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Ěƹƹƹŭżiũťēŧƹƹƹżťį ĚƸƸƸŭŻİũŤē ŦƸƸƸżŤį Ũ ĨĴ Ĕƻ ė ŪšĖ 2021 EDITION 2019ijēİŀč Disclaimer: With new precautionary measures in place, we advise contacting establishments directly for information on available services. CONTENTS 05 Welcome 59 The Art Lovers Timeline Arts hotlist The city of the future Museums The Basics Heritage + Nature 12 Arts + Culture Travel essentials Arabic phrases Visit Hatta UAE traditions 71 Top attractions Stopover in Dubai 21 The Happy Dubai Business Families 73 Events Family hotlist Choose Dubai Theme parks Waterparks Nature Shop Talk Play + Learn 79 Leading malls Family adventures Souks The Thrill- Community malls 35 Seekers Outdoor centres Discounts + Deals Adventure hotlist Sky high thrills Dubai Calendar Watersports 91 January to March Golf in Dubai April to September Desert fun October to December Sports + Fitness 47 The Loved-Up Dubai Maps Couples 99 Attractions Malls Couples’ hotlist Transport Sights + Sounds Spas Fine feasts WELCOME With its unparalleled coastline, beautiful desert and PDJQL½FHQWFLW\VFDSHVPHPRULHVDUHMXVWZDLWLQJWR be made in Dubai. Embark on the holiday of a lifetime as you delve into OLYLQJKLVWRU\E\WKH&UHHNMRXUQH\XSWKHZRUOGµV WDOOHVWWRZHUUHOD[RQJROGHQEHDFKHVH[SHULHQFH UHFRUGEUHDNLQJWKHPHSDUNVDQGHQMR\VRPHRIWKH most spectacular shopping and dining on the planet. Welcome to Dubai – the city that always surprises. visitdubai.com 5 TIMELINE A brief history of Dubai The Al Maktoum tribe establishes the 1833 fishing settlement of Dubai Pearling and 1892 maritime trade begins to flourish Dubai’s first school, Al Ahmadiya, is 1912 built in Deira HH Sheikh Rashid 1958 bin Saeed Al Maktoum becomes the Ruler of Dubai Oil is discovered in Dubai, attracting 1966 foreign trade and boosting the economy Dubai joins the 1971 other emirates to form the United Arab Emirates (UAE) 2 December | UAE National Day 6 Dubai World Trade 1979 Centre, the city’s first skyscraper, opens Dubai’s flagship airline, Emirates, is 1985 launched HH Sheikh Maktoum 1990 bin Rashid Al Maktoum becomes the Ruler of Dubai Dubai is recognised by the World Bank 2003 and IMF as a financial hub HH Sheikh 2006 Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum becomes the Ruler of Dubai The Burj Khalifa becomes the 2010 tallest building in the world Dubai hosts the 2021 World Expo, which is expected to welcome 25 million visitors visitdubai.com 7 THE CITY OF THE FUTURE Dubai has achieved incredible milestones in infrastructure DQGWHFKQRORJ\LQDIHZVKRUWGHFDGHV'HVSLWHDOUHDG\ KDYLQJDFLW\VFDSHVWUDLJKWIURPDVFL½PRYLH'XEDL VKRZVQRVLJQVRIVORZLQJGRZQLQLWVTXHVWWRVKDSH the future. Dubai will never settle for DQ\WKLQJOHVVWKDQ½UVWSODFe HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai 8 $QRYHUYLHZRI'XEDLµVODWHVWJURXQGEUHDNLQJSURMHFWVDQGSODQV 2. SPACE-AGE ARCHITECTURE 7KH7RZHUDW'XEDL &UHHN+DUERXUZLOO 1. EXPO 2020 WRSWKH%XUM.KDOLID ([SHULHQFHWKHIXWXUHDWWKH LQKHLJKWZKHQ ZRUOGµVJUHDWHVWVKRZ°([SR completed. It’s one 2020 Dubai. Starting from 1 RIPDQ\QHZ¾DJVKLS 2FWREHUWKHHYHQWZLOO SURMHFWVH[SHFWHGWR VKRZFDVHQH[WJHQLQQRYDWLRQV open in the coming DQGIXWXULVWLF½UVWV years. 