SJSU Fencing instructor Life & The Arts: makes his point in class Check out first issue See page 4 Spartan Daily Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 Thursday. September 14, 1989 Volume 93, No. 9 New faculty promotion process approved

By Aldo Maragoni member from each instructional de- tenure. from thioughout the campus, there is TIIC HON proposition did have a Despite objectons from Norton Daily staff writer partment on campus, could have its Because of the amount of work in- no way for them to know the candi- few opponents who voted against it and a few others. the senate ap- Faculty members and candidates role in reviewing promotion candi- volved in the process. faculty mem- date." she said. "The candidate at the Monday meeting. proved the proposal by a 27-7 vote. involved in the promotions process dates taken away if the new policy bers and promotion candidates com- must then present themselves to a One Academic Senate member. There was one abstention. should be getting more nine to do goes into effect. plained they did not have enough committee that doesn't know them. political science Professor Theodore what they were hired to do: teach. Instead of going through the Uni- time to plan their classes. said Phyl- and the dossiers grow larger in hopes The policy must be signed by Norton called for a single university SJSU's Academic Senate passed a versity Committee. promotion can- lis Connolly. chainvoman of the pro- of making sure the committee has all SJSU President Gail Fullerton before body to he created to review all can- new promotions policy Monday that didates will be reviewed by their fessional standards c llllll nittee the pertinent information." it can be put into effect, but Aca- didates for promotions, retention and may eliminate one reviewing body in own departments or sch(xils, accord- "We were getting nunierous com- Under the new plan, p tttttttt (ion% demic Senate officials were confi- tenure. hopes of simplifying the process ing to the new plan developed by the plaints from the faculty members in- review will he less difficult for can- dent the president would approve the through which instructors are raised Academic Senate's professional volved in the process that they had didates. she said. Additionally. uni- "The document is a license to decision. to associate professor and professor standards committee. no time to teach because reviewing versity departments and schools will each school and department to write Fullerton is expected to sign it status. The University Committee still candidates took so long," Connolly he more accountable fin. their ac- their own procedures," Norton said. later this week. according to Erica The University Committee. made will retain its responsibility for re- said. tions. thus allowing the candidate to "We should either abolish the docu- Ankuda, Academic Senate secre- up of one elected tenured t'aculty viewing candidates for retention and "Because the reviewer% come be evaluated niore fairly. ment or refer it back to comniittee.’ tary. Confusion In the shadows caused Jammers' absence By. Brenda esko Daily stall writer The San Jose Jammers had to pull out of a Rec Center exhibition game last weekend because of a misunder- standing with grand opening orga- ni-iers over the availability of players for the event.

The Jammers. a Continental Fias- ketball Association expansion team owned by Assemblyman Dominic Cortese, D-San Jose, were slated to play a three-on -three exhibition be- tween rnx)n and 5 p.m. Saturday as part of the center's official opening. But the team never showed up. The CFIA season ha% not started yet. and not enough players were signed up for the team to provide six player% for the exhibition. according to Jammers' head coach Cory Rus- sell. "We only have a handful of play- er% signed. . . . We made an effort up until the last minute." Russell said.

The Janimers were billed as one of the sponsors of the Student Union Recreation and Events Center open- ing and made a S1,000 contribution to help fund the festivities. said Judy Hemiann. MS( I Student Union di- rector of public relations.

Rec Center agendas and fliers for the opening had alleady been sent to the printer% when officials realind Nollendorfs - Daily staff photographe, the Jammer% would be unable to at- tend. she said. Ben Carrillo, a senior majoring in accounting, finds a quiet place to hit creep up against the masonry and form a visually pleasing design near David Cortese. Jammers general the hooks during the early morning hours a time when shadows Sweeney. Ilan. Later, hordes of students will end the serenity.. manager and the owner's son. said See JAMMERS. page 5 Resignations leave UPD short A.S. China resolution By Valerie Junger by a recent agreement drawn be- one investigator. Maloney said. Daily staff writer tween the California State Univeisity "We hope to finish recruitment splits old, new boards Vacancies at the University Police system and the State University Po- the end of October,. lie said. Vacant positions Hy Anne Illujniovic man of the Student Union Hoard Department will not affect campus lice Association. The agreement pro- "The recruiting procedure is .1 Daily staff writer of Directors who served as 1987- safety, a UPD official said Tuesday. vides a salary raise fin UPI) officers, cumbersome process that instil% cs A resolution condemning the SS A.S. director of community BeCaUtie Of attrition and a series of who have been without a contract for many stages. First we have to make 5 officers Chinese officials for their action% affairs. resignations last May. the depart- nearly two years. according to a May sure that all position% are clear. in Tiananmen Square last summer Thomas said Wednesday he is ment is currently eight members report in the Spartan Daily. meaning that all finance% have been 2 sergeants has %parked a debate between stu- opposed to the resolution because short of full staff. according to po- In the meantime. the department dealt with, and that the time aCCUMU- 1 dispatch officer dent government leaders past and of a clause that restricts any fu- lice Lt. Shannon Maloney. is maintaining a minimum staff lation won't he in the way of the hir- present. ture student% from China to enter But UPI) Chief Ric Abeyta said level. Maloney said. ing (il' a new officer. Maloney said. Cun-ent members of the Ass. impacted programs at SJSt 1. he is pulling officers from other du- "Certainly we don't have an offi- "Then there is a whole set of tests 1 investigator (stated Student% passed the resolu- The clause in question urges ties. such as investigation and ad- cer everywhere something hap- that has to he performed:. he added. Sour( e. UPD 411, hils tion June 2K in response hi the university officials "to restnct ministration, to ensure that an ad- pens," he said, "But we are still "We have now completed the writ Chinese government's crackdown ill:CCS% of future students from the equate number of officers are in the doing an adequate job... ten and physical agility tests and an. on pro-democracy student dem- People's Republic of China to field at all times. J. Handel Evans. SJSU executive processing the results.. "Our finely iews and research in- onstrators. programs that are designated 'im- Thus. despite a drastic cut on the vice president. agreed with Malo- The potential candidates. selected clude a thorough background re Wednesday, nearly three pacted because it is our belief force and corrective adjustments. assertion. from those test results. will then ap- ney's search. and medical and psychologi months after the resolution was that any students to be given exit both university and UPD officials "I am assured by Chief Aheyta pear before a six -person panel for in- cal examinations. Maloney added passed. two former A.S. mem- visas by the government of the maintain that the safety of the cam- that the campus is safe and adequa- terviewing. Maloney said. This So far a total of 10ff applicants bers appeared at the weekly board People's Republic of China to pus is not in jeopardy. tely covered:. Evan% said. panel is made up of three people have applied to the ()pen positions. meeting to voice their opposition study abroad will only. be those Recruiting of new police officers "Fiesides. he added. 'our crime from the campus community and according to Maloney. to the statement who adhere to the strict party has been under way since resigna- is lower than ever, which seems three from the UPI). rate "It is the most paranoid, bla- line . tions in January and Maly After the interviews. recommen- The money which subsidi/es the left five to support his argument." tant piece of Aryan legislation to The resolution also encourages positions vacant. the five available officers dations are made to Abeyta. who recniiting procedures comes lioni Beside% come out ot the student govern- officials to grant permanent resi The process is not complete. Ma- UPD is looking for two will himself interview- the candi- the department's budget. Maloney positions. ment," said Rick Thomas. chair- See RESOLUTION, page 5 loney said, but should be expedited sergeants. one dispatch officer and dates. said. Page ' 'rhursday, September 14, 1989 /Spartan Daily Forum Spartan

