BUKDAY, MEW-YORK DAILY TRTBT'XE. DECEMBER 0. ifxifi. 9 CATHERINE'S DAY. GRinntox pjmmn rr.v OnI ART. J^ 31US1C. TV SEEK TO QUIET CITY PRESIDENT FOB POE MONUMENT. BISHOP SEYMOUR. Young Girte President and Many Leading Men GEORGE F. Heartily Commends rry Way Parisian YESTERDAY'S OPERAS. Springfield. II!., Dec. B.—Bishop George F. Sey- Movement to Erect \u25a0 |mour, of the Springfield, Present in Washington. representations grand Epi3copai diocese of died Mrs.Isaac L.Rice's Project Receives Monument to Poet in Va. Celebrate It. There weie six of opera to-day, after mora illness of pneu- Richmond. offered for entertainment, than two weeks' Washington. Dec. 8.-The President, the edification and de- monia. Much [ByTelecraph *vTha Tribunal] 27. Aaiat, Vlce-Presl- lectation of New York's music lovers yesterday— Influential Support. Paris. November Ambassadors from Italy. The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock Monday Richmond. Va.. Dec. l-Charles Marshall Orate*, It Great Britain. Fix representations which came after twelve that Mrs. Isaas I* who was • ember -•*• 1* an honored day In Paris. Russia and Jepan. the Speaker of the House. Sen- morntng. at St. Paul's Protestant Cathedral, in R!ce of No. 170 Riverside avenue. instrumental in launching the movement Catherine, ators and Representatives had been purveyed by Managers Conrled, Hammer- this city. The body will be sent to New York. has enlisted In her Society for the Supression of to erect a monument to Edgar *j* {M,.* of St. and* St. Catherine in Congress, and many Sfiyninur's Allen Poe in this of the Btein and Savage on the five previous days of the Bisnop birthplace. After services in Lnnecessary Noise, such men as Dr. Nicholas Mur- city, received a persona! of girls and unmarried nrcat captains of industry the Trinity Church, next Thursday morning, burial will letter from rrsatasa I ( patron saint twenty-third attended week. There is something so awe inspiring in the ray Butler. Professor J. Bassett William Roosevelt to-day. caaatnending **Z^___ all establishments In annual dinner of the Club be in Greenwood Cemetery. . Moore. the undertaking, a* Therefore, ln Gridiron to-night at mere record that it would seem best to leave It Dean Howells. Health Commissioner Darlington follows: that jtaxticular saint the Kew Willard. Throughout gentle and Captain 9 are iiiUi*ni«i burlesque for contemplation undisturbed by comment. The ; Thn Dr. George Franklin Seymour was elect- Dow. of the Association of Masters' *^n*d'-T satire. end straight comedy were the way Rev. «- _. "White House. Washington. December J. I voput. and her festival Is celebrated dominating six offered nothing new in the of music, but . ed Bishop of Springfield. 1877 and Mates and Pilots. They have Indorsed the organ- ar Graves: learnestly gr^a- notes In the 111.. In conse- in £«you » wish you surras»a T» ''"" dinner. additions to the current lists were scarcely ex- | ization and consented to act on the advisory com- efforts to a monument to 1"1 hon Tliero were eharp contrasts, ' crated In IS7I He was born in this city on January I\i J secure Edza? -«ti a?** mirth and seriousness pected at which had witnessed IKs). mittee. Allen Poe. Many people consider him the gi on a Sunday, and the cijaslnK another, the end of a week t, His Seymour, genius salswi year the day fell one the tribute to the dead mem- production ; father. Isaac N. was for The literary this country has ever produced. Xis of the of two novelties at the Metropolitan many years heads of the various hospitals have en- He certainly standj "jpn v»«. therefore, held on the eve. of the club abutting closely on a burlesque Cu- treasurer of the Delaware and Hudson also amonjr th*» three or tour j**rs Opera House and the revival of an old work, whicb ! thusiastically indorsed the movement. Without ex- greatest. I heartily wish you well la your en- '*• on Saturday. At just hour tan revolution and an exemplification of what hap- Canal Company. Dr. Seymour began his classical ception deavor to raise a -jV—that the pened had slumbered without being missed for a score they and their patients have suffered memorial to «uch a man. Sin- in the tennis meets education In the grammar school of Col- great- cerely yours. ~V law call? for all workrooms to bo "lawn cabinet." which of years, at the new institution, built, financed Columbia ly from unnecessary noise. Two patients THEODORE ROOSEVEI.T. French with the President every day, Sundays exempted. A lege, from which college he graduated In 1860. at