
Folia Morphol. Vol. 79, No. 2, pp. 198–204 DOI: 10.5603/FM.a2019.0086 R E V I E W A R T I C L E Copyright © 2020 Via Medica ISSN 0015–5659 journals.viamedica.pl

Terminologia Anatomica and its practical usage: pitfalls and how to avoid them P.P. Chmielewski, Z.A. Domagała

Division of Anatomy, Department of Human Morphology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland

[Received: 29 June 2019; Accepted: 10 July 2019]

In 2016, the Federative International Programme for tentatively approved the updated and extended version of anatomical terminology that replaced the previous version of (1998). This mod- ern version has already appeared in new editions of leading anatomical atlases and textbooks, including Netter’s of Human Anatomy, even though it was originally available only as a draft and the final version is different. We believe that updated and extended versions of anatomical terminology are important and they can be a powerful tool in communication between anatomists and other specialists around the world. In general, the new version uses more precise and adequate anatomical terms and many segments, including the part dealing with the , which is also known as the Terminologia Neuroanatomica, have been considerably improved. Nevertheless, some segments have not been extended or modernised, while other parts have been modified considerably, thereby posing a challenge to those who prefer the traditional version of Latin terminology because a number of official names for , muscles, organs and vessels have been changed. Whilst most of these changes seem to be in- spired by a long anatomical tradition and thus cannot come as a surprise to anyone in the field, other modifications are characterised by terminological innovativeness. Selected new and unexpected changes that might cause confusion among those who prefer traditional anatomical terms and definitions are discussed here.(Folia Morphol 2020; 79, 2: 198–204)

Key words: anatomical nomenclature, anatomical terminology, clinical anatomy, human anatomy, Nomina Anatomica, Terminologia Anatomica

INTRODUCTION dents and anatomy teachers prefer traditional terms Many authors believe that extended and updated and definitions, whereas clinicians and older medical versions of anatomical terminology could be a pow- students adhere to the jargon of their instructors, erful tool in communication between anatomists thereby ignoring the official version of anatomical and other specialists in the future [2, 3, 8, 11–15, 19, terminology [10], we believe that this situation does 20, 23, 25–27]. Therefore, the new version of ana- not mean that anatomists should not take care of tomical terminology was adopted by the Federative their own language [25]. International Programme for Anatomical Terminology One example from real life can illustrate why the (FIPAT) in 2016 in Germany [5]. Although medical stu- clinical jargon is so obscure and different from the

Address for correspondence: Dr. P.P. Chmielewski, PhD, Division of Anatomy, Department of Human Morphology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Wroclaw Medical University, ul. Chałubińskiego 6a, 50–368 Wrocław, Poland, e-mail: [email protected]

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official anatomical terminology. Before tonsillectomy, Table 1. Frequent mistakes and departures from the official a surgeon explained to one of us the details of the anatomical terminology adopted by the Federative International procedure but when she heard that her patient is an Programme for Anatomical Terminology [4, 5] that can be found anatomist she quipped: ‘I should probably shift my in textbooks and scientific papers terminology to yours so you can understand what Erroneous or obsolete term Valid term I am saying’. This shows that clinicians ignore the Suprarenal gland official anatomical terminology largely because other Ampulla of Ampulla of ductus deferens problems attract their attention and they have no Genoid cavity time for reflection on the language, and not because Clavipectoral triangle Deltopectoral triangle it does not merit any attention. Moreover, they are Dorsal carpal Extensor retinaculum expected to use the very same language that their Epiploic foramen instructors and older colleagues use, just like in the case of lawyers, but they can use the official version Esophagoventricular Oesophago-gastric (e.g. junction) of anatomical terminology if need be (cf. Table 1). Highest nuchal line Supreme nuchal line It is important to remember that the anatomical Iliopubic ramus Iliopubic eminence terminology is part of scientific terminology that de- Inferior nasal turbinate Inferior serves due consideration and can be updated and Intermediate line () Intermediate zone improved when necessary. It should be always simple, Internal mammary Internal thoracic artery clear, precise, logical and coherent. Like other sets of Introitus vaginae Vaginal orifice scientific terms, the anatomical language is alive and Lacertus fibrosus Bicipital changing, and consecutive versions of Terminologia Lienal (in compounds) Splenic Anatomica might reflect these changes, thereby pro- Lower jaw viding a useful source of information over decades Malar [9, 11, 13, 23, 26]. Although these recent changes [5] Malar/Anterior surface of zygoma Lateral surface seem to be inspired by a long tradition and do not Maxillary of zygoma [Antero-inferior/Maxillary border]; come as a surprise to anyone in the field, other mod- Zygomaticomaxillary ifications are characterised by innovativeness. Hence, Middle nasal turbinate there is a need to discuss selected new and unexpected Os (for ) Stoma changes that can cause confusion among those who Peroneal Fibular prefer traditional names and definitions in anatomy. Prechiasmatic groove (Pre)chiasmatic sulcus

