369.134 1 lZ6y 1913

• iL'3'





I . H . S .





Published by authority of THE BOARD OF MANAGERS






State of Illinois, ) Cook County. \

To William H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State:

We, the undersigned, Walter Delafield, Robert Patterson Benedict, and

James Frank Kelley, citizens of the , propose to form a Corpora- tion Holder an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled "An

Act Concerning Corporations," approited April i8, i8j2, and all acts amenda-

tory thereof, and for the purpose of such organisation we hereby state as fol- lows, to-wit:

1. The name of such Corporation is Society of the Sons of the Revo- lution in the State of Illinois.

2. The Society is formed for the purpose of perpetuating the memory of the men who achieved American Independence, furthering the proper celebration

of the anniversaries of the birthday of Washington and of prominent events con-

nected xvith the War of the Rez'olution. inspiring the members of the Society

with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers and promoting the feeling of friend- ship among them.

J. The management of the aforesaid Society shall be vested in a Board of

nine Directors, zvho are to be elected annually.

4. The following persons are hereby selected as the directors to control

and manage said Corporation for the first year of its Corporate e.ristence, vis: Walter Delafield, Robert Patterson Benedict, James Frank Kelley. Thoma.s Floyd-

Jones, Alexander Ramsay Thompson, Charles Reuben Hale, Arthur Leffingwell.

John Whipple Hill, Foote.

5. The location is in City of Chicago, in the County of Cook, State of

Illinois. Signed: Walter Delafield. D.D. [seal] Robert Patterson Benedict, [seal] James Frank Kelley. [seal]

[Si Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

State of Illinois, Department of State.


To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting:

Whereas, a certificate, duly signed and acknowledged, having been filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, on the i2th Day of January, A. D. i8p4, for the Organisation of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution in the State of Illinois, under and in accordance with the provisions of "An Act

Concerning Corporations" , approved April i8, i8'^2, and in force July i, i8j2, and all acts amendatory thereof, a copy of which certificate is hereto attached.

Now, Therefore, I, William H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby certify, that the said Society of the Sons of the Revolution in the

State of Illinois is a legally organized Corporation under the laws of this


In Testimony Whereof^ / hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed the great

Seal of State. Done at the City of Springfield, this 12th Day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and eighteenth. Wm. H. Hinrichsen,

Secretary of State. [seal]


Officers of the General Society

Officers of the General Society

for 1911-1914

President EDMUND WETMORE, LL. D. Society

Vice-president JAMES MORTIMER MONTGOMERY New York Society

Second ViCE-PREsinENT Honorable JOHN N. WEEKS Society


WILLIAM LIBBY, D. Sc. New Jersey Society

Assistant Secretary W. HALL HARRIS, JR. Maryland Society

Treasurer RICHARD McCALL CADWALADER Pennsylvania Society

Assistant Teeasuheb HENRY CADLE Missouri Society

Chaplain Reverend RANDOLPH H. McKIM, D. D.

. District of Columbia Society

Registrar Honorable GEORGE E. POMEROY Ohio Society

Historian MARSHALL DELANCEY HAYWOOD North Carolina Society

[7] 1

Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Officers of the Society from its Organization

February 22, 1894

Elected Presidents

1894 Reverend WALTER DELAFIELD, D.D. .





First Vice-presidents


[8] 1

Officers of the Society From Its Organization




















[9] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution



1894 Right Reverend CHARLES REUBEN HALE, D.D., LL.D.




THOMAS FLOYD-JONES Board of Managers of the Illinois Society

Board of Managers of the Illinois Society

Since its Organization


Rev. Walter Delafield, D.D. Thomas Floyd-Jones Robert Patterson Benedict James Frank Kelley Rt. Rev. Charles Reuben Hale, D.D., LL.D. Arthur Leffingwell Alexander Ramsay Thompson John Crocker Foote John Whipple Hill

1894-189S John Crocker Foote Samuel Clifford Payson Rt. Rev. Charles Reuben Hale, D.D., LL.D. Charles Thomson Atkinson Walter Channing Wyman Frank Rhees Seelye Henry Walbridge Dudley Daniel Charles Daggett Orrington Lunt Comings


Robert Patterson Benedict Rev. Walter Delafield, D.D. Horace Kent Tenney John Whipple Hill Daniel Charles Daggett Col. George Mayhew Moulton Charles Cromwell Frank Rhees Seelye Lloyd Milnor

1896- 1897 Henry Walbridge Dudley John Crocker Foote Charles Cromwell William Benezet Bogert Charles Thomson Atkinson Horace Kent Tenney James William Dominick Kelley George Samuel Marsh George Mulhollan Lyon


Henry Walbridge Dudley Charles Cromwell Rev. Walter Delafield, D.D. Col. George Mayhew Moulton John Whipple Hill James William Dominick Kelley Frank Rhees Seelye Milo Lester Coffeen William Benezet Bogert


Henry Walbridge Dudley Albert Crane Barnes John Crocker Foote William Benezet Bogert Col. George Mayhew Moulton John Henry Brown Horace Kent Tenney William Stacy Noyes Henry Cormerais French Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

1899-1900 Henry Walbridge Dudley Charles Frederick Quincy George Mulhollan Lyon Frederick Hamilton Kilbourn Col. George Mayhew Moulton Samuel Edwards Hall George Lyon Douglass Follett Wilkinson Bull Nelson John Ludington

1900-1901 Henry Walbridge Dudley Edward Payson Bailey Walter Channing Wyman Nelson John Ludington Edward Payson Martin John Williamson Lowe Fred Lamot Wallace Frank Kimball Root William Sydnor Gilbreath


Albert Crane Barnes John Williamson Lowe George Mayhew Moulton George Lyon Douglass Henry Walbridge Dudley Charles Thomson Atkinson John Henry Brown Frank Rhees Seelye John Edward Case


Le Baron Loring Austin Ernest Hammond Everz John Henry Brown Wm. Cleveland Moulton John Ralph Dickinson Dr. Albert Scott Gray Orange Warner Ellis John Edward Case Charles Thomson Atkinson


Charles Thomson Atkinson Robert Patterson Benedict Walter Frazer Brown George Lyon Douglass Henry Walbridge Dudley Orange Warner Ellis Thomas Gadsden Washington Irving Woodward George Mayhew Moulton

1904-190S Samuel Balch King Walter Frazer Brown Nelson John Ludington William Benezet Bogert Henry Walbridge Dudley Ralph I sham Le Baron Loring Austin Charles Stone Terry George Mayhew Moulton


Harrison Kelley Edward Handy Buehler Louis Andrew Bowman Orange Warner Ellis Robert Patterson Benedict Edward Payson Bailey George Atwell Hamlin Ralph Isham Frederick Hamilton Kilbourne

[12] Board of Managers of the Illinois Society


William Benezet Bogert Harrison Kelley Le Baron Loring Austin Scott Jordan Edmund Albert Allen Albert Leroy Miller John Crocker Foote Louis Andrew Bowman Robert Patterson Benedict


Francis Wayland Shepardson John Crocker Foote John Whipple Hill Harrison Kelley William Benezet Bogert Albert Leroy Miller Le Baron Loring Austin Robert Patterson Benedict


Edward Payson Bailey Charles Cromwell Robert Patterson Benedict Arthur Bemis Hinsdell William Benezet Bogert Ralph Isham Walter Frazer Brown Scott Jordan Charles Stone Terry


Robert Patterson Benedict Arthur Bemis Hinsdell William Benezet Bogert Ralph Isham Hugh Worthington Croxton Frederick Loring Lothrop Orange Warner Ellis Albert Leroy Miller Chester Ninde Stevens


Robert Patterson Benedict Edmund Taylor Perkins Will Sidney Turner Ralph Isham James Kent Calhoun Charles Weston Folds Orange Warner Ellis Albert Leroy Miller Benjamin Chester Sammons


Robert Patterson Benedict George Atwell Hamlin Samuel Shaw Parks Albert McCalla Frank Waldo Smith Richard Vernon Carpenter John Crocker Foote Frank Kimball Root Louis Andrew Bowman


Robert Patterson Benedict John Crocker Foote Samuel Shaw Parks George Atwell Hamlin Frank Waldo Smith William Seymour White John Paul Scharff Albert McCalla Richard Vernon Carpenter



Constitution and By-Laws

Constitution of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution

In the State of Illinois


Whereas, it has become evident from the decline of proper celebration of such National holidays as the Fourth of July, Washington's Birthday and the like, that popular interest in the events and men of the War of the Revolution is less than in the earlier days of the Republic

And Whereas, this lack of interest is to be attributed not so much to lapse of time as to the neglect on the part of descendants of Revolutionary heroes to perform their duty of keeping before the public mind the memory of the services of their ancestors, and of the times in which they lived, and of the principles for which they contended Therefore, the Society of the "Sons of the Revolution" has been insti- tuted, to perpetuate the memory of the men, who in military, naval or civil ser- vice, by their acts or counsel, achieved American Independence ; to promote and assist in the proper celebration of the anniversaries of Washington's Birth- day, the Battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill, the Fourth of July, the Capitula- tions of Saratoga and Yorktown, the formal Evacuation of New York by the on the third of December, 1783, as a relinquishment of territorial sovereignty, and other prominent events relating to or connected with the War

of the Revolution ; to collect and secure for preservation the manuscript rolls,

records and other documents and memorials relating to that War ; to inspire among the members and their descendants the patriotic spirit of their forefathers to inculcate in the community general sentiments of Nationality and respect for

the principles for which the patriots of the Revolution contended ; to assist in the commemorative celebration of other great historical events of National im- portance, and to promote social intercourse and the feeling of fellowship among its members.

ARTICLE I name of society

The Society shall be known by the name, style and title, Society of "Sons OF the Revolution" in the State of Illinois.

[15] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution


Any male person, above the age of twenty-one years, shall be eligible to membership in this Society who is descended from an ancestor, as the propositus, who, either as a military, naval or marine officer, soldier, sailor or marine, or official in the service of any one of the thirteen original Colonies or States, or of the National Government representing or composed of those Colonies or States, assisted in establishing American Independence during the War of the Revolution, between the 19th day of April, 1775, when hostilities commenced, and the 19th day of April, 1783, when they were ordered to cease.

Provided: That when the claim of eligibility is based on the service of an

ancestor in the "minute-men" or "," it must be satisfactorily shown that such ancestor was actually called into the service of the State or United States and performed garrison or field duty; and

Provided further: That when the claim of eligibility is based on the service

of an ancestor as a "sailor" or "marine," it must in like manner be shown that such service was other than shore duty and regularly performed in the Continen- tal Navy, or the Navy of one of the original thirteen States, or on an armed vessel, other than a merchant ship, which sailed under letters of marque and reprisal, and that such ancestor of the applicant was duly enrolled in the ship's

company, either as an officer, seaman, or otherwise than as a passenger ; and

Promded further: That when the claim of eligibility is based on the service of an ancestor as an "official," such service must have been performed in the civil service of the United States, or of one of the thirteen original States, and must have been sufficiently important in character to have rendered the official specially liable to arrest and imprisonment, the same as a combatant, if captured by the enemy, as well as liable to conviction of treason against the Government of Great Britain.

Service in the ordinary duties of a civil office, the performance of which did not particularly and effectively aid the American Cause, shall not constitute


The civil officials and military forces of the State of , during the War of the Revolution, shall also be comprehended in the same manner as if they had belonged to one of the thirteen original States. No service of an ancestor shall be deemed as qualifying service for member- ship in this Society where such ancestor, after assisting in the cause of American

[16] Constitution and By-Laws

Independence, shall have subsequently either adhered to the enemy, or failed to maintain an honorable record throughout the War of the Revolution.

No person shall be admitted unless he is eligible under one of the provisions of this Article nor unless he be of good moral character and be judged worthy of becoming a member.


The officers of this Society shall be a President, a Vice-president, a Secre- tary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, and a Chaplain, who shall be chosen by ballot at every annual meeting, from among the members thereof.


The Board of Managers of the Society shall consist of fifteen, namely : the President, the Vice-president, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Registrar, and the Chaplain, ex-officio, and nine others who shall be chosen by ballot at every annual meeting from among the members of the Society.


Every application for membership shall be made in writing, subscribed by the applicant, and approved by two members over their signatures. Applications shall contain, or be accompanied by, proof of eligibility, and such applications and proofs shall be submitted to the Board of Managers, who shall have full power to determine the qualifications of the applicant. Payment of the initiation fee and subscription to the declaration required by the Constitution of this Society shall be a pre-requisite of membership.


Every member shall declare upon honor that he will endeavor to promote the purposes of this Institution and observe the "Constitution" and "By-laws" of this

Society, and, if he be a citizen of the United States, shall declare that he will support the Constitution of the United States. Such declaration shall be in writ- ing, and subscribed by the member making it.

[17] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution


At every meeting the purposes of the Institution will be fully considered and the best measures to promote them adopted. No question, however, in- volving the party politics of the day within the United States shall ever be dis- cussed or considered in any meeting of the "Sons of the Revolution."

ARTICLE VIII commemorations

It shall be a standing regulation that the members shall, when practicable, hold a commemorative celebration and dine together at least once every year.


The seal of the Society of the "Sons of the Revolution" shall be one and seven-eighths of an inch in diameter, and shall consist of the figure of a "minute- man" in Continental uniform, standing on a ladder leading to a belfry, and hold- ing in his left hand a musket and an olive branch, and grasping in his right hand a bell rope. Above, the cracked "Liberty Bell" ; issuing therefrom a ribbon, bearing the motto of the "Sons of the Revolution": "Exegi monumentum aere perennius." Across the top of the ladder, on a ribbon, the figures "1776," and at the left of the minute-man, and also on a ribbon, the figures "1883," the year of the Centennial commemoration of the permanent evacuation by the

British army of American territory ; the whole encircled by a band three-eighths of an inch wide; thereon at the top thirteen stars of five points each, and at the bottom the legend, "Sons of the Revolution". The Secretary shall be the custodian of the seal, which shall be identical in every particular with this description.

ARTICLE X insignia

The insignia of the "Sons of the Revolution" shall consist of a badge pendant from a ribbon by a ring of gold. The badge shall be elliptical in form, with escalloped edges, one and one- quarter inches in length and one and one-eighth inches in width ; the whole sur- mounted by a gold eagle, with wings displayed, inverted. On the obverse side



a medallion of gold in the center, elliptical in form, bearing on its face the figure of a soldier in Continental uniform, with musket slung. Beneath, the figpjres "1775"; the medallion surrounded by thirteen raised gold stars of five points each upon a border of dark blue enamel.

On the reverse side, in the center, a medallion corresponding in form to that on the obverse, and also in gold, bearing on its face Houdon's portrait of Washington in bas-relief, encircled by the legend, "Sons of the Revolution." Beneath, the figures "1883," and upon the reverse of the eagle, the number of the particular badge engraved ; the medallion surrounded by a plain gold border conforming in dimensions to the obverse, upon which members may have their names engraved in script.

The ribbon shall be dark blue, ribbed and watered, edged with bufif, one and one-quarter inches wide and one and one-half inches in displayed length.

The insignia shall be worn by the members conspicuously and only on the left breast on all occasions when they shall assemble as such for any stated purpose or celebration. The badge shall never be worn as an article of jewelry.

The Treasurer of the Society shall procure and issue the insignia to the members and shall keep a record of all issued by him. Such insignia shall be returned to the Treasurer of the Society by any mem- ber who may formally withdraw or resign or be expelled, but otherwise it shall be deemed an heirloom.

No member shall receive more than one badge, unless to replace one, the loss or destruction of which shall first be satisfactorily established.

On occasions other than the meetings for any stated purpose or celebration, members may wear a rosette of the prescribed ribbon and pattern in the upper button-hole of the left lapel of the coat.

The Treasurer shall procure and issue the rosettes to members.


No alteration nor amendment of the Constitution of this Society shall be made unless notice thereof shall be duly given in writing, signed by the member proposing the same, at a meeting of the Society, nor unless the same shall be adopted at a subsequent meeting held at least thirty days after such notice, by a vote of three-fourths of the members present.

[19] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution



The initiation fee shall be three dollars ; the annual dues, four dollars, which shall be payable on or before the first day of January in every year, but for mem- bers who reside outside of the limits of Cook county the annual dues shall be two dollars. The payment at one time of fifty dollars shall thenceforth exempt the member so paying from the payment of annual dues. Any member who may contribute one hundred and twenty-five dollars to the "Permanent Fund" of the Society shall be exempt from the payment of annual dues, and this exemption shall extend in perpetuity to his lineal succes- sors in membership from the same propositus, one at a time, who may be selected for such exemption by the Society.


There shall be a "Permanent Fund," to be derived from contributions and to remain forever to the use of the Society, the income only of which shall be expended. SECTION III PRESIDENT

The President, or in his absence the Vice-president, or in his absence a chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Managers, and shall exercise the usual functions of a presiding officer, under general parliamentary rules, subject to an appeal to the Society, in proper cases under those rules. The President shall be ex-officio a member of all com- mittees other than the Committee on Nominations. He shall have power to convene the Board of Managers and appoint the place of such meeting when called by him. He shall also perform such other representative duties on behalf of the Society, either personally or by correspondence, as the Board of Managers may find desirable or necessary, or as customarily appertain to his office, and he shall enforce a strict observance of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society.

[20] Constitution and By-Laws

In case of his decease, resignation, neglect to serve, or inability from any cause to act as President, the duties of the office shall devolve on the Vice- president until the vacancy caused by such decease, resignation or neglect to serve, shall be filled, or until the inability shall cease.


The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society and keep a record thereof. He shall notify all qualified and accepted candidates of their admission, and perform such other duties as the Society, or Board of Managers, or his office, may require of him. He shall have charge of the seal, certificates of incorporation, by-laws, historical and other documents and records of the Society other than those required to be deposited with the Registrar, and shall affix the seal to all properly authenticated certificates of membership, and transmit the same without delay to the member for whom it shall be issued or to his proper representative. He shall also notify the Registrar of all admissions to membership, and transmit to him the applications and proofs of eligibility of all persons so admitted. He, together with the presiding officer, shall, when necessary, certify all acts of the Society, and, in proper cases, authenticate them under seal. He shall have charge of all printing and publications directed by the Society or by the Board of Managers. He shall give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society, and of the Board of Managers, and shall attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the pro- ceedings and orders of the Society, and of the Board of Managers, and shall give notice to the several officers of all votes, orders, resolves, and proceedings of the Society or of the Board of Managers, affecting them or appertaining to their respective duties ; and, at the annual meeting, and oftener, if required, shall report to the Society the names of those candidates who have been admitted to membership, and also the names of those members whose resignations or volun- tary withdrawals have been consented to and accepted, and also the names of those members who have been expelled, or dropped for non-payment of dues, or for failure to substantiate claim of descent. In his absence from any meeting a Secretary pro tempore may be designated therefore, unless the Assistant Secre- tary shall be present to act in such capacity.

[21] ;

Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution


The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society and as often as those funds shall amount to one hundred dollars they shall be deposited in some bank in the city of Chicago, which shall be designated by the Board of Managers, to the credit of the Society of the "Sons of the Revolu- tion," and such funds shall be drawn thence on the check of the Treasurer for the purposes of the Society only. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums only as may be ordered by the Society, or by the Board of Managers, and shall per- form such other duties as the Society, or Board of Managers, or his office, may require of him. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and payments, and, at each annual meeting, render the same to the Society, with a full statement of the financial condition of the Society, when a committee shall be appointed to audit his accounts. For the faithful performance of his duty he shall give such security as the

Society, or Board of Managers in lieu of its action thereon, may from time to time require. SECTION VI REGISTRAR

The Registrar shall receive from the Secretary, file and keep on record all the proofs upon which memberships have been granted, declarations of members on admission of adherence to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society, together with a list of all diplomas countersigned by him, and all documents, rolls, or other evidences of service in the War of the Revolution of which the

Society may become possessed ; and he, under the direction of the Board of Managers, shall make or cause to be made for file in his office, copies of such original or certified documents as the owners thereof may not be willing to leave permanently in the keeping of the Society.


The Chaplain shall be a regularly ordained minister of a Christian denomina- tion, and it shall be his duty to open and close all meetings with customary chaplaincy services, and perform such other duties as ordinarily appertain to such office.


^^^^^^^^^^^M^ %." Constitution and By-Laws


The Board of Managers shall have power to appoint an Historian, who shall keep a detailed record, to be deposited with the Secretary, of all the historical and commemorative celebrations of the Society, and he shall edit and prepare for publication such historical addresses, essays, papers and other documents of an historical character, other than a Register of Members, as the Secretary may be required to publish ; and at every annual meeting, if there shall be a necrological list for the year then closing, he shall submit the same, with care- fully prepared biographies of the deceased members.


The Board of Managers shall have power to appoint an Assistant Secretary, who shall assist the Secretary in the performance of such duties of that office as the latter may from time to time devolve upon him, and may, in such cases, give required notices, and certify and authenticate, when necessary, any acts, documents or records of the Society. In case of the absence of the Secretary from any meeting of the Society or of the Board of Managers, or of his decease, resignation, neglect to serve, or inability from any cause to act in that capacity, the duties of the office shall devolve upon the Assistant Secretary until the Secretary shall return, or until the vacancy caused by such decease, resignation or neglect to serve shall be filled, or until the inability shall cease.


The Board of Managers shall judge of the qualifications of every candidate who shall make proper application for admission to the Society, and shall have power to admit him to membership therein, if found eligible under the Consti- tution of this Society. Three negative votes shall be a rejection of the applicant. They may, through the Secretary, call special meetings of the Society at such times as they may see fit ; and they may arrange for commemorative cele- brations by the Society.

They shall recommend plans to the Society for promoting its purposes, and. when practicable, may digest and prepare business for its meetings, and shall

[23] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

supervise all publications issued in its name, and decide whether copies of records or other documents or papers may be furnished on request of any party, in cases not pertaining directly to the business of the Society, and the proper conduct of its affairs. They shall generally superintend the interests, and shall have the control and management of the affairs and funds of the Society. They shall also perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Constitution and By-Laws, or required by any standing rule or resolve of the Society; provided, however, that they shall at no time be required to take any action nor contract any debt for which they shall be jointly or severally liable. They shall be competent to consent to and to accept the resignation or voluntary withdrawal from membership of any enrolled member of the Society. They may require the attendance of any member of the Society, or any official or Committee thereof, at any meeting, for consultation and advice. The Board of Managers shall meet as often as they may desire, or at the call of the President, or upon the written request of any three members of the same, addressed to the Secretary. Five members of the Board of Managers shall be a quorum for the trans- action of business. At every annual meeting they shall submit to the Society a general report of their proceedings during the year then closing, and at such other time as may be required by the Society.


The Board of Managers shall have power to expel any enrolled member of this Society who, by a conduct inconsistent with a gentleman and a man of honor, or by an opposition to the interests of the community in general or of this Society in particular, may render himself unworthy to continue a member, or who shall persistently transgress, or, without good excuse, wilfully neglect or fail in the performance of any obligation enjoined by the Constitution or By-Laws or any standing rule of this Society. Provided, that such member shall have received at least ten days' notice of the complaint preferred against him, and of the time and place for hearing the same, and have been thereby afforded an opportunity to be heard in person. Whenever the cause of expulsion shall not have involved turpitude nor moral unworthiness, any member thus expelled may, upon the unanimous recom-

[24] Constitution and By-Laws

mendation of the Board of Managers, but not otherwise, be restored to member- ship by the Society at any meeting. The Board of Managers shall also have power to drop from the Roll the name of any enrolled member of the Society who shall be at least two years in arrears in the payment of dues, and who, on notice to pay the same, shall fail and neglect to do so within ten days thereafter, and upon being thus dropped, his membership shall cease and determine ; but he may be restored to member- ship at any time by the Board of Managers, on his application therefor, and upon his payment of all such arrears and of the annual dues from the date when he was dropped to the date of his restoration. The Board of Managers may also suspend any officer from the performance of his duties, for cause ; which pro- ceeding must be reported to the Society and acted upon by it within thirty days, either by recision of the suspension or removal of the suspended officer from office, or otherwise the suspension shall cease.


Whenever an officer of this Society shall die, resign, or neglect to serve, or be suspended, or be unable to properly perform the duties of his office, by reason of absence, sickness or other cause, and whenever an office shall be vacant, which the Society shall not have filled by an election, the Board of Managers shall have power to appoint a member to such office pro tempore, who shall act in such capacity until the Society shall elect a member to the vacant office, or until the inability due to "suspension, absence, sickness or other cause" shall cease. Pro- vided, however, that the office of President or Secretary shall not thus be filled by the Board of Managers, when there shall be a Vice-president or Assistant Secretary to enter upon the duties of those offices respectively.

In like manner, the Board of Managers may supply vacancies among its members, under the same conditions and limitations ; and in case any member thereof, other than an officer, shall be absent from three consecutive meetings of the same, his place therein may be declared vacant by the Board of Managers and filled by an appointment which shall continue in full effect until the Society shall elect a successor.

Subject to these provisions, all officers of the Society, and the members of the Board of Managers, shall, from the time of their election or appointment, continue in their respective offices until the next annual meeting, and until their respective successors shall be duly chosen.

[25] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution


No resignation or voluntary withdrawal from membership of any member enrolled in this Society shall become effective as a release from the obligations thereof unless consented to and accepted by the Board of Managers.


No person who may be enrolled as a member in this Society shall be per- mitted to continue in membership where the proofs of claim or quahfication by descent shall be found to be defective and insufficient to substantiate such claim, or not properly authenticated. The Society, or the Board of Managers, may, at any time after thirty days' notice to such person to properly substantiate or authenticate his claim, require the Secretary to erase his name from the list

of members, and such person shall thereupon cease to be a member ; Provided, he shall have failed or neglected to comply satisfactorily with such notice. Where the Board of Managers shall direct the erasure of a person's name for a cause comprehended under this section, such person shall have a right of appeal to the next annual meeting of the Society; but he shall not be restored to membership unless by a vote of three-fourths of the members present on that occasion, or at a subsequent meeting to which the consideration of the appeal may have been specifically postponed.


The Society shall hold an annual meeting in the city of Chicago on the third day of December in every year, at which a general election of officers and man- agers, by ballot, shall take place, except when such date shall fall on Sunday, in which case the meeting shall be held on the following day. In such election the polls shall be open one and one-half hours, and a majority of the ballots given for any office or for a manager shall constitute a choice there- for; but, if on the first ballot no member shall receive such a majority, then a further balloting, in such case, shall forthwith take place, in which a plurality of votes given shall determine the choice therefor. During any election the regu- lar Order of Business may be proceeded with. Special meetings shall be held by direction of the Board of Managers, or



Constitution and By-Laws

upon the written request of thirty members of the Society, at such time and place as said Board may direct. At such special meeting no business shall be transacted except such as shall be specified in the notice therefor.