Daniel Daily Vasquez Pubhshed for the University and the University Communtty by the Department of Journahsm Mexican culture not and Mass Communications Since 1934 just a taco stand The other day someone said something Campus Voice that pained me. "I love Mexican food. Let's go to Taco Bell." A constitutional I had to laugh at the ignorance. Being a second-generation Mexican- American, 1 have lived in a blend of two caveat for guns cultures, so I know something about both. Taco Bell, El Torito and Pedro's do not By Parag V. Parte! serve Mexican food. It can he argued they are serving food, The right of citizens to hear arnis is often dis- but it is not Mexican. tussed heated tones and emotional language. Po. While ignorance about food is litical assassinations. for example. inevitably spark I am more concerned about the an outcry tor control of firearms, as do soaring harmless, crime statistics These appeals are frequently coun- general lack of knowledge of more tered by jingles such as "When guns are outlawed. substantive aspects of Mexican culture. only outlaws w ill have guns." If we bypass such And that, amigo, is much worse. purely emotional pleas and examine the issue ob- In particular, I object to the hype about tectively. we f Old that there is ample legal justifica- Cinco de Mayo as the birth of Mexican tion for the right to bear arms. The first thing we should consider is the Second independence. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states. That anniVersary comes this weekend. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the se Saturday, Mexicans and Mexican- entity of a free State. the right of the people to keep Americans celebrate spawning of the and hear arms shall not he infringed.. independent Mexican state. When the purpose of any constitutional provi- sion or law is in question, a good procedure is to re- The morning of Sept. 16, 1810, the turn to the thoughts and words of those who origi- people of Mexico began an all-out war nally framed it For the Second Amendment. it is against Spanish oppression. Against all necessary to examine the ideas of George Mason, oppression. the Viiginia constitutionalist. Mason wrote several specific safeguards of individual rights into the Vir- The flag: Are we allowed to burn it? Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla rang ginia constitution of 1776. The Bill of rights the his church bell that Sunday morning, tirst ten amendment% added to the U.S. ('onstitu Patriotism. I remember waking up early one Sunday morning in summoning the townspeople to witness his in 1791 incorporates many of Mason's Its meaning, defined as love and zealous support for Febuary of 1980 to watch the U.S. hockey team win the "Grito de Dolores" the cry for safeguards R A Rutland... edition of Mason's pa a country, has been put to a sizeable test. gold medal for the first time in 20 years. What still sticks freedom coming out of the town of of per. reveals that his conception ol the militia a In the aftermath of the Supreme Coures decision pro- in my mind is the teary-eyed goalie Jim Craig skating group empowered by law to bear arms went far tecting flag burning under the First Amendment. a dici around the rink with an American flag draped over his Dolores. beyond an organized group of men in uniform. sive battle has begun with implications for freedom of shoulder and the crowd singing "America the Beauti- What began as a priest's individual call Ihiring a debate in Richmond on June 16. 1788, expression. ful." To a 14-year-old kid, it was the proudest moment for independence evolved into a collective Mason rhetorically said: "I ask 'Who are the mili- Many of us who consider ourselves patriots abhor the ever imaginable in sports. tia?' And then answered his own question with: concept of flag burning. But we refuse to allow the First During the U.S. World Cup qualifying 1-0 victory cry for freedom. "They consist no% of the whole people. except a Amendment to go by the wayside in President Bush's ef- over Costa Rica this year, American goalkeeper David The international setting was grim for fey. public officials There can he little doubt that forts to pass a constitutional amendment preventing des- Vanole was angered when a Costa Rican trainer reached Mexico in the early 19th century. It George Mason, "Father of the Bill of Rights." forewarned of a French occupation of never intended to restrict the right to bear arms to a relatively' few men in uniform. Therefore, the origi- Mexico. which forced into action the nal concept ot the Second Amendment was that the Con majority of Mexicans who had been militia consisted of all the people. anti to ensure the pushed to their limits under Spanish rule. security of a free country. the people had the right to keep and hear arms On that fateful Sunday, the Cura Fatly in this century Congress entemeted the Hidalgo addressed his flock from the city militia )))) c narrowly than Mason did. On January' of Dolores for the last time. Thereafter, he 23. 1901. Congress defined the militia as all able bodied males oyer the age of 18 and less than 45 gained a nationwide flock as a leader in the years ot age These men Were divided into two people's war for independence. classes. the organized militia. to he known as the The moment that he uttered his cry National Guard of the State. Territory. or District against oppression, the willingness to of Columbia, and the remainder to be known a% the accept anything less than freedom fled the Reserve Militia Thus. Congress classified all Michelle Smith Robert Louis Mallard males v.ithin certain age limits. and not in the Na minds of Mexican leaders. Ilona! Guard. as members ol the militia. These men would now seem to be the "people to keep and bear ecration of the flag inside the net and grabbed and snapped his American Hidalgo, a visionary with a practical arms" w hose right to firearms "shall not be In - The American flag, tot all the honor and reverence flag in half. "That really got me going." Vanole said in mind, chose to put the Virgin of tonged" under the Second Amendment we bestow upon it, is lust a symbol of the values we a Washington Post article. Guadalupe --- the patron saint of Furtheimore. untie! the broad doctrine of equal cherish in oUr nation, and the nation itself. Yes, this is the same American flag that in a 5-4 rul- Mexico at the head of his troops. He lights. it would appear that women should be m - Merely setting fire to a piece of cloth (though it is ing last June, the United States Supreme Court now al- knew that the emblem would appeal to with stars and stripes) does not negate those values. nor lows its citizens to bum. chided. it they tall into the proper age group% eligi- Mexico's Indians and mestizos, ble lig milli:us sets ice does et erase our worth as a nation. Gregory Johnson, a member of the Communist who made Since no definite laws in the U.S. Constitution Our national values would suffer damage. howeyer, Youth Brigade. was sentenced to a year in prison and up the largest part of his army. And he define the rights ot gun owners throughout the 50 if we made a practice of denying undo idual I reedoms be- fined $2.(810 for burning an American flag at a Dallas wanted to draw a contrast between the states. the state onstitutions certainly would seeni cause of ideological disagreement and sentiment. demonstration in 1984. Spanish gold-brocated Virgin de los to he the highesi lav. in such LAW', as proyided in Flag burning is a form ot political expression, anal The Court had always previously avoided the issue Remedios with the humbly robed Indian the Ninth and Tenth Amendments These reserve to under the Constitution we 'lase the right to that express- despite the anti -war rallies of the 1960s and 1970s. the states and people, all rights not spelled out in ion In the pathetic landmark decision Justice William Virgin de Guadalupe. the 1.1.S. Constitution Because the Second Amend- The First Amendment was designed to protect those Brennan emphasized that if thc flag was to truly stand for frusting in the Virgin's protection, who choOse 10 disagree Theo: would he no point to ment does not definitely state the rights of gun own- free- freedom of speeCh. then its desectation should ntg be several thousand men, armed with ers. the letleial goyernment :Mei the right% dom of speech if everyone shared the same opinions punished. that are defined in the inthy ulna! state constitutions. The First Amendment extends to us the right to speak For 212 years. we have wrapped our honor in the machetes, clubs, slings and just a few At least halt of these state constitutions go beyond our minds publicly' or privately. to read a newspaper not flag. It reminds us our history. our freedom. battles to firearms, set off to defeat the Spanish the Second Amendment by spelling out that the controlled or edited by the government, and the right to secure this freedom, and those who have died protecting empire. right to bear arms as an individual right for personal assemble in protest. Milting others. our country. People look up to the American flag. It is a protection or defense ot home and property has Included in these freedoms is the right not to he a pa- symbol of the love and loyalty we have for America. Miguel Hidalgo was captured and nothing to do with a "well regulated militia." triot. Freedom of speech does not discriminate between From our very first day in kindergarden. we were killed by Spanish troops in 1811. who w ho Among thew state% :ire Anitiria. Michigan. and those support the United States and those taught to salute the American flag. But his mission continued. Pennsylvania For example. Arizonas constitution don't. If every actiOn is protected by the First Amendment. The wars for independence After all. the First Amendment and the rest ot the vve no order. raged 10 states: "The right of the Ind's idual citizen to hear have absolutely more years, until 1821 arms in defense of himself or the State shall not he Constitution were written in the early days of this coun- Burning our flag displays hatred for our country. when Mexico inipaired " Michigans says. "Every person try. which originated from the colonies dissatisfaction Americans were angered when protesting Iranian stu- announced its independence. has the right to keep and hear arms tor the defense with British control. dent% burned the American flag. Now we do it ourselves. Saturday. 179 years later, Mexicans of himself and the State " Pennsykania's constitu- Historically. there is a strong case for diffenng opin- With this type of mentality we will continue to deface will remember their beginnings. They will tion is emphatic ' 'The right of the citizens to bear ions in the marketplace of ideas American property. Let's spray graffiti on the Washing- remember the "Grito de The marketplace-of-ideas theory. splashed through- ton Monument or Lincoln Memorial ot extinguish the Dolores." arms in delensc ol themselves and the State shall ()ur cry for not he questioned " Gisen such declarations. the out constitutional law textbooks and taught frequently to eternal flame at John F. Kennedy's grave as long as freedom. states with these and similiar provision% could not students of the media. is central to the validity of those we're at it. Daniel Vasquez is the Managing Editor possibly piohihit ownership of handguns tir any who support the First Amendment After the Court had announced its decision. ioey other arms The theory suggests that ideas flourish in a market- Jackson proudly posed with charred flags. further ri.Jck- It should he clear that the Second Amendment place that pemigs opinions and discussions of Many. ing our nation. In the July 3 issue of Time magazine. was not originally intended to apply only to the mi- Alexander Meiklett(in. an advocate of political free- Chief Justice William Rehnquist said in his dissent, Letter to the Editor litia. but to the "w hole people " addition, Con- dom. made the following statement in testimony to the "Flag burning is the equivalent of an inarticulate grunt gress has indicated that the militia consists of all U.S Senate in 1955: or roar that. it seems fair to say. is most likely to be in- able-bodied yriung anti middle-aged male% land "The First Amendment seems to me a very uncom- dulged in not to express any particular idea. but to antag- now perhaps females also ) Furthermore. 50 per- promising statement. It admits of no exceptions. It tells tini7e Others. Officials tricked cent of the state consmititions define and protect the us that C'ongress. and by iniplication. all other agencies I Was 100 yoUng 10 remember when George Foreman. right% of the indly 'dual gun owners of the government are denied any authority whatever to after winning his gold medal at the 1968 Olympics. students Is it not es ident that the right to hear antis is limit the political freedoni of the citizens of the United pulled a small American flag out of his robe and ran Editor. States... around the ring waving it to a hysterical crowd. Yes, this rooted in solid legal precedent ' I suppose it was naive to assume that after all the ef- Those words say it all. was the same Olympic Games where SJSU athletes hirize Pure/ I% (I senior majaring in business forts that the Human Resource Dept. and the Administra- Like many other issues. the battle lines over the flag - Tommie Smith and John Carlos refused to look at the management He wrote Ihi% Min le Pr FOr11111. tion put into encouraging the students to vote for the burning debate will be drawn along liberal and conserva- flag and raised black gloved fists when receiving their Recreation Center (SUREC) that they wouldn't expect to tive party lines. But perhaps the most appropriate fight medals. As angry a% their protest was, they did not burn use it for their own classnxim use. During my term as a v.inild he hetween those who want III fight for freedom the flag. Editorials faculty advisor on the Student Union Board of Govenors and those who want to restrict freedom. Soldiers consider it a privilege to be chosen to place we had to continually quash attempts to use the Student If we restrict freedom. the symbol of our flag loses flags beside each grave at Arlington National Cemetery Union for classroom or administrative uses. Fditorials. 'chit h appear WI upper its meaning. on Meniorial Day. Their fellow soldiers died so that the As long as the higher powers fail to acquire needed %ale of thi% page. espress the amnion of a mow, th Michelle Smith is a Dads staff writer. American flag could still flv high buildings through normal channels (i.e. the legilsation). al the Spartan editartal hoard Till' ellligglI(II We don't have to destroy the symbol of our country they will continue to seek them through other (easier) INNIed I% tip of the editors of the Letters to the Edttor to make a point. means. If students are going to be expected to pay for The Spartan Dual 1, ch ontes Letters to the tchtor. Robert Louis Mallard is a Daily stuff writer. their own classroom Campus Voice %pace through student bt.xly fees, the 4// Idler% 111(11. Ile edited for grammar. libel and length. Columns university should have made this clear during the cam- Studyn, wall find ommitonts tcsitlents are invited The sir tier's tttttt ie. titular. class level and how number paign to get enough students to vote for it. ittaepreu ern% and inform known through (not fin- publication I should IICCIIMININ1 all 'ellen. 1.el- Column% are written hy members of the Spartan If this appeals to you students, I've got a great plan Campus r ti, ottani.% 11 there t% i %vie ((f Idell %MI ler% be delivered ta the Spartan /Anis newsroom in Daily staff They reflect the opinion of the writer only for a new library I'd like to sell you. 1141141(1 la(' lig I Ile g lllll ( (III IN' K'ohlquist Library North /04 II( the Student tt i tt n in- and are not neuressarily representative of the newspa- Jack Douglas the Fop Ian I N(Illh 104. formation desk. per's position. Special Collections Librarian

4 a ily Spartan Daqinoffsday September 14, 1989 Page 3 News SpartaGuide

MN. THURSDAY Career Nanning and Placsment Conan: Female lawyers Rotsract Service Club: information tables. Marketing your industrial techr101017Y iiam,SU front Call 924-7923 gree 11 am SU Loma Prieta Room CM HUD report criticizes Kemp 924 6030 report sex bias Physics Department: Seminar speaker WASHINGTON Dr Paul LOV0i, 1 30 p m , Dunr,an Hall (AP) An in- offices in headquarters who are re- iust how successful the secretary 's Career Planning end Pfaciwiwtt Canter ternal in recent poll Room 251 Ca 924.5267 audit criticiies Ht ID Secretary sponsible tor property disposition reform actions have been," Flynn Interview preparation. 12.30 pm.SU Cos- PRSSA: PRSSA Day, 5p m , Tower Jack Kemp for ntaking "little visible activities, the auditors said in an said. SAN FR A NCISCO I AP) Most Hall tanoan Room For more intormabon lawn area Cali improvement" in a scandal -plagued Aug. 25 report obtained by The As- "But we also know that many women lawyers in California find (415)656-5853 924-6030 agency program. sociated Press longstanding problems remain, and sex bias in their profession but don't Gay, Lesbian, Blaesual Alliance (GALA): Although the report praises "This leadership and cixwdination Httlis inspector general is a key regret choosing the law as a career. a Discussion. 4 30 pm. SU Costanoan : Keinps maltunctson. co lllll Mment to ridding the was not apparent 'during our re- player on the secretary's team. We ISM poll says. Room Call 236-2002 Due to a computer did rug ap- Department of Housing and Urban view . ’ will rev iew these findings closely." The poll was conducted by mail in SJSU Sid Club: Meeting, 7.30 p m , The portions of SpartaGuide Development of mismanagement. it The audit focused on eight HUD April among 2,3(XJ lawyers. a ran- Chapel Call pear in todor'S Spartan /Mak spokesman Jack Flynn said 773-1018 said some of the blame for the slow HUD field offices and their handling of a dom sample of the state's 22,0(X) fe- changes in the program pace of improvements in the single- further program that has received consider male attorneys. Sixty percent of part of a reform package family home program rests at his would be able attention during the recent in- those surveyed sent in answers. will announce later this SJSU Today . feet. Kemp vestigations of mismanagement. Aniong the results: "Problems still exist and will con- month. fraud and influence -peddling -- 88 percent found a at "subtle, co llllll ittee chainvoman. Six is confi- tinue to exist unless there is a coordi- "It wouldn't be fair to try and de, HUD during the Reagan administra- pervasive gender bias" in the legal dent Anderson will do a good job. , nated leadership drive by the various (ermine after lust six months tion profession. Resignation "Nicole can delegate." Six said. - 86 percent said women had a "Mark (Atkinson) is more of a fol- harder time than men balancing their confuses plans lower than a leader personal lives with their legal ca- Lawsuits force trip cancellations reers. for homecoming - 75 percent said they would Football ticket Plans for chixise to become lawyers again. SJSU's homecoming WASHINGTON (AP) Fear of tics. fixwball and cheerleading. have been canceled or modified be- festivities were in disarray just two sales unimpressive Full results of the poll lawsuits is prompting many educa- The association surveyed attor- cause educators fear such activities are to be re weeks ago. when student govern- So far, ticket sales for Spartan leased Saturday at tors to cancel or curtail field trips. neys and school principal!. on how might lead to costly lawsuits." said the har's annua ment officers returned this fall to dis- football are on par with last year: meeting. physical education, cheerleading and the threat of lawsuits has affected Connor cover the appointed chairman had unimpressive. other favorite school activities. a school programs, Restrictions on athletics have in- not done his job. A student season ticket this year is gmup backing revised liability laws The 190 principals who re- cluded limits on heights of pyramids Associated Students President $18. This includes the four home said today. sponded. all members of the Na- by cheerleaders, stopping the use ot For the Record Scott Santandrea announced the res- games against the University of the Those who don't are paying the tional Association of Secondary trampolines by gymnasts and halting ignation of Due to an editing error, a story in Mark Atkinson. chair- Pacific. New Mexico State Univer- price in the forni of higher insur- School Principals. said that while diving competitions tor sWillitileTS. man of the homecoming committee, sity. California State University, ance payments. only 16 class -related programs were the association said. Wednesday's Spartan Daily about an aborted Rec Center protest incor- at last Wednesday's board meeting. Fullerton, and the University of Ne- The results of two surveys "illus- canceled. about half of more than Si st oA o percent of the attorneys The homecoming rectly presented a cornnient made by committee is vada at Las Vegas. Individual ganie trate just how much America's liti- 240 activities were modified because representing school boards that are charged with Associated Students Vice President gathering company tickets for students are $5.50. giousness and risk -aversion has di- lawsuits were either threatened or members of the National School sponsors and planning activities Tickets will be available at the minished the quality of life for all filed, said Gluckman, Boards Association reported no Jim Walters. He said the A.S. could have used SI(X),(XX) in legal funds to duties that the committee was sup- Spartan Ticket Office for away our students," said Martin F. Con- Fifty-eight percent of the respond- changes in school activities. How- posed buy Certificates of fkposit. to have completed during the games against University of Califor- nor, president of the American Tort ing principals said there was a noted ever, most indicated that schorils are summer. according to Deckle Six. nia at Berkeley and Stanford Univer- Reform Association. difference in the kinds of school pro- paying higher insurance premiums to The Spartan Daily is committed to director of community affairs. sity. The tickets are $8, up 50 cents The school programs affected grams being offered because of the continue offering the programs. accuracy. Any significant error "We're really needy," Six said. from last season. most often were class trips. shop threat of lawsuits and high insurance One in five attorneys said they had brought to the editor' OfientiOn will "We'll still have basically the same Only 50 tickets have been sold so classes and physical education, said costs. Gluckman said. been involved in lawsuits or out -of- be corrected. format - fun competition, a king far for the Sept. 23 contest against the group's staff counsel, Ivan They survey showed 51 extracur- court settlements that affected If put notice sonwthing that you and queen." UOP. . Gluckman. Others include labo- ricular programs were canceled and school -related programs. know is incorrect, please write to But this year's homecoming The Spartan Ticket Office has ratory m:ience programs. such as 301 modified . Glickman said use of non -faculty the Spartan Daily, Sall Jose State events will not be as elatxwate as in been working with the marketing de- chemistry, and use of school play- "Over the past kw yeais and volunteers has been affected because University. One Washington past years. she said. partment to do what it can to gener- grounds. the 1989-90 school year will be no of questions about whether they are Square, San Jose. CA 95/92 You The A.S. has appointed Nicole ate inure student interest, according Athletic activities also were fre- exception students have returned covered by school insurance. can also call the editor at 924-3280. Anderson as the new homecoming to student assistant Lisa Dulcich. quently mentioned as targets of cur- to school in September only to find tailed activity. particularly gymnas- that some of their favonte activ