1 BODY PARTS AND BONES Procheilon [Superior labial tubercle] HAVE DIFFERENT NAMES Superior nasal turbinate According to the general rules of anatomical ter- (Supreme nasal turbinate) (Supreme/Highest nasal concha) minology that were established after the publication of the Basle Nomina Anatomica (BNA) in 1895, only Thoracic aorta2 Descending thoracic aorta2 one unique term should be used for one structure [1]. Transverse carpal ligament Flexor retinaculum Thus, different anatomical structures should have Upper jaw different names to avoid confusion. Unfortunately, Vas deferens Ductus deferens names for a couple of bones did not differ from the Vermilion1 [Intermediate part of upper/lower ] names of pertinent body parts or regions [4], which 1In forensic anthropology, these terms are used instead of anatomical names that are was an infringement of the abovementioned rule. longer and unofficial. Nonetheless, it can be argued that vermilion is less precise than Namely, the Latin term was used to describe traditional anatomical names as it refers to the intermediate part of both . 2Contrary to anatomical convention, the thoracic is currently described as the first the part of the body between the and the part of the aorta that has three portions: the , the aortic arch and the as well as its only bone, even though it should be descending thoracic aorta. confined to the former as there are several well-estab- lished anatomical terms that refer to the part of the body and not to the skeletal support, e.g. musculus neus femoris lateralis, etc. Therefore, the bone quadratus femoris, musculus rectus femoris, arteria is now officially termedos femoris seu femur (femur, circumflexa femoris lateralis et medialis, nervus cuta- thigh bone in English) and its parts are currently