One week's notice of time and place of annual or special meeting shall be given by publication in two daily newspapers in the city of Chicago, and by mailing through the post-office in said city a written or printed notice to every member of the Society.

At all meetings of the Society ten members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

The meetings of the Society for business shall be generally conducted accord- ing to Parliamentary Law, and the following Order of Business shall, as far as the same may be applicable, be followed


I Meeting called to order by Presiding Officer. 2 Prayer by the Chaplain.

3 Reading of minutes of prior meetings not previously acted upon. 4 Election of officers and managers, when necessary. 5 Communications from or Report of Board of Managers. 6, Reports of Officers. 7 Reports of Special Committees. 8. Unfinished business. 9 Written communications requiring action of the Society. lO. Specially noticed business. II Notices of motion for subsequent meeting. 12 Miscellaneous business. 13 Reading of the Preamble to this Constitution. 14 Closing Prayer by the Chaplain.


It shall be the duty of ever}' member to inform the Secretary, by written communication, of his place of residence and of any change thereof, and of his post-office address.

Service of any notice under this Constitution or By-Laws upon any mem- ber of the Society, addressed to him at his last recorded place of residence or

[27] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

post-office address and forwarded by mail, shall be deemed sufficient service of such notice. SECTION XVII RECOMMENDATION OF CANDIDATES

No member shall approve an application for membership in this Society unless he shall knmv the candidate to be worthy, and shall have satisfied himself by due examination of proofs that such candidate is eligible, and will, if admitted, be a desirable member. SECTION XVIII NOMINATING COMMITTEE

The Society may, at the annual meeting, choose a Nominating Committee, of nine members, to nominate officers and members of the Board of Managers, for election at the succeeding annual meeting.

In case the Society shall not choose such a Committee, the President shall, prior to every annual meeting, appoint such a Nominating Committee of nine members from among the members longest enrolled as such, who may consent to serve on such Committee, exclusive of officers or members of the Board of Managers.

The Nominating Committee shall select and nominate a ticket of the names proposed to fill the respective offices, to be elected by ballot, which ticket shall be printed and distributed as the "Regular Ticket" at the ensuing annual election.

In order to secure as far as may be in the Board of Managers stability in procedure and familiarity with precedents in the business affairs of the Society, every Nominating Committee shall, in making nominations for the suffrages of the Society of members of said Board other than those who are ex-officio mem- bers, so arrange their recommendations as to provide for the retirement annually of not less than three nor more than four of those who shall have served longest continuously on said Board, and for the continuance of a proportionate number.


Upon the decease of any member residing within the State of Illinois, notice thereof, and of the time and place of the funeral, shall be given by the Secretary by publication, and it shall thereupon become the duty of the members, when practicable, to attend the obsequies.

[28] Constitution and By-Laws

Any member, upon being informed of the decease of a member, shall make it his business to see that the Secretary is promptly notified of the fact, which fact shall also, in due time, be communicated to the Society.


Every member shall be entitled to receive a certificate of membership, which shall be authenticated by the President and Secretary, and countersigned by the Registrar of the Society, and to which the seal of the "Sons of the Revolu- tion" shall be affixed. The certificate shall be in form following:


Be it known that has been duly admitted a member of this Institution in right of the services of in the cause of American

Independence during the War of the Revolution.

Dated at the City of Chicago this day of in the year of our Lord thousand hundred and and of the Independence of the United States of America the

President of the Society.

L. S. Secretary of the Society.



The President of the Society may, from time to time, in his discretion, designate a member to act, under his direction, as Marshal for the Society in

[29] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

its commemorative celebrations, parades and other meetings, and to perform such duties as usually appertain to such a position.


No alteration nor amendment of the By-Laws of this Society shall be made unless notice thereof shall be duly given in writing, signed by the member pro- posing the same, at a meeting of the Society, nor unless the same shall be adopted at a subsequent meeting, held at least thirty days after such notice, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present.



Roll of Members Year Insignia Admitted Number

1908 ABBOTT, EDWARD HIRAM, M.D., Elgin, Illinois.

Born—Elgin, Illinois. Descendant of Reverend Jedediah Hibbard, who was a Baptist minister and hymn writer. First Baptist missionary in Northern . Served as Minute Man. Rank of Sergeant-. Was at the siege of Ticonderoga and at the surrender of Burgoyne.

Reference : Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 2, p. ^y^.

1894 ADAMS, WILLIAM PORTER, Chicago. Born—Cambridge, Massachusetts. Descendant of Lieutenant Joel Parkhurst (1741-1808), Duns- table, Massachusetts. In Oliver Cummings' Ninth Com- pany, Colonel Simeon Spaulding's Seventh Regiment, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, May 31, 1776. In Captain Reuben Butter- field's Company, December 16, 1776. Colonel Jonathan Brown's Seventh Regiment, Middlesex County, August 30, 1780. Also, descendant of Leonard Parkhurst, Private in Captain Zaccheus Wright's Company, Colonel Cyprian Howe's Regiment, 1780. Service three months and three days. Also, descendant of Thomas Adams, Harpswell,

(1757-1844). Private in Captain J. Curtis' Company, Colonel Fin- ney's Regiment. Enlisted May 20, 1775; five months' service, sea coast defense. Ensign in Captain Winthrop's Company, Col- onel Jacob French's Regiment. Stationed at Winter Hill, Feb- ruary 22, 1776.

Reference : Department of Secretary of State, Massachusetts Official

Records of the War of the Revolution, vol. 35, p. 249; vol. 41, p. 155; vol. 52, p. 50; vol. 70, p. 326.

1903 ALLEN, EDMUND ALBERT, Chicago. Born—Wilmington, Illinois. Descendant of Haujost Shoemaker, Private in Tryon County, New York, Militia, Revolutionary War.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, p. 184.

[31] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number Also, descendant of Michael Myers, Private in New Jersey Troops, Revolutionary War.

Reference : Stryker's Officers and Men of New Jersey in the War of

the Revolution, p. 700.

1912 ADAMS, WILLIAM LINVILLE, Chicago. Born—East Boston, Massachusetts. Descendant of Jotham Moulton (1743-1777). Colonel Second York Regiment 1775. Brigadier-General, February 8, 1776. While at service in Virginia took cold in Dismal Swamp and died of putrid fever May 12, 1777.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revo- lution, vol. II, p. 176.

1894 ATKINSON, CHARLES THOMSON, Chicago. Born—Elmira, New York. Descendant of Major William White (1740-1829), Chester, New Hampshire. Major, New Hampshire State Troops, 1775. Muster Master, 1777- 1778. Member of Committee to frame State Government, 1782. Also, descendant of Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Norton (1715-1785). Seventeenth Regiment Militia, Goshen, . Resigned, 1776. Was sent to General Assembly, October, 1776 to 1778.

Also, descendant of Ebenezer Norton, Jr. (1748-1795), Goshen, Connecticut. Minute Man, 1776. Volunteer to Relief of Conti- nental Army, December 23, 1776.

Reference: New Hampshire State Papers, vol. 14, p. 601; vol. 15, p. soo. Records of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 438,

612, Public Records of the State of Connecticut, pp. 3, 30, 62, 224, 470, 479, 523-

1894 ATKINSON, FRANK HOLWAY, Jr., U. S. Navy. Born—Elmira, New York. Descendant of Major William White. Also, descendant of Colonel Ebenezer Norton.

[32] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number

Also, descendant of Ebenezer Norton, Jr. For record see Charles Thomson Atkinson.

1894 AUSTIN, LeBARON LORING, Deceased. Born—Lincoln, Massachusetts. Descendant of Major Jonathan Loring Austin (1748-1826), Boston, Massachusetts. Served as Major Volunteer Regiment, 1775. Appointed Secretary Board of War, Massachusetts, 1777, and by said Board selected as Special Envoy to American Commission in

Paris, bearing all expenses personally. Received with great dis- tinction at the Court of . In 1780 Major Austin was again despatched by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on behalf of the New Government to negotiate a loan or credit in for a sum not exceeding £150,000. This was successfully accomplished by adding his personal security to that of his country. Also, descendant of Major-General Azor Orne (1731-1796), Marblehead, Massachusetts. Member Second and Third Provincial Congresses, 1775-1776. Member General Court, 1777. Appointed Second Major-General of Militia, May 8, 1776. Also, descendant of Naval Commander John Gerry (1740- 1785). Elected by Massachusetts House of Representatives as Naval Officer, Marblehead, January 24, 1778, to Decem- ber 31, 1780. Also, descendant of Captain Simeon Samson (1736-1789), Plymouth, Massachusetts. Captain of brigantine "Independence,"

April 17, 1776, to January i, 1777. Taken prisoner and exchanged June 26, 1777. Captain of brig "Hazard," November 15, 1777; dis- charged March 12, 1781. Captured and sent into port five vessels as prizes, among others the "Roebuck," Commanded by Captain White. Serving ten months.

Reference : Department of Secretary of State, Massachusetts Ofificial

Records of the War of the Revolution, Minutes Board of War, "ol. 148, p. 5: Council Records, Massachusetts, vol. 21, p. 827; vol. 24, p. 384, Department of Secretary of State, Massachusetts Official Records of the War of the Revo-

lution, vol. 9, p. 42; vol. 28, pp. 70, 130; vol. 39, pp. 8, II, 144, 200; vol. 42,

p. 191; vol. 52, p. 82. Same Records (printed vol.) pp. 78, 274; vol. 37, p. 303; vol. 43, p. 280. Same Records, vol. 216, p. 428; vol. 221, p. 7;

vol. 226, p. 5.

[33] :

Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1902 AUSTIN, LORING LeBARON, Chicago. Born—Burlington, Iowa. Descendant of Major Jonathan Loring Austin. For Record see LeBaron Loring Austin.

1896 BAILEY, EDWARD PAYSON, Chicago. Born—Almont, . Descendant of Jacob Bayley, Newbury, Vermont (1726- 181 5), Colonel and Brigadier-General under the States of New Hampshire and New York, respectively. Local Distributing Officer

and provider for local forces in Northeast quarter of the field. In the battles of Bennington and Saratoga.

Reference: Certificate from Secretary of the State of New Hamp- shire and the Archivist, New York State Library, filed with application.

Also, descendant of Jacob Bayley, Jr., Newbury, Vermont (1755 ) Private in Captain Thomas Johnson's Company of Minute Men in service of the country in 1775 and 1776. In Cap- tain John G. Bayley's Company in Newbury, Vermont, in 1777, guarding said Company, being in Colonel Peter Olcott's command In Captain Simeon Stevens' Company in Newbury in 1779 and

1 78 1. On of Colonel Timothy Bedell as Quartermaster

April I, 1778 to April i, 1779.

Reference: Certificates from Adjutant and Inspector General of the State of Vermont, filed with application.

1912 BAKER, JOHN FREDRICK, Chicago. Born—Oswego, New York. Descendant of Gilbert Taylor, New York, (1744- 1803). For Record see Samuel Taylor Baker.

1912 BAKER, SAMUEL TAYLOR, Chicago. Born—Oswego, New York. Descendant of Gilbert Taylor, New York (1744-1803). First Lieutenant in Captain Nicholas Berrian's Company, Fordham, New York, October, 1775. Private in Colonel James Hammond's Regi-

[34] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number ment, Westchester County, New York, 1780, and in Captain Abra- ham Smith Haddon's Company, Colonel Samuel Drake's Regiment, Westchester County Militia.

Reference : Official Certificate of New York State Treasurer.

1910 BANNING, PIERSON WORRALL, Los Angeles, California. Life Member. Born—Chicago, Illinois.

Descendant of Benoni Banning, \^irginia (1720 ). Private in Captain Campbell's Virginia Regiment. Wounded at the battle of King's Mountain.

Reference: "At a Court held for Washington County, April 15, 1783: Present—James Dysart, Aaron Lewis, Alexander Outlaw, John Lowrey, Samuel Newell.

Gentlemen : "Ordered that Benoni Banning be allowed for a mare the sum of six pounds; for a saddle, one pound ten shillings; for a bridle, six shillings; for a smooth gun, two pounds; for a bell, four shillings; twelve shillings for a shirt and wallet; for -.ocket-book and nine dollars paper money, six

shillings, he having mao : cient proof to the Court that he lost them when he was wounded at the ie of King's Mountain."

Also, descendant 01 Samuel Pierson, Killingworth, Connecticut

(1750 ). Sergeant in Killingworth Connecticut Company which marched for the relief of Boston in the "Lexington Alarm." Lieutenant in Captain Bezeliel Bristol's Company to repel Tryon's invasion, 1780—Commissioned Lieutenant in Colonel William Worthington's Seventh Regiment of Militia, 1780. Pensioner under Act of 1818. Also, descendant of Asa Buell, Killingworth, Connecticut (1760-1827). Private in Captain Stevens' Company, Seventh Regi- ment Connecticut Line, 1777. Joined Washington's Army in fall of 1777. In the . Wintered at Valley Forge. In

the and the storming of Stony Point, July 15, 1779. Wintered at Morristown 1779-1780. Pensioner under the Act of 1818.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 221, 641.

[35] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number Also, descendant of Samuel Scott, North Carolina (1762- 1820). Entered the service of his country when only sixteen years old, as a Volunteer: At the battle of King's Mountain. Reference: Genealogical History of the Descendants of John Walker of Wigton, Scotland, pp. 297-298. Also, descendant of Alexander Walker, Virginia (1716-1784). Private in Captain James McDowall's Militia Company, West Not- tingham, Pennsylvania, 1776. Ensign in Captain John Buchanan's Virginia Rangers.

Reference ; Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, vol. 23, p. 207. His- tory of the Descendants of John Walker, p. 263. Also, descendant of Ezra Porter, Haddam, Connecticut. Pri- vate in Captain Bezeliel Bristol's Connecticut Company, 1779.

Reference : History of Guilford and Madison, Connecticut, p. 451. Also, descendant of John McCorkle, Virginia. Ensign in Captain James Gilmore's Company of Rockbridge County, Virginia. Wounded at the battle of Cowpens and died soon after of lockjav^^.

Reference : Virginia Magazine, vol. 3, p.

1910 BANNING, THOMAS ALLEN, Chicago. Born—McDonough County, Illinois. Descendant of Benoni Banning, Virginia. Descendant of Samuel Scott. Descendant of John McCorkle. Descendant of Alexander Walker. For Record see Pierson Worrall Banning.

1913 BANTA, GEORGE, Menasha, . Born—Covington, Kentucky. Descendant of John Riddle, New Brunswick, New Jersey (1761- 1847). Enlisted in in April, 1778, under Colonel

Frelinghuysen, in Captain Logan's Company, served till 1782. In 1782 entered the privateering service under Captain Hiller.

Reference : Official Register of New Jersey in the Revolution, p. 733.

History of the ancient Ryedales, p. 301. Genealogy of the Ridell (Riddle)

Family, p. 297.

[36] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1895 BARNES, JUDGE ALBERT CRANE, Chicago. Born—Addison, Vermont. Descendant of Private Enos Ives, Wallingford, Connecticut. Captain John Couch's Company, Wallingford, at "Lexington Alarm." Same Company, Colonel Phillip Burr Bradley's Regiment, Wads worth's Brigade, August to December, 1776.

Also, descendant of Surgeon Joseph Crane, Jr. (1722-1800). Dutchess County, New York. Surgeon Third Regiment of Dutchess County, Colonel John Field, 1779- 1780.

Reference: Records of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution,

pp. 24, 414, 419. Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York, vol. 15, pp. 280, 554.

1909 BARBER, LUTHER HALL, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of John Pennel, Vermont (1721-1797). Captain of the Halifax Company, Colonel William Williams' Regiment, Cumberland County, Vermont, Militia, 1778.

Reference : Vermont Revolutionary Rolls, p. 823.

1910 BARNARD, HENRY, Chicago. Bom—Boston, Massachusetts. Descendant of Ebenezer French, Dunstable, Massachusetts. Sergeant in Captain Leonard Butterfield's Company of Massa- chusetts Minute Men which marched in "Lexington Alarm."

Reference : Massachusetts Men in the War of the Revolution,

vol. 6, p. 67.

1904 BEAL, DANIEL S., . Verona, Illinois. Born—Crawford County, Ohio. Descendant of Obadiah Beal, New Hampshire (1760-1821). Private in Colonel Thomas Marshall's Regiment of New Hampshire Troops from New Boston, July 15, 1776.

Reference : New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 2, p. 753.

[37] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1908 BEEBE, VERNON CHADBOURNE, Chicago. Born—Augusta, Wisconsin. Descendant of Sebe Beebe, Piermont, New Hampshire (1749- 1837). Private in Captain Jonathan Chandler's Company. Marched to reinforce Continental Army near Stillwater on Hudson, Sep- tember, 1777. In Captain Samuel Young's Company, Colonel Timothy Bedel's Regiment on expedition to . Corporal in Captain Ezekiel Ladd's Company, same Regiment, for defense of frontiers on Connecticut River in 1778.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 4, pp. 114, 253.

1893 BENEDICT, ROBERT PATTERSON, Chicago. 1600 Life Member. Born—Clay County, Florida. Descendant of Brigade Major Robert Patterson (1743-1824), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. First in Medical Department, then on Staff, Brigadier General Silas Newcomb, New Jersey Militia. Served three years. Also, descendant of Captain William Harris, Chester, Pennsyl- vania (1759-1812). Captain Fifth Company, Fifth Battalion, Colonel Richard Thomas, Chester County Militia, May, 1777. Com- missioned Captain May 10, 1780, Fourth Company, Fourth Bat- talion, Lieutenant-Colonel John Bartholomew's Regiment. In active service, August, 1780. Also, descendant of Captain John Gordon, Voluntown, Con-

necticut (1736 ). Captain, Voluntown Company; marched to Cambridge, "Lexington Alarm." Also, descendant of Sergeant Benjamin Dow, Voluntown, Con- necticut (1735-1797). Captain John Gordon's Company; marched to Cambridge, "Lexington Alarm." Also, descendant of Private Nathan Dow, Voluntown, Connecti- cut (1761-1842). Enlisted December, 1776, Captain Moses Camp- bell's Company. Captain Moseley's Company, Colonel Ely's Regi- ment, 1777. Captain Asa Canning's Company, Colonel Ripley's Regiment, 1778. Captain John Dixon's Company, April, 1780. United States Pension allowed for twenty-one months' actual service.

[38] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number

Reference : New Jersey Official Records of the War of the Revo-

lution, pp. 368, 378. Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. 14, pp. 87,

121. Records of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 24. Department of Interior, Washington, D. C, Bureau of Pensions.

1909 BENEDICT, ROBERT PATTERSON, Jr., Chicago. Life Member. Born—Cranford, New Jersey. Descendant of Brigade Major Robert Patterson. Descendant of Captain William Harris. Descendant of Captain John Gordon. Descendant of Sergeant Benjamin Dow. Descendant of Private Nathan Dow. For Record see Robert Patterson Benedict. Also, descendant of Nathaniel Eells, 3rd, Stonington, Connecti- cut (1749-1799). Private in Captain William Turner's (Third Scituate) Company of Minute Men, Colonel Anthony Thomas' Regiment. Marched on "Lexington Alarm." In Captain Francis Cushing's Company, Colonel John Cushing's Second Plymouth County Regiment. Company ordered to march to Bristol, Rhode Island, on "Alarm" of December, 1776.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 5, p. 248. Also, descendant of Joseph Hoit, Salisbury, Massachusetts (1751-1788). Private in , Captain San- born's Company, September, 1777. "Now raising to Joyn General Starke at Bennington, or the Commanding Officer theire or theire about." Private in Captain Ebenezer Webster's Company, Colonel Moses Nichol's Regiment of Militia, raised by the State of New Hampshire and joined the Continental Army at West Point, 1780.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 2, pp. 300, 301,

306; vol. 3, p. 148. Also, descendant of Samuel Piper, Stratham, New Hampshire (1753-1813). Drummer in Captain Mark Higgins' Company on Pierce's Island, November, 1775. Private in Captain Daniel Moore's Company in Colonel 's Regiment to August, 1775. Receipt for "Ballance due unto us on the Matross Company Pay Roll." Mustered into the service of the American States to

[39] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number

reinforce the Army at New York, September i, 1776. In Captain Jonathan Robinson's Company. Lieutenant in Captain Samuel Runnel's Company, Colonel Mooney's Regiment, for the defense of Rhode Island, 1779.

Reference : New Hampshire Revolutionary War Rolls, vol. 2, pp. 644, 684. Also, descendant of Moses Flanders, Hopkinton, New Hamp- shire (1737-1803). Private in Continental Army. Enlisted in 1781 by the State of New Hampshire for six months' service at West Point.

Reference : New Hampshire Revolutionary War Rolls, vol. 3, pp. 246-251.

Also, descendant of George Wright, Voluntown, Connecticut. Private in Captain David Dorrance's Company March 13 to De- cember 31, 1781. In Captain Munson's Company. Enlisted in 1781 for three years. Pensioner under Act of 1818.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 348, 365, 369. 644.

1913 BENEDICT, EDGAR ELLS, Chicago. Life Member. Born—Cranford, New Jersey. Descendant of Brigade-Major, Robert Patterson (1743-1824), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Also, descendant of Private Nathaniel Eells, 3rd (1749-1799), Stonington, Connecticut. Also, descendant of Private Joseph Hoit (1751-1788), New Hampshire. Also, descendant of Lieutenant Samuel Piper (1753-1813), Stratham, New Hampshire. Also, descendant of Private Moses Flanders (1737-1803), Hop- kinton, New Hampshire. Also, descendant of Private Nathan Dow (1761-1842), Rich- field Springs, New York. Also, descendant of Captain William Harris (1759-1812), Chester, Pennsylvania.

[40] —

Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Also, descendant of Sergeant Benjamin Dow (1735-1797), Voluntown, Connecticut.

Also, descendant of Captain John Gordon (1736 ), Volun- town, Connecticut.

Also, descendant of Private George Wright ( ), Volun- town, Connecticut.

Record and references : Edgar Ells Benedict, Original paper and nine supplementals same as those of Robert Patterson Benedict,

Jr., his brother.

1909 BLANDEN, CHARLES GRANGER, Chicago. Born—Marengo, Illinois. Descendant of James Hathway, Brookfield, Massachusetts. Lieutenant in Captain John Woolcott's Company of Rangers which marched in "Lexington Alarm." First Lieutenant in Captain John Banister's Company (First Brookfield). Colonel Convers Fourth Worcester County Massachusetts Regiment, 1776.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 7, p. 514.

1912 BLISS, RALPH, . Born—Kingston Furnace, Missouri. Descendant of Ellis Bliss, Hebron, Connecticut. "Ellis Bliss a Sergeant in my Regiment hath liberty to go to Hebron and return in eleven days. (Signed) L. Wells, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant

September 7, 1779."

Reference: Bliss Genealogy, by J. H. Bliss, p. 118.

1895 BOGERT, WILLIAM BENEZET, Evanston, Illinois. 1979 Born—Providence, Rhode Island. Descendant of William Jackson, Goshen, New York (1745- 1824). Member of Second Company on Colonel Clinton's New Windsor Regiment, Hanover Precinct, 1775. Assigned to Colonel H. B. Livingston's Regiment September, 1776. In Expedition against Canada and served during the War—Captain.

[41] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number

Reference : Calendar of New York Historical Manuscript Revolution-

ary Papers, vol. I, pp. 12, 21, 24, 164, 255, 264, 420. Heitman's Historical

Register, p. 240.

Also, descendant of William Jackson, Chester, New York (1747-1778). Second Lieutenant, Captain James Butler's Company, Colonel William Allison's Goshen Regiment. In Expedition against Canada, 1775-1776. At battles of Long Island, and Forts Clinton and Montgomery, October, 1777. Wounded and taken prisoner and died in the Sugar House Prison.

Reference : Documents Relating to the Colonial History of New York,

vol. IS, p. 292.

Also, descendant of Michael Jackson, Chester, New York (1708-1789). "At a meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of the Precinct of Goshen, in the County of Orange and Colony of New York, held on the 10th day of May, 1775. Resolved unanimously

that the present critical situation of affairs makes it necessary for a provincial Congress to be held. That Michael Jackson, Peter Clows, Benjamin Tustin, and William Allison, or any two of them, do attend therein at the City of New York on the 22nd day of this instant (May) as delegates for this Precinct. By order of the Meet- ing. Earth DeHaert, Clerk."

Reference: Calendar of New York Historical Manuscripts, vol, i, pp.

43, 86, 108. Ruttenber and Clark History of Orange County, p. 202. Also descendant of Jason Wilkin, Montgomery, New York (1733-1804). "Election of Officers at Hanover, Ulster County, New York. At a Meeting of the Hanover Precinct Committee August 14, 1775, Alexander Treemble chosen chairman. It was Resolved, etc. John Galaspie was elected Captain, Jason Wilkin, First Lieutenant, and later Jason Wilkin, Captain, vice, Galaspie promoted."

Reference : Calendar of New York Historical Manuscripts, vol. i,

p. 164. Documents Relating to Colonial History of New York, vol. 15, p. 302.

Archives of the State of New York in the Revolution, p. 302.

Also, descendant of Joseph Jones, Jr., Milford, Massachusetts (1737-1799). Private on "Lexington Alarm" Roll. In Captain William Jennison's Company which marched from Mendon to Rox-

[42] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number bury and Cambridge. Service ten days and a half. In Captain

Gershom Nelson's Company, July 19, 1776.

Reference : Revolutionary Archives of the Commonvi'ealth of Massa-

chusetts, vol. 12, p. 162; vol. 61, p. 6. Ballou's History of Milford, Massa- chusetts. Records of the Jones Family of Milford, Massachusetts. Also, descendant of Nehemiah Nelson, Milford, Massa- chusetts (1716-1782). Private in Captain John Tyler's Company, Colonel Joseph Read's Regiment, December, 1775. In Captain Penniman's Company, Colonel Wood's Regiment for Service at Rhode Island, April, 1777, to May, 1777. In Captain Benjamin Farrar's Company, Colonel Benjamin Haw's Regiment, September, 1777, to October, 1777. In Captain Thomas Baker's Company, same Regiment, 1778.

