UT SPORTS ATTORNEYS REAL ESTATE Vols-Gators not A more stable Now it’s the the same game career choice art of the deal It once led to SEC, David Barry leaves media Organizing arts events national titles. For the last volatility behind, fi nds for 25 years helps prepare decade, not so much. home in family business. for career in real estate. P17 P2 P13


September 21 – 27, 2018 ‘They keep coming What was going on in Chattanooga in 1968? Friday, September 20: and I A special planning com- mittee headed by Dr. Jo- seph E. Johnson, pertaining to the merger of the Uni- versity of Chattanooga and can’t get the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, has been announced by UC Presi- dent William H. Masterson and UT President Andrew them out’ W. Holt.  e merger will become eff ective July 1, 1969. Dr. Johnson is UT’s Vice President for institu- tional research. Mrs. Herbert H. Hum- phrey, wife of the Demo- cratic presidential nominee, visited briefl y in Chattanoo- Some rural jails at twice capacity ga today. She held a news conference and appeared at as counties struggle to build more a reception in her honor at Lovell Field. She was here for about one hour.  e Chattanooga Postal System placed fi rst in a region-wide man-power controlled program contest in the Tennessee, Ala- bama, and Mississippi area.  e award was presented to Postmaster Frank C. Stories by Jeannie Naujeck Moore and his team of begin on page 5 postal workers by Percy L. Coleman, director of the Memphis Bureau of Oper- ations, who came here for the ceremony. See 50 YEARS, page 16


■ REAL ESTATE P13 shutterstock.com

Find Public Notices inside & online: www.HamiltonCountyHerald.com 2 | Lynda Minks Hood Lynda Minks September 21–27,2018

EXECUTIVEDIRECTOR CHATTANOOGA BAR ASSOCIATION S Chattanooga and it was tough,” Barry Chattanooga anditwastough,”Barry hard. “Itwasthefirsttimeawayfrom suffer fromhomesickness,butithit members. Healsodidn’texpectto Sun hiredhimasitsonlineeditor. wasn’t wrong.In2005,theJackson chance atadvancement,”andhe journalism gaveBarry“agreater est inlaw,Iguess.” attorney. they arecrucialskillsforasuccessful law. Itturnsout,accordingtoBarry, that wouldtranslateintoacareerin didn’t seethoseskillsassomething ing,” hepointsout,addingthat online news. finally onthetechnicalstaffforits as awritingcoachforreportersand says), then,aftergraduatingin2001, library archivist(“myfirsttitle,”he at theTimesFree-Press,firstasa UT Chattanooga,hebeganworking and pursuedajournalismcareer. tool forgivingvoicetothevoiceless younger Barrysawnewspapersasa David butinajournalisticsense.e people avoicewasimportanttohim.” ple deservejustice,”hesays.“Giving By Vincent Troia Vincent By stability practice, way to law gives Journalism career father’s follows –eventually path Barry passion, alongwithhisviewthatpeo issue. school, andhisdaddidn’tpushthe give muchthoughttopursuinglaw lawyer JohnD.Barry,buthedidn’t grew upadmiringhisfather,longtime PLLC. landing aspotwithSpicerRudstrom Barry experiencedallofthosebefore “at wasunexpected,”here- e multimediaaspectofonline “But journalismdelayedmyinter- “I wasgoodwithwordsandread As ahistoryandEnglishmajorat at philosophywassharedwith “I always adored his dedication and “I alwaysadoredhisdedicationand Barry, 40,anativeChattanoogan, Chattanooga attorneyDavidL. Chattanooga Bar Association | The Pioneer Building | Suite 420 | 801 Broad Street | Chattanooga, TN 37402TN Chattanooga,StreetBroad | 801 423-756-3222 | 420| Suite | Building Pioneer The Fax:| Association BarChattanooga | 423-265-6602 | Bar Association Bar notes from the the notesfrom Chattanooga despite unexpected events. despite unexpectedevents. their owntrailorpersevering steps ofaparent,byblazing jobs byfollowinginthefoot- ome peoplearriveattheir

News and Newsand

Steven M.Jacoway Steven John C. Harrison John C. Bar Association PRESIDENT-ELECT Marc Harwell Marc SECRETARY PRESIDENT Executive Committee - - journalism, heponderedhisfuture. the truth,”Barryacknowledges. hometown newspaperreallystung. survive. Histerminationfromhis he thoughttheonlinefolkswould in thethroesofeditorialdownsizing, Although thenewspaperindustrywas nated in2011,andhewaslaidoff. lakes; itwastooflatanddry.” looking forawayoutofJackson. recalls. Hewas25,alone,andstarted A littlebetrayed lived, however.Hisjobwaselimi hesitate. ehomecomingwasshort- the chancetoreturnhome.Hedidn’t offered himitsonlineeditorjoband “Journalism is a great career for a “Journalism isagreatcareerfor Convinced thathewasdonewith “I feltalittlebetrayed,totellyou “ere were no mountains or “ere werenomountainsor In late 2008, the Times Free-Press In late2008,theTimesFree-Press William Colvin G. Robin L. Miller L. Robin PASTPRESIDENT TREASURER Hamilton CountyHerald - Board of Governors Drew H.Reynolds, Drew Jeffrey W.Jeffrey Maddux Thomas M.Horne Thomas George G. Hixson G. George YLD REPRESENTATIVEYLD Lee AnnAdams Lee Jimmy Rodgers something “moreimportant”inChat he washopingtosettledownwith young manwho’ssingle,”hesays,but her encouragement, as well, he took her encouragement,aswell,hetook Regina (nowhiswife)andgetting can dothis”sinkin. about it.Helethisdad’sreplyof“You the betterpartofaweekthinking hadn’t thoughtaboutit,thenspent school?” “Have youeverthoughtaboutlaw affirmation hethenaskedhisson, Barry answeredwithahalf-hearted the newjobwasgoing,andwhen can dothis.’Barry’sfatheraskedhow chat withhisdadandthewords‘you executive JimBrewer. Media, headedbythelatemedia tanooga. HetookajobwithBrewer Sheri FoxSheri After talking with his then-fiancé After talkingwithhisthen-fiancé Barry, aftertellinghisdadhereally en cameanEasterSunday2012

JUDICIAL REPRESENTATIVEJUDICIAL proud to say that.” say to proud I’m and lawyer a “I’m Ex-Officio Member The Honorable J. B. The J.B. Honorable Bennett - David L. Barry, embracing his his embracing Barry, L. David than anything,”hesays. was theLSATthatscaredmemore enrolled atNashvilleSchoolofLaw. tables andstudied.Hepassed, school. Forfivemonthshewaited ized testneededforadmissiontolaw type of homesickness. type ofhomesickness. weekends preventedanotherJackson and gettingbacktoChattanoogaon family andhisjob.Splittingweek returning toChattanoogaRegina, verted garageinNashville,andthen Feeling likeanattorney prepare fortheLSAT,standard the boldstepofquittinghisjobto a weeksleepinginrelative’scon schedule, spendingacoupleofnights would takeaTuesday-ursdayclass www.chattanoogabar.org “I wasn’t afraid of law school. It “I wasn’tafraidoflawschool.It While attending school, Barry While attendingschool,Barry post-journalism career career post-journalism www.hamiltoncountyherald.com Photograph by David Laprad See

BARRY,3 page - - 3

| CHATTANOOGA BAR ASSOCIATION - - September 21 – 27, 2018 21 – 27, September page AGING, 4 See See Photograph by David Laprad David by Photograph Gray is the chief executive She is also an award-win- Forum attendees will have sations.” and Health- officer for Hospice care Communications, official spokesperson and board mem- ber of the Elisabeth Kubler- Ross Foundation and chief innovation and patient advoca- cy officer for Acclivity Health Solutions. ning writer and journalist and a global expert on hospice and palliative care. the option to attend sessions on topics covering current trends, transference of wealth, to leave behind. I’m honored toto leave behind. I’m bybe a part of their experience familiesinspiring and guiding conver through those difficult He is, however, keeping a realistic “You are going to lose cases you You win some, you lose some may - perspective on his law experience as well, noting that even the most diligent efforts in building a case may not be enough to win over a judge or jury. should have won, and you are going to win cases you should have lost, that’s just the way it is,” Barry contin ues. “So, you just do the best you can do every time, never having to ask what you would have done different- ly.” be the axiom, but in his life, Barry has managed to tilt the ledger to the winning side more often through perseverance, determination and hard work. at, and perhaps a few unexpected opportunities. - - -

“To live fiercely is to live“To live fiercely is to “e good news is once “e Embrace Aging Forum Gray, has been educating fami Gray, has been educating lies internationally for years onlies internationally proactivethe benefits of being conversa- in having the tough tions around aging. says. “Howproactively,’’ Gray we live, up until that very last breath, is largely a matter of choice. It is quite freeing to care for one’s family by making decisions on end of life, which is really about life itself.’’ these conversations are shared, most people see that it really wasn’t that painful anyway. Fear is what caused the ret icence not having the actual conversation itself. offers a proactive space for individuals and families to decide on the legacy they want He also now is honing his craft as His courtroom demeanor is a work settling down in Chattanooga. He says his goals are to “hone his craft, gain experience and build my prac tice” by taking cases. a parent with Regina and gaining ex- perience by taking care of their baby daughter, who he adds is keeping him focused on “what’s important.” He takes time for other ‘loves,’ including fishing and hiking, as well as root- ing on the Atlanta Braves, Alabama Crimson Tide and the Tennessee Titans. in progress, and he won’t use clichés or use a different persona. “You won’t see Jack McCoy out there (the fictional lawyer from the television series, “Law & Order’’) or hear me say ‘you can’t handle the truth’ or some thing like that,” Barry says. – for the - - - Hamilton County Herald County Hamilton By 2030, the Census BureauBy 2030, the Census - is change in demograph at’s why Chambliss, Open to individuals, fami- e keynote speaker, Dianne projects there will – be morefirst time in history thanresidents 65 and older States.children in the United changeics will fundamentally the delivery of products and services to meet the needs of today’s aging population. Bahner & Stophel, P.C. is host- ing the 2018 Embrace Aging Forum to connect older adults and boomers to resources and health, wellness, financial and legal experts in Chattanooga. lies, caregivers and profession- als in aging, the second annual forum will be held Oct. 5, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at the Doubletree in downtown Chattanooga. Chambliss Chambliss forum explores difficult aging decisions When asked about Judge Brett Barry is settling into his job and While Barry doesn’t have another Photograph provided Photograph The newspaper industry, with its changing economic model and regular layoffs, couldn’t offer Barry the promise of job stability. of the promise Barry offer couldn’t layoffs, model and regular changing economic with its industry, newspaper The sure being a judge is in his future plans, though he doesn’t rule it out. He got a late start in law and isn’t rushing anything. He sees judges as being in the hot seat most of the time. Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court justice hearings, Barry notes he has not watched the television coverage. e hearings really are not legal proceed ings, he says. “ey are not objective at all; it’s just a lot of political grand vice to them. standing to come up with sound bites for those segments of the populace they pander to.” solution to the selection process, regardless of political point of view, subjecting career legal professionals to such harsh treatment is a disser - From page 2 From

Nowadays, his classroom is the Law schools teach you to earn His law school professor had been It took a semester for Barry to Four years later, Barry – now a His areas of practice already are “I’m a lawyer and I’m proud to say BARRY courtroom. a degree, but they don’t teach you how to be a lawyer, Barry explains, or how to have the confidence to get out there in a courtroom and argue a case. “What I try to remember is prepare, prepare, prepare,” he says, acknowledging that he will practice in front of a mirror before a case. seeking a judgeship, but Barry isn’t feel like he could be an attorney. A professor, Marshall Davidson III, had told a class he was “convinced that anyone could be a successful attorney if they are willing to do the work.” Barry had always put in the work and effort wherever needed, so this eased his nervousness and gave him more confidence. full-time husband to Regina after their January 2015 wedding – had his Juris Doctor degree. As a graduation present of sorts, Spicer Rudstrom hired him, and Barry now works with his father and lawyers with 20-40 years of experience that he can “lean on” for advice as he pushes headlong into his new career. extensive but civil rights litigation stands out, because of its connection to his childhood recollections of his father’s work. He works in employ Prepare, prepare, prepare Dianne Gray www.hamiltoncountyherald.com ment law, government liability, medical malpractice, property and casualty litigation, wills and probate proceedings, among other areas. that,” adds Barry, when asked if his dismissal from the Times Free-Press was the catalyst for his law career. “I was professionally and personally hurt by (the layoff), but now I guess it can be seen as a blessing in disguise.” 4 | September 7 – 13, 2018 Hamilton County Herald www.hamiltoncountyherald.com

■ HCH VIEW FROM CAPITOL HILL Hamilton County Herald 103 years of service Haslam, Dean have much in common When it comes to biparti- ond Amendment, but I believe Well, maybe it is. Telephone 423-602-9270 sanship, Tennessee politicians there are common-sense solu- But in his latest ad, Lee Fax 423-602-9269 talk a good game. But in the tions we can work on to keep says, while holding a torch in a 735 Broad Street Suite 406 Chattanooga, TN 37402 ballot-box battle, they’re all our communities safe,” Dean manufacturing building, “For about party. says in response to questions. way too long, we’ve told people – CHATTANOOGA – Take, for instance, two-term “I think banning bump stocks, ‘you’ve got to go to college, David Laprad Republican Gov. Bill Haslam. increasing the purchasing age don’t go into the trades.’ At Lee Editor [email protected] He has more in common with for assault-style weapons to Company, we’ve trained more Democratic gubernatorial Sam Stockard 21 and bolstering the state’s than a thousand skilled trades- Dianna Chambers Display Advertising candidate Karl Dean than just [email protected] background check system are men in the last 10 years. I don’t [email protected] about any Republican in the reasonable proposals. I am also just talk about vocational train- 615-254-5522 state, much more than with more concerned with expand- strongly opposed to arming ing, we’ve actually done it.” Meagan Robinson Republican candidate Bill Lee. ing school resource offi cer pro- teachers. We need to provide Granted, Tennessee made Foreclosures, Public Notices On issues such as Medicaid our schools the resources a huge mistake when high [email protected] grams than arming teachers. 901-521-1196 expansion, the IMPROVE Act Dean falls into a similar line of they need to have trained law schools went away from voca- (gas tax), in-state tuition for thought, while Lee would allow enforcement to protect our tional education, and welding Donna Gosnell DACA students and even guns, students.” is a great skill to learn if you’re Circulation, Online Subscriptions some teachers to go armed. customerservice@ Haslam and Dean come down And, clearly separating All of these similarities, yet going to work with metal all hamiltoncountyherald.com on the same side. when queried, Haslam tells the time. But this ad gives the 615-254-5522 them, Lee would sign a consti- Dean, a former two-term tutional carry bill if the Legisla- reporters, “I’m clearly support- impression he wants every stu- – CORPORATE OFFICES– Nashville mayor, has even ture sent it to him. ing Bill Lee (he’s already said dent in Tennessee who’s having 193 Jefferson Ave. compared himself to the widely Lee’s campaign says he so on TV) and think he’ll be a a hard time with their books to Memphis, TN 38103 popular Haslam, making a believes “lawful gun ownership great governor and should be drop out of college and put on Eric Barnes big deal in recently campaign is at the core of our country’s our next governor. I’ve worked a welder’s mask. Publisher, CEO ads out of favoring Medicaid closely with Mayor Dean while It also fails to note the [email protected] foundational principles” and expansion and pulling more he has made clear he supports we were in offi ce together. He’s Tennessee Promise, Haslam’s Lyle Graves than billion dollars annually the Second Amendment. In a great person, a great friend, pride and joy, already provides Associate Publisher, from taxes Tennesseans pay but, in my opinion, Bill Lee tuition-free enrollment at Executive Editor that vein, the state should fi nd [email protected] on Obamacare. If anyone ways to cuts costs of its permit should be and will be the next Tennessee Colleges of Applied remembers, Haslam’s Insure governor of Tennessee.” Technology, which are scat- Pam Mallett system “so we are not turning Chief Financial Officer Tennessee proposal was one of a constitutional right into a Spoken like a true chairman tered across the state. It’s hard [email protected] the major initiatives of his time costly privilege,” Lee says. of the Republican Governors to fi gure out whether Lee’s Member of: in offi ce, though it never made “As we reduce red tape, Bill Association. We really didn’t going to build more TCATs in Tennessee Press Association it to the House or Senate fl oor does not believe we should expect him to say, “Bill Lee small towns or let the Lee Co. National Newspaper Association for debate. increase age restrictions for and I are about as far apart run vocational education. American Court & Commercial  e Democratic candidate fi rearms but does advocate for as you can get on some of Haslam is backing him no Newspapers also wants to take a kinder and keeping background checks in the most important issues of matter what, of course, be- gentler stance toward undoc- place. Should the Legislature my administration. But is he cause he has an R beside his umented immigrant students pass a law to allow permitless going to teach every person in name and because he’s a good brought here by their parents carry, he would sign it,” his Tennessee how to weld so we’ll guy and he probably will win as small children.  ey grew campaign states. be able to handle the jobs of the the race. No self-respecting up here, graduated from high Lee also says the state should future? Karl Dean, on the other Republican would do anything school here, and Dean wants to do whatever it takes to protect hand, wants children to grow diff erently. help them be part of the state’s children, including hiring more up in libraries, reading books. Lee also holds a 13-point economy. Lee says stick with resource offi cers and retired I’m sticking with the welder lead in an NBC-Marist poll and Subscription $15 per year current law. to make sure my Tennessee a 20-point lead in a Fox poll, By mail military or arming teachers Single copy • 50 cents Yet Haslam stood with a who are trained and vetted. He Promise students fi ll up the meaning Dean has a long row large group of these students Colleges of Applied Technol- to hoe. Postmaster send would go along with a ban on changes of address to: this year on the steps of the bump stocks, since it is consis- ogy.” Dean’s campaign manager Hamilton County Herald state Capitol – they’re called tent with current law.  is isn’t exactly made up. P.O. Box 3008 Dreamers or Deferred Action Dean, on the other hand, See PARTY LINE, page 10 Memphis, TN 38173 for Childhood Arrivals – giv- favors keeping the state’s Hamilton County Herald ing them hope for a chance at conceal-carry permit program AGING From page 3 aging and one-on-one time USPS #120710 aff ordable college.  e leg- intact and received a “Gun with more than 20 vendors. A published weekly by islation failed miserably in a Hamilton County Herald, LLC., Sense Candidate” designation family values, Medicare, long- trends panel in the afternoon Periodicals Postage Republican-controlled House from Moms Demand Action, term care planning, fi nancial will focus on the intersection of paid at committee. a group favoring sensible gun and legal considerations, public technology and aging. Chattanooga, Tennessee Haslam also supports keep- laws. It isn’t clear whether Lee policy and philanthropy.  e forum is supported by Material published in the Hamilton County ing Tennessee’s system for con- Herald is compiled at considerable expense and is fi lled out the group’s question- Dana Perry, a certifi ed elder a variety of sponsors, which ceal-carry permits intact and, for the sole and exclusive use of our subscribers. naire. law attorney at Chambliss, has include Southeastern Trust The contents of the Hamilton County Herald may on the school safety front, is “I am supportive of the Sec- been serving the aging pop- Company, UBS,  rive at Brow not be republished, resold or reproduced in any ulation for over 25 years and manner, in whole or in part without the consent Wood, Elliott Davis, BNY Mel- of the publisher. Any infringement may be subject understands the necessity for lon Wealth Management, Hos- to legal redress. families to embrace aging as pice of Chattanooga, WTCI, The records contained in the Hamilton County ATTORNEY OFFICE SHARING SPACE early as possible. Herald are taken from those fi led in the public Bridgewater Resolution Group, record and do not necessarily refl ect the fi nancial “Boomers are such an LLC, CHI Memorial, the Com- standing of the parties involved. Care is taken to FOR RENT important segment of our publish suits, judgements, other documents munity Foundation of Greater exactly as they appear in the public record. community, and most families Chattanooga and Elmcroft of However, the Hamilton County Herald assumes Downtown litigation law fi rm has have a loved one within this Hamilton Place. no liability for errors or omissions. Persons who demographic,” Perry says. “We rely solely on these contents do so at their own offi ce space available for an attorney in an General admission is $60 risk. need to commit now to living with a discounted rate of $55 Any explanation of these items, as well as offi ce sharing arrangement. the best life possible as we age for adults age 55 and older. correction of any erroneous information, will be Located in the Pinnacle Bank Building, we are walking by planning for benefi ts, health Registration includes a conti- published upon timely notifi cation by proper care and assets and seriously correspondence. distance from the State and Federal Courthouses. nental breakfast and a buff et The editors are responsible for the writing and consider how these impact our lunch, and complimentary valet display of the news, data and features in this For details call Barry Abbott at Cavett, Abbott & Weiss, PLLC families.” parking will be provided to en- newspaper. If you have a question or suggestion,  e all-day forum will you may call during normal business hours. 423-265-8804 sure easy access to the forum. – David Laprad, Editor include the keynote presenta- Tickets and more infor- 423-602-9270 All inquiries are confi dential. tion by Gray, breakout sessions [email protected] mation are available at www. led by top professionals in embraceagingforum.com. www.hamiltoncountyherald.com Hamilton County Herald September 21 – 27, 2018 | 5 Drugs, bail rules help push jails past limits By Jeannie Naujeck overcrowded: Hamblen County had 444 inmates crammed into hen officers do a facility with only 255 beds. hourly security Putnam County had a popula- checks at the tion of 434 with beds for 252. Loudon County Roane County, which opened Jail, they’re often a new 170-bed jail in 2009, has walking into a routinely been over capacity Wpotent brew of danger. since 2012. It had 320 inmates Officially, the jail’s capacity as of Aug. 31. is 91 inmates. But the actual e state’s larger cities are population runs between 170 faring somewhat better: and 180 on average and was up l Hamilton County’s jail was to 210 inmates at one point this slightly overcrowded at 105.5 summer. percent capacity as of Aug. 31 Because of overcrowding, (533 inmates in a 505-bed fa- as many as 50 men have to be cility). Its Silverdale Detention crammed into an inmate pod Center is not overcrowded. that has 32 beds. And because l Davidson County’s jail is there’s no room to separate operating below capacity. inmates by level of offense, they l Knox County’s smaller jail range from a teenager accused and the work release center of breaking into a car to an are not overcrowded, but the inmate who tortured and killed Roger D. Wilson Detention his victim. Facility is with 1,194 inmates in Fueled by the drug crisis, 1,036 beds. nearly half of Tennessee jails A strain on the system are at or above capacity. Many Photograph by Adam Taylor Gash counties are expanding their Corrections officials in- Inside the Blount County jail, where 15 inmates share a single living space. Some cells hold even more. A new transition jails to accommodate the cluding Cantrell and Davis center has been proposed to divert drug offenders into treatment programs and away from costly jail space. overflow. give credit to their over- issues – not just possession “When I’ve got two officers worked-but-dedicated staff Space considerations cases, but drug fueled thefts, walking into a block of 50 for preserving peace in their Capacity report from the Tennessee Department of Corrections on local county assaults, etc.,” says John Partin, males, I don’t care what kind crowded jails, however fragile jail populations. This is a one-day snapshot sample from around the state for the elected public defender for of person you are. You are not that peace might be. ey’ve August 31, 2018 Tennessee’s 31st Judicial Dis- going to win that fight,” says been doing more with less for Total jail Total Vacant Percent % Pre-trial trict, which includes Warren Facility population beds beds capacity detention Jimmy Davis, chief deputy at years now to maintain stan- and Van Buren counties. the Loudon County Sheriff’s dards of inmate care in the face Hamilton Jail 533 505 –28 105.5 78.8 “Recidivism continues to be Office. of overwhelming numbers. Hamilton Silverdale CCA 1051 1084 33 97.0 38.1 a major problem in this area. “With twice the population, Jails are inherently less stable Bledsoe County 91 96 5 94.8 45.1 Again, I attribute that primarily not only are we running out of and more chaotic than state Bradley County 587 506 –81 116.0 35.1 to addiction and mental health beds, we’re running out of floor prisons because they serve a Marion County 129 118 –11 109.3 62.8 issues.” space. ey keep coming and I more transient population. Meigs County 71 56 –15 126.8 81.7 Partin says that both the can’t get them out. And that’s a ey are local holding facili- Rhea County 145 87 –58 166.7 69.0 judges and the district at- problem.” ties overseen by counties and Sequatchie County 91 96 5 94.8 59.3 torney’s office in his district Loudon County is not alone. run by sheriff’s offices or other support alternative sentencing, Across Tennessee, county jails local law enforcement agencies specifically long term inpatient minor offenders and violent to care for inmates to our are overflowing, creating a and are generally designed for drug rehabilitation programs in criminals. standard and provide sufficient dangerous situation for both short-term stays by people lieu of incarceration. e Loudon County Jail housing that is humane, it be- inmates and those charged awaiting trial or serving short But the jails in his district has only one large dorm-style comes more dangerous for our with their supervision. sentences for misdemeanors. fill up quickly. Van Buren female block, which means ev- officers and the other inmates,” Across the state, jails are Misdemeanors are relatively County recently opened a new eryone mixes together. When Davis says. converting hallways to bed minor crimes for which the jail to alleviate overcrowding, that happens, the level of risk “And one of the main rea- space and double-bunking maximum sentence is less and Warren County approved goes up and jail staff has to sons we got decertified is that inmates in cells. than a year. A misdemeanor funding for a jail expansion. work harder to maintain order. we could not maintain that In Blount County, which has is sometimes called an “1129,” Both jails were over capacity as “How we classify and house level of security for inmates as about 539 inmates in a jail with which stands for 11 months of Aug. 31, TDOC data show. our inmates is the biggest issue well as our officers.” 350 beds, the jail has purchased and 29 days. Another cause of over- we face,” Davis points out. Drug crimes fuel overcrowding “boats,” plastic shells fitted with A felony is a crime that crowding is mental illness. “You can be in here on a bad a mattress so inmates aren’t carries a sentence of one year Jail and county officials cite Nearly 15 percent of men and check, a minor misdemeanor, sleeping directly on the floor. or more. In Tennessee, felonies several leading factors contrib- 30 percent of women booked and right next to you in the “Where we’ve got cells built range from Class E, the lowest uting to the jail overcrowding into jails have a serious mental block is someone who’s killed for two people, we’re having to level, which includes theft of problem. health condition, according her husband or has a murder house three and four people in property or services worth One of the major causes is to the National Alliance on charge, which we currently them,” explains Chris Cantrell, more than $500 but less than drug-related crime stemming Mental Illness. And an estimat- have.” deputy chief at the Blount $1,000, to Class A, which in- from substance abuse. Ten- ed 80 percent of women with Many over-capacity jails cy- County Sheriff’s Office. cludes second-degree murder. nessee has the second-highest substance abuse disorders – cle in and out of decertification “We’re making do, and Felons usually serve out their rate of opioid prescriptions in and 60 percent of men – suffer by the Tennessee Corrections we’ve been overcrowded for terms in prisons, which are the country, and while heroin, from some kind of sexual trau- Institute, the agency that sets so long, it’s just become what operated by the state and the opioids and synthetic opioids ma that hinders their ability to standards, inspects and certifies it is. Corrections officers come private prison company Core- such as fentanyl grab headlines kick drugs, according to Duane local jails and detention centers in knowing that and work hard Civic (formerly CCA.) because of overdose deaths, Slone, a circuit court judge for for adult offenders and trains every day, admirably. It’s just So when jails become over- methamphetamine abuse is still Cocke, Grainger, Jefferson and jail personnel. what we do.” crowded, it puts strain on the the biggest problem in rural Sevier counties and a nationally Overcrowding isn’t the only Of the state’s 120 county systems of containment and counties, along with property known speaker on drug recov- issue that can put a jail out jails, detention facilities, an- organization – like the classifi- crimes such as burglaries and ery courts. of compliance, but it’s a big nexes and workhouses, almost cation system that separates in- theft that addicts resort to in A third significant factor is factor and one that can severely half were at or above capacity mates who are not compatible order to feed their addictions. the high cash bail that many hinder other functions that are on Aug. 31, Tennessee De- (such as members of opposing “Like other rural districts in jurisdictions set for relatively essential for good jail manage- partment of Corrections data gangs) and those who should Tennessee, the vast majority minor offenses. When people ment. reveals. be segregated based on com- of our cases have roots in drug “Other than not being able See OVERCROWDING, page 11 Some facilities were severely mon sense, such as first-time addiction and/or mental health Page 6 HAMILTONSeptember COUNTY21 - 27, 2018 www.HamiltonCountyHerald.com H  Public Notices