the V\\j, < prevailed this 24th of end managed by Mr. Ha:niaersteln. It may be j Sloane Maternity Hospital frtli animation member of the club impersonated Judge Magoon, went Insane as the re- lights biased repirdlers of Interesting to survey the week's productions— I sult of such nols-a. and many of them have been ANACCOUNTING OF COUNTESS' ESTATE Electric «nd. sitiinr on a "red hot" stove, he "held the lid "Fedora," so "wrnber. cleared away, the "Marta." "La Damnation do Faust." weakened by loss of sleep, according to physi- T^^g work was hastilr down." while the Gridiron Club elected a cabinet cians of the hospital, ' p "Tannh.tuser" and again "Marta," at the Metropol- that their re-ovary has been e a naatj tnilot and soon the larS for the acting governor la the Gem of the Antilles. itan; Puritani," almost impossible. Referee Says "nfis* B** . was "I "Rigoletto"' and "Faust," the j Count Casimir Ignaee Hankow- of young It a composed largely 'corns in which some thousands cabinet of "lame lirst and last twice each, at the In a lett-r to Mrs. Rice yesterday. Richard ducks," including many men who of : j H. ski Spent $54,154 83. ~^, fit daily fipwinsr on the smart frocks which failed election "Madam Butterfly," eight times at Garden Townley. superintendent of the J. Wright t la November. members impersonated Will- the ! Hospital, Hood c cf thnor, all of whom were crowd away Maakowskt "ret elected. there were slight changes In the cast. At from arriving ambulances. the estate of his w:>. ' bestowed by the Parisians on these Mr. Moody was selected for place the Countess Grace StTlln* th* name the of "trust performance of "IPuritani" at the Another letter was received from the resident Mackowski. who has been adjudged an incom- , de Unaaat wrote his charmlne buster, or trust matador." The Cuban Manhattan In physician 0i rr^ Alfred revolution- the afternoon, Mr. Brag:, whom only good of the Sloans Maternity Hospital. petent. both here and m Engian.i, yesterday thl?re "nas ist", in their burlesque costumes, of nat- In filed knP r> hr that Tit>.. heard the insisted that Mr. ure and the exigencies of the record permit men- which he said: his report with the County It deal* wit* •erf corks, Moody was not a "trust matador," but a "picador," tion, Clerk. Vjf pcpplns: chamnapne an.i coon relieved Mr. Arimondi to enable that hercu- the period from October 1«. 1201. to U««mb«r 29. erf round, the difference being that a matador kills, while the - pgs the foaming wine were handed lean and dracontlne basso to repeat in the evening I*6. m of picador only teases. his Impersonation b TriTh sweet biscuits, and the little feast of Mephlstophfles. which had Its £; ;r The counter* is entitled to an income (ma th« -^\u25a0pad One of the features of the dinner was the Grid- motors, araai •»• looking on first exposition on the previous day. That im- | '£?u£ the grinding of brakes and theswatPending5 wills of her father. John M. B;xhy. and her brother, ytztz. sassß windows the Rue iron "simple speller" and dictionary, a booklet of * The personation, like the crude scenery and the dispo- j he a mak a continuous commotion Robert M. Bixby. Th* referee's report <2-al« * ue Pi. Honor* and the Rue some forty pages, containing quaint spellings and £<-hf »nTL tlMore°v the 59th street a /• 1* Pa.x. Ikw sition of chorus and orchestra to acquit themselves j 2stdrted?rV;,f^ d^', - cars are the accounting a.-* to th*John M. Bixbjr mm. In most th« leading funny cuts, illustrating the There were on this corn and tne whistle of the The referee lays that Count wiien tea which of definition*. of the music In the manner in which the storied ter the shouts and Jokes of the Idle conductors Caaimlr. h« GsVaWsRwR. wise mws and modern maxims accompanying the j if!and motormen.'. was appointed committee of his wife's ««tar» by luiHrnHri'i Bna« have their work premise*, Irishman played the fiddle—by main strength- I the altercations with drunken pas- th= English court, was to spend £M> volume ° *l *nd °£ th*lln*' aM '> year authorized a echoes of laughter and fragments ef called up memories of days long gone by at th« \ to the noi«e «*tl for h's wife's maintenance from March 13. ISOO. Jjowed The initiation of two new members pave an op- and & further snm a year out into the streets, and the Academy of Music. Signor Campantnl conducted ; These olsea are not merely an annoyance— they maintenance, or ae<> was allowed f>r \u2666ntsts 'to float portunity for a dl? at the War Department over the are a serious3 menace hid