SPD Works Without PQ

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SPD Works Without PQ Publication Notice –Request for Bids INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING (ICB) BIDDING DOCUMENT FOR PROCUREMENT OF SMALL WORKS CONTRACT PACKAGE NO: WC-GOS-1 Deadline: 20.03.2019, 11:00 hrs Country: Macedonia Project: Water and Sewerage Programme Macedonia – Gostivar Tender No.: GOS – 1 Loan No: KfW-Reference No.: 2007 65 511 (Loan); KfW-Reference No.: 2007 70 107 (Financial Contribution); Own sources of the Republic of Macedonia Grant from Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Requested Works: International Competitive bidding with post-qualification for Procurement of small works for: − New reservoir P3 for zone 3 V=5600 m3 with included pipelines for connection to the existing network − New water supply lines for connection of the R2 reservoir with the existing water supply network − New water supply line for zone 2 from Gorna Banjica to Ciglana − New water supply line for Balin Dol − Manholes for installation of control equipment with included zoning equipment of the town network in 3 locations for Ciglana and Fazanerija − Chambers for separation of the pressure zones with included gate valves and accompanying fittings and in the town’s network in 5 locations − P2 reservoir in zone 2 V=1300m3 and access road − New water supply line from the settlement Zdunje to Forino − Reconstruction of the Water Supply pipeline from Gorna Banjica to Dolna Banjica − New DN250/300 HDPE pipeline from the mail right pipeline to Gorna Banjica − Reconstruction of part of the water supply line on str. Zivko Brajkovski, str. Branko Stankovik and str. Vardarska − New water supply line for Ilija Anteski street − Reconstruction of part of the water supply line for Mladen Simonovski street − Reconstruction of part of the water supply line for str. Boge Veljanoski and str. Zeleznicka − Reconstruction of part of the water supply line for Boris Kidric street − New water supply line on the road from Balin Dol to Cajle − New water supply line for connection of the water supply lines from Gorna Banjica to Dolna Banjica Project Information: Construction of water supply and sewerage lines, including civil, mechanical and electrical works pertinent to Contract No.WC-GOS-1 under the Investment Project "Water and Sewerage Programme Macedonia", Component WC-GOS-1, the Municipality of Gostivar and based on the detailed designs prepared by the Employer (FIDIC Book). Tender documents available at: Public Utility Company JPKD “Komunalec” – Gostivar str. Svetozar Peposki br. 59 1230 Gostivar Republic of Macedonia Telephone: +389 42 213 580 Electronic mail address: [email protected] Further Information: A complete set of bidding documents in digital copy (pdf) in English and Macedonian language may be purchased by interested Bidders, on the submission of a written application to the address above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of 9,000 MKD (Macedonian Denars) or 150 EUR. Non-refundable fee of 9,000 MKD (Macedonian Denars) or 150 EUR should be paid into the following account: For Payment in Macedonian Denars (MKD): Bank name and address: Stopanska Banka AD Skopje, 11 Oktomvri, 1000 Skopje Bank account holder: PU Komunalec Gostivar Bank account number: 200000090177012 MKD Entity Identification number: 4116429 Tax number: 4007989109536 For Payment in (EURO): Bank name and address: Stopanska Banka AD Skopje, 11 Oktomvri, 1000 Skopje Bank account number: МК07200003403557623 – ЕUR SWIFT: STOBMK2X Bank account holder: PU Komunalec Gostivar The Bidder has an obligation to settle its banking cost. A site visit conducted by the Employer shall be organized on 21.02.2019 at 10:00 hrs. Applicants may submit Bids for the provision of works under this contract in accordance with the Invitation for Bid. The Works to be performed consist of works as specified above, to be completed within 24 months after commencement date. The official and public bid opening shall take place on 20.03.2019, 12:00 hrs Macedonian Standard Time. Bids must be submitted to the Employer at the address stated in the invitation for Bid, and will be opened officially at the premises of the Public Utility Company JPKD Komunalec – Gostivar, in the presence of bidders' authorized representatives who choose to attend the Bid opening session at the address above. Late bids will be rejected. All Bids must be accompanied with a Bid Security. .
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