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termed accordingly caput, collum, corpus etc. + ossis traditional name for this bone is os ethmoides (as femoris [5], which is a better option. Similarly, the only featured in excellent works by Caspar Wistar, Raub- bone of the that articulates with the and the er-Kopsch and other authors). The main and paired to form the joint is now officially called part of this bone that lies on each side of the per- os tali seu talus (talus, talar bone in English) as the pendicular plate is called labyrinthus ethmoideus Latin term talus (but not ) should be reserved seu ethmoidalis, and its cells are called cellulae ossis for ankle. Traditionally, talus was used for ankle and ethmoidei seu cellulae ethmoideae osseae (but not its bone, and multiple synonyms were used for the cellulae ethmoidales). The bony ethmoidal infundib- latter, including the Greek term astragalus. Other ulum is termed infundibulum ethmoideum osseum authors used longer or descriptive terms such as qua- seu infundibulum ethmoidale osseum. ternio s. quartio (Andreas Vesalius), choragus ossium The traditional term tuber frontale (frontal tuber pedis (Arnaldus de Villa Nova) or os talare (Zacutus in English) is currently synonymous to the official term Lusitanus). Other bones have their own names and eminentia frontalis (frontal eminence). Similarly, there is no need to change them. Therefore, the the term tuber parietale (parietal tuber in English) is bones of the leg should be called the tibia and the synonymous to the official termeminentia parietalis fibula. The bone should be termedcalcaneus in (parietal eminence in English). Latin and English, even though other authors used synonymous terms such as calcaneum (Laurentius) NUMEROUS NEW TERMS os calcis (Celsus). Surprisingly, there is a tendency to HAVE BEEN ADDED name several other bones using clumsy synonymous Interestingly, the glenoid fossa (glenoid cavity) is terms with the part ‘os’ such as os humeri, which is officially termedfossa glenoidea seu fossa glenoida- a terminological mistake as the term ossa humeri lis seu cavitas glenoidea (but not ‘cavitas glenoidalis’) originally denoted three bones, i.e. the , the in the final version of Terminologia Anatomica [5], and the [2, 3]. which is an unexpended change since the official term from the previous version of terminology [4] was thus A NUMBER OF IMPORTANT TERMS excluded from the list of official anatomical names HAVE BEEN MODIFIED and is not even a synonym for the preferred term. The A number of names for important structures have glenoid process of the scapula within the lateral angle been either changed or added to the list of official of the scapula is described as processus glenoideus anatomical terms. The unpaired bone that forms the scapulae. The acromial angle (angulus acromii) is central part of the base of the is officially termed recognised within the , which harks back to os sphenoideum seu os sphenoidale (, the traditional descriptions of the scapula. A new but sphenoidal bone in English) [5], even though the unofficially used for a long time term is spinoglenoid shorter and traditional term for this bone is os sphe- notch (incisura spinoglenoidea seu incisura inferior noides (as featured in excellent works by Caspar Wis- scapulae in Latin), which is clinically important as the tar, Rauber-Kopsch and other authors). The part of this suprascapular passes through this notch after bone that lies in front of the chiasmatic sulcus (sulcus giving off its motor branches to the supraspinatus chiasmaticus in Latin) and connects the lesser wings is and a number of pathologies are associated with called jugum sphenoideum seu jugum sphenoidale. these structures, including the entrapment of the The carotid sulcus that stretches from the foramen suprascapular nerve. lacerum to the medial side of the anterior clinoid pro- The roughly bony area between the outer and cess, lying laterally on both sides of the is inner lips of the that gives origin to the officially termedsulcus carotidis seu sulcus caroticus internal abdominal oblique muscle is termed linea in Latin, although the latter was always used and intermedia (intermediate zone in English), although preferred since it appeared in the BNA [1]. the term zona intermedia was proposed as a better Similarly, the unpaired and pneumatised bone that option. The former was used by the BNA and its suc- lies in the ethmoid notch of the and is lo- cessors (entry 14.20 reads linea intermedia) [1] and cated in the superior part of the is officially virtually all textbooks and atlases ever since. termed os ethmoideum seu os ethmoidale (ethmoid A number of new and important names have been bone, ethmoidal bone in English) [5]. The shorter and added to the official list of anatomical terms, includ-