Foreclosure Notices US Bank NA as Legal Title Trustee for Truman TAX ID: 141J A 044 to all matters shown on any recorded plan; 2013 SC4 Title Trust. Current Owner(s) of Property: DONALD any unpaid taxes, any restrictive covenants, Hamilton County NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given SHANNON CANTRELL AND SANDRA JANEE easements, set-back lines, prior liens, en- that the entire indebtedness has been declared CANTRELL, husband and wife cumbrances, if any, and any other priority as due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & The street address of the above described may appear in the public records. Title to the NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES SALE 18, 2012, and the Deed of Trust of even date Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by property is believed to be 5340 Collegeview manufactured home may be transferred by Bill WHEREAS, default has occurred in the perfor- securing the same, recorded June 20, 2012, virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in Drive, Collegedale, TN 37315 but such ad- of Sale or Certificate of Title, as the case may mance of the covenants, terms and conditions in Book No. GI 9672, at Page 77, in Office of and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, by dress is not part of the legal description of the require. of a Deed of Trust dated March 22, 2006, the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, US Bank NA as Legal Title Trustee for Truman property sold herein and in the event of any The right is preserved to adjourn the day of executed by MICHELLE MORRISON, SHANE Tennessee, executed by Heather L Nixon, 2013 SC4 Title Trust, will, on October 1, 2018 discrepancy, the legal description referenced the sale to another day, time and place certain MORRISON, conveying certain real property conveying certain property therein described on or about 3:00 PM, at the Hamilton County herein shall control. without further publication, upon announce- therein described to ROBERT M. WILSON, to Stewart Title Guaranty as Trustee for Mort- Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN ment at the time and place for the sale set JR., as Trustee, as same appears of record gage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as for sale certain property hereinafter described POSSESSION. forth above. in the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, nominee for Real Estate Mortgage Network, to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid If applicable, the notice requirements of T.C.A. THE PURPOSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS TO Tennessee recorded March 23, 2006, in Inc., its successors and assigns; and the at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from 35-5-117 have been met. COLLECT THE DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION Deed Book GI 7882, Page 59at Instrument undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by Other Interested Parties: Secretary of Housing OBTAINED AS A RESULT WILL BE USED FOR Number 2006032300215; and WHEREAS, the having been appointed Successor Trustee by the successor trustee. The sale is free from all and Urban Development THAT EXPRESS PURPOSE ONLY. THIS COM- beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc.. exemptions, which are expressly waived in the All right of equity of redemption, statutory MUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. last transferred and assigned to THE BANK OF NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given Deed of Trust, said property being real estate and otherwise, and homestead are expressly This the 4th day of September, 2018. MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW that the entire indebtedness has been declared situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is Anthony R. Steele, Trustee YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & being more particularly described as follows: believed to be good, but the undersigned will Winchester, Sellers, Foster & Steele, P.C. CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE CWHEQ INC., Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by Located in the City of Chattanooga, Hamil- sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. P. O. Box 2428 HOME EQUITY LOAN ASSET-BACKED CERTIFI- virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested ton County, Tennessee: Lot Number Three The right is reserved to adjourn the sale to Knoxville, TN 37901 CATES, SERIES 2006-S3 who is now the owner in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, Hundred Seven (307), Unit 1, Lake Vista another day, time and place certain without (865) 637-1980 of said debt; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, by HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc., will, on Subdivision, as shown by plat recorded in further publication, upon announcement of the Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Fnr19424 Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, having been appointed October 1, 2018 on or about 3:00 PM, at the Plat Book 19, Pages 82-83, in the Regis- time and place for the sale set forth above. If as Substitute Trustee by instrument to be filed Hamilton County Courthouse, Chattanooga, ter’s Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. you purchase the property at the foreclosure NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE for record in the Register’s Office of Hamilton Tennessee, offer for sale certain property SUBJECT To 16-foot utility easement as sale, the entire purchase price is due and WHEREAS, default has occurred in the County, Tennessee. NOW, THEREFORE, notice hereinafter described to the highest bidder shown on recorded plat. Subject To any payable at the conclusion of the auction in the performance of the covenants, terms, and is hereby given that the entire indebtedness FOR certified funds paid at the conclusion governmental zoning and subdivision or- form of certified bank check made payable to conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated has been declared due and payable, and that of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or other dinances or regulations in effect thereon. Solomon Baggett, LLC Escrow Account. No September 2, 2004, and the Deed of Trust the undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, as lending entity pre-approved by the successor ALSO KNOWN AS: 7738 Cecelia Drive, personal checks will be accepted. You must of even date securing the same, recorded Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed agent, trustee. The sale is free from all exemptions, Chattanooga, TN 37416 bring sufficient funds to outbid the lender and September 10, 2004, in Book No. GI 7270, by virtue of the power, duty and authority vested which are expressly waived in the Deed of This sale is subject to all matters shown any other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be at Page 109, in Office of the Register of Deeds and imposed upon said Substitute Trustee will, Trust, said property being real estate situated on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid accepted. Amounts received in excess of the for Hamilton County, Tennessee, executed by L. on October 4, 2018 at 10:00 AM at the West in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and being more taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, winning bid will be refunded to the successful C. Riley and Hattie M Riley, conveying certain Door of the Hamilton County Courthouse, 625 particularly described as follows: or setback lines that may be applicable; any purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed is property therein described to Arnold M. Weiss Georgia Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37402, pro- Beginning at the most northwestern corner statutory rights of redemption of any govern- delivered. This property is being sold with the as Trustee for New Horizon Mortgage, LLC; and ceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and of the property conveyed to Gary V. Stiner mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens express reservation that the sale is subject to the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., best bidder for cash or certified funds ONLY, in Deed Book 2988, Page 129, Register’s or encumbrances as well as any priority created confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale having been appointed Successor Trustee by the following described property situated in Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee, by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- may be rescinded by the Substitute Trustee The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: thence with and along the western line of curate survey of the premises might disclose. at any time. National Association fka The Bank of New York LAND IN HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, the aforementioned tract 210 feet to a point; In addition, the following parties may claim THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COL- Trust Company, N.A. as successor to JPMorgan BEING LOT NO. FORTY (40) ON THE PLAN OF thence westwardly parallel to the southern an interest in the above- referenced property: LECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A Chase Bank, as Trustee for Residential Asset CEDAR GLEN ESTATES, UNIT III, OF RECORD line of Standifer Gap Road 210 feet to a RONALD R. WILLIAMSON DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage IN PLAT BOOK 35, PAGE 235, REGISTER`S point; thence northwardly parallel to the BOBBIE L. WILLIAMSON USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Asset- Backed Pass Through Certificates Series OFFICE FOR SAID COUNTY, TO WHICH PLAN western line of the Stiner property 210 feet The sale held pursuant to this Notice may Robert J. Solomon 2004-KS10. REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE to the southern line of Standifer Gap Road; be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option Substitute Trustee NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. thence eastwardly 210 feet along and with at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn Solomon Baggett, LLC that the entire indebtedness has been declared PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street address of the the southern line of Standifer Gap Road to the day of the sale to another day, time, and 3763 Rogers Bridge Road due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & property is believed to be 331 CEDAR GLEN the point of beginning. place certain without further publication, upon Duluth, Georgia 30097 Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by CIR, CHATTANOOGA, TN 37412. In the event ALSO KNOWN AS: 10086 Standifer Gap announcement at the time and place for the (678) 243-2512 virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested of any discrepancy between this street address Road, Ooltewah, TN 37363 sale set forth above. In the event of inclem- Our File No. CMS.02044 in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, and the legal description of the property, the This sale is subject to all matters shown ent weather, the trustee hereby announces Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Fnr19423 by The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, legal description shall control. on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid that the sale will be postponed for a period of National Association fka The Bank of New York CURRENT OWNER(S): MICHELLE MORRISON, taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, two weeks. In such situations, notices will be TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Trust Company, N.A. as successor to JPMorgan SHANE MORRISON or setback lines that may be applicable; any mailed to interested parties of record. W&A OF REAL ESTATE AND AFFIXED Chase Bank, as Trustee for Residential Asset OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: statutory rights of redemption of any govern- No. 244417 MANUFACTURED HOME Securities Corporation, Home Equity Mortgage The sale of the above-described property shall mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens DATED August 29, 2018 ANTHONY R. STEELE is the Trustee of a Deed Asset-Backed Pass Through Certificates Series be subject to all matters shown on any recorded or encumbrances as well as any priority created WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., of Trust executed on October 29, 2014, by 2004-KS10, will, on October 1, 2018 on or plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- Successor Trustee DEBRA LYNN SEATON AND ARTHUR GEORGE about 3:00 PM, at the Hamilton County enants, easements or set-back lines that may curate survey of the premises might disclose. Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Fnr19422 SEATON, married. The Deed of Trust appears Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances In addition, the following parties may claim of record in the Register’s Office of Hamilton for sale certain property hereinafter described as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; an interest in the above- referenced property: NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE County, Tennessee, at Book GI 10337, Page to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid and to any matter that an accurate survey of HEATHER L NIXON Default having been made in the payment of the 879 (“Deed of Trust”). The Trustee will sell at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from the premises might disclose. This property is The sale held pursuant to this Notice may debts and obligations described in and secured the property described below for cash at a a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by being sold with the express reservation that be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option by a certain Deed of Trust executed by DONALD foreclosure sale requested by the current the successor trustee. The sale is free from all it is subject to confirmation by the lender or at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn SHANNON CANTRELL AND SANDRA JANEE holder of the Deed of Trust and underlying exemptions, which are expressly waived in the Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded the day of the sale to another day, time, and CANTRELL, husband and wife to Odyssey Title indebtedness, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Fi- Deed of Trust, said property being real estate at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn place certain without further publication, upon Group, LLC, Trustee, recorded June 23, 2008 nance, Inc. Pursuant to T.C.A. §47-9-604 this situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and the day of the sale to another day, time, and announcement at the time and place for the in Hamilton County Register’s Office at Book sale shall also include the affixed manufactured being more particularly described as follows: place certain without further publication, upon sale set forth above. In the event of inclem- GI 8697 Page 348 Inst#2008062300226 home (referenced in Affidavit of Affixation at LOT EIGHT (8), AND THE SOUTH TWENTY announcement at the time and place for the ent weather, the trustee hereby announces and the beneficial interest of said Deed of Book GI 9164, Page 875) described as one (20) FEET OF LOT NINE (9), BLOCK “A”, sale set forth above. All right and equity of re- that the sale will be postponed for a period of Trust is owned by CARRINGTON MORTGAGE (1) 2010 CMH Manufactured Home bearing KELLY GARDENS, WEST SECTION, AS demption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, two weeks. In such situations, notices will be SERVICES, LLC, and the undersigned having Serial Number CS2011972TNAB. SHOWN BY PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT and dower are expressly waived in said Deed mailed to interested parties of record. W&A been appointed Successor Trustee by instru- Sale Date and Location: October 15, 2018, BOOK 9, PAGE 39, IN THE REGISTER’S OF- of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, No. 332389 ment recorded in said Register’s Office, this at 10:00 a.m. at the Walnut Street entrance FICE OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. but the undersigned will sell and convey only DATED August 29, 2018 is notice that the undersigned will on October of the Courthouse in Chattanooga, Hamilton ACCORDING TO SAID PLAT, SAID LOT AND as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., 18, 2018 at 12PM local time, at the Hamilton County, Tennessee. PART OF LOT FORM ONE TRACT FRONTING as is, where is, without representations or Successor Trustee County Courthouse, Memphis, Tennessee will Property Description: Abbreviated description EIGHTY (80) FEET ON THE WEST LINE OF warranties of any kind, including fitness for a Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Fnr19421 proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest per TCA 35-5-104(a)(2) is the property refer- GERMANTOWN ROAD, AND EXTENDING particular use or purpose. and best bidder for cash the following property enced and described fully at Book GI 10337, BACK WESTWARDLY BETWEEN PARALLEL THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE located in Hamilton County, Tennessee, will be Page 877 and commonly known as 307 Main LINES, ONE HUNDRED TEN (110) FEET TO DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE WHEREAS, default has occurred in the sold to the highest call bidder subject to all St., Soddy Daisy, Hamilton County, TN 37379. THE EAST LINE OF LOT THIRTEEN (13), USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. performance of the covenants, terms, and unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances Property Address: 307 Main St., Soddy Daisy, AND PART OF LOT TWELVE (12). THIS Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Substitute Trustee conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated of record. Hamilton County, TN 37379. CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO THE 119 S. Main Street, Suite 500 December 17, 2002, and the Deed of Trust Described property is Located in the Second Tax Map Identification No.: 048D-D-013 FOLLOWING: Any governmental zoning and Memphis, TN 38103 of even date securing the same, recorded district, Hamilton County, Tennessee, all as (However, the property description shall control subdivision ordinances or regulations in www.rubinlublin.com/property-listings.php December 19, 2002, in Book No. GI 6485, at described in Warranty Book 8697, Page 336: in the event of any inconsistencies between effect thereon. Restrictions as set out in Tel: (877) 813-0992 Page 117, in Office of the Register of Deeds Being the same property conveyed to Donald the description and address or tax identifica- instrument recorded in Book “Q”, Volume Fax: (404) 601-5846 for Hamilton County, Tennessee, executed by Shannon Cantrell and Sandra Janee Cantrell, tion number). 25, page 671, in the Register’s Office of Ad #143074 Ronald R. Williamson and Bobbie L. Williamson husband and wife, by Deed dated June 17, Parties Interested: None known. Hamilton County, Tennessee. Building set- Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Fnr19391 and Ronald Ray Williamson and Bobbie LeAnn 2008 and recorded June 23, 2017 of record All sales of Property, both real and personal, are back lines as shown on recorded plat. Utility Williamson, conveying certain property therein in Deed Book 8697, Page336, in the Office “AS IS” and “WHERE IS” without representation Easements as shown on recorded plat. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE described to Arnold M. Weiss, Esq. as Trustee of the Hamilton County Register of Deeds, or warranty as to merchantability or fitness for ALSO KNOWN AS: 217 South Germantown WHEREAS, default has occurred in the for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc.; and the Tennessee. a particular purpose or of any kind, except as Road, Chattanooga, TN 37411 performance of the covenants, terms, and undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., Property Address: 5340 Collegeview Drive, to title and authority to convey. This sale is subject to all matters shown conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated June having been appointed Successor Trustee by Collegedale, TN 37315 The sale of the described property is subject on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid September 21 - 27, 2018 Public Notices Page 7 www.HamiltonCountyHerald.com

taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, Foreclosure/Trustee's Sales Scheduled in the Next 3 Weeks or setback lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption of any govern- Property Address Publication Dates Borrower Attorney mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2018-09-24 by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- curate survey of the premises might disclose. 6901 Mockingbird Lane, Harrison, 37341 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 Susan K. Moore Wilson & Associates, PLLC In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in the above- referenced property: SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2018-09-25 L. C. RILEY HATTIE M RILEY 14217 Back Valley Road, Sale Creek, 37373 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 Ethan A. Hicks C/O Tennessee Foreclosure Dept. ESTATE OF L.C. RILEY 5909 Stonewall Drive, Harrison, 37341 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 Darla R. Chauncey C/O Tennessee Foreclosure Dept. UNKNOWN HEIRS OF L.C. RILEY The sale held pursuant to this Notice may SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2018-09-27 be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn 7208 Bonny Oaks Drive, Chattanooga, 37421 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 J R Brown the day of the sale to another day, time, and 4709 Enterprise Lane, Chattanooga, 37416 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 Blonnelle Leftwich Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC place certain without further publication, upon 1404 Autumn Breeze, Soddy Daisy, 37379 2018-08-24; 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07 Christopher T Rader and Dawn Rader Mackie Wolf Zientz & Mann, P.C. announcement at the time and place for the 3307 Lamar Ave, Chattanooga, 37415 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 Randy Dale Blevins Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC sale set forth above. In the event of inclem- 1865 North Prairie Circle, Hixson, 37343 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 Donald J. Clay Mackie Wolf Zientz & Mann, P.C. ent weather, the trustee hereby announces that the sale will be postponed for a period of SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2018-09-28 two weeks. In such situations, notices will be mailed to interested parties of record. W&A 8423 Springfield Road , Soddy Daisy, 37379 2018-08-24; 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07 Bell, Georgie and Charles Shapiro and Ingle, LLP No. 331352 DATED August 30, 2018 SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2018-10-01 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Successor Trustee 7738 Cecelia Drive, Chattanooga, 37416 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21 Ronald R. Williamson Wilson & Associates, PLLC Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Fnr19425 2609 East 17th Street, Chattanooga, 37404 2018-08-10; 2018-08-17; 2018-08-24 Schereka Crumpton Wilson & Associates, PLLC 10086 Standifer Gap Road, Ooltewah, 37363 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21 Heather L. Nixon Wilson & Associates, PLLC NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE 3321 Parker Lane, Chattanooga, 37419 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 Paul E. Chapmand Wilson & Associates, PLLC WHEREAS, default has occurred in the 217 South Germantown Road, Chattanooga 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21 L. C. Riley Wilson & Associates, PLLC performance of the covenants, terms, and 2215 Violette Drive, Soddy Daisy, 37379 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21 Gregory Brown Wilson & Associates, PLLC conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated May 2, 2008, and the Deed of Trust of even date SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2018-10-04 securing the same, recorded May 8, 2008, in Book No. GI 8660, at Page 524, and modified 331 Cedar Glen Cir, Chattanooga, 37412 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21 Michelle Morrison and Shane Morrison Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC on November 709 Astor Lane, Chattanooga, 37412 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 Shannon Y. Lowery Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC 14, 2016, In Book No. 10905, At Page 342 4048 E. Freedom Cr, Ooltewah, 37363 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 Kobie Chatman and Elizabeth Chatman Mackie Wolf Zientz & Mann, P.C. in Office of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton 3324 Harrison Pike , Chattanooga, 37416 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 Harry E Edmondson C/O Tennessee Foreclosure Dept. County, Tennessee, executed by Marketta M. 4102 Villa Green Court, Chattanooga, 37416 2018-08-03; 2018-08-10; 2018-08-17 Theresa Smith Wilson & Associates, PLLC Watkins, conveying certain property therein 1212 Michael Lane, Chattanooga, 37411 2018-07-27; 2018-08-03; 2018-08-10 Sonia P. King Wilson & Associates, PLLC described to Leonard E. Van Eaton as Trustee 4604 Crestview Drive, Chattanooga, 37415 2018-08-10; 2018-08-17; 2018-08-24 Joshua D. Hobbs Wilson & Associates, PLLC for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, 202 N. Saint Marks Ave, Chattanooga, 37411 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14 Lebron Hawkins and Tracy Hawkins Solomon Baggett, LLC Inc., as nominee for Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp., its uccessors and assigns; SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2018-10-11 and the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor 7314 Fairington Circle, Hixson, 37343 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28 Charles A. Thomas Jr. and Winifred J. Thomas Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC Trustee by Selene Finance, LP. 757 Flinn Drive, East Ridge, 37412 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28 James D. Carr and Sharon Carr Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2018-10-12 due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by 7627 Bishop Drive, Chattanooga, 37416 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28 Madolyn Diane Dennis and Anthony Dennis SR Law Group virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in 112 Passons Rd , Red Bank, 37415 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28; 2018-10-05 Patterson, Cliffton E. Shapiro and Ingle, LLP and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, by Selene Finance, LP, will, on October 30, 2018 SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2018-10-15 on or about 12:00 PM, at the Hamilton County Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer 8681 Kennerly Court, Ooltewah, 37363 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28 Robert M. Tudor Wilson & Associates, PLLC for sale certain property hereinafter described 307 Main Street, Soddy Daisy, 37379 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21 Debra Lynn Seaton and Arthur George Seaton Winchester, Sellers, Foster & Steele to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid 2812 Fifth Avenue, Chattanooga, 37407 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28; 2018-10-05 Lois D. Pagleno Wilson & Associates, PLLC at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2018-10-16 the successor trustee. The sale is free from all exemptions, which are expressly waived in the 6940 Short Tail Springs Rd, Harrison, 37341 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28; 2018-10-05 William E. Hood, III Stone, Higgs, & Drexler Deed of Trust, said property being real estate situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and SALES TO TAKE PLACE ON 2018-10-18 being more particularly described as follows: Located in the Second Civil Disctrict of 1728 Thrasher Pike, Hixson, 37343 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28; 2018-10-05 Jerry L. Cavitt Wilson & Associates, PLLC Hamilton County, Tennessee: Lot No. Ten 13109 Back Valley Road, Soddy Daisy, 37379 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28 David R. Lewis and Pamela Sue Lewis ALAW (10), Washington Hills, Unit No. Seven (7), 6218 Stockton Drive, Chattanooga, 37416 2018-08-24; 2018-08-31; 2018-09-07 Courtney McCoy Wilson & Associates, PLLC as shown by plat of record in Plat Book 3807 Atlanta Drive, Chattanooga, 37415 2018-07-27; 2018-08-03; 2018-08-10 James D. Donelson Wilson & Associates, PLLC 24, Page 25, in the Register’s Office of 204 Haney Drive, Chattanooga, 37411 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28; 2018-10-05 Robert S. Elder Wilson & Associates, PLLC Hamilton County, Tennessee. SUBJECT TO 800 Reads Lake Road #302, Chattanooga 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28; 2018-10-05 Thomas K. Blevins Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC THE FOLLOWING: ANY GOVERNMENTAL 3704 Valerian Drive, Chattanooga, 37415 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28; 2018-10-05 Rebecca Ann Smith C/O Tennessee Foreclosure Dept. ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES 8021 Birch Dr , Chattanooga, 37421 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28; 2018-10-05 Fears, Denise Shapiro and Ingle, LLP AND REGULATIONS IN EFFECT THEREON. 3956 Fairfax Drive, Chattanooga, 37415 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28; 2018-10-05 Edna Lucille Hammel and Wayne Hammel Mackie Wolf Zientz & Mann, P.C. ANCHOR EASEMENT AT THE NORTHEAST 4303 Greenbriar Road, Chattanooga, 37412 2018-09-21; 2018-09-28; 2018-10-05 James T. Pryor Wilson & Associates, PLLC CORNER OF SUBJECT PROPERTY. ROAD 3109 Lookaway Trail, Chattanooga, 37406 2018-04-27; 2018-05-04; 2018-05-11 Doneisha P. Russell Wilson & Associates, PLLC EASEMENT AS DESIGNATED ON RECORDED 410 Council Fire Drive, Chattanooga, 37421 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21 Ramona N. Jordan Wilson & Associates, PLLC PLAT AND AS FURTHER DESCRIBED IN 5340 Collegeview Drive, Collegedale, 37315 2018-09-07; 2018-09-14; 2018-09-21 Donald Shannon Cantrell and Sandra Cantrell Solomon Baggett, LLC INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 1671, PAGE 417 SAID REGISTER’S OFFICE, BEING SIXTEEN (16) FEET WIDE, THE CENTER an interest in the above- referenced property: gia Ave., Chattanooga, Tennessee pursuant to Page 98, of the Register’s Office of Hamilton For the prior title and last instrument of record LINE BEING LOT LINE. TVA POWER LINE MARKETTA M. WATKINS Deed of Trust executed by Beverley G Lambdin, County, Tennessee. According to said plat affecting the above described property, see EASEMENT AS SHOWN BY DOTED LINES TENNESSEE HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT to First Title Insurance Company, Trustee, as said part of lot is described as: BEGINNING deed recorded in Book 1785, Page 497, in ON SAID RECORDED PLAT. DRAINAGE AGENCY trustee for Mortgage South of Tennessee, Inc. at the Northeast corner of the said lot in the said Register’s Office. EASEMENT ALONG THE EASTERLY INE OF D & R PROPERTIES OF CHATTANOOGA, INC. on June 17, 2009 at Book GI 8960, Page 9; East line of Dogwood Lane; thence South SUBJECT TO Any Governmental zoning and SAID LOT, AS SHOWN BY DOTTED LINES ON The sale held pursuant to this Notice may conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, having been and Southeast along the East and Northeast subdivision ordinances and regulations in SAID RECORDED PLAT. BUILDING REQUIRE- be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option appointed Substitute or Successor Trustee, all line of Dogwood Lane 310 feet; more or effect thereon. MENTS AND FIVE (5) FOOT DRAINAGE at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn of record in the Hamilton County Register’s Of- less, to the Southwest corner of the tract SUBJECT TO Water Line Easement from Leon- EASEMENT ALONG THE SIDE AND REAR the day of the sale to another day, time, and fice. Default has occurred in the performance conveyed from Barbara Munson to James ard J. Munson and wife, Barbara C. Munson LINES, AS SHOWN BY LEGEND ON SAID place certain without further publication, upon of the covenants, terms, and conditions of said W. O’Hara, Jr. and wife, by deed recorded to Ronald L. Pendergrass, dated August 6, RECORDED PLAT. EASEMENT TO CITY OF announcement at the time and place for the Deed of Trust and the entire indebtedness has in Book 1775, Page 367, said Register’s 1968, to be recorded in the Register’s Office CHATTANOOGA RECORDED IN DEED BOOK sale set forth above. In the event of inclem- been declared due and payable. Office; thence Northwardly along the West of Hamilton County, Tennessee. 2423, PAGE 715 ent weather, the trustee hereby announces Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: Mort- line of said tract 95 feet; more or less, to Beverley C. Lambdin, hereby declaring that SAID REGISTER’S OFFICE. that the sale will be postponed for a period of gage Assets Management, LLC, its successors the Northwest corner of said tract and the my husband, Robert E. Lambdin died on or ALSO KNOWN AS: 4714 Cordelia Lane, two weeks. In such situations, notices will be and assigns. South line of the tract conveyed from Barbara about June 24, 1990, and that our marriage Chattanooga, TN 37416 mailed to interested parties of record. W&A The following real estate located in Ham- Munson to Gabie E. Nolan by deed recorded was continuous from the date of acquisition This sale is subject to all matters shown No. 301545 ilton County, Tennessee, will be sold to the in Book 1771, Page 487, said Register’s of said property until the date of his death. on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid DATED August 30, 2018 highest call bidder: Office; thence Westwardly along the South Street Address: 118 Hollyberry Ln, Chat- taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Described property located at Hamilton line of said tract 30 feet, more or less, to tanooga, Tennessee 37411 or setback lines that may be applicable; any Successor Trustee County, Tennessee, to wit: the Southwest corner of said tract; thence Parcel Number: 157G C 011 statutory rights of redemption of any govern- Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Fnr19426 LOCATED IN THE CITY OF CHATTANOOGA, Northwardly along the West line of said tract Current Owner(s) of Property: The Heirs mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: 45 feet, more or less, to the Northwest of Beverly G. Lambdin a/k/a Beverley G. or encumbrances as well as any priority created SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE BEING a part of Lot Eighteen (18), Subdivi- corner of said tract in the North line of said Lambdin by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- Sale at public auction will be on November sion of Mountain City Investment Company’s Lot Eighteen (18); thence Westwardly along The street address of the above described curate survey of the premises might disclose. 15, 2018 at 10:00AM local time, at the west Property West of Brainerd Junior High School, said North line of Lot Eighteen (18), 112, Continued on page 8 In addition, the following parties may claim door, Hamilton County Courthouse, 625 Geor- as shown by plat recorded in Plat Book 15, more or less, to the beginning. Page 8 Public Notices September 21 - 27, 2018 www.HamiltonCountyHerald.com

Building Permits two weeks. In such situations, notices will be Hamilton County mailed to interested parties of record. W&A No. 331970 Status Licensed Professional Contract DATED September 4, 2018 Owner Address Work Description Date Site Address Address Value WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Successor Trustee 09/13/2018 033118G C 03000 MORGAN JAMES E & MOZELLA J RLP CONSTRUCTION LLC NEW SINGLE FAMILY ON $84,000.00 Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Fnr19438 3363 VAN BUREN ST 3367 VAN BUREN ST REED POND SLAB W/ATTACHED CHATTANOOGA 37415 CHATTANOOGA, TN 37415 PO BOX 11461 GARAGE NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES SALE Residential (1-2 Units) New Construction CHATTANOOGA, TN 37401 WHEREAS, default has occurred in the perfor- 0911/2018 033126 00400 BAYLOR SCHOOL MATTHEW GREEN BUILDING A 30’ X 40’ $30,000.00 mance of the covenants, terms and conditions 171 BAYLOR SCHOOL RD P O BOC 1337 CONSTRUCTION LLC STORAGE BUILDING ON of a Deed of Trust dated November 20, 2003, CHATTANOOGA 37405 CHATTANOOGA, TN 37401 MATTHEW GREEN A SLAB executed by CHARLES A. THOMAS JR AND Commercial New Construction 5026 DAYTON BLVD WINIFRED J. THOMAS, conveying certain real CHATTANOOGA, TN 37415 property therein described to BETSY KENNEDY, 09/12/2018 033126L C 03101 GOODWIN SOUTHERN GOODWIN SOUTHERN NEW SINGLE FAMILY $250,000.00 as Trustee, as same appears of record in the 1414 HAMILTON AVE LOT 1 PROPERTY LLC PROPERTY RESIDENCE, THREE Register’s Office of Hamilton County, Tennes- CHATTANOOGA, TN 37405 3119 MOUNT PISGAH RD TINA GOODWIN BEDROOMS, TWO see recorded November 24, 2003, in Deed Residential (1-2 Units) RINGGOLD, GA 30736 3119 MOUNT PISGAH ROAD STORIES OVER Book GI 6940, Page 639; and WHEREAS, the New Construction RINGGOLD, GA 30736 UNFINISHED BASEMENT beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was 09/10/2018 033092G N 01100 TRUST HOMES LLC TRUST HOMES, LLC NEW CONSTRUCTION OF $246,000.00 last transferred and assigned to Wilmington 1125 LITTLE SORREL RD LOT 551 P O BOX 386 BRYAN STANTON SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, FOUR Savings Fund Society, FSB, D/B/A Christiana CHATTANOOGA, TN 37343 DOUGLASVILLE, GA 30133 1161 E MAIN STREET BEDROOMS, TWO STORY WITH Trust as Owner Trustee of the Residential Credit Residential (1-2 Units) New Construction CHATTANOOGA, TN 37408 ATTACHED GARAGE Opportunities Trust III who is now the owner 09/11/2018 033147O E 02100 GRIFFIN JOHNATHAN GRIFFCO COMPANY NEW CONSTUCTION OF SINGLE FAMILY $97,920.00 of said debt; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, 702 HARGRAVES AVE 8833 IGOU GAP RD JOHNATHAN GRIFFIN RESIDENCE, THREE BEDROOMS Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, having been appointed CHATTANOOGA, TN 37311 CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 8833 IGOU GAP RD OVER CRAWL SPACE, ONE as Substitute Trustee by instrument to be filed Residential (1-2 Units) New Construction CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 STORY WITH ATTACHED GARAGE for record in the Register’s Office of Hamilton 09/11/2018 033147O E 02100 GRIFFIN JOHNATHAN GRIFFCO COMPANY NEW CONSTUCTION OF SINGLE $97,920.00 County, Tennessee. NOW, THEREFORE, notice 706 HARGRAVES AVE 8833 IGOU GAP RD JOHNATHAN GRIFFIN FAMILY RESIDENCE, THREE is hereby given that the entire indebtedness CHATTANOOGA, TN 37311 CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 8833 IGOU GAP RD BEDROOMS OVERCRAWL SPACE, has been declared due and payable, and that Residential (1-2 Units) New Construction CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 ONE STORY WITH ATTACHED GARAGE the undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, as 09/11/2018 033147O E 02100 GRIFFIN JOHNATHAN GRIFFCO COMPANY NEW CONSTUCTION OF SINGLE FAMILY $97,920.00 Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed agent, 708 HARGRAVES AVE 8833 IGOU GAP RD JOHNATHAN GRIFFIN RESIDENCE, THREE BEDROOMS by virtue of the power, duty and authority vested CHATTANOOGA, TN 37311 CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 8833 IGOU GAP RD OVER CRAWL SPACE, ONE and imposed upon said Substitute Trustee will, Residential (1-2 Units) New Construction CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 STORY WITH ATTACHED GARAGE on October 11, 2018 at 10:00 AM at the Front Steps of the Hamilton County Courthouse, Foreclosure Notices which case the purchaser shall have no remedy. mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens Company Americas, as Trustee for Residential Chattanooga, Tennessee , proceed to sell at The real property will be sold AS IS, WHERE or encumbrances as well as any priority created Accredit Loans, Inc., Mortgage Asset-Backed public outcry to the highest and best bidder Continued from page 7 IS, with no warranties or representations of by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-QS7. for cash or certified funds ONLY, the following any kind, express or implied, including without curate survey of the premises might disclose. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given described property situated in Hamilton County, property is believed to be 118 Hollyberry Ln, limitation, warranties regarding condition of the In addition, the following parties may claim an that the entire indebtedness has been declared Tennessee, to wit: Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411, but such property or marketability of title. interest in the above-referenced property: due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND IN THIRD address is not part of the legal description of This office may be a debt collector. This RAMONA N. JORDAN Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by (3)RD CIVIL DISTRICT, HAMILTON COUNTY, the property sold herein and in the event of may be an attempt to collect a debt and any SUNTRUST BANK virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested STATE OF TENNESSEE, AS MORE FULLY DE- any discrepancy, the legal description herein information obtained may be used for that FIA CARD SERVICES, N.A. in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, SCRIBED IN BOOK 4885, PAGE 922, ID #091C- shall control. purpose. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE by Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, F-029, BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS This sale is subject to, without limitation, all Shapiro & Ingle, LLP ATTENTION: WENDY SMOOT as Trustee for Residential Accredit Loans, Inc., LOT 98, FAIRINGTON FOREST, FILED IN PLAT matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; Substitute Trustee SUNSHINE VALLEY, LLC Mortgage Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certifi- BOOK 26, PAGE 161. any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 On or about November 1, 2016, the United cates, Series 2007-QS7, will, on October 1, PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street address of the easements, or setback lines that may be ap- Charlotte, NC 28216 States of America, Internal Revenue Service, 2018 on or about 3:00 PM, at the Hamilton property is believed to be 7314 FAIRINGTON plicable; any statutory right of redemption of any Phone: (704) 333-8107 filed a federal tax lien against the Defendant, County Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennes- CIRCLE, HIXSON, TN 37343. In the event of governmental agency, state or federal; any prior Fax: (704) 333-8156 Ramona N. Jordan, recorded in the Register’s see, offer for sale certain property hereinafter any discrepancy between this street address liens or encumbrances including those created www.auction.com Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee, Book described to the highest bidder FOR certified and the legal description of the property, the by a fixture filing or any applicable homeowners’ File No. 18-115870 10895, Page 49. Any interest in the property funds paid at the conclusion of the sale, or legal description shall control. association dues or assessments; all claims or Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Fnr19427 held by the United States of America, Internal credit bid from a bank or other lending entity CURRENT OWNER(S): CHARLES A. THOMAS other matters, whether of record or not, which Revenue Service, by virtue of the aforemen- pre-approved by the successor trustee. The JR AND WINIFRED J. THOMAS may encumber the purchaser’s title and any NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE tioned federal tax lien is both junior and inferior sale is free from all exemptions, which are OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: matter that an accurate survey of the premises WHEREAS, default has occurred in the to the interests held by Ditech Financial, LLC. expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said The sale of the above-described property shall might disclose. performance of the covenants, terms, and Provided, however, that the United States of property being real estate situated in Hamilton be subject to all matters shown on any recorded The following parties may claim an interest conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated America, Internal Revenue Service, pursuant County, Tennessee, and being more particularly plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- in the above-referenced property to be affected November 8, 2006, and the Deed of Trust to 26 U.S.C. §7425 and 28 U.S.C. §2410(c), described as follows: enants, easements or set-back lines that may by the foreclosure: any judgment creditor or of even date securing the same, recorded shall have one hundred and twenty (120) days ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND IN COUNTY OF be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances lien holder with an interest subordinate to the November 15, 2006, in Book No. 8149, at from the date of the sale within which to redeem HAMILTON, STATE OF TENNESSEE AS MORE as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; said Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, Page 891, and modified on November 13, the property by virtue of its tax lien(s) herein FULLY DESCRIBED IN BOOK 6998 PAGE and to any matter that an accurate survey of through, or under any of the foregoing. Such 2017, In Book No. 11202, At Page 563 in by payment of the actual amount paid by the 588 AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DE- the premises might disclose. This property is parties known to the Substitute Trustee may Office of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton purchaser at the foreclosure sale, plus any SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: A CERTAIN TRACT being sold with the express reservation that include: All parties claiming by, through, or County, Tennessee, executed by Ramona N. amount in excess of the expenses necessar- OR PARCEL OF LAND IN HAMILTON COUNTY, it is subject to confirmation by the lender or under Beverley Lambdin. Jordan, conveying certain property therein ily incurred in connection with such property, STATE OF TENNESSEE, DESCRIBED AS FOL- Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded Terms of Sale will be public auction, for described to First American Title Company as less the income from such property, plus a LOWS, TO WIT: LAND IN HAMILTON COUNTY, at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn cash, free and clear of rights of homestead, Trustee for Mortgage Electronic Registration reasonable rental value of such property. As TENNESSEE, BEING LOT 8, ON THE PLAT OF the day of the sale to another day, time, and redemption and dower to the extent disclaimed Systems, Inc., as nominee for CitiMortgage, required by 26 U.S.C. §7425(b), the United HUNTER TRACE SUBDIVISION OF RECORD place certain without further publication, upon or inapplicable, and the rights of Beverley G Inc., its successors and assigns; and the States of America, Internal Revenue Service IN PLAT BOOK 49, PAGE 321, AS AMENDED announcement at the time and place for the Lambdin, and those claiming through him/ undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., has been given timely notice of this action. IN CORRECTIVE PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT sale set forth above. All right and equity of re- her/it/them. having been appointed Successor Trustee by The sale held pursuant to this Notice may BOOK 50, PAGE 15, REGISTER’S OFFICE OF demption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, Any right of equity of redemption, statutory Ditech Financial, LLC. be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option SAID COUNTY, TO WHICH PLAN REFERENCE and dower are expressly waived in said Deed and otherwise, and homestead are waived in NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn IS HEREBY MADE FOR A MORE COMPLETE of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, accord with the terms of said Deed of Trust, that the entire indebtedness has been declared the day of the sale to another day, time, and LEGAL DESCRIPTION, THIS CONVEYANCE but the undersigned will sell and convey only and the title is believed to be good, but the due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & place certain without further publication, upon IS SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, RESTRIC- as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold undersigned will sell and convey only as Sub- Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by announcement at the time and place for the TIVE COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS AND as is, where is, without representations or stitute Trustee. virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in sale set forth above. In the event of inclement OTHER MATTER OF RECORD INCLUDING warranties of any kind, including fitness for a The right is reserved to adjourn the day and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, by weather, the trustee hereby announces that ALL ITEMS SET OUT ON ANY APPLICABLE particular use or purpose. of the sale to another day, time, and place Ditech Financial, LLC, will, on October 18, 2018 the sale will be postponed for a period of two PLAT OF RECORD. THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT certain without further publication, upon an- on or about 10:00 AM, at the Hamilton County weeks. In such situations, notices will be ALSO KNOWN AS: 2215 Violette Drive, A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL nouncement at the time and place for the sale Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer mailed to interested parties of record. W&A Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. set forth above. If you purchase a property for sale certain property hereinafter described No. 331035 This sale is subject to all matters shown Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, at the foreclosure sale, the entire purchase to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid DATED September 4, 2018 on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid Substitute Trustee price is due and payable at the conclusion at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, 119 S. Main Street, Suite 500 of the auction in the form of a certified/ a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by Successor Trustee or setback lines that may be applicable; any Memphis, TN 38103 bank check made payable to or endorsed the successor trustee. The sale is free from all Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Fnr19437 statutory rights of redemption of any govern- www.rubinlublin.com/property-listings.php to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal checks exemptions, which are expressly waived in the mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens Tel: (877) 813-0992 will be accepted. To this end, you must bring Deed of Trust, said property being real estate NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE or encumbrances as well as any priority created Fax: (404) 601-5846 sufficient funds to outbid the lender and any situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and WHEREAS, default has occurred in the by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- Ad #143300 other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be being more particularly described as follows: performance of the covenants, terms, and curate survey of the premises might disclose. Sept. 14, 21, 28, 2018 Fnr19402 accepted. Amounts received in excess of the In the City of Chattanooga, Hamilton County, conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated March In addition, the following parties may claim winning bid will be refunded to the successful Tennessee: Lot Seventy-nine (79), Council 29, 2007, and the Deed of Trust of even date an interest in the above- referenced property: NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed Fire, as shown by corrective plat of record in securing the same, recorded April 13, 2007, GREGORY BROWN WHEREAS, default has occurred in the is delivered. Plat Book 48, Page 291, in the Register’s in Book No. GI 8304, at Page 544, in Office of LVNV FUNDING, LLC AS ASSIGNEE OF CAPI- performance of the covenants, terms, and This property is being sold with the express Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee, to the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, Ten- TAL ONE conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated reservation that the sale is subject to confirma- which plat reference is hereby made for a nessee, executed by Gregory Brown, conveying The sale held pursuant to this Notice may November 2, 2016, and the Deed of Trust tion by the lender or trustee. This sale may be more complete description. certain property therein described to Arnold be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option of even date securing the same, recorded rescinded only by the Substitute Trustee at any ALSO KNOWN AS: 410 Council Fire Drive, M. Weiss as Trustee for Mortgage Electronic at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn November 3, 2016, in Book No. GI 10898, at time. If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the Chattanooga, TN 37421 Registration Systems, Inc. as Nominee for the day of the sale to another day, time, and Page 197, in Office of the Register of Deeds sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled to a This sale is subject to all matters shown Homecomings Financial, LLC F/K/A Homecom- place certain without further publication, upon for Hamilton County, Tennessee, executed by return of any money paid towards the purchase on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid ings Financial Network, Inc., its successors announcement at the time and place for the Robert M. Tudor, conveying certain property price and shall have no other recourse. Once taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, and assigns; and the undersigned, Wilson & sale set forth above. In the event of inclem- therein described to Cavett & Abbott, PLLC as the purchaser tenders the purchase price, the or setback lines that may be applicable; any Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed ent weather, the trustee hereby announces Trustee for Mortgage Electronic Registration Substitute Trustee may deem the sale final in statutory rights of redemption of any govern- Successor Trustee by Deutsche Bank Trust that the sale will be postponed for a period of Systems, Inc., as nominee for Prosperity Home September 21 - 27, 2018 Public Notices Page 9 www.HamiltonCountyHerald.com