Spartan Daily jr BOOK N Serving the San Jose State University Community NOW Since 1934 (UCPS 509480) FOR THE S,,,md ( ("J111,..1,11 Nehspape. ththh.hec. and II.. A.sochaled Press ihthlished ...111 low %hole t 111CIS. dm.... the "inept. Nea. optmon. c.i.f.,...) on NKr or no. net essanIN Mow of the I kparlowni ol Jomhahson and Mass ornmunh.ilh.h. the 111,1.1, Ndnon. an, student of haul.) my...1,m.. Mad .olls.nylnom at.ciard J temamder 1.1 -111,4kr has.. HOLIDAYS drone yew . 1.21/ hach WIlle.JJI %MIMI 1111 t amp.. pr.,: pel on., It ten.. 11.....n.pu. del.. et. !Nod too 11./....k Instm..111MAIIN RCLIICkl Al lit Ille hands at NI. pet loll Ione enoolled sitiden. 1,11.01tal `,?4 92.1 12711 Pnmed Independent Publ., Awn. 1.1ease send all addres "one. goon. lo Span,. /ail. han low hut. 1 ruse.... Clne adonehm San /ow ('N Great Systems Roundtrip from San Francisco STAFF London $490 Editor in Chk4 Shelby Grad Production Manager Chns Dunwoods Advertising Director Fiannah Rrooks Co-op Manages Ingnd Vodegel Frankfurt $530 City Editor Mary Callahan Reporters Costa Rica $399 Managing Editor Anne Durmove. Greg Haas Todd A I laws, Hong Kong $749 Daniel Vasque, Valens. Junger. M I Khan Robert I ouis Mal Assistant City Editor Lea Elmore lard Aldo Marengo's. Jill McLaughlin, T.,. Singapore $795 Wire Editor Andy Charming Mercado Patrick Nolan. Vincent T Oddo Great Prices! $1125 Bangkok Forum Editor Steven Musil Ms belle Smith Sylvia D Sports Editor Robert I von Veskii Bali $850 Alisistant Sports Editor Dons Kramer Photographers Restrictions apply Please call lor other l &style Editor Mark Moreno 1 eresa Flurleau ni I indley Aim Millen worldwide destinations. Assistant Lifestyle Editor drat,. Velma Nurse, ..1111k, Vilann (Sim I. Wai Flame Thinivan son N Tien Weinberg Ask about Cirde Photo Editor I Mee F kson Account Executives Around the National Advertising Manager I dun Ariachi Jared Grosshans Fni liards Pacific and Joanna Pnce Mee Kim Bryan Sweeney Mons a Tones World Fares. Retail Advertising Manager Manda Vinson IFenfils McSweeney Art Department INuentown Retail Advetiising Manager Ted Deys lona Ivan I ee John luerfis Sharon Taniguchi National Account Executives Council Travel Art Director Amanda Cormier Mike Clauss. Sandra Manor CU assmiri9 WV/ 314 Saler lbeet 0407 44,1,414./. 94 704 San arancisco, 141011 848-8604 421-3473

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Page 4 Thursday, September 14, I 989/Spartan Daily Sports Burchard's accomplishments prove Graduation rates he's on the cutting edge of success prompt senate bill API There Southeast High School in Braden- Hy Valerie WASHINGTON Jungcr Villanova where ton, Fla., and spokewoman for Daity start worn are places like practically all, of the schol- the National Association of Sec- Petei Burchard is .1 happy man. all, or basketball players leave ondary St:him)! Principals, A happy man and also a successful arship in their pockets after strongly agreed during a hearing tine. with degrees years. before the Senate Labor and And looking hack at this past four or five there are the others. Human Resources Committee. yeat. one can understand why SJS1' Then other ,chools, less She said the bill might not lecturer Burchard has reasons he At those proud to step tom aid and he mean much for youngsters who happy about his recent protessional publicly . Mildly any of are like Bradley was when he set- accomplishments or of what he him counted in high -dollar major tled on Princeton for basketball self calls "his most successful year the players programs like football and and study many years ago, or like in coaching tenting sports basketball get their degrees. the honors student at her school It all started last spring v.hen Bur - figures for 1988 show who she said is actively checking chard was selected to be the S. NCAA 30 schools had graduation out all the schools who are after Cadet coach and sent to 1.ishon, Por- that of 5 percent or less for bas- him to play foothr:11 next year. tugal to the Cadet World Champion- rates and %even have The main value of the legis- ships ketball players. rate% of 96 percent or greater. lation. she said. would be for all Months later. he was chosen to as- Most of the associations 800 the others "whose maturity has sist the ll.S. team captain in the schools fall somewhere not progressed beyond the stage World C'hanip hips in Deriver. member of dreaming of the glory of col- And finally, three weeks ago, Bur- in between. wide disparity would not lege and professional sports." chard came hack troin Duisburg. That under Sen. Bill Brad- Bradley said he was "as- West Germany when? he was head- disappear plan to force all colleges to tounded" there would be any op- ing the I I.S. team in the World llni- leys with the graduation sta- position at all lti his bill because Versity Games. go public they already compile anti "I really thought I was introduc- "As team captain. I do anything tistics privately. to the NCA A. ing something that was apple pie from bringing water to the fencers or report, which then issues an annual com- and motherhood.’ choosing the line-up for team events posite report. Indeed. there was no overt op- to aiguing the meaning of rules with And Bradley acknowledged position to it during Tuesday's the bout directors." he said. "In a thai his hill wouldn't hearing, but not all the support way I'm the trouble. shooter. Tuesday a dumh student smart or a was offered enthusiastically. But even though his coaching ex- make lazy one work. The head of the NCAA and a perience is impressive, Burchard's "It doesn't guarantee that ctillege president pleaded for success is not limited to his current to make it." said more time before the federal gov- accomplishments. they're going Bradley. who made it as a RhOiles ernment steps with a law, at A SJSU graduate of the Master's and professional basket least until the NCAA convention program in French and holder of a Scholar star before taking up politics. in January. double Bachelors degree in French hall requires hard woik "If we don't pass nieaningful arid German fnmi the University of "Education those youngsteis who legislation tin January). I will California at Santa Cria. Burchard liut tin interested in getting an educa- personally lobby for this bill," teaches three Human Performance are Bradley insisted that his NCAA executive director Dick classes at SJS1.1: beginning and inter- tion, ’consumei" disclosure- legis- Schultz told Bradley. mediate foil fencing and beginning could work wonders in The Bradley hill would require sabre fencing. Gina t Watson Daily staff photographer lation find the right place individual figures be re- His ultimate goal is to loon his helping. them that the to play. ball ported publicly to the U.S. De- students to teach community. out- and trained a Olympian for the 1988 Peter Hurchard. left, instructs khosrou Vakhshouri the country Dr Pat la I .ucas, principal of partment of Education. reach classcs to children and to gen. in an Sititi fencing class. Hurchard uorked as a Seoul Olympics. Ile is also regarded as an outstand- crate more interest in the sport of coach in some of the most venerable tournaments in ing fencer hs s lllll e of his students. fencing arid in SJSt classes. Burchard is also looking at im- program and when I began to doubt proving the quality of college fenc- it, he turned hack and encouraged ing hy introducing new, successful me to keep it. techniques he has observed around "His training helped me greatly' in The only thing it won't the world. heating lllll of the East-Europeen "This is a great area for fencing," fencers, he added he said, "and we should take advan- Other students of Burchard have tage of it. to bed done very well national competi do is put you Disappointed in the fact that SJSU tions. Chris Warlick. a SJSU alum does not have a lencing varsity team nus and sabre fencer. was a semi-li anymore, Burchard wishes that there nalist in the 19S9 Pacific Coast were more classes available on cam- Championship in Los Angeles and pus and that his budget was bigger. finished eighth in the div ision it "SJSU has the longest and oldest the 1989 National Championships in lencing tradition in the state." he Orlando, Fla. said, ’Three mammal women's team "Peter was the first coach I ever champions and fiiur individual na- had to work with on an individual tional champions came out of this basis:* he said. "I owe him much of univcisity 's program. S.ISLI also my mental game in fencing... produced f Ise Olympians. Warlick describes Burchard as a George Notiomurar. a 1988 Olym- juggernaut 1 Hindi Jagannath lord of pic toil fencer. did not participate di- the world who is represented as a rectly in the SJSU program. but took massive, inexorable force or object lessons lrom Burchard prior to going that advances irresistibly and crushes to the Oly mpic Games. Nonomura everything in its path). was the first Japanese -American to "les just like a bON CT who can he On the U.S. Olymph: fencing counterpunch." Win lick said team. "When you fence him. you waste I chose Peter to coach me be- lot of time trying to get through his cause he allowed me to do what I defenses and once you are tired 01 wanted to." Nimoinura said. "He you open up. he is right there m let me maintain my own training catch you. ' End-of-season collapse leads to manager's firing CLFVF.I.AND (AP) In any were satisfied with the type ot base other year. the Cleveland Indians hall they were playing, and I late -season collapse wouldn't have wasn't:. Peters said. "The thing mattered much This year, that changed the perspective this knocked them out ot the race in the year was the nature ot the race in the weak American League Fast and East Vv'e looked at the standings in .iist Manager Doc Edwards his lob August and said. My gosh. anybody Edwards was fired on Tuesday can win this " arid replaced tor the rest ot the sea- son by special assignment scout John The Indians were 54-54 on Aug Hart 4. But in Edwards' final 35 games. Team president Hank Peters said they went 11-24. falling to a season Clevelands inability to contend after low 141/, games off the pace at b5 -7s getting within 11, games ot first place "It was pretty hard to make this in earls August forced him to fire decision. No one has shown mole Edwards loyalty or dedication or worked "I think they (Indians' players) harder at hi% lob than Doc." Peters had reached the point where they said. VOLLEYBALL HEADQUARTERS OF THE SOUTH BAY. 10‘)/0-40/0 OFF ALL MERCHANDISE WITH STUDENT I.D. NOW THRU SEPT 30 Zenith Date Systeme' 286 LP will do lust about everything. Word promising, desktop publishing and all your future butanes& software that runs on the industry standard, DOS . We stock all major brands. For more For more information contact: information contact' Beachwear Volley and Ludi Garcia at 281-3161

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a Spartan Daily/Thursday, September 14, 1989 Page 5 N News Crime initiative may harm abortion rights Working on art

