, 2008). Second, there has been a pointed out that there has been some among them highly skilled ones, willing to failure in terms of mapping the diaspora increase in the student mobility as a work in Macedonia. As the study suggests comprised of people that are not consequence of the implementation of that the number of foreigners possessing Macedonian citizens, but in a way have European student exchange programmes, a Macedonian work permit “is small does ties with the country and can contribute and there has been also a small yet not seem surprising.”. The reasons for to the country’s development insufcient progress in terms of such situation are “not to be purely (Damjanovski, 2008). Third, the reforming the education system, partially economic, but also legal and governmental Agency of Emigration, the due to the usage of European funds. administrative. The complicated public organization House of Emigrants However, even in these two areas, there administrative procedures and the feeling as well as many diasporic associations has been a notable failure, in terms of the of being a priori rejected by the society have engaged primarily in cultural nancial frauds by the National Agency because of being a foreigner may prevent activities abroad, rather than in for European Education Programmes many people from emigrating to strengthening the cooperation between and Mobility. ! Macedonia, and make some of those that Macedonia and Macedonian diaspora. have done this question their choice. Finally, the only economic tie between Hence, the country becomes deprived of Macedonia and the diaspora can be seen many individuals that are highly educated in the remittances and in the eld of FDI, and have the possibility of contribute while there are rare attempts to utilize the towards the country’s development. This human capital the Macedonian diaspora only adds to the problem of brain-drain has for “virtual return” or for formation from the country and further hinders the of knowledge and skill based networks. country’s progress. In addition to the (Damjanovski, 2008).


Key Stakeholders in the Field of Brain Q&A Drain/Gain*

Governmental Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Emigration Agency; Ministry of Labour and Social Policy; Ministry of Institutions and Public Economy; Agency for Employment; Ministry of Education and Sciences; National Agency for Agencies European Educational Programs and Mobility; Agency for Youth and Sports; Economic Chamber; House of Immigrants; Diaspora Coordination Body

International International Organization for Migration; United Nations Development Programme; Delegation Organizations of the European Union in the Republic of Macedonia; Migration, Asylum, Refugees Regional Initiative

Institutions of Higher Institutions of higher education have been considered stake-holders in the brain drain / brain gain Education eld, since they are directly involved in the work with students and youth, but they also carry research and surveys and can provide solid expertise regarding the issue. We have managed to establish contact with two representatives from the public University Ss Cyril and Methodius from Skopje (UKIM) which is by far the largest in the country, and with one representative from the State University of Tetovo, International University of , University MIT of Skopje, and the FON University of Skopje.

Non-Governmental We have considered non-governmental organizations dealing with students exchanges and youth Organizations issues as important stake-holders in the process of development of brain gain and brain circulation policies. We have invited the following organizations to participate in our research: AEGEE (Association des Etats Generaux des Etudiants de l’Europe – European Students Forum); ELSA (European Law Students Association); MOF (Youth Educational Forum); AIESEC (Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales); BEST (Board of European Students of Technology); creACTive; Volunteers Centre Skopje.

Business Sector Representatives of the business sector are considered to be important stake-holders in the processes of achieving brain gain ; however the focus on our research was put on the policy makers. During informal contacts with members of the business community we have received important remarks and suggestions for addressing certain issues in the eld.

The general impression of the answering the questions at the personal respondents had no idea about existence process of interviewing stake-holders, meeting or via email, or we failed to even of any concrete results about the brain however, was that their capacities in arrange the interview. From the drain or brain gain in the country. The terms of knowledge and interest in the successful interviews, it can be seen that majority of the interviewees assumed topic did not meet the project's generally the stake-holders are not very that there is an increased student expectations. Out of the 27 attempted familiar with the existing European mobility as a result of the student interviews* (with representatives of 10 policies, but many of them are in fact exchange programmes. Their governmental institutions or public familiar with student exchange programs suggestions for overcoming gaps in the organizations; 4 international and consider them as important eld were mostly grounded on the organizations; 5 representatives of instruments for achieving brain gain. critique that there is no relevant data on institutions of higher education; and 8 There has been almost no feedback on labour migration from/to/in non-governmental organizations), we the questions regarding brain drain and Macedonia, in general. Regarding the successfully carried only 16 interviews. brain gain related policies and proposed measures for achieving brain By successfully carried interview we refer programmes on a national level, which gain, the stake-holders have been to those interviews where the only contributes to the assumption that generally focused on the nancial interviewees actually answered our there is a serious lack of such policies incentives for the returnees. questions. In the 11 cases where we did and programmes. Regarding the not manage to complete the interviews, perception of the effects, it is also very either the interviewees rejected illustrative that no one from the


