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Spring 1970 UA19/17/1/2 Program - NCAA Tournament Press Guide WKU Athletic Media Relations

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Recommended Citation WKU Athletic Media Relations, "UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - NCAA Tournament Press Guide" (1970). WKU Archives Records. Paper 2597. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/2597

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NCAA Tournament Roster

NOo - Name . Pos. !!£.:.. !!h Cl. Age 1ll.:.. HometOlm High School 4-, F 6-8 210 Jr. 21 1 Horse Cave, Ky. Caverna IO- Gary Sundmacker, G 6-4 170 Jr. 20 0 Metropolis. Ill. Metropolis

ll-, G 6-3 180 Jr. 22 1 Hazard, Ky. Hazard I5- Danny Johnson, G 6-1 175 So. 19 0 Benton, Ill. Benton

20-Steve Eatoo, G 6-3 180 So. 19 0 Chattanooga, Tenn . City 22 -Ha lker Banks, F-C 6-9 205 Sr. 21 2 Clifton Forge. Va. Clifton Forge

24-Terry Davis . G-F 6-2 180 So. 19 0 Shelbyville, Ky. Shelby County 25-Jerame Perry. F 6-4 190 Jr. 20 1 Louisville, Ky. Manual

33 -Paul Haskins, F 6-4 195 Sr. 21 2 Campbe llsville. Ky. Taylor County 42-Hayne Bright, F 6-8 235 Sr. 21 2 Greencastle, Ind. Fillmore

44-Jim McDanie ls, C 7-0 215 Jr . 21 1 Scottsville, Ky. Allen County = = - =::='" = = = = = "" = "" =


Conference All Games ~ II L Pet. \·1 L Pct .

Hestern Kentucky 14 0 1.000 22 2 . 911

*Murray Stat e 9 4 .692 11 8 .680

East Tennessee 6 6 .571 15 11 .511

*Eastern Kentucky 1 6 .538 11 10 . 524

Middle Tennessee 6 8 .429 15 11 .517

Horehead State 5 9 .351 13 11 .542 Tennessee Tech 5 10 . 28 6 10 11 .416

Aus tin Peay 2 12 . 143 5 21 . 192

*Murray- Eas t e rn game suspended--ruling pending.

: = = = = = ~ = = z = = : = = = HILLTOPPERS EARLIEST EVER IN CLI NCHING O.V.C . TITlE

This year the Hilltoppers tied their own record for the earliest e li nching eve-r of an Ohio Valley Conference championship Hhen they set... ed up the title on Feb. 21.

The 1965- 66 Hestern quintet cl i nched the league crotJl1 on the same date, ear.li.er than J\ny o thc 'T te-rutl in QVe history. PLAYER SKETCHES

Probable Starters

25--]EROME PERRY Forward .. . Junior ... 6-4 ..• 190 .•. 20 .• . Louisville, Ky.

Has great all-around athletic ability, with tremendous leg spring, sprinter speed, fine hands ••. was All-Stater in both basketball, football at Manual High ... goes extremely high on jump shot, which he can put up with accuracy from surprisingly long range ... clever passer on fast break, does adequate job of bringing up ball against pressure defense . . . capable of rebounding on even terms with much larger men... second only to Jim McDaniels among scorers on this year's team ..• Top effort was 28 points, 12 rebounds in come-from­ behind road win over East Tennessee •.• that game was also his career high. .. averaged 12 points as soph. in '68-69.

Personal lnfo: Parents--Mr. and Mrs. Willie L. Perry (Father, Poaonan; Mother. Machine Operator); High Scbool--Manual '67; H. S. Coach--Lou Taioropoulos (Kentucky); H. S. Letters--Basketball 3; Footbh1l2; Major--Industrial Education; Ambit1on--Industry or Teaching; Married. one child; Religious Preference--Baptist.

4--CLARENCE GLOVER Forward •.• Junior ... 6-8 ... 210 ••. 21 .•. Horse Cave, Ky.

Amazingly quick for man his size •.. shared forward post most of this season \'lith V/alk:er Banks. Wayne Bright. but was used more often as s[arter during latter stages of campaign... particularly effective on defense. where he takes advantage of agility. size to hO\Uld dribblers and block shots with pleasing regularity .. . best all-around performance came in late-season win over Dayton as he tallied 13 points, hauled in 14 rebounds. blocked 6 shots ... was high school All-Stater. honorable mention All-American ... hobbies include fiShing. reading ... averaged 5.5 points. 7.9 rebounds last year as sophomore.

Personallnfo: Parents--Ivir. and Mrs. Roy Glover (Father, Retired: Mother. House ­ wife); High School--Caverna '67; H. S. Coach--Ralph Dorsey (Indiana); H. S. Letters-­ Basketball 4. Baseball 2; Major--Physical Education; Minor--Sociologyi }.mbition-­ TeaChing. Coaching; Married. one child; Religious Preference--Baptist.

44--]IM McDANIELS •. . Junior •.• 7 -0••. 217 ... 21 ... Scottsville. Ky.

Has led the Ohio Valley Conference in scoring each of his two varsity seasons, with a 24.8 average as a so!,homore. 28.6 mark this season • . . also led league this season in rebounds (13.9) and field goal percentage (.569) ... named to Helms Foundation 1968-69 All -America team ... appears to be cinch to have highest single-season scoring average this year of any Hilltopper in history. surpassing 26.0 mark of Darel Carrier. now starring for Kentuclcy Colonels of tbe ABA .. • "&ig Mac's" 1968-69 season eclipsed school sopbomore scoring records set in 1964-65 by another current pro star, of the NBA Chicago Bulls .• . top game this season was 46-point effort against Austin Peay, fourth highest single-game scoring performance ever for a Western player .•• made 30 or more points 11 times this season..• phenomenal shooter from all ranges. hut became even more formidable this season as be learned to take ball to basket with more regularity. taking better advantage of his size and agility . • . has improved defense tremendously, as demon­ strated by seven blocked shots against Dayton and 12 against Middle Tennessee •.. his shooting ability, maneuverability have many pro scouts billing him as the pro game's " first 7 -foot forward" •. . was z:ated top schoolboy recruiting catch in country following brilliant high school career in which he twice led Kentucky high school scoring... was MVP, scored 33 points in Dapper Dan Roundball Classic at Pittsburgh following senior high school season... his favorite recreation includes swimming. dancing.