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Rea- have criticized some of his past legal sonable people can disagree about position% just as Wilson wants to whether a crime initiative being cir- shore up support froni conservatives culated for next June's ballot would who critici/e his unwillingness to endanger abortion rights. outlaw abortion. Reasonable people can disagree Rut it does mean the attorney gen- about whether Attorney General eral has raised a real issue. It also John Van de Kamp's motives for means the public:, in all likelihood. raising the abortion issue are politi- will vote on the initiative in June cal, as Sen. Pete Wilson, R -Calif., without knowing for sure whether it contends. will affect abortion. Reasonable people can also dis- The measure, agree about whether the politics of dubbed the Speedy Trial Act hy supporters, would the issue favors Wilson. honorary make numerous chairman of the initiative campaign, pni-prosecution changes in California law. or Van de Kamp, his likely Demo- Among them are cratic rival for governor in 1990. repeal almost remaining state con- stitutional protections for Rut reasonable people - at least criminal defendants. to those who have studied the initiative including the right privacy. and the law - - have not been able to leaving those rights to be protected under narrower federal raise a serious disagreement with standards. Van de Kamp's basic premise: that there is a legitimate question about The state Supreme Court has in- whether the initiative, by limiting terpreted California's right to pri- privacy rights in criminal cases, vacy to include the right to choose would affect abortion in California. abortion. So far, that issue has arisen Wilson publicly denies that prem- only in civil cases, but the state also ise, repeatedly dismissing Van de has some unenforced criminal abor- Kamp's argument as a "cynical po- tion laws on the books, covering !Meal ploy." Rut the senator has abortions after 20 weeks, abortions done little to rebut Van de Kamp's outside hospitals and abortions per- analysis. and hasn't tried to counter formed on minors without parental the attorney general's supporting consent. array of constitutional scholars. The scenario raised by Van de That does not necessarily mean Kamp is this: If the U.S. Supreme that state courts would ultimately use Court further restricts or repeals the initiative, as abortion -rights ad- abortion rights under the U.S. Con- . vocates fear, to uphold criminal stitution, those federal standards prosecutions for certain alxirtions. would then apply to California in Even Van de Kamp says the out- criminal cases if the initiative come is unclear, and supporters of passed. the measure argue plausibly the A woman or her doctor could then courts would conclude it was never be prosecuted under current criminal intended to affect atx)rtion. abortion laws, or others that have al - Nor does it mean Van de Kamp ready been proposed in the Legis. ' lacks political motivation. His stance lature. and could not use the state fits his need for support from abor- constitutional right of privacy as a - tion-rights and women's groups who defense. Jammers Lottomania From page I strikes in the team's absence was simply the result of a mix-up. "There was no animosity or un- Scotts Valley derlying problem. It was just a phys- SCOTTS VALLF.Y (AP) "LAN- ical impossibility," he said. tomania" took on a new meaning Team spokeswoman Mary t.i/ Wednesday when two men walked Cortese said "once the season starts, into a liquor store and asked Mr 20,- Joe Watson -- Daily stall photographer they (the Jammers) will he able to (X10 Lotto 6-49 tickets. play exhibitions all the time." "These people called me last jun Bennett works on a painting iiear the art building mine house graphic for his paintings. Ile did not title this piece MI as not to influ- The Jammers will call the Rec night. They wanted to know: if they paint and latex gimes. Kennet often uses tillages f r National ;en- ence the %lesser. (7enter their home court this season could buy 20.1XX) tickets," said a and only have to finalize a few de- slightly harried ksse Pere/. owner tails before a one-year contract is of the Village Rolle Shop in Scotts signed by university and team offi- Valley. cials. David Cortese said last month. "I said sure. No problem. 'Then The team is expected to play its first they asked if I could take a personal of 28 games in the new facility Nov. check." 25. he said. Informed that that wasn't possi- WE hAve Yu Daily stall writer Michelle Smith ble, the two men Pere/ knows SPARTAN Nam contributed to this report them only as Ray and John - bought four $5.000 cashiers checks from a Wells Fargo Hank branch in ME SPORTS FAN M neighboring Santa Cm/. ,fi r . Resolution And at 9 a.m. Wednesday. Pere/ began sticking a "Quick PO" card from page I into the stores Ione gambling ma- Vehicles and properties seized by JUST IWO BLOCKS dent alien status to Chinese student chine and sticking. and %ticking. at American universities. "I'm still punching them in. and DEA, FBI, IRS, and U.S. Customs. Thomas said in an interview be- there's customers waiting,- Pere, Cars .1-Vs FROM CAM I fore the meeting that he opposed the said about six hours alter he started remilution "as it stands now." but State Lottery spokeswonian Caro- Trucks Stereos Avid Spartan Fans can be seen at an added that he believed the board line Walker said Lottery officials be- would be reviewing the do:ument in lieved the $20.000 sale was the larg- -4x4's Furniture Spartan game. They never miss a two weeks and would consider mak- est block purchase ever -Boats Computers play...cheering every first down, ing alterations. Taking turns with two employees, dropped pass, "There are many unfriendly gov- Perez figured he only had 8.500 tick- booing every ernments in this nation." he said. ets to go with four and a half hours Now available in your area leaping to their feet at every close "Why are we singling out Chinese left before sales closed for a Lotto 6- call. Their game faces are pamted students?’ 49 jackpot estinidted di $55 million. Call 1-805-682-7555 ext. C-1255 Alm) appearing before the board Actually. Pere/ did say he was blue and gold. And now they can was Deborah Warren. former direc- stopping to let other Lotto customers outfit themselves in the true tor of non-traditional minority af- lodge their smaller orders. Of the tall fairs. Warren called the clause "dis- order. hc said: Spartan spirit...with genuine criminatory, as well. "We run a thousand tickets. then Starter SJSU Jackets, t-SillrtS. Jennie Reyes. director of intercul- bundle them up. The niac:hine keeps tural affairs. said during her weekly track." he said. hats and sweat pants at The report that several students had ap- PAY LITTLE AND GET Sports Fan, Just two blocks proached her and expressed concern from campus. To introduce about the statement restricting stu- dents. ourselves we're offering a In an interview after the meeting, discount on your Reyes emphasi/ed that the restric- ,5% tion "is not a racist issue. next purchase. And you Reyes. Thomas and Warren have can enter our drawing for a free Starter Responsi- .11(,$)N all run for office with the Spartan Jacket (no purchase necessary). ble Alliance party. which was thrust out of office in March elections. MORE "People haven't read (the resolu- .-NENEN FROM ELTECH COMPUTERS' tion) clearly enough:. she said. -gm Tom Bcxithe. A.S. executive as- MODEL 9671 I6MHZ sistant, said people who are opposed 386 MONO SYSTEM wrrH I MB to the restriction "are drowning in a sea of words... 175% Discounl "The purpose and intent of the RAM 2MB HD 1525 00 On your next purchase resolution is to condemn the actions MODEL 8361 12MHZ 286 Enter to win a SJSU Starter jacket! of the Chinese government taken As, ’’’404, MONO SYSTEM (NO purchase necessary) against civilians in Tiananmen WITH I MB Square," he said. INTERNATIONAL RAM 20MB HD 1 1 Pic m Name The opposition is "enjoying a lux- & I isloVid PASSPORT Address ury never afforded to any students in To Living Abroad China," Boothe said referring to the 1 City International Certificate U.S. students have (immunity that in Teaching English as a Word StOz software at $495 value for ()pen debate. Phone Foreign Language FFtEE QA Plus Boothe also said he hoped that Diagnostics softwcire Discount otter ends 9/29/89 4-week intensive those expressing objections "would FCC class B approved program corm forward with specific: and ap- Personal fincmcing program crvcnlable propriate language" to add to the .3-month pan-time resolution. Flu( he said the A .S evening program eloch /velem Inc A SJSU ApprovsK1Compu9.1 would not "repeal or rescind the re% 43racticum in teaching Call for SEU Edkrabonal Di/count,' Pucies otteu wsteins olution." English as a Foreign Walters said a possible addendum Language ME SPORTS FAN to the statement will be discussed at St. Giles College Pavilion Shops, Downtown San Jose 280-5855 EL CH mill" me the meeting on Sept. 27, when the 2280 Powell St., SF 94133 408-945-6383 Eastridge, PruneYard, Fremont, Pleasanton, San Mateo was intended board will clarify what (415)788-3552 by the controversial statement. September 14, 1989iSpartan Dail) Page Co lonsday Life & the Arts "Romero" depicts Salvador horrors Ry Sylvia D. t Illoa Daiiy staff writer In 1980, Aichbishop Oscar Rt. men) of El Sal% ador %a% pinned tIOWn While %Milli! illas% "R ero" is the story of his transformation bum a timid pawn ot El Salvador's ruling class to a strong. vocal supporter ot litlIllaii Om and social pustice in his coun try The film. which was produced by a group ot Paulist priests, features Raid hilia as a cons incine An+ Film Review bishop Romero. Julia plays Mc quiet, bookish monsignor as effect' vely a% the outspoken people's advo cate that Romero becomes. Richard Jordan. who, for a change, is cast in a positive role. plays hither Ninth,' Grande, the priest who urges Romero to become more politically active and whose murder set% Romero firmly on the track toward social activisni isin that ultimately leads him to his death. Joe R Daily staff photographer Romero is appointed archbishop BIttesmen the John (;arcia Band perform at Rec Center opening because of his presumed passive in- tellectualism and frail health. Church officials who appionted Romero believed he would not he a that ruling regime, and apathy threat to the Garcia's blues hit home despite his moderate political outhiok would keep him from supporting the rural I decided iti watch the John Garcia Band every average pop -music listener would have Bassist hank I h..rose said he agreed with priests who were speaking out because the hot air balloon rides only went been there. ..fiont SJSt and also gave his against the repression. about 10 feet in the air, and the thought of A small crowd of blues fanatics is far perspecti(c on the blues. "Blues is a MUSIC:II tradition based on hard But his awareness of the struggle seeing lam Ferrigno made me green with better than a stadium full of Top 40 hobble work that goes kids to the early artists from and injustice in El Salvador grows, nausea. gum chewers any day. in my opinion the South... I )eiose said. "It was the result as he is fOrced out of the elite world The grand gala opening of the highly But despite the small crowd Friday. he of a lc I've always another of the ruling class because of his ac- overrated Student Union Recreation and says he loves San Jose and especially SJSI.I. hard lilesiy had ph (other than playing the blues) becausc tivities as Archbishop. Events Center was lat from grand. "I love playing here. Although there Thankfully, the promoters had decided that weren't many people today. we had a great with blues music. you're not always going to It begins the very day he is ap- some blues music %souk! liven things up. crowd for the Fountain Blues Festival last make a vie:it deal of money. Playing it is the pointed. when he is taken away The John Garcia Band, a local three-man May. he said. "We hope to play there reward... a celebration part) with the news blues group from Gilroy. took the stage Maybe it's because of the work ethic that the National Guard had open fire Friday in front of the Rec Center. delivering Patrick Nolan Garcia also shared his philosophy. of being behind the blues that niost of the cloud tin an outdoor mass performed by his an inspirational set of down-home blues to an a blues musician. watching the John Garcia Band v. as made up outspoken friend Father Grande. titherwise dull and apathetic crowd. rhythm. "The blues are more 111:111.itiSt MUSIC, it.