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ing sulcus popliteus (groove for ), modern versions of terminology but there are also i.e. the groove that is located just below the site of new changes. attachment of the fibular (clinically often termed ‘lat- The term gaster, which is of Greek origin, is pre- eral’) femoral ligament to the lateral side of the lateral ferred over the Latin term ventriculus ( in of the femur where the of the pop- English), although this preference is unstable over liteus muscle arises. Another examples of new terms decades and earlier versions of terminology used the include sutura sphenovomeralis, sutura ethmoi- latter. Currently, some authors argue that the Latin dolacrimalis, sphenoethmoidea, term should be a synonym [6], which seems judicious fonticulus sphenoideus et mastoideus (BNA), sym- as the older anatomical textbooks and atlases use physis intervertebralis (as discus intervertebralis is it and it is preferred in some clinical terms. Those only a part of this junction), tuberculum ligamenti parts of the stomach whose names derive from the transversi (transverse ligament tubercle, traditionally Greek term gaster have gastris as the second part of termed the tubercle for the transverse ligament of the term, i.e. gastris, fundus gastris, corpus the atlas), tuberositas ligamenti coracoclavicularis gastris, instead of fornix gastricus, fundus gastricus (BNA, tuberositas coracoidea), i.e. linea trapezoidea and corpus gastricum. Likewise, the anterior and pos- et tuberculum conoideum, thoracis (for terior wall of the stomach can be described as paries the previous terms such as compages thoracis et anterior and posterior gastris. Only the term canalis cavea thoracis), posterior (as this term gastricus seu canalis gastris (gastric canal in English) is clinically useful), labrum articulare, ligamentum uses the older type of declension. Unfortunately, the thyreohyoideum laterale, musculus pterygoideus Latin term for the stomach, i.e. ventriculus along proprius as a variant structure that is occasionally with its derivatives such as cardia ventriculi, present, musculus triangularis, musculus quadra- ventriculi, fundus ventriculi, fornix ventriculi, corpus tus, musculus multipennatus, etc. The inconvenient ventriculare (ventriculi), curvatura ventriculi major term ‘os’ was replaced with the term stoma seu et minor etc. remain unofficial, although they are ostium orale (mouth in English). Also within tunica used by the majority of authors. It could be argued muscularis intestini tenuis two new terms have been that the Greek term is preferred as Greek terms are added, i.e. stratum helicoidale longi et brevis gra- generally preferred for the adjacent structures, e.g. dus as the disposition of the fibres is not longitudinal hepar for the (not jecur), and splen or circular but helicoidal. ( in English). Also it is shorter, much more The new terminology concerning the circulatory convenient and cannot cause confusion unlike the system is probably the most surprising and we be- term verticulus (, ventricular etc.). The fact lieve it can be very problematic [cf. 2]. Nonetheless, that these Latin terms and their derivatives are not anatomists who work on the anatomical terminology officially recognised as synonyms for the preferred always felt that the Valentine position of the terms is criticised by those authors who stress the in which this is traditionally described should importance of clinical practice [6]. be replaced with the anatomical position [21]. Other Other new types of declension of Greek and Latin changes include the modification of the traditional terms include the derivative splenis (e.g. hilum splenis term aorta thoracica (thoracic aorta) as it currently instead of hilum splenicum) and the derivative renis includes three parts, which breaks with the long (e.g. hilum renis instead of hilum renale). Thus, the tradition in anatomy as this part of the aorta was shorter and more elegant types of declension (gaster defined as the superior part of the — gastris, splen — splenis, ren — renis) are currently that terminates at the level of the and used in the most recent edition of the Terminologia its continuation was known as the . Anatomica [5].