Mortgage, LLC, its successors and assigns; property being real estate situated in Hamilton Office; thence North along the Chinery line, conditions of a Deed of Trust dated January 24, the dividing line between lots 126 and 125 is and the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, County, Tennessee, and being more particularly being the dividing line between Lots Two 2006, executed by MADOLYN DIANE DENNIS 206 feet, more or less, in length. P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor described as follows: (2) and Three (3) of the aforesaid Marimont AND ANTHONY DENNIS, wife and husband, con- SUBJECT TO City of Chattanooga Electric Power Trustee by PennyMac Loan Services, LLC. The following described real property Subdivision, Two Hundred Four (204) feet, veying certain real property therein described to Board Line Easement as shown by dotted lines NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given located in County of Hamilton, State of Ten- more or less, to a point in the Southern line Rhonda C. Bundy, as Trustee, as same appears on said plat. that the entire indebtedness has been declared nessee; being more particularly described of the aforementioned Holland property; of record in the Register’s Office of Hamilton SUBJECT TO any governmental zoning and due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & as follows: In the Second Civil District of thence South Sixty (60) degrees East One County, Tennessee recorded January 30, 2006, subdivision ordinances or regulations in ef- Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by Hamilton County, Tennessee, Lot Eighty Hundred Eleven and 3/10 (111.3) feet, in Book GI 7825, Page 323, Instrument No. fect thereon. virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested (80), Washington Hills Extrusions Revised, more or less, to a point; thence continuing 2006013000352; and SUBJECT TO restrictive covenants recorded in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, as shown by plat recorded in Plat Book along and with the aforesaid Holland line, WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said in Book 1135, Page 266 and in Book 1182, by PennyMac Loan Services, LLC, will, on Oc- 22 page 51, of the Register’s Office of South Forty-seven (47) degrees Thirty (30) Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned Page 405, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton tober 15, 2018 on or about 3:00 PM, at the Hamilton County, Tennessee. According minutes East One Hundred Eight and 8/10 to PMR Contracting, LLC who is now the owner County, Tennessee. Hamilton County Courthouse, Chattanooga, to said plat, said lot fronts 90 feet on the (108.8) feet, more or less, to the point of of said debt; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, FOR PRIOR TITLE SEE DEED BOOK 1775, PAGE Tennessee, offer for sale certain property West line of said subdivision its North line beginning. Edward D. Russell of The SR Law Group, having 20 IN THE REGISTER’S OFFICE OF HAMILTON hereinafter described to the highest bidder being 136.7 feet and its South line being ALSO KNOWN AS: 1211 Marijon Drive, been appointed as Substitute Trustee by instru- COUNTY. FOR certified funds paid at the conclusion 120.2 feet in length. Chattanooga, TN 37421 ment filed for record in the Register’s Office of PROPERTY ADDRESS: 7627 Bishop Drive, of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or other ALSO KNOWN AS: 4803 Cordelia Lane, This sale is subject to all matters shown Hamilton County, Tennessee recorded August Chattanooga, TN 37416 lending entity pre-approved by the successor Chattanooga, TN 37416 on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid 27, 2018, in Book GI 11436, Page 228, at TAX ID #129M-B-012 trustee. The sale is free from all exemptions, This sale is subject to all matters shown taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, Instrument Number 2018082700054; CURRENT OWNER(S): Madolyn Diane Dennis which are expressly waived in the Deed of on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid or setback lines that may be applicable; any NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given and Anthony Dennis Trust, said property being real estate situated taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, statutory rights of redemption of any govern- that the entire indebtedness has been declared OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: Shepherd Hills in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and being more or setback lines that may be applicable; any mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens due and payable, and that the undersigned, Apartments c/o Mayfield & Lester particularly described as follows: statutory rights of redemption of any govern- or encumbrances as well as any priority created Edward D. Russell of The SR Law Group, as THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID LOCATED IN THE SECOND CIVIL DISTRICT, mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed agent, TAXES, IF ANY, ANY PRIOR LIENS OR ENCUM- HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: Lot Nine- or encumbrances as well as any priority created curate survey of the premises might disclose. by virtue of the power, duty and authority vested BRANCES, LEASES, EASEMENTS, AND ALL ty-seven (97), Providence Point Subdivision, by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- In addition, the following parties may claim and imposed upon said Substitute Trustee OTHER MATTERS WHICH TAKE PRIORITY OVER a Planned Unit Development, Phase I, as curate survey of the premises might disclose. an interest in the above- referenced property: will, on October 12, 2018 at 10:00 AM at the THE DEED OF TRUST UNDER WHICH THIS FORE- shown by plat of record in Plat Book 94, page In addition, the following parties may claim RICHARD W RANKIN usual and customary location at the Hamilton CLOSURE SALE IS CONDUCTED, INCLUDING 127-128, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton an interest in the above- referenced property: CHRISTINA M RANKIN County Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE PRIORITY OF ANY County, Tennessee. Subject to any govern- OPAL SHAW The sale held pursuant to this Notice may proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest FIXTURE FILING. IF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF mental zoning and/or subdivision ordinance TRACY MULLINAX SHAW be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option and best bidder for cash or certified funds THE TREASURY/INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, or regulation in effect thereon. SUBJECT TO ESTATE OF OPAL SHAW at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn ONLY, the following described property situated THE STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF Terms, provisions, covenants, conditions, UNKNOWN HEIRS, IF ANY, OF OPAL SHAW the day of the sale to another day, time, and in Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: REVENUE, OR THE STATE OF TENNESSEE restrictions, easements, charges, assess- WARNIE C. SHAW place certain without further publication, upon A certain tract or parcel of land, located in Chat- DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND WORKFORCE ments and liens provided in the Covenants, STEVE GORDON announcement at the time and place for the tanooga, State of Tennessee, more particularly DEVELOPMENT ARE LISTED AS INTERESTED Conditions, Restrictions of record in Book The sale held pursuant to this Notice may sale set forth above. In the event of inclem- described as follows: PARTIES IN THE ADVERTISEMENT, THEN THE 1100, page 121, as amended in Book 1254, be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option ent weather, the trustee hereby announces IN THE SECOND CIVIL DISTRICT OF HAMILTON NOTICE OF THIS FORECLOSURE IS BEING GIVEN page 20, and in Book 9372, page 99, in at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn that the sale will be postponed for a period of COUNTY, TENNESSEE; TO THEM, AND THE SALE WILL BE SUBJECT the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, the day of the sale to another day, time, and two weeks. In such situations, notices will be The North One Hundred (100) feet of lot One TO THE APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL ENTI- Tennessee. SUBJECT TO Provisions as set place certain without further publication, upon mailed to interested parties of record. W&A Hundred Twenty-five (125), Austin Farms, Sec- TIES RIGHT TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY, ALL out in that instrument regarding subdivision announcement at the time and place for the No. 332385 tion Three (3), as shown by Plat of record in AS REQUIRED BY 26 U.S.C. 7425 AND T.C.A. plats of record in Book 2116, page 186 in sale set forth above. In the event of inclem- DATED September 6, 2018 Plat Book 16, Page 58, in the Register’s Office 67-1-1433. THE NOTICE REQUIREMENTS OF the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, ent weather, the trustee hereby announces WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., of Hamilton County, Tennessee. According to T.C.A. 35-5-101 ET SEQ. HAVE BEEN MET. Tennessee. SUBJECT TO Building setback that the sale will be postponed for a period of Successor Trustee said plat said part of lot fronts 105 feet, more The sale of the above-described property lines as shown on recorded plat. SUBJECT two weeks. In such situations, notices will be Sept. 14, 21, 28, 2018 Fnr19441 or less, on the west line of Bishop Drive, and shall be subject to all matters shown on any TO Ten (10) foot Power and Communica- mailed to interested parties of record. W&A extends westwardly between parallel lines, recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive tion Easement as shown on recorded plat. No. 324240 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE which are 100 feet apart, along the southern covenants, easements or set-back lines that ALSO KNOWN AS: 8681 Kennerly Court, DATED September 5, 2018 WHEREAS, default has occurred in the line of lot 126 of said subdivision, to the western Ooltewah, TN 37363 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., performance of the covenants, terms and line of said subdivision; its northern line being Continued on page 18 This sale is subject to all matters shown Successor Trustee on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid Sept. 14, 21, 28, 2018 Fnr19440 taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE statutory rights of redemption of any govern- WHEREAS, default has occurred in the STATEWIDE CLASSIFIED ADS mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens performance of the covenants, terms, and Reaching more than 979,000 Readers Every Week! or encumbrances as well as any priority created conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated April For placement information, contact this newspaper’s classi ed advertising department. by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- 18, 2017, and the Deed of Trust of even date Auctions For Sale Help Wanted - Drivers curate survey of the premises might disclose. securing the same, recorded April 25, 2017, Auctions For Sale Help Wanted - Drivers DIVORCE SETTLEMENT LIQUIDATION, SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- FLEET OWNERS! 25-40+ Trucks? 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Steve at 219-427-4131 that the sale will be postponed for a period of NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby Jackson County, Alabama. High-end Of Pocket. Music and More! Call Earthlink Today two weeks. In such situations, notices will be given that the entire indebtedness has been /Remote. rare furnishings, Some restrictions farm equipment, apply. Call 1-888-337-9611 mailed to interested parties of record. W&A declared due and payable; and that an agent household1-844-274-6074 goods. Great condition. www. OXYGEN - Anytime. Anywhere. No Internet OXYGEN - Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks No. 331536 of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Succes- TargetAuction.com DJacobs ALAU#5060 tanks to refill. No deliveries. The All- Earthlink High Speed Internet. As DATED September 5, 2018 sor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY TV, Internet toNew refill. Inogen No One deliveries. G4 is only The 2.8 pounds!All-New Low As $14.95/month Miscellaneous (for the first 3 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., authority vested in and imposed upon said InogenFAA approved! One G4 isFREE only info2.8 pounds! kit: 844-280- FAA DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY! GET& Voice THE for WORD $29.99 OUT ea. 60 about MB per your second next months.) Reliable High Speed Fiber Successor Trustee Successor Trustee, by Freedom Mortgage approved!2602 FREE info kit: 844-280-2602 FAST FREE PICKUP-24 HR RESPONSE! auction!speed. No Save contract Time &or $$$. commitment. One Call ForWe Optic Technology. Stream Videos, Sept. 14, 21, 28, 2018 Fnr19439 Corporation, will, on November 1, 2018 on Help Children in Need, Support Breast All.buy Your your ad existing can appear contract in this up newspaper to $500! Music and More! Call Earthlink Today or about 10:00 AM, at the Hamilton County Cancer Education/Prevention or Veter- +1-855-710-8320 95 other TN newspapers. For more info, DENTALDENTAL INSURANCE. Call Physicians 1-888-337-9611 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer ans. Tax Deduction 866-559-9602 contact this newspaper’s classified dept. MutualMutual Insurance Company for details. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the for sale certain property hereinafter described orDIRECTV call 931-624-8916. SELECT PACKAGE! Over NOTNOT just a discount plan, REAL Miscellaneous performance of the covenants, terms, and to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid coverage for 350 procedures. 844-278- 150 Channels, ONLY $35/month (for 12 coverage for 350 procedures. 844-278- Services - Financial conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from 8285 or http://www.dental50plus.com/ DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY! mos.) Order Now! Get a $100 AT&T Visa 8285 or http://www.dental50plus.com/ SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind October 19, 2012, and the Deed of Trust of a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by Cable / Satellite TV tnpress Ad# 6118 FAST FREE PICKUP-24 HR RESPONSE! Rewards Gift Card (some restrictions tnpress Ad# 6118 paying your MORTGAGE? Denied a even date securing the same, recorded October the successor trustee. The sale is free from all DISH TV $59.99 For190 Channels $14.95 Help Children in Need, Support Breast apply) CALL1-844-230-4803 Loan Modification? Is the bank threat- 26, 2012, in Book No. GI 9781, at Page 712, exemptions, which are expressly waived in the High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Cancer Education/Prevention or Veter- Sleep Apnea Patients - If you have ening foreclosure? CALL Homeowner’s in Office of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton Deed of Trust, said property being real estate Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Sleep Apnea Patients - If you have ans. Tax Deduction 866-559-9602 Medicare coverage, call Verus Relief Line! FREE CONSULTATION! County, Tennessee, executed by Opal Shaw, situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and Remote. Some Divorce restrictions - Services apply. Call Medicare coverage, call Verus HealthcareHealthcare to qualify for CPAP supplies 877-643-1408 conveying certain property therein described being more particularly described as follows: 1-844-274-6074Affordable DIVORCE with or Wanted to Buy or Trade forfor littlelittle oror nono costcost inin minutes. Home to Arnold M. Weiss, Esq. as Trustee for Wells Property known as 1211 Marijon Drive without children pro se $85.00. Delivery,Delivery, Healthy Sleep Guide and More FREON R12 WANTED: CERTIFIED Fargo Bank, N A; and the undersigned, Wilson Chattanooga, TN 37421, County of Hamilton Includes child support, property Wanted to Buy or Trade SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY TV, Internet -- FREE!FREE! OurOur customer care agents awaitawait BUYER will PAY CA$H for R12 cylinders & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed to wit: LOCATED IN THE CITY OF CHAT- settlement and name change agreements. FREON R12 WANTED: CERTIFIED & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per second youryour call.call. 1-866-451-46481-866-451-4648 or cases of cans. (312) 291-9169; www. Successor Trustee by Wells Fargo Bank, NA. TANOOGA, HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNES- Credit cards, bank debit cards accepted. speed. No contract or commitment. We BUYERrefrigerantfinders.com will PAY CA$H for R12 cylinders NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given SEE: Part of Lot Three (3), Block One (1), Call 865-424-1414 buy your existing contract up to $500! or cases of cans. (312) 291-9169; www. that the entire indebtedness has been declared Marimont Subdivision, as shown by plat of AttentionAttention Viagra users: Generic 100 1-855-710-8320 refrigerantfinders.com due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & record in Plat Book 14, page 12, and be- mgmg blue pills or Generic 20 mg yellow Advertise Throughout Tennessee Financial - Services Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by ing more particularly described as follows: pills.pills. Get 45 plus 5 free $99 + S/H. YOUR LOW COST ADVERTISING Solu- Advertise Throughout Tennessee virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested BEGINNING at a point in the Northwestern DIRECTVSAVE YOUR SELECT HOME! PACKAGE! Are you behind Over Guaranteed,Guaranteed, no prescription necessary. tion! One call & your 25 word ad will in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, line of Marijon Drive at a stake marking the 150paying Channels, your MORTGAGE? ONLY $35/month Denied (fora Loan 12 CallCall 866-569-5390 YOURappear LOW in 96 COST Tennessee ADVERTISING newspapers Solu- Modification? Is the bank threatening tion! One call & your 25 word ad will by Wells Fargo Bank, NA, will, on November 15, Southeast corner of the property conveyed mos.) Order Now! Get a $100 AT&T Visa for $275/wk or 29 East TN newspapers Rewardsforeclosure? Gift CALL Card Homeowner’s(some restrictions Relief appearfor $120/wk. in 96 Call Tennessee this newspaper’s newspapers clas- 2018 on or about 10:00 AM, at the Hamilton to J. Rufus Holland and wife, by instrument Help Help Wanted Wanted County Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, recorded in Book 1021, page 600, said apply)Line! FREECALL1-844-230-4803 CONSULTATION! 877-643- forsified $275/wk advertising or 29 East dept. TN or newspapers go to www. 1408 RECRUITINGRECRUITING HEADACHES? We Can offer for sale certain property hereinafter Register’s Office; thence Southwestwardly fortnadvertising.biz. $120/wk. Call this newspaper’s clas - Help!Help! Advertise your job opening described to the highest bidder FOR certified along the right-of-way line of said Marijon sified advertising dept. or go to www. inin thisthis newspapernewspaper +94 newspapers funds paid at the conclusion of the sale, or Drive, One Hundred Seventy-five (175) feet, tnadvertising.biz. acrossacross the state of Tennessee One Call www.tnadvertising.biz credit bid from a bank or other lending entity more or less, to a stake at the Northeast // EmailEmail forfor All! Contact our classifiedclassified pre-approved by the successor trustee. The corner of the property conveyed to Raymond departmentdepartment or email bmoats@tnpress. sale is free from all exemptions, which are R. Chinery and wife, by instrument recorded comcom expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said in Book 1376, page 173, said Register’s 10 | September 21 – 27, 2018 Hamilton County Herald www.hamiltoncountyherald.com

