The Ukrainian Weekly 2006, No.1

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The Ukrainian Weekly 2006, No.1 INSIDE:• A year after the Orange Revolution: the view from Kyiv — page 3. • Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art opens exhibit on Orange Revolution — page 8. • Hnizdovsky reburied in Lviv, commemorative art exhibit held in Ukraine — page 9. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXIV HE KRAINIANNo. 1 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 2006 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine KaterynaT YushchenkoU and TNK-BP VerkhovnaW Rada passes donate $200,000 to Oncology Institute 2006 budget by a single vote by Olga Bondaruk by Zenon Zawada Company recently did not contribute to the Special to the Weekly Kyiv Press Bureau revenue increase because privatizations are not included when accounting for govern- KYIV – First Lady Kateryna KYIV – By a single vote, the ment revenues, Mr. Dmytrenko said. Yushchenko’s Ukraine 3000 International Verkhovna Rada on December 20 passed Instead, it was the Yushchenko gov- Charity Fund teamed up with oil company Ukraine’s 2006 budget, which was bol- ernment’s decision to eliminate the free TNK-BP in donating nearly $200,000 stered by a 67 percent increase in govern- economic zones – which offered certain worth of oncology equipment and medi- ment revenue from the prior year, accord- companies special privileges over others cine to the children’s unit of the Ukrainian ing to Finance Minister Viktor Pynzenyk. – that most significantly improved tax Academy of Sciences’ Oncology Institute. The jump in tax income revealed the revenues, he said. At a December 23 ceremony at the progress made by the Ukrainian govern- Rather than drawing in foreign invest- Ukrayinskyi Dim on European Square, ment to collect taxes and import duties ment, it was mainly Ukrainian compa- Mrs. Yushchenko handed a certificate for from businesses, said Andrii Dmytrenko, nies abused the investor-friendly initia- the new equipment to Hryhorii Klymnyuk, a research analyst with Dragon Capital, a tive, Mr. Dmytrenko said. Ukraine’s chief child oncologist. Kyiv-based investment bank. For example, Ukrainian companies “For the first time, authorities, the It also revealed that businesses have would set up special trading companies business sector and charity organizations started to slowly report more of their profit. within the zones and move their profits have turned their attention to the most “There was improved reporting from from Ukraine to offshore zones in order unfortunate,” Mr. Klymnyuk said. local companies,” Mr. Dmytrenko said. to avoid taxation, he said. Among the technology received by “As a result, the tax base increased The Stop Contraband program the Oncology Institute was a device because companies paid higher taxes.” launched by former Prime Minister Yulia bought in the U.S. that enables doctors to The 2006 budget plans for $25 billion in Tymoshenko resulted in an 80 percent diagnose cancer within an hour, as well Olga Bondaruk revenues and about $27 billion in spend- increase in import duty collection as as a fastening device to secure children Kateryna Yushchenko, the first lady of ing, amounting to an estimated $2.6 billion well, Mr. Dmytrenko said. during laser therapy. Ukraine, and Hryhorii Klymnuyk, of deficit. Significant amendments are certain, Stop Contraband was among the Government hospitals have never had the Oncology Institute of the Academy government and private economists said. Yushchenko government’s first major ini- such high-technology equipment, Mr. of Science of Ukraine, address the The International Monetary Fund recent- tiatives. It was launched in late February Klymnyuk said. It helps doctors prescribe press in Kyiv on December 23. ly recommended that Ukraine’s budget in order to stem the flow of illegal imports necessary treatment in time and therefore deficit not exceed 2.5 percent of Gross and exports with the goal of more effec- avoid various complications, he said. annually, or about 70 percent of Domestic Product, a goal which the gov- tive taxation and collection of revenues. About 1,000 children in Ukraine are Ukrainian children being treated for can- ernment’s economists will try to adhere to. Another noteworthy success of the diagnosed with cancer-related illnesses cer, hospital officials said.m They have projected the deficit at 2.5 budget was that for the first time in many each year, according to official govern- It was the first time that the Ukraine percent of GDP, but that is based on a years, it was free from the large-scale cor- ment statistics. 