Reference: Certified copy by William M. Olin, Secretary of the

Commonwrealth. The Jones Family of Milford, Massachusetts ; Ballou's History of Milford, Massachusetts. Also, descendant of John Wilkin, Hamptinburgh, New York (1699-1783). Member of Committee of Safety, Orange, New York,

Reference: Calendar of New York Historical Manuscripts, vol. i, pp. 163, 164, 427, 428.

1912 BOGERT, THEODORE LOOMIS, Chicago. Born—Evanston, Illinois. Descendant of William Jackson, Chester, New York (1747-1778). For Record see William Benezet Bc^ert.

1912 BOGERT, WILLIAM BENEZET, Jr., Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of William Jackson, Chester, New York. For Record see William Benezet Bogert, Sr.

1913 BONNIWELL, CHARLES ANTHONY, Chicago. Born—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Descendant of Samuel Youngs, Stainford, Connecticut (1712- 1798). Private in Captain Bell's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel,

[43] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number John Mead's Regiment, 1776. In Ninth Militia Company, Ninth Regiment in the State of Connecticut, June, 1779.

Reference : Connecticut in the Revolution, pp. 484, 490, 554.

1902 BOWMAN, LOUIS ANDREW, Oak Park, Illinois. Born—Rock Island, Illinois. Descendant of James Bowman, Pennsylvania (1751-1820). Ensign in Captain Royal's Company, Allison's Battalion of Cumber- land County, Pennsylvania Militia, 1776, and was on duty in the Jersey's.

Reference : Certificate of Pennsylvania State Librarian. Also, descendant of Andrew Bowman, Pennsylvania, Enlisted in Middlesex Militia, New Jersey, also in the Continental Army. In Captain John Nelson's Company, First Battalion of Northampton County, Pennsylvania, Militia, December, 1776, commanded by Colonel George Taylor. Served in same Militia, in the spring of

1 1 78 —service certified by the Captain of his company, John Lyle. Sergeant Sixth Company, Second Battalion, Captain Lyle's Com- pany, Northampton County Militia, 1782.

Reference: Official Register of New Jersey, pp. 153, 514. Pennsylvania. Archives, Fifth Series, pp. 27, 166, 167, 177, 212, 625. Also, descendant of William Webster, Connecticut. Enlisted August 25, 1777, in Captain Skinner's Company, Colonel Latimer's Regiment, Connecticut. Discharged November 2, 1777. Fought in

the battle of Saratoga, September 19, and October 9, 1777.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the Revolution, p. 509.

189s BRADY, ROBERT FREEBORN, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of John Brady, Muncy, Pennsylvania (1733-1779). Captain in Colonel William Cooke's Twelfth Pennsylvania Regi- ment, 1776. Wounded at the , September 11, 1777. After this was sent home by General Washington to protect frontier from Indians. Killed by Indians April 11, 1779, near

Muncy, where is a monument to his memory.

Reference : Pennsylvania Archives, vol. 10, pp. 776-777. Heitman's

Historical Register, p. g6.

[44] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1905 BROWN, JAMES EDGAR, Chicago. Born—Monongalia County, West Virginia. Descendant of Thomas Brown, Virginia (1760-1844). Private in General Greene's Army in South Carolina. At the battle of Cow- pens. Private in Captain John Britt's Company, in Colonel Lucas' Regiment.

Reference : Pension Certificate on file. Virginia Calendar State Papers.

1895 BROWN, WALTER FRAZER, Medford, Oregon. 2299 Born— Buffalo, New York.

Descendant of Daniel Brown, New Hampshire ( 1822). Private in Captain Kimball Carlton's Company, Colonel Nichols' Regiment, Stark's Brigade. Wounded at the battle of Bennington, Vermont, August 16, 1777.

Reference : New Hampshire Revolutionary War Roll. Certificate of

Secretary of State, on file.

1897 BROUGHTON, JOHN WHEAT, River Forest, Illinois.

Born—St. Charles, Minnesota. Descendant of John Broughton, Voluntown, Connecticut. Pri- vate in Captain Joseph Palmer's Company. On "Lexington Alarm." Private in Captain Thomas Knowlton's Company, Colonel 's Regiment, 1775. At the . Private in Captain Gallup's Company, Colonel Parsons' Regiment, 1776. Private in Captain Marcy's Company, Sixth Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, 1776.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 24, 55, 100, 412.

1894 BUEHLER, EDWARD HANDY, Evanston, Illinois. Born— Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Descendant of Henry Buehler, Lebanon, Pennsylvania (1740- 1801). Third Lieutenant in Captain John McKown's Company, First Battalion Lancaster County Associators, Colonel James Cun-

[45] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number ningham, at the "Flying Camp" and present at the battle of Long Island, August, 1776.

Reference: Pennsylvania Archives, vol. 15.

Also, descendant of Peter Nagle, Reading, Pennsylvania (1750-1834). Organized a Company in December, 1776, with his employes as nucleus for the defense of the country. He was First Lieutenant of the Company and was elected Captain the next year. After serving through the campaign of that year, he was detailed with his Company to bring a large number of Hessian prisoners to Reading Prison Camp, which was located on the southern slope of Mount Penn near the Mineral Spring, where he was in command of the troops guarding the prisoners for some months before being ordered into active service. After having served through the entire War, at the time of his discharge from active service, and the consequent disbanding of his Company, the Paymaster was without funds, the Government was bankrupt, and no money was available to pay the men. Captain Nagle paid the wages due his men from his own private purse and never asked for the return of the money and was never reimbursed by the Govern- ment.

Reference: "Pennsylvania Associators and Militia" (1775-1783), pp. 254, 268, 277. Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. 19, p. 302.

1897 BUTTS, LUCAS, Peoria, Illinois. Born—Memphis, Tennessee. Descendant of Isaac Lucas, Washington County, Pennsylvania (17— 1848). Enlisted for service First Company of Eighth Massa- chusetts. Received discharge signed by General Washington, giving mention of seven years' meritorious and faithful service. Private in Lieutenant Francis Shurtleff's Company, Colonel Lothrop's Regiment, Massachusetts, for service at Rhode Island on the "Alarm," December 11, 1776.

Reference: Massachusetts Records, vol. 3, p. 173. Certificate of Secretary of State filed with Registrar.

[46] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1913 BYUS, DONALD JOHNSTON, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of John Eccleston, Second Lieutenant of Barrett's Independent Maryland Company, 1776. First Lieutenant, July, 1776. Captain Second Maryland, December, 1776. Major Fifth Maryland, December, 1777. Taken prisoner at Charleston, May, 1780. Released December 30, 1780. Transferred to First Mary-

land, January i, 1781, and served to close of War.

Reference: Heitman's Historical Register, p. 163.

1897 CALDWELL, JUDGE ANDREW STITES, Carbondale. 111. 3432 Born—Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Descendant of Henry Hatcher, Virginia. Private in Captain Charles Fleming's Company, Seventh Virginia Regiment, Colonel Alexander McClenachan, 1777-1778. He also served under Colonel Woodford. Pensioner.

Reference: Pension Certificate filed.

1909 CALHOUN, JAMES KENT, Glencoe, Illinois. Born—East Williamson, New York. Descendant of James Calhoun, New York (1764-1848). Pri- vate in Captain Wing Spooner's Company, Celonel Cushing's

Regiment, Massachusetts Troops. Enlisted September 5, 1777.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 3, p. 23.

1905 CAMPBELL, JOHN LYLE, Deceased. Born—Marshall County, Illinois. Descendant of Aaron Lyle, Pennsylvania (1759- 1825). Pri- vate in "First Battalion of Associators in the County of North-

ampton and Province of Pennsylvania, which is to compose part of the 'Flying Camp' of ten thousand men, commanded by Colonel

Hart and in Captain Timothy Jayne's Company, July 2.J, 1776, at Brunswick."

Reference : Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. 14, p. 568.

[47] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1912 CAMPBELL, LEONARD WRIGHT, Chicago. Born—Ogdensburg, New York. Descendant of Samuel Daniels, Litchfield, Connecticut (1762- 1842). "Pension allowed for eleven months and four days actual

service as a Private in Connecticut Troops, Revolutionary War ; a part of the time he served under Captain Avery and Colonel Parson. (Signed) H. Clay Evans, Commissioner."

1909 CANBY, CALEB HARLAN, Jr., Chicago. Born—, New York. Descendant of John Claypoole, Pennsylvania (1752-1817). Second Lieutenant, Fourth Company, Colonel John Eyre's Artillery Battalion, 1777. After serving a term in the Army, he took position on board the "Luzern," a cruiser of eighteen guns, and sailed under

Letters of Marque, November 7, 1780, for Port L'Orient, France. The "Luzern" was captured by the English ship "Enterprise," April

4, 1781. Claypoole was confined in the Old Mill Prison at Plymouth over a year, charged with high treason. On his return to this country he married Betsy Ross.

Reference : Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. 13, p. 594.

1895 CANDEE, HENRY HINSDALE, Deceased. Born—Harwinton, Connecticut. Descendant of Samuel Tuttle, East Haven, Connecticut (1741- 1817). Private in Captain Lewis' Company, Fifth Battalion, Wads- worth's Brigade. At the battles of Long Island and White Plains, 1776. Taken prisoner at the time of Tryon's invasion of New Haven in 1779.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 407, 554.

1895 CANDEE, HENRY SAFFORD, Cairo, Illinois. Born—Cairo, Illinois. Descendant of Samuel Tuttle. For Record see Henry Hinsdale Candee.

[48] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1910 CARPENTER, RICHARD VERNON, Belvidere, Illinois. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of John Carpenter, Brimfield, Massachusetts (1739-1805). Sergeant in Captain James Sherman's Company from Brimfield, which marched in "Lexington Alarm." Lieutenant in Colonel Timothy Danielson's Regiment at the . First Lieutenant in same Regiment 1777-1778. Captain of Guards guarding Arsenal at Springfield, Massachusetts, 1779. In the Army from first Alarm until 1783.

Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 3, p. 119. Also, descendant of William Carpenter, Brimfield, Massa- chusetts (1757-1816). Private in Captain Joseph Thompson's Company, Colonel Danielson's Regiment, April, 1775, and served three years in Colonel Thomas Nixon's Regiment (Sixth Massa- chusetts) of the Continental Army.

Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 3, p. 128.

1912 CARTER, JAMES ALLISON, Chicago. Born—Millbury, Massachusetts. Descendant of Joshua Carter, Sutton, Massachusetts. Private In Captain Bartholomew Woodbury's Company, Colonel Lernad's Regiment, 1775. In Captain John Blanchard's Company, Colonel James Wesson's Regiment, 1777, eight months' enlistment. In Captain John Putnam's Company as Sergeant for service at Provi- dence, Rhode Island, 1778. In same Company, Colonel Wade's Regiment, from Worcester County, June, 1778, to join General Sullivan at Providence.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 3, p. 157.

1900 CASE, JOHN EDWARD, Hubbard Woods, Illinois. 1883 Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Fithan Case, West Simsbury, Connecticut (1758-1829). Private in Major John Skinner's Troop of Connecti-

[49] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number cut Light Horse, Captain James Judson's Company for service at New York, 1776. Private in Eighteenth Regiment of Connecticut Militia, Captain Zaccheus Case's Company, September, 1776. Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution,

pp. 474, 476.

1909 CASTLE, ARTHUR LEE, Elgin, Illinois. Born—Palatine, Illinois. Descendant of Phineas Castle, Waterbury, Connecticut (1731- 1815). Captain in the Tenth and Twenty-Seventh Militia Regi- ments of Connecticut, 1777, and in service to repel the enemy at New Haven, 1779.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 522, 548, 624, 625. Also, descendant of Samuel Taylor, Buckland, Massachusetts (1744-1837). Captain in Colonel David Field's Regiment of Massachusetts Militia, May, 1776. Regiment raised for defense of Boston and stationed at Dorchester Heights, October, 1776. Cap- tain in Colonel Porter's Regiment, July, 1777. Captain in Sixteenth Regiment of Massachusetts Militia, Colonel David Wells, 1779.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 15, p. 450.

1907 CASTLE, HOWARD PERCY, Barrington, Illinois. Born—Barrington, Illinois. Descendant of Samuel Wood, Westminster, Massachusetts (1761-1849). Private in Captain Elisha Jackson's Company, Sep- tember, 1777. Private in Captain John White's Company, Colonel Abijah Stearns' Regiment, on duty near Boston, 1778. In Colonel Rand's Regiment, July, 1779. In Captain Sumner's Company, 1779-1780. Enlisted in Captain Timothy Boutell's Company, same regiment, July, 1780.

Reference: Massachusetts Records in State House, vol. 20, p. 113; vol.

24, p. 49; vol. 29, p. 56; vol. 27, p. 48; vol. 17, p. 137. Also, descendant of Phineas Castle. Also, descendant of Samuel Taylor. For Record see Arthur Lee Castle.

[50] Roll of I\I e 111 b e r s

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1895 CHATFIELD-TAYLOR, HOBART CHATFIELD, Chicago 3434 Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Oliver Chatfield, Derby, Connecticut (1758- 1810). Private in Third Company, First Continental Regiment under command of General David Wooster, May 19 to December, 1775. Marched for the relief of Boston. Private in Captain Johnson's Company, Fifth Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, Colonel William Douglas, June, 1776. Also, descendant of Eli Butler, Middletown, Connecticut

(1740 ). Quartermaster in Captain Jonathan Meigs' Com- pany in "Lexington Alarm." Captain in Major Sheldon's Light Horse Regiment, October to December, 1776. Captain of a Com- pany in First Connecticut Regiment, commanded by Major William Hart, May, 1776.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 17, 442, 480, 481. Also, descendant of Timothy Robinson, Durham, Connecticut (1728-1805). Colonel of the Third Hampshire County Massa- chusetts Regiment at Ticonderoga. Later Colonel of a Regiment of his own at Ticonderoga and Northampton, Massachusetts.

Reference : Certificate of Service filed with application. Also, descendant of John Fames, Framingham, Massachusetts (1742-1806). Lieutenant in Captain Thomas Nixon's Company of Minute Men at Framingham, February 13, 1775.

Reference: Certificate of Service on file. History of Framingham,

p. 161.


Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Israel Harris, Cornwall, Connecticut (1747- 1836). Sergeant in Captain Samuel Clark's Company, Colonel John Brown's Berkshire County, Massachusetts, Regiment, 1777. Lieutenant in same Company, Colonel Benjamin Simonds. Second Lieutenant in Captain Judah Williams' Second Company Massachusetts Mihtia, April, 1778. Lieutenant in Captain Enoch Noble's Company, Colonel Ezra Wood's Regiment, 1778- 1779.

[51] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number Captain of Second Company, Colonel Simonds' Regiment, October, 1779 to October, 1780.

Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 7, p. 342.

Also, descendant of Joseph Chandler, New York (1758- 1828). First Lieutenant in Captain David Heacock's Company, Third Dutchess County Regiment, New York, Militia, Colonel John Field. Later Captain in the Fifth Dutchess County Militia.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, pp. 139, 141. Records of University of State of New York.

Also, descendant of David Moseley, Westfield, Massachusetts (1735-1798). Captain in Colonel John Moseley's Third Hampshire County Regiment which marched to Ticonderoga to reinforce Northern Army, October, 1776. Colonel Third Regiment, Hamp- shire County, Massachusetts, Militia, January, 1782.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 11, p. i6i.

1909 CLARK, LIEUT. PAUL HEDRICK, Twenty-Third Infantry, United States Army.

Born—Chicago, Illinois.

Descendant of William Green, New Jersey ( 1777)- Guide to General Washington's Army leading the Army to Trenton, New Jersey, via McKonkey's Ferry on the occasion of the surprise of the Hessian forces under General Rail, resulting in the battle of Trenton

and its victory. Lossing's "History of the Battle Fields of the Revolution" mentions William Green's brave and efficient services. For his brave deeds a sword, suitably engraved, was presented to

him, which is still in possession of the family. Minute Man in the Hunterdon County Militia.

Reference : Stryker's Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War,

p. 611.

[52] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1909 CLARK, WILLIAM GILMORE, D. D. S., Chicago. Born—Dansville, New York. To Iowa Society, 1896. Descendant of David Abel, Lebanon, Connecticut (1752- 1839). Private in Captain Benjamin Mills' Company, Bradley's Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, Connecticut Troops, 1776. Served three years. Pensioner.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 417.

1898 CLINGMAN, CHARLES WILLIAM, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of John Clingman, Aaronsburg, Pennsylvania (1756-1848). Captain of the Eighth Company, Second Battalion, Northumberland County Militia, Commanded by Colonel James Murray, 1778.

Reference : Letter of William H. Egle, Librarian of State Library,

dated Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. March 2, 1897, in hands of applicant.

1910 CLINGMAN, CARL SLOCUM, Wilmington, Delaware. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of John Clingman. For Record see Charles William Clingman.

1895 COFFEEN, MILO LESTER, Deceased. Born—Antwerp, New York. Descendant of John Coffeen, Cavendish, Vermont (1726- 1802). Captain of "'Upper Regiment" of Cumberland County, Ver- mont, 1775. Captain of "Captain John Coffeen's Company of Militia" of Vermont. August and October, 1781.

Reference: Certificate from Office of Adjutant and Inspector General

of the State of Vermont. Vermont Historical Gazeteer, vol. 2, p. 390.

1895 COFFEEN, WILLIAM, Chicago. Born—Antwerp, New York. Descendant of John Coffeen. For Record see Milo Lester Coffeen.

[S3] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number

191 1 CONREY, GEORGE ASBURY, Chicago. Born—Cambridge City, Indiana. Descendant of John Andrews, New York (1735-1798). Pri- vate in Captain William Faulkner's Company, Colonel Albert Pawl- ing's Regiment of Levies.

Reference : New York in the Revolution, p. 82. New York State

Archives, vol. i, p. 313.

191 1 COOK, EDWARD HERBERT, Huntley, Illinois. Born—Seneca, Illinois. Descendant of Daniel Coquillette, Sr. For Record see Dr. William Seymour White.

1895 CROMWELL, CHARLES, Chicago. 1835 Born—Freemont, Illinois. Descendant of Richard Cromwell, Maryland (1749-1802). Commissioned First Lieutenant, December 20, 1776, by the Council of Safety in Colonel Edward Corkey's Battalion of Militia. Govern- or Lee appointed Richard Cromwell Captain of a Company in the "Gunpowder," Upper Battalion of Militia in Baltimore County, October 31, 1780.

Reference : Archives of Maryland. Journal and Correspondence of

Council of Safety, December 20, 1776, vol. 12, pp. 541-542.

1906 CROXTON, HUGH WORTHINGTON, Chicago. Born—Jackson, Michigan. Descendant of Amos Wilkinson, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1747-1833). Second Lieutenant First Pennsylvania Battalion, January, 1776. First Lieutenant, May, 1776. At the battles of Three Rivers, Canada, Brandywine, and Germantown. Commis- sioned Lieutenant on the Ship "Hyder Ali." Transferred to the ship "General Monk" and served to close of War. Pensioner.

Reference : Heitman's Historical Register, p. 435.

Also, descendant of Robert Miller, New Jersey ( 1827). Private in Captain Ogden's Company, First Regiment New Jersey

[54] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Continental Line. In Eastern Battalion Morris County Militia,

Colonel Jacob Ford, Jr., and in the "State Troops." In the battles of Quinton's Bridge, Hancock's Bridge, Three Rivers, Connecticut Farm, and others. Private Miller rendered important service to the starving army at Valley Forge.

Reference: Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War, pp. 251, 6go.

1895 DAVIS, WARREN JOHNSON, Racine, Wisconsin. 1872 Born—San Francisco, California. Descendant of Isaac Belknap, Newburgh, New York (1733- 1815). First Lieutenant in Captain John Nicholson's Company, Colonel James Clinton's Ulster County Regiment. Quartermaster in Colonel Jonathan Hasbrouck's Regiment, Commissioned Octo- ber 25, 1775, from Newburgh. Captain of a Company of Rangers organized in July, 1776.

Reference: N€w York in the Revolution, vol. i, p. 301. American

Archives, Fifth Series, vol. 3, pp. 286, 344, 525. Also, descendant of John Warren, Saratoga, New York (1753- 1823). Sergeant in Captain Martin's Company, Colonel Timothy Bigelow's Fifteenth Massachusetts Regiment, 1777. Ensign in Cap- tain Sylvanus Smith's Company, same Regiment, 1779. Ensign, transferred to Colonel 's Fifth Massachusetts Regi- ment, 1781. Lieutenant, same Company and Regiment, 1782. He was one of the original members of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati.

Reference: Massachusetts Revolutionary War Records, vol. 48, p. 322; vol. 69, pp. I, 37-

1896 DAY, WILLIAM PENNIMAN, Peoria, Illinois. Born—Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Descendant of Thomas Gallaher, Pennsylvania (1752-1812). Member of the "Flying Camp." Badly wounded at "Crooked Bil- let" and remained in hospital three months.

Reference: Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. 15, p. 765.

[SS] Illinois Society Sons of tlie Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1912 DAVIS, ROWLAND GEORGE, Chicago. Born—Dixon, Illinois. Descendant of Henry Ludinglon, New York (1739-1817). Major in Second Dutchess County Minute Men, Colenel Jacobus Swartwout's Regiment. Colonel in Seventh Dutchess County Regi- ment, New York Militia. Member of New York Assembly, 1780.

Reference : Original Commission in possession of Charles H. Luding-

ton, New York City. New York in the Revolution, p. 150. Also, descendant of Elisha Ludington. For Record see Nelson John Ludington. Also, descendant of John Patrick. For Record see Lewis Seaman Patrick. Also, descendant of Joshua Griffith, New York (1766-1822). Private in Captain Joel Mead's Company, Colonel Henry Luding- ton's Regiment, Seventh Dutchess County Militia.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, p. 151.

1894 DELAFIELD, REV. WALTER, D. D., Deceased. 1573 Born—Poughkeepsie, New York. Descendant of Joseph Hallett, New York City (1731-1799). Member of the First, Second and Third Provincial Congresses.

Member of New York Committee of One Hundred, May i, 1775. Member of New York Provincial Congress, 1775, 1776.

Reference : Calendar of New York Historical Manuscripts, vol. I,

pp. 4, 18, 86, 180, 219, 270, 340, 482. Also, descendant of Robert Knight, Rhode Island (1721- 1791). Private in Captain General's Cavaliers, commanded by Colonel Benjamin Slack.

Reference : Certificate of Secretary of State of Rhode Island attached to application.

1910 DELAFIELD, HERBERT, Chicago. Born—Ballston Springs, New York. Descendant of Joseph Hallett. Also, descendant of Robert Knight. For Record see Rev. Walter Delafield, D.D.

[56] Roll of Members

Vear Insignia Admitted Number 1908 DENNISTON, GEORGE RORABACK, Chicago. Born—Lyons, New York.

Descendant of John Jeffers, New York. Private in Colonel Philip Van Courtland's Second Regiment, New York Continental Line in the Revolutionary War.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, Roberts' Second Edition,

P- 34-

1908 DENNISTON, URIAH RORABACK, Chicago. Born—Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Descendant of John Jeffers, New York. For Record see George Roraback Denniston.

1896 DICKINSON, FREDERICK, Chicago. 2296 Born—Guilford, New York. Descendant of Thomas Dickinson, Goshen, Connecticut (1737- 1811). Private in Colonel Sheldon's Seventeenth Regiment, Sixth Brigade of Connecticut Troops to serve in two Battalions for de-

fense of the sea coast and frontiers until the first day of March, 1780.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 562.

1897 DICKINSON, JOHN RALPH, Chicago. Born—Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Descendant of Thomas Dickinson, Goshen, Connecticut. For Record see Frederick Dickinson. Also, descendant of Walter Booth, Woodbridge, Connecticut (1761-1825). Private in Captain Peck's Company, Colonel William Douglas' Fifth Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, 1776. In Captain Hunt's Company, Colonel Webb's Third Connecticut Regiment, April, 1777. Served until 1782. Corporal March 26, 1780. Ser- geant May I, 1781. Pensioner under Act of 1818.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 248. 335, 408, 632.

[57] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1913 DICKINSON, CAMERON TURNER, Portland, Oregon. 3640 Born—Chicago, Illinois.

Descendant of Oliver Dickinson, Jr., Litchfield, Connecticut (1757- 1847). Private in Connecticut Troops from May, 1776, to the summer of 1781 under Captain Tuttle, Vail, and others. Pen- sioner. Catlin, Litchfield, Connecticut Also J descendant of David (1747- 1839). Private in Connecticut Troops from June, 1776 to July, 1779, in Captain Moses Seymour's Company. In battles of Valen- tines Hill, Danbury, Norwalk. Pensioner.

Reference : Certificate of Pension Commissioner attached to applica- tion.

1896 DODD, HENRY VAN ZANDT, Deceased. Born—East Orange, New Jersey. Descendant of Eleazer Dodd, Newark, New Jersey. Private in Essex County Militia. Also, descendant of John Dodd, Newark, New Jersey (1725- 1795)- Private in the Second Regiment, Essex County, New Jersey, Militia. Private in Captain John Craig's Company, Major Samuel Hayes' Battalion of State Troops.

Reference : Officers and Men of New Jersey in the War of the Revo- lution, p. 575. Also descendant of Samuel Condit, Orange, New Jersey (1761- 1822). Private in Essex County, New Jersey, Militia. For Record see John Dodd. Also, descendant of Daniel Condit, Orange, New Jersey (1723-1785). Private in Second Regiment, Essex County, New Jersey, Militia, in Captain Williams' Company. In same Com- pany in State Troops. Private in First Battalion, Second Estab- lishment New Jersey Continental Line. For Record see John Dodd. Also, descendant of Joseph Washburn, Sing Sing, New York,

( 1821). Private in Colonel Hammond's Regiment, West- chester County Militia.

[58] s

Roll of Me m b e r

Year Insignia Admitted Number Reference: Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York

—The Revolution, vol. i, p. 510. Also, descendant of Samuel Williams, East Orange, New Jersey (1714-1812). Private, Minute Man in the Essex County Militia during the Revolutionary War. For Record see John Dodd. Also, descendant of Jonathan Baldwin, Orange, New Jersey (1753-1821). Private in the Essex County Militia. For Record see John Dodd.

1899 DOUGLASS, GEORGE LYON, Chicago. Bom—Erie County, Pennsylvania. Descendant of John Douglass, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1750-1840). Captain in the Eleventh Pennsylvania Regiment, Continental Line. Family tradition says that Captain Douglass clothed and equipped the Company at his own expense.

Reference: Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. 10, pp. 761, 763. Also, descendant of William Lyon, Carlisle, Pennsylvania (1729-1809). Member of the Committee of Council of Safety for Pennsylvania, 1776, whose services were directed to the organi- zation and equipment of the military affairs of Pennsylvania.