Primex adds facility of deals to nearly 37 million homes in 46 states and three Financial Focus to Jasper plant Canadian provinces. Stan Russell Primex Color, Com- After the November mailing, [email protected] pounding & Additives, Chattanooga residents will re- formerly O’Neil Color & ceive Valpak envelopes March, Compounding, has opened June, September and Novem- a customer center at its ber of 2019. Jasper facility.  e expansion will give How can life insurance Primex is a leading sup- Valpak partners and adver- plier of color and polymer tisers the opportunity to reach help you? solutions for plastics proces- more upscale socio-economic sors. shoppers with their ads and September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. You  e design and application experts. off ers. probably recognize, at least in a general sense, the impor- development center consists of Additionally, the Solutions tance of life insurance, but do you know the various ways in Dillard supports a high-end color and product Center houses PCC&A’s which it can help you? design center, conferencing research and development healthy hearts Life insurance can play a sizable role in your ability to facilities and close proximity lab that works in concert with achieve some important fi nancial goals, such as these:  e American Heart Asso- to the company’s sampling and customers. PCC&A’s Tennes- ciation and Dillard Construc- Helping your family maintain its lifestyle testing operations. see plant produces a wide range tion are working together to “ is new resource allows us of colorants and additives for If you are married and have young children at home, you help increase the number of to work closely with customers customers in food packaging, and your spouse may need to work. If you were no longer Hands-Only CPR-trained by- during the product develop- construction, medical, con- around and your earnings were gone, could your family still standers in Chattanooga. ment phase in order to rec- sumer products and other aff ord to live as they do now? Every eight seconds a cardiac ommend the right colors and industries. Adequate life insurance can help them preserve their event occurs, while only 8 other characteristics for their “Between our Solutions Cen- lifestyle. percent of the population is end products and quickly pro- ter and the Farber Center, our Helping your children continue their education trained in CPR. duce color chips and molded chemists and engineering staff Dillard Construction’s Even if you weren’t planning to foot the entire bill for samples from the exact mate- provide world-class problem donation will aid schools with your children’s college education, you still might be doing rials and additives contained solving, reverse engineering the purchase and distribution what you can, such as contributing to a 529 education sav- in the fi nished product,” says and innovative testing, ensur- of Hands-Only CPR Kits within ings plan. PCC&A’s Anthony Montalvo, ing fi nal processes and pro- the Hamilton and Rhea County If your income was lost, could your family still aff ord to technical director. duction that exceed customer communities. continue these contributions? “Our researchers, scientists expectations,” Montalvo says.  ese Hands-Only CPR kits With enough life insurance, you can improve the chances and technicians, with over 100 Valpak adds include a life like mannequin, that your children will at least get some fi nancial help for combined years of color and DVD and written instruction, college or vocational training. compounding experience, are Chattanooga and accessories for multiple Helping your survivors pay off debts close at hand during the brain- Valpak, a direct marketing students. One kit has the storming sessions so we can Are all your debts paid off ? If not, you could be leaving company, is expanding to capability of training an entire quickly identify and solve any your family on the hook for some of them, such as credit Chattanooga in November. school. potential issues.” cards and car loans – not to mention your mortgage.  e company provides print- “We are thrilled to give  e Solutions Center fi lls Also, as uncomfortable as it may be to consider it, funeral able coupons, online promo this knowledge to our chil- a need for creative and prob- and burial costs can easily run into the thousands.  e codes and local deals and will dren and put the power of life lem-solving capabilities. Clients proceeds of your life insurance policy can help pay down be in 158 local markets by the saving knowledge in our school can immerse themselves in debts, handle your fi nal expenses – and relieve your family end of the year. systems,’’ says Ryan Dillard, ex- branding and product devel- of costly burdens.  e company currently ecutive vice president, Dillard opment, assisted by PCC&A’s Helping your spouse build resources for retirement mails its monthly envelope Construction. It’s almost impossible for most of us to save too much for retirement. Your spouse may already have some retirement PARTY LINE From page 4 pretty darn close to sounding the House to vote for what was accounts, such as a 401(k) and an IRA, but will these be like he loves Democrats when dubbed the Hawk Plan, mainly Courtney Wheeler, issued this enough to sustain a long retirement?  rough life insurance, he fi nally – at long last – an- the use of surplus money to statement in response to the you can potentially add signifi cant amounts to your spouse’s nounced his candidacy. fund hundreds of road projects. NBC-Marist poll: “We are not retirement assets. Sure, he denounced liberal Hawk lost that battle, and concerned at all by the results As we’ve seen, you can accomplish a lot with life insur- policies and touted free-mar- he’ll have a hard time beating of recent polling. A Republican ance. But how much do you need? ket principles in building a Casada and Johnson, too. But in Tennessee should have an If you want the appropriate amount of coverage, you strong Tennessee economy at least he stuck with his guns automatic 20-point lead, and should consider a variety of factors. How much do you earn? and supermajorities in the to the bitter end, compared to the fact that we have signifi - How much does your spouse earn? How many children do House and Senate in a letter to Casada who wound up voting cantly chipped away at that you have? How old are they? How much do you owe on fellow Republicans urging them for the IMPROVE Act, along with still two months to go your home? to vote for him. But he also with 25 Democrats who helped shows us we are right where we By answering these and other, similar questions, you can referenced a situation in which it pass. Hey, maybe he does need to be. arrive at a coverage level that’s suitable for your needs. Also, Republicans and Democrats love bipartisanship after all. “You’ll remember Bill Lee keep in mind that those needs will change – for example, if “joined together across party Of course, if Casada can himself was down 19 points your children are grown and you’ve downsized your living lines” to deal with the failed persuade inner-city Mem- just a week before the Au- arrangements, you may require less insurance than at earlier TNReady testing program and phians to elect Republicans, gust primary. We are going times in your life. protect teachers from being he deserves to be the House to work hard every day to let Life Insurance Awareness Month is a good time to fi red or reassigned because of Speaker. Something tells me, Tennesseans know this elec- remind yourself of the importance of insurance and of the low student scores. though, he won’t be able to stay tion is a clear choice between need to own the correct amount. So, review your coverage In the very next paragraph, in offi ce long enough to accom- common-sense, nonpartisan soon – after all, you can’t predict the future, but you can still though, he keeps it real, “As plish that. More likely, either leadership and extremism.” prepare for it. your Speaker, I will not stop Memphis Democratic Rep. Because of that, Lee is going fi ghting until we have 99 Re- G.A. Hardaway or Rep. Karen to keep it vanilla while Dean is publican seats in the House.” Camper will become House Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot provide tax or legal going to keep hammering. But Apparently, 74 is not enough. Speaker before Casada makes it advice. You should consult your attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding don’t expect Bill Haslam types While it would be diffi cult to a clean sweep. Now that would your situation. to go to the D side, at least not fi nd anyone much more con- be a party line worth mention- is article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local publicly.  ey’d kick him out of servative than Casada, he did ing. Edward Jones Financial Advisor (member SIPC). Contact Stan at the Republican Governors As- vote for the IMPROVE Act and [email protected]. sociation before he could leave its gas-tax increases over three Sam Stockard is a Nash- the executive residence. years. So did Speaker Pro Tem ville-based reporter with more Back at the ranch Curtis Johnson, who is also than 30 years of experience as a House Majority Leader Glen seeking the speaker’s job. reporter, editor and columnist Casada, making a bid for the But the third candidate, Rep. covering the state Legislature House Speaker position, came David Hawk of Greeneville, and Tennessee politics for e refused to give in and kept after Daily Memphian. www.hamiltoncountyherald.com Hamilton County Herald September 21 – 27, 2018 | 11 Jailers search for better options for addicts By Jeannie Naujeck Staff run the jail like a well-  e Community Justice Ini- oiled machine, but the severe tiative includes a broad range With a huge percentage overcrowding creates oper- of community leaders, from the of crimes in Tennessee now ational challenges and safety mayor to law enforcement, the stemming from drug addiction, risks on a daily basis.  ere’s district attorney, public defend- some county offi cials are realiz- barely enough fl oor space for ers, addiction recovery pro- ing they can’t just keep adding inmates to sleep, let alone fessionals, the local judiciary, jail beds. Instead, they’re look- provide adequate space for pro- corrections staff and probation ing to address the root causes grams. offi cers. of crime.  e county has considered In July, the CJI published a  at’s what’s happening in expanding the jail for years. But feasibility study that proposed Blount County, a community now, a broad coalition of com- jail renovation and expansion of about 130,000 people nes- munity leaders wants the new based on a projected need of tled against the Great Smoky jail to help reduce recidivism 967 beds by 2040. However, Mountains and part of the and change the lives of those in about a quarter of those beds Knoxville metropolitan area. addiction’s grip. would be in a proposed Tran-  e Blount County Jail, “Everybody involved knew Photograph by Adam Taylor Gash sition Center designed to help located in Maryville, has been our jail was overcrowded,” The Blount County Jail has been in excess of capacity for a decade, leading people move from incarcera- consistently in excess of ca- says Charles Sterling, project officials to look at other options. tion into the community with pacity for at least a decade. On manager for the Blount County we began to analyze data a criminal behavior problem the support and skills they need July 31, it held 585 inmates in a Community Justice Initiative. trends, the more we realized we that’s rooted in substance mis- to succeed. facility certifi ed for 350, one of “But the more we learned, don’t really have a jail over- use, mental health issues and the largest overages in the state. the more we studied, the more crowding problem. We have recidivism.” See TRANSITIONS, page 16

OVERCROWDING From page 5 335 people who could not af- ford it and allowed them to re- can’t aff ord bail and court Residents of U.S. correctional facilities sume their lives while awaiting The Prison Policy Initiative has fees, they sit in jail until their trial. Ninety-seven percent of court date, which can hinge analyzed where the U.S. those clients returned to court incarcerated on whether a jurisdiction to face charges, and 25 percent populations reside and Local Jails Youth facilities 48,000 has enough judges to churn of their cases were dismissed. the general reasons 615,000 Territorial Prisons 11,000 State Prisons through the docket. “Money should have noth- for their Immigration Detention (ICE) 34,000 Last month, an average 17 1,316,000 ing to do with the decision to confinement. Involuntary Commitment 22,000 percent of the total jail popula- keep someone in jail or not,” Indian Country 2,500 tion in Tennessee were people Spickler says. awaiting trial on misdemean- “ e idea that (bail) creates Military 1,300 ors. In some county jails, the some incentive to appear in Federal Prisons percentage is much higher. court has pretty much been and Jails 225,000 At the end of August, for invalidated by the success of example, more than a third of bail funds.” Below is a breakdown of the population in U.S. local jails. Note that a significantly larger portion are not convicted (465,000) than are convicted (150,000). the 413 inmates at the Madison A boon in jail construction County Justice Center were Not Convicted Convicted awaiting trial on misdemean- To accommodate the infl ux of inmates, more than a dozen Public Drug Property Violent ors. In the Lauderdale County Order 118,000 116,000 147,000 Jail, it was more than half. In counties around Tennessee 81,000 Includes charges Includes burglary, Includes rape, kidnapping, McNairy County, it was 55 are in some stage of expanding such as trafficking car theft, fraud, arson, manslaughter, murder, percent. their jails. It’s a process that and possession larceny etc. robbery, assault etc. requires approval from county Category includes charges such as parole/probation All three jails were at more Other 3,000 violations, weapons, obstruction of justice, traffic, Other than 100 percent capacity. commissions, and funding. drunkenness/morals and driving while intoxicated Violent Property Drug 1,000 Tipton County opened a $3 32,000 37,000 35,000 At the Coff ee County Jail, Source: Prison Policy Initiative; for info on how these tabulations were made, see 186 of the 375 inmates – half million expansion in February https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2018.html Public Order 46,000 the population – were awaiting that increased beds from 122 to Hamilton County Herald trial on misdemeanor.  at 201. It has been well in excess jail was 94 percent full on Aug. of capacity since it opened, that problems at the jail will It’s a scaled-down version of dicial offi ces and court rooms. 31 but is routinely beyond its reaching 252 inmates in May. lead to lawsuits. what some had hoped for – a But that would have been maximum. In Franklin County, which In Rhea County, chronic multi-purpose justice center much more expensive.  e new But at the Shelby Coun- has about 213 inmates in a jail overcrowding at the 87-bed jail that would have included ju- See OVERCROWDING, page 12 ty Justice Center, which has built for 114, construction is led to disciplinary actions by 10 percent of the state’s jail underway on an addition that the state. Preliminary work is now being completed on a new inmates and is routinely over will cost at least $9 million and PLLC capacity, a whopping 86 per- accommodate 283 inmates. justice center with up to 290 Forensic & Fraud Investigations cent of inmates are awaiting  e Madison County Crim- beds that could cost up to $28 Uncovering Fraud in Data. trial – though the vast majority inal Justice Complex, with 304 million. are charged with felonies. beds for 413 inmates, including And Madison, Claiborne, “ e obvious problem with 153 awaiting trial on misde- Roane, Sullivan, Wilson and the dependence on money bail meanors, has been out of com- Williamson counties are some in a city like Memphis is no pliance with state standards of the other counties that are one has money,” explains Josh for the past few years. County currently exploring plans to Spickler, executive director offi cials are looking to borrow expand existing detention facil- of Just City, a criminal justice $30 million to add at least 124 ities or build new ones. reform organization. beds and renovate the 20-year- In Loudon County, which “If money is one of the keys old building. borders Knox, construction Bill Acuff, Amie Haun, to getting out of jail and no one After years out of compli- began this summer on a $15 CPA, CFE, CIA, CPA, CFE, has money, you’re staying in ance, Hamblen County’s jail is million addition adjacent to the CFF, CGMA CMA, EMBA jail.” reaching a crisis point, with se- existing jail. Most jail functions, In June 2016, Just City vere overcrowding and a badly including 180 new beds and Forensic Accountants and Consultants launched Community Bail dated, moldy facility. Offi cials several new program rooms, Funds in both Nashville and have long discussed building will go to the new facility, while You trust. We verify. Memphis. a $35 million facility, but the the existing building will be Since June 2016, the Nash- mayor and county commis- converted to storage, medical 423-903-0019 ville Community Bail Fund has sioners have become frustrated needs, and a minimum-security forensicandfraud.com posted cash bail for more than by lack of progress and fear dorm for women. 12 | September 21 – 27, 2018 Hamilton County Herald www.hamiltoncountyherald.com Standifer roundabout, ‘Big Dip’ considered for honors

Two Chattanooga-area of Chattanooga, provides the since the project’s completion. projects are among those being storm drainage backbone for a Project entries from across considered in the 2018 Engi- 1,100-acre area. the state are up for consider- neering Excellence Awards  e project protects the ation.  e winners of the 2018 competition. historic St. Elmo District, large Engineering Excellence Awards  e award is one of the parts of Alton Park and South will be announced during an highest honors an engineering Chattanooga from a 100-year awards gala at the Omni Hotel fi rm can receive and is consid- fl ood event.  e new infra- in Nashville on the evening ered the “Academy Awards of structure has been designed of October 26, where ACEC Photographs provided the engineering industry’’ and with expansion in mind to pave Tennessee will also celebrate its Roundabout at Ooltewah-Ringgold Road and Standifer Gap Roads (above) and are presented by the American the way for future development 50th Anniversary. The Big Dip storm drainage project, below. Council of Engineering Com- of the area in conjunction with Additional information panies of Tennessee. the planned extension of the about the awards can be found In 2017,  e TDOT Di- Chattanooga Riverwalk. at www.acectn.org. verging Diamond Interchange  e roundabout, completed About ACEC Tennessee: at SR-66: Exit 407 project, for Hamilton County Engi- Founded in 1968, ACEC Ten- completed by engineering fi rm neering by ARCADIS, created nessee is a statewide organi- Gresham, Smith and Partners, a safer intersection with input zation that represents more won the top prize. from the community using the than 100 Tennessee engineering Chattanooga’s competitors roadway. fi rms. ACEC Tennessee has for the 2018 award are the Big In an area that had experi- chapters in Nashville, East Dip and Ooltewah-Ringgold enced 45 crashes, the round- Tennessee, Southeast Tennessee, Road at Standifer Gap Road about has reduced speeds and and Memphis. e organi- roundabout. fi ts with the aesthetics of the zation works to advance the  e Big Dig, a project East Brainerd community. To business environment of the completed by S&ME, Inc. and date, no fatal or incapacitating engineering industry. Civic Engineering for the city crashes have been reported

OVERCROWDING From page 11 gust. But that’s still near double ney is trying to reach more plea capacity. So the criminal justice agreements and lower bonds construction, which is sched- community has begun to work for non-violent crimes so that uled to open by early 2020, is together to reduce the number people who are not a danger to being built without a tax in- of people fl owing into the jail. the community can go home. crease – though the county will In the last few years, a And because an estimated 90 have to come up with money to second general sessions court percent of the jail population hire 20 new jail employees. judge was added to help clear has committed some type of ‘Wait and see’ dockets faster. addiction-based crime, there’s Lately, Loudon County has With as many as 80 percent talk about implementing succeeded in stabilizing the jail of jail inmates awaiting trial alternative sentencing and jail population, even dropping the because they can’t or won’t diversion programs that reduce numbers a little to 171 in Au- make bond, the district attor- or eliminate jail time for ad- dicts who agree to enroll in su- pervised treatment and support services such as those off ered by the Helen Ross McNabb Center, a substance abuse and behavioral health services Photograph courtesy of Louden Co. Chief Deputy Jimmy Davis organization that serves 25 The Loudon County jail expansion is now under construction. counties in East Tennessee. Such programs are gaining mo- mentum around the country as Who is filling Tennessee’s jails local government, judicial, and 31,715 inmates were in Tennessee’s local detention centers as of law enforcement offi cials seek August 31. A look at these detainees by oense. to address the roots of crime Pre-trial in their communities and cut Convicted felons misdemeanor 876 recidivism. 5,330 “I think our community knows we are doing everything we can,” Loudon County’s Convicted Davis adds. Pre-trial felony misdemeanors “We will wait and see when 10,856 5,522 this new jail opens what state we are in.” But even with a bigger jail Local felons on the horizon, offi cials are 3,482 already anticipating it will fi ll * TDOC Backup up.  at’s why, long before the Federal TDOC Backup* includes felon inmates new addition opens, they’re and others 4,670 held in local jails while awaiting transfer planning for the next one. 979 to a TDOC institution. “Even with the facility that we are building currently, Source: Tennessee Department of Corrections there’s a place being cleared off Hamilton County Herald right behind it and we already have a design for additional anism in place where all you major happens, I don’t see us pods to go back behind there have to do is pull the trigger going down. I really don’t. And that will take us up closer to and start the addition onto the that’s very unfortunate.” 300 beds,” Davis says. addition. “We’ve already got a mech- “Because unless something www.hamiltoncountyherald.com Hamilton County Herald September 21 – 27, 2018 | 13

News and notes from the Greater Chattanooga REALTORS® Real Estate REALTOR ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Robinson Geoff Ramsey finds arts President, Greater Chattanooga REALTORS® Higher prices, experience rates hurt valuable in affordability Rising home prices, higher interest real estate rates and increased building material costs have pressured housing aff ord-

ability to a 10-year low, the National GREATERCHATTANOOGA REALTORS Association of Home Builders fi nds. sales arena Keen market observers have been watching this situation take shape for quite some time. Nationally, medi- an household income has risen 2.6 percent in the last 12 months, while home prices are up 6.0 percent.  at kind of gap will eventually Photograph by David Laprad create fewer sales due to aff ordability concerns, which is happening in sev- By Ivan Aronin “I used to say in my arts world job fi rst part of the week we would always eral markets, especially in the middle that I was changing gears every 10 send writers into the public schools to high-middle price ranges. usan Robinson wants to el- minutes. Also, my accounting work so that had to be coordinated.  en New listings in the Chattanooga evate her real estate skills to and bookkeeping work and attention we had three or four days of public region increased 11.7 percent to an art form. And if she does to detail have been benefi cial in tran- events surrounding the writers so 1,291. Pending sales were up 8.7 per- that, based on her previous sitioning to real estate world.” that was very labor intensive but very cent to 938. Inventory levels shrank career, she will be a huge Robinson’s infl uence as the arts rewarding.” 13.2 percent to 2,906 units. success. council’s executive director served up Robinson established herself as a Prices continued to gain traction. Robinson, a broker with two other many fl avors to the cultural world. strong voice for cultural arts. ®  e median sales price increased 6.2 Sfamily members at Chattanooga’s “Providing professional children’s “I’ve had the pleasure of knowing percent to $188,000. Days on market Robinson Realty Group, where she theatre to all of the fourth graders in Susan most recently as a colleague was down 18.0 percent to 41 days. has worked for the past three years, Hamilton County schools three or on the board of Tennesseans for the Sellers were encouraged as months organized wildly popular arts and cul- four times a year and producing the Arts,” says Leigh Patton, the interim supply of inventory was down 14.6 ture events in Chattanooga for nearly Celebration of Southern Literature administrative director for Tennesse- percent to 3.5 months. 25 years before changing careers. – a week-long event that connected ans for the Arts advocacy group. While some are starting to look “I fi nd that you have to be on top adults and students to some of the “I’ve always been extremely for recessionary signs like fewer sales, of everything but also you have to be best Southern writers around – they impressed with Susan as a diligent dropping prices and even foreclo- able to multitask to make sure you both were favorite programs of arts administrator, uniquely orga- sures, others are taking a more cau- don’t drop any balls so (those people mine,” she says. nized, professional and committed to tious and research-based approached skills) have been extremely benefi - “What took the most work was the outstanding business practices. She to their predictions. cial,” explains Robinson, who was the Celebration of Southern Literature is also extremely passionate about  e fact remains that the trends executive director of the Arts & Edu- simply because we had folks coming advocating for the strong role the do not yet support a dramatic shift cation Council in Chattanooga (now in from all over the country to attend, arts and artists play in our economy, Southern Lit Alliance) for 23 years. See REALTORS, page 14 not only writers but attendees.  e See ROBINSON, page 14

