Signorile Is Coming out in Express Column

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Signorile Is Coming out in Express Column Signorile is Coming Out in Express Column Nationally Recognized Writer and Social Critic Will Be Featured in Your Community Newspaper By Rhoda Mason excellence we aspire to.” bestsellers Outing Yourself and Life Noted gay activist, writer and social The New York-bred Signorile first Outside: The Signorile Report on Gay Men. commentator Michelangelo Signorile will became involved in gay politics and AIDS He has spoken at dozens of colleges be joining The Express, beginning with this activism in the late-80s. He ran the media and universities, and he has appeared on issue. committee of AIDS activist group ACT UP many television programs, including Signorile’s nationally syndicated in New York, and he also served as the co- Today, Good Morning America, Larry King column will be appearing in Florida’s founding editor and columnist of the now- Live, 60 Minutes, 48 Hours and various Leading Gay and Lesbian Community defunct Outweek magazine. MTV and VH1 programs. Newspaper on a regular basis. Signorile rose to national prominence Currently, Signorile pens a nationally- He will add his influential take on gay by being placed at the center of the “outing” syndicated column for the New York Press, politics, media and culture to the mix of movement after publishing an article and he has written for a wide array of other ideas, opinions and concerns presented by declaring the homosexuality of millionaire publications, including The New York the newspaper’s usual roster of columnists. publishing tycoon Malcolm Forbes. Times, USA Today, Newsday, The New “Mike and I met five years ago when I Signorile has written columns for Out York Observer,, New York moderated a panel for Wayne Besen and the magazine and The Advocate, also serving a magazine and the Village Voice. Sons and Daughters of America. We have stint as Editor-at-Large of the latter His next book will focus on Italian- maintained our friendship, and I have tracked publication. Americans and Staten Island, and it will be his career,” says Express Publisher Norm In 1993, he published his published in 2003. Kent. “He is one of the most renowned and groundbreaking book Queer in America: Signorile lives in Manhattan with his articulate voices in America’s gay community, Sex, the Media, and the Closets of Power, partner, David, a film studies professor, and Michelangelo Signorile and he brings to the Express the kind of and he later went on to publish the acclaimed their two dogs, Simone and Gina. CORRECTION National Screenplay Contest Enters Fourth Year The Express would like to note an error that was made in the Dade News section of Promotes Postitive Representations of Gays and Lesbians the March 25 edition. The One In Ten Screenplay Contest is year, including one from local second place studio submission, while third place winners In the article titled, “Garrity Tapped as Head entering its fourth year this year. winner Margaret Lynch Hopkins of Palm receive $100 and screenplay software. of South Beach AIDS Project,” a line in the The contest is dedicated to the positive Beach Gardens. The deadline for all entries is fourth paragraph mistakenly reads, “Garrity portrayal of gays and lesbians in film. One Winners receive cash, as well as studio September 1, 2002. Winners will be plans on stopping to continue the expansion of of the major requirements of submitted and agent contracts. The writer of this year’s announced on November 15. The entry fee the organization’s outreach efforts.” scripts is that the primary characters in the winning script will receive $1,000, as well is $40.00. The line should have read, “But that is screenplay be gay or lesbian and presented as script submission to a major studio and To obtain entry forms and rules, visit hardly where Garrity plans on stopping to in a positive light. agent. Over the years, winning scripts have, or send a self- expand the organization’s outreach efforts.” This year is expected to generate even been submitted to Hearst Entertainment, the addressed stamped envelope to: Cherub The South Beach AIDS project has no more entries than in previous years. William Morris Agency and Universal Productions, One In Ten Screenplay plans to cut their outreach prgrams and, indeed, Over 200 scripts from around the world Studios. Contest, Post Office Box 540, Boulder, is constantly working to expand them. were featured in the screenplay contest last Second place winners receive $500 and Colorado 90306. • April 8, 2002 13 CYMK.
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