Vast Reorganization Within SWAP

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Vast Reorganization Within SWAP Vast reorganization within SWAP SWAP seeks involvement of all divisions sAn fRAn fogYiotzn By Marce Bergman Foghorn Staff Writer SWAP is taking on a new direction for the 1969-70 year. Vol. 63, No. 10 Friday, December 6, 1968 SK 1-3118,SK 1-3119 The new program, called the Community Involvement Pro­ gram, will enable participat­ ing students to become more involved in the community Senate near approval of freedoms tesi while receiving credit for in­ In its third session on the rity of purpose as vehicles for the credo or aims of the Uni­ recently issued by the negoti­ dependent study. statement of student rights and free inquiry and free expres­ versity of San Francisco in his ating committee formed as a The CIPis being built into the freedoms November 22, the sion in the academic commu­ publication." Professo of result of the referendum on existing structure of the Uni­ University Senate pushed its nity." Harrison explained that, English Warren Coffey moved student discipline, however, versity to ret.ain the academic way through all but the make­ although the university would the deletion of "credo or," on Father Dullea had come out specialization and to encour­ up of the Speakers Appeal probably be considered the the grounds that the credo with his own statement, after age the realization of both fac­ Committee and the two appen­ legal publisher should a law should not be given legal a meeting with the Board of ulty and students as to how dices. It is hoped that these suit arise, he thought it ill-con­ standing in this way. Trustees, which provided that this knowledge relates to the sections will be accepted at sidered for the university to The first vote on this amend­ the faculty and administra­ whole man in his environment, today's meeting. convict itself out of its own ment was 14-14, with Charles tive members of the Discipli­ according to Steve LaPlante, The section on freedom of in­ mouth. At various other places Dullea, S.J., university presi­ nary Committee be appointed SWAP chairman. quiry and expression received in the publications section, ref­ dent, casting the tying vote by himself. It was this state­ Each department of the Uni­ extended treatment, beginning erences to the university as against it; David Derus of the ment which chairman of the versity can become involved with the addition of a sentence publisher were also struck out. English department then rights committee Philip Cal­ in this program. "Presently ensuring that students of USF To the list of canons ol re­ asked for a division of the laghan, S.J., proposed as a there is little opportunity for would not identify themselves sponsible journalism by which house, which resulted in an 18- replacement for that of the the student to recognize how in political activities as spokes­ publications are to govern 14 vote against the amend­ committee. the tenets of knowledge dis­ men for the university when themselves was added, "avoid­ ment. After considering the issue, covered in the classroom re­ in fact they are not. ance of an invasion of a per­ Composition of the Discipli­ the Senate voted to accept in­ late to the social reality of the Another sentence in this sec­ sons right to privacy." nary Hearing Committee also stead a committee composed community," LaPlante said. tion pertaining to on-campus Drafts A and B of the consti­ caused some discussion. The of two students, two faculty, Students interested in CIP speakers, "Students are al­ tution of the publications coun­ rights committee's original and two administrators chosen will contact the various de­ lowed to invite and hear any cil then came in for extended proposal was for a six-member in an appropriate manner by partment heads to make ar­ person of their own choosing," discussion. Despite a presen­ board comprised of the dean their respective peers. rangements for project stud­ gained a rider to the effect tation by Johanna Smith, edi- of men, the dean of women, A fifth subsection under the ies. Credit hours will be agreed that the purpose of such trix-emerita of the Foghorn, two faculty members chosen section on procedural stand­ on by the department chair­ speakers must be consonant of the merits of Draft A, the by the University Senate, and ards in disciplinary proceed­ man and the student. with the educational objectives Senate approved Draft B by a two students chosen by the As­ ings was added, delineating The projects are to be direct­ of the university. vote of 21-6. Under this sys­ sociated Students. the responsibilities of the stu­ ed research that relates di­ The subsection on student tem, moderators, editors, and Pursuant to the statement dent court. rectly to the student's major. publications