The Voice for Real Estate in Greater Chattanooga. Founded in 1912 2018 Board of Directors Commercial Council Northwest Georgia Council Robert Backer Ben Pitts Joanna Jackson Geoff Ramsey Becky Cope English PRESIDENT PRESIDENT PRESIDENT Dan Griess Kim Bass Joanna Jackson Russ Elliott Martha Alexander PRESIDENT-ELECT Steven LaMar Robert Fisher Chase Jolander Denise Murphy Vickie McBryar Brandi Pearl Thompson John Healy SECRETARY-TREASURER John Payne Steve Hunt Brandyn O’Dell Ben Pitts Jeff Jennings Ian O’Shea Barry Hamilton Robyn Ring Joe Pleva Clayton Taylor MLS CHAIRMAN Joyce Smith Bill Raines Mark Hite Ron Tucker IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Kevin Wamack Greater Chattanooga REALTORS® | 2963 Amnicola Hwy. | Chattanooga, TN 37406 | 423-698-8001 | Fax: 423-698-8004 | www.gcar.net 14

® |

GREATERGREATER CHATTANOOGA CHATTANOOGA ASSOCIATION REALTORS OF REALTORS September 21–27,2018 visit ‘The Farm’ ‘The visit to Public invited and consumers are optimistic. and consumers areoptimistic. inching upward, supplyremainslow rably ifnotexcitingly,prices arestill Housing startsareperforming admi- enced overthelastseveralyears. away fromwhathasbeenexperi- brokerage, andIjustwasn’tquite been askingmetocomejointhe inson, isanagentinthecompany. law, formercouncilwomanSallyRob- principal broker,andhermother-in- 15-year-old company’sownerand former generalcontractor),isthe may callafamilyreunion. the Chattanoogaballet–manyothers the Chattanoogapubliclibraryand the artsbyservingonboardof change –sheremainsinvolvedwith I aminrealestate.” it andthoroughlyenjoyednow else comein.Ihadaverygoodrunat time tostepdownandletsomeone for myfirst career. bridge tojustabouteverything. helped merealizethattheartsarea in buildingalovefortheartsandalso and thatreallydoesmakeadiff erence to theballetoraconcerttheatre, to theartsandwerealwaystakingus ing myselfandmysisterbrother mother, wereadamantaboutexpos- no, andIplayedtheflute. background isIusedtoplaythepia- the artshappen,butmypersonal I usedtowritegrantssocouldmake knowledges. “Well,Iamnotawriter. you haveabookinyou?’’sheac- writers, Iusuallygetthequestion‘do sical areaoftheartsspectrum. society, history,healthandfuture.” man-style exterior and all of the man-style exteriorandallofthe model homehasanon-trendcrafts- tures toluxuriousupgrades. from qualityincludedstandardfea- hundreds ofoptionsforanewhome Professional designerswillprovide a semi-orfullcustomhouseplan. at $339,000orlotsareavailablefor a mortgage. there answeringquestionsobtaining Team atElementFunding,willbe day, Sept.23,2-5p.m. Truck.  eopenhouseissetforSun- with lunchfromOff  eGrill’sFood homes builtbyNu-EraConstruction, Mill RoadinSoddyDaisy. Farm, anewsubdivisionoff ofClift announced thegrandopeningof e REALTORS ROBINSON  eU.S.economy isunderscruti- “Even whentheyopenedRobhad Her husband,RobRobinson(a What Robinsoncallsacareer “But atthetimeIretired,itwas “ atreallyinstilledthepassion “My parents,particularlymy “Since Ihaveworkedwithsomany Robinson placesherselfinthemu-  eprofessionally-designed Existing homesin eFarmstart Kevin Blair,oftheBlairSmiles  epublicisinvitedtotourthe  ePaulaMcDanielGrouphas

From page13 From page13 you can count on us to keep you in the you cancount onustokeepyouinthe in GreaterChattanooga realestate, in-the-know withwhat’shappening looking tobuy,sell,orsimply stay altor onwww.gcar.net.Whether you’re sales numbersandconnectwith aRe- ny butcertainlynotdeteriorating. inson isanexperienced scuba diver. In additionto herpassion for thearts, Rob- just before she graduated just beforeshegraduated years, metonablinddate have beenmarriedfor27 she andherhusband,who community.” we growintheChattanooga working willcomeintoplayas age sorelationshipsandnet- looking atexpandingourbroker- they bothembracedme.Weare that Iwouldliketojoinyou,and basically mesayingtoRobandSally the realestatecompany)atall.Itwas gest purchaseoftheirlives. who oftentimesarebuyingthebig- slowly movedintohelpingpeople and joinedourbrokeragevery cense inbothTennesseeandGeorgia fessional career. very different frommostof my pro- back topeoplebutalsodosomething really beanicefi t. Icould stillgive council forsolong,andthatthismay people, beinginmyrolewiththearts you comejoinus?’ your realestatelicense,whydon’t both weresaying‘whydon’tyouget again thatwholetimeRobandSally harder. jobs infor-profi t work,sometimes non-profi t workwerejustashard some timeoff becausemydaysin job, Ifi rst ofall,justwantedtotake I decidedtostepdownfrommyarts ready,” Robinsonrecalls.“Butwhen Mill.com Mill.com 2997, www. eFarmAtClift- Drive, SoddyDaisy. is locatedat977Equestrian tanooga.  emodelhome reation, Dayton,andChat- Restaurant, outdoorrec- rinas, Steve’sLanding public lakeaccess,ma- from Hwy27,andnear ly located5-7minutes room, andcovereddeck. room withen-suite,bonus main-level masterbed- dining, eat-inkitchen, with fi replace, formal open layout,greatroom 2,503+/- squarefeet,an 3 bedrooms,fullbaths, ishes.  emodelfeatures quality featuresandfin- Get a more detailed look at home Get amoredetailedlookat home Robinson recounts that Robinson recountsthat “It wasn’tahardsalespitch(tojoin “I wentandgotmyrealestateli- “I decidedIreallyenjoyedhelping “So, Itooksevenmonthsoff and Information: 423667-  eFarmisconvenient- Photograph by David Laprad Hamilton CountyHerald ciations of Realtors® nationwide that ciations ofRealtors® nationwidethat of some1,300 local boardsandasso- Greater ChattanoogaRealtors isone tion withmorethan2,000members, Chattanooga. Aregionalorganiza- eVoiceforRealEstateinGreater loop. compatibility, they enjoy opposite compatibility, theyenjoyopposite months later.Butdespitetheirquick from collegeandelopedaboutfour Greater Chattanooga Realtors® is Greater ChattanoogaRealtors® is

gcar.net orcall 423.698.8001. gia. Formoreinformation, visitwww. Walker countiesinnorthwest Geor- Tennessee, andCatoosa,Dade, and and Sequatchiecountiesinsoutheast tanooga RealtorsserviceHamilton ciation ofRealtors®.Greater Chat- the next day. I was very young then the nextday.Iwasveryyoungthen and thendrivehometogowork Saturday, diveearlySundaymorning beach, driveallnight,diveday nooga. and becamecertified hereinChatta- I wouldtakeascubaclass.lovedit kel andfi ns. Inthe1980sIdecided always haveascubamaskandsnor- would gotothebeachwe out. “WhenevermybrotherandI since Iwasasmallchild,”shepoints instructor. Susan isacertifi ed scubadiving ends oftheextremesportlandscape. and hadtheenergytodothat.” “I did many weekend trips to the “I didmanyweekendtripstothe “I havealwaysenjoyedthewater Rob isaneliterockclimberand Turk in the Turks and Caicos Turk intheTurksandCaicos Islands (about600milessouth- east ofMiami),”shesays.“ e She passedadivinginstruc- diving there is just pristine. It diving thereisjustpristine.It Chattanooga in1990. comprise theNationalAsso- administration from UT administration fromUT “We often return to Grand “We oftenreturntoGrand tors course in the Bahamas tors courseintheBahamas with a degree in business with adegreeinbusiness entered college, graduating entered college,graduating Tennessee and Florida, she Tennessee andFlorida,she teaching diving in both teaching divinginboth water,” Robinsonsays. go and experience the go andexperiencethe and returnedtoChatta- then on vacation they can then onvacationtheycan (in Chattanooga) and (in Chattanooga)and nooga toteach.“Believe learn and take classes learn andtakeclasses of folkswhowantto it ornot,therearelots www.hamiltoncountyherald.com After a few years of After afewyearsof See page 15 page ROBINSON, www.hamiltoncountyherald.com Hamilton County Herald September 21 – 27, 2018 | 15 Now’s the time to prepare for winter

As Chattanooga-area chil- are another area to ensure that dren head back to school, it’s the warm air stays in and cold time for home owners to head air remains out. Look for any outside and do a little “home- cracks around glass, sashes and work” themselves. window frames. Focusing on a few mainte- Apply adhesive foam nance projects now will help weather strips to the top and prepare your home when the Jay Bell bottom window rails, or nail cold temperatures hit. felt weather stripping where Not only will these projects President, Home Builders window sashes and frames help you manage your energy Association of Greater Chattanooga make contact. Newer homes bills, they will also enhance are much more likely to have and protect one of your biggest and if so, apply the appropriate double or triple-paned win- investments: your home. caulk or sealant. dows, which can dramatically Minimize escaping air Heat rises, which means improve energy effi ciency. heat from your home also can Don’t neglect gutters Heated air can escape from escape through any vulnerable gaps that develop where build- Gutters and downspouts areas in the roof.  e most ing materials meet. Some of the can easy become clogged over effi cient way to stop that heat most common areas include time, even if they have guards shutterstock.com loss is by installing ceiling and where exterior siding meets intended to keep out debris. roof insulation with an R-value showing signs of rust with rust- its value. windows and doors, around Regularly inspect and clean of between R38 and R60.  e proof paint. To fi nd a professional who roof and foundation lines, gutters thoroughly, paying R-value refers to the ability of Performing routine home can help prepare your home around chimneys and where special attention to elbows and any material to resist the pas- maintenance projects like these for fall, visit the Home Builders pipes protrude through walls bends in the downspouts. Keep sage of heat. will help you manage your Association of Greater Chatta- or roofs. hangers fastened securely and Strengthen windows and doors energy bills during the cooler nooga online directory at www. Check all of those locations plug any holes or cracks. You months and help to prolong the HBAGC.net. to see if any gaps have formed Your windows and doors can also touch up any sections life of your home and enhance

ROBINSON From page 14 totally diff erent. He really put applying it now to all of the real credit. Chattanooga on the map, he estate positions that I will have, “It is kind of interesting to is wall diving where you swim calls himself the Grandfather on a committee or whatever, as be at the beginning of a new 100 yards off shore and then of Climbing.” I move forward in my career in career again, and I really look it is just a drop-off to infi nity  at hobby also benefi ts getting involved with GCAR. forward to being involved and really.  e last time I the real estate busi- So, I know that those skills will growing my client list and help- did it the coral was ness, as climbers be benefi cial as I transition in ing even further,” she says. Where’s the Critic’s Corner? in very good moving to getting more involved with “ e family connections shape.” Chattanoo- them.” were fabulous. Of course, I e Herald’s fi lm critic was But Rob- ga often  at involvement likely will had some trepidation about last seen with a jumbo tub of inson ranks become include substantial participa- starting a new career, but as I popcorn disappearing into “Assassination Nation.” a moment Robinson tion in GCAR activities. have eased into this, it has been on a boat, Realty “I am just now starting my very rewarding so far and I am Expect David Laprad’s movie review to return next not under- Group journey with GCAR but I plan happy that I made the move.” week. water, at No. clients. to be very involved with them,” 1 on her list “ ey Robinson continues. “You have of most mem- (rock climb- to sign up for committees at orable diving ing enthusiasts) certain times of the year, but experiences. defi nitely I expect that at this time next rad “I was snorkeling and Lap Photograph by David know Rob,” she year, I will be more involved had gotten cold, got out explains. “ at has with them. It is very important of the water and the captain served him well in regards for us to be very supportive of was standing on the side of the to clients and helping young our local organization, both boat,” she recalls. “About that climbers and old climbers who individually and as a company, time, a big manta ray breached want to live here in Chattanoo- and Robinson Realty Group is (jumped high out of the water), ga.” defi nitely a supporter.” then boom, it did it a second Susan Robinson participated She also transferred her time. in the Greater Chattanooga advocacy skills from her arts “I didn’t even realize until Area Realtors Leadership leadership positions to her real then that mantas breached and Academy to improve her real estate interests, participating in to be able to see that was the estate skills. the Realtor Day on the Hill in most amazing experience. I “From that I learned a lot January to lobby state legisla- want to see it again.” about the inner workings of tors about real estate issues and While they both enjoy div- our association so what I am concerns. ing together, she prefers to stay committed to do is taking all Robinson describes herself on the ground and watch Rob of this non-profi t work and as a residential seller but has a enjoy rock climbing. arts work that I have done and commercial building sale to her “I had someone ask me the other day if I climbed with Rob, PAPA and the answer is (an emphatic and decisive), “No and No,’” HAUL she adds. “In the mid-1990s he was one of the best rock AWAY climbers in the country. A SERVICES lot of climbers are moving to RELAX…We do all the work! Chattanooga now, and it has FOR HOMEOWNERS FOR PROFESSIONALS the name the Boulder, Colora- Junk Removal Real Estate Clean Up Garage Cleanouts Construction Clean Up do of the South. Appliance Disposal Estate Cleanouts “Had Rob not done all of the Basement Cleanouts Evictions PAPA SERVICES climbing early on in his life, the Yard Debris Removal Event Clean Up (423)629-0700 And Much more! And Much More! papaservices.com climbing scene here would be We gladly accept VISA and Mastercard 16 | September 21 – 27, 2018 Hamilton County Herald www.hamiltoncountyherald.com CPD honors its own, civilians, partners Chattanooga Police officers, single day for this community.” Joseph Sanchez, Gary Frisbee, professional staff, community e honorees are: Adam Krystaponis and Chini- members and partner agencies Officer of the Year: Officer qua Favors were recently honored for ser- Jeremiah Cook Chief’s Awards: Investigators vice at the department’s annual Patrol Officer of the Year: Chris Blackwell and Lucas awards ceremony. Officer Benjamin Piazza Fuller Each year the CPD honors Investigator of the Year: Special Recognition: Homi- officers and civilians who’ve Investigator Terry Barnes cide Unit, Recruiting Unit performed an exceptional act Civilian of the Year: Sue Spirit of Community Polic- or served in an exceptional Poole ing: Officer Michael Ampthor manner. e recipients rep- Rookie of the Year: Officer Distinguished Alumnus: resent examples of bravery, Chris Bruce Kelley Miller dedication and extraordinary Supervisor of the Year: Ser- Law Enforcement Partner of work ethic. geant Vinnie Holoman the Year: Dr. John Cosgrove “is is a night when we Manager of the Year: Cap- (AEGIS) recognize single events that tain Jonathan Bryant Community Partners of the illustrate what the men and Victim Support Service Year: Andy Smith (YCAP) and women of the Chattanooga Po- (Neighborhood Policing): Ser- Ezra Harris (Eastdale Neigh- lice Department do every single geant Jason Wood borhood Association) day of the year,” David Roddy, Victim Support Service Federal Partner of the Year: CPD chief, says. (Investigations): Investigator Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, “What’s not lost is the other Bryon Boller Firearms & Explosives (ATF) 364 nights these men and Life Saving Awards: Officers Citizens’ Police Academy women went home without Chad Yates, Josh Day, Joseph Alumni Association: Frances their efforts being recognized, Seech, John Doub, Joseph Forester and Sylvia Dance but that’s still part of the job Dorman, Rebekah Schwartz, Explorer of the Year: Parker Photograph courtesy of the Chattanooga Police Department and they do it without ques- Daniel Russell, Brian Mc- Lively Police Chief David Roddy presents Jeremiah Cook, right, with his award as tion, without fear, without Clard, Lee Mayweather, John Chaplain of the Year: Andy Officer of the Year. favor, without hesitation every Barnett, Jennifer Lockhart, Bell

TRANSITIONS From page 11 include classes, drug recovery give those people a chance at 50 YEARS From page 1 ville. and veterans’ courts, county redemption, he adds. Sunday, September 22: e CJI worked with probation offices and recovery “Some of these folks coming A total of $50,000 was Knoxville-based architectural support. out of jail didn’t grow up in a bequeathed to child-care Dr. Howard A. Rusk, found- and engineering firm Michael To conceptualize the new very good situation. ey have institutions in Chattanooga er and director of the Institute Brady Inc., which has designed campus, the CJI team re- poor life skills and they really by the late Mrs. Helen Maclel- of Rehabilitative Medicine, numerous correctional facilities searched best practices from don’t know how to make a life,” lan Tipton. Her will provided New York University Medical around the state, to design the around the country and made Henderlight says. $20,000 worth of Provident Center, and Dr. Charles O. project. site visits to places like the “Some don’t know how to Life and Accident Insurance Bechtol, professor of Ortho- e Transition Center Rutherford County Correction- keep a job. ey may have lost Company stock to Children’s pedic Surgery, University of would include a secure fenced- al Work Center. their license so they can’t get to Homes; $15,000 to Chambliss California School of Medicine, in area with about 229 beds at program, which cur- a job; there’s all kinds of prob- Home and $15,000 to Bethel Los Angeles, will conduct a in minimum security dormi- rently serves about 155 in- lems. But that all leads towards Bible School. two-day symposium here in tory-style housing arranged mates, provides structured ed- the Transition Center, and the Saturday, September 21: October. around open courtyards to e greater Chattanooga Li- ucational, vocational, substance Transition Center is basically a City school bond require- encourage outdoor recreation abuse and work release oppor- way to give these folks a leg up ons’ Club Light Bulb Sales 15th and socialization. ere would ments for existing programs annual campaign will begin tunities to better transition in- to help them be better. within the present city limits be ample space for education mates back into the community “Realistically, it’s not going September 30 with more than and treatment programs and amount to $5,671,109. Supt. 1,000 members representing as productive citizens. Inmates to work for everyone but for Charles E. Martin notified support facilities like a kitchen serve on a Community Service the folks that can, I think it’s the 24 Chattanooga are clubs and dining hall. County Judge Chester Frost. taking part. e goal is $50,000. Work Crew that saves the city worth doing. Every life you save If a report on [school] needs “ink of it as almost a very and county about $150,000 per is a good life.” e annual meeting of the hardened little private school,” by 1970, made by the Hens- Tennessee Archaeological month in labor costs. Sterling has the same pas- ley-Schmidt firm, in the Stuart explains Jay Henderlight, prin- Another site visit was made sion for the work. A retired society will be held in Chatta- cipal and architect with MBI Height-Amnicola area is cor- nooga Oct. 4-5. Headquarters to Nashville’s DC4, a long-term civil engineer, he says he could rect, an additional $6 million Inc., the firm working on the residential drug and alcohol be spending his days on more will be at the Hotel Patton. E. project. will be needed. Lee Griggs Jr., is president and treatment facility that was one leisurely pursuits. But the Commissioner A.L. Bender “A transition center is some- of the first residential drug opportunity to change the tra- LeBaron Pahmeyer, is first vice thing for folks that are looking reported that bids on the final president. Both are Chattanoo- court programs in the country. jectory of lives and improve the phase of the railroad reloca- for help or need special help. Henderlight’s voice catches community is too compelling. gans. J.H. Phlemus of Mascot is Most of the day they’re going tion project are not likely to second vice president. with emotion as he describes So is the level of support. be opened before the state’s through some kind of regi- the visit to DC4, where he lis- Sterling says he believes that James C. Baker has been mented type of program, and February letting because of named general service engineer tened to the stories of women is because few people have complicated engineering if they are not in class they’re who had fallen into addiction been left untouched by the of the Electric Power Board of cleaning their dorm or having problems involving the L & N Chattanooga, General Manag- and crime. drug crisis that has ravaged and the Southern railroads. e to do some kind of task. “Some of them came out of a the state – and East Tennessee er C. B. Johnson, announced. “It will be something that final phase, which will take the Baker’s appointment becomes family where all they knew was especially. tracks from 23rd Street over is a little more normalized; drugs. At a young age all they “When I speak to people effective October 1. He is they’ll get more daylight and Main, had an original August presently Lines Engineer. He knew was a domineering man one on one or when I’ve made target date. more access to the outside in who maybe prostituted them to a presentation, I have not joined EPB in 1948 as a junior a controlled environment. So A total of $404,016.68 in engineer. get drugs,” he recounts. encountered anyone that hasn’t local sales tax was collected it’s helping these folks to learn “ey’re 20 years old – the been impacted somehow by Monday, September 23: life skills along with addressing in Hamilton County during age of my daughter who is just substance misuse or mental J. Polk Smartt, chairman their drug dependency and August, omas D. Benson, getting her life started – and health issues,” he recalls. of the Dread Disease Fund mental health. To break recidi- state revenue commissioner, they’ve already had a life that “More often than not I hear Committee, announced new vism is the goal.” reported to County Judge most people will never experi- a very tragic situation and the allocations totaling $47,569 has e area outside the fence Chester Frost. Of the amount, ence. A lot of them just want an individual that’s talking to me been approved by the United would house non-secure de- $393,916.26 will be returned opportunity but their lifestyle is is just at a loss as to how to Fund executive committee for partments that serve the public for disbursement to various not allowing them to have one.” help. the Dread Disease Fund. is and offenders in non-custody government units here. Forward-thinking projects “So our focus is, how do we UC’s Moccasins defeated brings allocations for the dread supervision and treatment like Blount County’s proposed See TRANSITIONS, page 23 Austin Peay 41-13 in Clarks- See 50 YEARS, page 22 programs. ose departments Transition Center are a way to www.hamiltoncountyherald.com Hamilton County Herald September 21 – 27, 2018 | 17 Vols-Gators was once something special