Personal Info: Parent--Mrs. Sendy Binom (Mother, Housewife); High School-~A1len County '67; H, S, Coach--Tommy Long (Western Kentucky); H, S. Letters--Basketball 2; Major--Physical Education; Minor--Sociologyi Arnbitlon·-Pro Basketball. then social work; Married; Religious Preference~~Baptist. -3- ll--JIM ROSE Guard.•. Junior • • . 6-3 . .. 180 • • . 22 ... Hazard, Ky.

Deadeye shooter from outside with feathery -soft jumper; nifty operator underneath, with good jumping ability . .. particularly outstanding in Hilltopper running game . .. plays steady defense ..• has improved tremendously in ability to move ball down-court against press •.. top scoring night of season came with 21 points in pressure-packed. overtime DVe win against East Tennessee . .. top night on boards came against Middle Tennessee, with 12 r ecoveries . .. career high of 28 came against SMU as sophomore in '68 -69 . .. one of Kentucky's all-time great schoolboy performer s , starring for Hazard for five years after earning starter's role in eighth grade .. . averaged 12. 2 points, 6. 1 rebounds in 1968-69.

Personal Info: Pa rents--Mr. and Mrs. Edward Y. Lindon; High School--Hazard '67; H. S. Coach--Roscoe Shackelford -( Louisville); H. S. Letters--Basketba1l5, Football 4, Baseball 4: Major-- Physical Education; Minor--Sociology; Ambition- -Pro Basketball. Coaching; Married, one child; Religious Preference--Baptist.

10- -GARY SUNDMAC KER Guard •. • Junior . •. 6-4 .. . 170 ... 20 . . . Metropolis, IlL

Has been one of most pleasant s urprises of season, providing playmaking ability, leadershi p and hustle ... his play has been a tremendous factor in HiUtopper success ... helped lead Paducah Community College to national junior college cage title last year, averaging 12. 5 points, 6 rebounds .. . played first half of current season as reserve, but broke into starting lineu? in early January and has proved he " belongs" ever since • • • had gr eatest performance of collegiate career in late -season 77 -75 road win over arch-rival Murray as he had 11 assists, tossed in 8 points and was flawless in handling ball against Murray' S pesky press . .. top point production was 15 against LaSa lle.

Personal Info: Parents--Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sundmacker (Father, Carpenter ; Mother, Housewife); High School--Metropolis '67; H. S. Coach--Don Smith (Middle Tennessee); H. ~. Letters--Easketba1l 2, Baseball 1, Cross -Country 1; Major- -Secondary Education, Business: Ambition--Teaching; Relie ious Preference--Protestant.

15--DANNY JOHNSON Guard . . . Sophomore • .. 6-1 ... 175 . .. 19 . .. Benton, Ill.

Doesn't mind shooting, playing defense, or rebounding in crowd, quic k hands , aggressive attitude make him a crowd -pleaser on defense . • . sees floor well, picks up numerous assists on z ippy passes to open men .. . has demons n'ated ability to get team offense started ... has scored in double figures three times this season.

Personal Info: Parents - - Mr. and Mr s . Leroy Mumbower (Father, Security Guard; Mother, Huusewife); High School- -Eenton '68; H. S. Coach--Rich He rrin; H. S. Letters-­ Basketball 3. T rack 2; Major- -Recreation; Married; Ambitionp- Undecided .

.20--STEVE EATON Guard • .. Sophomore . . . 6-3 . .. 180 . . • 19 • . • Chattanooga, Tenn.

Fine basketball instincts • . . s iz e, fact that he was outstanding guard throug hout h.i gh school career and didn't have to lear n positinn arre l- coming to coJl ege , are big- pluses .. , does as fine a job as anybody on squad of moving ball against press ... extremely unselfish player who works hard at setting up bas!'ct s for teammates . . . led his prep team to state , . __ .tournament, was named to both All-State, All-American squads. , .' ""'" ------~, Personal Info: Parents --Mr. and Mrs. James Eaton (Father, Minis ter; Mother, ..... ·-- .... Housewife); High School- - City '68; H. [; . Coach-":Jim Phifer (Western Kentucky); H. .s. 'betters---&.sketball 3, Easeball I : Major--History; Ambition--Undecided; Relig i.OUS Preference-- Cburch of Christ. /- - 7-

22--ViALKER BANKS Forward-Center ... Senior •.• 6-9 ... 205 .. . 21. .. Clifton Forge, Va.

Has been in and out of starting lineup ever since his sophomore season... hits boards with authority .•• playing best defense of his career this season. .. very quick, agile, often surprises with his running speed . . • fine touch on both jump, hook shots. especially from close range . • . top game of current season came with 14 points, 7 rebounds against Eastern Kentucky.

Personal Info: Parent--Mrs. Georgianna Banks (Mother, Laundry Em ployee) ; High School--Clifton Forge '66; H. S. Coach--Colin Ferguson (Waynesboro); H. S. Letters-­ Basketball 4, Football 3; Major--Physical Education; Ambition--Teaching, Coaching; Married. one child; Religious Preference--Baptist.

24--TERRY DAVIS Guard ... Sophomore .•. 6-2 . . . 180 • • . 19 ... Shelbyville, Ky.

Was tops in scoring (22. 7 ppg). third in assists on last year's frosh team ... talented shooter with knack for getting open . .. dedicated competitor who never quits at either end of floor • .. speCialty is soft jumper in 12 to 18~foot range .. • pitcher on Western baseball squad . .. 8 high school AU-American at Shelby County, be led Kentucky schoolboy scoring in '67-68 with 35.5 average . . . was Kentucky's "Mr. Basketball" in 1968 .. • had 14 points against l(ansas.

Personal Info: Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie DaVis (Father, Farmer; Mother, Housewife); High School--Shelby County '68; H. S. Coach--Herky Rupp (!(entucky): H. S. Leners-­ Basketball 4, Baseball 4, Football!; Major--Physical Education; Minor--Biology; Ambition-­ Pro Call; Married, one child; Religious Preference--Baptist.