% a of people who looked like they just ventured When he sees a grieving wife cry- Pretty women with their ears covered Scraggily bums smoked year old way of life ,'' said Garcia. "It's all-purpose off the streets and onto campus. ing over the body ot her husband. walked in front of a wailing John Garcia as ciggaietle butts a. it then 11%es depended on music that you can dance to. in lust listen to: But despite such a small and motley crowd Romero begins to realite his duties he grinded out s lllll e slick leads on his Gibson It, C pick.] mg the men) women, hut any v.ay you look at it. it's basically fun. on Friday . the John (iarcia Band played some lay with the people. I .es Paul guitar. buffed locks. and mush. Lin. altogether les happy nitisic . authentic blues with passion. as if there were locks. treshly %Weal), from I guess the crowd w as small because the ( iarcia has been playing guitar for twenty 5.18X) fans in the audience. They offered The film leaves a feeling of fru, Muscle -hound a workout in the Rec Center tapped their feet. maim ity ol people at SJSLI aren't hig blues y cm. and has tammed le( iided with the their talents as dedicated. professional artists, tration. As Romero loses one friend their heads. then walked away . as lans But it seems a blessing that more people such legends as John I .ee Hiloker, Ho and those who listened enjoyed the show. atter another to the chaos and vio- nodded bassist Frank Derose maintained a tight blues don't like the blues, because if they (lid then Diddley. 13 King. and Paul Simon. Including myself. lence of El Safi. ador.and the illu %ion% upon which he had based his life crumble,it seems as though no man's life can he so hard or so full oi sinTOW. Datebook But this is life in El Salvador. In Club Oasis to celebrate second El Salvador, priests are tortured. people disappear. This is a Nobel winner to read poetry Where people are found dead and buried in trash heaps. anniversary with fashion bash Nobel Prim -winning poet Cteslaw Milos/ will speak 8 p.m. tonight at the Engineering. Building Auditorium. Admission R lllll erti is a difficult movie to ever since die building was pui(11.,....1 and By Tony Mercado SJSU students free. NI ilos/is scheduled to read selections of his poetry. and dis- watch. It show% the people and emo- [May staff writer transformed from an automotive garage to its pfesent cuss the recent political events in Poland from his perspective as tions behind the grim headlines. It Known for its avant garde appearance and modern form. a Polish C't Ile the United States depicts both sides of a had situation: music format. the Oasis has been a popular local spot jor The fashion show v. ill also display. high fashion where the guerillas fight for change. SJSILl students since the building was transformed from antl women's appaiel by What Next, a clothing lo- the soldiers for the status quo. and an aut tIVC garage to a social gathering place cated in the downtown pavillion. Working Mans Linn(' Caterwaul Motown sound Where people get stuck in the middle Tonight. the nightclub on North hist Street will rium will atigillenl llie collet. I ion. of a dirty battle where the methods mark its second Milli% el sin!, dilWillov.11 San Jose. in its music will he played by three disc jock to play Cactus to rock Fairmont are the same on both sides. A vaiiety ot usual flamboyant sts lc eys. including Live 105'. Maik Hamilton. Modein-rock group Caterwaul The Violet Fox Band crank out In his final battlecry, the day. A fashion show . all night give:okays. and other sur- be- Two spacious dance Ms.'s, one boasting a stage and plays the Cactus Club Friday Golden Era rock n roll and early fore his murder. Romero cried out to prises will he among the activities people can look for- the other serving as a pool when not covered. make up night. Motown and soul tunes at the the government soldiers "I ask you. I ward to. according to Janice Machiko Saito. promotional soon -to close Regent in the the area. Four bars %plead thi.,fighout the facilits oiler a Admission S6 Also appearing: Club beg you. I order you in Millie Of director and assistant manager ot the club. the variety of drinks w ith tit( asional special% dining the Pygmy Low Circus and the Fur dov.iittovIl Fairmont Hotel God, stop the repression!" Known for its as ant garde appearance and modern night. longs. through Sept. 30. Thursday. Fri- music I at. the ( iasis has been a populai spot tor day and Saturday nights. For din- Archbishop Romero was shot to The anniversary. festivities will begin at 7 p.m. with a SJSU students es ei since the building was purchased and ner and show reservations call death March 24, 19811. Complimentary champagne, v. ine and hors transformed from an automotive garage to its present pro ate party. SJSU Hispanic ( 408 098 -1960 form. d oeuvres will be served. hut don't expect an everyday The fashion show will feature high laShitill illen and buffet Saito calls it "a feast" primarily he dinnerdance More action shows women.% apparel hy What Next. a clothing store located cause the food will he laid out in dishes placed inside the I lispaim Faculty and Staff. 'El Grande' in the downtown pay illion. Working Maris Emporium open hod( of a mannequin among others. presents a dinner- expected this fall will augment the collection. The (loins open to the publif: at 9 p.m. with a $5 Alance featuring the sounds of at O'Connor ex- 1 OS ANGF I FS ( AP) Except Known fin its avant garde appearance and modern cover charge tor those without an invitation. Saito Los Barbaro. at SJSU Sept. 15 at "Fl Grande de Coca-Cola." tor more action. this fall's tele% ision IllUsic tonna!, the Oasis has been a popular spot for pects about 1.000 people to attend the event. p.m at Mc fkinnel Hall. 2020 performed by the Community schedule looks a lot like last year's I' Sim Antonio St Players of Los Gatos -Saratoga Sat.. Sept. lb and Sun.. Sept 17 The three networks. which have Pnsoner wins at O'Connor Hospital. Admission been steadily losing viewer% to Downtown plans $5. Cunain time 8:30 p.m. on Sa- cable. pay channels. independent Humorists help lay back fast-food jackpot t.and 2:30 p.m. oil Sun. Call 356- stations. videocassettes and his party in the park CONWAY. Ark. (AP) Meals 7340 for reservations. All pro- Broadcasting Co., aren't making "Plara l'ark Fiesta'. on Friday. workers and executives for prisoners in the city jail come ceeds to benefit O'Connor Hospi- many changes. NBC. after winning Sept. 15 from 1 I a.m. to I p.m. from \ I..1)imalds. and that's just tal's Heating Institute for Chil- the prime time ratings race four NEWARK. N.J. (API A he has done over the years He at the Plaia Park on Market and fine svrili inmate Charles F. Wilson dren and Adults years in a row, is doing the least tin punclihrie can help the hot uses role playing to help employ San Fernando Streets to com- he won SI MOO in a promotion rim kering with its lineup line, says a new kind of consul- ees understand the "value of a mmemorate Mexico's Indepen- by the last-fix)d chain. tant who counsels executives and toke . dence Day. The fiesta will feature Schaffer, Stem Comedy is still king. but action "I've never won anything.’ Wil, office staffers on how to lighten mariachi music and folkloric bal- drama is coming hack . Fast cars. fast However. it is "liol SO much son said Monday. up the work place. let performances. at dance theater boats, fast horses are big again telling a mkt: Milton Berle style. Wilson, 33. of linsiksville, Fla.. Some companies in the 1980s Karl Schaffer and Erik Stern There are two Western series this but pointing out the inliculous- is apparently the biggest local win- have turned to humor consultants ness of something with guests Gregg lamnbery and fall. CRS' returning "Paradise" and that happens in ner in the national Mi. Donald's in- to help then workers relax. pet the pris:ess of Cactus books Chits Jones will he performing at new show. "The Young Rid what you're stant winner promotion. in which ABCs along better arid pioduce more SJSU in the Studio Dance doing... he said. ' 'That 's ba- game pieces are peeled from soft Bus Boys Theater Cr% Less tension means lower insur- (SPX 219) on Sept. sically not too hard to find di ink cups, said Bob Kennedy . as- 23 al 8 p.m teams, male hOntling. iliale ance and health care costs and I he Bus Boys to perform at Ticket% are $() for students and $8 Male A number of humor consul- sistant manager of the Conway stole. are hack. less absenteeism. these consul- Cactus Club Friday. Sept. 22 for the general public. Tickets cops tant% interviewed agreed that the Wilson was arrested Thursday and tants argue 9:30 pin AtIliliSsiOn S I O. will also mak also he available at the door Reality programming is Humor "makes the lob more goal is for employees to take is awaiting extradition to (arthage. comeback CBS has two to of possession ing a strong clot iyable. arid in effect if most of themselves less seriously while Mo.. face a charge "MI Minutes' and staying that was L.A. sax player magaiine shows. us work because we absolutely serious about their lobs. of a controlled substance Students to give ’Saturday Night With Connie filed in February a spokesman for have to work. we're in rough "The beginning ot humor is a plus "!AND Rescue Jasper County, Mo.. Sheriff's at Garden City piano recital Chung." shape . said Warren II. Griffin. willingness to acknowledge the the . ' ARC has two magarine Department said Monday. 911 professor fit industrial psychol- self." said Edv.aid C Ryterhand. Samiplioilisi I All) Morgan vt ill SJSI students Anne Marie Ka and 'PrimeTime Sunday night. Wilson said lie shows. " 20- 20 ogy at Monmouth College. a former professional stand-up On he performing Sunday Sept. 17 at ternopimlos and Ann Lee will be NBC has "Unsolved Mys- finished his meal and noticed the Live." Griffin said he has stressed the comic -turned -consultant He is a The Garden City. Two sets with combining talents in a piano reci- its only attempt at a game piece on his soft-drink cup. teries." but importame of appreciating the partner in Landy-Ryterband Die Smith Dobson Trio begin- tal on Sept. 30 in the Concert Hall show will he an occasional Kennedy said it might take up io magazine funny during corporate consulting Associates of Shrewsbury. N.J. ning al 9 p. in. at 8:15 p.m. telecast of "Yesterday Today and eight weeks to process the priie Tomorrow claim.

