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Chocolate Soldier - Kalanchoe tomentosa is a member of the family is a wonderful perennial succulent. The term “tomentosa” means “covered with fine hairs” referring to the fuzzy Panda-like appearance of this plant.

The Chocolate Soldier is a hardy shrub with a velvety texture and unusual foliage. It is commonly grown as a houseplant. The plant requires very low care and grows well indoors and outdoors making it a great choice for the novice gardeners. These are ideal for those people who lack a green thumb and cannot invest a lot of time in their management. Indoors they can be grown in containers and hanging baskets where they can easily trail down below the hanging baskets.

Kalanchoe tomentosa is native to the islands of Madagascar. It is now grown widely as an indoor and Page: 3

outdoor plant in many regions of the world. The original habitat of Panda plants is granite rocks. Like other succulents, it can survive in xerophytic (an environment where the water is very limited) conditions.

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Pot & Soil not included

Plants are lifted and cleaned before shipment

The Kalanchoe Tomentosa or Panda Plant, a native of Madagascar, is a succulent, perennial shrub with green, furry leaves up to 7.5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide. Leaves are covered with white hair and some brown spots on the margins and at the tips. It can grow up to 45 cm tall. The flowers are small, yellow-green in color. The stem is robust, branched at the base and densely hairy, with the base becoming woody with age. If planted indoors locate in medium to bright light. Soil should be allowed to dry between watering. Read More Page: 4


"Lavender Scallops" is a vertical growing that will grow into a shrub. The stems grow long with "scalloped" leaves. The color on the leaves are ever-changing from powdery green, yellow, pink, purple and blue. A lovely display when blooming with "chandelier" bell shaped coral blooms. A welcoming sight to pollinators and humming birds to your garden. A perfect succulent to plant in-ground in a partially sunny location for best performance, or in a hanging basket.

Watering Needs Indoors: Instead of giving your succulents gradual sips of water throughout the week, give them a good soaking, to the point where water runs out the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. Be sure to empty the water that runs into the saucer, succulents do not like to sit in water. Then let the soil Page: 5

dry out completely before watering again.

Watering needs Outdoors: In the Summer water your succulents every two weeks, by soaking them and letting them dry before watering again. In the Winter water your succulents once a month.

Technical Information About This Plant

Requires bright light for most of the day. Or constant dappled shade. Best to water every 2 weeks.


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Miniature succulent ±3 cm height - one per order only

Pies From Heaven originated from Southwestern Madagascar, it is slightly woolly with silver-green leaves with brown markings on sprawling branches. The leaves are roughly triangular with 2 sharp edges and the outside rim curved and crenelated, similar to pinched edges of a pie crust. The flowers that form on this plant are small and greenish yellow with red lines.

Requires moderate watering in autumn and spring and in summer water thoroughly allowing soil to dry before watering again. Pies from Heaven also require bright light so best to have them sitting in direct sunlight.

Kalanchoes, native to Madagascar, are very popular with collectors due to their unique, fuzzy, felted stems and foliage. A popular perennial shrublet or houseplant, this particular Kalanchoe has especially attractive foliage, marked with chocolate brown splotches and stripes on a silvery base. Giving rise to the common name “Pies from Heaven”, this plant has leaves of a curious shape, reminiscent of a triangular slice of pie with a pinched crust. Adding to its appeal are its long-lasting, small, chartreuse or pinkish purple flowers.

A compact plant growing to around 30cm tall, it is easy to maintain in a small space and mixes well with other succulents in dish gardens and little planters. Grow easily as a patio plant in a bright, sunny spot or partial shade. Moderate watering in autumn and spring and thorough watering in summer, allowing soil to dry between.

Source: Read More Page: 7


Small Plant ± 8 cm height

Kalanchoe humilis is a large shrub succulent. It is an annual easy to care for Kalanchoe succulent that is excellent for beginners. Kalanchoe humilis has a striking appearance its green leaves are variegated with maroon or purple spots. It displays bright colors under the full sun. This succulent grows well in rock gardens and container gardens. The variegated leaves of Kalanchoe humilis give an amazing display to indoor and outdoor succulent gardens. The flowers of Kalanchoe humilis attract hummingbirds to your outdoor gardens.

Kalanchoe humilis is native to Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique. It grows well in rocks and crevices on rocky islands and river falls.

Kalanchoe humilis is a spectacular succulent with an attractive and unique appearance. It grows up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall. The stems are woody at the base, simple or with a few branches, purple or slightly glaucous.

The stem usually grows up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall. Leaves are egg-shaped, pale green beautifully variegated with maroon or purple spots. Leaves are 5.2 inches (13 cm) long, and 2.4 inches (6 cm) wide. The leaves are arranged in an upright rosette. Kalanchoe humilis have glaucous blooms on both sides with rounded toothed margins. Flowers are tiny, purple to green that appears on erect, branched 14 inches long inflorescence.

Kalanchoe humilis blooms in the mid-summer season giving off beautifully colored flowers.

Kalanchoe humilis can be planted in outdoor and indoor conditions.


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