16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication
16EC712 - Fiber Optical Communication DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING K.S.R. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING: TIRUCHENGODE – 637 215. COURSE / LESSON PLAN SCHEDULE NAME : A.JAYAMATHI CLASS: IV ECE A , B SUBJECT CODE AND NAME : 16EC712 & FIBER OPTICAL COMMUNICATION TEXT BOOKS 1. John M. Senior ,“Optical Fiber Communication”, Pearson Education ,3rd Edition, 2013 2. Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communication”, Mc Graw Hill, 4th Edition. 2010 REFERENCES 1. GovindP.Agrawal, “Fiber-optic communication systems”, John Wiley & sons. 4th Edition, 2010. 2.Harry J.R Dutton, “Understanding Optical Communications”, IBM Corporation, International Technical Support Organization, 2012. 3.J.Gower, “Optical Communication System”, Prentice Hall of India, 2nd Edition, 2003. 4.R.P.Khare, “Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics”, Oxford University Press, 2007. C). LEGEND: L - Lecture BB - Black Board OHP - Over Head Projector pp - Pages Tx - Text Rx - Reference Teaching Lecture Sl. No Topics to be covered Aid Book No./Page No Hour Required UNIT I - OPTICAL FIBER WAVEGUIDES TX1/PP 12-14, TX2/PP 26-31, 1 L1 Introduction and Ray theory transmission BB RX1/PP 1-7, RX3/PP 33-36 Characteristics of Light-Total internal reflection, TX1/PP 14-20, TX2/PP 32-35 2 L2 BB Acceptance angle RX3/PP 35-36 TX1/PP 14-20,TX2/PP 32-35, 3 L3 Numerical aperture , Skew rays BB RX3/PP 36-37 Electromagnetic mode theory of optical TX1/PP 24-28, RX3/PP 46-49 4 L4 BB propagation -EM waves ,Modes in Planar guide RX1/PP 28-36 5 L5 Phase and group velocity BB TX1/PP 103-104,RX3/PP
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