Reference : Colonial Records of Pennsylvania, vol. 10, p. 756.

1894 DUDLEY, HENRY WALBRIDGE, Chicago. 2121 Born—Grand Rapids, Michigan. Descendant of Gustavus Walbridge, Norwich, Connecticut (1755-1828), who volunteered for six months' service a number of times, making a total length of service three or more years. In the battle of White Plains and that of Long Island under General Putnam. Private in Captain Joshua Huntington's Company. Colonel Seldon's Fourth Battalion Wadsworth's Brigade, 1776. He also volunteered under Captain Lord of New London, on a vessel carry- ing twenty guns to go on a privateering voyage to the . Took on board a cargo of horses for the West India market, intend-

[59] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number ing to dispose of them and then cruise. When within one day's

sail of destination were spied by a British vessel, pursued and ordered to surrender, which they refused to do. On account of the nature of their cargo could only use four of their guns, whlie the British used twenty. After a battle lasting two and a half hours they were obliged to surrender, were taken to the Island of Bermuda, afterwards to Philadelphia, and placed on board the British Cartel kept as prisoners here three months and then exchanged.

Facts taken from a letter written by my mother's brother, Judge Henry S. Walbridge of Ithaca, New York, and also sub- stantially related to me by my mother.

1904 DUDLEY, LAWRENCE HOWARD, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Gustavus Walbridge. For Record see Henry Walbridge Dudley.

1908 DUDLEY, HENRY STUART, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Gustavus Walbridge. For Record see Henry Walbridge Dudley.


Bom—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Gustavus Walbridge. For Record see Henry Walbridge Dudley.

1912 EATON, CHARLES SCRIBNER, Chicago. 3622 Bom—Palmyra, Missouri. Descendant of Nathan Eaton, Massachusetts (1748-1817). Corporal in Captain Benjamin Blaney's Company, Colonel Gardner's Regiment. Marched in "Lexington Alarm." Lieutenant in

[60] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Captain Hatch's Company, Lieutenant Colonel Bond's Regiment, October, 1775.

Reference: Copy of certificate of William M. Olin, Secretary of State of Massachusetts, filed.

1912 EATON, LEWIS SPENCER, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Nathan Eaton. For Record see Charles Scribner Eaton.

1910 EASTMAN, ROBERT MAURICE, Chicago. Born—Anoka, Minnesota. Descendant of Daniel Eastman, Pembroke, New Hampshire (1756-1844). Private in Lieutenant Stephen Farington's Company, August to November, 1782. Company raised for defense of York and Cumberland (Maine) Counties and stationed at Sudbury, Canada.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 5, p. 159.

1905 EDMUNDS, HARRY MILFORD, Chicago. Born—Fort Wayne, Indiana. Descendant of Conrod Smith, Pennsylvania. Certified copy of

original certificate on file. "These are to certify the bearer hereof, Conrod Smith, a soldier in the First Pennsylvania Regiment, having faithfully served the United States from April, 1777, to the present date, is hereby discharged from the American Army. Given at the War Office by order of the Secretary of War, the Seventh day of August, 1783. (Signed) B. Lincoln." "Registered in the books of the Regiment (Signed) Richard Fullerton, Adjutant." "The within certificate shall not avail the bearer as discharged until the ratification of the definite treaty of peace, previous to

which time and until proclamation thereof shall be made he is to be considered as being on furlough.

(Signed) B. Lincoln, War Office, August 15, 1783."

[61] Illinois Society Sons of the ReA'olution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1908 ELLINGTON, CHARLES ERNEST TOWNLEY, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Jonas Rice, Guilford, Vermont (1755-1839). Private in Captain Josiah Borden's Company, Colonel William Williams' Regiment on expedition to Bennington, I777- Lieuten- ant in Captain James Blakeslee's Company from beginning of Cam- paign of 1781 to June 30, 1781. In same Company, Colonel Fletcher's Battalion, General Enos' Brigade, 1781. Served twenty- one and one-third months as Lieutenant and two and one- half months as private. Enlisted in 1775. Took part in the battles of Trenton and Princeton. Was present at the surrender of Bur- goyne.

Reference : Vermont Revolutionary Rolls, pp. 36, 388, 559.

1912 ELLINGTON, HAROLD SLAIGHT, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Jonas Rice. For Record see Charles E. T. Ellington.

1897 ELLIS, ORANGE WARNER, Chicago. 3529 Born—Sheflford, Canada. Descendant of Seth Warner, Woodbury, Connecticut (1744- 1784). Lieutenant-Colonel commanding a battalion of Minute Men, April, 1775. Took possession of Crown Point May 12, 1775. Colonel of one of the sixteen "Additional Continental Regiments,"

1776. Retired January i, 1781.

Reference: Heitman's Historical Register, p. 418.

1894 ELWELL, EDWARD HARMON, Deceased. Born—Buxton, Maine. Descendant of Benjamin Elwell, Buxton, Maine (1733-1801). Served in "Falmouth Alarm." Private in Massachusetts Militia, April to December, 1775. Private in Captain Lane's Company, Colonel Brooks' Regirnent, from February, 1777 to December, 1779. Private in same Regiment, January i, 1780, to February 13, 1780.

[62] 1

Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number

Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the ^^'ar of the

Revolution, vol. 5, p. 330.

1910 ELWELL, RUSSELL TUTTLE, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Ilhnois. Descendant of Benjamin Ehvell. For Record see Edward Harmon Elwell.

1910 FEE, WILLIAM THOMAS, M.D.—LL.D., American Consul. 2992 Bremen, Germany. Born—Niles, Ohio. Descendant of Daniel Harper. For Record see Alfred Eugene Harper.

1894 FLOYD-JONES, THOMAS, New York, New York. 1508 Born—S. Oyster Bay, New York. Descendant of James Budden, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He commanded the First City Troop of Horse composed of citizens of character and wealth, raised for the protection of American rights

at Philadelphia, 1 776-1 781. This Corps was present at the battles of Trenton and Germantown and formed part of the body-guard of General while at Trenton.

Reference : "History of the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry," p. 160. Also, descendant of George Glentworth, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania (1735-1792). Regimental Surgeon, 1777. Senior Surgeon and

Director General of the Southern Department, appointed by the first . On duty at Headquarters of the American Army. Extracted the ball from the wound of Marquis Lafayette, which he received at the battle of Brandywine. Surgical scissors used on the occasion are now in possession of the family. Warrant issued in 1791 for 450 acres of land for his services in the War as surgeon.

Reference: Pennsylvania Colonial Records, vol. II, pp. 152, 154; vol. 14, pp. 417, 616. Bounty Land Records, Bureau of Pensions.

[63 Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1910 FOLDS, CHARLES WESTON, Chicago. Born—Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Descendant of James Jenkins, Falmouth, Massachusetts (1735- 1807). Private in Captain Joseph Pahner's Company, Colonel Freeman's Regiment, in "Lexington Alarm." In same Company, service at Dartmouth in September, 1778, and in same Company and Regiment in 1779.

Reference : Certificate of Honorable W. M. Olin, Secretary of Com- monwealth of Massachusetts in hands of applicant.

1908 FOLEY, JOHN BURTON, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois.

Descendant of Petros Whitaker, New York ( 1789). Pri- vate in Colonel Johannes Snyder's First Regiment New York Militia.

Reference : New York in the Revolution, p. 188.

1908 FOLEY, HENRY BURNS, Chicago. Born—Steubenville, Ohio. Descendant of Petros Whitaker. For Record see John Burton Foley.

1894 FOOTE, JOHN CROCKER, Belvidere, Illinois. 1602 Life Member. Born—Hamilton, New York. Descendant of Isaac Foote, Smyrna, New York (1746-1842). Gunner in Colonel John Lamb's Second Continental Artillery, May, 1777. Promoted Corporal, 1780. Was with Washington at Valley Forge. Delegate to the Convention at Hartford which ratified the Constitution of the United States on the First Thursday in January, 1788.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 285.

1900 FOOTE, JOHN GARVIN, Deceased. Born—Belvidere, Illinois. Descendant of Isaac Foote. For Record see John Crocker Foote.

[64] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Also, descendant of Rev. Josiah Sherman, Woodbury, Connecti-

cut (1729- 1 789). Chaplain Seventh Regiment Connecticut Conti- nental Line. Brother of Roger Sherman.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 217.

1912 FOSS, HENRY AUGUSTUS, Chicago. Born—Thornton, New Hampshire. Descendant of Edmund Elliott, New Hampshire, Captain in Colonel David Hobart's Regiment, General Stark's Brigade of New Hampshire Militia, 1777.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 11, pp. 150.

1 57, 158.

191 1 FOSS, MARTIN HOWARD, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Ebenezer Foss, Boscawen, New Hampshire (1756-1836). Private in Captain Benjamin Sias' Company, 1777. Company marched from Canterbury and London to Fort Edward when General Burgoyne's Army was taken. Joined the New Levies Hampshire Line, age twenty-one, from Canterbury. Name appears on pay-roll for Continental Regiments, 1780.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 4, p. 258; vol. 3, pp. 87, 90.

1908 FRENCH, CHARLES NEWTON, Chicago. Born—Lawrence County, Illinois. Descendant of Benjamin Lyon, Morristown, New Jersey

(1741 ). Private in Captain Christopher Marsh's Light Horse Troop, Essex County, New Jersey. He applied for pension and his claim was allowed and certificate No. 11358 issued under the Act of 1832.

Reference : New Jersey Men in the Revolutionary War, p. 674.

1912 GAULT, ROY LINCOLN, Chicago. Born— St. Peter, Minnesota. Descendant of Henry Woolsey, New York (1730-1800). Pri- vate in Captain Peleg Ransom's Company, Colonel John Canteen's

[6S] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number Third Ulster County, New York, Militia for defense of the fron-

tiers. Private in Captain John Brinkerhoff's Company in same service, 1778.

Reference : New York in the Revolution, p. 59.

1912 GAULT, ZURIEL, Chicago.

Borot—-St. Peter, Minnesota. Descendant of Henry Woolsey. For Record see Roy Lincoln Gault.

1910 GILBERT, NEWELL CLARK, M.D., Chicago Heights, Illinois. Born—Clinton, Illinois. Descendant of Elisha Gage, Woodstock, Connecticut (1754- 1833). Private in "Lexington Alarm," marched from Woodstock, Connecticut. Private in Captain Ephraim Manning's Seventh Com- pany, Third Regiment. Private in Lieutenant Stephen Tucker's Company, Eleventh Connecticut Regiment, at New York in 1776.

Reference: Connecticut Military Records, 1775- 1848, pp. 28, 57, 462.

1910 GILBERT, NEWELL DARROW, DeKalb, Illinois. Born—Clyde, New York. Descendant of Elisha Gage. For Record see Newell Clark Gilbert.

Reference: History of New Woodstock, New York, pp. 29, 30, 31, 32, 63.

Iowa GREEN, THOMAS EDWARD, S. T. D., Ph. D., Chicago. 2742 1896 Born—Shippenville, Pennsylvania.

111. Descendant of Thomas Green, Fairfax, Virginia. Private in 1905 the Continental Line for three years, enlisting in Virginia. Land warrant No. 3635, dated December 29, 1784, for 100 acres of land, issued on that account to John Green, heir-at-law to Thomas Green. Signed by Patrick Henry and Thomas Meriweather. Also, descendant of John Galbraith, Pennsylvania. Volunteered

July I, 1776. Member of Captain William Huston's Company. Taken prisoner at the battle of Long Island. Application made for pension.

[66] 1

Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number 191 GREEN, ZOLA CONSTANTIUS, Chicago. Born—District of Columbia. Descendant of Uriah Forrest, Maryland. Lieutenant in the Maryland Line. Promoted Lieutenant-Colonel. He was shot in the leg at the battle of Germantown and later was obliged to have the

leg amputated ; thereafter incapacitated for military duty. Later he was appointed by the State of Maryland Major-General of Militia.

Reference: Heitman's Historical Register, p. 179.

1894 GREENSLIT, ANSON CAREY, Deceased. Born— Franklin, Connecticut. Descendant of Ensign Thomas Hyde, Norwich, Connecticut (1735-1819). Appears on the pay-roll of Company of Captain Nehemiah Waterman of men detached from the Twentieth Regiment of Militia in the State of Connecticut to serve a three months' term in a Regiment to be commanded by Colonel Nathan Gallup in General Tyler's Brigade to co-operate with Count D'Estaing, No-

vember 9, 1779.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 555.

1912 GURLEY, WILLIAM FRANK EUGENE (Reed), Chicago. Born—Oswego, New York. Descendant of Amos Reed, Newton, Massachusetts (1762- 1847). Enlisted October, 1778, for three months in Captain Car- penter's Company at Blandford, Massachusetts. In Captain Ely's Company, Colonel Brown's Regiment, 1779. Appears in return of three and six months' men, raised in Hampshire County by order of Brigadier General Danielson, 1780. Pensioner.

Reference : The United States Census of Pensioners, 1840, p. 92. Also, descendant of James Slade, Hebron, Connecticut (1730- 1812). Marched in "Lexington Alarm" from East Windsor.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 9. Also, descendant of Edward Joyner, Deerfield, Massachusetts (1708-1796). Private in Captain Joseph Stebbin's Company, Colonel David Wells' Regiment, 1777, on expedition to Northern Department.

[67] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number Reference: Certified copy by Secretary of the State of Massachusetts furnished and returned to the appHcant. History of Deerfield, Massachusetts. Also, descendant of Benjamin Munn, Deerfield, Massa- chusetts (1709-1778). Private in Captain Freeborn Moulton's (Monson, Hampshire County) Company of Minute Men, Colonel Danielson's Regiment, which marched on the "Lexington Alarm" to Cambridge. Service nineteen days.

Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 10, p. 162.

Also, descendant of Edward Joyner, Sudbury, Massachusetts (1738-1814). Private in Captain Abel Dinsmore's Company, Colonel Elisha Porter's Hampshire County Regiment, 1779. Serv- ice one month and thirteen days at New London, Connecticut.

Reference : Certified copy by Secretary of the State of Massachusetts furnished and returned to applicant.

Also, descendant of Rufus Hall, Connecticut (1749-1791). Corporal in Captain William Cooley's Company, Colonel John Moseley's Hampshire County Regiment, July, 1777. Company marched to reinforce the Northern Army.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 7, p. 107. Also, descendant of John Pier, Sheffield, Massachusetts (1752- 1797)- John Pier was Clerk in Captain Spafford's Company, in Colonel Gideon Warren's Regiment of Militia, November, 1778.

Reference : Official certificate furnished and returned to applicant.

Also, descendant of Thomas Pier, Jr., Litchfield, Connecticut. (1730-1816). Private in Captain Hewit Root's Company, Colonel John Ashley's Regiment, July, 1777. Service nineteen days. Com- pany ordered to Fort Edward.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 22, p. 129.

Also, descendant of Thomas Pier, Sr., Sheffield, Massa- chusetts (1697-1779). Sergeant in Captain George King's Com- pany, Colonel Hopkin's Berkshire County Regiment, July and August, 1776. Company marched to Highlands, New York. Ser- geant in Captain Silas Goodrich's Company, Colonel John Ashley's

[68] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Berkshire County Regiment, September to October, 1777. Service thirty-one days in Northern Department.

Reference : Official certificate by Secretary of the State of Massa- chusetts furnished and returned to applicant. Also, descendant of Gilbert Taylor, East Chester, New York (1715-1790). Private in Captain Joseph Osburn's Company, be- longing to the Regiment of Westchester County Associated Ex- empts, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Benedict.

Reference: Certificate of Treasurer in the State Library at Albany,

New Yorlc, vol. 9, p. 43. Official certificate furnished and returned to applicant.

Also, descendant of Gilbert Taylor, Jr., Westchester County, New York (1744-1803). First Lieutenant in a Company of Militia organized for Fordham and Westfarms, Westchester County, New York. Private in Captain George JMcCombs' Com- pany, Colonel James Hammond's Regiment of Westchester County Militia, 1780. Private in Captain Abraham Smith's Company, Colonel Samuel Drake's Regiment, 1780.

Reference: Calendar of Historical Manuscripts, Albany, vol. i, p. 135;

vol. 6, pp. 6, 71. Also, descendant of William Crawford, Westchester, New York (1723-1789). Private in Captain Benjamin Chapman's Com- pany, Belonging to Regiment of Westchester County Militia, Commanded by Colonel Thaddeus Crane, 1781.

Reference : Official certificate furnished and returned to applicant.

Also, descendant of Alexander Cotter, New York (1735-1820). Private in Colonel Johannis Jansen's Regiment of Militia in Ulster County, New York, where his name appears in transfer of a bounty land warrant.

Reference : Certificate furnished and returned to applicant.

1902 HADLEY, EDWIN MARSHALL, Chicago. Born—Peoria, Illinois. Descendant of Isaac Moore, Somerset County, New Jersey (1752-1833). Private, Minute Man in the Somerset County Militia in the Revolutionary War.

[69] —

Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number

Reference : Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary

War, p. 693.

1907 HADLEY, JAMES MARSHALL, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Born Descendant of Isaac Moore. For Record see Edwin Marshall Hadley.

1894 HAGANS, WILLIAM LUCIAN, Deceased. Born—-Morgantown, Virginia. Descendant of Daniel McCollum, Preston County, Virginia (1754-1842). Ensign in the Second Company, First Battalion, York County Associators which subsequently became incorporated

in the force known as "Flying Camp" and participated in its for- tunes. Ensign in Captain Gerhart Graeff's Company, Colonel Michael Swope's York County Battalion, Pennsylvania. "Flying Camp," 1776.

Reference : Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. 15, page 637.

189s HALE, CHARLES REUBEN, (Bishop of Cairo, III), Deceased. 1774 Born—Lewistown, Pennsylvania. Descendant of Gideon Hale, Glastonbury, Connecticut (1736- 1812). Member of the General Assembly of Connecticut, 1782- 1785. An active man in town affairs all through the Revolution.

Reference: Roll of State Officers and Members of the General Assem-

bly (1776-1781), pp. 32, 34, 36, 40-44- Also, descendant of Jedediah Mills, West Hartford, Connecti-

cut (1756- 1 832). Private in Captain Clark's Company, Eighth Regiment Connecticut Continental Troops, commanded by Colonel Jedediah Huntington, stationed on the Sound and at Roxbury, Massachusetts, July to October, 1775. Private in Colonel Wolcott's Connecticut State Troops stationed near Boston, January to March, 1776. Also, descendant of Charles Seymour, West Hartford, Con- necticut (1738-1802). Lieutenant First Regiment, Connecticut Line, Major Newberry commanding, around New York, 1776. Cap-

[70] Roll of M embers

Year Insignia Admitted Number tain of a Company of the Eleventh Regiment Connecticut Line which served at Peekskill, New York, March to June, 1777.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 449, 497, 87, 383.

1899 HAMLIN, GEORGE ATWELL, Chicago. Born—Canton, Connecticut. Descendant of Edward Hamlin, Middletown, Connecticut (1735-1783).— At the General Assembly held at New Haven, Octo- ber, 1775 "This Assembly do establish Edward Hamlin, Jr., to the Cornet of the Troop of Horse in the Twenty-Third Regiment in this Colony." Cornet in Major Sheldon's Regiment of Light Horse in Captain Eli Butler's Company, October and November, 1776. Corporal in Major Skinner's Troop, Colonel Seymour's Regiment of Light Horse, June and July, 1776.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 476.

1908 HANCOCK, FRANK AMES, Evanston, Illinois. Born—Dubuque, Iowa. Descendant of James Mitchell, Virginia. Private in Captain John Blackwell's Company, Colonel William Heth's Regiment (the Third Virginia), 1778.

Reference : SaiTell's Records of the Revolutionary War, p. 278.

1910 HAND, EDWIN ELLSWORTH, Chicago. Born—Centralia, Illinois. Descendant of Abraham Hand, Connecticut (1741-1814). Pri- vate and Sergeant in Baldwin's Artillery Artificer Regiment of Con- necticut, February, 1777 to November, 1779. Promoted Lieutenant November, 1779.

Reference : Heitman's Historical Register, p. 208.

1912 HANNA, JOHN CALVIN, Oak Park, Illinois. Born— Brimfield, Illinois. Descendant of Richard Winchester, Connecticut (1755- 1842). Private soldier from 1777 to 1779 and served under Captains Lyons, Butts, Button, and Lewis.

Reference: "Dodge Genealogy," p. 31, by Theron Royal Woodward.

[71] ;

Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1913 HANNA, PHILIP WINCHESTER, Oak Park, Illinois. Born—Columbus, Ohio. Descendant of Richard Winchester, Connecticut (1755-1842). For Record see John Calvin Hanna.

1909 HARPER, ALFRED EUGENE, Chicago. 3433 Born—Pulaski, Pennsylvania. Descendant of Daniel Harper, Mercer County, Pennsylvania (1753-1831). "May, 1775, shipped as Boatswain on board schooner 'Liberty' under Commodore Smith; served until November, 1775, when he was discharged on . December, 1775, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, shipped as Gunner's Mate on board gunship 'Alfred' under Commodore Hopkins. In the spring they captured New Providence Colony (West Indies), securing cannon, magazines, etc. In April, 1776, they took a small tender of eight gims, and were engaged five hours with a large ship of war which ran away. In April or May, 1776, he was put on board the 'Andrew Doria' under Captain Nicholas Biddle. In June or July they took two ships, having on board 250 Highlanders each

a ship loaded with sugar, rum, and ebony ; another loaded with dry-

goods and soon afterwards destroyed several of Dunmore's fleet. In the fall he was promoted a Gunner, and Captain Josiah Robinson took charge of the vessel. They sailed to Saint Eustatia, where he was discharged in March, 1777, and returned home in a merchant- man, having served fifteen months under Commodore Hopkins. He shipped again at Baltimore, Maryland, in April or May, 1777, as Boatswain, on board the ship 'Defence' commanded by Captain Cook, and served until October, 1777, when the ship was con- demned and he was discharged at Baltimore, Maryland." Reference: Bureau of Pensions. History of Mercer County, Penn- sylvania. United States War Department Pension List of 1820.

1903 HARRISON, HON. CARTER HENRY, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois.

Descendant of William Grayson, Virginia ( 1790). Lieu- tenant Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, August,

[72] Roll of ]\I embers

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1776. Colonel of one of the "Additional Regiments" of the Conti- nental Army, January, 1777. Appointed Commissioner of the Board

of War, December 7, 1779. Colonel Grayson was a Charter Member from Virginia in the Society of the Cincinnati.

Reference : Heitman's Historical Register, p. 198.

Also, descendant of William Russell, Virginia (1735-1893). Colonel of the Thirteenth Virginia Regiment, December, 1776; transferred to Fifth Virginia, September, 1778. Taken prisoner at Charleston, May 12, 1780. Exchanged November, 1780, and served

until he was retired November 3, 1783. In the battles of German- town, Brandywine, and Monmouth. With the Army at Yorktown, 1781. Charter Member from Virginia in the Society of the Cin- cinnati.

Reference : King's Mountain and Its Heroes, Draper. Heitman's

Historical Register, p. 354. Also, descendant of William Russell, Kentucky (1758-1825). Although only a Lieutenant, owing to the illness of his Captain (Captain Neal) he led his Company at the battle of King's Moun- tain. In same season undertook an expedition against the Chero- kee Indians. Adjutant to Colonel William Campbell in the battles of Whitsell's Mills and Guilford Court House.

Reference: King's Mountain and Its Heroes, by Draper. Historical Sketches of Kentucky, by Lewis Collins.

1913 HAWLEY, CHARLES WILSON, Chicago. Born—Zanesville, Ohio. Descendant of John Muzzy, Spencer, Massachusetts. Private in Captain Josiah White's Company, Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Flagg's Division of Colonel Samuel Denny's Worcester County Regiment, 1777. Company marched to Hadley on "Alarm" to Northward. In Captain David Prouty's Company, same Regiment, marched to reinforce Northern Army.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 11, p. 256.

[73] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1909 HAWTHORNE, RALPH WOODWARD, Elgin, Illinois. Born—Lyons, Iowa. Descendant of John Woodward, East Haven, Connecticut (1742-1810). Private in Captain James Chapman's Fifth Company of the Sixth Connecticut Regiment, Colonel Samuel H. Parson, 1775. Private in Connecticut Artillery Guards in the Company of Captain Phineas Bradley, 1780. Private in Captain Caleb Mix's Company of Connecticut Militia. Also, descendant of Levi Potter, East Haven, Connecticut. Private in Captain William Douglas' Company, General Wooster's Regiment, 1775. The Regiment marched to New York, to "North- ern Department," September, 1775, took part in operations along Lakes George and Champlain. Discharged in November, 1775. Re-enlisted in Captain Bradley's Company of Matrosses, February, 1779. On April 27, 1780, again enlisted in Captain Bradley's Com- pany and was discharged, 1781.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 42,

44, 74. 552, 560, 623, 650.

1895 HILL, JOHN WHIPPLE, Chicago. 1323 Born—Rome, New York.

Member of New York Society before Illinois was organized. Descendant of Captain Squire Hill, Ashford, Connecticut (1747-1830). Sergeant in Captain Thomas Knowlton's Company of Ashford, "Lexington Alarm." Ensign in Captain Thomas Knowl- ton's Fifth Company, Third Regiment, Connecticut Line, Colonel

Israel Putnam, May i, 1775, at Bunker Hill. First Lieutenant in Captain Amaziah Wright's Company, Colonel Roger Enos' Regi- ment, Connecticut State Troops, November, 1776. Captain in Colonel Samuel McLellan's Regiment, Connecticut State Troops,

March i, 1778. Served in Tyler's Brigade under General Sullivan, in Rhode Island, September, 1778. Also, descendant of Private Benjamin Whipple, Rhode Island (1754-1819). Marine in the service of United States, confined on board the British prison ship "Jersey."

[74] Roll o f Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Also, descendant of Private Ebenezer Walker, Connecticut (1716-1799). Private, Colonel Sheldon's Light Dragoons. Served,

1 78 1 to close of the War.

Reference : Records of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution,

PP- S> 55. 58, 281, 424, 543, 545. Ship's Records in possession of British Government, published by "Society of Old Brooklynites,'' 1888, p. 58. Also, descendant of John Hall, Wrentham, Massachusetts (1735-1812). Second Lieutenant in Captain Samuel Cowell's Com- pany, Colonel John Smith's Regiment in "Lexington Alarm." First Lieutenant in same Company, Colonel Ephraim Wheelock's Regi- ment, April 21, 1776.