ar.d £300 a miaach tor th* main- the performance, which made its want of nuance to the health of sick patients. tenancfe 01 the two - was unusually hilarious for the hour discharge of the three companies of 25th In- j sons of th<» counre<»3 Cashni^ charter the of time and expression the more remarkable. Mr. ! Dr. Louis Kortura. of the Hospital, also Stirling and Robert C. Mankowslci fete Lasted fantry, at Brownsville, Tex. C. Arthur Williams, Campanarl; German The count's accounting, ffled April thtt the Bttli it is understood, having had no oppor- i wrote: year, on 9 of"thlil Cathei M Is an unmarried saint. of "The Washington Herald." and Charles Willis charpes him with th» receipt of sums amount* "vow. St. tunity to rehearse with Mr. Altchevsky, the new j in? to $33,635 «». and expenditure* follows, however, that roungr Thompson, of -The New York were the credits him with j-by no means the Times." tenor who appeared in the titular role of the ! d th* Ston-e aggregating J54.^453. Objections were flied to tli* two new members taken club, work. « Growers continue to do thetr do her homage by making into the the former opera, thought it unwise to assume leadership. Vnru May. your efforts be blessed with success. account by Theodcr« F. Humphrey, cuardian a.t •*-» who antnavl f impersonating an officer of the 25th Infantry, while the Utem for the countes*. to several lt»:n« *tv*i»l"A an for a gray little champagne Mr. Altchevsky's debut was an agreeable oc- j Commissioner Darlington said that the new so- by her husband. t#r feast excuse the latter was compelled to read from his ciety " book. casion. He is a youn£ Russian, with a really : would be of great rCr intend to Imitate her example, and don "Party Leaders of value in co-operatlna; with . tha Time wherein he speaks splendid artistic equipment—a presence that is j the Health Department. epinsterhood. On the contrary, while of the President, ' He believes that the so- fVjcap 0* Vice-President. Senator Spooner agreeable, a voice that is of fine quality, well a lpUsh much- Died. great and Senator Aldrlch. Senator Spooner he work m co , - '""much as it is to with will the Of said placed, n°™r°44 Uve Uaos r c Death notices la THE ftlnlcn* their rlassea food pure, ringing, ample in power and practi- : BISHOP T. 01 methe « "^'Zins that many appearinc TRIBC Till ->a eye that he was the leading member of the Wisconsin GEORGB SEYMOTTn. St So^SSnoises Sfof Mthe city are unpreventabie. \u0084; their mental fixed on some real cally faultless intonation; intelll- .. repabllibed In The without extr* have delegation In Senate, In also he has "Who died yesterday at Sprir.g-fieM. HI. The Tri-TT*eklT Trb-m* who will save them from th« with the exception of callyfaultless in he has Intelligence first meeting of the society will be held some charxe. I.BwRERW'T !lanc4 Speaking Aldrich, Intonation: also Senator La Valletta. of Senator time before most c? them are saving out and taste. Mr. Hammerstein has been fortunate Christmas at the home of Mrs. Rice. \u25a0atfe » toon Ar.3 he said that the Senator from Rhode Island did Organization will then Du*«ld. Frascti V. Rawlamf. Mar*L. dowry in his engagement of tenors; Bono. Dalmores and be perfected, and a constitu- I Edwar»l E Seymour. Rev r the : cErr.lr.eß toward their not care who wrote the messages bo he could tion ana bylaws, r? ?.**-. G*rr«- r? Just Altchevsky— latter two artists above the aver- no- being drafted, willbe adopted. Ha.locS. France* ST. N. T-"m««. J«n« E. workgirls on whom th« success of make the laws. Those who will Kouw«nhov«u. Harriet H. YUM Mar*hi Xbe Psris age of singers not In the very first rank, the in charge serve on the advisory board are . Throughout the dinner bulletins were read Zlon Church. Dobbs Ferry. Hi3firat I JlaalasaM. A. E. th« wonderful creations or the Rue de la Paix from former the finest exemplar of the art of song was a mission station at Annandale. Dutches* In ay Bul r- r«iass lr.to the stage of "young hand." Secretary Secretary Shaw and Vlce-Presi- was admirably given, and its concluding scenes were the annual meeting of the trustees of the General - Dr. William Hirsch Dr. Island, lace r»«idence. u«j*»r,«, Theological Seymour was J Jacob Captain I.ODB on Monday. Decemoer ,„ being Seminary in ISfio. Dr A >'-. Luther B. Dow of the 1304 a* IVS* thcr. *>c trusted to overcast aaaaM sew dent Fairbanks Introduced with character- witnessed by Dr. Muck, of the Boston Orchestra elected to thp chair of ecelpsiiisttcal history, wht-h ?