The Geology of Clare Island, County Mayo ED1914 Memoirs of The
Depwtment of Agriculture md Technical Instruction for Irelmd. THE CKEOLOGY OF CLAISE ISLANl~, COUNTY MAYO. ,., ,i",_. .--1 BP I _ G.A. J. COLE, F.G.S. ; J. R. KILROE, A.R.C.Sc.1. ; ; T. HALLISSY, B.A. ; AND E. A. NEWELL ARBER,’ M.A. 1 ‘i 4 DUBLIN : PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY BROWNE & NOLAN, LTD., NASSAU STREET. _ _-_-_ ____ - -___. And to be purchased from E. STANFORD, 12,13in nd 14 LONG ACRE, LONDON ; W. & A. K. JOHNSTON, LTD., 2 ST. ANDKEW SQIJARE,TWINBURGH ; HODGES, FIGGIS &. CO., LTD., G~amo~ ST., DUBLIN, from e,ny Agent for the sale of Ordnance Survey Maps, or through any Bookseller, from , T. FISHER UN WIN, 1 ADF:TZHTTRRKACIC, LONDON, W.C., who is sole Agent to the Trade outside the County of London. 1* r % \ 1914. Prfqe *Two Shillings and Sixpence. \ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF IRELAND -- DIRECTOR-PROF. GRENVILLE A. J. COLE, M.R.I.A., F.G.S. SENIOR GEOLOGIST-S. Ts. WILKINSON. GEOLOGISTS-W. B. WRIGHT, B.A., F.G.S. ; T. HALLTSSY, B.A. (O&er in charge of t&e Collections) ; H. T. KENNEDY, B.A. SUPERINTENDENT OB MAPS-R. CLARK. DRAUGHTSMAN-M. GAVIN. 1. I ._ I23 124 I IiS -I---I2 Boundaries of the Sheets of the Geological Map on the scale of one inch to one * mile. Various prices. Thick lines mark the boundaries of the colour-printed _ sheets showing superficial deposits, , in addition to the underlying rocks prig+- __* le. 8d. each. _ - -+_ I) _r.
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