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" " ' ; ': NBC-TV is televising' and 26th Century The picture will be aired by the'..NBC net· launChed ,to, shor.ten the war against Ger· headHner 'to 'the Palace in 1931 illUd was '- , Fox is producing a a-hour feature film, wo!!'k early' in 1977. . Raid an Entebbe. dealing with the his­ many by providing di·rect Allied a~ess,,' :too. stage·struck to go on. .., "r''" ,e:\:'1 i'Jl~'.; ;",::. " '. - "'-:! ", In the meantime, Ted Ashley of Warner to the hE';(lrtland of Germany via HoIIl'Illd:., c-lJon,\Rickles who acted as master of toric 'rescue' mission by Israeli commandos • ~ 1 c • r ;,;:/.-,!:,1f~,~,::, "I ) Bros. alfnounced that his company is Since the !ltart 01 production in April( ceremonie:,S kidded Burn.s with his longev. . -,. -, "r,',(f!,'''~: ~~ ", ',,':" of 103hpstages held' captive "in; Uganda. (. ." 'J -': ', ••,' '{', ,., .' abandoning its "Entebbe Operation" pro­ • Filming of the $3 million to $5 million so-me ()f the most important itv and persistence to say '()n top in show --- '- :... ~" __ 'lOIfI!' ,,_. . .. Y!l!Jlt.to'Qe cal~ed J~sh lI\'!~ters and jIllr· ject anq has cancelled its contract for dollar production currenUy ,t-alfus place in and British actors flew to Holland to per· ,biz. Others who were at ha,nd 'and con. , '.' ',:, : '" ' , 1,,,.'0. .' '" haps from, theLl", pomt of View they are assistance from the Israeli government. and_" around the ' area With form iIi. the principal roles, portraying trihuted' to thE: fun, of the eve.ning. w~e, ,:,on Oct. 28.The,Je."'!ish',PoltretetTed.oo • ,tight Bu't:,sinee.they 'are, Jews and since Universal, however, is going ahead with second unit photography slated ·tor Israel Allie!LGerl!lan, 'and 'Dutch offic~and Ge:orge ,Jessel, Phil, Silvers,: Steve "Allen, tl~~, fo.r~hconu~gll'r~ends ,,~f .the" Hebrew the. know Jews'betler tban Gen'tiles, they Loring Mandel completing the screen:plllY ", Unlversl'J;y -Dmner·, honourmg' Harold,,,,. .Y • " " ' t • , hi h ahd Gr,eece. enlisted men 'and .. members 'Of the Dutch Dinah Shore, ToniY Martin, Frank GOTShin ' B hId"" '''f' 'd" ... ,,' '" ,,,,,, .. ·'ifW ...."wnte, mO's,tll[, about Jews. But t, s w ole and Geo'rge Roy Hill set to direct. Sidney '. Under the directic·n· (}f Irvin Kershner, "civilian underlll'llund who risk their lives· and Connie Stevens. After receiving 'II uc w~' >as .'a,~ un" ~~ng. even":,,, e, bUsiness of Jewish Wi"iters is sociology Shein berg, Universal's chief operating 4S 00, again.' is meaSl11'ed 'lis far as Charles.' Bronson portrays General Dan in the Allied cause. Altogether, there were standing ovation at the finish, Burns !laid " . ~polo~lze:The dm~e" ~n"O~port'll~~, Lit~atutil officer hopes that his company will make Shomron who led the 'Israeli' forces that more than 10 speaking parts in the fHm in his cbanningly broken voice, ~'I'll' Re- Identify With the :wor~ . ,ot,thCi: ;Fri~ "1 'am concerned IiY itself. The same writer a much bigger and better film on "En. flew· into" Entebbe aHport July 4 and which stars the following: Dirk Bogarde, member This Night the Rest of iMy Life." ' ~ the Hebrew !1mversliYi ,'IUl, OPPOrtunlty~ .;,cari Write.a gotld o!!' 