Reference : Certificate of Secretary of State attached to application.

Massachusetts Archives, vol. 12, p. 10; vol. 28, p. 110; vol. 40, p. 165. Also, descendant of Henry Wager, New York (1764-1840). Private in Eighth Albany County Regiment, New York State Militia. Enlisted when seventeen years of age.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, p. 116.

1912 HILL, CALVIN SEYSTER, Chicago. Born—Franklin Co., Kansas. Descendant of James Hill, Vermont. Private in Connecticut Troops on expedition to New York, 1776. Ensign in Mathew Lyon's Company, Vermont Troops, in "Alarm of 1780." Private in Captain Lemuel Bradley's Company of the Sixth Regiment of Militia, 1780, and in same Company on "Alarm to the Westward" in December, 1781.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 388. Vermont Revolutionary Rolls, pp. 172, 224, 547. 727.

1899 HINMAN, BENJAMIN PEARCE, Jr., Chicago. Born—Clifton, Ohio. Descendant of Levi Smith, Amherst, Massachusetts (1761- 1828). Private in Captain Phinehas Smith's Company, Colonel Porter's Regiment, in "Lexington Alarm." Fifer in Captain Reuben Dickinson's Company, Colonel Woodbridge's Regiment, August and September, 1775. Fifer in Captain John Thompson's Company,

[75] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolvition

Year Insignia Admitted Number Colonel Leonard's Regiment, May and July, 1777. Marched to re- inforce Northern Army. Fife Major in Captain James Harlow's Company, Colonel Ezra Wood's Regiment, August, 1778, to January

I, 1779. Fifer in Captain Job Alvord's Company, Colonel Murray's Regiment, raised to reinforce the Continental Army, 1780.

1907 HINSDELL, ARTHUR BEMIS, Chicago. Born—Elgin, Illinois. Descendant of David Hinsdale, Massachusetts (1754- 1822). Private in Captain Erastus Sergeant's Company, in Colonel Benja- min Simond's detachment of Berkshire County Militia, 1777. In same Company in December, 1776. Service ninety-seven days. At Ticonderoga. In Captain Oliver Belding's Company, Colonel John Brown's Regiment, 1777, service to the Northward.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 7, p. 951.

1910 HODGSON, FRANK DAY, Chicago. Born—Covington, Kentucky. Descendant of Benjamin Crane, Cranford, New Jersey. Pri- vate and Musician through the War in the Essex County, New Jersey, Militia.

Reference: New Jersey Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 480. Also, descendant of Daniel Baker, Westfield, New Jersey. Corporal in the First Battalion, New Jersey Continental Line, November, 1775. Private in First Regiment, Essex County Militia, promoted Ensign and served throughout the War.

Reference: Stryker's Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revo-

lutionary War, p. 448.

1909 HOWLAND, GEORGE CARTER, A.B., A.M., Chicago. Born—Jefferson County, Kentucky. Descendant of Job Howland, Barnstable, Massachusetts (1726- 1794). Matross in Captain Micah Hamlen's Company of Matrosses, Colonel Freeman's Regiment, on Alarm at Dartmouth, Bedford, and

[76] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Falmouth, September, 1778. In same Company guarding prisoners belonging to the British ship "Somerset." Sergeant in same Regi- ment on "Alarm" at Falmouth in March, 1779. Subsequent to April, 1779, his Company served on four alarms.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 8, p. 405.

1906 HUBBARD, CHARLES FAYETTE, M. D., Chicago. Born—Seneca Falls, New York. Descendant of Richard Cole, Scituate, Rhode Island. Ensign of Fourth Company of Scituate, May, 1781.

Reference: Smith's Civil and Military Lists of Rhode Island, pp. 401, 420.

1908 HUNTLEY, THOMAS STILLWELL, Elgin, Illinois.

Bom—Huntley, Illinois. Descendant of Jacob Brinkerhoff, New York (1756-1829). Was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and held a Captain's Com- mission during the latter part of his service.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, Roberts' Second Edition,

P- 135-

1901 ILLSLEY, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, Evanston, Illinois. Born—Newark, New Jersey.

Descendant of Jonathan Illsley, Portland, Maine (1738- 1819). Private in Captain John Moody's Company, "Lexington Alarm." Also Captain Joseph lllsley's Company, Colonel Coggs- well's Regiment, September 30, 1776.

Reference : Massachusetts -Archives.

1896 ISHAM, RALPH, Chicago. Life Member. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Jacob Snell, New York. Volunteer in Colonel Jacob Klock's Second Tryon County Regiment under Brigadier General Nicholas Herkimer. He fought and was killed in the

[-7] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1777. There were nine of this Snell family in this battle, seven of whom were killed. York, Reference : Documents relating to the Colonial History of New

PP- 477> S49- History of Herkimer County, pp. 71, 434, 436.

1909 JORDAN, CADY MORROW, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of David Jordan, Pennsylvania. For Record see Scott Jordan.

1894 JORDAN, JOHN WARD, Deceased. Born—Piqua, Ohio.

Descendant of Captain David Cady, Jr., Killingly, Connecticut (1742-1807). Captain of Connecticut Troops in the "Lexington Alarm." For Record see Scott Jordan.

1894 JORDAN, SCOTT, Chicago. 1591 Born—Piqua, Ohio.

Descendant of Captain David Cady, Jr., Killingly, Connecticut (1742-1807). Captain of Connecticut Troops in the "Lexington Alarm."

Reference: Adjutant General's Office, State of Connecticut. Also, descendant of David Jordan, Pennsylvania (1739-1805). Second Lieutenant in Captain Adam Black's Company, Fifth Bat- talion, York County, Pennsylvania Associated Battalions and Militia of the Revolution, Commanded by Colonel Joseph Jeffries.

Reference: Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. 14, p. 498. Also, descendant of George Ward, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (1737-1808). Private soldier in the Revolutionary War in the serv-

ice of Pennsylvania. Received depreciation pay to January i, 1781.

' Reference : Pennsylvania Archives. Also, descendant of William Scott, Greenbriar County, Virginia

( 1805). Sergeant of Virginia Continentals and served three years. Received land warrant for 200 acres from the State.

Reference : Records of Virginia Land Office at Richmond, Virginia.

[78] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1909 JORDAN, CAPT. WILLIAM HENRY, Eighteenth Infantry, United States Army. Born—Camp Robinson, Nebraska. Descendant of David Jordan. Also, descendant of David Cady, Killingly, Connecticut. For Record see Scott Jordan.

1909 JUDSON, HARRY PRATT, LL.D., Chicago. Born—Jamestown, New York. Descendant of James Pratt, Hartford, Connecticut. Private, enlisted March, 1777, for three years in Captain Whiting's Company,

Colonel Samuel B. Webb's Regiment ; one of the "Additional Regi- ments" raised for the Continental Line. In General Waterbury's Brigade, March, 1781. Pensioner under Act of 1818.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 250, 574. 643-

1894 KELLEY, HARRISON, Chicago. Bom—New York, New York. Descendant of Major James Cock, Red Mills, New York (1746-1801). Also, descendant of Captain George Dominick New York City (1739-1832). For Record see James Frank Kelley.

1894 KELLEY, JAMES WILLIAM DOMINICK, Chicago. Born—New York, New York. Descendant of Major James Cock, Red Mills, New York Also, descendant of Captain George Dominick, New York City For Record see James Frank Kelley.

1894 KELLEY, JAMES FRANK, Chicago. 1601 Born—Chicago, Illinois. Member of New York Society before Illinois was organized. Descendant of Major James Cock, Red Mills, New York (1746-1801). Colonel in Samuel Drake's Company, 1775. Served

[79] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number as Adjutant in the battle of White Plains. Appointed Commissary

General of the Army, 1776, by General Washington. Served till close of the War.

Reference: New York State Calendar, vol. i, p. 449. Report of Commissary Abraham Livingston, Miscellaneous, 35, 95, 1776. Calendar of Historical Manuscripts Revolutionary Papers, Albany.

Also, descendant of Captain George Dominick, New York City, (1739-1832). Captain in Fourteenth Company, Second Regiment New York Foot Militia, August 29, 1775. Commission dated

November 3, 1775. Original Commission now in possession of Edward H. Dominick, Mattawan, New Jersey.

Reference: Department of Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C. Calendar of New York Historical Manuscripts, Revolutionary Papers,

vol. I, p. 449.

Also, descendant of Sergeant Asa Lawrence, Killingly, Con- necticut (1742-1813). Captain Joseph Cady's Company, commanded by Major William Danielson, which marched from Killingly on the "Lexington Alarm." At New York in 1776, in same Company in Eleventh Regiment of Militia, on march to Westchester.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 14, 461.

1909 KEMP, ERVIN FAXON, Chicago. Born—Ada, Michigan. Descendant of Thomas Faxon, Braintree, Massachusetts (1724-1792). Private in Captain Joseph Stebbin's Company, Colonel David Wells' Regiment, 1777, and subsequent service in 1777-1780.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 5, p. 571.

1894 KILBOURNE, FREDERICK HAMILTON, Deceased. Born—Oswego, New York. Descendant of Captain John Kilbourne, Litchfield, Massa- chusetts (1735-1820). Sergeant in Captain Enos Parker's Com-

pany, Colonel Benjamin Symond's Regiment. Enlisted July 9,

[80] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1777. At Ticonderoga. Captain in same Regiment at "Vermont Alarm," October, 1780.

Reference: Certificate, Department of Secretary of State, Massa- chusetts.

1894 KILBOURNE, JOHN FRANKLIN, Deceased. Born—Oswego, New York. Descendant of Captain John Kilbourne. For Record sec Frederick Hamilton Kilbourne.

1904 KING, SAMUEL BALCH, Chicago. 31 16 Born—Ottawa, Illinois. Descendant of Paul King, Northampton, Massachusetts

(1734- 1 795). Private in Captain Christopher Bannister's Company, Colonel John Dickinson's Regiment. Commissioned First Lieuten- ant of the Second Hampshire County Regiment of Militia under Colonel Chapin, September, 1779.

Reference : Certificate of William M. Olin, Secretary of the State of Massachusetts, in hands of applicant. Also, descendant of Apollas King, Northampton, Massa-

chusetts (1763- 1 842). Enlisted at the age of sixteen and served under Colonel Nathan Tyler from June, 1779, to December, 1780.

Reference: Certificate of William M. Olin, Secretary of the State of Massachusetts, filed with application. Also, descendant of Elijah Wyman, Woburn, Massachusetts (1727-1777). Private in Captain Jesse Wyman's Company, and served in the expedition to Crown Point and Ticonderoga. From

his will it appears that he carried his musket in the "Lexington Alarm" and at the Battle of Bunker Hill.

Reference : Certificate of W. R. Cutter, Librarian of the town of Woburn.

1906 KING, JOHN, Spokane, Washington. Born—Ottawa, Illinois. Descendant of Paul King. Also, descendant of Apollas King.

[81] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number Also, descendant of Elijah Wyman. For Record see Samuel Balch King.

111. LA BACH, PAUL MAYER, C. E., Chicago. 3283 1912 Born—Leavenworth, Indiana. Ohio Descendant of Gerardus Ryker, Closter, New Jersey (1740- 1898 1810). Ensign in Colonel Theunis Dey's Bergen County Regiment of New Jersey Militia. Ensign in Major Mauritius Goetchius's Bat- talion of New Jersey State Troops in the Revolutionary War.

Reference : Stryker's Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revo-

lutionary War, p. 456. Also, descendant of George Beenfield, York County, Pennsyl- vania (1759-1832). Private in Captain James Patton's Company, Fourth Battalion, Cumberland County Pennsylvania Militia, under Colonel Samuel Culbertson, 1780.

Reference : Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, vol. 23, p. 704.

1908 LACKLAND, WILLIAM TRYNER, Chicago. Born—Bloomington, Illinois.

Descendant of Peter Vanderhofif, New Jersey (1742 ). Ensign in Captain Samuel Carhart's Company, First Regiment, New Jersey State Troops, at Monmouth, 1780.

Reference : Stryker's Official Register, p. 458.

1896 LAMB, CHARLES ALLISON, Chicago. Bom—Boston, Massachusetts. Descendant of Abner Sawyer, Phillipston, Massachusetts (1741-1779). Lieutenant in Twelfth Company of the Seventh Worcester County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia, 1776, 1777, 1778.

Reference : Official Certificate of Secretary of State of Massachusetts,


1906 LELAND, FRANK GARDNER, Areola, Illinois. Born—Rising Sun, Indiana. Descendant of Philip Easton, Virginia. Ensign, March, 1777, in Captain Jonathan Clark's Company, Eighth Virginia Regiment.

[82] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number

Second Lieutenant, same Regiment, October i, 1777. Transferred to Colonel James Wood's Regiment, June, 1778. First Lieutenant same Regiment, August 10, 1778. Transferred to Fourth Virginia

Regiment, October, 1778. Retired January i, 1783, relinquishing rank and future right to promotion.

Reference : Heitman's Historical Register, p. 163. Certified copy of Pension Chief's letter to applicant.

1894 LEWIS, WILLIAM HENRY, Deceased. 1765 Born—New York, New York. Descendant of Chaplain Isaac Lewis, Stratford, Connecticut (1746-1840). Chaplain in Colonel Bradley's Connecticut Regiment, State Militia, Wadsworth's Brigade, May to December, 1776.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 414.

Heitman's Historical Register, Officers of the Continental Army, p. 263.

1909 LEYNS, FRED BURBANK, Chicago. Born—Oswego, New York.

Descendant of Peleg Noyes, Connecticut (1741 ). Cap- tain in the Eighth Regiment, Connecticut State Militia.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 561.

1894 LITTLE, REV. ARTHUR WILDE, D.D., Deceased. Born—Brooklyn, New York. Descendant of General David Cobb, Attleboro, Massachusetts (1748-1830). Member of Provincial Congress, Massachusetts, 1775. Second Lieutenant, Colonel John Thomas' Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel, Colonel Henry Jack- son's Additional Continental Regiment, January, 12, 1777. Regi- ment designated Sixteenth Massachusetts, July 23, 1780. Trans-

ferred to Ninth Massachusetts, July i, 1781. Aide-de-Camp to

General Washington, January 15, 1771 to January 7, 1783.

Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant Fifth Massachusetts, January 7, 1773. Served to close of War.

Reference : Heitman's Historical Register, Officers of the Continental

Army, p. 128. Department of Secretary of State, Massachusetts Official Records of the War of the Revolution, vol. 26, pp. 126, 166.

[83] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1912 LOBDELL, JAMES HERVEY, Jr., Chicago. Born—Waterloo, New York. Descendant of Isaac Lobdell, Waterloo, New York (1755- 1838). Private in Captain Joseph Barnes' Company, Colonel Simond's Regiment, 1776. Marched to Join General Washington's Army. In the battle of White Plains. Private in Captain Smith's Company, 1777, and at the surrender of Burgoyne. Pensioner.

Reference : Certificate of J. L. Davenport, Pension Commissioner, attached to application.

1910 LOOK, GEORGE PATRICK, Chicago. Born—Chicago, IlHnois. Descendant of Nathaniel Lucas, Virginia. Ensign in Captain James Lucas' Company in the Fourth Virginia Regiment, Com- manded by Colonel Thomas ElHott, March, 1776. Second Lieuten- ant, September, 1776. First Lieutenant, June, 1777. Appointed Quartermaster same Regiment in June, 1778. He was promoted to Captain in May, 1778.

Reference : Letter giving above data from F. C. Ainsworth, Adjutant

General, dated Washington, D. C, December 2, 1909.

1897 LOTHROP, FREDERIC LORING, Chicago. Born—New York, New York. Descendant of Thomas Lothrop, Cohasset, Massachusetts (1738-1813). First Major in Colonel Solomon Lowell's Regiment, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel same Regiment, October, 1778.

Reference: Certificate of William M. Olin, Secretary of Common-

wealth of Massachusetts, filed.

Also, descendant of Daniel Forbes, Westborough, Massa- chusetts (1710-1780). Member of the General Assembly of Massachusetts, 1777.

Reference: Certificate of his election filed.

[84] Roll of Members

Y^r Insignia Admitted Number 1896 LOWE, JOHN WILLIAMSON, Chicago. 3465 Born—Dayton, Ohio. Descendant of Peter P. Keenon, New Brunswick, New Jersey (1756-1814). Private in Second Middlesex Regiment. Private in First Battalion, Second Establishment, Continental Line. Promoted Assistant Quartermaster, Captain and Quartermaster and Assistant Quartermaster General.

Reference; Officers and Men of New Jersey (Stryker), pp. 225, 652, 835.

1909 LOWDEN, HON. FRANK ORREN, Oregon, Illinois. Life Member. Born—Sunrise City, Minnesota. Descendant of John Loomis, Lincolnville, Pennsylvania (1760- 1833). Private in Colonel Enos' Regiment in Captain William Orcutt's Company. Enlistment at Stratford, Connecticut, December, 1776. At Greenfield, Massachusetts, in Colonel Woodbridge's Regi- ment, in Captain Warner's Company. Enlisted July, 1778, for six months with Captain Chapin. Engaged in battles of Lake George, Diamond Island, and at the surrender of Burgoyne. Pensioner.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 479, 656, 661.

Also, descendant of George Elliott, Pelham, Massachusetts. Private in Captain Shay's Company, Colonel Putnam's Regiment, 1779. Corporal and Sergeant in Colonel John Bailey's Regi- ment, 1780.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 5, p. 272.

1895 LUDINGTON, NELSON JOHN, Chicago. 2044 Born— Piano, Illinois. Descendant of Henry Ludington, New York (1739-1817). Major in the Second Regiment of New York Minute Men, under Colonel Jacobus Swartout, 1776. Colonel of the Seventh Dutchess County, New York, Regiment of Militia, known as "Colonel Henry Ludington's Regiment," May, 1778.

Reference : Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York.

[85] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number

Also, descendant of Elisha Ludington, New York (1716 ). Private in Captain Azan Bamum's Company, Sixth Regiment, Dutchess County Militia, Colonel Rowell Hopkins. Private in Cap- tain Gilbert G. Livingston's Company in Colonel William Malcom's Regiment of New York Levies.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, by Roberts, p. 80.

1894 LYONS, HARRY, American Consul, Nice, France. 1536 Born—Buffalo, New York. Descendant of Second Lieutenant James Budden. Also, descendant of Surgeon George Glentworth. For Record see Thomas Floyd-Jones.

1896 LYON, GEORGE MULHOLLAN, Deceased. Born—Bedford, Pennsylvania. Descendant of William Lyon, Carlisle, Pennsylvania (1729- 1809). Member of the Council or Committee of Safety for Penn- sylvania. The services of this Committee were directed to the organization and equipment of military affairs of the State.

Reference: Colonial Records of Pennsylvania, vol. 10, p. 756.

1895 MARSH, GEORGE SAMUEL, Deceased. Born—Craftsbury, Vermont. Descendant of Corporal Amos Smith, Lyme, Connecticut (1755-1843). Private in Captain Gates' Company, Colonel Samuel Parsons' Regiment, May, 1775. Corporal in Captain Samuel Mathews' Company, Colonel Walcott's Regiment, April, 1776. In Captain Calkin's Company, Colonel Latimer's Regiment, Sep- tember, 1777.

Reference : Department of Interior, Washington, D, C, Bureau of Pensions.

1909 McCALLA, ALBERT, Chicago. 3392 Born—Bloomington, Indiana. Descendant of Thomas McCalla. Private in Pennsylvania and

South Carolina Militia. He enlisted three different times : In the

[86] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Third Battalion, Pennsylvania; in the Sixth Company of the new

Eleventh Regiment of Pennsylvania ; in South, Carolina in Captain John Steele's Company, Colonel John McClure's Regiment. Was in the battles of Long Island, White Plains, Brandywine, and others. He was captured August i8, 1780, after the surprise of Sumter's forces at Fishing Creek and a prisoner in Camden, South Carolina, until the following February.

Reference: Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, vol. 23, p. 817.

1909 McCALLA, LEE ALBERT, Chicago. Born—Fairfield, Iowa. Descendant of Thomas McCalla. For Record see Albert McCalla.

1909 McCALLA, THOMAS CLARENDON, Chicago. Bom—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Thomas McCalla. For Record see Albert McCalla.

1913 McKEE, REV. WILLIAM THOMSON, Belvidere, Illinois. Life Member. Born—Pulaski, Pennsylvania. Descendant of John Bebout, New Jersey (1752-1835). Pri- vate in New Jersey Militia, 1775-1776; in Captain Piatt Bayles' Company, Colonel Stephen Hunt's Battalion, Brigadier-General Nathaniel Heard's Brigade. At the battles of Long Island, 1776, and Monmouth, 1778, as private in Captain Gavin McCoy's Com- pany. Private in Captain John Parker's Company and in Captain Corey's Company, Somerset County Militia.

Reference : Stryker's Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revo-

lutionary War, p. 503.

1907 MANSON, WILLIAM FREDERICK, Deceased. Born—Granville County, North Carolina. Descendant of Frederick Manson, Massachusetts (1745-1826). Corporal in Captain Simon Edgell's Company of Minute Men. Marched in "Lexington Alarm." Private in Captain Micajah Glea-

[87] Illinois Society Sons of the Re\'olution

Year Insignia Admitted Number son's Company, Colonel John Nixon's Regiment, April to August, 1775. Sergeant in Captain Henry Prentiss' Company, Colonel Thomas Marshall's Regiment, June to December, 1776. Sergeant Major in Captain Joseph Fuller's Company, Colonel Samuel Bull- ard's Regiment, August to November, 1777. Quartermaster in Colonel Abner Perry's Regiment, 1777- 1780.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 10, p. 204.

1898 MARTIN, EDWARD PAYSON, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Jason Bushnell, Lisbon. Connecticut (1763- 1847). Private, 1781, in Captain Charles Miel's Company, General Waterbury's Brigade, raised for defense of the Sea Coast. After- wards joined Washington's Army and served to close of the War.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 570. Records of United States Pension Office.

1894 MAY, STEPHEN DOUGLAS, Deceased. Descendant of Colonel Ezra May, Goshen, Massachusetts (1731-1778). Chosen by Legislature of Massachusetts as First Major, Colonel Seth Pomeroy's Second Hampshire County Regi-

ment. Promoted Colonel, same Regiment, October 7, 1777. Served until date of death, January 11, 1778.

Reference : Department of Secretary of State, Massachusetts Official Records of the War of the Revolution, vol. 28, p. 91; vol. 42, pp. 118, 147,

21S, 341-

190S MAYNARD, GEORGE SANGER, Chicago. Born—Warwick, Massachusetts. Descendant of Samuel Maynard, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts (1752-1776). Private in Captain Job Cushing's Company, Colonel Artemas Ward's Regiment. In "Lexington Alarm." Afterwards enlisted for eight months under same officers. Marched in the ex- pedition against . He died in the army at Ticonderoga in 1776. Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 10, p. 401.

[88] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number

1912 MAXFIELD, GRANT, Toulon, Illinois. Born—Toulon, Illinois. Descendant of Nathaniel Maxfield, New Hampshire (1743-

). Private in Captain Stephen Dearborn's Company, Colonel Thomas Stickney's Regiment, New Hampshire Troops in General Stark's Brigade. Marched from Chester, New Hampshire, and joined the Continental Army in 1777.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 2, p. 168. Also, descendant of William McCrillis, New Hampshire. Pri- vate in Captain Henry Dearborn's Company. Colonel Stark's Regi- ment, August, 1775.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. I. pp. 42, 69, 354.

1908 MEAD, EUGENE ADELBERT, Dayton, Ohio. Born—Hastings, Michigan. Descendant of David Mead, New York (1762-1836). Drum- mer in Captain James Green's Company, Colonel John Mead's Regi- ment, August to September, 1776. Private in same Regiment, Cap- tain Abraham Mead's Company under General Wooster at the "Saw Pits," November, 1776 to January 11, 1777. Private in Cap- tain Lockwood's "Coast Guards," March, 1780 to January i, 1781.

Reference : New York in the Revolution, Second Edition, pp. 454, 489. Certificate of Pension Commissioner on file.

1905 MILLER, ALBERT LEROY, Chicago. Life Member. Born—Iowa City, Iowa. Descendant of Henry Miller, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. First Lieutenant in Captain Michael Doudle's Company of Pennsyl- vania Militia, 1775. Later Captain of the same Company. Major of the First Pennsylvania Regiment, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Second Pennsylvania Regiment, 1777. He took an active part in the battles of Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, and others.

Reference : Heitman's Historical Register, p. 293. Pennsylvania

Archives, Second Series, vol. 10, pp. 3H, 327, 405.

[89] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1902 MILLER, LIEUT. EDWARD YOUNG, Deceased. Born—Kutztown, Pennsylvania. Descendant of Michael Young, Pennsylvania. Private in Cap- tain Isaac Adam's Company, Colonel Peter Grubb's Battalion, Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania, destined for the Jerseys, August, 1776. Also, descendant of David Hottenstein, Berks County, Penn- sylvania. Lieutenant from Berks County, a member of the "Flying Camp," Colonel Haller's Battalion in service on Long Island, August, 1778.

Reference : Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, vol. 23, pp. 427, 463.

1912 MILLER, ROWLAND AUSTIN, Chicago. Born—Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Descendant of James Trimble, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1755-1836). Clerk of Council of Safety, 1775. Appointed Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth, 1777. He was in charge of and secreted the Pennsylvania State papers at the time of the occupation of Philadelphia by the British.

Reference : Pennsylvania Archives, vols. 4, S, 6, pp. 306, 427, 518, 641, 642.

1912 MILLER, GEORGE ALEXANDER, Chicago. Born—Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Descendant of James Trimble. For Record see Rowland Austin Miller.

1910 MONTGOMERY, Dr. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Chicago. Born—Carrollton, Illinois. Descendant of John Montgomery, Virginia. Lieutenant-

Colonel of a Virginia State Regiment, 1 778-1 781.

Reference : Heitman's Historical Register, p. 297.

1906 MORRILL, DONALD LITTLEFIELD, Chicago. Born—Auburn, Maine. Descendant of James Wiley, Andover, Massachusetts. Private in Captain Thomas Poor's Company, Colonel James Frey's Regi-

[90] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number ment, 1776. Sergeant in Captain Abbott's Company, Colonel Tup- per's Regiment, from February, 1777 to December 31, 1779. Ser- geant in same Company, 1780.

Reference : Massachusetts Muster and Pay Rolls, vol. 48, p. 363.

"Lexington Alarm" Rolls, vol. 13, p. 42.