3000 Fund and TNK-BP teamed up to very optimistic projection that Ukraine’s ruption schemes that former President More than 350 children undergo med- GDP will grow by 7 percent next year. Leonid Kuchma’s government was notori- ical treatment at the Oncology Institute (Continued on page 22) The sale of the Kryvorizhstal Steel ous for, said Ivan Lozowy, president of the Kyiv-based Institute of Statehood and Democracy, which is exclusively financed Orthodox Church consecrates bishop for Western Europe by Ukrainian business donations. For example, credits with favored companies without collateral have by Hieromonk Daniel Zelinsky Ukraine held its annual meeting. The monk and took the name Andriy. On stopped, he said. bishops’ conference nominated September 29 of that year Archbishop Mr. Kuchma’s budgets set aside enor- CHICAGO – Seven bishops of the Archimandrite Andriy for the position of Vsevolod ordained Monk Andriy to the Orthodox world, along with over 30 mous sums of money for its State bishop for Western Europe, whose seat holy priesthood with the rank of ihumen. Administration of Affairs, a bureaucracy priests and deacons, gathered on will be in the British capital. On October 21, 2005, during the December 13, 2005, at St. Volodymyr that was directly under the former presi- Bishop Andriy (secular name: Bohdan London Sobor, Metropolitan Constantine dent’s control. Cathedral in Chicago for the consecration Peshko) was born on April 27, 1972, in elevated Ihumen Andriy to the rank of of Bishop Andriy (Peshko) as a new bish- “The parliament didn’t control that siz- western Ukraine. Following the comple- archimandrite. able part of the budget, whose sole pur- op for Western Europe. tion of his elementary and high school On December 12, 2005, again in St. The ceremonies took place on the pose was for Kuchma to retain power,” education, he enrolled in the St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago, many said Dr. Serhii Taran, director of the Kyiv- Feast Day of St. Andrew the First-Called Petersburg Spiritual Seminary in 1989, clergy and faithful witnessed the Apostle and founder of the Church in based International Democracy Institute, completing his seminary education in “Engagement” Service during which which is financed by mid-level Ukrainian Ukraine, with the participation of several 1993. Bishop-elect Andriy pronounced his con- hundred faithful of the Ukrainian businesses and the National Democratic He then came to the United States and fession of faith and his dedication and com- Institute for International Affairs. Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and the enrolled at Christ the Savior Seminary of mitment to Christ our Lord and the Holy Diaspora. “Now this sizable part of the budget is the American Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Ukrainian Orthodox Church and his prom- absent,” Mr. Taran said. The consecration was the result of Church, Johnstown, Pa., for a year of ise to serve faithfully as bishop of London Archimandrite Andriy’s election during Politically, the 226-0 vote for the budg- post-graduate study. He returned to and Western Europe of the Ukrainian et revealed that President Viktor the ninth Sobor of the Ukrainian Ukraine and completed the post-graduate Orthodox Church and the Diaspora. Yushchenko’s Our Ukraine coalition is just Orthodox Church of the Diaspora, held course of theological studies at the Kyiv Presiding over this service was barely forming a parliamentary majority. on October 20-23, 2005, in London with Theological Academy, receiving his mas- Metropolitan Constantine, along with The budget was fully opposed by the the blessing of Metropolitan Constantine, ter’s degree in 1999. In 2000 he received Metropolitan Nicholas of the American Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, which is behaving prime hierarch. The sobor examined the the academic status of a doctoral candi- Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Church of the as much of an opponent of Our Ukraine as vital concerns of the Ukrainian Orthodox date in Orthodox theology. U.S.A., Archbishop Vsevolod, Western the Party of Regions and Communist Party. Church in Western Europe, Australia and After returning to the United States, he Eparch U.O.C. of U.S.A., Archbishop The Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc’s 37 New Zealand. was ordained to the deaconate on April 8, Yurij, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of national deputies abstained or were Prior to the convocation of the sobor, 2001, by Archbishop Vsevolod at St. Canada; and Archbishop Job of the absent from voting. the Standing Conference of Ukrainian Volodymyr Cathedral in Chicago. In Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of 2004 Deacon Bohdan was tonsured as a (Continued on page 21) (Continued on page 19) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 2006 No. 1 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Will Russian-Ukrainian gas row Kyiv can claim Russian gas Our Ukraine bloc slams rivals go to Swedish arbitration? KYIV – Ukrainian Prime Minister KYIV – The pro-presidential Our Yuriy Yekhanurov said on Channel 5 on Ukraine bloc has condemned the position by Jan Maksymiuk one’s head” and cannot be discussed seri- December 27, 2005, that Ukraine has the taken by the Party of Regions and other RFE/RL Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova Report ously. right to 15 percent of the Russian gas opposition forces in the ongoing gas dispute Moreover, Mr. Yekhanurov assured flowing in transit across its territory. “If with Russia and accused them of “betraying Despite an apparent war of nerves reporters that Moscow is not going to 1,000 cubic meters of gas crosses the national interests,” Interfax-Ukraine report- behind the current Russian-Ukrainian break the existing gas delivery and tran- Ukrainian border, we have the right to ed on December 26, 2005.
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