Spartan Dallyrrhursday, Septetniver 14, 1989 Page 7 Life & the Arts Wooden Beck teams with Bozzio pencil on first album business in five years Heck Group. with Rod Stewart on Jeff Heck, long praised as one of vocals, Ron Mimi on bass and Ray getting dull rock's greatest and most innovative Guitarist does Cook on drums, to play rhythm 'n' lead guitarists, is a man with strong blues -edged. heavy rock. Wood and NEW YORK ( AP) - - A fistful opinions and a new record, "Jett away with Stewart left in 1969 to join Faces, as of freshly -sharpened pencils has Beck's Guitar Shop." Face% emerged from the Small Tony Hymas plays keyboards signaled the start of many a school and Faces. Terry Rotzio plays rhythm guitar year. but are those No. 2 yellows drums. "We're a In 1971, after Beck recovered band is what it is for me, for losing ground to cheap automatics the from a car accident. there was a new first time in about nine which have been proliferating for years." Beck lett Reck Group. In 1975, he had a the past few years'? says. There is no rhythm guitar or fusion album. "Rlow by bass guitar on the The Pencil Makers Association just -released Epic sat and though' a lid There ilium Hlow." followed it with "Wired," Records album. says not, and in fact claims its have been a short space of time when also successful, with keyboard wi,- "I got rid of rhythm guitars shipments of 2.3 billion wooden when I checked out where I would fit M. ard Jan Hammer. and followed that I was pencils in 1988 amount to a 17 per- 14," says Reck, who turned What is this I can do much better with a live album with Hammer. cent annual increase. The PMA, in 45 in June. "If the drunimer and than Ein hearing? And I've got 'In the mid-'70s." he says, "1 bassist know their Moorestown, N.J.. represents all jobs. you don't something to sas people would dabbled in the high art of jan-in- but a fraction of United States need rhythm guitar for this stuff." enjoy. fluenced rock. John McLaughlin Fiass players have manufacturers. according to Bob "had their in- "I've not been hiding away. I've achieved this incredible level of art- Waller, administrative director. nings," according to Reck. "There been trying not to listen to radio in istry. I felt totally inadequate. Jan are so many piddly thrip bass play- Meanwhile, Frank King, exec- Fingland. Anybody with integrity at helped me put my feet back in my They're trying to do utive director of the Washington - ers. my joh. all, it's not possible to listen 11101e shoe% where they belong. He says. "I love to play nx:k 'n' based Writing Instrument Man- than five minutes." "People like Jan will always re- roll." Hut it has been five ufacturers Association, which rep- year% While working on cars. Beck main close to me, not str much as a since he had a record. "In 1984. I broke his resents makers of automatic pen- thumb. "The thumb got musical influence but just encourag- made the 'Flash' album. I've been cils and pens, cites sales figures. OK, he says "I was a bit worried ing me to keep playing." doing Mick Jagger's stuff. That t(xik He says sales of automatic pencils about that a lo.). months." quite a while. nearly doubled between 1984 and Beck hasn't acted in movies. "If In 1985. Reck had a hit with Rob- "I did his first album. 1988 from 148 million units to 'She's the they made a documentary about me- ert Plant, Jimmy Page and Nile Ross' - Mick singing 284.7 million. and chanics, I could probably do it," he Rodger% as the Honeydrippers. He choice of rhythm guys. On his sec "We "I have a difficult time believ- did a bar band wene made an album. 'There and Rack, mid album, 'Private Call; I think WC didn't do any acting. ing their sales have doubled." in 1980. with the classically trained Mick had a fantas about forming a Waller says of the competition's I'd love to be in an ultrafunny. hip Hymas on keyboards, Mo Foster on designer rock hand. I didn't fancy comedy . pencil statistics. "Either people bass and Simon Phillips. Hymas was that. I was only on it a little bit. I A veteran of many gnnip lineups. are buying more or there are a lot on "Flash" in 1985 and Phillips was was a sideman. That's where I got Beck say% that "none ot them were of mechanical pencils around rrn a 1986 tour of Japan. off the boat." He didn't go on Jag- satisfying. They were all frustrating. somewhere." ger.% tours. I wish I'd spent more time with some "When Phillip% No matter. Whether you use a left, he left a big Photo illustratton by N Ben Weinberg Daily staff photographer Heck says Mat in 19E46, he of them and not skimmed over them hole." wood pencil or any of an array of says heck. "I couldn't be humped into Malcolm Mcl.aren so quick ly . specific automatics. none is a lead pencil. about my calendar and MeChanical pencils are leaving the wooden variety on ice and worked on his album. 'Walt/ He was in the Yardbirds for two Simon had to pay the Rather. it's graphite that makes the rent. He's with Darling.' which is doing pretty well. years. replacing Eric Clapton. and the Who at the been mark, and has for about 325 years moment. I've "I haven't done a lot since 1986. I left in 1966 He formed the Jeff waiting for a drummer like Terry. when an unusually pure deposit pels lead with a twist of the banrel. was unearthed by a fallen tree in Although the trade group says the Barrowdale. England. The graph- 'Either people automatic. outsells the mechanical. ite from Rarrowdale was mined the advantage of both is that they and made into stubs which were are buying more or never need sharpening. wrapped with string and unwound Pencils run the gamut in price as needed. there are a lot of from mere pennies for a No. 2 Pencil making began in the Dixon to around $500 for a 0.5 United States in 1827 when Joseph mechanical pencils millimeter lead encased in a 14 Dixon, a Salem. Mass., cabinet- karat gold barrel. TONIGHT maker. decided to diversify. The around The advantage of the latter. bulk of the pencils are six-sided so other than status, is that the more they won't mit when put down. somewhere.' expensive pencils generally have A.T. Cross was among early better lead. "Generally:. says manufacturers to slip a lowly pen- Bob Waller, Frank King of the automatic pencil cil inside a fancy silver sleeve for trade group, "leads have been im- Victorian women. These status Pencil Makers proved over the years. And a lot of 18 symbols were the forerunners of mechanical pencils have a sleeve Association to keep the lead mechanical pencils. from breaking so easily." Today's pencils are made of The advantage of the former is SPECIAL GUEST D.). UPSTAIRS RECORDS graphite, clay gum and a variety of adhesive. The coniponents are that you can chew on it to your waxes that are ground for days in a dried under pressure and sliced Complimentary heart's content without hurting STEVE MASTERS tumbling mill then pressed through into lengths before erasers RECORD GIVEAWAY are at- your teeth or your wallet. a series of dies to form a contin- tached. Yes, it is safe to chew pencils uous length of "black spaghetti." The other kinds of pencils tipt, are whether in the classroom or the Wood pencils are made in a either mechanical or automatic 105 - conference room. The paint is non- sandwich process. Grooves are and there is a difference, according toxic and there's no lead. made in a slat of incense cedar to the Writing Instrument Man- And despite what your mother from the Sierra Mountains and ufacturers Association. The auto- told you. says the PMA's Waller, filled with the thin graphite com- matic operates on gravity when DANCING ART WALKIE TALKIE "You could eat a pencil a day for position rods. Another grooved you click the top of the pencil. The the rest of your life ART slat is then clamped on top with and not affect mechanical pencil propels and re- symr health PERFORMANCE HAIR ART FASHION SWIMMING MAKE-UP by Dallas air tragedy dramatized LAU R E WHAT NEXT in "Fire and Rain" docudrama rilERES PRIVATE PARTY MEN at WOMEN 7pm to 9pm Given TV's penchant for do- NEW YORK (AP) -- with some scenes that linger in the memory. like Jones COLLECTION 1990 Complimentary cudramatizing everything but the making of a docu- near tears us he quietly puts a mud -spattered dead child drama, it was inevitable that the fatal crash of a Delta Air int() a black rubber body bag. one of many such bags Accesori zed by Lines jumbo jet in 1985 would become a "fact -based" lying on rain -damp concrete outside an airport hangar. Working mans Emporium WINE AC1_ HHAOMR_ _ PSADG'It'elF _ __UVRES TV movie. During the film's two hours. a cliche occasionally es- 2nd ANNIVERSARY Strange thing. though. There's a superior example of capes. And it did not seem a wise idea to bring Angie Ill- 5D A Y the breed tonight in "Fire and Rain," the USA Net- Dickinson, David Hasselhoff and pop singer Patti I.a T H URSDA THUIZSDAY work's made-for-cable version of that stonny-day tra- belle to the proceedings. Dickinson in a medium-sire gedy as the big jet approached the Dallas airport. 'The role and the other two in small ones. They add naught to MODERN SEPTEMBER 14, 9PM crash killed 136 people on the jet and a motorist on the the night. 11YE ground. True. the movie is billed somewhat erroneously CLASSICS . A fair number of docudramas tend to be excessively as having an "all-star" cast. Rut "Fire and Rain," a SA1URDAY N A Y dramatic. full of screams. distortions on behalf of dra- good show, would have been even better had those in NIGHT matic "truth." hokey dialogue, loud. hype-the -story charge simply cast good actor% in all parts, as was the FRIDA BEAUTY WFDNES D A Y Music, and even bad acting. case in NBC's "Roe Vs. Wade" last seamm. SHAKE Rut the two-hour ’Fire and Rain" is pretty much the But it's a minor gripe. The majority of players here opposite. a thoughtful. surprisingly restrained drama by are good. particularly Susan Rutton as a mother of four BEAT SHOW IT STUDENT I D GE Gary Sherman that covers a lot in two hours with only a kids, a housewife whose husband is killed in the crash. AND MODERN DANCE YOU IN FREE' few clinkers and with a generally solid cast. The docudrama will be followed tonight by a half- DANCE UP A Sensitively directed by Jerry Jameson and filmed in hour discussion. led by former ARC anchor Steve Bell. sTuDENT I D GETS WEAR WIG T IN I RII Dallas, its emphasis is not so much on the whys of the on coping with the traumas that result from large-scale YOU IN ME! crash as its aftermath - - the accident's traumatic effects tragedies such as the Delta crash. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 19 on survivors. the families of the dead and injured. and even two volunteer emergency medical workers -- well - One of the three guest% rrn the followup show, Robert played here by Charles Haid and Dean Jones -- who do M. Kat/. has a firsthand perspective. He survived the what they can to help after the tragedy. crash. along with his wife. Dehhie. Ile suffered minor Guilt. compassion. anger. anguish and helplessness injuries. but she Wil% seriously injured, hospitalired for the whole emotional range is nicely stitched together. five months. and still suffers from the injuries of 1985 Water Monopoly played for charity MONDAY OCT 2 TUESDAY OCT 3 ATLANTA (AP) If PeoPle are going to play Monopoly contin- uously for 50 days, there are advan- You can drop the dice and watch for 10 F09,p FOR FEET TH tages to doing it in an 8.0(Xl-gallon tank of water, says a player who seconds as it cascades down.' helped set an underwater endurance record. "'The process of being underwater Stephen Desualniers, relieves a lot of the boredom and de- Underwater game organizer tail of it. You can drop the dice and sVatch for 10 seconds as it cascades FORMER MEMBERS OF clown," said Stephen Desaulniers, the Guinness Hook ot World Re- in place. The players strapped them BOINGO DASH DIP ROCK 18. cords. which listed a 48-day Monop- selves into the seats and used oxygen OINGO TICKETSSIOs$12 ' Desaulniers was one of about 1,- oly game by a group in Buffalo. tanks. TICKETS S5 00 Y.,00 people who played Monopoly in N.Y. the tank behind the Doubletree Hotel Lead weights held down the plas- Desaulniers. one of the organii- in a fund-raising stunt that began tic porch seats and card table the en, said the Monopoly marathon DOORS OPEN @ 8 SHOW 9 ALL SHOWS 18 OVER "Ste,kbA =17= I fuly 16 and culminated Sunday. The players used, and plastic clothespins raised ahout S62.000 for the Muscu participants hope to earn a place in kept the play money and game cards lar Dystrophy Association. 200N. 1ST ST. 4082922212 Daily Page Thursday, September 14, 1989/Spartan Life & The Arts LSAT GMAT GRE Take the #1 recommended Preparation Program in Northern California Peter, Paul and Mary: musical message GUARANTEED SUCCESS! 4 Tile 80th percentile I FAIRFAX (minimum Course Guarantee) corded and released their first album achieving brotherh(x)d," said Tra Experienced Faculty =LECTERN Folk song tno with a self-title in 1962, and went on vers earlier press statement. Low Tuition knew their talent to acheive success with not only 'Folk music has "Freedoni'' also included lyrics their own material. but with that of inspired by an essay whiten by 11 - GMAT course starts Sept. 23 at Un versity of Santa Clara early in career tither writers. traditionally year -old Emily Jocsen, a Filipino- With them singing talents they uti Anierican froni Queens, New York, By Vincent I . (Idde Wed the composing talents ot Pete addressed the The "Freedorri video received Save $100 Dairy snot Widet Seeger tor one (il their first major exposure on both "E..tertainment off our FULL course tuition It was at a concert in Greenwich hits. "," and Tonight" and PRS. noq valpd with human condition.' When you mention the Spartan Daily any olnoo oiler Village 29 years ago when the mem- also gave early exposure to Bob Speaking on current issues.Trav- bers ot the folk 111LNIC group Peter Dylan. garnering %I.14:CCY, with their ers expressed her concern for Presi- Paul and Mary realried they were own versions of his compositions Mary Travers, dent George Bush's handling of the 1-800-544-5332 destined to play muse. "Blowing ... arid of Peter Paul and Mary drug problem. "You can't cut aid to /// "Irom that moment on, it was "I>on't Think Twice. It's Alright." the poor to fund the war trn drugs, very clear to us that this was g to Another young composer. John they both need an equal amount of he a IIIRItCY,1011, f1011 a hobby ,- said I knver. had his first taste of success Coalition for the Honieless in a spe- attention," Travers said. "It will COMINAVULXITICM MaryTravers. one third of the vet when his " cial perforniance commemorating take more money to fight the war on era,' singing group became PP&Ms first number one their 25th anniversary. In 1986 the drugs, but if the govemment is not Travers, inters iss ed sia telephone single in 1969, according to the Bill- group raised $75,0(X) for the Free willing to spend more, it will not be aBL`TA from Nev. York , explained how board Book of Top 40 Hits. South Africa Movement in a perfor- effective." PP& M got together Bui even with all the commercial mance at the Kennedy Center in Peter, Paul and Mary will be ap- (PALL PILELAt-8 "We first pertomwd together in successes they have gained over the Washington, D.C. pearing next Sunday, Sept. 17 at the 1961 at , and we years, PPSEM have always been a Mary Travers remarked that the Center for the Performing Arts. The Melanie Arzino Jennifer Lyng loved hilk IIIIPOC.. all she recalled. group concerned with social issues. group has always had a great deal of show starts at 7:30 p.m., and tickets The group. made up (il Peter Yar- In 1963, they participated in Mar- involvement in social issues, cover- are 522.50. Arlene Bit-Manseur Paige Martz row . . and Travers. re- tin Luther King's marches in Wash- ing everything from the homeless to Katie Bell Angie Moynihan ington, D.C. and Selma. Ala., and AIDS. also took part in a second march on "Folk music has traditionally ad- Denise Chatas Jean Murray Washington six years later in protest dressed the human condition," Tra- Real Italian. Kerrie Clark Jamey Paul Oscar winner of the Vietnam War. At that march vers said. "Our new album, which the trio sang before about half -mil- we plan to begin recording early next Alicia Dalessio Alex Poci lion people. awarded B.A. year, will include a song dealing Delicious home made Italian Dardis Pritchett In 1978. after a seven-year hiatus. with those who are terniinally specialties for breakfast, Michele Rhea Ann they reunited to perform at an anti- One of their more recent songs, lunch and dinner. Hillary French Robin Reynolds after 20 years nuclear rally partially organired by "." was Yarrow. who requested the reunion, Dayna Joseph Ross Associated Press written as a tribute to Martin Luther Laurie according to a press release. Screenwriter Barry !AMON, , King. Jr.. who "niade hope a palpa- More recently, PP&M raised Chrissy Kosek Cheryl Sanchez Wi)II Award for ble reality and made us believe in an Academy. the nearly $50,000 for the New York script ot "Rain Man." has finally our own capacity to work towards Kim Kwan Laurie Thompson been awarded his bachelor of arts de- Lisa Lico Marlene Viera gree by. St. Olaf (ollege. 10% Student and Faculty St. Olaf President Melvin George Kirstan Lord presentation as Discount described Friday's ET A PAID (based on minimum purchase) "a production 20 years in the mak 1st and San Femando S1. Mg." between 1st and 2nd Morrow thought he had carried the 287-5092 /4!///) degree in 1970, when he first at- VACATION tended the school's commencement. rowing his classmates in the pro- cession to the podium to receive di- plomas. But v. hen he returned to his seat and opened his diploma. he found a message: "Sec Miss Fray- seth." Morrow had spent his junior year studying in Hawaii. Miss Frayseth, a If you can find a Macintosh St. Olat registrar. had decided to re - Cruise Ships Now Hiring wet certain credits from Hawaii. leaving Morrow one credit short of Many Positions Available For graduation. one Christmas-Spring-Summer in this Popm,we might put Atter Morrow won an Oscar this year tor best original screenplay tor Travel the open sea. "Rain Man." college officials told in yours. Free. him he could earn that elusive final Meet new and exciting people. credit by handing in his script as a sort of graduation thesis. Shoot Skeet and play Shuffleboard. Call 1-805-682-7555 ext S-1062 SPEAKERS I Don't Let The Fun Pass You Buy EIGR,GERATOR (S-roct10) 4 SJSU Student Discount Football Tickets! 0 '11), STX.axo / Qty. Cost Total ir1114 REMOTE

