Evropska Unija U Crnoj Gori SADRŽAJ / CONTENTS

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Evropska Unija U Crnoj Gori SADRŽAJ / CONTENTS Evropska unija u Crnoj Gori SADRŽAJ / CONTENTS 3-4 O FESTIVALU / ABOUT THE FESTIVAL 6. Zarad nečuvene dobiti / For the Sake of an Outrageous Profit 7. Gando / Gando 8 . Džinovski robovi – Slonovi kao dio turističke industrije / Giant Slaves - Elephants in Tourism Industry 9. Odjek / Echo 10 . Lekcija iz Ekologije / Ecology Lesson 11. Gonič kamila / Sarevo 13 . Sjutra / Tomorrow 14 . Pacifički losos. Crvena riba / Sockeye Salmon. Red Fish 15 . Eko-ljubav / Ecolove 16 . Minja i klimatske promjene / Minja and Climate Change 17 . Sunčani dan / A Sunny Day 19 . Čovjek / The Human 20 . ... Ja sam voda / ...I am Water 21 . Speleonaut. Pod kamenim nebom / Speleonaut. Under the Stone Sky 22 . Tragovi / Traces 24 . Jonino otkrovenje / Revelation of Jonah 25 . Ovačik / Ovacik 26 . Grudi / Breasts 28 . Zemlja je plava kao pomorandža / The Earth is Blue as an Orange 29 . Andrej Tarkovski. Film kao molitva / Andrey Tarkovsky. A Cinema Prayer 30 . Zemlja meda / Honeyland 32 . Proleće na poslednjem jezeru / Spring on the Last Lake 34 . Promotivno turistički filmovi / Promotional and Tourism Films 37 . Žiri / Jury 44 . Produkcioni tim festivala / Festival production team 2 Crna Gora). Promo-turističke filmove ocjenjivaće tročlani žiri u sastavu: Oskar VI GREEN MONTENEGRO Huter, direktor TO Cetinje, Vanja Vukojičić, direktor TO Pljevlja i Emil Kukalj, INTERNATIONAL FILM FEST 2020 direktor TO Bar. Organizator ovogodišnjeg festivala je Centar za multimedijalnu produkciju Green Montenegro International Film Fest (GMIFF) je konceptualni filmski (www.cezam.me) u saradnji sa Opštinom Žabljak, uz podršku Ministarstva za festival na temu zaštite životne sredine koji postaje prepoznat kao centar održivi razvoj i turizam, Delegacije Evropske unije u Crnoj Gori, Ministarstva ekološkog identiteta države Crne Gore te kao pokretač konkretnih akcija i kulture, Agencije za zaštitu prirode i životne sredine, JU Nacionalnih parkova održivih ideja na planu zaštite i očuvanja prirodnih resursa naše zemlje. Crne Gore i Fondacije Petrović Njegoš. Festival se u redovnim okolnostima održava u jednoj od najljepših prirodnih Glavni medijski sponzor festivala je RTCG, koja je prepoznala GMIFF kao cjelina u Evropi, u Nacionalnom parku Durmitor, ali shodno novoj stvarnosti projekat od javnog interesa. nastaloj globalnom pandemijom, GMIFF se svrstao u grupu odgovornih produkcija, koje širom svijeta na sličan način organizuju manifestacije i Međunarodna potvrda projekta se ogleda u tome što je GMIFF mapirao Crnu tako održavaju kontinutet, time pokazujući posvećenost kinematografiji i Goru u okviru „Green Film Network“ i time učinio da se naš festival nađe ekološkoj ideji i ujedno obavezu prema opštem zdravlju i sigurnosti svih. među 39 najrenomiranijih zelenih festivala na svijetu, sa ciljem stvaranja svojevrsnog imidža i ekskluzivnosti prve Ustavom definisane ekološke države Čekajući vrijeme koje će nam omogućiti ponovno druženje u prirodnom na planeti. okruženju, ovogodišnje VI izdanje Green Montenegro International Film Festa odražaće se, po prvi put, podsredstvom posebne online platforme Cilj festivala je razvijanje i podizanje nivoa odgovornosti i znanja o potrebi u periodu od 18. do 20. decembra 2020. godine. zaštite i očuvanja životne sredine i biodiverziteta, kroz upoznavanje sa politikom EU (European Green Deal), globalnim trendovima ekologije i Festival je edukativnog , nekomercijalnog i takmičarskog karaktera, kinematografije ka kojima Crna Gora teži, te samim tim GMIFF predstavlja podijeljen u tri kategorije: 1. Zaštita životne sredine, 2. Ekologija duše, 3. veliki korak na tom putu. Promo-turistički filmovi. Pored priznanja za drugo i treće mjesto u pomenutim kategorijama, dodjeljuje se i Grand Pri za najbolje ostvarenje na festivalu. Festival ujedno doprinosi razvoju društvene misli i oblikovanju daljih pravaca razvoja kulture, obrazovanja i društvenog aktivizma u cilju Publika će imati priliku da pogleda 40 jako uzbudljivih filmskih ostvarenja, zaštite životne sredine. tokom tri dana trajanja festivala i to iz Turske, Irana, Mađarske, Rusije, SAD-a, Crne Gore, Holandije, Srbije, Belgije, Španije, Hrvatske, Ukrajine, Italije, Švedske, Sjeverne Makedonije, Portugala, Japana, Norveške, Tajlanda i Njemačke. Pristup platformi je slobodan dok su projekcije filmova besplatne. Međunarodni žiri GMIFF-a 2020 sastavljen je od profesionalaca iz oblasti ekologije i kinematografije: Vesna Radunović, producentkinja (Njujork, SAD), Mariano Pozzi, scenarista i reditelj (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Blagoj Micevski, reditelj (Bitola, Sjeverna Makedonija), Rejčel Kaplan, aktivistkinja i producentkinja (Edinburg, Škotska) i Senad Šahmanović, reditelj (Podgorica, 3 Green Montenegro International Film Fest (GMIFF) is a concept film festival jury consisting of: Oskar