3. MISSION TO MARS 4. HOME OF TOMORROW The UAE launched the Hope The Museum of the Future, spacecraft in July 2020. The RSHQLQJVRRQZLOOEHD SUREHLVH[SHFWHGWRUHDFKWKH VKRZSODFHIRUWRPRUURZ 5HG3ODQHWµVRUELWLQWKH½UVW by combining elements of TXDUWHURIGXULQJWKH H[KLELWLRQLPPHUVLYHWKHDWUH 50th anniversary of the nation. and themed attractions. 5. SOLAR POWER 6. TRANSPORT The Mohammed bin Rashid Dubai is investing in smart Al Maktoum Solar Park is the solutions like passenger ZRUOGµVODUJHVWVLQJOHVLWHVRODU GURQHVZLWKWKHDLPRIKDYLQJ HQHUJ\SURMHFW%\LWZLOO RIDOOWULSVZLWKLQWKHFLW\ have a planned production EHGULYHUOHVVE\ capacity of 5,000MW. visitdubai.com 9 THE BASICS To help you hit the ground running the moment you arrive in Dubai, here’s all the essential information ZRUWKNQRZLQJDERXWYLVDVFXOWXUHZHDWKHUZKDWWR ZHDUDQGPRUH visitdubai.com 11 THE ESSENTIALS Currency 9LVDV The UAE currency is the *&&1DWLRQDOVHQMR\YLVDIUHH Dirham (AED/Dhs). HQWU\WRWKH8$(ZKLOHRWKHU nationalities are eligible for visas 86 $(' RQDUULYDO7UDQVLWYLVDV WR hours) are also available to all passport holders. Find out more by contacting your nearest UAE embassy or consulate. Stay connected Electricity: 3RZHUVXSSO\LVYROWV6RFNHWVDUHFRPSDWLEOH ZLWK8.VWDQGDUGWKUHHSLQSOXJV)RU86HTXLSPHQWXVHD9WR 9WUDQVIRUPHU Phones and Wi-Fi: 7KHFRXQWU\FRGHIRUWKH8$(LV (WLVDODWGXDQG9LUJLQ0RELOHDUHWKHORFDOWHOHFRPRSHUDWRUV 7RXULVWVJHWDIUHHSUHSDLGGX6,0FDUGDWWKHDLUSRUWZKLOHIUHH :L)LLVZLGHO\DYDLODEOHDFURVVWKHFLW\°HYHQRQWKHEHDFK Health Weather ,I\RXµUHWUDYHOOLQJZLWKSUHVFULEHG 6RPHVD\KRWZHVD\SHUIHFW medication, bring your doctor’s EHDFKZHDWKHUDOO\HDUURXQG QRWHZLWK\RX7KH5DVKLG/DWLID Average temperatures in and Dubai Hospitals offer free VXPPHUUHDFKDURXQGÙ& emergency services. In case of DQGÙ&LQZLQWHU HPHUJHQFLHVSOHDVHFDOO • Police - 999 & • $PEXODQFH • )LUH'HSDUWPHQW° & • &RDVWJXDUG° 12 TOP 10 ARABIC PHRASES (QJOLVKLVZLGHO\VSRNHQLQ'XEDLEXWLWµVSROLWHWRWU\DIHZ ZRUGVLQ$UDELFWKHRI½FLDOODQJXDJHRIWKH8$(<RXµOOSUREDEO\ see $KODQZDVDKODQ½'XEDL :HOFRPHWR'XEDL ZKHQ\RX½UVW DUULYHEXWZK\QRWWU\WKHVHWHQFRPPRQSKUDVHV MARHABA SHUKRAN AASIF Hello Thank you Sorry MA HADHA? MAASALAAMAH :KDWLVWKLV" Goodbye SABAH MIN BI KAM? ALKHAYR FADLAK +RZPXFK" Good Please morning LAA / NA’AM AS-SALAAM 1R<HV ALAIKUM Peace be upon you visitdubai.com 13 TRADITIONS Arabian culture Dubai’s famed hospitality stems from our inherent values of integrity and respect. Islam is the official religion here, and it plays a significant role in the city’s culture. Pay a visit to the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding (SMCCU) in the heart of Old Dubai to learn more about our customs and traditions. National dress WOMEN MEN (PLUDWLZRPHQZHDUDORQJ 0HQZHDUDORQJWXQLFNQRZQ loose black coat called an DVDNDQGRRUDRIWHQZLWK abaya over their clothes open-toed leather sandals. DQGFRYHUWKHLUKDLUZLWKD KHDGVFDUI KLMDE IRUFXOWXUDO The ghutrah head-dress may purposes. DOVREHZRUQZKLFKZDV originally used to protect 6RPHZRPHQFDQDOVRFKRRVH the face from the desert WRZHDUDIDFHYHLONQRZQ environment. DVQLTDERUD traditional face The black rope that PDVNZRUQRYHU sits on top of the WKHQRVHNQRZQ DID YOU KNOW? ghutrah is called DVEXUTDµD the agal. 7KH8$(ZHHNHQG falls on Friday and Saturday. 14 'XEDLGHP\VWL½HG ISN’T IT REALLY EXPENSIVE? 