Existing Gaps or gain if there is no emphasis put on the practical work for the students will be Challenges in the labour migration of the highly skilled offered. Initiate academic and research Field individuals. It is also of great importance networks for temporary mobility of One of the strongest impressions to see the structure of foreigners working mostly young academics and researchers; from the work conducted during the or willing to work in Macedonia Alternatively, as DIIS (2008) has survey, which has been later conrmed by according to their qualications. Yet suggested, provide three pillars of the answers from the stake-holders is that another possible challenge for researchers development: “Technical assistance: there is not much possibility for successful is the questionable fate of the returnees Temporally deploy skilled foreigners to monitoring of the effects of the existing after coming back in Macedonia. In the secure the skills needed to produce policies and programmes in the eld of rst phase of the research we have come reforms in fragile situations.; ‘Open door’ brain drain and brain gain. The lack of across several cases in which the policy: Facilitate the re-entry of skilled statistical data curtails researchers' returnees have been put on inadequate migrants back into the host country after possibilities for examining the effects of jobs and have been underpaid. This has a period in their home country to such policies and programmes. Even the led to a brain waste and loss of their mitigate migrants’ fears of losing legal State Statistical Ofce (2007) has potential. If that turns out to be the residence rights. Improving conditions for concluded that: “Available data do not occasion in more than just a few cases, those who stayed behind: Secure entirely cover the migration features. then it will impose another problem that adequate salary levels (and regular Therefore, establishing good databases will have to be addressed. disbursements) for skilled people who for migration proles could be an remain behind so that they stay in their important element for the creation of Recommendations profession. This is a prerequisite for appropriate measures and a migration How to Develop Brain improvement in performance, as well as policy.” Hereto, obtaining accurate Gain Policies and recruitment and retention”. In the statistical data on emigration in general Programmes? absence of own ideas and resources for remans as a key task for the responsible Upon the review of abundant in-depth analysis, you can copy from the institutions. As well, research on the literature and the discussion with several successful - UNDP 's Brain Gain diasporic structures and diaspora stake-holders, we have come up with Project (2008) recommends the following mapping needs to be carried in order to several preliminary recommendations for measures: “identication of graduate create successful policies. There has also developing brain gain policies and students that are engaged in scientic been lack of sociological surveys on the programmes. These are general activity abroad; bringing together attitudes of the highly skilled individuals directions that are going to be deeply Albanian students abroad in conferences that are currently abroad, or on the researched and elaborated in the course and workshops taking place in Albania; attitudes on anyone that is on a longer of the project. The rst set of measures facilitating the activity of the Diaspora stay in a foreign country. There has never would be to offer multi-dimensional Institute of the Ministry of Foreign been a survey on the reasons for incentives (nancial, but primarily Affairs of Albania; facilitating the migration, while there has always been an “personal”) for potential highly skilled creation of a fellowship scheme for CEOs assumption that it is the economy, the immigrants from foreign countries, as with the most important public education, the problems with the law and well as to those who have already enterprises; creating an enabling legal so on. However, there needs to be a migrated. The personal incentives should and regulatory environment for the survey on the “push” and the “pull” address the problem of family reunion inclusion of overseas graduates in the factors. If the “push” factors are related and family maintenance; and to facilitate Albanian civil service; promotion of to the general political and economic the struggle with bureaucracy for issuing Diaspora entrepreneurship in Albania; situation in the country, or some work permit and other documents. This and developing trade links, including particular problem, such as the lack of would also refer to the procedures for capacity building of relevant institutions.” social security, then they can not be recognition of diplomas – they do not Finally - use new technologies in order to addressed simply by direct policies; it will need to be veried by the minister stimulate “virtual return” and knowledge be rather an evidence of structural personally – and that would shorten the sharing, but also to bring the highly problems that are only reected through procedure signicantly. Grants are also skilled Macedonian citizens or members the brain drain (if brain drain is not one way of motivating return migration. of the diaspora into one place. always the reection of structural Second, as the low level of highly problems). Another important gap is the skilled individuals in the society is not a Concluding remarks absence of advanced categorization of result exclusively of the brain drain, long About the Project and migrants according to their skills. That term investment in higher education Further Work goes both for the emigrants, but also for needs to be carried. The institutions of The project “Developing brain gain the immigrants. There can not be policies higher education need to establish centers policies in the Western Balkans” is reversing brain drain or stimulating brain for career and institutes and other coordinated by Grupa 484 Beograd and facilities through which opportunities for is being carried in 5 countries

