Telecast Chess Lessons!
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USCF Vol. VI Wednesday, Number 7 offj clal Publication of The Unltecl States (bess federati on December 5, 1951 TELECAST CHES S LESSONS! Salt Lake City Chess Club Cooperates 'With University And Deseret News Chess is not new to the television channels, for simultancous exhi· bilions anti m a tches have lx'Cn telecast upon sevcral occasions, and nol(.."(] chess pl ayers havc becn interviewed ovcr telcvision as well as r adio. But someUliJlg new in telecasting chess ha:; been wntributed by the che:;s cnthusiasts o( Sail Lake City. RCCOt,.'llizing the value of chess as a I'eereutional program for the invalid, the crippkod and thc shut-in beeause it demands no physical cxercise 0 1' movement. these Sail Lake chess players realized that the principle difficulty wns the teaching o( thcse scattered individuals. And inspiration gavc them the clue to ovcrcome this difficulty of space by televis ion. As a rcsult a series of lessons in chcss elementals, demonstrated Vi SU:llly on a wall board will be BENEDITTI WINS given over the facilities or KST... UTAH OPEN EVENT TV in So lt Lake City. The in· Will ia m Bc neditli of Las Vegas structor wj\\ be Sam Teitckbaum, Ncv.:I da State Champion, won the Pilst prcsident of the Salt Lake Utah Opcn Championship with City YMCA Chess Club and one or 5-1, culling down all poncnts 11ft· tile ranking local players, 011 the er a first J'4lHnd loss to h'vin Tay· " l J and Culture" PI'OSI'am, pro· lor of Sail Lake City, and obtain duced (0 1' the University of Utah ing possession of the Sam '['eitel· by }tCX. Camllbcll. The series of baum Trophy. Second place on S·B chcss lessons will be co-s ponsol'ed poinls wenl to Phil Nert, Univer· hy til(! Univen;i!y, tllC Salt LII"--c sHy or Vlah student, who also was <.,;hess Cl ub ;Hld the J)cscl'e t News, accorded the Utah Slate Champ which h;ls ;a h-cady done much 10 ionship - a title he. had won pre· 1)1'0111 01 (' ch,-.<:." t h rollgh it~ " r ,('t':.; viously several yea .. " .. gu. I II scor· Play Chess" column, w nducted ir.g 4-2, Neff lost to Bene!!itti a!ld by Harold Lundstrom. Gredancc in the last two J·ounds. Plans in telecasting the chess Tied also with 4-2 each but Ic ~n s include provisions ror the thit'd on S-B points were Farrell attendance of a number of ha ndi· L. <..1ark or Salt Lake City and Mau· capped children at the telecast in rice Gredance of Las Vegas. Clark person to participate in the show lost gamcs to Neff and Beneditti; as wcll as serving as a studio Gredance lost to Clark and drew audience. with Lewis Page and William Ta· - ---- bor . Tied with 3lh-2¥.r each, but EL'TRONIC BRAIN fifth a nd si:dh on S·B points were 1950 winncr William Tabor of RCDO , DODGES MATCH and Don Crawford, the blind ex· pert from Boise. Twelve playcrs PI., C~1I in J(J M inutd' on A portable electronic brain, de vised to cost a mere $80,000.00 (4 from Ncvada and 1 from Idaho) and weighing 500 pounds, has been participated in the 6 round Swiss INDIVIDUAL WACHS VICTOR SORENSON TOPS developed by the Computer Re· event directed by Carl Schack and Harold Lundstrom. Gold a nd Bronze INTERCOLLEGIIITE search Corp. of Hawthorne, Cali!. IN .TRI-STATE OHIO VALLEY _ a baby compared with such m(:d als were awarded to the first CHAMPIONSHIP Saul P. W,lchs of P hiladelphia, k'red A. Sol'enson of Pittsburgh giants as Harvard 's, MIT's and (our place winners. December 26-30, 1951 U.S. Junior Champion, won the topped the Ollio Valley Open other million dollar brains. One Houston Ha ll 1951 Tri·State title with n score or C1W ml)ionship with 11 41h·Y~ score, of its designers, Richa rd Sprague, GOULD TRIUMPHS University of Pe nnsylvani. <I 'h·'h, d rawing with Allen DuVall drawing with H . L. Marks of Hunt :;ays that it could even play chess, Philadelphia, Pa, of St. Albans, W. Va. Ohio Statc in gton. Tied fo r second with 3 11.!. but that it would be monotonous IN NEWBURYPORT Sponsored by Intercollegiate Champion Harald Miller rinished }Ih each were I ~dw ard M . Foy of for thc CRC-102 (the name of the Bartlett Gould of Newburyport, Chess League of America and second with 3-2, losing to Wachs Charleston, W. R. Hamilton of baby·brain) would always wi n. olle of the cnthusiastic promoters United States Chess Federation, and dr awing with DuVall and Wil· Pittsburgh, Bel'nard Kaplan of Co· Donald H. Jacobs, president of of Ute annual Newburypor t Open , Cor custody or the H. Arthur liam Byl;md. 1..11 third place was lumbus, Bruce Marples of South the J acob:; Instrument Co_ or at last was rewarded (or his 101 ' Nabcl Trophy. e mblematic of West Virginia Co-Champion Allen Charleston, and Ur. Siegfried Wert Bethesda, Md. and developer o( bol's by winning the 5 round 9 Collegiate Ind ividual Champion DuVall with 2'f.!