'bad book. All this tebbe:' than NBC's telefeature, though the c, t? oonour Mr: Buchw1'f9r .hiis '''~~p, grllupltig l'''Jewi5h _ doesn't have any effected the rescue" James Caan, Michael Caine, Sean Con· NETWORK, 'MG;M's devastating 'aCcount theatrical picture reaches the SC'l'een much nery, Elliott Gould, Gene Hackman, An· of intrigue the wo:rld of television, " tiona,I cummum1ly work 1an'Cl 'an oppoll'1tlmity . 'r"--c for' me ' Peter Finch ·appea,rs as Prime Minister iii · , ,t t· d' l·t unp'~ ..... e • later. .''. : t h I B S thony Hopkins, Hary Krueger, Laurence written by Paddy Chayefsky 'lind directed o - ~r . .' .mger, an 'ou 5 ~ mg i er- '. Q. But what is your',atti~ude to those yitzhak Rabin; Yaphet Kotta is Ugap.da's· -PaJ;'amount,also is still going ahead with ary figure.. h 'IS nm a fund-rallllng dinner. h th t 'd Id 0 'de'~ t 'b strongman.ldi Amln. Jack Wal1"den por· Olivier, Ryan Q'Neal. Robert Redford, by Sidney Lumet, was previeWed in Holly. " , Tic ke ts 'are -on,yI $12 .50 per person,' andl J'w om h e 't?ou 51 e "WOT _.c DSl .:s' 0 e 90 Minutes at Entebbe with Paddy Chayef­ Maximilian Schell and Liv U!lmimn., WOQd to an 'awestruck The bit. " ./ trays Mordecai Gur, Chief of Israel's de­ aud~ence. ,," h "11 b b l"~ I . l"t t' at ElWlS wrl' ers. . sky writing' the screenplay 'and Sidney The color·spectacular will be released ing story, clad in the most outspoken 4- t ere. WI e '3 so ',..e y no sO' ICl a Ion ' A. Wh1lit do I care 'about whlat, 'the wt. fense forces" Sylvia, Sidney is, hostage I. Lumet signed to direct. David PickeD of next spring by United Artists. letter-word language, shows Pet1lr .Finch th::..dl:er..;.. __ '- .... _,,_ _ side world thinks? I would ~y, hDw,ever Do,ra BI'lJock who was murdered in her Paramount is being quoted as saying that hosp'ital room; John Saxon the chief of Burns 'Honouree! as a network news comment'ator Who, at that Call It Sleep is 'II good boo~ but I his firm is not in a ho!!'se ra'ce and doesn't , at 81, was' honoured the end of the rope, "announ-ces' that he ,.. Is1'a eli air" fo,rce' Hors t Buc hoz· 1 the Ger- is .' 'a cap'acily attendance is indicated, 'he would not call PartnOy's COl1lPlaint a goad care wbat Universal and Fox-NBC are at a Fri'ars Club charity foundation din· contemplating sui~ide by s;ho(}tlng him. urged that arrangements to secure tickets book. The latest, books of .Bellow, I haven't aoing. ner at the Beverly HIlton Hotel with 'a self on the air during his next' broadcast. a' to be made immediately, by returning .read ... But let .me repeat; if,.J, want. read . JOSEPH E. LEVIN,l:'S A Bridge Too' host of show business personalities, espe· Finch who ,currently works at 20th Cen. "Lutt-., ' ti~ke.t Teservation fom or by phoning the 'a g{)od book, I go back' to, the~, writers of Far, based on the Cornelius heslrseller 'bas cialty c()medians attending, Ray Bolger, tury·Fox portraying the' Tole of ISFaeli , Hebrew University office at 942-3085. the 19th century" But tb,er;e.is'no Writer ccmpleted filming on schedule in beven· < at 72, honlJoured :Surns with two so-lo dance Prime Minister Rabin, has never rendered '; Guest speaker. will he the celebrated toda~ abbut whom I wQqld"say.: "Here is ter in the Netherlands after 133 days of " Bollg.... d~ renditions. The laUer was roasted· by a performance of such magnitude. Shar. author IS!laC Basheyis Singer, ohe of the- ;a Dostoevsky or a' Gogol o'r Ii BaI:1;ac." I 'location photography with 'an all·star Milton Berle who quipped, "Asking .George ing :,$tar biliing with him in Network 'aTe world's greatest 'and