By Rhiannon Potkey coordinator Jeremy Pruitt to lately. replace Butch Jones. “I think recruiting has It used to be appointment “It is way too early to tell, but contributed to the decline, and viewing for every college foot- I think they both got the right you can’t just say it’s one year. ball fan. It used to determine person in place. What they You have to go back about fi ve the SEC champion and factor need at this point, and the only or six years,” Nutt says. “It just into the national title chase. way to get better, is to have takes one or two missed classes But the rivalry between better players,” explains SEC and all of a sudden, boom, Tennessee and Florida has lost Network broadcaster Tony you start to fall. It is just very much of its luster over the last Barnhart, who has been cover- diffi cult to climb yourself out decade, with not much at stake ing the SEC for 34 years. of that hole when things aren’t beyond bragging rights. “I don’t think either of those going right.” As they prepare for Saturday schools recruited particularly  e Vols will be given a night’s showdown at Neyland well the last three or four years. reminder of their glory days Stadium, the programs fi nd People can trot out the recruit- this weekend with Tennessee themselves in similar circum- ing rankings and all that stuff , honoring the 1998 national stances. but all I know is I am looking championship team. Players, Both have a new head coach. at the players on the fi eld and coaches and support staff will Both are trying to establish a I don’t see either team with a return to Knoxville for a 20th new culture. And both des- whole lot of diff erence makers. anniversary reunion of the perately want to resurrect the “I don’t see guys who can undefeated run. glory days. make big plays and turn games  at Tennessee team beat “ ere was always a respect around.” Florida at home 20-17 in there in years past because of Saturday’s game will be only overtime, with Jeff Hall kicking the tradition of both schools. the second time in the 102-year a 41-yard fi eld goal to snap a Fast forward and, man, it looks series history that both pro- fi ve-game losing streak to the diff erent the last few years,” grams have new head coaches. Gators. says former Arkansas and Ole  e other meeting came in Although this season’s game Miss head coach Houston 1970 when Bill Battle led the won’t hold as much national Nutt, now an analyst for CBS No. 11 Vols over Doug Dickey’s signifi cance, emotions will still Sports Network. Gators in Knoxville. be running high. No matter the “It’s just not the same caliber Pruitt will be getting his fi rst AP Photo/Jack Smith, File sport or circumstances, beating of player it once was on either taste of the heated rivalry. Tennessee’s 1998 national championship team, its last, will celebrate the 20th each other always means more. team, and you just keep waiting “When I was growing up, anniversary of that title this Saturday at Neyland Stadium. The early season “I think it’s going to be a for it to get back because of the it was always the fi rst big SEC Vols-Gators matchup was a must-see game during that decade. great atmosphere because it’s rich history.” game of the year,” Pruitt says. the fi rst conference game and Tennessee (2-1) and Florida “I always loved to watch it – al-  e Vols are trying to assistant at Arkansas in 1991 fi rst conference home game (2-1, 0-1) combined to win 10 ways a lot of passion with both rebound from a historic low. and admiring the number of for Tennessee. Everyone will SEC titles in a 12-year stretch fan bases, a lot of tradition. I’m Tennessee fi nished winless in “phenomenal athletes” on be interested to see if they can from 1989-2000.  ey met as thankful to have the chance to SEC play for the fi rst time in Tennessee’s team when the rise to the occasion and to see ranked teams 18 consecutive be a part of it.” history last season. Vols were stretching before the how Florida plays on the road,” times from 1990-2007, includ- Mullen previously experi- While Tennessee will be game. Compared to other ma- Barnhart says. ing 11 times as top 10 teams. enced the rivalry as the off ensive kicking off a challenging open- jor conference teams, he hasn’t “It’s not like the old days, but But since 2007, they’ve both coordinator for the Gators in ing stretch of SEC play that seen the same type of players it’s going to be pretty compel- been ranked in the Top 25 only 2005-08. Although its national includes No. 2 Georgia, No. 9 at either Tennessee or Florida ling television.” three times in the rivalry game. relevance has waned, Mullen Auburn and No. 1 Alabama,  eir fans have ridden a acknowledges the rivalry retains Florida has already suff ered a roller coaster of emotions as importance beyond the South. loss in the SEC. the programs have provided “Primetime ESPN game, Kentucky beat the Gators moments of optimism followed so there is a lot of people out two weeks ago to snap Florida’s by head-scratching letdowns. there. I still think it is a big 31-game winning streak against In their last meeting at game,” Mullen adds. “... I think the Wildcats. Neyland Stadium in 2016, both programs obviously want Rather than contending for Tennessee snapped an 11-game to get back where this has a spot near the top of the East losing streak to the Gators with something to do with who wins standings, Saturday’s outcome a second-half surge that ended the (SEC) East. I think that may help Tennessee or Florida in a cathartic celebration by the always adds to the rivalry, but avoid dwelling near the bottom Vol faithful. I still think everybody still feels with the other East programs Florida returned the heart- it’s a pretty big game.” having gained ground over the break to Tennessee last season  e Tennessee players won’t years. as Felipe Franks found Tyrie argue. Playing their SEC opener “I’ve got a feeling it’s going Cleveland for a 63-yard Hail under the lights at Neyland to be ugly football. It could be a Mary on the game’s fi nal play against their biggest rival is 17-13, 16-10 type of game,” SEC to beat the stunned Vols 26-20 why most of them came to Network host Dari Nowkah in  e Swamp. Tennessee. points out. “But I think we come By the end of the season, “I can remember when I was out of this saying these guys both programs were in a shared 3 years old, this is the rivalry have a long way to go, even in state of misery.  ey fi red their everybody talks about – UT the East right now.” head coaches with games still and Florida.  is is the game Which program gets back to remaining, prolonging a cycle that I’ve always loved to play title-contending status faster? of coaching turnover at each in,” says Tennessee redshirt “I think Florida is a couple of school since Phillip Fulmer and sophomore off ensive lineman steps ahead of where Tennes- Steve Spurrier roamed the side- Ryan Johnson. see is,” Nowkah adds. “Florida lines and traded verbal jabs. “When I was a kid, this is has an off ensive identity, and I Both programs stayed inside where I wanted to be. I want- think has a lot of trust in Dan the SEC to fi nd replacements, ed to be a Tennessee football Mullen designing an off ense with Florida hiring former player playing Florida at home. suited for the players at Florida, Mississippi State head coach  is means everything to me. which I think are markedly Dan Mullen to replace Jim It’s huge. I know it means a lot better than what Jeremy Pruitt McElwain and Tennessee hir- to Vol Nation, and I’m really walked into at Tennessee.” ing former Alabama defensive excited about this game.” Nutt remembers being an Page 18 Public Notices September 21 - 27, 2018 www.HamiltonCountyHerald.com Foreclosure Notices description shall control. may take priority over the Deed of Trust upon Solomon Baggett, LLC Escrow Account. No County, Tennessee. Continued from page 9 CURRENT OWNER(S): JAMES D. CARR, SHA- which this foreclosure sale is conducted or personal checks will be accepted. You must TRACT TWO: RON CARR are not extinguished by this foreclosure sale. bring sufficient funds to outbid the lender and BEGINNING at a point in the south line of may be applicable; any prior liens or encum- OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: THE PROPERTY IS SOLD WITHOUT ANY REPRE- any other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be Short Tail Springs Road, said point being the brances as well as any priority created by a The sale of the above-described property shall SENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR accepted. Amounts received in excess of the northwest corner of the property conveyed fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate be subject to all matters shown on any recorded IMPLIED, RELATING TO TITLE, MARKETABILITY winning bid will be refunded to the successful to Arnold Barker, Jr. by that deed recorded survey of the premises might disclose. plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- OF TITLE, POSSESSION, QUIET ENJOYMENT purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed is in Book 1673, Page 175, in the Register’s This property is being sold with the express enants, easements or set-back lines that may OR THE LIKE AND FITNESS FOR A GENERAL delivered. This property is being sold with the Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee; thence reservation that it is subject to confirmation by be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances OR PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. The title express reservation that the sale is subject to Southwesterly along said Barker line, a dis- the lender or Substitute Trustee. This sale may as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; is believed to be good, but the undersigned confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale tance of 100 feet, more or less, to a point be rescinded at any time. The right is reserved and to any matter that an accurate survey of will sell and convey only as Trustee. may be rescinded by the Substitute Trustee in the northern line of the property conveyed to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, the premises might disclose. This property is The right is reserved to adjourn the sale to at any time. to Thomas H. Gibson by deed recorded in time, and place certain without further publi- being sold with the express reservation that another time certain or to another day, time, THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COL- Book 1623, Page 13, said Register’s Office; cation, upon announcement at the time and it is subject to confirmation by the lender or and place certain, without further publication LECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A thence in Northwesterly direction, a distance place for the sale set forth above. All right and Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded upon announcement on the day, time, and DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE of 110 feet, more or less, to a point in the equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn place of sale set forth above or any subsequent USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. south line of Short Tail Springs Road; thence homestead, and dower are expressly waived the day of the sale to another day, time, and adjourned day, time, and place of sale. Robert J. Solomon Easterly along the south line of Short Tail in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed place certain without further publication, upon If you purchase the property at the foreclosure Substitute Trustee Springs Road, a distance of 150 feet, more to be good, but the undersigned will sell and announcement at the time and place for the sale, the entire purchase price is due and Solomon Baggett, LLC or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. convey only as Substitute Trustee. sale set forth above. All right and equity of re- payable at the conclusion of the auction in 3763 Rogers Bridge Road Being a part of the same property conveyed The Property is sold as is, where is, without demption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, the form of a certified check made payable to Duluth, Georgia 30097 to William E. Hood, III by Quitclaim Deed representations or warranties of any kind, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed or endorsed to Albertelli Law Trust Account. (678) 243-2512 dated September 10, 2003 from Betty Lynn including fitness for a particular use or purpose. of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, No personal checks will be accepted. To this Our File No. CMS.01083 Duley of record in Book 6924, Page 189, IF YOU PURCHASE A PROPERTY AT THE FORE- but the undersigned will sell and convey only end, you must bring sufficient funds to outbid Sept. 14, 21, 28, 2018 Fnr19453 in the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, CLOSURE SALE, THE ENTIRE PURCHASE PRICE as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold the Lender and any other bidders. Insufficient Tennessee. IS DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE CONCLUSION OF as is, where is, without representations or funds will not be accepted. Amounts received, NOTICE OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE’S SALE TRACT THREE: THE AUCTION IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFIED/ warranties of any kind, including fitness for a in excess of the winning bid, will be refunded Default having been made in the payment of BEING a part of the southeast quarter of BANK CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO OR ENDORSED particular use or purpose. to the successful purchaser at the time the the debts and obligations secured to be paid Section Thirty-four (34), Township Four (4), TO THE SR LAW GROUP. NO PERSONAL CHECKS THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT foreclosure deed is delivered. and a certain Deed of Trust executed April 17, Range Three (3), West of the Basis Line of WILL BE ACCEPTED. TO THIS END, YOU MUST A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL This property is being sold with the express 2008 by William E. Hood, III, naming FMLS, Ocoee District and described as follows: BRING SUFFICIENT FUNDS TO OUTBID THE BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. reservation that the sale is subject to confirma- Inc. trustee as same appears of record in BEGINNING at the northwestern corner of LENDER AND ANY OTHER BIDDERS. INSUF- Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Substitute Trustee tion by the Lender or Trustee. This sale may be the Office of the Register of Hamilton County, the tract conveyed by Charles O. Hon, Jr., FICIENT FUNDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 119 S. Main Street, Suite 500 rescinded by the Trustee at any time. Tennessee, in instrument: 2008052000026, Trustee to T.S. Roberts and wife, Mary F. AMOUNTS RECEIVED IN EXCESS OF THE Memphis, TN 38103 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT, AND book and page: GI 8669 331, the beneficiary Roberts, by deed dated March 9, 1950, WINNING BID WILL BE REFUNDED TO THE rubinlublin.com/property-listing ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED being New Falls Corporation by Corrective As- and recorded in Book 1021, Page 226, in SUCCESSFUL PURCHASER AT THE TIME THE Tel: (877) 813-0992 FOR THAT PURPOSE. signment of the Deed of Trust in instrument: the Register’s Office of Hamilton County, FORECLOSURE DEED IS DELIVERED. Fax: (404) 601-5846 James E. Albertelli, P.A. d/b/a ALAW, Trustee 2016040100056, book and page: GI 10707 Tennessee, thence eastwardly, along the THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT Ad #143956 401 Commerce Street, Suite 150 317. Subsequently, by Appointment of Suc- northern line of said Roberts tract, which A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL Sept. 14, 21, 28, 2018 Fnr19444 Nashville, TN 37219 cessor Trustee, Stone, Higgs and Drexler, is along the center line of a private roadway BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PH: (615) 265-0835 P. C. were appointed Successor Trustee in servicing the property of Tom Gibson, One This day, September 5, 2018. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S FORECLOSURE FX: (615) 265-0836 instrument: Book 11202 and page 297. The Hundred (100) feet to a stake; thence at Edward D. Russell, Substitute Trustee SALE File No.: 18-021015 owner of the debt secured having requested right angles southwardly Fifty (50) feet to The SR Law Group Sale at public auction will be on October 18, Sept. 14, 21, 28, 2018 Fnr19447 the undersigned to advertise and sell the a stake; thence at right angles westwardly PO Box 128, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121 2018 at 10:00 a.m., local time, at the West property described in and conveyed by said Seventy-five feet, more or less, to a stake in (615) 559-3190 Door of the Hamilton County Courthouse, NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE Deed of Trust, all of said indebtedness having the eastern line of a private roadway known [email protected] 625 Georgia Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37402 Default having been made in the payment of matured by default in the payment of a part as Roberts Private Road; thence northwardly, Sept. 14, 21, 28, 2018 Fnr19442 pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by David the debts and obligations described in and thereof, at the option the owner, this is to give along the eastern line of said Roberts Private R. Lewis and Pamela Sue Lewis, for the ben- secured by a certain Deed of Trust executed notice that Stone, Higgs & Drexler, P. C. will on Road, Fifty (50) fee to a TVA marker; thence NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES SALE efit of America Home Mortgage Company, as by JASON MESZAROS a/k/a JASON DEAN October 16, 2018, at 12:00 Hamilton County northwardly Ten (10) feet, more or less, to WHEREAS, default has occurred in the per- Beneficiary, dated July 26, 2002, of record in MESZAROS, an unmarried man to Donald K Courthouse, 625 Georgia Avenue, Westside the point of beginning. formance of the covenants, terms and condi- Instrument Number 2002080700139, Book Holsinger, Jr., Trustee, recorded December 22, and proceed to sell at public outcry to the Being a part of the same property conveyed to tions of a Deed of Trust dated January 26, 6327, Page 958 in the Register of Deeds Of- 2008 in Hamilton County Register’s Office at highest and best bidder for cash, the following William E. Hood, III by Quitclaim Deed dated 2007, executed by JAMES D. CARR, SHARON fice for Hamilton County, Tennessee, (“Deed Book GI 8820 Page 222 and the beneficial described property to wit: July 27, 2000 from Mertice Roberts Hood CARR, conveying certain real property therein of Trust”), conducted by James E. Albertelli, interest of said Deed of Trust is owned by Situated in the County of Hamilton and State and James Kenneth Roberts of record in Book described to BRAD BORCHERS, as Trustee, P.A. d/b/a ALAW, a Florida corporation duly CARRINGTON MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC, of Tennessee 5651, Page 29, in the Register’s Office of as same appears of record in the Register’s authorized to conduct business in Tennessee, and the undersigned having been appointed TRACT ONE: Hamilton County, Tennessee. Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee recorded having been appointed Trustee, all of record Successor Trustee by instrument recorded Lying and being in the Second Civil District Tax Parcel No. 103P-A-0008.01 February 1, 2007, in Deed Book GI 8228, Page in the Register of Deeds Office for Hamilton in said Register’s Office, this is notice that of Hamilton County, Tennessee and being in Property address: 6940 Short Tail Springs 326; and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of County, Tennessee. Default in the performance the undersigned will on October 25, 2018 the Southwest ¼ of Section 35, Township Rd., Harrison, TN 37341-9444 said Deed of Trust was last transferred and of the covenants, terms, and conditions of at 12:00PM local time, at the front steps 4, Range 3, West of Basis Line, Ocoee Dis- Community Trust and Banking Company assigned to U.S. Bank National Association, said Deed of Trust has been made; and the of the West Side Entrance of the Hamilton trict and being more particularly described is being given a notice pursuant to its UCC-1 as Trustee for American General Mortgage entire indebtedness has been declared due County Courthouse, located at 615 Walnut as follows: recorded book and page: GI 10550928. Loan Trust 2010-1 American General Mortgage and payable. St., Chattanooga, Tennessee will proceed to To find the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, Discover Bank is being given notice pursu- Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2010-1 who Party entitled to enforce the debt: U.S. BANK sell at public outcry to the highest and best commence in the Northeastern most coner ant to its judgment lien in Book GI 11169/206. is now the owner of said debt; and WHEREAS, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION bidder for cash the following property located of Lot 3,Unit 1, Willowbrook Subdivision, The sale is also subject to outstanding unpaid the undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, having Other interested parties: N/A in Hamilton County, Tennessee, will be sold as shown by plat recorded in Plat Book taxes, if any, building lines, easements, and been appointed as Substitute Trustee by instru- The hereinafter described real property located to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid 26, page 210, in the Register’s Office of encumbrances of record. ment to be filed for record in the Register’s in Hamilton County, TN will be sold to the high- taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of record. Hamilton County, Tennessee, same being All right and equity of redemption, statutory Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. NOW, est call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior Described property is situated in the City of in the western line of Section 35, Township and otherwise, Homestead and dower are THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the liens and encumbrances of record: Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, be- 4, Range 3, West of the Basis Line Ocoee expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, entire indebtedness has been declared due SITUATED, LYING AND BEING IN THE THIRD ing Lots Five (5) and Six (6) of Crest View Circle, District; thence along said western section and the title is believed to be good but Stone, and payable, and that the undersigned, Rubin CIVIL DISTRICT OF HAMILTON COUNTY, as shown by plat of record in Plat Book 12, line, North 23 deg. 30 min. East, a distance Higgs & Drexler, P. C. will sell and convey only Lublin TN, PLLC, as Substitute Trustee or his TENNESSEE, AND BEING MORE PARTICU- Page 1. Being the same property conveyed to of 97.17 feet to a nail set in the right of way as successor trustee. duly appointed agent, by virtue of the power, LARLY DESCRIBED AS: Jason Dean Meszaros, A Single Person, dated of Mockingbird Lane, a County maintained The sale date and time may be adjourned duty and authority vested and imposed upon LOT EIGHT (8), SHADOW VALLEY ESTATES, 12/17/2008, and recorded 12/22/2008 in public right of way, and continuing North 23 and rescheduled, without additional newspaper said Substitute Trustee will, on October 11, AS SHOWN BY PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT Book 8820, Page 220, in the Register’s Office deg. 30 min. East, a distance of 26.22 feet publication, within one year from the origi- 2018 at 12:00 PM on the front steps of the BOOK 43, PAGE 146, REGISTER’S OFFICE of Hamilton County, Tennessee. to a point in the eastern line of said right of nal scheduled date, by announcement at the West Side Entrance of the Hamilton County OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. Property Address: 119 Crestview Circle, Chat- way, and continuing basically along the said date, time and place, of the new postponement Courthouse, 615 Walnut Street, Chattanooga, BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED tanooga, TN 37411 western section line North 23 deg. 11 min. date time and place in accordance with T.C.A. TN 37402, proceed to sell at public outcry TO DAVID LEWIS BY SPECIAL WARRANTY TAX ID: 156D-E-002 East, a distance of 121.67 feet to an iron Section 35-5-10. to the highest and best bidder for cash or DEED FROM WACHOVIA BANK F/K/A Current Owner(s) of Property: JASON rod found, same also being a corner of the This is an attempt to collect a debt and certified funds ONLY, the following described FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK IN BOOK MESZAROS a/k/a JASON DEAN MESZAROS, Smith parcel of property of record in book any information obtained will be used for that property situated in Hamilton County, Ten- 6327, PAGE 955, DATED JUNE 28, 2002 an unmarried man 1086, page 150, in the Register’s Office purpose. nessee, to wit: RECORDED AUGUST 7, 2002 IN THE REG- The street address of the above described of Hamilton County, Tennessee, THE TRUE Stone, Higgs and Drexler, P. C., A CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND IN ISTER’S OFFICE OF HAMILTON COUNTY, property is believed to be 119 Crestview POINT OF BEGINNING, thence North 66 deg. Successor Trustee by Roger A. Stone, autho- HAMILTON COUNTY, STATE OF TENNESSEE, TENNESSEE. Circle, Chattanooga, TN 37411 but such ad- 36 min. West a distance of 53.14 feet to rized agent DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: BEING SUBJECT TO ANY GOVERNMENTAL ZON- dress is not part of the legal description of the the eastern right of way of Mockingbird Lane; Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2018 Fnl19411 LOT NUMBER FIFTEEN (15), FLINN`S ADDI- ING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES OR property sold herein and in the event of any thence along said right of way in a Northwardly TION TO HARRIS HILLS, UNIT THREE (3), AS REGULATIONS IN EFFECT THEREON. discrepancy, the legal description referenced and Northwestwardly direction, a distance NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE SHOWN BY PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK Street Address: The street address of the herein shall control. of 122.4 feet to a point; thence leaving said WHEREAS, default has occurred in the 26, PAGE 202, IN THE REGISTER`S OFFICE OF property is believed to be 13109 Back Valley SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN right of way, South 67 deg. 32 min. East, a performance of the covenants, terms, and HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TO WHICH Road, Soddy Daisy, TN 37379, but such ad- POSSESSION. distance of 120 feet along the Southwestern conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated June PLAT REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A dress is not part of the legal description of the If applicable, the notice requirements of T.C.A. line of the Hood parcel of record in Book 23, 2006, and the Deed of Trust of even date MORE COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF SAID property. In the event of any discrepancy, the 35-5-117 have been met. 5651, page 29, in the Register’s Office of securing the same, recorded June 29, 2006, LOT. THIS CONVEYANCE IS EXPRESSLY MADE legal description herein shall control. Other Interested Parties: NONE Hamilton County, Tennessee, to a point in in Book No. GI 7993, at Page 704, in Office SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, Map/Parcel Number: 026 051.08 All right of equity of redemption, statutory the western line of the Thomas H. Gibson of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, EASEMENTS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS Current owner(s) of the property: David Lewis and otherwise, and homestead are expressly and wife, Ethel S. Gibson parcel hereinabove Tennessee, executed by Robert S Elder and CONTAINED IN FORMER INSTRUMENTS OF This sale is subject to all matters shown on waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is described; thence along said western line Laura W Elder and Laura W. Elder, conveying RECORD PERTAINING THERETO AND TO any applicable recorded Plat or Plan; any believed to be good, but the undersigned will South 22 deg. 28 min. West, a distance of certain property therein described to Arnold ALL EASEMENTS AND ENCROACHMENTS unpaid taxes and assessments; any restric- sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. 98 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS M. Weiss, ESQ. as Trustee for Wells Fargo APPARENT FROM AN INSPECTION OF THE tive covenants, easements or setback lines The right is reserved to adjourn the sale to AND EXCEPT that portion conveyed in Book Bank, N.A.; and the undersigned, Wilson & PROPERTY. that may be applicable; rights of redemption, another day, time and place certain without 1623, Page 15, in the Register’s Office of Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed Parcel ID: 170K A 016.21 equity, statutory or otherwise, not otherwise further publication, upon announcement of the Hamilton County, Tennessee. Successor Trustee by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.. PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street address of waived in the Deed of Trust, including rights of time and place for the sale set forth above. If Being a part of the same property conveyed NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given the property is believed to be 757 FLINN DR, redemption of any governmental agency, state you purchase the property at the foreclosure to William E. Hood, III by Quitclaim Deed that the entire indebtedness has been declared EAST RIDGE, TN 37412. In the event of any or federal; and any and all prior deeds of trust, sale, the entire purchase price is due and dated August 19, 2003 from Betty Lynn due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & discrepancy between this street address and liens, dues, assessments, encumbrances, payable at the conclusion of the auction in the Hood Duley of record in Book 6924, Page Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by the legal description of the property, the legal defects, adverse claims and other matters that form of certified bank check made payable to 191, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested September 21 - 27, 2018 Public Notices Page 19 www.HamiltonCountyHerald.com