33- - PAUL HASKINS Forward ... Senior ..• 6-4 • •. 195 ... 21. . • Campbellsville. Ky.

Younger brother of 1967 Western All-American Clem Haskins, now NEA regular with Chicago Bulls . . . reliable performer with sound fundamental skills. though not :finsllY .. · . 'highly accurate jump shoUroJU 15 '00 20 feet.: .,. bard-noSed. on deferise . .. also mixes i t up lHe ll under boards . . : has ability. • l:n.o\y" how to play in alhl ost any sit'tlBtion.

Personal Info: Parents--Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Haskins (Father. Farmer; Mother , Housewife); High School--Taylor COWlty '66; H. S. Coach--Billy B. Smith (Union U.); H. C. Letters--Bas ketba114, Track 4; Major--Physical Education; Ambition--Teaching. Coaching; Religious Preference--Baptist.

42--ViAYNE BRIGHT Forward . . . Senior ... 6 -8 . . . 235 ... 21 .•. Greencastle, Ind.

Strength under boards is top asset, but is also exceptional jump shooter from medium range in . • . has improved markedly on defense in past yea r •. • has been starter for parts of each of past two s easons . .. best game in current campaign was 17-point. 7- perfonnance against LaSalle . .. has hit on nearly 50 per cent of field goal attempts for entire varSity career.

Personallnfo: Parents--Mr. and Mrs . Walter C. Bright Sr. (Father, Tool and Die Maker; Mother, Housewife); High School--Pillmore '66; I-I. S. Coach--Darrell Hoyer (Indiana Central); H. S. Lctters--Basketooll 4, Baseball 3, Track 2; Major--Physical Education; Ambition. Teaching. Coaching; Married; Rel igiOUS Pl'efe.l'ence--Catholic. -4-


This is Western Kentucky's fourth trip to the NCAA Tournament. The Hilltopper s ' first appearance came at the end of the 1939~40 season when they were the Souther n Re?resentative in the Eastern Playoff. Western' s complete NCAA record:


Eastern Playoff at Indianap:>lis, Ind. : Western 29, Duquesne 30



Mid-East Regional at Lexington, !(y.: Western 107, Miami (Fla.) 84

at Louisville , Ky.: Western 79, Ohio State 98 Western 97 . Ohio University 87. Consolation ======1961-62

Mid -East Regional at Lexington, Ky. : Western 90, Detroit 31

a t Iowa City, Iowa: V!estern 73, Ohio State 93 Western 86, Butler 87 (Ove rtime). Consolation ======


?>" lid- East Regional at Kent. Ohio: V.'estern lOS, Loyola (lll. ) 86

at Iowa City. Iowa: Wester n 79. Michigan 80 Western 02. Dayton 68, Consolation ======

1966- 67

Mid -East Regional at Lexington, Ky. : Vlestern 67. Dayton 69 (Overtime) =-=-=-=-=-=-:-=-=-=-=-:-=-=


( }u .T ..." " .. f the (our prevjo ll ," n c r :1 ,o:: ion,o:: v u whie h li'c s U' .' n 1{(,,,,,,, ' l y h -I'" " 0..: 1" . ',~ . ' "' ' •• " .. " ,I,;., V 'tlle y f :.. "f .. , ,-, ..,.,,, ::; incp the ove [h's t g Ol an .'I nh)Jn,'1 I i.: ,.;,1 In 11).-= .... it " •• • 1. ,II..: e v (: •• f' H'.l n ,. I ; 1, - , "- ", ...... "' . . '"" . r l :l"'1).on O.L· l-,,"nC l "l' In ... Ii.";",, ,., , .. ' • " 1'1 ... " .

H.I1nnc l: - \I ~' Da yl 'm. 67-69 in overtime . 1967 ; Runne l' - Up Ohi" :-: tn ....'. 73 ')~ . in 1962; and Champion Ohi o ~ tt"r •• ',OJ ? ft, 1n H ) ( .t1 - 5-


Western's Jim McDaniels scored the I,aOOth point of his vars ity career on Jan. 17 in a 102-80 win over LaSalle. He reached that coveted plateau at an earlier point in his career than any other player in the his~ory of Hilltopper basketball, in his 39th varsity game. Prior to McDaniels ' feat, Western's 1966 -67 All-Ame rica, Clem Haskins (now a star for the ChiC830 Bulls of the NBA), had been the quickest Hilltopper in scoring I, 000 points. He passed that mark in his 45th varsity perfonnance. Haskins went on to score a total of 1, 680 iJOints in his Western career. the highest number ever for a three -year var sity player. The only two players who scored more, Ralph Crosthwaite (2 , 076 in 1955 -58) and Tom MarslnIl (1,909 in 1951-54), both played four years of varsity basketball. Haskins also holds the Western record for highest career scoring average, 22. 1 points. McDaniels entered NCAA Tournament play this year with a total of 1,331 points, making him already the seventh highest scorer in Hilltopper history. He entered the Tournament with a 28. 6 average for the 1969 -70 season and a 26.6 average for his career to this point.


Western Kentuch.-y has won more Ohio Valley Confer ence championships than any other team, winning or sharir..g 13 titles in the 22-seaEon history of the league. In fact, all other ove teams combined have won or shar ed only 17 conference champion­ ships.


Basketball at VJestern Kentucky is a family affair. Of the 11 players on the Hilltopper NCAA Tournament roster, eight are married: Clarence Glover, Jim Rose, Danny Johnson, Walker Banks, Terry DaviS, Jerome Per ry, Wayne Bright, and Jim McDaniels . The Glovers, Roses, Bankes, Perrys, and Davises each have one child.


Western's home attendance for the 1969-70 season broke all orevious records. The new marks were:

Home Attendance Total, Season--1S0. 237;

Home Attendance Average, Season u ll,S57 (13 games);

Home Attendance, ::::; ingle Game--13. 804 (vs. Morehead, Feb. 2 1). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =


The r ed towels waved by Weste rn Kentuc ky fans at each ba sketha ll game afe a 11 ·w li tloll !'ltemming from the habit of fo,t:mer HilltopPC1' Coach Ed Diddle. DiddJe , who coached at Viestem for 42 seasons, co n ~tan t l y kept a towel--red, of cour se. - -with him on the bench. He \',I aved it in e lation, used it to signal his players, threw it to the rafters in jubilation, Of buried his face in it in despair, de~nding ll pon the tempo of the ga me. In his long and colorful rar €'('> r. h .... hcr:lIlIO k llo\'m to fl'ln ~ tlu-oughout t he natio n as " the man with the red to'ue!. " - 6-


Among \.'estern 's most devoted fans is the University's president, Dero G. Downing. And rightly so··-he was an outstanding guard on some of the finest teams in Western history, including the first two Hilltopper qu intets to go to the NIT in 1942 and 1943. He was also a top-notch cOllegiate tennis player.