'XEDLFDWHUVWRDOOEXGJHWVZLWKDIIRUGDEOHKRWHOV restaurants and activities, and free parks and beaches. IS ALCOHOL AVAILABLE? Non-Muslim adults over the age of 21 can drink alcohol in licensed hotels, establishments and restaurants around Dubai. CAN WOMEN DRIVE THERE? 2XUFXOWXUHKROGVZRPHQLQYHU\KLJKUHJDUG%RWKPHQDQG ZRPHQFDQGULYHLQ'XEDLWRWKHLUKHDUWVµFRQWHQW IS IT OKAY TO HOLD HANDS? <HVEXWWRXULVWVDUHDGYLVHGWRUHIUDLQIURP GUDPDWLFGLVSOD\VRIDIIHFWLRQZKLOHLQSXEOLF :KDWFDQ,ZHDU" Dubai is a cosmopolitan city that is a melting pot of diverse cultures and religious faiths. All attires are generally acceptable. SwimwearLV½QHZKLOHDW the beach and pool, but not appropriate in areas such as business districts and When you’re out and about, shopping malls. especially in summer, make sure you are protected from the sun. It is advisable to dress FRQVHUYDWLYHO\ZKHQ visiting historical areas and cultural sites. visitdubai.com 15 STOPOVER IN DUBAI Chances are, you’ve transited through our airport on your way to somewhere else. But 1 why not plan a one, two or Cross the Creek three-day stopover next time? 0DNH\RXUZD\ across the famous Dubai Creek There’s plenty to see and do in a traditional from the moment you leave abra boat. WKHDLUSRUW°ZKDWHYHU\RXU LQWHUHVWVDQGZKHQHYHU\RX 2 visit. Here’s our guide to the Take to the sky EHVWRI'XEDLZKHQ\RXµUHRQ Journey up the a tight schedule. ZRUOGµVWDOOHVW EXLOGLQJ°WKH PDJQL½FHQWP %XUM.KDOLID 24 3 HRS Catch a show IN DUBAI Watch The Dubai )RXQWDLQ°DQ <RXPLJKWRQO\KDYH LQFUHGLEOHZDWHU a day, but that’s all sound and light spectacle. you need to visit 'XEDLµVZRUOG famous attractions 4 and indulge in a little Hit the shops Arabian culture. Update your ZDUGUREHDW7KH 'XEDL0DOO°RQH RIWKHZRUOGµV biggest malls. 16 48 HRS IN DUBAI With a little more time on your hands, you can H[SORUHWUXH'XEDLDQG½QGRXWPRUHDERXWWKH KLVWRU\RIWKLVIDVFLQDWLQJSODFH$QGDOOZLWKRXW breaking the bank. '$<ONE '$<TWO 1 1 Enjoy the sun Hear Dubai’s story 5HOD[RQWKH Learn the history sands of La Mer of the UAE in Jumeirah, a via interactive charming beach displays at haven in the city. Al Shindagha Museum. 22 Discover art Eat like a local Join the indie Indulge in Emirati FURZGDWWKH cuisine at Arabian ;9$*DOOHU\ Tea House at Al WKDWVKRZFDVHV Fahidi Historical contemporary art. Neighbourhood. 3 3 Shop al fresco Shop for spices City Walk is a The Deira Spice shopper’s dream Souk is a feast for FRPHWUXHZLWK the senses. Stock plenty of fun and up on fragrant, dining too. H[RWLFVSLFHV 4 4 See a show Take a walk La Perle at Al Al Seef, along the Habtoor City Dubai Creek, is is a theatrical the perfect place threat featuring IRUDVWUROOZLWK DZHLQVSLULQJ PHPRUDEOHYLHZV acrobatics. visitdubai.com 17 '$< ONE 72 1 HRS Get in the frame See both sides of the city from IN DUBAI Dubai Frame’s incredible 150m Three days is more ´VN\ZDONµ than enough time to visit Dubai’s 2 landmarks and Go underwater cultural sites, but Get up close to it also gives you a DPD]LQJ chance to take a trip sea creatures at to the stunning desert 'XEDL$TXDULXP 8QGHUZDWHU=RR DQGH[SORUHWKH mountains of Hatta. @logma 3 Taste Dubai Head to Logma restaurant at The Dubai Mall to indulge in traditional Emirati cuisine. 4 See the stars (QMR\DZRUOGFODVV VKRZDW'XEDL
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