DIFFERENT TYPES OF DECLENSION IN ELIMINATION OF THE APPOSITION IN GREEK AND LATIN TERMS LATIN TERMS The new version of terminology uses either sim- It has recently been noticed that more than 125 plified or traditional (and usually more sophisticated) anatomical terms from the current version of Termi- types of declension in Greek and Latin terms [5]. In nologia Anatomica can be simplified without loss of general, the language of the BNA is preferred over clarity by prohibiting use of more than one noun in

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nominative case in Latin terms [22]. This idea was the English version of anatomical terminology should tentatively approved by the FIPAT and numerous tra- be preferred over the Latin version as it is more log- ditional and well-established anatomical terms were ical and coherent. Moreover, this change has other changed [5], e.g. the official and preferred name unfortunate consequences. The old, traditional and is currently Masseter instead of musculus masse- rather difficult names had to be changed to be even ter, Pronator teres instead of musculus pronator more difficult for students. For example, the well-es- teres, Flexor radialis carpi instead of musculus flexor tablished term sulcus tendinis musculi flexoris hallucis carpi radialis, Palmaris longus instead of muscu- longi was changed to sulcus tendinis flexoris longi lus palmaris longus, Flexor ulnaris carpi instead of hallucis calcanei seu sulcus tendinis flexoris hallucis musculus flexor carpi ulnaris, Flexor superficialis longi calcanei (groove for tendon of flexor longus digitorum instead of musculus flexor digitorum su- hallucis of or groove for tendon of flexor perficialis, Flexor profundus digitorum instead of hallucis longus muscle of calcaneus in English). Also musculus flexor digitorum profundus, Flexor longus the order (sequence) of words in many anatomical pollicis instead of musculus flexor pollicis longus, terms had to be changed, e.g. sphincter ani externus Pronator quadratus instead of musculus pronator et internus are now described as sphincter externus quadratus, Extensor radialis longus carpi instead et internus ani. Although the new rule of elimination of musculus extensor carpi radialis longus, Extensor of the apposition in Latin names is in agreement with radialis brevis carpi instead of musculus extensor the traditional rule that anatomical terms should be as carpi radialis brevis, Extensor digitorum instead of short and simple as possible [1], the modern tendency musculus extensor digitorum, Supinator instead of towards greater precision and coherence appears musculus supinator, Flexor longus hallucis instead to be in conflict with this rule. Furthermore, a great of musculus flexor hallucis longus, Erector spinae number of terms cannot be simplified without loss instead of musculus erector spinae, Sphincter pylori of clarity, e.g. ‘Sternocleidomastoid’ refers to both instead of musculus sphincter pylori (definitely not muscle and . Therefore, the very idea of simpli- ‘pyloricus’), Sphincter ductus biliaris seu choledochi fication of terminology by prohibiting use of more instead of musculus sphincter ductus biliaris, Sphinc- than one noun in anatomical terms is defective and ter ampullae instead of musculus sphincter ampullae, treacherous as it produces new inconsistencies. Please Detrusor vesicae instead of musculus detrusor vesi- notice that the FIPAT wanted to change the ancient cae, Sphincter externus ani and Sphincter internus term diaphragma to diaphragma respiratorium seu ani instead of musculus sphincter ani externus and thoracoabdominale in order to distinguish between internus, respectively, etc. [5]. The second name with- the pelvic diaphragm and the respiratory (thoracic) di- in the pair is now a synonym but it was preferred in aphragm, even though there was no risk of confusion. the previous versions of terminology [4]. As stated above, the traditional term platysma was In our opinion, this change is unfortunate as the first replaced with the termmusculus platysma in the Latin version of terminology has lost its coherence, draft version of terminology but then the traditional e.g. the term ‘Sartorius’ is not preferred over the tra- term Platysma was reintroduced to replace the new ditional term musculus sartorius, the term ‘Rectus term musculus platysma, which shows that some femoris’ is not preferred over the term musculus rec- authors prefer terms with apposition. Thus, although tus femoris, the terms ‘Vastus lateralis/intermedius/ this proposal of simplification and modernisation of medialis’ are not preferred over musculus vastus lat- anatomical terminology by eliminating appositions in eralis/intermedius/medialis, and so forth. It could be Latin terms is not without some merit, it brings new argued that the new rule consists in omitting the term problems and complications. musculus only when the name refers to the action of the muscle (e.g. extensor, flexor, pronator, supinator, NEW TERMINOLOGIA ANATOMICA detrusor, erector, sphincter etc.) as other names, such WARRANTS FURTHER REFINEMENT as musculus anconeus, musculus , Like earlier versions of Nomina (1955, 1961, 1966, musculus brachii etc., remain unchanged but 1977) and Terminologia Anatomica (1998, 2011), the it is not true since the term Platysma does not refer modern version is not perfect and it can be criticised in to the action of this muscle and it should be termed the future by astute authors, which is a good practice musculus platysma according to this rule. On balance, in anatomy [7, 11, 13, 16–20, 26]. We are surprised

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that FIPAT describes [see endnote 66] the sigmoid term means an ‘insane, frenzied’ node in Latin. Cur- (sinus sigmoideus) as the terminal portion of the rently, the inconsistent term nodi lymphoidei is pre- transverse sinus (sinus transversus) as such a defini- ferred over the term nodi lymphatici, which should tion is archaic. The is the continuation be changed as these structured should be labelled of the transverse sinus that descends in the groove as lymphatici [24]. for the sigmoid sinus to the where the terminal portion of this sinus is continuous with CONCLUSIONS the superior bulb of the internal (bulbus On balance, the new version of anatomical termi- superior venae jugularis), whereas the terminal por- nology uses more logical, precise and coherent terms. tion of the transverse sinus is continuous with the first The older, traditional and clinically important terms are portion of the sigmoid sinus. Similarly, the definition generally preferred over new or awkward names. Nev- of inion as the most prominent point of the exter- ertheless, several unexpected changes or modification nal occipital protuberance can be applied to living have been endorsed by the FIPAT that are thought-pro- individuals. In osteology, inion can be defined as the voking and can be described as highly innovative as point that crosses a tangent to the upper convexities they break with the long tradition in anatomy. This of the superior . At this point, the superior shows that the anatomical language is alive. We believe nuchal lines merge with the . that the preference for the English version of terminol- Noteworthy, FIPAT uses the term ligamentum ogy can enhance its development in the future. teres for two different interchangeably [see endnotes 449 and 554], which makes these parts REFERENCES of the text extremely sloppy as the round ligament 1. Chauncey Eycleshymer A. 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