When Western I(entucky finished the 1969-70 season with a perfect 14-0 mark in Ohio Valley Conference play, it was only the third time in the 22-year his tory of the league that a team was able to compile an undefeated season. On all three occas ions, the team to turn the trick was Western Kentucky. The two previous unbeaten league se3.S0ns were put together by the Hilltoppers in 1949-50 (8-0) and 1965-66 (14-0). :-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


Western Kentucky University lost its finest rooster and one of the g reateRl w skelulJ ll coaches of aU time on Jan. 2. when former Hilltopper He:1d Coach Ed Diddle passed away. In the 42 seasons from 1922 until his retirement in 1964. Diddle's Western teams won 75 9 games and lost only 302. They won 32 championships in the j(enrncky Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. the Southe rn Intercollegiate Athletic Aseociation. and the Ohio Valley Conference. His teams won 20 or more games in 18 different seasons, including a string of 10 straight from 1934 to 1943. His teams played in the NCAA Tournament three times and in the National Invitation Tournament eight times. He will live forever in the hearts of Hilltopper boosters and basketball fans everywhere. Ylha will r emember his famed antics with his ever·present red towel, his warm smile, and his enthusiastic devotion to the game he loved so we ll.


In six years as head coach at Western Kentucky, Jolmny Oldham has compiled one of the finest r ecords in the nation. Going into this year's NCAA play, his Hilltopper teams have won 122 games and los t only 34. Including his nine-year stint as coach at Tennessee Tech, Oldham has a lifetime collegiate won-lost record of 230 victories and 117 losses. His Western teams , in only s ix seasons, have also accomplished the following:




In each of the last three occasions when Western Kentucky has played in the NCAA Tournament. the Hilltoppers have been the firs t team in the nation to qualify for a tourney berth. In 1965 -66 the 'Toppers clinched the Ohio Valley Conference tifle and its accompanying NCAA bid on Feb. 21 with a 72-67 victory over arch- L-Ival Eas tern Kentucky. In 1966-67 Western entered the tournament wi th a 11-62 win, again over Eastern Kentucky. This year the Hilltoppers qualified for the tourney earlier than any other team in the country by whacking cross-state rival Morehead State 98-74 on Feb. 21. -8- 1969-70 'TOPPE R!: EE3T SHOOTE RS EVER?

nus season's Hilltopper contingent could wind up as the best field goal shooters the school has ever had. They enter the NCAA Tournament with a . 477 average on field goal attem pts. The best previous team of shooters was the 1965·66 outfit headed by Clem Haskins and the late Dwight Smith. They had a .458 average. This current band of Hilltoppers could also be the top shooters in Ohio Valley Conference annals, since the league record for field goal accuracy is .470, compiled by Eastern Kentucky in 1964·65.


Last December Western center Jim McDaniels was named to the All-Tournament team at the Jayhawk Classic, hosted by the Kansas University at Lawrence, Kan. Others named to the All-Tourney team were Kansas ' Pierre Russell and Dave Robisch. SMU' s Gene Phillips, and UTex-EI Paso's Nate Archibald, - 9-


A Reviel'l of Hestern I s 1969- 70 Basketball Season

FIRST GAME . • • Eas t er n l-lichigan •• . December I , 1969 . •• at Green , Ky . Player FT RB PF Pts ~ . The Hi lltoppers opened the school's 51s t basket ball season ni t h a 95-70 McDaniels 11-16 6-7 13 4 28 victory over NA IA pmo1er Eas::ern Perry 6-11 2-3 7 5 14 Nichigan in E. A. Diddle Arena before Bright 4-8 2-2 8 3 10 a capacity crm·,d of 12,500. Rose 3-13 2-4 1 o 18 Hith the experience of a game Johnson 4-10 3 -4 2 2 11 or two already under its belt, EMU Glover 2-6 5- 7 7 2 9 stayed with the "Big Red" through Sundmacker 1-2 1-3 6 1 3 the fir s t half. Davis 0-1 0-0 o 1 o Then , paced by 53% shooti ng and Banks 1-1 0-0 4 2 2 All-American Jim l'IcDaniels. Hestern Eaton 0- 2 0- 0 o o o pulled aHay in the second half. Team ..1 McDaniels and fo ur other Hi lltoppers " '1" Total s 37 -70 21-30 53 20 95 s cored i n doubl e fi gures for HKU and Opp Totals 27 - 65 16- 25 36 23 70 Harvey 11ar l a tt led EMU scorers \-lith 16.

SECOND GAME • •• Vir ginia Commom.,ealth •.. December 4, 1969 .•. a t Bowling Green, Ky. Player FG FT RB --PF Pts McDaniels hit 10 of 13 from t he - field and 5 of 7 from t he line to l ead Bright 5- 9 1-2 6411 t he Hilltopper s to their second Perry 3-12 3-3 2 4 ~ t riumph. McDaniels 10-13 5-7 12 1 25 Hester n built up a commanding Rose 6-14 3- 4 2 2 15 61-33 ha l ftime l ead over the VCU Rams J ohnson 4 .. 6 3-3 3 1 11 and coas ted t o the "Jin before 10,150 Glover 2- 7 1-3 9 1 5 home fans . Sundmacker 3- 7 4-4 4 2 10 Five 'Topper s agai n hit doub l e Banks 3- 7 3-5 10 3 9 figures and sub Wal ker Banks grabbed Davis 3- 3 2- 2 5 0 8 10 r ebounds , Western recovered a Haskins 4- 9 0- 0 6 1 8 Hhopping 72 rebounds as a team. Ea ton 1- 2 0-2 2 0 2 All fift een Hilltoppers saH Turne r 0- 2 0- 0 3 0 0 action and 12 Hester ners broke into Lee 0 - 0 0- 0 1 0 0 the scoring column . Eckel 0- 0 0 - 0 o 0 0 Michaels 0- 2 2- 2 o 0 2 Team 7 ' ''1'1'' Total s 44 - 98 27 -37 72 19 --us Opp Tota l s 30- 87 13-22 58 25 73

