Notes by John Ruskin on His Drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A., Exhibited At
7b 85-B 7514 IS BY JOHN RUSKIN UiN HIS WATER-COLOURS BY J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. EXHIBITED AT The Fine Art Society's Qalleries, Street 148, ${ew 'Bond , 1878 & 1900. Price One Shilling. The Notes can also be purchased of George Allen, Charing Cross Rd. Dai1U)SkS. Designed by CRANE, DAY, ANNING BELL, &c. CUrt<)in$. By WILSON, &c. Exceedingly Smart. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. American Orders sent to New York Agent. Freight and Duty Paid. Permanent Photographs OF THE WORKS OF Sir Edward Burne- Harry Bates, A. R.A. Jones, Bart. Homer and others. Hague Gallery, a selection G. F. Watts, R.A. from, by F. Hollyer, Jun. Albert Moore and Gabriel Rossetti. Dante Other artists. HOLBEIN, Drawings at Windsor Portraits From Life. Castle, by kind permission of Studio is arranged for Sittings Her Majesty The Queen. on Mondays onl} CAN BE OBTAINED OF FREDK. HOLLYER, 9 Pembroke Sq., Kensington, 0pen fpom 10 a,m t0 6 p,m daily and on Monday irvif^^ * ' ' 3 I U LMVJO Evenings from 7 to 10 p.m.. FREE. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, POST FREE, 12 STAMPS. PORTRAIT OF OH N RUSKIN, BY Professor HERKOMER, R.A. Remark Proofs ' ^ ' £880. Artist's Proofs * - * £660. Of which very few remain. THE FINE ART SOCIETY, 148, New Bond Street. LINE ENGRAVINGS AFTER J. M. W. TURNER. The Fine Art Society invite an in- spection of the Proofs in rare states of the Line Engravings after J. M. W. Turner, which are on view (for sale) at the entrance to their Galleries. Subscription Portraits.
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