most talented Jew·, haven't found it in this :century. This is , international cast" t() 'retire is li~e asking Lind'a LOvelace William -Holden, 'F'aye Dunaway and Rob. ish s,t'ory.tellers, The con!lnuation of an 'not' 'a centu'lj' of great li.tera~ure. ' ·c Directed by Richa,rd Atten.borough from to sing, "Whistle While You Work." ert Duvall, the latter a recogni_le 'c'har- interview with Singer foll()ws. Q. Agnon is n()t a great wri~~r? '" a screenplay by William Goldman, A Actua.JIy, Burns had helped Milton BerJe atlter from the' 'actual scene ()f contem. Robinson reported that the function has A. Agnon r wou1d consider 'Ii': very ,good man leader ,of the terrorists. Others in Bridge 'foo Far is the story of Operation when he came for the fi.rst time as -a porary television. ,eve·keel gratifying. response thTcughout the writer and a Jewish one 'as- well. He really the cast' are Martin Bals'am, David Opa­ Market Garden, the historic Allied air', community. "It is being viewed,'? he said, w,rote 'about·Je~ishness. He was immersed tashu, Tige Andrews and R[)bert'Loggia. borne strike 'against German'occupied Hoi' , "as an o-pportunily to p'ay l11erited t·r.ibule in it. When I want to read it's usually Raid on 'Entebbe has been written from land in September of 1944. Welcome Canadians .'. • to one of our ol.itstanding citizens as well in ,the area of non-fiction, 'and :mostly the authentic 'accounts by Ho.11ywood's Planned and executed. as the largest 'as to hear" (JIne ''of the I great Uterary: . books 'about the supernatural;, liIbout psy. Barry Beckerman fo!!' executive_producers airbo'fDe attack in mudeI'n military his· FREE ~OT DELIVERY figures of our day,," . chic research - in which I am 'deeply tory, Operation Market Garden was Edgar J. Sclferit:k and Daniel H. Blatt. ON ANY OF OUR FAMOUS PIZAS Q, Who 'are YOll'f fa·vorite writers? in-tl)rested. Conrad Richter's The Trees A. The writers of the 19th centu'lj'. is a masterpiece, but, no one talks about Our Menu includes: like Russian and, French writers. I lil!:e it. He 'Was a real writer not a soC\()I'Ogist. • Tolstoy,. DQsteoevsky 'and Gogo!. I: like Modern litera-ture bas become so p(}litiool Welcome to the Bowler • PIZZAS .SPAGHEnl the lajoter's short stories. He" was ,a genius. 'and . pseudo-psy()h{)~ogic'al. that H is onIy LOUNGE -.:.- RESTAURANT - 24 LANES • CHICKEN • LASAGNA He 'was rooted; He wrote' 'about the half 'literature; it's' joumaUsm or ,an ama- Smorgasbord served e~ery ~vening - 5-· 9 p.m. UkraiIlian pe()ple whom h;kne\"( best. He teurish kind of science. They 'dol!~t care Sunday - ,U:OO a.m .• 8:00 p.m. • RIBS • SHRIMP had 'a sense of humor 'and a ileru;e of about the reader, only abcut the pr(}fessor" ~ Adults $3.3iS '- Children $1.75 ,. SANDWICHES mysticism; 'he always told 'a storY.' He tMt will write a book about their bOQ'k. • SIDE ORDERS PRICES INCLUDE BEVERAGE' A.NDDESSERT was an excellent Writer of ,cbaracter. He "Q. Why baven't 'you mentioned :Sho,IOJ;ll ,r. . ~ YOU CAN EAT could create one 'with ,a few lines. ,Among. ',AI_eichem,jn,xour g,allery of greats?" the French 1 admil1"e Maupassant lInd a A. I tbin'k that Sh~lom -AleiC'hem was a "'oon j~uffet '$:Z:64 or 'Slindwi~1i Bar $1.92 n~ber 'Of ,others. ZOIa wasn't great but very good writer. He was near to senti. Menu orders served till midnight he was excellent. Romain ROlland is also mentality 'and when he wasn't caTerui he ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE ODe, ctf !Ill" .l!avo!,!ites. By the 'IV8\V, 'almOSt crossed, the border into sentimentality. OPEN BOWLING ' everything I write is tT'3nslaited into .But at leas~ he, always ·tol~ a story with ~'PIZZA, I Frenm. , , ' , humor. He was a great wnter. THE· BOJVLEB Phone 772-3441 l , Q. 