Rise of Austria and Prussia
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WH07MOD_se_CH04_S04_s.fmwh07_te_ch04_s04_MOD_s.fm Page 163 Page Thursday, 163 Monday,January 25, March 2007 2:43 5, 2007PM 12:09 PM This silver flask held musket powder in the Thirty Years’ War. Step-by-Step SECTION Instruction WITNESS HISTORY AUDIO 4 War Rages in Germany Objectives The conflict known as the Thirty Years’ War ravaged the German states of central Europe for much of the As you teach this section, keep students first half of the seventeenth century. A German family focused on the following objectives to help Bible contained this entry describing the war’s end: them answer the Section Focus Question and master core content. “ They say that the terrible war is now over. But there is still no sign of a peace. Everywhere there is ■ Outline causes and results of the envy, hatred, and greed: that’s what the war has Thirty Years’ War. taught us. We live like animals, eating bark ■ Understand how Austria and Prussia and grass. No one could have imagined that any- thing like this would happen to us. Many peo- emerged as great powers. ple say that there is no God.” ■ Describe how European nations tried to Focus Question How did the two great empires of maintain a balance of power. Flemish artist Pieter Snayers painted several battles during the Thirty Austria and Prussia emerge from the Thirty Years’ War Years’ War, including this one fought near Prague in 1620. and subsequent events? Rise of Austria and Prussia Objectives The Thirty Years’ War took a terrible toll on the people of the Ger- Prepare to Read • Outline causes and results of the Thirty Years’ man states. Finally, two great German-speaking powers, Austria War. and Prussia, rose out of the ashes. Like Louis XIV in France, their Build Background Knowledge L3 • Understand how Austria and Prussia emerged as rulers perfected skills as absolute monarchs. Ask students to recall what they know great powers. about the Holy Roman Empire and the • Describe how European nations tried to maintain German states under Charles V. Ask a balance of power. The Thirty Years’ War Ravages Europe them to predict how religious divisions Terms, People, and Places By early modern times, as the French philosopher Voltaire later would affect the region. observed, the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, elector War of the Austrian nor an empire. Instead, by the seventeenth century it had become Ferdinand Succession a patchwork of several hundred small, separate states. In theory, Set a Purpose L3 mercenary Prussia these states were ruled by the Holy Roman emperor, who was cho- ■ WITNESS HISTORY Read the selection depopulation Frederick William I sen by seven leading German princes called electors. In practice, Peace of Westphalia Frederick II aloud or play the audio. the emperor had little power over the many rival princes. This Maria Theresa AUDIO Witness History Audio CD, power vacuum contributed to the outbreak of the Thirty Years’ War Rages in Germany War. Religion further divided the German states. The north had become largely Protestant, while the south remained Catholic. Ask students to describe living under Reading Skill: Identify Supporting Details As such conditions for 30 years. Then have you read this section, use a table like the one A Brutal War Begins The Thirty Years’ War was actually a them name some of the factors that below to record details about the emergence of series of wars. It began in Bohemia, the present-day Czech Repub- Austria and Prussia as European powers. would make it difficult for a society to lic. Ferdinand, the Catholic Hapsburg king of Bohemia, sought to recover from this level of devastation. suppress Protestants and to assert royal power over nobles. In Rise of Austria Rise of Prussia May 1618, a few rebellious Protestant noblemen tossed two royal ■ Focus Point out the Section Focus • Austrian ruler • Hohenzollern rulers officials out of a castle window in Prague. This act, known as the Question and write it on the board. keeps title of Holy take over German Roman Emperor. states. Defenestration of Prague, sparked a general revolt, which Ferdi- Tell students to refer to this question • • nand moved to suppress. As both sides sought allies, what began as they read. (Answer appears with as a local conflict widened into a general European war. Section 4 Assessment answers.) ■ Preview Have students preview the Section Objectives and the list of Vocabulary Builder Terms, People, and Places. ■ Have students read