DEVELOPING BRAIN GAIN POLICIES IN THE WESTERN BALKANS: MACEDONIA! 10 CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND POLICY MAKING! APRIL 2010 simultaneously (Serbia, Macedonia, in the Western Balkans Regarding Migration The former Yugoslav Republic of , Management – Macedonia, Skopje 2007 Macedonia, 10-12 June 2008, Paris and Albania. It is funded by the Balkan Center for Research and Policy United Nations Development Trust for Democracy. In the rst phase Making, To study (abroad) or not? The problem Program, Brain Gain: Engaging Diaspora in the report based on the interviews with of the recognition of diplomas issued by foreign Albania’s Development, 2008 stake-holders took place, along with the universities, Skopje, September 2006 desk research and the review of existing Damjanovski, Ivan, “From the policies in the eld. The rst phase is Outside Looking In: the Role of the ABOUT THE being concluded with the publishing of Diaspora in the Macedonian EU this report. Prior to the nalization a Integration Process and Socio-Economic CRPM round-table was carried in which Development” in ed. Andreas The Center for Research and CRPM’s researchers had an opportunity Breinbauer, The Role of Migration and Policy Making is an organization to hear to the suggestions by stake- Diaspora in the Political and Socio-Economic that has a mission to promote holders. The event took place on Reform and EU Integration Processes in South good governance and 07.04.2010 in CRPM’s ofces. It was East Europe, IDM Vienna 48 3/2008, pp. development in Macedonia on the covered by several print and electronic 235-250 basis of relevant, evidence based media. DIIS Policy Brief, Brain Drain and policy research, capacity building Nonetheless, we consider the round Fragile States, October 2008 and trainings, evaluations, analyses table having only a partial success. It was Foundation OSI Macedonia, “Is the and surveys, without regard to attended by only 11 out of 20+ invited Government Turning EU into and independently of the stake-holders. All of the attendees were Monument?” Fourth report on the process of particular interests of any group representatives of civil society Macedonia's EU accession, January 2010, of the society, either political, organizations and institutions of higher Skopje social or economic. education. This outcome has also shown Government of the Republic of that the most important stake-holders are Macedonia. 2008. Resolution on migration PROJECT STAFF not as interested into working in the eld. policy of the Republic of Macedonia. 2009– Anastas Vangeli MA The discussion during the round-table 2014. Skopje Research Analyst conrmed our general impressions on the Horvat, Vedran “Brain Drain. lack of existing brain gain policies and Threat to Successful Transition in South Nedzad Mehmedovic instruments in Macedonia. Some of the East Europe?”, Southeast European Politics, Research Assistant participants emphasized the fact that Vol. V No. 1, June 2004, pp. 76-93 besides not having a strategy to initiate a International Organization for Bashkim Bakiu, MA return migration of the highly skilled Migration, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Research Analyst emigrants, Macedonian institutions also Macedonia: Migration Prole, September discourage highly skilled foreigners that 2007 Zhidas Daskalovski, PhD want to work for a local company. There Kupiszewski, Marek (ed), Labour Senior Analyst and Supervisor was a strong remark that in the further migration patterns, policies and migration work we have to consider the business propensity in the Western Balkans, IOM, sector as a relevant factor, and to involve November 2009 Further info representatives from the business sector in Nikolovska, Margareta, You can visit our websites: the project. “Employment, Education, and and Emigration: The FYR of Macedonia”, Should you have any comment or Reference matters Higher Education in Europe, Vol. XXIX, No. inquiry, you can contact us at Biliography 3, October 2004, pp. 319-328 [email protected] Center for Research and Policy Taleski, Dane et al. Youth aspirations Making, Assessment of research capacities survey in Republic of Macedonia (Friedrich Center for Research and insocial sciences in Macedonia, Skopje, June Ebert Stiftung, Skopje 2006) Policy Making 2008 World Bank Development Prospects Cico Popovic 6-2/9, 1000 Center for Research and Policy Group, “Migration and Remittances in Skopje, Macedonia Making, Migration and Development: Creating Macedonia, FYR”, Migration and regional labour market and labour migrants Remittances Factbook (2008) circulation as response to regional market United Nations, Economic and demands – Macedonia; 2007, pp. Social Council, Conference of European 124-178 Statisticians: Globalisation and its inuence on Center for Research and Policy the active populationin a country in transition - Making, Strengthening cross-border cooperation Note by the State Statistical Ofce of