1895 MOULTON, GENERAL GEORGE MAYHEW, Chicago. 1820 Born—Readsboro, Vermont.

Descendant of Jonathan Moulton, Hampton, New Hampshire. Muster and Paymaster, 1776. Colonel of Third Regiment New Hampshire State Troops, 1776- 1780.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. I, pp. 256, 413,

414, 449, 450, 456, 478; vol. 2, pp. 276, 692. Also, descendant of James Wallis, Colerain, Massachusetts, (1756-1834). Private in Captain Hugh McClennan's Company, Colonel Samuel Williams' Regiment in "Lexington Alarm." Pri- vate in Captain John Wells' Company, Colonel Timothy Robinson's Regiment, December 23, 1776. Private in Captain Hugh McClen- nan's Company, marched from Colerain to Bennington on "Alarm" of August, 1777. In same Company in the Continental Army until

January i, 1779. Enlisted in 1780 in Captain Phineas Parker's Company under Brigadier-General Paterson.

Reference : New Hampshire Rolls, Prescott Memorial, and Family Records.

Also, descendant of Caleb Tilton, Hampton, New Hampshire (1742-1815). Private in Captain Henry Elkin's Company, Colonel Joshua Wingate's Regiment. Engaged in defense of Piscataqua Harbor, November, 1775. Second Lieutenant, Captain Samuel Nay's Company in the Northern Army, 1776. In Captain Leavitt's Company, Colonel Moses Nichols' Regiment of Volunteers in the Rhode Island expedition, 1778.

Reference : New Hampshire Rolls, Prescott Memorial, and Family Records.

Also, descendant of Timothy Eames, Framingham, Massa- chusetts (1732-1797). Private in Captain Asahel Wheeler's Com-

[91] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number pany, Colonel Jonathan Read's Regiment, for service in the Northern Army, September, 1777.

Reference : Massachusetts Archives. Temple's History of Framing- ham. Certificate of the Secretary of State, filed. Also, descendant of Isaac Stone, Sudbury, Massachusetts (1736-1798). Private in Captain Joseph Smith's Company in Colonel James Barrett's Regiment. Marched from Sudbury in "Lexington Alarm." Private in Captain Jesse Eames' Company of Framingham, Colonel Samuel Ballard's Regiment, 1776.

Reference: Hudson's History of Sudbury. Temple's History of Framingham. Official Certificate of Secretary of State of Massachusetts,

filed. Also, descendant of Samuel Prescott, New Hampshire (1721-

). Private in Captain James Norris' Company in Colonel Enoch Poor's Regiment, 1775. In Captain Nathan Sanborn's Com- pany, Colonel John McClayres' Regiment, 1777, to join General Stark. Private in Captain Nathan Sanborn's Company, Colonel Stephen Evans' Regiment, September to December, 1777. In Cap- tain Nathan Brown's Company, Colonel Jacob Gale's Regiment, 1778.

Reference: New Hampshire Rolls, vols. I and 2, pp. Il6, 130, 189, 302, 30S, 309, 565. Also, descendant of Joseph Babcock, Hopkinton, Rhode Island (1723-1796). Private in Captain Samuel Prentice's Company, Colonel Samuel H. Parson's Regiment, May to December, 1775.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 74. Also, descendant of Jeremiah Sanborn, Chichester, New Hamp- shire (1741-1818). Private in Captain Winthrop Rowe's Company, Colonel Enoch Poor's Regiment, May to August, 1775. Sergeant in Captain Stephen Clark's Company, November, 1775.

Reference : New Hampshire State Papers, vol. i, p. 133 ; vol. 4, p. 24.

1897 MOULTON, ARTHUR GARLAND, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Jonathan Moulton. For Record see General George Mayhew Moulton. Also, descendant of Dodipher Garland, Dover, New Hampshire.

[92] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Private in Captain Hubbards' Company, Colonel Seamen's Regi- ment, May, 1775. Ensign in Colonel W'aldron's Regiment, 1776.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 2, p. 750. Official Certificate of Secretary of State of New Hampshire, filed with application. Also, descendant of John Blunt, Chester, New Hampshire (1735-1804). First Lieutenant in Captain John Lemont's Com- pany in Colonel John Robinson's Regiment, February, 1776. Cap- tain in Colonel Samuel McCobb's Regiment, Massachusetts Troops. Reference: Official Certificate of Secretary of State of Massachusetts, filed. Heitman's Historical Register. Also, descendant of Benjamin Monk, Stoughton, Massa-

chusetts (1737 ). Sergeant in Captain William Brigg's Com- pany, Colonel Joseph Read's Regiment, August, 1775. Enlisted, May I, 1775. Reference: Official Certificate of Secretarv of State of Massachusetts, filed. Also, descendant of Andrew Blunt, Sturbridge, Massachusetts (1769-1824). Drummer in Captain John Blunt's Company, Major William Lithgow's Regiment, 1779. Detachment to defend frontiers of Lincoln County.

Reference: Official Certificate of Secretary of State of Massachusetts, filed.

Also, descendant of Caleb Tilton. Also, descendant of James Wallis. Also, descendant of Timothy Fames. Also, descendant of Jeremiah Sanborn. For Record see General George Mayhew Moulton. Also, descendant of Robert Ware, Wrentham, Massachusetts (1733-1784). Private in Captain Cowell's Company, Colonel John Smith's Regiment, in "Lexington Alarm." Private in Captain Wee- lock's Company, Colonel Ward's Regiment. Enlisted April 28, 1776.

Reference: Massachusetts Revolutionary War Rolls, vol. 12, p. 10;

vol. 16, p. 6s ; vol. 56, p. 221. Also, descendant of Joseph Babcock. Also, descendant of Isaac Stone. Also, descendant of Samuel Prescott. For Record see General George Mayhew Moulton.

[93] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1902 MOULTON, HARRY WATERMAN, Chicago. Born—San Francisco, California. Descendant of Stephen Mouhon. Also, descendant of Samuel Cleveland. For Record see William Cleveland Moulton.

1901 MOULTON, WILLIAM CLEVELAND, Chicago. Bom—Warrensburg, Missouri.

Descendant of Stephen Moulton, Stafford, Connecticut (1735- 1819). Lieutenant-Colonel of Stafford Company which marched for relief of Boston in "Lexington Alarm." Lieutenant-Colonel of Twenty-Second Connecticut Regiment, Colonel Samuel Chapman, under Brigadier-General Wolcott, in campaign around New York,

1776. Taken prisoner at New York, September 15, 1776. Ex- changed March, 1777.

Reference : Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 21, 450- Also, descendant of Samuel Cleveland, Medway, Massachusetts.

"List of men in service at various times subsequent to April 19, 1775. Estimate made April 13, 1778." In this list is the name of Samuel Cleveland.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 3, p. 611.

1897 NEVERS, EDWARD, Chicago. Born—Buffalo, New York.

Descendant of Thomas Liswell, Connecticut (1758-1814). Pri- vate in Fourth United States Infantry. Enlisted at Southwick, Massachusetts, in 1778, in Captain Fowler's Company. Reported prisoner of War, November, 1781.

Reference : Massachusetts Archives, vol. 4, p. 154. Certificate of Sec- retary of State of Massachusetts attached.

[94] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1908 NORTON, JOSEPH MARION, Byron, Illinois. Born—Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Descendant of Nathaniel Norton, New York (1743-1837). Captain Fourth Regiment, New York Continental Line, Colonel James Holmes and Colonel Henry B. Livingston.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, Roberts' Second Edition,

p. 47-

1897 NYE, JOSHUA Deceased. Born—Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Descendant of Lemuel Snow, Barnstable County, Massa- chusetts (1757-1824). Private in Captain Micah Hamlin's Com- pany, Colonel Thomas Marshall's Regiment, June to November, 1776. Private in Captain Ebenezer Jenkins' Company, Colonel Freeman's Regiment, 1778.

Reference: Ofificial Certificate of the Secretary of the State of Massa- chusetts, filed.

1904 ORR, SAMUEL CULBERTSON, Chicago. Born— Nilgiri Hills, India. Descendant of Robert Orr, Pennsylvania. Raised a Company of volunteer Riflemen in 1781, for an expedition against the Indians under Colonel Lochry and General . In an engagement near the mouth of the Big Miami River he was wounded and taken prisoner.

Reference : Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. 14, p. 684. Albach's Western Annals.

1910 PARKS, SAMUEL SHAW, Chicago. Born—Palmer, Massachusetts. Descendant of John Shaw, Carver, Massachusetts (1754- 1835). Sergeant in Captain At wood's Company, of the First Regi- ment, in 1777 and served through the War. Held Commission as Captain of South County Militia. Also, descendant of Reuben Parks, Russell, Massachusetts (1755-1803). Private in Captain Malcom Henry's Company, Colonel David Brewer's Regiment, 1775.

[95] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number Also, descendant of Joshua Perkins, Plympton, Massachusetts (J729 -). Enlisted as non-coniniissioned officer among the Minute Men from Plympton. Was at one time Sergeant. Also, descendant of Bartlett Murdock, Carver, Massachusetts (1750-1796). Private in Captain Atwood's Company of the First Regiment, from Plympton, Massachusetts, in 1777. Old musket he carried in the War now in the hands of applicant.

the Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of

Revolution, vol. 11, pp. 229, 929; vol. 12, p. 161; vol. 14, p. 52.

1909 PARKER, AUSTIN HADLEY, Chicago. Born—Johnson, Vermont. Descendant of Abner Plogg, New Boston, New Hampshire (1759-1856). Private in Captain Barron's Company, 1776. In 1777 enlisted for three years in Captain Livermore's Company, Third New Hampshire Regiment, Colonel Alexander Scammel. At the battle of Saratoga. Returned home in 1780, after having taken part in ten battles.

Reference : New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 2, pp. 358,

653. New Hampshire Genealogy, by Stearns, vol. 3, p. 1006.


Born—Fishkill, New York.

Descendant of John Patrick, New York (1741-1822). Private in Captain Samuel Delevan's Company, Colonel Gilbert Drake's Regiment, belonging to the Third Westchester County Militia.

Reference : Archives State of New York, vol. i, p. 443. Certifi- cate of University of the State of New York attached to application.

Also, descendant of Henry Ludington, New York (1739- 1817). Also, descendant of Elisha Ludington. For Record see Nelson John Ludington.

[96] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number D. C. PERKINS, EDMUND TAYLOR, C. E., Evanston. 3527 1897 Born—Scottsville, Virginia.

111. Descendant of John Addison, Maryland. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1910 Third Battalion of the Maryland "Flying Camp," 1776.

Reference : Saffel's Records of the Revolutionary War, pp. 237, 238. McSherry's History of Maryland, pp. 380, 381. Heitman's Historical Register.

1908 PERKINS, FRANCIS BURNHAM, Elgin, Illinois. Born—Barrington, Illinois. Descendant of Joseph Perkins, Ipswich, Massachusetts (1752- 1806). Private in Captain Abraham Dodge's Company, May, 1775. Private in Captain Robert Dodge's Company, Colonel Jonathan Titcomb's Regiment. Served at Rhode Island, 1775.

Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 12, p. 160.

1895 PHILLIPS, WILLIAM BUTTERWORTH, Evanston. Born—Monson, Massachusetts. Descendant of Private John Phillips, Sturbridge, Massa- chusetts (1760-1865). Private in Captain Abel Mason's Company, Colonel Jonathan Holman's Regiment. Enlisted December 10, 1776. Was stationed at Providence, Rhode Island, on the "Alarm."

Reference: Department of Secretary of State. Massachusetts Official

Records of the War of the Revolution, Rhode Island Service, vol 2, p. 204.

1902 PIERCE, WILLIAM EDWARD, Chicago. Born—Chesterfield, New Hampshire. Descendant of Joel Dickinson, New Hampshire (1751-1837). Private in Captain Israel Chapin's Company, Colonel Elisha Porter's Regiment of Massachusetts Troops, 1776. Private in Captain John Trask's Company, 1777. Went to Quebec under General Mont- gomery. Pensioner.

Reference : Copy of Record from Bureau of Pensions attached to application.

[97] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1896 PROCTOR, CHARLES STORRS, Detroit, Michigan. Born—Peoria, Illinois. Descendant of John Proctor, Manchester, Massachusetts (1757-1821). Private in Captain Samuel King's Company, July, 1775, stationed at Salem and Lynn. Private in Captain William Hooper's Company, 1776. Private in Captain Zadok Buffington's Company, Colonel Samuel Johnson's Regiment, 1777.

Reference: Massachusetts Revolutionary War Archives, vol. 12, p. 154;

vol. 17, p. 65; vol. 36, pp. 22, ss, 131.

1898 PROCTOR, DAVID HENRY, Deceased. Born—Peoria, Illinois. Descendant of John Proctor. For Record see Charles Storrs Proctor.

1903 PROCTOR, DAVID GOULD, New York City. Born—Peoria, Illinois. Descendant of John Proctor. For Record see Charles Storrs Proctor.

1909 POOL, WILLIAM HARRISON, Deceased. Born—Oswego, New York. Descendant of Samuel Poole, Abingdon, Massachusetts (1736-1830). Second Lieutenant in Captain Abial Pierce's Com- pany, Colonel Nicholas Dike's Regiment of Massachusetts Militia, 1776, and other service.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, vol. 12, p. 549.

1907 POSTLE, DAVID ELMER, Elgin, Illinois. Born—Franklin County, Ohio.

Descendant of John Smith, Morris County, New Jersey ( 1814). Private in Morris County Militia in Colonel Jacob Duhr's Regiment. Afterwards in a Battalion of State Troops under

[98] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Colonel Jacob Ford. Transferred to the First Regiment Conti- nental Line of New Jersey and served to end of War.

Reference : Stryker's Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revo-

lutionary War, pp. 345, 758.

1912 PRATT, JAMES BAILEY, Jr., Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of John Pratt, Weymouth, Massachusetts (1730- 1786). Private in Captain Joseph Trupant's Independent Company, May, 1775. Private in same Company, January and February, 1776. Private in Captain Thomas Nash's Company of Weymouth in Colonel S. Lovell's Regiment. Marched to Dorchester Heights.

Reference: Official Certificate of Secretary of State of Massachusetts.

1899 RAYMOND, ISAAC STUART, Sidney, Illinois. Born—Newton, Ohio. Descendant of John Wallace, Amherst, New Hampshire (1756- 1835)- For Record see John James Wallace.

1894 REED, GEORGE, Deceased. Born—Westfield, Massachusetts. Descendant of Moses Sibley, Ashford, Connecticut (1762- 1846). In Captain James Dana's Company, Colonel Wells' Regi- ment. Enlisted, 1779. Teamster, Captain Samuel Wrisley's Com- pany, Quartermaster's Department, November, 1780.

Reference : Department of Interior, Washington, D. C, Bureau of Pensions.

1906 RICH, HERBERT GIVENS, Chicago. Born, Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Samuel Avery, New Hampshire. Private in New Hampshire State Troops, July, 1780. In list of men mustered at Kingston by Josiah Bartlett to recruit the Continental Army.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 3, pp. 67, 75, 96.

[99] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1901 RICHARDS, GUY AUBREY, Chicago. Bom—Minnesota. Descendant of Hezekiah Lovejoy, New Hampshire. Lieuten- ant in Captain Josiah Crosby's Company, Colonel Moses Nichols' Regiment. Marched to join Continental Army on Rhode Island, August, 1778. Captain in Fifth Regiment of New Hampshire Militia, 1779.

vol. Reference : New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, 2, pp. 520, 695. Also, descendant of Jeremiah Richards, New Hampshire. Lieu- tenant in First New Hampshire Regiment. Wounded at Hubbard-

ton, October 7, 1777.

Reference: Heitman's Historical Register, p. 345. Also, descendant of Edward Fuller, Pittston, Maine. Private in Captain Oliver Coburn's Company of Minute Men, Colonel Arnold's Regiment, 1775.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 6, p. 157.

1909 RICIvARD, ORLIN LUMON, Chicago. Born—Massina, New York. Descendant of Israel Richard Middleboro, Massachusetts

(1757 )• Private in Captain Thaniel Wood's Company of Militia (First Middleboro). Marched in "Lexington Alarm." Pri- vate in Captain Wade's Company of Middleboro, August to Novem- ber, 1775. Afterwards joined the Continental Army for three years. Sergeant-Major in Colonel Thomas Marshall's Regiment, 1777, 1778, 1779.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 13, pp. 198, 296. Also, descendant of Daniel Kinney, Vermont. Private in En- sign Elisha Partridge's Company, General Olcott's Regiment. Also, descendant of Levi Colom, Vermont. Ensign in Ver- mont Troops, Revolutionary War. Also, descendant of Lieutenant John Weston, Middleboro, Massachusetts.

Reference: Vermont Revolutionary Rolls, pp. 58, 96, 331, 433, 584.

[100] 1

Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1910 ROBINSON, EUGENE HENDRICK BOGART, Chicago.

Born—Walnut, Illinois. Descendant of Hendrick Bogart, New York (1760-1822). Private in Captain Charles Brodhead's Company, Colonel Morris Graham's Regiment of Dutchess County Militia.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, Roberts' Second Edition,

p. 144-

191 ROGERS, EDWARD SIDNEY, Chicago. Born—Castroe, Maine.

Descendant of Austin Alden, Gorham, Maine (1739-1804). Private in Captain Wentworth Stuart's Company, Colonel Edmund Phinney's Regiment, 1775. Ensign in Captain John Rice's Com- pany, same Regiment, 1776. Promoted Second Lieutenant, May 18, 1776. First Lieutenant in Captain Nathan Watkins' Com- pany, Colonel Samuel Brewer's Regiment, 1777. Lieutenant in Captain Samuel Whitemore's Company in Third Cumberland County Regiment, 1778- 1779.

Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. i, p. 105.

1895 ROOT, FRANK KIMBALL, Chicago. Born—Jersey City.

Descendant of Azariah Root, Sheffield, Massachusetts ( 1728- 1777). Lieutenant-Colonel First Berkshire County Regiment, Massachusetts Militia. Commissioned April 4, 1777. Also, descendant of James Flint, North Reading, Massa- chusetts (1724-1802). In Captain John Flint's Company, Colonel David Green's Regiment, April 19, 1775. "Lexington Alarm" from Reading.

Reference : Department of Secretary of State, Massachusetts Official

Records of the War of the Revolution, vol. 27, pp. 217, 218. Same

Records, vol. 12, p. 68.

[lOl] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1895 ROOT, WALTER RUSSELL, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Azariah Root. Also, descendant of James Flint. For Record see Frank Kimball Root.

1895 ROOT, WILLIAM AZARIAH, Chicago. Born—North Reading, Massachusetts. Descendant of Azariah Root. Also, descendant of James Flint. For Record see Frank Kimball Root.

1897 ROSS, GENERAL LEONARD FULTON, Deceased. Born—Levvistovvn, Illinois. Descendant of Thomas Lee, New York (1739-1814). Second Lieutenant in Captain Jac Rosekrance's Company, Colonel James Holmes' Fourth New York Regiment, Continental Line, 1775. Pro- moted First Lieutenant, August, 1775. Captain of the Eighth Com- pany, Fifth Regiment, New York Continental Line, 1776. Captain in Colonel Zephaniah Piatt's Regiment of New York Associated Exempts, 1779. Captain in Colonel Lewis Du Bois' Regiment, New York Militia, 1780.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, pp. 140, 231, 257, 285,

529. Heitman's Historical Register, p. 261.

191 1 ROSS, ROBERT EDWIN, Chicago. Life member. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Edwin Trowbridge Gates, Framingham, Massa- chusetts (1761-1822). Private in Captain Hancock's Company for service in the Continental Army, 1780, six-months men raised by the town of Framingham.

Reference: Certificate of Secretary of State of Massachusetts filed

with application. History of Framingham, by Barry, p. 160. History of Framingham, by Temple, pp. 317, 559.

[102] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1908 SAMMONS, BENJAMIN CHESTER, Blue Island, Illinois. Born—Blue Island, Illinois. Descendant of Jacob Sammons, Johnstown, New York (1750- 1810). Lieutenant in the Tryon County Militia; took an active part in defense of the Mohawk Valley with his father and brothers, was taken prisoner and taken to Canada and confined in Fort Chamblee. Escaped in June, 1780, and made his way through the \Vilderness back to Johnstown, suffering incredible hardships.

Reference : State Records at Albany. History of Herkimer County

by Benton. Archives of New York State, Defense of State, p. 258, W. L. Stone's Life of Brant. New York in the Revolution, by Roberts.

1908 SAMMONS, WALTER WILLIS, Blue Island, Illinois. Born—Blue Island, Illinois. Descendant of Jacob Sammons. For Record see Benjamin Chester Sammons.

1908 SCHARFF, JOHN PAUL, Chicago. Born—Newark, New Jersey.

Descendant of James Robinson, Massachusetts ( 1832). Private in Captain Rufus Mansfield's Company (Fourth Lynn) in "Lexington Alarm." Fifer in Captain Enoch Putnam's Company, Colonel Mansfield's Regiment, April to October, 1775.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 13, p. 446.

1895 SEYMOUR, GEORGE FRANKLIN, Bishop of Springfield, Illinois, Deceased. Bom—New York, New York. Descendant of Ensign Jesse Seymour, Saratoga County, New York (1760-1804). In Captain Ebenezer Scofield's Company, under Colonel Thomas' and Colonel Drake's Fourth Regiment. Enlisted October 21, 1779. Re-enlisted April 10, 1782, from Westchester County, New York.

Reference: Documents Relating to Colonial History of New York, vol. IS, p. 307.

[103] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1905 SHEPARDSON, FRANCIS WAYLAND, LL.D., Chicago. 3417 Life Member. Born—Cheviot, Ohio. Descendant of David Cook, Cumberland, Rhode Island (1752- 1844). Private in fifteen months' service, 1777. Corporal in Cap- tain David Dexter's Company, Colonel Lippitt's Regiment, 1777. Corporal in Captain Reuben Ballou's Company, Colonel Smith's Regiment, dated, Camp Tiverton, June 12, 1777. Sergeant in same Company, Colonel Crary's Regiment, February and March, 1778.

Reference: Letter of Commissioner of Pensions, dated May 11, 1897.

Letter of Commissioner of the State of Rhode Island, dated January 23, 1903, attached to and made part of application.

1909 SHEPARDSON, JOHN WHITCOMB, Redlands, California. Born—Clinton, Indiana. Descendant of David Cook. For Record see Francis Wayland Shepardson. Also, descendant of Anthony Whitcomb, Barnard, Vermont (1766-1809). Enlisted when fifteen years old in Captain Nehemiah Lovewell's Company and served in the Revolutionary Army four months and nineteen days.

Reference : Vermont Military Records. "The Whitcomb Family in

America" by Charlotte Whitcomb, p. 76. Also, descendant of Asa Whitcomb, Barnard, Vermont (1736- 1812). Inscription on his tombstone reads: "He was one of the

f ramers of the Constitution of this State, one of the first settlers of

this town and a main pillow of its infant settlement ; and during the struggle for Independence was a firm supporter of the cause of his country." State Representative in 1779.

Reference : "The Whitcomb Family in America." Paige's History of Hardwick, Massachusetts. Vermont Military Records. New Hampshire

Revolutionary Rolls, p. 751.

1910 SHEPARDSON, JOHN EATON, Johnson City, Tennessee. Born—Marble Rock, Iowa. Descendant of Henry Stevens, Connecticut (1764-1851). En- listed from Killingworth, Connecticut in 1781, for three years, age

[104] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number seventeen years. Was in Colonel Herman Swift's Regiment of the Connecticut Line, stationed at West Point. He endeavored to get in the Continental Army earlier but was advised, because of his youth, "To go home and eat more pudding and come back later."

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 361.

1910 SHEPARDSON, RALPH STEELE, Aurora, Illinois. Born—Paw Paw, Illinois. Descendant of Henry Stevens. For Record see John Eaton Shepardson.

1912 SHEETS, REV. FRANK D. Chicago, Illinois.

Bom—Mount Morris, Illinois. Descendant of James Hill. For Record see Calvin Seyster Hill.

1907 SHEPLEY, ANDREW CLIFTON, Canton, Illinois. Born—Deerfield, Illinois. Descendant of Benjamin Hazen, Groton, Massachusetts (1745- 1820). Private in Captain Josiah Sartell's Company in "Lexington Alarm." Fifer in Captain Zachariah Fitch's Company, Colonel Samuel Brewer's Regiment, 1776.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, p. 649.

1896 SHIELDS, REV. HARVEY MILTON, Dawson, New Mexico. Bom—Covode, Pennsylvania. Descendant of John Shields, Indiana County, Pennsylvania (1758-1840). Private in the Second Pennsylvania Regiment, Conti- nental Line.

Reference : Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. 10, p. 446. Also, descendant of John Leasure, Unity, Pennsylvania (1759- 1844). Private in Pennsylvania Troops, Revolutionary War, part of the time under Captain Sparks. Pensioner.

Reference : Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C, November 20. 1896. "Pension allowed for nine months actual service. (Signed) D. F. Mufphey, Commissioner."

Iiosl Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1894 SHULTZ, MAXWELL WILLIAM, Deceased. Born—Grantville, Maryland. Descendant of Christian Shockey, Somerset County, Pennsyl- vania (1753- 1829). Captain John Doyle's Company, First Pennsylvania Regiment. Enlisted April, 1777. Served to close of War. Was present at surrender of Cornwallis.

Reference : Department of interior, Washington, D. C, Bureau of Pensions (Divisions C. W. and N).

1894 SKINNER, GEORGE ROCKWELL, Chicago. Born—Cambridge, New York. Descendant of Corporal Lemuel Sherman, Cambridge, New York (1775-1842). Private, Captain Thomas Kempton's Company, Colonel Timothy Danielson's Regiment, 1775. Private in Captain Gilmore's Company, Colonel Van Wort's Regiment. Corporal in Captain Doty's Company, same Regiment. Corporal in Captain Hodge's Company, same Regiment, Albany County Militia.

Reference : Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 56, p. 94. Documents Relating

to Colonial History of New York, vol. 15, p. 470.

1907 SLOCUM, EDWARD MARK, Chicago. Born—Knoxville, Tennessee. Descendant of Christopher Marshall, Pennsylvania (1709- 1797). Member of Provincial Conference of Pennsylvania, Car- penters Hall, June 18, 1776. Member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1777.

Reference : Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, vol. 3, p. 557.

1894 SMITH, EBEN BYRON, Deceased. Born—Colerain, Massachusetts. Descendant of Major Hezekiah Smith, Woodstock, Connecti- cut. Member of Provincial Congress, May 31, 1775, from Colerain, Hampshire County, Massachusetts. First Major and Field Officer Fifth Hampshire County Regiment. Commissioned Feb-

ruary 8, 1776.

