1981 May.Pdf
Rhode Island History Pubhshcd h)' The RhClJ ~ J~I~nJ Hrstoncal Volume 40, N um ber 2 May 1981 SOOt'IV, ,1 I'I'....e t " l rl"l:l, Providenc e, Rhod e 1~I.mJ. 01yof>, and punted bv a /{rant hom the "ule "I Rhode lsland and Providen ce Planta er ..n-, I I ,, ~ ph Ga fuhy, Gove rnor Conten ts Icsued Ouarrerlv .11 Providence. Rhode 1~I ~ nJ , February .\'by, AU.";\l~ I . anJ Novem ber Second d~" ro:l!> I~/{l" pa rd ;II A Colonial Fifth Monarchist ?: Providence, Rhod e hl~ nJ John Clarke of Rhode Island Edrtorral urtit:c~ at Aldnch H"use. RI CHARD L .G R E A V E S 110 Benevolent St ree t. Providence Rhode blanJ, 01901> H. Hx hard F ~ l d p l l''' prr'ICE,.nr George Corliss: 5 I IJden \1 \ rllk l">Ol1 I rn' prr"d.'nl Engineer, Architect , Philanthropist Frank Ln.ht. fit,. prr-Id"m RI{h.l.rd \ Sherman. ,,,-rrlurll R OBERT w . KE NNY \ 1 Hac hel Cunha U"I,!un! vnrlurll I.;arl F f .rlt ..ull . Ir,.uua'l·r Stephen C W tl h .l. m ~ , u""lun! Irt'U .,urrT In the World of Spirits: 6; ,\lbt'rl T Klv ber g dim/or An Account of an Early "Afterlife" FEllOW \>ot THt ~O{' f nY Experience Carl Br1Ik'nh.l.u 'o:h Svdnev \: J.l.mt'" HAROLD KEMBLE Amomeue F l)o'. mlllf. I' l BlIC!oIlU"" {"(" I~ lltt tt Book Review Dr Sl't'hcrl J Go I<l<lW'I.\, ,hlHrmU1/ C,,,ldoll Allen 11"111'1 L l' Beckwnh j r Dr FraIK'I" II CtMlt'l' Prof ll cwnrd I' Lhu d.n cti 01 Pamck T Con[I'\ Wend e ll 0 Oam-n Pamela A l.;en l1t..:!1 E.
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