'What about American·Jewish litera· Q. How' do you explain the current HI·WAY 81 SO. ture in English? ,vogile of Yiddish? COR. OF N. WASHING'I'ON & HWY. 2 2630 South. University Drive. FARGO, N.D. ~. r 'do!l~t :judge groups. American-' A,. Jt:s .'a· ·.fact . that Jews read 'books. Lanes & Pro Shop ~ ....~, .• ..o,~. . Jewish writers are nllt a gT,OUp; they call SomeOlie tO,ld me th·at, lIUhough the JeW!! Lounge & Steakhol,lse , MINUTES AWAY FROM INTERSTATE HWY, ' Dial 235·7588 , , Dial 293-0200 the/ll!ielves Americans who happen to ibe are only, four, per cent of thl:! populatioo ~ ..... ~"".• Jewish. Bellow, Mal'amud 'and the ",thers ~ th'eY 'are 75 per cent of the" 'readers. have said this many .times. They donlt \ Jewish" people are interested in' "culture. , SH "'POST? WELCOME CANADIANS! A corcUal ereetIDgto our m..,. <:.ned!,n ~ a newstand: bor~owed fro~ a friend, and an invitatloo to 'eD,jby, __ lam ...... i~':~ ... dodor~s 'office, or just fou,nd it In , SUBSCRIB'E 'TODAY!, . • CIlAKCOAL BROILBD STEAK " " , ,~ (Home of the Famoua Black AngQ) .' '. ,; . .' 't' ',,-,."- , '. • The'~'r~ular subscription for The Jewish' Post is $7 per year in :YVe$tern Canada, and $10 elsewhere. " . • SEA FOOD N·oW~.:~ew subsbribers c;nly"get'a,:thr~morath' i~.tr~ucto~y sub­ \ A ~OMll: TO OUR .' • • COCKTAIL LOUNGE . ' scr:-i'ption for on.ly $1 prep.id. (N~tilr~Uy, \iVe'pannot bIll you , . <:ANADIAN, FRIENDS . ' ". arthi~ low, price). . . . " ," _' • • DANCING FOR THE 'FINEST _. ;. <" .. " t': ." FlNENlGJiTl;.¥: ENTERTAINMENT IN DINING '. ~ Or,',~n~one maysubs~'ribe: f~r"~!~li~year'withthis coupon for . , alia . :::o"ly: $6, prepaide"vwh~r.e in the world."." ,'"'... __ " " " " " ." • , , I .' ... o,eD,~,,,»,~,»~:, Mj..,at P8l'ldDc ~ A Childreu'. M_ TODAY! 'CLUB, ATMosP"I:RII . ExpiRES ,NOV. 15, SO: DO NOT DElAY~ ':SENDI'NTHiS'cOUPON " "mUz' MWltr , . . ,," ", " .".' . , .' - . .. : .' . ' , ~~;.\;~~i:j.w·,;.;~.~.·~.~~.. ~••.• ~_,. .;.L~,:,.;...... __.... .- __ ~~ ... __ .l.~ .~~ _ _.-"-; .__ :...... ,;:;. _.... ~,_~ ..;. _ --..'... ~::" ~ .,,~ ... _~ _~ ___ ... _____ '.. -:,- _.,'. '- I ,;; I • • ' ~ . . • • •• • • •••• • ., •• I '., , • \ ~ • '-. • > , • .,. • ~ , .' \ ,- 1110 28th A,v.. South ." Moorhead ,-.' , .. .. ' ,. .,. , . . , , ~. '. /;; . , ' ,.' . .,. , . ~, '" ~ , .. '" ~ ,. ' U:OIl LID. - 10:00 pm. '; , r 1 • ,. ." • , ~ ~ , , • , , • , • , • , '.. ,.' ,. I ' f ',"', .. ',' . ~",'" '_'.':,,,,"":"'~,~" ... , , .. " t j.29--13th . Ave. South F..... " .,. ',' " , 1 .', ,~ : .'. , :., >.OPEN 11 ,UI. • 11 p.m. DAILY ~?W .3R6 .. , ',,', Name"", ' J. _)~ ••.. •.. .:1 "I .'" -, ' , , I .' \ "'10., 0 1 ... , .- • '. r-...... , . ' -'"-,' 3205 S.", WHhi,ngton " . Grand Forlcl . ..,":, ~.:; " ~. '.' •. ' "" ,,' ','. ,intrOduc~, ". . ..: . .' '.' ".""',, .. ,"" "t' ,," .~" ~~:, • I . 11 a.m. , 10 ,pm:, Daily " . (c~iaC:k.td'~, ...... :"" ".Addres$. ' ..., :.".,<,,, '" I' '-' " . , , .1, " " ,.,.,cb.·d. ,n~,'(' . ." ,: " " " - " .. , , ' I

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