Huter, director of the Tourism Organisation of Cetinje, covering a topic of environment protection and it has become recognised as Vanja Vukojičić, director of the Tourism Organisation of Pljevlja and Emil Kukalj, a substance of ecological identity of Montenegro, as well as a driving force of director of the Tourism Organisation of Bar. real actions and sustainable ideas with respect to protection and conservation of natural resources of our country. Organiser of this year’s festival is the Center for Multimedia Production (www. cezam.me) in cooperation with the Municipality of Žabljak, with a support In normal circumstances, the festival is held in Durmitor National Park, one of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, EU Delegation to of the most beautiful natural environments in Europe, but in conformity Montenegro, Ministry of Culture, Nature and Environment Protection Agency, with the new reality created by the global pandemic, the GMIFF joined the PI National Parks of Montenegro and the Foundation Petrović Njegoš. group of responsible productions that organise events around the world in similar fashion, thus maintaining continuity and showing commitment to The main media sponsor of the festival is Radio and Television of Montenegro cinematography and the ecological idea, a commitment to the general health (RTCG), which has recognised the GMIFF as a project of public interest. The and safety of everybody at the same time. international affirmation of the project has been reflected in the fact that the GMIFF has put Montenegro on the map of the “Green Film Network” thus This year’s VI edition of the Green Montenegro International Film Fest will be making our festival find its way among 39 most renowned green festivals in TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM / held, for the first time, by means of special online platform on 18-20 December the world, with an aim to create unique image and exclusivity of the world’s 2020, whilst waiting for the time that will allow us to socialise again in the first constitutionally defined ecological state. COMPETITION PROGRAMME natural environment. ______________________________ The aim of the festival is to develop and raise the level of responsibility and The festival is of educational, non-commercial and competitive nature, divided knowledge towards the need to protect and preserve the environment and into three categories: 1. Environment Protection, 2. Ecology of the Soul, 3. biodiversity, by introducing the EU policy (European Green Deal), global trends Kategorija Zaštita životne sredine / Promotional and Tourism Films. Apart from presenting awards for the second in ecology and cinematography to which Montenegro has been aspiring, the and third place in the said categories, a Grand Prix for the best achievement at GMIFF consequently making major step forward along that path. Category Environment Protection the festival is also awarded. The festival has also been contributing to the development of social thought The audience will have the opportunity to watch 40 very exciting films and the design of further directions of the development of culture, education during the three days of the festival from Turkey, Iran, Hungary, Russia, USA, and social activism for the sake of protecting the environment. Montenegro, Netherlands, Serbia, Belgium, Spain, Croatia, Ukraine, Italy, Sweden, North Macedonia, Portugal, Japan, Norway, Thailand and Germany. Access to the platform is free, and film screenings free of charge. The GMIFF 2020 international jury consists of professionals in the field of ecology and cinematography: Vesna Radunović, producer (New York, USA), Mariano Pozzi, screenwriter and director (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Blagoj Micevski, director (Bitola, North Macedonia), Rachel Caplan, activist and producer (Edinburgh, Scotland) and Senad Šahmanović, director (Podgorica, Montenegro). Promotional and tourism films will be judged by a three-member #greenmontenegro #GMIFF2020 #cezamproduction 4 5 TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM / COMPETITION PROGRAMME ______________________________ Kategorija Zaštita životne sredine / Category Environment Protection #greenmontenegro #GMIFF2020 #cezamproduction 5 ZARAD NEČUVENE DOBITI / FOR THE SAKE OF AN OUTRAGEOUS PROFIT Režija / Directed by: Nejla Osseiran Produkcija / Produced by: Nejla Osseiran Zemlja porijekla / Country of origin: Turska / Turkey Godina proizvodnje / Year of production: 2020 Trajanje / Duration: 7’ Sinopsis / Synopsis: Narodna straža koja je u julu 2019. godine počela borbu protiv kompanije koja se bavi vađenjem zlata na planini Ida, možda je jedan od najvećih ekoloških pokreta ikad viđen u Turskoj. The people’s watch that started against the gold digging company in July 2019 at Ida Mountains, may have been one of the biggest environmental movements
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