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Register today Call 288-3700 or visit the Contest ends Friday, Sept. Admissions & Records Office 15th (chow SJSll ID for express registration)

San Jose City College Spartan Bookstore Computer Department 2100 Moorpark Avenue 408/924-1809 (at Highway 280) cheek with us about 011f "Back to School Bundles" San Jose, California 95128 1./M1 4144 I .ornplart Vpir thy Kfir Yr, And Ma.* 111. trgmlcrra [raletnrk, Applr 6 ornpulcr Irk IlluVrawn IC 19144 Man 6r, wning On, min iv, povin ,MhtlEilmc.airn., fault, And mil Art. chgbk. h. In Daily Syartan pailyil'hursday, September 14, 1989 Page 9 runhouse Aaron Malchow STUDAY MA4CAIWT. S44e4tI,owl SOME PEOPLE\ rcHUH. 1 TliouCiliT THAT my CLASS WANTED 0 7,500 rally against N.Y. racism not' IT WOAD TO PAY FOR FRIVOLous WAS THE CoLLCif WIEN HE Edon our THE C1,ASS CLASSES. SomE Times fi% ONE is ADMINiSTRATiore NEW YORK (AP) - A march ers shouted. "Take the bndge. take Hawkins was shot twice in the :wASN' T REQUIllED EARDYATioN. protesting racism and the slaying MOAE IMPORTANT 'NAN EDUCATION. AN- /CY of the bndge!’ chest after he and three black a black youth produced a violent Twenty-three police officers were fnends, answering a used-car ad in clash at the Brooklyn Bndge on the injured. none seriously, police said. the mostly white Bensonhurst sec- %dine day an 18-year-old suspect sur- An unknown number of others were tion, encountered a mob of up to 30 rendered and was charged with mur- injured. whites. The attackers, carrying bats der. Four people were arrested for dis- and golf clubs, were said to be Police estimated 'Thursday's pro- orderly conduct and harassment; two spurred by a neighborhood girl's in- test drew 7.500 people -- by far the also were charged with assault. terracial dating. 1 Ilk* ti:/, largest demonstration since Yusuf Billed as a "Day of Outrage and Hawkins. 16. was killed during a ra- Mourning." the protest came a day assume cial attack in Brooklyn on Aug. 23. after Hawkins' funeral. and just Seven Second Delay "This was an au.,,olute success!" hours after Joseph Fama, 18, was Maguire & Mehallo proclaimed Sonny Carson, a protest brought back to Brooklyn under tight MAC & PC Again/ - I ,* tither Frit& VAX leader. "This will make the city security. He had surrendered earlier SO E itV SPCC 77E wake up. This will lei the city know to police in Oneonta. some f , Couese 150 RENTALS illtuY11044Mer RAPKAt ager WIT PE\ that there are young black people miles north of . MEW; /1-.5 I tOU Err/ Inv Eftem.ortv, who will not toIU6 Lit/E take this any more." Chief of Detectives Joseph Co- If The Computer Lab : efiti A UNA 77,06; 7PIE The march was orderly until those /445trY tr' Ffocce New langelo said it was "with a great deal Mur NV 7 at the front reached barricades police of satisfaction" that he announced Is Full or Closed,For erected to keep demonstrators off the late Thursslay that Film. the subject Term Papers, bridge's roadways during the eve- of an eight-day manhunt, had been 4 s \I\ ning rush hour. Demonstrators threw charged with murder. Homework,resumes, bottles and bricks TJ.71 4 and police re- Other charges against Fama in- & other needs . r sponded with nightsticks as march- cluded two counts of criminal pos- FROM HOURLY TO - session of a weapon, first-degree as- erfk 14 SEMESTER RATES I " sault. first-degree riot, aggravated First candidate harassment, civil nghts violation and 10% student discount enters insurance menacing in connection with Hawk- ins' death last week. Computars To Go Laugh Lines Wanda Folk cOmmisakmer race The six other suspects charged in CALL 408/746-2945 SACRAMENTO (AP) With the attack are all free on bail. 539 S. Murphy Sunnyvale OVE 04WIT 74/E JET PROPUL-44041 LAB ni6 1,061.17*STimaNftx AlEORX rim*, ALL RIALIcs OF lin-

,AiP45,0014.0VCAGMNSPISCCvCRY Acar*vreXfarte. NE 60fGRAWIENT 5,049:116 Proposition 103 author Harvey I f4/eittP461 Loirx T-im wieR,,,,, A THNK YWIC FOR AURNER Rosenfield at his side, state Board of TOPRv.sCENtalr sni0Y.,, (ccorc, nona FNMA" NOLICOlr,VErn.AVE TO PE NO. AZNIitu 1,1641R...vE Equalitation member Conway Collis MI6 A-AW ON TKE AWONER 80RINOISEtESK vekilp4NOT cAvr'soKENOK pt.ArJEr AlEPriAVE, 2- WO iitAVKLFORDITING ROCK - (04400ArPriAtE 0 -1r,144= declared his candidacy for the Dem- stt 'AI ,i7EA , NOPTLOV O0161ProE,Rni' CripliWip ME Sitir.. Toc.vo-rwtmsie- Minor -,-. (-)-- ocratic nomination for state insur- A ROLKEIAsp, T71101 --- Seven Days A Week ance commissioner. 4191’. However. the current appointed # 0 IVO. 0,622i451066 - OW) commissioner. Roxanni Gillespie. ... ____Acirl, ' j has formed an exploratory campaign Depend on lamb's. 1 ) SPOT _ committee for a potential campaign I BAFFLES P ..i.,i,t, for the Republican nomination. i, SCIENTISTS i ____ i In his formal declaration Tuesday, Macintosh' Rental Binding rli Collis portrayed himself as a cham- .:.,.,....... ....., ,s1r...A, v,,. pion of the consumer . Emergencies Full & Self Serve Copies Overflow Work Fax Service LeTt INNPTIAOHRNTE IEODN F 0 R GIVE YOURSELF SOME CREDIT Collating Office Supplies e FREESOHO And Help MONEY FOR COLLEGE High School Students Earn Theirs! kinkoffse Every Student is Eligible for Some Type of Earn 1-3 Units of the copy center Financial Aid Regardless of Grades or Parental Income. Credit as a Tutor* We have a data Dant, ot over 200,000 listmgs ot scholarships fellow. 481 E. San Carlos St. Ship., grants. and loans. representing over SW tirion in private ieC:O See Project Upward Bound funding. Between 10th & 1 lth St. Many scholarships are given to students nosed on their academic internsts WLC #219 295-5511 Caliper plans. family heritage and plaCe tit residenCe. There's money available 10r Student! who have Peel newspaper cart.nrs grocery clerks. cheerleaders. nonsmokers cic 924-2567/924-2570 310 S. Third St. Results GUARANTEED. *Tutor college -bound students Across from McDonalds CALL For A Free Brochure g 295-4336 ANYTIME once weekly! On campus ! (800) 346-6401 Services may vary by location Classified