[106] ;

Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Also, descendant of Hopestill Willis, Sudbury, Massachusetts

(1747 ). Private in Captain John Nixon's Company, Colonel Abijah Pierce's Regiment, "Lexington Alarm." Sergeant in Major L. Baldwin's Picket Guard, May 11, 1775. Captain Asahel Wheeler's Company, Colonel Jonathan Read's Regiment. Service in Northern Army. Enlisted September 28, 1777.

Reference: Provincial Congress Journal (1774-1775), Department of Secretary of State. Massachusetts Official Records of the War of the

Revolution, vol. 13, p. 26 ; vol. 24, p. 64 ; vol. 28, p. 103 ; vol. 42, p. 147 vol. 58, file 22, p. 34.

1894 SMITH, FRANKLIN PRATT, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Major Hezekiah Smith. Also, descendant of Hopestill Willis. For Record see Eben Byron Smith.

1908 SMITH, EDWARD PAYSON, Bloomington, Illinois. Bom—Nashville, Tennessee. Descendant of William Smith, Salem, New York (1754-1790). Sergeant in Charlotte, Washington County, New York, Militia.

Reference : New York in the Revolution, Roberts' First Edition,

p. 129; Second Edition, p. 134.

1907 SMITH, FRANK WALDO, Chicago. 3476 Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Jeremiah Fogg, New Hampshire (1745-1838). Private in Captain Moses Leavitt's Company, New Hampshire Troops. Adjutant in Colonel Enoch Poor's Regiment, 1775. Pay- master and promoted to Captain and Aide-de-camp in Colonel George Reid's Regiment for years 1777, 1778, 1779.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary War Rolls, vols, i, 2, 3.

1912 STAFFORD, JAMES KINNEY, Decatur, Illinois. Born—Mt. Auburn, Illinois. Descendant of Joseph StaiTord, Coventry, Rhode Island (1759-

). Corporal in Captain Benjamin Green's Company, Colonel

[107] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number Nathaniel Brown's Rhode Island Regiment, 1775. Private in Com- panies of Captain Calvin, Weaver, Hudson, and Ray, 1778, 1779, 1780. Corporal in Regiments of Colonels Fry and Castle. In 1778 was in the expedition of General Sullivan to Rhode Island and in that battle. Pensioner.

Reference : Certificate of Pension Commissioner, J. L. Davenport, dated Washington, D. C, April 29, 1912, in hands of applicant.

1910 STANDISH, HAROLD SELFRIDGE, Chicago. Born—Lima, Ohio. Descendant of Israel Standish, Preston, Connecticut (1748- 1800). Private in Captain Benjamin Phillips' Company, Colonel Elisha Porter's (Hampshire County, Massachusetts) Regi- ment, 1777.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 14, p. 812.

1900 STARBIRD, BEECHER, Chicago. Born—Dixmont, Maine. Descendant of Samuel Pease, Parsonsfield, Maine (1754- — ). Drum Major in Captain Kinsman's Company of John Stark's New Hampshire Regiment, eight months, in 1775. Drum Major in Captain Joshua Abbott's Company, same Regiment, 1776.

Reference : Certificate of United States Pension Office filed with appli- cation.

1910 STARBIRD, RUPERT, Chicago. Bom—Dixmont, Maine, Descendant of Samuel Pease. For Record see Beecher Starbird.

1896 STEARNS, DESHLER FALCONER, Deceased. Born—Hamilton, Ohio. Descendant of Edward Stearns, Bedford, Massachusetts (1726-1793). Private on "Lexington Alarm" in Captain John Moore's Company. Reference: Certificate of Secretary of State of Massachusetts. Bond's History of Watertown. Brown's History of Bedford.

[108] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number

1906 STEVENS, CHESTER NINDE, Kenilworth, Illinois. Born—Cincinnati, Ohio. Descendant of Daniel Baker, Westfield, New Jersey (1753- 1814). Corporal in First Battalion, New Jersey Continental Line, November, 1775. Private in First Regiment, Essex County, New Jersey Militia; promoted Ensign and served throughout the War.

Reference : Stryker's Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revo- lutionary War, p. 448.

1909 STEPHENSON, GRANT THOMAS, Wells, Michigan. 3386 Born—Marinette, Wisconsin. Descendant of Jonathan Bates, Winchendon, Massachusetts. Private in Captain Patch's Company, Colonel Prescott's Regiment,

Massachusetts Troops, 1775, and was killed June 17, 1775.

Reference : Massachusetts Archives, vol. 56, p. 69. Massachusetts

Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, vol. i, p. 791.

191 1 STEWART, EARL WHITLEY, Chicago. Bom—Netawaka, Kansas. Descendant of Archibald Fleming, Pennsylvania. First Lieu- tenant of Captain James Dunn's Company, Colonel Patterson Bell's Regiment, Eighth Battalion, Chester County, Militia, 1778.

Reference : Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series, vol. 5, p. 808.

1901 STITT, FRANK BRIGGS, El Paso, Illinois. Born—Woodford County, Illinois. Descendant of John Cooper, Brown County, Ohio (1757-1836). Ensign two years in the Revolutionary War, Pennsylvania Troops, part of the time under Captain Jack and Colonel Broadhead. He

was in service until January i, 1781, and received depreciation pay from the State of Pennsylvania to that date.

Reference : Bureau of Pensions. Pennsylvania Archives, Second

Series, vol. 13, p. 43. Also, descendant of Samuel Pickerill, Port Tobacco, Maryland. Enlisted in Virginia Troops at Dumfries in the fall of 1776. Drum-

[109] —

Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number mer in Captain Gallaher's Company, Colonel Brent's Regiment. Was in the battles of Monmouth, Stony Point, and White Plains.

Reference : Records of the old War Division of the United States Pension Office, Washington, D. C.

1908 SUTLIFF, SAMUEL MILTON, Newark, New Jersey. 3347 Born—New Orleans, Louisiana. Descendant of Samuel SutliiT (Sutley), Wallingford, Con- necticut (1733-1799). Private in Captain Martin Kirkland's Com- pany, Colonel Erastus Wolcott's Regiment at New London, 1777. In Captain Smith's Company, Colonel Mead's Regiment.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 613, 619.

191 1 TALLMADGE, EDWIN RICHARD, Chicago. Born—Fairmont, Nebraska. Descendant of Benjamin Tallmadge, Litchfield, Connecticut. Adjutant of Chester, Connecticut, State Regiment, June 20, 1776. Brigadier-Major to General Wadsworth, October, 1776. Captain

of Second Continental Dragoons, December, 1776. December 6,

1780, Congress Resolved "That it gives them pleasure to be called upon to confer marks of distinction and applause, and they view in this light the enterprise against Fort St. George on Long Island, planned and conducted with wisdom by Major Tallmadge of the Light Dragoons, and executed with intrepidity and complete suc- cess."

Reference: Heitman's Historical Register, pp. 391-392.

191 1 TALLMADGE, BENJAMIN HENRY, Topeka, Kansas. Born Descendant of Benjamin Tallmadge. For Record see Edwin Richard Tallmadge.

1913 TAYLOR, HAROLD GEORGE, Chicago Heights, Illinois. Born—Minneapolis, Minnesota. Descendant of Eliakim Seavey, York, Maine (1763-1847). Private in Massachusetts Troops, 1780-1781. Served under Lieu-

[IIO] Roll of Members

Admitted Number Year Insignia tenant James McLellan, Captain Thomas Brayden, in Colonel Joseph Prince's Regiment, and other service. Enlisted for three years. Pensioner.

Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.

1894 TENNEY, HORACE KENT, Chicago. Born—Portage, Wisconsin.

Descendant of Private Benjamin Tenney, Temple, New Hamp-

shire (1743 ). Captain Gershom Drury's Company, Enoch Hale's Regiment of Militia from Counties of Cheshire and Hills- boro; marched at requisition of Major-General Gates to reinforce

the Army at Ticonderoga ; engaged October 22, 1776. Private in

Captain Gershom Drury's Company ; marched from Temple, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Heald, to re-inforce the Northern Continental Army at Ticonderoga, June, 1777. Also, descendant of Corporal Cephas Kent, Dorsett, Vermont (1725-1809). Corporal in Captain Nathan Smith's Detachment on service to assist Captain Ebenezer Allen, April and May, 1778. Pri- vate in Captain Abraham Underbill's Company, Colonel Ira Allen's Regiment, on service in defense of the frontiers of Vermont, March 22, 1780. Captain John Gray's Company, Colonel Ira Allen's Regiment, under General SafTord, October and November, 1781. Captain Abraham Underbill's Company, Colonel Ira Allen's Regi- ment, on service in defense of the frontiers of Vermont in the "Alarm," 1781. Captain Gray's Company of Foot Militia, Colonel Ira Allen's Regiment, 1782. Also, descendant of Private John Kent, Dorsett, Vermont Ira (1749- 1 849). Captain Abraham Underbill's Company, Colonel Allen's Regiment, on service in defense of the frontiers of Vermont, March 22, 1780. Captain Jesse Safford's Company of Rangers, Major Ebenezer Allen's Detachment, from August i, 1780. Prisoner of War. Captain John Gray's Company, Colonel Ira Allen's Regi- ment, under General Safiford in October and November, 1781. Cap- tain Abraham Underbill's Company, Colonel Ira Allen's Regiment,

[III] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number on service in defense of the frontiers of Vermont in the "Alarm," 1781.

Reference: New Hampshire State Papers, vol. 15, p. 95; vol. 17,

p. 100. Certificate of Adjutant and Inspector-General, State of Vermont.

1902 TERRY, DR. CHARLES STONE, Chicago. 3519 Born—Norwich, New York. Descendant of Thomas Stone, Brimfield, Massachusetts (1752- 1819). Private in Captain Aaron Charles' Company, Colonel Timothy Robinson's Regiment. Enlisted December 26, 1776. In garrison at Ticonderoga February, 1777. In list of men raised to re-inforce the Continental Army, 1780, from Brimfield. In Muster Roll at Camp Totoway, October, 1780.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 4, p. 14; vol. 35, p. 196; vol. 47, p. 179.

1896 TERWILLIGER, IRVING, Belvidere, Illinois. Bom—Belvidere, Illinois. Descendant of Benjamin Mitchell, New Hampshire (1755- 1840). Signer of Peterborough, New Hampshire, Association, pledging life and property to defense of the American Colonies. Private in Captain Abijah Smith's Company, Colonel Nahum Bald- win's Regiment, 1776. In the battle of White Plains. Private in Captain Stephen Parker's Company, Colonel Nichols' Regiment, General Stark's Brigade, 1777. Engaged in the battle of Benning- ton.

Reference : Certificate of the Secretary of State of New Hamp- shire attached to application.

1908 THOMAS, HERBERT GROUT, Chicago. Bom—Moline, Illinois. Descendant of Silvanus Conant, Massachusetts (1747-1828). Private in Captain Nathan Mitchell's Company of Minute Men in "Lexington Alarm" and subsequent service in Massachusetts Militia.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 3, p. 881.

[112] Roll of M embers

Year Insignia Admitted Number 1908 TURNER, WILL SIDNEY, Chicago. Born—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Descendant of Mark McCord, Pennsylvania ( 1781). Pri- vate in Colonel Richard Humpton's Company, Tenth Pennsylvania Regiment, Continental Line, 1776. Promoted Corporal. Furloughed at Trenton, January 26, 1781, for sixty days and died before that 'time expired.

Reference: Pennsylvania .Archives, Second Series, vol. 10, p. 724.

1912 WADE, JOHN, Chicago. Bom—New York City, New York. Descendant of Nathaniel Wade, Ipswich, Massachusetts (1749-1826). Captain of a Company which marched in "Lexing- ton Alarm." In Colonel Little's Regiment, June and August, 1775. Money paid to him and others for losses sustained at the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill. Major of a Regiment raised for de- fense of Boston, 1777. Promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, July 23, 1777, and Colonel, February, 1778. Muster Master for Essex County, June, 1780. Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, vol. 16, pp. 373-374.

1897 WALLACE, JOHN JAMES, Deceased. Born—Milford, New Hampshire. Descendant of John Wallace, Sr., Amherst, New Hampshire (1756-1835). Private in Captain Taylor's Company of Militia at Winter Hill, December, 1775. Enlisted for the War, 1777. Served under Captain Crosby and Colonel Read. Pensioner.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. i, p. 249; vol. 2,

pp. 72, 213 ; vol. 3, p. 267.

Also, descendant of John Burns, Jr., Amherst, New Hampshire (1732-1825). Private in Captain Barron's Company, 1776. Served at Crown Point, 1778.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. i, pp. 337,

690; vol. 4, p. 64. Also, descendant of Captain John Bradford, Amherst, New Hampshire (1744-1836). Ensign in Captain Taylor's Company at

[113] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number Winter Hill, December, 1775. At Ticonderoga, 1777, in Captain Peabody's Company. At the battle of Bennington in Colonel Nichol's Regiment. In General Whipple's Brigade to Rhode Island, 1778. Was Adjutant in Colonel Nichols' Regiment. Pensioner.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 2, pp. 72, 196, 213, 215, 509.

Also, descendant of Andrew Bradford, Amherst, New Hamp- shire (1718-1798). Private in Captain William Barron's Com- pany, Colonel Moses Nichols' Regiment at West Point, 1780.

In 1782 to fill quota of Amherst in the Continental Army.

Reference: New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. 2, p. 698;

vol. 3, pp. 143, 498. Also, descendant of John Goff, Bedford, New Hampshire (1700-1781). Private in Captain John Moore's Company, Colonel John Stark's Regiment, 1775.

Reference : New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls, vol. i, p. 58.

Also, descendant of Ephraim Putnam at Ticonderoga, July, 1776, and in service until December, 1776. Reference: Certificate of the Records of the County of Lyndboro,

by town clerk, March 19, 1902, attached to papers.

191 1 WALTON, CAPT. EDWARD SEYMOUR, Fort Mason, Cali- fornia, Nineteenth United States Infantry. Bom—New Orleans, Louisiana. Descendant of Royal Flint, Windham, Connecticut (1754-

). Under authority of the State of Connecticut. Paymaster in Colonel Ward's Regiment, 1776. Assistant Commissary State Troops, 1776. Captain in Continental service, 1778, 1779, 1780. Stationed at Valley Forge, 1777, 1778 and at "Morristown Huts," 1779, 1780. June 13, 1777, the Governor and Committee of Safety directed hiin, with Commissary Hubbard, "To purchase one hundred tuns of flour and cause the same, or such part thereof as may be in their power, to be transported to Hartford."

Reference: Colonial Records of Connecticut, vols, i and 15. Con- necticut Men in the War of the Revolution.

[114] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Also, descendant of Mark Walton, Rookaway, New Jersey (1754-1808). May, 1778, as freeholder signed pledge to sustain Congress in defending the Constitution.

Reference: New Jersey Archives, vol. 10, p. 717. Crayon's Rookaway

Records, p. 53. Goodwin's Early Settlers of Connecticut and Massa- chusetts. Also, descendant of Jedediah Elderkin, Windham, Connecticut (1717-1795). Colonel, Fifth Connecticut Regiment, 1775. Member of Committee of Safety, 1775, and on. Appointed, November, 1775, to inspect Connecticut harbors and report on fortifying New London. No engineer being available, he did the fortifying himself. Member of Assembly seventeen years.

Reference : The Elderkin Family, by D. W. Elderkin. Record of Con- necticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 431, 433. Descendants of Thomas Flint. Also, descendant of Dr. John Clark, Windhain, Connecticut (1728-1822). Member of the Board of Physicians to examine soldiers recruited for service in the Revolution.

Reference: History of Windham County, by Lamed, p. 175. First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts, by Goodwin. Also, descendant of John Stephenson, New York City (1750- 1807). Surgeon's Mate, Third New York Regiment, 1775. Sur- geon, Third Continental Artillery, 1777. Reference: Colonial History, State of New York, vol. IS, p. 528.

Heitman's Historical Register, p. .383. Records of First Presbyterian Qiurch, Morristown, New Jersey. Also, descendant of William Blinn, Wethersfield, Connecticut (1742- 1822). Private in Captain Luther Stoddard's Company, Colonel Charles Burrell's Battalion, 1776. Private in Captain Beebe's Milford Company, Colonel Roger Enos' Regiment, 1778. Reference: Connecticut Historical Collections, vol. 8. p. 37. Record of Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, p. 542. Stiles' Ancient Wethersfield, Blinn Family.

1908 WEBB, WALTER, LESLIE, Chicago. Born—LaFayette County, Missouri. Descendant of Robert Snead. Virginia (1762-1841). Revo- lutionary soldier, Hanover County, \'irginia. Enlisted, 1778.

[nsl Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year l?*'^?'* Admitted Number Served fourteen months under Captains Anderson, Rudford, Green, Norville, and Thompson. At the battle of Yorktown. Appears in "Arrangement of Officers of the Ninth Virginia BattaHon Revolu-

tionary War" as follows : "Robert Snead to be Ensign if he enlists his quota of men."

entitled "Military Reference : Letter from Pension Office, Washington, History of Robert Snead."

1913 WEBB, WINFIELD SCOTT, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Bom—Udina, Illinois. Descendant of Stephen Webb, Taunton, Massachusetts. Pri- vate in Captain Jacob Davis' Company, Colonel Ebenezer Larned's Regiment. Marched in "Lexington Alarm" to Roxbury, Massa- chusetts, serving six days.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 16, p. 824.

1899 WEBSTER, WILLIAM ADELBERT, Deceased. Bom—New York City, New York. Descendant of Samuel Thrall, Massachusetts (i 737-1821). Quartermaster, Third Hampshire County Regiment, 1776, service at Ticonderoga. In Captain Samuel Thrall's Company, Colonel Mar- sinus Willit's Regiment, 1781. Company raised for service in Western Department on Mohawk River.

Reference: Revolutionary Archives of Massachusetts, vol. 26, p. 276;

vol. 23, p. 145 ; vol. 47, p. 176. Stiles' History of Windsor, Connecticut. Genealogy of the Thrall Family.

1908 WELD, HAROLD KENNETH, Chicago. Born—Maywood, Illinois. Descendant of Daniel Topping, Southampton, Long Island. Private in the Sixth Company, Fourth Regiment, New York Line, November, 1776 to January, 1782.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, vol. i, p. 215; vol. 2, p. 54.

[116] Roll of Members

Insignia A y^S J Admitted Number 1895 WELLS, CHARLES WILLIAM, Deceased. Born—Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Descendant of Richard Sweeter, Maine (1750 ). Private in Captain Samuel Noyes' Company, Colonel Phinney's Regiment. Marched from Falmouth, Maine, 1775.

Reference : Certificate of the Secretary of State of Massachusetts, filed.

1910 WELLES, EDWARD PHELPS, Chicago. 3559 Born—Fort Dodge, Iowa. Descendant of Gideon Henderson, Massachusetts (1713-1791). Private in Captain Noadiah Leonard's Company, Colonel Wood- bridge's Regiment, 1775.

Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 7, p. 216.

1897 WELLS, FREDERICK LATIMER, Wheaton, Illinois. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Jonathan Latimer, New London, Connecticut

(1724 ). Captain of New London Company in "Lexington Alarm." Major of Third Regiment, July 6, 1775. Lieutenant- Colonel, June, 1776. Colonel in October, 1776. September and October, 1777, in battles at Saratoga. Colonel Jonathan Latimer highly complimented by General Gates.

Reference : Calkin's History of New London, p. 512. Connecticut

Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 79. 186, 403, 504.

1894 WHEELER, GENERAL HARRIS ANSEL, Chicago. Born—Orrington, Maine. Descendant of Sergeant Elijah Jones, Rhode Island. Private in Captain Samuel Fisher's Company, Colonel Ephraim Wheelock's Regiment, in the "Alarm," April 21, 1777, in Rhode Island, "to be on duty until properly relieved." Sergeant in Captain Jacob Haskin's Company, Colonel John Jacobs' Regiment; enlisted July 2, 1778;

served si.x months. Private, in Captain Luke Howell's Company,

[117] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number Colonel Nathan Tyler's Regiment. Enlisted July 20, 1779, four months' service in Rhode Island. Re-enlisted same Company for

month of December, 1779. Marched from Wrentham, June 13,

1780, to join Continental Army. Marched to camp, July 9, 1780, under command of Lieutenant Jackson, of the Artillery, Ninth Division of Six Months' Men.

Reference : Department of Secretary of State, Massachusetts Official

Records of the War of the Revolution, vol. 2, pp. 16, 83, 114; vol. 4, p. 240;

vol. 3S, p. 190-

191 1 WHITE, WILLIAM SEYMOUR, M. D., Chicago. Born—Greenwood, Illinois.

Descendant of Daniel Coquillette, Sr., New York. Minute Man in Second Regiment of Orange County, New York, Mihtia under Colonel Hawk Hayes.

Reference : New York in the Revolution, by Roberts, p. 254. Manu- scripts of the Colony and State of New York in the Revolutionary War,

vol. 23, p. 30, filed.

191 1 WIEDINGER, BERNARD, MOULTON, Chicago. Born—Chicago, Illinois. Descendant of Jotham Moulton, Boston, Massachusetts (1743- 1777). Colonel, Second York County, Massachusetts, Militia, 1776. Brigadier in list of Officers of the Militia to re-inforce the Army at New York; December 10, 1776. Reported deceased, Aug- ust II, 1777.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 11, p. 176.

1897 WOOD, CASEY ALBERT, M. D., D. C. L., Chicago. 3526 Born—Wellington, Ontario. Descendant of Samuel Wood, Newburgh, New York (1765- 1853). Private (Drummer boy) in Captain Henry Turner's Com- pany, Colonel A. Hawk Hayes' Regiment, Orange County, New York, Militia, 1780.

Reference: New York in the Revolution, p. 520.

[118] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number

1902 WOODWARD, WASHINGTON IRVING, Kenilworth, Illinois. Born—Richmond, Indiana. Descendant of William Woodward, Connecticut (1750- 1805). Private in Captain Robert Marcy's Company (Colonel Chester) Sixth Battalion, Wadsworth's Brigade, raised in June, 1776, to re- inforce Washington in New York. In the battle of Long Island, August, 1776, and White Plains, October, 1776. Taken prisoner at the surrender of Fort Washington, November, 1776.

Reference: Connecticut Men in the War of the Revolution, pp. 123, 412.

1895 WRIGHT, REV. GEORGE DeMING, Chicago. Bom—Huron, Ohio. Descendant of Private Daniel Woodward, Canterbury, Con- necticut (1762-1814). In Captain David Brown's Company, Colonel Miles Powell's Berkshire County Regiment. Private in Company raised by town of Windsor, Massachusetts, for service in

Continental Army during 1780. Marched July 5, 1780. Discharged July 8, 1781.

Reference: Department of Secretary of State, Massachusetts Official

Records of the War of the Revolution, vol. 17, p. 191 ; vol. 4, p. 239.

1905 WRIGHT, FRANK DANIEL, Detroit, Michigan. Born—Huron, Ohio. Descendant of Daniel Woodward. For Record see Rev. George DeMing Wright.

1895 WYMAN, FRANKLIN, Chicago. Born—Hillsborough, New Hampshire. Descendant of Reuben Dow, Hollis, New Hampshire (1730-

181 1 ). Captain of the Hollis Company in "Lexington Alarm." After the battle of Lexington a new Company was formed under Captain Dow for eight months' service, which became part of Colonel 's Regiment. Captain Dow was severely wounded at the battle of Bunker Hill and incapacitated for further military service. In March, 1776, elected Chairman of the

[119] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Year Insignia Admitted Number

Committee of Safety. Appears in 1779 still active in helping to furnish Hollis men for the Continental Army.

Reference: History of Hollis, by Worcester, 1879. New Hampshire

State Records, vol. i, pp. 32, 39, 41, 43.

1900 WYMAN, HENRY LAKE, Washington, District Columbia, United States Navy, Bureau of Steam Engineering.

Born—Evanston, Illinois. Descendant of William Wyman, Lunenburg, Massachusetts, (1732-1809). Private in Captain Stearns' Company, Colonel Doo-

little's Regiment, June, 1775. In Captain Sylvanus Smith's Com- pany, Colonel Timothy Bigelow's Regiment, 1779- 1780. On com- mand General Washington's body guard at Valley Forge.

Reference : Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 16, p. 41. Also, descendant of Richard Frothingham, Charleston, Massa- chusetts (1748-1819). Commissary, Captain Chadwick's Company, Colonel Gridley's Artillery Regiment, May, 1775. Field Commis- sary, General Knox Train Artillery, 1777-1780.

Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the

Revolution, vol. 56, p. 153. Certificate from Secretary of State of Massa- chusetts. Also, descendant of Nicholas Hoppin, Rhode Island (1751- 1829). Soldier in the Revolution. In the battle of Saratoga.

Reference : Essex Institute Historical Collection, vol. 3, of 1861, p. 123. Also, descendant of Thomas Pratt, Newport, Rhode Island

(1757- 1 789). Private in Captain Carr's Company, Colonel Sher- burn's Regiment, volunteered for Rhode Island expedition, March, 1777.

Reference: Official State Records at Newport, Rhode Island. Also, descendant of Abraham Gibson, Stowe, Massachusetts (1735-1813). Private in Captain Ebenezer Wood's Company, Colonel Asa Whitcomb's Regiment, in "Lexington Alarm." In Captain Nathaniel Carter's Company, Colonel John Cushing's Regi- ment, 1777. In Captain John White's Company, Colonel Abijah Stearns' Regiment, 1778. In Captain Peter Woodburj^'s Company,

[120] Roll of Members

Year Insignia Admitted Number Colonel Jacob Gerrish's Regiment of guards, 1778. In Captain Timothy Boutelle's Company, Colonel John Rand's Regiment, July and October, 1780.

Reference: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution.

1894 YATES, BLINN, Buffalo, New York. Born—Jamestown, New York. Descendant of Major Christopher Peter Yates, Albany, New York. Elected delegate to Provincial Congress from Tryon County, New York, June 11, 1775. Captain Fourth Company, Second Regi- ment New York Forces. Commissioned July 11, 1775, by . Served as Commissary of Subsistence. Served as Major in Goose Van Schaick's Regiment, First Battalion, 1777.

Reference : Original Commission in possession of Henry J. Yates, Chautauqua, New York. Calendar of New York Historical Manuscripts,

Revolutionary Papers, vol. i, pp. 86, loi, 105, 108, 503; vol. 2, pp. 5, 9, 25, 33, 42, 51.

