2012-2013 Course Catalog

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2012-2013 Course Catalog CATALOG AND ANNOUNCEMENTS BULLETIN 2012-2013 Accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools The centerpiece of the Flagler College campus is the former Hotel Ponce de Leon, a grand resort built in 1888 by Henry M. Flagler, industrialist, oil magnate, land developer, and railroad pioneer. THE CATALOG The 2012-2013 edition of the Catalog includes essential information about Flagler College. The institution’s history, purpose, distinctive characteristics, as well as student life and academic programs, are described. Additionally, SURVSHFWLYHVWXGHQWVZLOO¿QGLQIRUPDWLRQSHUWDLQLQJWRDGPLVVLRQWXLWLRQDQG IHHVDQG¿QDQFLDODLG2QWKHEDVLVRIWKHLQIRUPDWLRQLQFOXGHGLWVKRXOGEH possible for an interested student to gain insight into the character and nature of the institution; however, prospective students and their parents are encouraged WRYLVLWWKHFDPSXVLQRUGHUWRJDLQ¿UVWKDQGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKH&ROOHJH The provisions of this Catalog are for information purposes only and do not constitute an irrevocable contract between Flagler College and the student. While the College will endeavor to adhere to the announcements, rules, regulations, policies, and procedures, as set forth in the Catalog, it reserves the right to make changes in such areas as course offerings, degree requirements, regulations, procedures, and charges for tuition and fees, at any time, without prior notice. The College also reserves the right to cancel programs, majors, and courses due WRLQVXI¿FLHQWHQUROOPHQW Students are responsible to know and abide by all academic policies, regulations, and procedures, as set forth in the Catalog and the Student Handbook. Members of the faculty and staff are available to meet with students for counsel and guidance, but students are ultimately responsible for making course selections, meeting degree requirements, and satisfying other provisions for continuation and graduation. Flagler College, in compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, mental or physical handicaps, age, sex, or marital status in any of its policies, practices, or procedures. This includes, but is not limited to, admissions, employment, ¿QDQFLDODLGHGXFDWLRQDOVHUYLFHVSURJUDPVDQGDFWLYLWLHV)ODJOHU&ROOHJHDOVR complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, as amended, for access to and release of information contained in student records. 3 Dr. William T. Abare, Jr. PRESIDENT Introduction 5 Table of Contents College Calendar ................................................................ 8 General Information ........................................................ 11 Admission ......................................................................... 31 Tuition and Fees .............................................................. 43 Financial Aid .................................................................... 57 Student Life ..................................................................... 95 Academic Information .................................................... 119 Courses of Instruction .................................................... 157 Board of Trustees ............................................................ 317 Faculty ............................................................................ 319 2I¿FHUVDQG6WDIIRI$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ ............................... 332 Index.............................................................................. 343 6 FLAGLER COLLEGE Flagler College ... at a glance Type: Four year, coeducational, residential Control: Independent, nonsectarian Accreditation: Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Enrollment (Fall 2011): 2,633 students; 1,068 men and 1,565 women Geographical Distribution: 63.09% of the students are from Florida while the remaining students come from 43 other states and 38 foreign countries. Degrees: Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts Academic Programs: Majors - Accounting, Art Education, Art History, Business Administration, Communication, Deaf Education, Economics, Elementary Education, Exceptional Student Education, English, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, History, International Studies, Liberal Arts, Latin American Studies/ Spanish, Philosophy/Religion, Political Science, Psychology, Secondary Education, Sociology, Spanish, Sport Management, Theatre Arts. Minors - Accounting, Advertising, Anthropology, Art History, Business Administration, Communication, Creative Writing, Criminology, Economics, English, Environmental Science, Finance, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, History, Honorable