THIRD GAME ... Universit y of Califor nia, River side . . • December 8 , 1969 ... a t BO''I11ing Green, ICy. Player FG --FT RB Behind hot shooting and over­ "lhelming rebounding cont rol, {1ester n Bright 6- 9 7-9 13 4 19 fought off a game Ca li forn i~ Riverside Per ry 8- 12 1-2 9 1 17 to c l aim their third vic tor y Hithout NcDanie l s 15-23 2- 2 15 3 32 a l oss . Rose 6- 10 0- 0 8 4 12 The Hilltoppers hit 51.4 per cent Johnson 0- 4 5-8 2 1 5 from the floo r \-1ith three --Bright, Glover 0-1 3 - 6 4 3 3 Perry and Mc Daniels-- eac h connecting on Banks 1-3 2-2 5 2 4 better than 60 per cent of their shots. Team ...§. Hester n outrebounded the speedy "H" Tot als 36- 70 20-29 64 18 92 but shorter Ca l ifornians 64-33. Opp Totals 32 - 76 15-25 33 10 79 McDaniel s grabbed I S, Bright 13 and Perry 9 . "Big liac" scor ed over 30 points (32) for t he f irst time of the season and Bright and Perry added 19 and 17, '.espec tlve ly. Guard Danny Johnson collected an impressive s even assists for Uester n. He ster n l ed onl y 45-39 at the half and s l ot-1 l y built up the final 13 - [)O in~ mar gi n throughout the second Atnnza. - 10-

FOURTH CAME .. • Butler University ••• December 11. 1969 •. • at Bowling Green. Ky. Player FG IT ~ PF The Ui lltoppers outclassed Butler enroute to their fourth win uithout a Bright 3- 8 1-1 1 o 7 l oss. Perry 6-14 0- 2 8 2 12 Hestern built up a 50-32 halftime HcDaniels 15- 20 4-5 16 1 34 l ead and Has never threatened . Rose 5-13 0- 0 3 3 10 Butler '-1as outs cored 90- 42 on field Johnson 2-0 0- 0 5 3 4 goals as t a ll 'Topper MCDaniels Clover 7-ll 1-1 10 4 15 accounted for 15 Hestern goal s . Butler Sundmacker 1-1 0- 0 1 4 2 t otaled onl y 21 two - pointers as a team. Davis 2- 5 0- 0 3 2 4 "Big Hac " hit 75 per cent from Banks 2-4 0- 2 3 1 4 the field and 80 per cent from the Ea ton 0- 3 0- 0 1 o o l ine to collect 34 bi g points . He Haskins 1-3 0-0 1 o 2 also l ed a ll r ebounders with 16. Michaels 1-1 0- 0 0 o 2 Glover had 10 grabs for HKU as Butler Turner 0-0 0-0 0 o o lost the ba ttle of the boards 57-26. Lee 0-1 0-0 0 o o Soph Billy Shepherd led the Bulldogs Eckel 0-0 0- 0 0 o o with 25 points. Team .2 ''t.]'' Totals45-92 6-ll 57 20 96 Opp Totals 21-45 19-26 26 10 61

FIFTH CAME .•. St. Fr ancis (Pa.) .•. December 13 . 1969 • • • at Altoona. Pa. Player £Q. IT RB IT Western exploded for 53 points in the second half to extend a six- point Br ight 5-12 1-4 12 4 II halftime lead into a 97-67 final Perr y 5-12 2-4 II 4 12 mar gin of victor y . HcDani e i s 16- 27 5-5 19 3 37 For the t hird straight game. cent er Rose 5-16 1-2 6 3 II McDaniel s s urpassed the 30-point mark Johnson 4-ll 1-2 4 1 9 (37). He hit 59 per cent f r om the Glover 3- 7 3-5 II 2 9 f l oor. a ll of his free tosses and Sundmacker 0- 0 2- 2 o 1 2 claimed 19 r ebounds . Davis 1- 1 0- 0 o o 2 Three other Hilltoppers a l so Haskins 2- 3 0-0 o 1 4 r egistered t,.n.n figur e r ebound t o tals -­ Team o Bri ght (12). Perry (11) and Gl over (11). ul;-/"Total s 41- 1)9 15 -24 63 19 97 Johnson accounted for six Western Opp Totals26-76 15- 21 50 19 67 assists . Kevin Porter l ed St. Francis Hith 24 poin ts and Hike Copeland led a ll r ebounder s with 22 recoveries .

SIXTH CAME .. • Duquesne Univer sity •• • December 15. 1969 •• • a t Pittsburgh. Po. Player m IT ~ IT Pt s 7he Hilltoppcrs dr opped t heir first game in six starts , an 87 - 65 decision Perry 9-16 1-1 8 4 19 t o Duquesne. Bright 4- 7 0-0 6 5 B Hes tern was do~m ten point s at the HcDaniels 7-24 4- 6 15 4 18 half and just could not get back into Rose 1-ll 0- 0 4 3 2 the game . Johnson 1-5 0 - 0 0 5 2 Perry (19 points and eight r ebounds ) Glover 6-ll 0-0 9 3 12 a:red Nc Dani e ls {Wp t S 4 . 15 RB l ed the'Top- Banks 1-2 0 - 0 1 1 2 p ,,"r: s .For the first time of the season Davis 0-1 0-0 2 1 o Hecte1:n was outshot f r om the field • Sundmacker 0- 2 2-4 1 2 2 (48% to 36%) and outrebounded Eaton 0-1 0-0 0 o o (49 t o 47). Still. HKU managed to Haskins 0 - 0 0- 0 0 o o equal Duquesne in fiel d goal Team 1 production (29). u£J"Totals 2 ~ - 8 0 7-ll 47 2ii 65 Free throws killed vles tern 1 shapes Opp Totals 29- 60 29 - 39 49 9 87 for victory. Duquesne connected on 29 of 39 from the line uhil e the ' Topper s hit on only 7 of 11. Duquesne placed thr ee men over the 20-point plateau in scor ing. - 11-