·2'f.!. drawing with hammer of Huntington. The 18 a 14O-pound mechanical brain o[ player Swiss event with the per ship of USA. WilChs, Miller and John Hurt, player, 5 round Swiss event was op· his own, proved sceptical and chal· feet swre of 5-0. H arold 4esler Seven round Swiss event open Jr. or Ch.:lrieston, and losing to en to players (rom Ohio, Kcntueky, lengcd the California pint..g..izcd or Center Sandwich, N. H. was to all undergraduates in good Byla nd. Pennsylvania and West Virginia, electronic brain to a besl-or-20 cbcss second with 4·1, losing to Gould, academic standing in colleges in a nd was held in connection wiOl match for $1.000.00 promisiu 2' not while Gomon Herndon of Ipswich North and South America. Herbert H ickman of Haverford won the Tri·State Junior title with the annual Tri·State cvcnt at Hunt· to use his own mechanical brain and Charles Waterman of Ames· Dr..J/jnr /0' f,lin; n.1'~': DU"m ington, W. Va. in the struggle. The challengc was bury lied for third with 3-2 each. bt, 26, 1911 M IO:QO un. 31f.!: ·1'h, losing a game to Charles .Morgan or Huntington, and draw· not acceptcd by CRCI02, on the For mer New Hampshire Champion Advl nce- registr.tions: Send grounds that the " urgency for this Orlando Lester, J r. directed the i ng~ ith him also in the 5 round entry plus entry fee (and USCF MAGEE TRIUMPHS machine in thc defense effort mak· evenl dues, if needed ) to: Donald L. <I player Swiss. Morgan was sec· ond with 21h-21h, losing to Burdick es such a tournament untimely." - --- Vives, 430 West 1 16th St., New IN INTERCITY So man still reigns supreme in York 27, N. Y. by December 20, and drawing with Hickman, Bur· KOLTANOWSKI SET dick, and Howard F leat of Day· Pvt, 1~ Magee of Ft. Leaven· chess. 1951. Make all cheek.!! payable to worth a nd Omaha managed suf FOR NEW RECORD RIIYS W. HAYS. lon. Burdick and Fleat shared third with 2-3 each . ficient week-enu passes to walk BAIN CAPTURES As a part of the gala Chess Festi· Ent ry fees: $5.00 and players away with the Omaha·Lincoln In· val sponsored by the San }oran· must be me mbers o( USCF . The annual Tri-Statc cvent, lercily Championship with 7"() score QUEBEC SPEED cisco Chronicle with the coopera· (Dues: Michigan $5.00, Pennsyl· which consists o( the mecting of J crry Belzer of Omaha was sec Osias Ra in triumphed in the' lion of the Bay Area Chess League vania, Texas and T(!nnessee thc chllmpions and runners-up or ond with :5·2, while David Acker· Quebec Provincial Speed Cbamp and the Industrial Chess League, $4.00, elsewhere $3.00). Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Vir man and H . F . Underwood, both ionship by winning the playoff George Koltanowski on December Accomodations: rooms .nvail· ginia, was held a t the Governor of Omaha, shared third wiOl 4-3 I lh ·lh, while J. Gersho scored 1-1 2 will engage in establishing a new able at Ccntral YMCA, 15th &: Cabell Hotel, Huntington, W. Va., each. Alex Liepnieks and Victor and J. Therien "h·l lk. In the regu· blindfold record by playing lO·sec Arch Sls. nt $1.80 to $2.10 per and was sponsored by Ole Hunting· Pupois of Unwin shared fifth with lar finals Bain, Gersho and Therien ond chess blindfold against one n ight. For re:;crvations, write ton J unior Chambcr of Commerce. 3.... , while ~9 - year old veteran E d· tied at 4-2 each, while Dr. Rauch man at a time from noon to eve Residence Department or YMCA Reid Holt of Charleston was tour· gar Hinmlln was seventh with 2-5. and Maroney scored 3·3 each , Tro ning. A number of individual si· or to J ack Gibbons, 6700 nit· nament director for the event, and V. Rajnoha, who forreited f i v e tier 21,2.3%, Benoit %-51h. In the multaneous performances are also man Sl. Phjladclphin 35, Pa. also for the Ohio Valley Ope n gamcs, placed eighth with 0-7. The preliminaries Rain won 5-0, Ther· scheduled with prominent San Playus <In nqu tSleJ io bring (~U Tournament which was wnduct· evcnt, which may become an an· ien 41h-1h and Gersho 6-0 in their Francisco players giving exhibi· cltxks, i/ poslibk ed in connection with the Tri·State nu al affair, was fo r possession of respective sections.