^°/* of m; :aTta~^» w»U mf«t trains tad -... Association Masters. Mates and Pilots- Island5". CityJ anJ avenue, UavlV.r i.»'ni the simple istic uieioiii&s. and Court Opera in Berlin, who, with his wife and he held until Is7S>. Professor Be jmoor filled the Am^icar.ex-PreslUept hunter of the Normal Flatbnsh at l<>:3» a >ru wßSjsßwnei er..l like parts of the : Lancey CoUege I>l Interm»ct at conTenlenca of family. la The fun, which extended from 8 p. m. till mid- Willy Hess, occupied office of chaplain of the Houpe of MTey. at the Mcoll. Dr. Erest J. Lederle ex-Commis- cf dressmaking. In this stage Professor seats in the direc- street, she night, foot of 86th and was al*o superintendent of Mx*r*nnmtrwxx—?)m Friday. Cumber Harw mrEtcriea was accentuated by the presence of Lew tors' box. Mme. Fleischer- advanced herself de- Society Promoting Religion Learning. I rift 7 13M Trt:i fim a wage rising by 0 cents at the time minstrel, the for and J? ?JS rstt r» R^hard Watson Gild«r. Hyatt. w!fo of Francis D. Kouw«nhov«»n. ««»M 79 Dockatader. the who appeared as a guest cidedly tn th« good opinion of the critical which an assoiatlon In aid of young mer preparing iV>r '-in. Relatives an-1 frlerc!!, »r^ imltel to arren.l tl"*t1"* sj es 70 cents \u25a0\u25a0 day. It Is these of tne club in bis stage costume. It was thought ministry. He received degree of D. in £m£°sCollege of the City of New funeral nervier* at rej!u*c.-«. to much et won on her first appearance by her sing- the the IX. York her laM .--'.•:t>»»- Long iirst that lie was a wall made up member of \u25a0ha Seymour of a number o? h boa rd of will Is.inJ City, on Monday, r-ucemfcor at \u25a0:» ••yours: hands" who may be seen at noon In 1878. Dr. was the author 1,-T tractor's consist of Dr. Sam- iO. X orloc-t. the club, but eventually hU identity was discovered ing of the music of Elizabeth. Hem is a books and published sermons. He was married in %> Ar str0RS. »uperlntentlent of Interment crlvcte. Kindly omit Cowers. poorlnff out into near after lie had delivered a few sentences and bad \u25a0vLiwJ Harlem. Bellevue. their hundred? the streets most sympathetic Impersonation, chaste and ISS9 to Mrs. Harriet Atwocd Aymar. Lamb,tordham. and Gouventeur hospitals: Dr. MACDONALD—Ob rrtdar. T. been compc-lled to sing on© of his aoiics. Later he superintendent of dry Hospital; Dr. Horn- December !8f«. at vi» aaa> tall Vcndome column bareheaded but neat. appeart-a in white a New lovely In conception and beautifully carried by, superintendent of dree». No. 431 Riverside Drive. A. E. Icn»W. M. TX the tare as plain citizen of Flower Hospital; Dr. Louis vn*™l »erv at abor» address en Monday, r>«^»m-. of lur.cheon a York. Throughout the dinner there were telephone out In both Bong and action. Her companion. I EX-GOVERNOR ALONZO GARCELON. Kortum. superintendent of the German Hospital. bar 10. at 11 a. Klni.y omit Jn search and mouthful of fresh r- > superintendent m. flowers. conversations held with unknown persons, in which Herr Bunian. presented for a second time sons of Mass., Dec Former Governor Alonzo ?r? CV'" r of St. Luke's Hospital: IIT. opportunity was given to broil the guests. Medford. !lsY'3mi:ld S. Gold water, superintendent P.OTvT;A>fI>-On Friday. Daaaagfeßf 7. at her Baj the traditions of Bayreuth under the present regime >'« ;l T of OejaaaM X» this stage dM young girl blossoms out The following were among the guests present: — Garcelon, of Lewlston. Me., was found dead to-day Xount Sinai Hospital; Dr. Richard H. Townler. .3 iv». j«rsey City. Mary U. wife of 9!maow Fran Tart and Wilson; the petrified attitude, like a schoolboy trying to Denis, superintendent the J. ! Rowland. Funeral private. now Secretaries Hitchcock. thaw. at th« home of hts daughter, Mrs. E. D. with Hood Wright Hospital l^o a "•rorkrroman." She Is considered Senators Aldri Blackburn. Crane. attract the attention teacher, lasting from the I Dr. \\lUiam Mabon. superintendent of the Man- EEYMOCR—Saturday Heyburn. Kittredge. Scott, Spooner of his whom he had been visiting. Governor Garcelon re- hattan state Insane Asylum; George Ry- n»arataa> E^-mber •. 18f^ It!s!it fall}"capable of undertaking any part of a dress. Foraker. and transformation pilgrims health, der, Dr. W Rev G«or«r» Franilln Soymour. a T. D.. U*D Mm TiUman; Representatives Babcock, Dawes, Each, scene to the arrival of the tired last night apparently In his usual but resident physician. Sloane Maternity: Dr M. of Sprinffrteld. of . girls mostly specialize, to-day. S. Gregory, 111. Xot!c« fanerai at Trlslty rilJl