THE 'TOPPER TRAIL TO THE NCAA A Revielv of ~ " estern's 1969-70 Basketball Season

J AYHAHK CLASSIC (First Round) SEVENTH GAME . . . Texas--El Paso ... December 19. 1969 ... at Lal-lrence. Kan. Player FG FT RB Paced by 60% shooting and a 28 ~ - - point performance by McDaniel s, Hes tern Bright 2-2 2-2 3 4 6 defeated touch Texas --El Paso in the Perry 3-8 0-0 7 3 6 openi ng round of the first annual McDaniels 12-19 4-6 13 5 20 Jayhauk Cl assic . Rose 7-11 1-1 3 3 15 Guard Jim Rose had an exceptional Johnson 4- 8 0- 0 2 4 8 shooting night hitting on 7 of 11 from Sundmacker 1-1 0- 2 5 4 2 th~ f l oor and totaling 15 points . Banks 2- 3 4 -5 3 4 o 1I8ig Ha c" grabbed 13 r ebounds to Glover 2- 3 1-1 2 2 5 l ead all comers in that department as Davis 0 - 0 0-0 o o o Hestern outboarded the defense- minded Texans Team 2 45-41. "HII Totals :!3 .. S5 12-17 45 29 78 Opp Totals 23 - 64 13-31 41 16 59

(C ~'l

NINTH GAME . . . Tennessee Tech ... January 3 , 1970 .. . at Bowling Gre.en, Ky. Player E FT RB PF The Hilltoppers returned to friendl y Diddle Arena and onened their Sundmacker 4 ~ 6 2- 2 5 5 10 quest for the ove title Hith a convincing Perry 0-11 1-1 9 2 17 99-70 uin over Tennessee Tech . McDaniels 13- 27 4 -4 16 3 30 !"lestern held off Tech the firs t Rose 5-11 2- 3 6 4 12 half (46- 38) and erupted for a 53-point Johnson 4-11 2-4 4 2 10 second period to bury the Tennesseans . Glover 3- 7 2-4 10 4 8 McDaniel s scored 3D, Perry 17, Davis 0-3 0-0 o 1 o Rose 12 , Johnson 10 and first-time Banks 1-2 0 - 0 2 o 2 starter Sundmacker 10 . The 'Topper s Bright 1-1 0-0 2 1 2 b litzed the nets for a 50.6 percen t ~ep " Eaton 2- 2 2- 2 o o 6 HcDaniels also collected 16 Haskins 0- 0 0-0 1 o o r.ehounds and Glover had 10. Turner 0- 0 2-2 o o 2 Ar t Bosnak paced Tech w"it'h 18 Eckel 0 - 0 0-0 o o o pni.nts :md 11 rebounds. Team _1 '~:I" Tnt'"1 ,. I~ l---ilY f7 - 22 62 -22 99 Opp Totals 24- 30 22 - 35 52 17 70 - 12-

THE 'TOPPER TRAIL TO THE NCAA= A RevieH of Hestern's 1969-70 Basketball Season

TENTH GAME ..• East Tennessee . •. January 5, 1970 ... at Botvling Green, Ky. Player EQ IT ~ IT. It took an overtime period and 8 Gl over 3- 7 2- 3 8 3 record shooting for the Hilltopper s to 2 Perry 1-4 0- 0 5 5 H'io their second ove til t. 12 1 39 HC:ltern led 42 - 38 at t he half but t1cDaniels 17 - 24 5-9 2 2 21 ETSU roared back in the second period Rose 10- 16 1-1 1 4 11 to knot the score 80-80 at the final Sundmacker 4-5 3- 6 2 1 7 buzzer. Davis 3- 3 1- 1 1 3 o The 'Topper s then claimed a 95- 91 Bright 0- 0 0- 0 3 1 7 victory in the extr a minutes. Important Johnson 3-5 1- 1 factors "1ere the fine clutch defense of Team .!! 13- 21 38 20 95 sub Danny Johnson , who came up l·nth some ''tI" Total s 41-64 50 16 91 key steals and buckets, and center Opp Total s 38-84 15-26 ~1cDaniels . "Big 1-lac" had a superb night tallying 39 points and hitting 17 of 24 sbots from the field . The Hi l ltoppers set a school record for field goal percentage hitting 64.11.. The o l d mark, 60 . 427. , had stood since 1961. Mike Kretzer had 30 points for East Tennessee.

11TH GAME •• • Eastern Kentucky . . • January 10,1910 .. . at Richmond. Ky. Player EQ. FT RB PF 13 -30 5-7 11 4 31 6- 16 2- 5 5 3 14 9-14 2 - 2 10 3 20 0-4 2- 3 9 4 2 1-4 0-0 1 o 2 2- 7 1-3 4 4 5 1-1 1-2 1 o 3 4-11 1- 3 12 3 9 ill Team 86 ''t-l''Totals 36-87 14- 25 63 21 18 83 Opp Totals 33-75 17-27 51

Ky. Pts Player IT RB Western overcame 50% field goal 22 shooting by Morehead to extend their t-tcD.:lOieIs 9-22 4-5 11 3 18 ove mark to 4 - 0 . Perry 7-18 4- 6 5 2 2 14 The Hilltoppers trailed much of Rose 4-11 6-6 4 1 4 o the ~-1ay in the game in which there ware Glover 0-0 0-0 50 fouls cal led and 57 free throws shot. Bright 3-6 1- 2 9 5 7 Morehead outs hot the 'Toppers Sundmacker 5- 13 3- 6 7 4 13 percentage-wise but Western outs cored Johnson 1-1 0 - 0 o o 2 their opponents by 14 points on field Banks 4-9 2-5 6 5 10 goals . Davis 0- 1 0- 0 1 o o A clutch block by HcDanicls and Team 4 the quick thinking of Perry put the ''W I! Tota I s 33-81 20-30 48 25 86 game on ice for \-lestern in the closing Opp Totals 26-51 31- 37 41 25 83 seconds . The tall center knocked down an Eagle shot and t he speedy Perry recovered the loose bal l, scampered for the layup and put t-lKU in the driver's seat as the time ran out on a hard fighting Morehead quintet. - 13 -