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BLE RATES Neel our help? rowels On crown pickwdelly- tails plus FREE gift. group ery book to your hone or buelneesi tle. hours, minimum of 20 per shore 2 bedroom apt 10 min horn mence or ariventure w really et word procrosIng Fax. copy Per- Otiellte accuracy GUAR- Clusely guru (27 WM. call *ROO-9304472, ext Super wecles for everyone officers week Gonne ortIce duties, an- SJSU. Rent S250 mo Cell 294- picking up your phone Mel 974 Mega services "in MO PER' ANTEED We re len, dependable ) Avelebie 7 dayevreek Gail co- 30 Roar 274-3084 Shaw the book with !sadly, swering phones. filing, project nd 546111eak tor Scott or Kurl 2002 to hear sit inciting mes- form ulna For room Inio 14(4) grammar-0mm. both college workers friends & receive Wt. le VAll- march Typing preferred 9211-05t5 CHILDCARE POSITIONS OM not DESPERATELY SEEKING happy. sages nom chiefly people. or yw mods Specielly In Science & ell 00 YOU WANT HIGHER GRADES? 04 SO% off on your won order. Thank reficemary Phone K. for ABLE Full and pert time perm.. ap- sane. responsible Inners non- con record your own menace POST BOX PLUS. 45 N SI . Engeso wiaticfe tor melee. po- course you do A needy typed you Aleo. good p 1 Income tor the pointment et 435-0994 nent positions avellabie Northern smoking roommate Ow bed- and NM our voice moil mimics Jo., 29114100 Open Lison to Ilpei ems. reports. rewires, Mc FREE paper gero the mode your hard holkleys Call Jew 251-5942 California Rennie.. 175 San Anto- OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY. All posi- room in Wye en 5 miles trom you dont ham to dew Who torwarding. boom tor rent 5 proofing Mak Monies 251-0441 work Oseerve Cad WRITITYPE BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Booli and nio Rd SAM. 112, los Altoe, Ca tions walleble Apply leon-Frl SJSU COI Niscr2s4 phone number on en open days week Ws mccept UPS tor Me Wel mime (40S) 5714430 9.022 (415MS-2103 966-2523 tor FREE FFORDABLE ARO EXPERIENCED merweis to help you start your 30-3 30 Pte SI N San Pedro, the CO (408) CO and find out tew melt you PC WORD PROCESSING!, Rewires. FOR RENT large 2 bedroom upwi- detain Call tonne Someone le word proceeding. own Winnow Shideni rides, NE CITY OF MILPITAS... Parks & trdsto Son Jose. 211-74414 herein your box. Term ~new term papers weerch business nd. oft street darling. 11300 rho. welting to meet you! (408) 0115, 105 Serra Way. Delphos Services P T Mon -Frl 10-15 I41S) ports. group papes..110110,118. let- document. eic Woo 1111 print- PART TIME OFFICE WORK 20 30 hr. 5/00 depoeft 2794075 9762002 IS only S2 toll it ters theses Mc Leber quality AN BE VCSJR OWN BOSS' Book end hOurs week. SS 25 hr Call 942. per wir Start 16 hr Work mound TYPING Ins express make Cati (41S) SHARE HOUSE or 1 or 2 others $375- wy tonnes plus APA SPELCHEK. manuels to hes you start your 2470 class schedule. (4080774800. 793-0744 $450 mo Haa SOO mirrored PREGNANT'? SJSU ALUMNI couple AAAAAAleiNt Vou Molly Mond an punctuation warmer sesistence buelnees Shrdent rates POSTAL COACHING POSITIONS fun. motivat 1645 S Bascom 16. contact Rick 'SERVICING YOUR W0110 PRO- DANCE STUDIO enriched Close wish to adopt Flnencirey secure experienced. affordable. proles An work guerenleed. Call PAM. STOP, 105 Serr Way, Init. rewarding positions In public or Mindy et CESSING end GRAPHICS needs " to whool Cell Mork fil 996-9672 Lots of low to glee CM any tir. stone typal w Uwe prtMeri Al 24 7.21141 - for oronyeree 946-0115 necktie schools wedelns 11 Coe Kale el Technically Typing PART TiME PHOTOGRAPHERS, flexi- 2W11371 90 WIWI I wn make ell your pr prohisalonel dependeble service FREE treatment men of age. "Weal educetIon ble hr., (Wed-Suni Must be out. PERSONALS pent look and BE their test in any (406) 2111-07S0 Term pews, with medication &Wed In Sien major preferred CMI Rich or Cary going. No exp neceesary Contact RAY SAW. SKI OPTICS forme you need f op T14ESES ANN WORD MOCESSING. Deese. Meese. Mc LASER PRINTER DARE fT ALL. Slop shaving. *sting, ford elledlcol Center Study et 249-6060 Rick or Mindy at PARTY PIGS. I hero erosront prices .0 Wye typist PU del Call The Write tenn papers. resumes tellers Ae Free grerrioner spell punc check Wowing or using chemical depth. inventory ol RAY SAN end SKI formats No We ro type your Reseeneble reds Ouick Dr Elise Reenter (415) na-sees COMPANIONS. RECREATION AIDES. 3774900. 1645 S Bascom Ave , Type. Lind. at 723-1714 (Son tone* let Intr permanently re- OPTIC sunglasses I we donlver paper, Cad Wry Ann el Ann a Y. swin inetructors needed for ell bee NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE, move yOUT unwanted hair (chin, Coll for price. end sell tor COM. al 241 5410 program working with children Can have choice of quality pions RUSTY SCUPPER RESTAURANT ex. WWII, tummy. moustache. Mc ) 1.4011) 9974444 OW $ pm. er AAM. WHEN OVERWHELMED try re- TYPINCLWORD PROCESSING. For adults NMI dubbed& W CALL LINDA TODAY kir experienced. NMI low roles for etudents cellent opportunities nelleble for 15% discouM to student. end fac. during Me dey and tem odd ports to be typed, RELAX AND lacunas resionable AN types call Mork Ell- troln pl. fletible hours, weekdays enneeeionei word processing no Menton quote. ambitious individuals Foodeerv. ulty Gel before December 31. UMW 'MN return yOur call LEAVE THE TYPING TOME Orsid. mows SPELL CNECIONCI C A R 015) 1104. Thew. tem ropers group pro- ice el (.04443-6190 SJSU & weekends ere. & hostpers. needed Apply 191119 end got your first aux at 1 2 tate and undecided Mourners. preehmeng Sew day rondo* SUNDAY LUTHERAN CAMPUS Wats etc AN formate Including ALUMNI since 1966 0550 Mori thru Fri between 30-5.1 price Unwanted NW Disappeers term papers. theses report. of MI lefty M N740,641 (WIN Pere) WORSHIP every morning 10 45 APA LANK WNW, Ouldi mum OPTICAL PL AN COUNSELOR DIRECT CARE sten 1235 Oeinneed Wray. Sunnyvele. WIM My Care Own Chelan., kinds Shrriont retin tor Under - STUDENT DENTAL AM et Campus Christian Center Trenscription itendsee evallebN TYPING-WORD PROCESSING eyes needed al local reskientlel Co. 245-2911 Dove & ewe avail. R E . 559-3500. 1645 S Salmon prods Available dsy, wet week- Enroll note Seve your teeth. tOth San Carlos For roan infor Aimed. Ifiranhant Nes Phone TERN ties for young *dulls & orioles- ebb Aro sC WV Today Gon To- end. by wet Call Anna 97249112 and Money too Cleanings and ol- 'nation ebout active. cell Rev 264-4504 Theeree-RMINetele cents Mth eutism A related disa- hot MGM et no charts For bro- RUSTY SCUPPER RESTAURANT Day Norb moose. r waixfori A hEAUTIFUl PPPPP EVERYTIME TWT Crestpuln Weireasing. PT positions COMPUTER. FAST ACCUFIATE wow chure sea S Office (Student bilities FT 4 or nyht shifts Foodeervers & CAT140LIC NEWMAN COMMUNRY Ftperienced rwriprocesor *NM (4061177-1943 Starting SSW 25 hr Wit0 NEEDS A COMPUTER ANY nommen one meow*. Ca4 itenth Center) or cell (4011) 37i. wean* hosts...tons Apply et 1235 Oelt. MASS on Sunday evenings al extras to add to your pewee .ch (408)448-3953 WAY, Stop by the Sport. SHIRLEY al 379-3519. 81 SO per WORD PROCESSMKI LETTER oust: Mil In gen Jobe Cell mead Perry. Sunnyvale. call 245.- 6 30 11 1 00 PM, Carnpu Christian fie deer printer. gramma end 15001.1110 Cornpuw Department rry IRWIN( copies Mc CECI COUNTER CLERK COPY OPERATOR 2911 Mon Yrkley 2 30.5 PM C.enror. 10ro San Carlo* For editing. ion turn-ermind. and end find out LiA (46912234102 Wore pm AUTOMOTIVE COPY. competitive ark. Clow to cam. EDP SERVICES/I Typify end mere FT & PT, ALL AMERICAN SALES MOW TRAINEE National more info Wein other rwthities away mato oe 1.3 a page pus Pick up and delivery me. processing of Wm, winnee. 'SS HONDA ACC0f10, 2 Or. 92K. new 413 E Siete Clete St . San Joe. company woks motheed peo- coil Feiner Bob Leger or Sister whicheeer Ws! SERVICES Mae Coll now PAMELA 1146-3142 Mr. clutehtiredbridiecipti con- WNI train ple Earn Se to PC month Full Judy Ryen et 296-0204 reports on word whet Rook ARE YOU ON THE hunt tor more keeping services FREE dielt Mar- WINT1140, RESEAFICH SERVICES e .64950 bo 271-4027 CUSTOMER SERVICE, wieder end pert time positions Call 377. EL ECTROI. YSIS CLINIC.? Unwonted ACADEMIC MOMSSIONAL Desk - buck. $S$7 The WASHINGTON ne lairwles troro cenrous Acmrosec. paper. Weis misro- Mork.. NC et small metres. 5769 ask for Me Castro NM removed forever Specialist Top Publishing 1 Word Pro- 113 NISSAN 200 SX S *pd. like new Ex- SO FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, Phitrup ovellabto Illuclont taws Ghaellwroing. neeimas shop Close lo schooi Informel Cordidentiel Your very own roseate, Papers. thesis. resumes tras. irimum .eir send .$3000 CO SECURITY OFFP:EFIS - process students, can counts Ewer at Caurogue Work GuerenIsed. PT FT Flex students serving reports I group proleals wel 270-0014 265-4257 atmosphere, Wane ok Servers. metteengers All shifts probe COI 247.7486. WOW et Love retro Collegial. Comm- help Chlld care Rene and con, cone APS erod Accurate writ One Call Steve et 996-91172 FT PT, we we hen Apply in per. 335 S !Plywood Ave SIMI Jose nicehons. Serksiey. (41S) Sill - '81 TOYOTA COROLLA 97K. we pedthe saving. relw 406 S 8th ism output $2.25 double- EvERGREEN WORDPROCESSING WOO week P T son 24 hrs. days wee ACU. LIFESCAN MILPITAS ern- 50311 clutch. Werner., 2 thee & bat- EARN $60 to FORMER St , (A011)1117.7273 spec. pegs 7 min from campus Proluistonsi nem um. papers FACTS, Inc 240 Merldbn Aw trey Runs greet, very MINIM 1411.111fIteler sem Mt time Son Jew Minor beide donkey*, S1350 tarn money in pert time hours with the newspaper Call 292-5596 Rey areas greetwt SECURITY RECEPTION.. Excellent 40911111111MIMMIMIIMMMINIMINNIIMIIMIIIIMIIIMMIIMIIIIIIIMMMIIIMMMIMMMIIIIIMIIII IMO* promotion See whet computer lobe for Student, NO @epode.. COMPUTERS 1red dieing can do Guarenteed necessary Dory. swing & grew Print Your Ad Here wary plus bonus CJ now et Whs. Fr or PT Start $4-14 hr ; IOM COMP PORTABLE 256K 2 dr (Count approvmately 30 letters and spaces fOr each hne) (.0111) 727-0447 Weekly pay. medical, dente in- Ad Rates ' geed wad mac eel up, $200. 272- E A RN S2.00044.000 ...arching for eon. surance. vocation pay. credit Minimum three lines on one day . SIMI steer 7 PM III III r 1 J I_LI premien' IWO permits wifinel 1.11110/1 Roguing. 41 groomed 111111i:1, r II EGA RV COMP. 2 5 1 4. 520K, mouse. your own tire . but she chailmg. portions with caw poen record Each PASCAL cardorInter, tuna, C 11 Ing move for your itntrepreneu- Apply Ilanylpm Mon-Fri VANG. 1511 Two Throe Four Five Extra 111.1.11_1_11J np graphics $700 41 541151 del Manage progrerne tor UARD, 3212 Scott lend Santa one 1 I I I L_LI11_11111i Fortune 500 companiet I-900- Clefs between Cricott & Son Day Days Days Days Days Day FOR SALE 032-05211.ort 31 Tomas S5 30 S5 80 $6 05 S6 35 $1 10 3 Lines sa 30 J J1J11J11 Book I 1 1111'1 _1_1 IL LI I I_I Li FURIMTURE SALE -CHEAP. FOOOSERVERS WANTED... VELYET STUDENT UNION INFORMATION 4 Lines S5 30 S6 30 S6 80 S7 05 $7 30 Si 30 caw, dining nn eats. who - CREAMERY, talrolles IS rninut. CENTER le now hiring for work 5 Lines $6 30 $7 30 $7 70 S8 05 $8 25 $1 45 Gamine center 9724362 front Sen Jose Sine Unteeddly study position. Contact the Stu- 6 Lines $7 20 S8 25 $8 70 S8 95 S9 25 SI 60 I I 1:11 I I _LI 11_1 If I I_I _111111/J11 GLASSBLOWER'S ROD & PUNTE $35. Flied* tiOur Ups Coll (408) dent Union DirectorOthoe Additional Line Add S1 00 mon Schein., 10 epd $35. en. 645-10115 TECHNICAL WARIER needed et Each Whew/a flew ask closet B27$, FIESHMAN SOPHOMORE-CiertTyp Whew. compeny. English wror Print Name & hoop $15 Call 252-024S le Type 40 worn Willow COM pnenuirl. wow cornpuW Semester Rates (All Issues) $77 DO MATTESSS SETS/ IIEDSt NEW? Twin dee, 12-20 houn per week. good pita Clow lo whool Call Amy et 5-9 Lines $55 00 10-14 Lines 00 ? S711, Full est $1.9 Outten en for pre-pliennew motor. 266- ess-oses 15 Plus Lines $99 Address Phone $139. King est SIP/ You pet both 112111 THE U le nOW Onice Phone 924-3277 5 pc bed- pieces! leunkbeds$121 OREAT PART nem JOB working con- lions for Botanical Maintenenes Due- room en $1119 DOW. $74, cert. end tiporting inns., Call Contect the Studeril UM. Ohm. City 8 State 7et

sew 1171. ChM* $46. Serlfrimes. (415)3144500 toes Oroce delivery! 41 5-74S-0100 ASSISTANTS WANT INTERNSHIP EXPERWINCE el Enclosed is $ For Linn__ Days NEW MATTRESS SETS!! WS WANTED!,. Ws Iwo. entry level one of ?fie test place. to stork/ S-7S KIND ROIL, 11 Wee. Mob. positions offer Webb hour. and Any MouMen Ltd . Northern Call- Circle a Classification Preedbonds. n ~Wily Frame., days Rabe pay l $5 per hour phi. Iodide leeder In Meng, cycling Announcements Greek Services MC Everything neer For info .11 bemire To 'nem* en and wilbonding hes two Inter. SENO CHECK, MONEY ORDER Classified Dela Located inside KA 102 monthly Stereo 44141211 DAVf nshipe positions Smell.* mar. Automotive Help Wanted Interview Mee. cid OR CASH TO 'INS HONDA ELME 290 Werner por- (4061 4114-0143 kitting end grephIc wt. Internship Computers Housing Travel new Very fee middling LRAM. candideNta SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Deadline: Two days prior to ches@ 1224411 Wind OAKRIOCM LANES, CockroS servers Typing publication sand NOW1 To eel up en appointment. Tor Sale Los! 8 Found low WWI, esCeitent ceshrors. M F. FT PT, no top San Jose State University publicetion dates only wit Tony et (408) 2554162 toes). Consecutive $1100be , Gee 0244111118 5711-111300. Mike. Angelo, or Personal Cad San Joss, California 95192 No on cancelled Ten. WWDOW WASHER. Webb heirs et refunds ads HELP WANTED cellent ow Must hew own Sens- OFFICE ASSISTA/4T needed wee- A FREE GIFT JUST FOR CALLING portetion Call JUST WINDOWS M Page I 0 Iltursday, September 14, 1989/Spartan Dully HERE'S THE DEAL! It you're an SISU Student or faulty member, the Pavilion Shops has a deal tor you. lust show your ID at these stores and save at least tov; on purchases throughout the sch(x)I year!

Across the Bridge...Anges Cleaners & Tuxedo Rental...Animation Station...Benetton...County Line...Crystal Chalet...City Sunglass...Diamond Gallery...DiMattia's Pizza & Pasta...Dr. Gaul Optometrist...Easton & Rowe...FILA...Garden City Market...Impostors Copy Jewels... International Time Zone...Jubilee Card Shop... The Last Laugh...Leals Soup, Salad & Pasta Bar...Looks Beauty Supply & Salon...Marlowes Flowers...0 Mundo Do Brazil...Teddies N' Tees...Telephone Emporium...Tish's Toys... The Two Virgins...Victor of San Jose... In search of a killer. Ultimate Yogurt...Vogue Alley...What Next!... he found someone and Wok Express. ho's either the low of his life... or the end of it. SEAOF LOVE PAVILION IL PACINO ELLE\ EMI \ JOH \ GOODIE:0 SHOPS II OLD BECKER ..sE I OF LOVE" "';', THEI I )1i JO\ Es '1.. IIICHAEL SCOTT BREGII0 !heart 01 ihe New 1)owntown I int 61 San Fernando ""r: RICHARD PRICE II IRTI BREGIIA \ LOUIS A.STROLLER Pli II III Shop dads 10 7 Saturday 10 01 e. and Sunday NO041 Id 5. R ' HAROLD BECKER , P.Irk two houn Inv with ravilton Shops validation. Inter wax*. ulf Snood Sling. OPENS FRIDAY

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2 for 1 Coronas 7 5 cent Kamikazes all night Thurs. September 14th Live Reggae from 8-10pm with One World co -sponsored by KSJS Come to Paradise Beach with your bags packed, (from 8-9pm) 'cause were sending you and a friend to the final WI, 11U concert in Dallas, Texas

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