Louisburgh HQ News th 6 July 2012 2012- Issue 5 “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts ” So says Aristotle and Louisburgh HQ Drop-in Centre and Craft Shop are Open Bike Hire As of Friday 6th July, Louisburgh HQ will have their bike hire service up and running for the Summer. Helmets and route cards will also be included in the hire of the bike, all of which will be charged at a daily rate of €12.50 or €65/week (7days). A backup service will be provided to deal with mechanical breakdowns such as punctures etc. Drop- in Centre on the Square For your own comfort, customers should consider the prevailing weather conditions when choosing your attire for a day’s ride. Call in or give us a ring at Louisburgh HQ to avail of our services and get to see the surrounding countryside in the best way possible! Email:
[email protected] Neil – 0876081438 or Alex - 0877802615 Selection of Local Crafts on display in Shop The number of persons receiving this th On July 6 Louisburgh HQ opened its doors on the Square and the craft shop opened across the road on Chapel Street. We extend an invitation to everyone to join us on newsletter by email is 281 Sunday July 8th at 12 noon for the official opening of both by, Michael Ring, Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport where you can enjoy some If you would like to be included on the mailing list music and a chat with your neighbours and friends.