THE ' TOPPER TRAIL TO THE NCAA ---- - . ~ . ---- A Review ~efltern's 1969-70 Basketball Season

Ky . 13TH GAME . . . La Salle College . .. January 17 > 1970 .. ,at Bot"ling Green, Player FG FT !!!! Hestern took a "breather II f rom Qve compe tition to meet highly respected Bright 7-14 3-4 7 4 17 independent La Salle and promptly Perry 6-14 1-1 12 o 13 wa lloped the Explorers 102-80 before McDaniels 11-13 3-5 14 2 25 12,500 delirious WKU fans in Diddle Rose 7-13 0-0 2 o 14 Arena . Sundmaeker 6-11 3-5 6 4 15 The Hilltoppers took a 43-31 Gl over 1-5 0-0 4 2 2 halftime lead and continued to plow the Johnson 2- 3 0-0 o 2 4 oppos ition under during the second Davis 1-1 3-3 o 1 5 stanza. Haskins 0- 0 0-0 o o o Ba l anced scoring and a hot hand Banks 1-1 0-0 o o 2 2 were the principle causes of t he Eaton 1-2 0- 0 o o 1 runsHay. Twelve 'Toppers scored as Turner 0- 0 1-2 o 1 2 all five starters collected I3-ar-more Hiehaels 0-3 2-2 o 1 0-0 o o o counters. Eckel 0-0 o Hestern seaio held t he edge in Lee 0-1 0-0 1 o rebounding with MeDaniels gr abbing 14 Team ...i 102 and Perry 12. ''W'' Totals 43-81 16- 22 52 17 14 80 Rugged paced La Salle Opp Totals 31-79 18- 25 47 "'ith 18 pOints and 13 rebounds. Bowling Gr een, Ky. 14TH GAME . . • Murray State . .. January 19 , 1970 ... at PF Player -FG -FT !!!! Arch-rival Murr ay came to town 1-2 0- 0 4 5 2 sorely needing a victory over ~-1KU , as Bright o 17 yet undefeate d in ove action, to get Perry 8-16 1-1 10 4 27 back into the thick of the l e ague race. McDanie l s 13-22 1-3 16 2 20 The Racers, with only one l oss in Rose 9-16 2-3 6 4 9 the full behind 41-30 at the Sundmacker 3- 5 3-6 6 ave . 1 int ermissi on and coul d not catch the Glove r 0-1 1-4 4 3 determined Hilltoppers. Banks 4-10 1-3 6 4 9 Hestern again hit we ll (52.8"4) Team 1 and contro lled the boards. McDaniels. "\.]" Totals 38- 72 9-20 53 22 85 before the game a close second to Opp Totals 25 - 64 25-35 41 18 75 Murray ' s Ron Johnson in the l oop rebounding statistics. outperformed his counterpart 16-7 in t his department. "Big Mac " (27 points) and Rose (20) l ed the 'Topper s to their 12th triumph in 14 outings as 13,426 cheer­ ing Western fans l ooked on. Hotshot guard Jimmy Young l ed the Mur ray attack with 21 counters.

15TH GAME ..• Austin Peay •• • J anuary 26 , 1970 . .. at Clar1

THE I TOPPER TRAIL TO THE NCAA A Reviel-l of Hestern's 1969- 70 Basketball Season

16TH GAME ..• MIdd l e Tennessee ..• January 3l.l970 • . . at Nurfreesboro, Tenn. Player -FG -FT RB ~"estern pulled sub Steve Eaton off the bench and the soph promptly nulli ­ McDan i els 9-19 10- 12 14 3 28 fied the effect s of the Middl e Tennessee Rose 5-16 3- 3 12 2 13 press and got the Hilltoppers on their Porry 8- 22 4-4 11 2 20 \-lay to a 83 -74 uin . Bright 2-5 1-2 5 3 5 After a cold shooting f irst half Sundmacker 2-4 0-3 1 3 4 ' ,Toppers McDaniels and Perry er upted Glover 6-10 1- 2 7 4 13 t o acc umu l ate 28 and 20 points, Johnson 0- 0 0-0 o o o 0-0 o 1 o respectively. Eaton 0-0 o "Big Mac II accounted for 14 Michael s 0- 0 0-0 o o rebounds; Rose had 12; and Perry. 11 Banks 0- 1 0-0 1 o o The victory boosted the Hester n Haski ns 0-1 0-0 o o o mark to 14- 2 overall and 7- 0 at the Turner 0-1 0-0 o 1 o mid\-1ay point in their conference Team 2- schedule. "u" Totals 32-79 19 - 26 56 18 83 Opp Totals 28 - 76 18- 28 56 21 74

17TH CAlIE . • . laddIe Tennessee .. • Febr uary 7, 1970 ... at BOl-tUng Green, Ky. Player ~ FT RB The Hi lltopper s pulled away f r om a cold- shooting l>fi'SU outfit early in Perry 10- 14 1-3 10 2 21 the fir st half and coasted to a 72-63 Gl over 1- 2 4- 5 4 4 6 vi.ctory as Coach Ol dham substituted NcDan iels 5- 13 1- 2 7 4 11 fr eel y throughout the contest. Rose 7-12 0- 0 4 4 14 For only the second time of the Sundmacker 2- 3 1-3 3 1 5 season, someone other than MCDanie l s Br ight 1-7 1-1 6 4 3 led Hilltopper scorer s . Perr y, l'1ho Johnson 0-4 0-0 o 1 o also beat out ''Mac '' in the Duquesne Davis 2- 3 0-1 1 o 4 game , registered a game- high 21 points . Banks 3-8 1-1 7 3 7 NcDaniels go t into foul troubl e Ea t on 0-1 0-0 2 1 o ear ly and managed only 11 counters Haskins 0- 1 1-1 o 1 1 for the game . This is the I mo1es t Turner 0-1 0-0 1 o o point total for the big center in his Eckel 0-0 0-0 o o o varsity career. Michaels 0-1 0-0 o o o l>ITS U outrebounded "Hestern 63 -51 Lee 0-0 0- 0 o o o for the game.but McDaniels he lped Team ..2. offset the deficit by bl ocking 12 "u" Totals 31-70 IO-T7 51 25 72 Raider shots, a career high. Opp Totals 20- 74 20-34 63 13 60