this Use the information below and the following resources to teach the high-use word from this section. section using the Paragraph Shrinking Teaching Resources, Unit 1, p. 68; Teaching Resources, Skills Handbook, p. 3 strategy (TE, p. T20). As they read, High-Use Word Definition and Sample Sentence have students fill in the table with aspire, p. 165 v. to be ambitious, seek details about the emergence of Austria She aspired to become the student body president. and Prussia. Reading and Note Taking Study Guide, p. 70 Chapter 4 Section 4 163 wh07_te_ch04_s04_MOD_s.fm Page 164 Monday, March 5, 2007 12:10WH07MOD_se_CH04_S04_s.fm PM Page 164 Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:39 AM For: Audio guided tour Teach Europe After the Thirty Years’ War (1648) Web Code: nbp-1641 10° W 0° NORWAY 20° E Controlled by SIA Spanish Hapsburgs 10° E US S SWEDEN R The Thirty Years’ War COTLAN Controlled by D a e Austrian Hapsburgs S No r t h c Italian city-states Ravages Europe L3 i S e lt a DENMARK Ba Controlled by Prussian IA Hohenzollerns PRUSS Instruct Boundary of Holy IR G D Roman Empire ■ ELAND BRANDENBUR LAN Introduce: Vocabulary Builder ENGLAND Dutch PO 50° N Neth. Berlin Have students read the Vocabulary Lon WESTPHALIA lesia don Spanish Si SAXONY Builder term and definition. Ask what At l a Neth. Prague n t i ia O c Bohem TR Catholic rulers aspired to do in c e a n Paris Alsace AN Vienna SY Lo LV Europe. (to eradicate Protestantism) rraine A Y A BAVARI R N Conic Projection A IA SWISS AUSTRIA ■ Teach Display Color Transparency 0200 400 mi G e a F FED. N S RANCE a c k U O B l 98: The Holy Roman Empire, About 0200 400 km Milan H T T O 1618. Ask students why the empire E M M P A N Papal I Map Skills After theple Thirty Years’ War, s R E tino was difficult to rule and vulnerable to State stan the Peace ofCo nWestphalia redrew the map war. Point out that it really looked like L Corsica 40° N A Rome of Europe. a patchwork quilt. Then ask What G Madrid U Naples 1. Locate (a) Poland (b) Sweden T SPAI happened in the Defenestration of R N (c) Spanish Netherlands O Sardinia Prague? (Protestant nobles tossed royal P (d) Westphalia M e d i t e r r a n e a n S e a officials out the window.) Why did the N Sicily 2. Regions (a) Who controlled Bohe- Crete war spread through Europe? (The W mia in 1648? (b) What lands did the continent was divided by religion and E Spanish Hapsburgs control? S shifting political alliances.) What were 3. Drawing Conclusions How can you the results of the war in German tell from the maps that the Holy states? (One third of the population Roman Empire was not a strong, uni- European Nation-States, 1700 died; German lands were divided into fied state? 360 mostly small, independent states.) 60° N 10° W 0° 20° E Color Transparencies, 98 N SWEDE kholm w ■ Stoc sco Quick Activity Have students access N Mo Web Code nbp-1641 to take the W 10° E E Geography Interactive Audio a e S No r t h S I A ic S Guided Tour and then answer the lt D U S S e a a n R B i e map skills questions in the text. p e EN A r GLAN S I R D S . U saw R War ND P POLA Independent Practice 50° N Berlin London . Have students fill in the Outline Map R R h la in stu At e Vi Europe After the Peace of Westphalia. l a n R e t i c . Pragu O c e Paris a n Vienna Teaching Resources, Unit 1, p. 75 TRIA a AUS Se ck Conic Projection Bla 0200 400 mi FRANCE ALPS . Monitor Progress R Major European monarchy 0200 400 km anube Circulate to make sure students are fill- D ing in their Outline Maps accurately. P YR EN EES Administer the Geography Quiz. MTS. 40° N Rome Madrid Teaching Resources, Unit 1, p. 77 S P A I N M e d i t e r r a n e a n S e a Answers Solutions for All Learners Map Skills L1 Special Needs L2 Less Proficient Readers L2 English Language Learners 1. Review locations with students. Help students use word roots and associations to Use the following resources to help students acquire 2. (a) Austrian Hapsburgs (b) Spain, Milan, Sar- learn definitions. Elector, like elect, comes from the basic skills: dinia, Sicily, southern Italy, Spanish Nether- Latin word electus, “chosen.” Defenestration comes lands, and other territories in the Holy Roman Adapted Reading and Note Taking from the Latin fenestra, or “window.” Depopulation Empire Study Guide comes from the Latin populus, “people,” as does the 3. The map shows that areas within the Holy ■ Adapted Note Taking Study Guide, p. 70 word popular. Have students write a definition of Roman Empire were ruled by several different ■ Adapted Section Summary, p.