Ancestors and Descendants

Ancestors and Descendants

Abel, Private David, Conn. Beal, Private Obadiah, N. H. Dr. William Gilmore Clark. Daniel S. Beal.

Adams, Ensign Thomas, Me. Bebout, Private John, N. J. William Porter Adams. Rev. William Thomson McKee.

Addison, Lt.-Colonel John, Md. Beebe, Corporal Sebe, N. H. Edmund Taylor Perkins, C. E. Vernon Chadbourne Beebe.

Alden, Lieut. Austin, Me. Beenfield, Private George, Pa. Edward Sidney Rogers. Paul Mayer LaBach.

Andrews, Private John, New York. Belknap, Captain Isaac, N. Y. George Asbury Conrey. Warren Johnson Davis. Austin^ Major Jonathan Loring, Blinn, Private William, Conn. Mass. Captain Edward Seymour Walton. LeBaron Loring Austin. Bliss, Sergeant Ellis, Conn. Loring LeBaron Austin. Ralph Bliss. Avery, Private N. Samuel, H. Blunt, Drummer Andrew, Mass. Herbert Givens Rich. Arthur Garland Moulton.

Babcock, Private R. I. Joseph, Blunt, Captain John, N. H. General George Mayhew Moulton. Arthur Garland Moulton. Arthur Garland Moulton. BoGART, Private Hendrick, N. Y. Baker, Ensign Daniel, N. J. Eugene Hendrick Bogart Robinson. Frank Day Hodgson. Chester Ninde Stevens. Booth, Sergeant Walter, Conn. John Ralph Dickinson. Baldwin, Lieutenant Jonathan, N. J. Harry Van Zandt Dodd. Bowman, Sergeant Andrew, Pa. Louis Andrew Bowman. Banning, Private Benoni, Va. Pierson Worrall Banning. Bowman, Ensign James, Pa. Thomas Allen Banning. Louis Andrew Bowman. Bates, Private Jonathan, Mass. Bradford, Private Andrew, N. H. Grant Thomas Stephenson. John James Wallace.

Bayley, Brig.-Gen. Jacob, Vt. Bradford, Captain John, N. H. Edward Payson Bailey. John James Wallace.

Bayley, Private Jacob, Jr., Vt. Brady, Captain John, Pa. Edward Payson Bailey. Robert Freeborn Brady.

[123] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Brinkerhoff, Captain Jacob, N. Y. Castle, Captain Phineas, Conn. Thomas Stillwell Huntley. Arthur Lee Castle. Howard Percy Castle. Broughton, Private John, Conn. John Wheat Broughton. Catlin, Private David, Conn. Cameron Turner Dickinson. Brown, Private Daniel, N. H. Walter Frazer Brown. Chandler, Captain Joseph, N. Y. George Moseley Chandler. Brown, Private Thomas, Va. James Edgar Brown. Chatfield, Private Oliver, Conn. Hobart Chatfield Chatfield-Taylor. Budden, Lieutenant James, Pa. Thomas Floyd-Jones. Christian, Private Daniel, Sr., Pa. Harry Lyons. Fay Freed Christian.

BuEHLER, Lieutenant Henry, Pa. Clark, Dr. John, Conn. Edward Handy Buehler. Captain Edward Seymour Walton. Penn. BuELL, Private Asa, Conn. Claypoole, Private John, Caleb Harlan Canby, Pierson Worrall Banning. Jr. Cleveland, Private Samuel, Mass. Burns, Private John, Jr., N. H. William Cleveland Moulton. John James Wallace. Harry Waterman Moulton. BusHNELL, Private Jason, Conn. Clingman, Captain John, Pa. Edward Payson Martin. Charles William Clingman. BuTLER, Captain Eli, Conn. Carl Slocum Clingman. Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart Chatfield Cobb, Lt.-Colonel David, Mass. M. D. Rev. Arthur Wilde Little. Cady, Captain David, Jr., Conn. Cock, Major James, N. Y. Scott Jordan. Harrison Kelley. Col. John Ward Jordan. James William Dominick Kelley. Calhoun, Private James, N. Y. James Frank Kelley. Kent Calhoun. James Coffeen, Captain John, Vt. Carpenter, Captain John, Mass. Milo Lester Coffeen. Richard Vernon Carpenter. William Coffeen. Carpenter, Private William, Mass. Cole, Ensign Richard, R. L Richard Vernon Carpenter. Charles Fayette Hubbard, M. D. Carter, Sergeant Joshua, Mass. Colom, Ensign Levi, Vt. James Allison Carter. Orlin Lumon Rickard.

Case, Private Fithan, Conn. Condit, Private Daniel, N. J. John Edward Case. Harry Van Zandt Dodd.

[124] Ancestors and Descendants

CoNDiT, Private Samuel, N. J. Dominick, Captain George, N. Y. Harry Van Zandt Dodd. Harrison Kelley. James William Dominick CoNANT, Private Sylvanus, Mass. Kelley. James Frank Kelley. Herbert Grout Thomas. Douglass, Captian John, Pa. Cook, Sergeant David, R. I. George Lyon Douglass. Francis Wayland Shepardson, LL.D. John Whitcomb Shepardson. Dow, Sergeant Benjamin, Conn. Robert Patterson Benedict. Cooper, Ensign John, Ohio. Robert Patterson Benedict, Jr. Frank Briggs Stitt. Edgar Ells Benedict. COQUILLETTE, PRIVATE DaNIEL, ' Dow, Private Nathan, Conn. N. Y. Robert Patterson Benedict. Wilham Seymour White, M. D. Robert Patterson Benedict, Jr. Edward Herbert Cook. Edgar Ells Benedict. Cotter, Private Alexander, N. Y. Dow, Captain Reuben, N. H. William Frank Eugene Gurley. Franklin Wyman.

Crane, Private Benjamin, N. J. Eames, Lieutenant John, Mass. Frank Day Hodgson. Hobart Chatfield Chatfield-Taylor. Crane, Surgeon Joseph, Jr., N. Y. Eames, Private Timothy, Mass. Judge Albert Crane Barnes. General George Mayhew Moulton. Crawford, Private William, N. Y. Arthur Garland Moulton. William Frank Eugene Gurley. Eastman, Private Daniel, N. H. Cromwell, Captain Richard, Md. Robert Maurice Eastman. Charles Cromwell. Easton, Lieutenant Philip, Va. Daniels, Private Samuel, Conn. Frank Gardner Leland. Leonard Wright Campbell. Eaton, Lieutenant N.-vthan, Mass. Dickinson, Private Thomas, Conn. Charles Scribner Eaton. Frederick Dickinson. Lewis Spencer Eaton. John Ralph Dickinson. Eccleston, Major John, Md. Dickinson, Private Joel, N. H. Donald Johnston Byus. William Edward Pierce. Eells, Private Nathaniel, Conn. Dickinson, Private Oliver, Conn. Robert Patterson Benedict, Jr. Cameron Turner Dickinson. Edgar Ells Benedict. Colonel Jedediah, Conn. Dodd, Private Eleazer, N. J. Elderkin, Harry Van Zandt Dodd. Captain Edward Seymour Walton. Edmund, N. H. Dodd, Private John, N. J. Elliott, Captain Harrv Van Zandt Dodd. Henry Augustus Foss.

[125] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Elliott, Private George, Mass. Fuller, Private Edward, Me. Hon. Frank Orren Lowden. Guy Aubrey Richards. Elwell, Private Benjamin, Me. Gage, Private Elisha, Conn. Edward Harmon Elwell. Newell Darrow Gilbert. Russell Tuttle Elwell. Dr. Newell Clark Gilbert.

Faxon, Private Thomas, Mass. Galbraith, Private John, Pa. Ervin Faxon Kemp. Thomas Edward Green, S. T. D., Ph. D. Fish, Seaman Thomas, Mass. Albert Edward G. Hodgkinson. Gates, Private Edwin Trowbridge, Mass. Flanders, Private Moses, N. H. Robert Edwin Ross. Robert Patterson Benedict, Jr. Edgar Ells Benedict. Gallaher, Private Thomas, Pa. William Penniman Day. Fleming, Lieutenant Archibald, Pa. Elarl Whitley Stewart. Garland, Private Dodipher, N. H. Arthur Garland Moulton. Flint, Private James, Mass. Frank Kimball Root. Gerry, Naval Commander John, Mass. Walter Russell Root. LeBaron Loring Austin. William Azariah Root. Gibson, Private Abraham, Mass. Flint, Paymaster Royal, Conn. Henry Lake Wyman. Captain Edward Seymour Walton. Glentworth, Surgeon George, Pa. Fogg, Captain Jeremiah, N. H. Thomas Floyd-Jones. Frank Waldo Smith. Harry Lyons.

Foote, Corporal Isaac, N. Y. GoFF, Private John, N. H. John Crocker Foote. John James Wallace. John Garvin Foote. Gordon, Captain John, Conn. Forbes, Assemblyman Daniel, Mass. Robert Patterson Benedict. Frederic Loring Lothrop. Robert Patterson Benedict, Jr. Forrest, Lt.-Colonel Uriah, Md. Edgar Ells Benedict. Zola Constantius Green. Grayson, Colonel William, Va. Foss, Private Ebenezer, N. H. Hon. Carter Henry Harrison. Martin Howard Foss. Green, Private Thomas, Va. French, Sergeant Ebenezer, Mass. Thomas Edward Green, S. T. D., Henry Barnard. Ph. D. Frothingham, Sergt. Richard, Mass. Green, Guide William, N. J. Henry Lake Wyman. Lieutenant Paul Hedrick Clark.

[126] Ancestors and Descendants

Hale, Hon. Gideon, Conn. Hill, Captain Squire, Conn. Right Rev. Charles Reuben Hale. John Whipple Hill.

Hall, Lieutenant John, Mass. Hinsdale, Private David, Mass. John Whipple Hill. Arthur Bemis Hinsdell.

Hall, Corporal Rufus, Conn. Hogg, Private Abner, N. H. William Frank Eugene Gurley. Austin Hadley Parker.

Hallett, Hon. Joseph, N. Y. Hoit, Private Joseph, Mass.

Rev. Walter Delafield, D. D. Robert Patterson Benedict, Jr. Herbert Delafield. Edgar Ells Benedict.

Hamlin, Corporal Edward, Conn. Hoppin, Corporal Nicholas, Mass. George Atwell Hamlin, Henry Lake Wyman.

Hand, Lieutenant Abraham, Conn. Hottenstein, Lieutenant David, Pa. Edwin Ellsworth Hand. Lieutenant Edward Young Miller.

Harper, Gunner Daniel, Pa. Howland, Matross Job, Mass. Alfred Eugene Harper. George Carter Howland, M. A. William Thomas Fee. Hyde, Ensign Thomas, Conn. Harris, Captain Israel, Conn. Anson Carey Greenslit. George Moseley Chandler. Illsley, Private Jonathan, Me. Harris, Lt.-Colonel William, Pa. William Augustus Illsley. Robert Patterson Benedict.

Robert Patterson Benedict, Jr. Ives, Private Ends, Conn. Edgar Ells Benedict. Judge Albert Crane Barnes.

Hatcher, Private Henry, Va. Jackson, Hon. Michael, N. Y. Judge Andrew Stites Caldwell. William Benezet Bogert.

Hathway, Lieutenant James, Mass. Jackson, Lieutenant William, N. Y. Charles Granger Blanden. William Benezet Bogert. William Benezet Hazen, Fifer Benjamin, Mass. Bogert, Jr. Theodore Loomis Bogert. Andrew Clifton Shepley. Jackson, Captain William, N. Y. Henderson, Private Gideon, Mass. William Benezet Bogert. Edward Phelps Welles. HiBBARD, Rev. Jedediah, N. H. Jeffers, Private John, N. Y. Dr. Edward Hiram Abbott. George Roraback Denniston. Uriah Roraback Denniston. Hill, Private James, Vt. Rev. Frank D. Sheets. Jenkins, Private James. Mass. Calvin Seyster Hill. Charles Weston Folds.

[127] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Jones, Sergeant Elijah, R. I. Leasure, Private John, Pa. General Harris Ansel Wheeler. Rev. Harvey Milton Shields.

Jones, Private Joseph, Jr., Mass. Lee, Captain Thomas, N. Y. William Benezet Bogert. General Leonard Fulton Ross.

Jordan, Lieutenant David, Pa. Lewis, Chaplain Isaac, Conn. Scott Jordan. William Henry Lewis. Cady Morrow Jordan. LiswELL, Private Thomas, Conn. Captain William Henry Jordan, Jr. Edward Nevers. Joyner, Private Edward, Sr., Mass. William Frank Eugene Gurley. LoBDELL, Private Isaac, N. Y. James Hervey Lobdell, Jr. Joyner, Private Edward, Jr., Mass. William Frank Eugene Gurley. Lothrop, Lt.-Colonel Thomas, Mass. Frederic Loring Lothrop. Keenon, Quartermaster Peter P., N.J. LovEjoY, Captain Hezekiah, N. H. John Williamson Lowe. Guy Aubrey Richards. Kent, Corporal Cephas, Vt. LooMis, Private John, Pa. Horace Kent Tenney. Hon. Frank Orren Lowden.

Kent, Private John, Vt. Lucas, Private Isaac, Pa. Horace Kent Tenney. Lucas Butts. KiLBOURNE, Sergeant John, Mass. Lucas, Captain Nathaniel, Va. Frederick Hamilton Kilboume. George Patrick Look. John Franklin Kilboume. Private Elisha, N. Y. King, Private Apollas, Mass. Ludington, Lewis Seaman Patrick. Samuel Balch King. Rowland George Davis. John King. Nelson John Ludington. King, Lieutenant Paul, Mass. N. Y. Samuel Balch King. LtroiNGTON, Colonel Henry, John King. Nelson John Ludington. Lewis Seaman Patrick. Kinney, Private Daniel, Vt. Rowland George Davis. Orlin Lumon Rickard. Lyle, Private Aaron, Pa. Knight, Private Robert, R. L John Lyle Campbell. Rev. Walter Delafield, D. D. Delafield. Herbert Lyon, Private Benjamin, N. J. Latimer, Colonel Jonathan, Conn. Charles Newton French. Frederick Latimer Wells. Lyon, William, Pa. Lawrence, Sergeant Asa, Conn. George Mulhollan Lyon. James Frank Kelley. George Lyon Douglass.

[128] Ancestors and Descendants

McCalla, Private Thomas, Pa. and Monk, Sergeant Benjamin, Mass. S. C. Arthur Garland Moulton. Albert McCalla. Montgomery, Lieutenant John, Va. Lee Albert McCalla. Dr. William Johnson Montgomery. Thomas Clarendon McCalla. Moore, Private Isaac, N. McCoLLUM, Ensign Daniel, Va. J. James Marshall Hadley. William Lucien Hagans. Edwin Marshall Hadley. McCoRD, Corporal Mark, Pa. MosELEY, Captain David, Mass. Will Sidney Turner. George Moseley Chandler. Va. McCoRKLE, Ensign John, Moulton, Paymaster Jonathan, N. H. Pierson Worrall Banning. General George Mayhew Moulton. Thomas Allen Banning. Arthur Garland Moulton. Private N. H. McCrillis, William, Moulton, Lt.-Colonel Stephen, Conn. Maxfield. Grant William Cleveland Moulton. Manson, Quartermaster Frederick, Harry Waterman Moulton. Mass. Moulton, General Jotham, Mass. William Frederick Manson. Bernard Moulton Wiedinger. Marshall, Christopher, Pa. William Linville Adams. Member of Committee of Safety. MuNN, Private Benjamin, Mass. Edward Mark Slocum. William Frank Eugene Gurley. Maxfield, Private Nathaniel, N. H. Murdock, Private Bartlett, Mass. Grant Maxfield, Samuel Shaw Parks. May, Colonel Ezra, Mass. Muzzy, Private John, Mass. Stephen Douglas May. Charles Wilson Hawley. Mavnard, Private Samuel, Mass. Myers, Private Michael, N. J. George Sanger Maynard. Edmund Albert Allen. Mead, Private David, N. Y. Nagle, Captain Peter, Pa. Eugene Adelbert Mead. Edward Handy Buehler. Miller, Colonel Henry, Pa. Nelson, Private Nehemiah, Mass. Albert Leroy Miller. William Benezet Bogert. Private N. Miller, Robert, J. Norton, Lt.-Col. Ebenezer, Conn. Hugh Worthington Croxton. Charles Thomson Atkinson.

Mills, Private Jedediah, Conn. Frank Holway Atkinson, Jr. Right Rev. Charles Reuben Hale. Norton, Private Ebenezer, Jr., Conn. Mitchell, Private Benjamin, N. H Charles Thomson Atkinson.

Irving Terwilliger. Frank Holway Atkinson, Jr. Mitchell, Private James, Va. Norton, Captain Nathaniel, N. Y. Frank Ames Hancock. Joseph Marion Norton.

[129] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

NoYES, Captain Peleg, Conn. PiERSON, Sergeant Samuel, Vt. Fred Burbank Leyns. Pierson Worrall Banning. Orr, Captain Robert, Pa. Piper, Drummer Samuel, N. H. Samuel Culbertson Orr. Robert Patterson Benedict, Jr. Edgar Ells Benedict. Orne, Major General Azor, Mass. LeBaron Loring Austin. Poole, Lieutenant Samuel, Mass. William Harrison Pool. Parks, Private Reuben, Mass. Samuel Shaw Parks. Porter, Private Ezra, Conn. Pierson Worrall Banning. Parkhurst, Lieutenant Joel, Mass. William Porter Adams. Potter, Private Levi, Conn. Parkhurst, Private Leonard, Mass. Ralph Woodward Hawthorne. William Porter Adams. Pratt, Private James, Conn. Patterson, Brig.-Major Robert, Pa. Harry Pratt Judson, LL.D. Robert Patterson Benedict. Pratt, Private John, Mass. Patterson Benedict, Jr. Robert James Bailey Pratt, Jr. Edgar Ells Benedict. Pratt, Private Thomas, R. L Patrick, Private N. Y. John, Henry Lake Wyman. Lewis Seaman Patrick. Rowland George Davis. Prescott, Private Samuel, N. H. General George Mayhew Moulton. Pease, Drum-Major Samuel, Me. Arthur Garland Moulton. Beecher Starbird. Rupert Starbird. Proctor, Private John, Mass. Charles Storrs Proctor. Pennel, Captain John, Vt. David Henry Proctor. Luther Hall Barber. David Gould Proctor. Perkins, Sergeant Joshua, Mass. Putnam, Ephraim, N. H. Samuel Shaw Parks. John James Wallace. Perkins, Private Joseph, Mass. Reed, Private Amos, Mass. Francis Burnham Perkins. William Frank Eugene Gurley. Phillips, Private John, Mass. William Butterworth Phillips. Rice, Lieutenant Jonas, Vt. Charles Ernest Townley Ellington. PiCKERiLL, Drummer Samuel, Md. Harold Slaight Ellington. Frank Briggs Stitt. Richards, Lieut. Jeremiah, N. H. Pier, Private Thomas, Jr., Conn. Guy Aubrey Richards. William Frank Eugene Gurley. Pier, Sergeant Thomas, Sr., Mass. Rickard, Serg.-Major Israel, Mass. William Frank Eugene Gurley. Orlin Lumon Rickard. Pier, Clerk John, Mass. Robinson, Fifer James, Mass. William Frank Eugene Gurley. John Paul Scharff.

[130] Ancestors and Descendants

RoBiNSOK, Colonel Timothy, Conn. Sherman, Corporal Lemuel, N. Y. Hobart Chatfield Chatfield-Taylor. George Rockwell Skinner. Root, Lt.-Col. Azariah, Mass. Shields, Private John, Pa. Frank Kimball Root. Rev. Harvey Milton Shields. Walter Russell Root. Shockey, Private Christian, Pa. William Azariah Root. Maxwell William Shultz. Russell, Colonel William, Va. Sibley, Private Moses, Conn. Mayor Carter Henry Harrison. Hon. George Reed. Russell, Lieutenant William, Ky. Shoemaker, Private Haujost, N. Y. Mayor Carter Henry Harrison. Edmund Albert Allen. Ryker, Ensign Gerardus, N. J. Slade, Priv.'\te James, Conn. Paul Mayer La Bach, C. E. William Frank Eugene Gurley. Sammons, Lieutenant Jacob, N. Y. Smith, Private Conrod, Pa. Benjamin Chester Sammons. Harry Milford Edmunds. Walter Willis Sammons. Smith, Corporal Amos, Conn. Samson, Captain Simeon, Mass. George Samuel Marsh. LeBaron Loring Austin. Smith, Major Hezekiah, Conn. Sanborn, Sergeant Jeremiah, N. H. Eben Byron Smith. General George Mayhew Moulton. Franklin Pratt Smith. Arthur Garland Moulton. Smith, Private John, N. Sawyer, Lieutenant Abner, Mass. J. David Elmer Postle. Charles Allison Lamb. Smith, Fife Major Levi, Mass. Scott, Private Samuel, N. C. Benjamin Pearce Hinman, Jr. Pierson Worrall Banning. Thomas Allen Banning. Smith, Sergeant William, N. Y. Edward Payson Smith. Scott, Sergeant William, Ky. Scott Jordan. Snead, Ensign Robert, Va. Walter Leslie Webb. Seavey, Eliakim, Minn. Private Harold George Taylor. Snell, Jacob, N. Y. Ralph Isham. Seymour, Lieutenant Charles, Conn. Snow, Private Lemuel, Mass. Right Rev. Charles Reuben Hale. Joshua Nye. Seymour, Ensign Jesse, N. Y. Stafford, Corpor.a.l Joseph, R. I. Right Rev. George Franklin Seymour. James Kinney Stafford. Shaw, Sergeant John, Mass. Standish, Private Israel, Conn. Samuel Shaw Parks. Harold Scl fridge .Standish. Sherman, Rev. Josiah, Conn. Stearns, Private Edward, Mass. John Garvin Foote. Dcshler Falconer Steams. [31] Illinois Society Sons of the Revolution

Stevens, Private Henry, Conn. Tuttle, Private Samuel, Conn. John Eaton Shepardson. Henry Hinsdale Candee. Ralph Steele Shepardson. Henry Safford Candee.

Stephenson, Surgeon John, N. Y. Vanderhoff, Ensign Peter, N. J. Captain Edward Seymour Walton. William Tryner Lackland. Stone, Private Isaac, Mass. Wade, Colonel Nathaniel, Mass. General George Mayhew Moulton. John Wade. Arthur Garland Moulton. Wager, Private Henry, N. Y. Mass. Stone, Private Thomas, John Whipple Hill. Dr. Charles Stone Terry. Walbridge, Private Gustavus, Conn. Samuel, Conn. SuTLiFF, Private Henry Walbridge Dudley. Samuel Milton Sutliff. Lawrence Howard Dudley. Sweetser, Private Richard, Me. Henry Stuart Dudley. Charles William Wells. Raymond Carleton Dudley. Tallmadge, Major Benjamin, Conn. Walker, Ensign Alexander, Va. Edwin Richard Tallmadge. Pierson Worrall Banning. Benjamin Henry Tallmadge. Thomas Allen Banning. Taylor, Private Gilbert, Sr., N. Y. Walker, Private Ebenezer, Conn. William Frank Eugene Gurley. John Whipple Hill.

Taylor, Lieut. Gilbert, Jr., N. Y. Wallace, Private John, N. H. William Frank Eugene Gurley. John James Wallace. Samuel Taylor Baker. Isaac Stuart Raymond. Fredrick Baker. John Wallis, Private James, Mass. Taylor, Captain Samuel, Mass. General George Mayhew Moulton. Arthur Lee Castle. Arthur Garland Moulton. Howard Percy Castle. Walton, Mark, N. J. Private Benjamin, N. H. Tenny, Captain Edward Seymour Walton. Horace Kent Tenney. Ward, Private George, Pa. Thrall, Quartermaster Samuel Scott Jordan. Mass. Colonel John Ward Jordan. William Adelbert Webster. Ware, Private Robert, Mass. Caleb, N. H. TiLTON, Lieutenant Arthur Garland Moulton. General George Mayhew Moulton. Seth, Conn. Arthur Garland Moulton. Warner, Colonel Orange Warner Ellis. ' Topping, Private Daniel, L. I. N. Y. Harold Kenneth Weld. Warren, Lieutenant John, Warren Johnson Davis. Trimble, Secretary James, Pa. George Alexander Miller. Washburn, Private Joseph, N. Y. Rowland Austin Miller. Harry Van Zandt Dodd.

[132 Ancestors and Descendants

Weld, Private Stephen. Wood, Private Samuel, Mass.

Winfield Scott Weld. ' Arthur Lee Castle. Howard Percy Castle. Webster, William, Conn. Louis Andrew Bowman. Wood, Drummer Samuel, N. Y. Albert D., D. L. Whipple, Private Benjamin, R. I. Casey Wood, M. C. John Whipple Hill. Woodward, Private Daniel, Conn. White, Major William, N. H. Rev. George DeMing Wright. Charles Thomson Atkinson. Frank Daniel Wright. Frank Holway Atkinson, Jr. Woodward, Private John, Conn. Whitaker, Private Petros, N. Y. Ralph Woodward Hawthorne. John Burton Foley. Woodward, Private William, Conn. Henry Burns Foley. Washington Irving Woodward. Whitcomb, Private Anthony, Vt. John Whitcomb Shepardson. WooLSEY, Private Henry, N. Y. Roy Lincoln Gault. Whitcomb, Asa, Vt. Zuriel Gault. John Whitcomb Shepardson. Wright, Private George, Conn. Wiley, Sergeant James, Mass. Robert Patterson Benedict, Jr. Donald Littlefield Morrill. Edgar Ells Benedict. Wilkin, Captain Jason, N. Y. William Benezet Bogert. Wyman, Private Willi.\m, Mass. Henry Lake Wyman, Wilkin, John, N. Y. William Benezet Bogert. Wyman, Private Elijah, Mass. Wilkinson, Lieutenant Amos, Pa. Samuel Balch King. Hugh Worthington Croxton. John King.

Williams, Private Samuel, N. J. Yates, Major Christopher Peter, Harry Van Zandt Dodd. N. Y. Willis, Sergeant Hopestill, Mass. Blinn Yates. Eben Byron Smith. Young, Private Michael, Pa. Franklin Pratt Smith. Lieutenant Edward Young Miller. Winchester, Private Richard, Conn. John Calvin Hanna. Youngs, Private Samuel, Conn. Philip Winchester Hanna. Charles Anthony Bonniwell.