18TH GAl-IE ... Eastern Kentucky . .• February 9, 1970 . .. at Bovling Green, Ky. RB PP Pts Player ~ IT HcOaniels returned to his old form against Eas tern Kentucky, connecting Perry 4- 14 4-7 9 3 12 on 16 of 21 f r om the floor and 7 of 9 Glover 1- 7 2-2 6 2 4 f rom the line for 39 points. He a l so NcD.:J.niels 16 - 21 7-9 16 4 39 l ed a ll rebounders uith 16 . Rose 4- 10 0-0 6 1 8 Hestern hel d a narrOH 35-30 Sundmacker 1- 5 2- 4 4 5 4 halftime l ead and expl oded for 53 points Davis 0- 2 1-1 o 1 1 in the second half to claim the 80-77 Bright 2-3 0-0 2 3 4 ove triumph. Banks 7-8 0-0 7 4 14 As an over f loH home crmld of Johnson 1-3 0-1 o o 2 12,804 cheer ed them on, the ' Toppers Lee 0-0 0-0 o o o hit a fine 49 . 3% and outrebollnded RK lJ Team 10 by a sizable margin , 60- 41. "hI" l'ot:l l ~ ~ 16-24 60 23 88 Sub front liner Banks turned in Opp Total !': 29 - 72 19- 32 41 10 77 one of his finest performances of the year. He had 14 pOints on 7 of 8 shooting and gr abbed seven deflecti ons. Heft y center Carl Greenfield paced Eastern uith 28 points and 10 r ebounds . -15-

THE ' TOPPER TRAIL TO THE NCAA ~- ~ =~- A RevieH of Hester n I 5 1969- 70 Basketball Season

19TH GAI1E .. . East Tennessee ••. February 14, 1970 ... at Johnson City, Tenn. Pl ayer fQ. IT RB l1cDani els and Per ry engineered one of the greatest combacks in Perry 12 -19 4-4 12 3 23 Hi lltopper basketball history as Hestern Banks 0- 6 1-1 7 3 1 posted a 92- 83 victory over ETSU. McDaniels 11- 24 8-10 15 2 30 Behind by as much as 20 points in Rose 0-12 0-1 3 3 16 the first half. Hestern closed the Sundmacker 1-4 4-4 3 4 6 gap to 50-34 at the inter mission and came Bright 1-3 1-2 1 o 3 out for the second half Hith blood in Johnson 1- 4 1-2 1 o 3 their eyes. Eaton 1-1 0-1 o 1 2 ETSU Has hot earl y but cooled off Davis 0- 1 0-0 o 1 o as the ' Topper s began to find t he Glover 0-0 3-6 4 3 3 range . Team 6 HcDaniel s collected 22 points in "Un Total s 35 -74 22 -31 52 20 92 the last period to tota l 30 for the Opp Totals 36- 78 11-22 49 21 83 game; and, he cleared the boards for 15 rebounds. Perry also carne alive in the final half and wound up "11th a career high 28 counters . Jer ome a lso Has effective on the boards uith 12 recover ies . Hestern scored 58 points in the second half and led by as many as 12 points l ate in the t ilt.

20TH GA ~ffi .•. Tenne$see Tech . • . February 16, 1970 .•. at Cookeville, Tenn. Player FG FT RB Tt.e Hilltoppers literally ran Tech - - - out of its own gym with a 100-64 vlin. Banks 3-3 2- 4 8 2 a The lies tern fast break clicked off Perry 9-18 4-6 5 3 22 point after point as the "Bi g Red " McDaniels 6-17 1-2 15 4 13 marched to their 18th victory in 20 Sundmacker 1-6 1-2 3 4 3 starts and upped their avc mark to 11-0. Rose 9-17 0- 0 5 3 18 The 'Toppers led 52- 33 at half­ Glover 4- 10 3-4 7 3 11 time and pushed the margin over the Johnson 3-6 0-1 2 o 6 30 mark before Tech scored in second Eaton 0-1 2- 2 1 1 2 period. Davis 1-3 1-2 3 o 3 Perry paced HKU "1ith 22 counters Haskins 2- 5 0-0 6 o 4 as a ll 11 Hester ners in the game scor ed . Bright 4- 8 2-2 4 3 10 l1cDaniel s found himself in' foul t r ouble Team 15 and finished the game uith only 13 '''{·I '' Totals 42- 99 16-25 74 23 100 points; hovlever. the tall pivotman Opp Totals 21-83 22 -34 66 17 64 collected 15 r ebounds to capture game hQnor s in that department . Hcstern vlon the rebounding battle with 74 recoveries.

21ST GANE ••• Morehead State .•• February 21. 1970 ••. at DOt'Tling Green, Ky. Player FG FT g]l. Hestern clinched the school's 13th ave title by trounCing ~~rehead Perry 8-18 0- 2 12 2 16 98-74 before a r ecord Diddl e Arena Glover 4- 7 1-1 6 1 9 crond of 13 ,804. McDaniels 16- 24 4- 4 9 2 36 HcDaniels dominated t he contest Rose 9- 16 1-1 5 3 19 with 36 poi nts . The 'Toppers hit Sundru.:J ckcl." 2- 2 0-0 1 5 4 a hot 5C . 2% and outrebounded t heir Johnson 0-0 0-1 2 o o opposition 50-43. lh"ight 3-6 0-0 7 3 6 The Hi11toppcrs virtually Hrappc J Davis 1-1 0-0 1 2 2 it up in the first half attacking the Eaton 0- 0 0-4 1 o o basket for a 50- 28 l ead . Banks 1- 1 0-1 1 1 2 The Hestern r eeoru t h en stood at Haskins 2- 3 0-0 1 1 4 19- 2 overall and 12-0 in the ave. Tur ner 0- 0 0-0 o 1 o Eckel 0- 0 0-0 o o o Michaels 0 - 2 0- 0 o o o Team 4 I~J" To t a l !'l 1,6-$0 6-14 50 21 98 Opp Totals 26- 70 22-29 43 10 74