Font Guide A guide to help you find the right font for your brand Choosing the right font for your brand Your Brand Values:




How different font styles can be used to make up your brand: Logo : Is usually a bit more special and packed with your brands personality. This font should be used sparingly and kept for special occasions.

Headings font: This font will reflect the same brand values as your logo font - eg in this example both fonts are feminine and elegant. Unlike your logo typeface, this font should be easier to read and look good a number of different sizes and thicknesses.

Body font: The main rule here is that this font MUST be easy to read, both digitally and for print. If there is already a lot going on in your logo and heading font, keep this style simple. , Association & Styles San : Clean, Modern, Neutral Try these: , , , Montserrat, Raleway

Serif: Classic, Traditional, reliable Try these: Playfair Display, Lora, Pro, Prata, Basic

Slab Serif: Youthful, modern, approachable Try these: Roboto Slab, Merriweather, Slabo 27px, Bitter, Arvo

Script: Feminine, Romantic, Elegant Try these: Dancing Script, Pacifico, Satisfy, Courgette, Great Vibes

Monotype:Simple, Technical, Futuristic Try these: , Nanum Gothic Coding, Mono, Cutive Mono

Handwritten: Authentic, casual, creative Try these: Indie Flower, Shadows into light, Amatic SC, Caveat, Kalam

Display: Playful, fun, personality galore Try these: Lobster, Abril Fatface, Luckiest Guy, Bangers, Monoton NOTE: Be careful when using handwritten and display fonts, as they can be hard to read. Your Brand Fonts

Which style/s reflect your brand values:




Search the web and find three fonts that fall under this category :




Test different combinations and weights, write down your chosen fonts here:

Logo -

Header -

Body -

Best places to find font inspo: , Behance & Pinterest Thanks

I hope you found this workbook helpful. If you did please share it with a friend.

If you need a little help picking your fonts, send me an email or slide into my DM's

CONTACT Emilie Otto [email protected] @ottocre8ve