Entrepreneurship, Illustration, International Studies, Journalism, Latin American Studies/Spanish, Latin American Studies, Marketing, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Pre-Law, Psychology, Public History, Religion, Sociology, Spanish, Theatre Arts, Youth Ministry. Calendar: Two 14-week semesters Introduction 7 Student-Faculty Ratio: 17.3 to 1 Average Class Size: 20 students; more than 99.5% of all classes have 39 or fewer students. Library: 93,600 printed volumes, 142,274 electronic books, 5,295 audiovisual items, 1,897 microforms, 533 periodicals, and 6 newspapers, plus subscriptions to 65 electronic databases providing access to over 31,000 full-text periodicals. Campus: The main building is Ponce de Leon Hall, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The campus also includes several other historic structures. The College is IRXUPLOHVIURPWKH$WODQWLF2FHDQ$DFUH DWKOHWLF¿HOGLVORFDWHGWZRPLOHVIURPFDPSXV Yearly Cost (2012-2013): Tuition and fees - $15,340; room - $4,070; meals - $2,560 to $4,280. Community: Famous, historic tourist center; oldest city in the United States; the population for the City of St. Augustine is 12,000, and the population for St. Johns County is 187,000. Location: St. Augustine is located just off I-95 on the northeast coast of Florida, 35 miles south of Jacksonville and 55 miles north of Daytona Beach. Intercollegiate Sports: Men - baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, tennis. Women - basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, tennis, volleyball. Athletic Membership: Member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II (NCAA II) 8 FLAGLER COLLEGE 2012-2013 College Calendar FALL SEMESTER 2012: $XJXVW 1HZ6WXGHQWV$UULYH2ULHQWDWLRQ%HJLQV 26-28 Returning, Boarding, and Non-Boarding Students Arrive and Complete Final Registration 28 Convocation (Flagler Auditorium) 28 New Student Academic Advisement 28 Registration for Part-time Students 29 Fall Semester Classes Begin September 5 Last Day to Add and/or Drop Courses Without Grade 22 Campus Visitation for Prospective Students and Their Parents 2FWREHU 5HJLVWUDWLRQPDWHULDOVIRU6SULQJ6HPHVWHUDQG Summer Term distributed to Advisors 13 Campus Visitation for Prospective Students & Their Parents 11-19 Available dates for Academic Advisement for Spring Semester 19-21 Family Weekend 2QOLQH3UH5HJLVWUDWLRQIRU6SULQJ6HPHVWHU November 8 Last Day to Drop a Course and Receive a Grade of W 21 Classes Cancelled after 3:50 pm 22-23 Thanksgiving Holiday (College Closed) December 3-6 Final Examinations 6 Fall Semester Ends 7 Residence Halls Close at 11:00 am 8 Fall Commencement Ceremony 12 Fall Semester Grades Due at 10:00 am 24 - Jan. 1 College Closed SPRING SEMESTER 2013: -DQXDU\ &ROOHJH2SHQV 1HZ6WXGHQWV$UULYH2ULHQWDWLRQ%HJLQV Introduction 9 January(cont) 7 Returning, Boarding, and Non-Boarding Students Arrive and Complete Final Registration 8 New Student Academic Advisement Meetings 8 Registration for Part-Time Students 9 Spring Semester Classes Begin 16 Last Day to Add and/or Drop Courses Without Grade 21 Martin Luther King Day - college closed March 8 Registration materials for Fall Semester distributed to Advisors 7-22 Available dates for Academic Advisement for Fall Semester 9 Campus Visitation for Prospective Students & Their Parents 13 Classes Cancelled after 3:50 pm 14-15 Spring Break (Classes Cancelled) 18-April 7 Pre-registration for Summer Term 21 Last Day to Drop a Course with W $SULO 2QOLQH3UHUHJLVWUDWLRQIRU)DOO6HPHVWHU 15-18 Final Examinations 18 Spring Semester Ends 19 Residence Halls Close at 11:00 am 20 Spring Commencement Ceremony 24 Spring Semester Grades Due at 10:00 am 26-28 Alumni Weekend SUMMER TERM 2013: April 1-7 Summer Residence Hall opens at 11:00 am 29 Summer Term classes begin May 1 Last Day to Add Courses 27 Memorial Day (Classes Cancelled) 30 Last Day to Drop a Course with a W June 13 Summer Term Ends 13 Summer Residence Hall closes at 5:00 pm 19 Summer Term Grades Due at 11:00 am The distinctive Flagler College campus is located in the heart of St. Augustine, the nation’s oldest city, and is close to numerous points of historic interest. GENERAL INFORMATION Flagler College is a four-year, independent, nonsectarian institution offering programs leading to the baccalaureate degree. The College is coeducational and residential with an enrollment of approximately 2,500 students. Flagler has chosen to remain a small college to ensure that its students are afforded the opportunity to receive a more personal and individual education. Founded in 1968, the College was established as a memorial to Henry M. Flagler, industrialist, oil magnate, land developer, and railroad pioneer. Flagler ZDVDFRIRXQGHURI6WDQGDUG2LODQGWKHVLQJOHPRVWSLYRWDO¿JXUHLQ)ORULGD¶V
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