contained a para­ staff members of the publica­ Students can work within the graph naming the university tions m.ay not be voting mem­ pre-existing structure of as their publisher but this for­ bers of the council, although Interim speaker's committee SWAP by doing such projects mulation was dropped in favor moderators and editors are al­ as tutoring within his major. of a sentence proposed by Jer­ lowed to sit as a consultative The appointment of an In­ thus seeking to strengthen the Committee." "A physics major might emy Harrison, assistant pro­ body. terim Speakers Committee study the effects of air pollu­ fessor of law, to wit: "The uni­ Apropos the provision that was made last week by tion in an area. A poli sci ma­ versity will refrain from such an editor is subject to removal Charles Dullea, S.J., president acts as are inconsistent with jor might study the contrast­ from his post "only for failure of USF, in order to "reactivate ing political structures of Hun­ the editorial freedom neces­ to perform the duties of his of­ We quit ters Point. I can cite commu­ sary to maintain their integ­ fice or for flagrant violation of and broaden the existing On "Ho, Ho, Ho," chanted nity oriented projects in just Campus Speakers and Events jolly Managing Editor Mike about every major," LaPlante Committee," he said. Goodwin as he donned his explained. red velvet jump suit with Fr. Dullea defended his No final or paper would be the white fur trim and required for these courses. Lucy in the sky? choice of another committee boarded his shiny red They will set up like the "199" by adding that, "for some time sleigh with eight tiny rein­ courses but numbered accord­ now, Father Sunderland has deer for his flight to Bloom- ing to the departments. been making the judgments in gton, Minn. himself on campus. He would The interested students will like to turn over doubtful cases "Thirty for you," replied meet with his project advisor to a committee." d,ainty Executive Editor and the CIP coordinator at the Johanna Smith, flashing a! beginning of the semester to Harry Morrison, one of a peace sign and smiling in make the final arrangements. group of three students on the anticipation of a relaxing "The CIP coordinator will co­ committee which includes Ja- vacation in the Queen City ordinate the community field dine Jeung and Vic Bonfilio, of the West, Sacramento. experiences while each depart­ said that as far as he knew, | Sports Editor Bob Os­ ment of the University coordi­ "the purpose of the committee mond merely smiled, not nates the academic component would be to judge the merits (Continued on page 3) wanting to disturb the vi­ of speakers on campus while sions of sugar-plums danc­ the University Senate is still ing in his head. working on the solutions to the And that was the story Student Rights and Freedoms Europe tour as the Foghorn finished up division." The other members the fall semester. After of the committee are: Doctors leaves June 9 Beach, Lane, and Thorton, three and a half months of The 1969 USF student tour and Father Mulcahy. fighting for their collective to Europe, which will last ap­ lives and putting out an oc­ proximately seven weeks, is Father Dullea added that casional newspaper on the tentatively scheduled to leave "the committee is composed side, the Foghorn staff re­ on June 9, 1969. The schedule of the present Speakers and tires to lick its wounds and will be similar to last year's Events Committee, with the plan bigger and better is­ Picture yourself in Crystal and Ice, the big winter formal exception of one member sues for the coming semes­ tour, ac cordi ng to James Saturday night at the Village. Somebody calls you, you an­ Dempsey, S.J., who will lead whose work takes him off cam­ ter. Tune in again Febru­ swer quite slowly, it's the Emaurades with kaleidiscope the 1969 tour, with the excep­ pus a great deal and who ary 7 for the next big ish. tion of a shorter stay in Ger­ eyes. Emaurades in the sky with diamonds, Emaurades in might not be readily available, many to be compensated Tor the sky with diamons, Emaurades in the sky with dia­ by a longer stay in Italy. monds, Ooooo-oooh. Interested students may con­ Yes, you too can be part of the big picture girls tomor­ tact Father Dempsey in Xav­ row night for only four dollars. Ask the young man of Christmas gift list ier Hall or the speech depart­ your choice, and tell 'em we sent ya. —see page 4 ment. Stackpoole: Total point of view' By Thomas R. Meersman these "built-in problems, there material level according to "Today there is a problem which stresses the individual." Foghorn Staff Writer is a real danger of rushing into modern knowledge, modern in that individuals are getting This is involved with obedi­ (Edward V.
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