in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, OFFICE OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE. by a fixture filing; a deed of trust; and any mat- Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed tion obtained may be used for that purpose. by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., will, on October 18, THE EASEMENT, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, ter than an accurate survey of the premises Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of record Shapiro & Ingle, LLP 2018 on or about 10:00 AM, at the Hamilton CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS IMPOSED might disclose; and in the Hamilton County Register’s Office. De- Substitute Trustee County Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, UPON AND RELATING TO THE PROPERTY, All right and equity of redemption, statutory fault has occurred in the performance of the 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 offer for sale certain property hereinafter APARTMENTS, CO-OWNERS AND TENANTS or otherwise, homestead, and dower are ex- covenants, terms, and conditions of said Deed Charlotte, NC 28216 described to the highest bidder FOR certified OF MONTCLAIR CONDOMINIUM CONTAINED pressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the of Trust and the entire indebtedness has been Phone: (704) 333-8107 funds paid at the conclusion of the sale, or IN THE MASTER DEED OF RECORD IN BOOK title is believed to be good, but the undersigned declared due and payable. Fax: (704) 333-8156 credit bid from a bank or other lending entity 2243, PAGE 542, IN SAID REGISTER`S OFFICE, will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: JPMorgan www.shapiro-ingle.com pre-approved by the successor trustee. The AND BY- LAWS OF RECORD IN BOOK 2243, The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the Chase Bank, National Association, its succes- File No. 12-030128 sale is free from all exemptions, which are PAGE 568, IN SAID REGISTER`S OFFICE, ARE sale to another day, time, and place certain sors and assigns. Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2018 Fnr19464 expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said INCORPORATED IN THIS DEED BY REFERENCE without further publication, upon announce- The following real estate located in Hamilton property being real estate situated in Hamilton AND MADE A PART HEREOF THE SAME AS ment at the time and place for the sale set County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE County, Tennessee, and being more particularly THOUGH COPIED HEREIN. forth above. call bidder: WHEREAS, default has occurred in the described as follows: Parcel ID: 108D B 001 C002 This office is attempting to collect a debt. Described property located at Hamilton County, performance of the covenants, terms, and All that tract or parcel of land lying and being PROPERTY ADDRESS: The street address of Any information obtained will be used for Tennessee, to wit: conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated March in the City of Chattanooga, Hamilton County the property is believed to be 800 READS that purpose. In the Third Civil District of Hamilton County, 9, 2006, and the Deed of Trust of even date Tennessee and being known and designated LAKE RD, #302, CHATTANOOGA, TN 37415. Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trustee Tennessee: Lot Twelve (12), Cliff View, as securing the same, recorded March 13, 2006, as Lot No 6, Plan of Connor Estatos Addi- In the event of any discrepancy between this c/o Tennessee Foreclosure Department shown by plat recorded in Plat Book 14, Page in Book No. GI 7870, at Page 685, in Office tion, Creed W Maynard’s Subdivision as street address and the legal description of the 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Ste 310 139, of the Register’s Office of Hamilton of the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, shown by a plat recorded in Plat Book 15, property, the legal description shall control. Atlanta, GA 30341 County, Tennessee. According to said plat said Tennessee, executed by Lois D Pagleno and page 51 and revised in Plat Book 16, page CURRENT OWNER(S): THOMAS K. BLEVINS PH: 404-789-2661 FX: 404-294-0919 lot fronts 75 feet on the South line of Passons William E Pagleno, conveying certain property 27 in the Register’s Office of Hamilton OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: MONTCLAIR File No.: 18-11195 FC01 Road, and extends back Southwardly, between therein described to M. Brotherton as Trustee County, Tennessee. Subject to Easements EAST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, REPUB- Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2018 Fnr19460 parallel lines, 175 feet to the South line of said for CitiFinancial Services, Inc.; and the under- and other matters on plat recorded in Plat LIC FINANCE lot. Subject to any governmental zoning and signed, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having Book 15, page 51 and in Plat Book 16, The sale of the above-described property shall NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE subdivision ordinances or regulations in effect been appointed Successor Trustee by Bayview page 27 in the Register’s Office of Hamilton be subject to all matters shown on any recorded WHEREAS, default has occurred in the thereon. Subject to Restrictions recorded in Loan Servicing, LLC, a Delaware Limited Li- County, Tennessee. Subject to an Easement plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- performance of the covenants, terms, and Book 900, Page 298, of the Register’s Office ability Company. to the Electric Power Board recorded in enants, easements or set-back lines that may conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated June of Hamilton County, Tennessee, and building NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given Book 960, page 485 in the Register’s Office be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances 6, 2016, and the Deed of Trust of even date line on plat. that the entire indebtedness has been declared of Hamilton County, Tennessee. as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; securing the same, recorded June 14, 2016, Street Address: 112 Passons Rd, Red Bank, due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & ALSO KNOWN AS: 204 Haney Drive, Chat- and to any matter that an accurate survey of in Book No. GI 10769, at Page 79, in Office of Tennessee 37415 Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by tanooga, TN 37411-4721 the premises might disclose. This property is the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, Ten- Parcel Number: 099O-C-019.00 virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested This sale is subject to all matters shown being sold with the express reservation that nessee, executed by James T Pryor, conveying Current Owner(s) of Property: Clifton E. Pat- in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid it is subject to confirmation by the lender or certain property therein described to Arnold W. terson aka Cliffton E. Patterson by Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, a Delaware taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, Substitute Trustee. This sale may be rescinded Weiss, ESQ. as Trustee for Mortgage Electronic The street address of the above described Limited Liability Company, will, on October 15, or setback lines that may be applicable; any at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for TJC property is believed to be 112 Passons Rd, 2018 on or about 3:00 PM, at the Hamilton statutory rights of redemption of any govern- the day of the sale to another day, time, and Mortgage, Inc., its successors and assigns; and Red Bank, Tennessee 37415, but such ad- County Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennes- mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens place certain without further publication, upon the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., dress is not part of the legal description of see, offer for sale certain property hereinafter or encumbrances as well as any priority created announcement at the time and place for the having been appointed Successor Trustee by the property sold herein and in the event of described to the highest bidder FOR certified by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- sale set forth above. All right and equity of re- Matrix Financial Services Corporation. any discrepancy, the legal description herein funds paid at the conclusion of the sale, or curate survey of the premises might disclose. demption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given shall control. credit bid from a bank or other lending entity In addition, the following parties may claim and dower are expressly waived in said Deed that the entire indebtedness has been declared This sale is subject to, without limitation, all pre-approved by the successor trustee. The an interest in the above- referenced property: of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson & matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; sale is free from all exemptions, which are ROBERT S ELDER but the undersigned will sell and convey only Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said LAURA W ELDER as Substitute Trustee. The Property is sold virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested easements, or setback lines that may be ap- property being real estate situated in Hamilton FIRST TENNESSEE BANK NATIONAL ASSO- as is, where is, without representations or in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee, plicable; any statutory right of redemption of any County, Tennessee, and being more particularly CIATION warranties of any kind, including fitness for a by Matrix Financial Services Corporation, will, governmental agency, state or federal; any prior described as follows: The sale held pursuant to this Notice may particular use or purpose. on October 18, 2018 on or about 10:00 AM, liens or encumbrances including those created ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND IN be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT at the Hamilton County Courthouse, Chat- by a fixture filing or any applicable homeowners’ HAMILTON COUNTY, STATE OF TN, AS at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL tanooga, Tennessee, offer for sale certain association dues or assessments; all claims or MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN BOOK GI 6258 the day of the sale to another day, time, and BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. property hereinafter described to the highest other matters, whether of record or not, which PAGE 186 ID# 1560-F-019, BEING KNOWN place certain without further publication, upon Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, Substitute Trustee bidder FOR certified funds paid at the conclu- may encumber the purchaser’s title and any AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 7, KOZY HOMES announcement at the time and place for the 119 S. Main Street, Suite 500 sion of the sale, or credit bid from a bank matter that an accurate survey of the premises SUBDIVISION, FILED IN PLAT BOOK 15 AT sale set forth above. In the event of inclem- Memphis, TN 38103 or other lending entity pre-approved by the might disclose. PAGE 78. ent weather, the trustee hereby announces rubinlublin.com/property-listing successor trustee. The sale is free from all The following parties may claim an interest in ALSO KNOWN AS: 2812 Fifth Avenue, Chat- that the sale will be postponed for a period of Tel: (877) 813-0992 exemptions, which are expressly waived in the the above-referenced property to be affected tanooga, TN 37407 two weeks. In such situations, notices will be Fax: (404) 601-5846 Deed of Trust, said property being real estate by the foreclosure: any judgment creditor or This sale is subject to all matters shown mailed to interested parties of record. W&A Ad #144037 situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and lien holder with an interest subordinate to the on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid No. 332668 Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2018 Fnr19457 being more particularly described as follows: said Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, DATED September 12, 2018 In the Second Civil District of Hamilton through, or under any of the foregoing. Such or setback lines that may be applicable; any WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE County, Tennessee: Lot Seven (7), Block parties known to the Substitute Trustee may statutory rights of redemption of any govern- Successor Trustee STATE OF TENNESSEE, HAMILTON COUNTY Three (3), Belle Meade Addition No. 2, as include: CACH, LLC; Household Bank. mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2018 Fnr19455 WHEREAS, Rebecca Ann Smith executed a shown by plat of record in Plat Book 10, Terms of Sale will be public auction, for or encumbrances as well as any priority created Deed of Trust to Mortgage Electronic Registra- Page 42 in the Register’s Office of Hamilton cash, free and clear of rights of homestead, by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES SALE tion Systems, Inc. as nominee for Regions Bank County, Tennessee. redemption and dower to the extent disclaimed curate survey of the premises might disclose. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the perfor- DBA AmSouth Bank, Lender and Emmett James ALSO KNOWN AS: 4303 Greenbriar Road, or inapplicable, and the rights of Cliffton E. In addition, the following parties may claim mance of the covenants, terms and conditions House or Bill R. McLaughlin, Trustee(s), which Chattanooga, TN 37412 Patterson and Jola M. Patterson, and those an interest in the above- referenced property: of a Deed of Trust dated August 13, 2007, was dated January 26, 2007 and recorded on This sale is subject to all matters shown claiming through him/her/it/them. LOIS D PAGLENO executed by THOMAS K. BLEVINS, conveying January 30, 2007 in Book 8224, Page 743, on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid Any right of equity of redemption, statutory and WILLIAM E PAGLENO certain real property therein described to Hamilton County, Tennessee Register of Deeds. taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, otherwise, and homestead are waived in accord U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS CHARLES E. TONKIN, II, as Trustee, as same WHEREAS, default having been made in or setback lines that may be applicable; any with the terms of said Deed of Trust, and the TRUSTEE OF CVI LOAN GT TRUST I, ITS SUC- appears of record in the Register’s Office of the payment of the debt(s) and obligation(s) statutory rights of redemption of any govern- title is believed to be good, but the undersigned CESSORS AND ASSIGNS Hamilton County, Tennessee recorded August thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The sale held pursuant to this Notice may 15, 2007, in Deed Book GI 8439, Page 896; and the current holder of said Deed of Trust, or encumbrances as well as any priority created The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option and WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Regions Bank, (the “Holder”), appointed the by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an ac- sale to another day, time, and place certain at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, as Substi- curate survey of the premises might disclose. without further publication, upon announce- the day of the sale to another day, time, and to New Penn Financial LLC d/b/a Shellpoint tute Trustee, with all the rights, powers and In addition, the following parties may claim ment at the time and place for the sale set place certain without further publication, upon Mortgage Servicing who is now the owner of privileges of the original Trustee named in said an interest in the above- referenced property: forth above. If you purchase a property at announcement at the time and place for the said debt; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, Deed of Trust; and JAMES T PRYOR the foreclosure sale, the entire purchase sale set forth above. In the event of inclem- Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, having been appointed NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given ESTATE OF JAMES PRYOR price is due and payable at the conclusion ent weather, the trustee hereby announces as Substitute Trustee by instrument to be filed that the entire indebtedness has been declared HEIR(S) OF JAMES PRYOR of the auction in the form of a certified/ that the sale will be postponed for a period of for record in the Register’s Office of Hamilton due and payable as provided in said Deed of The sale held pursuant to this Notice may bank check made payable to or endorsed two weeks. In such situations, notices will be County, Tennessee. NOW, THEREFORE, notice Trust by the Holder, and that as agent for the be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal checks mailed to interested parties of record. W&A is hereby given that the entire indebtedness undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn will be accepted. To this end, you must bring No. 332552 has been declared due and payable, and that Trustee, by virtue of the power and authority the day of the sale to another day, time, and sufficient funds to outbid the lender and any DATED September 14, 2018 the undersigned, Rubin Lublin TN, PLLC, as vested in it, will on October 18, 2018, at place certain without further publication, upon other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed agent, 10:00AM at the usual and customary location announcement at the time and place for the accepted. Amounts received in excess of the Successor Trustee by virtue of the power, duty and authority vested at the Hamilton County Courthouse, Chatta- sale set forth above. In the event of inclem- winning bid will be refunded to the successful Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2018 Fnr19465 and imposed upon said Substitute Trustee nooga, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public ent weather, the trustee hereby announces purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed will, on October 18, 2018 at 10:00 AM at outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, that the sale will be postponed for a period of is delivered. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE the West Door of the Hamilton County Court- the following described property situated in two weeks. In such situations, notices will be This property is being sold with the express Sale at public auction will be on October 18, house, 625 Georgia Avenue, Chattanooga, TN Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: mailed to interested parties of record. W&A reservation that the sale is subject to confir- 2018 on or about 11:00AM local time, at 37402, proceed to sell at public outcry to the Lot Forty-Two (42), Block Five (5), Fairfax No. 331899 mation by the lender or trustee. This sale may the Main door of the Hamilton County Court- highest and best bidder for cash or certified Heights, as shown by plat of record in Plat DATED September 12, 2018 be rescinded only by the Substitute Trustee at house, Chattanooga, Tennessee, conducted funds ONLY, the following described property Book 17, Page 45, in the Register’s Office WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., any time. If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the by the Substitute Trustee as identified and situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, to wit: of Hamilton County, Tennessee. Successor Trustee sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled to a set forth herein below, pursuant to Deed of A CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND IN Parcel ID Number: 118F D 002 Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2018 Fnr19461 return of any money paid towards the purchase Trust executed by EDNA LUCILLE HAMMEL HAMILTON COUNTY, STATE OF TENNESSEE, Address/Description: 3704 Valerian Drive, price and shall have no other recourse. Once AND WAYNE HAMMEL, to Amy Ward, Trustee, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: UNIT TWO Chattanooga, TN 37415. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE the purchaser tenders the purchase price, the on March 31, 2006, at Record Book GI 7894, (2), BUILDING THIRTEEN (13), COMPLEX IV, Current Owner(s): Rebecca Ann Smith. Sale at public auction will be on October 12, Substitute Trustee may deem the sale final in Page 960 as Instrument No. 2006040400141 MONTCLAIR (ERRONEOUSLY REFERRED TO AS Other Interested Party(ies): Regions Bank. 2018 at 10:00AM local time, at the west door, which case the purchaser shall have no remedy. in the real property records of Hamilton County MONCLAIR IN DEED OF ACQUISITION) CONDO- The sale of the property described above Hamilton County Courthouse, 625 Georgia The real property will be sold AS IS, WHERE Register’s Office, Tennessee. MINIUM, A HORIZONTAL PROPERTY REGIME, shall be subject to all matters shown on Ave., Chattanooga, Tennessee pursuant to IS, with no warranties or representations of Owner of Debt: 1900 Capital Trust I, by U.S. AS SHOWN BY PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK any recorded plat; any and all liens against Deed of Trust executed by Cliffton E. Patterson any kind, express or implied, including without Bank Trust National Association, not in its indi- 26, PAGE 148, IN THE REGISTER`S OFFICE said property for unpaid property taxes; any and Jola M. Patterson, to Kathy Winstead, limitation, warranties regarding condition of the vidual capacity but solely as Certificate Trustee OF HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE, AND restrictive covenants, easements or set-back Trustee, as trustee for Chase Manhattan property or marketability of title. The following real estate located in Hamilton DESCRIBED IN A MASTER DEED OF RECORD lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or Mortgage Corporation on December 10, 2003 This office may be a debt collector. This may be IN BOOK 2242, PAGE 542, IN THE REGISTER`S encumbrances as well as any priority created at Book GI 6959, Page 380; conducted by an attempt to collect a debt and any informa- Continued on page 20 Page 20 Public Notices September 21 - 27, 2018 www.HamiltonCountyHerald.com Foreclosure Notices highest call bidder: tion by the lender or trustee. This sale may accurate survey of the premises might disclose. Substitute Trustee Continued from page 19 Described property located at Hamilton be rescinded only by the Substitute Trustee at In addition, the following parties may claim Solomon Baggett, LLC County, Tennessee, to wit: any time. If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the an interest in the above- referenced property: 3763 Rogers Bridge Road County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest IN THE SECOND CIVIL DISTRICT OF HAMILTON sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled to a JERRY L CAVITT Duluth, Georgia 30097 call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior COUNTY, TENNESSEE: Lot Twenty-seven return of any money paid towards the purchase PEGGY DIANE CAVITT (678) 243-2512 liens and encumbrances of record: (27), Cedar Creek Subdivision, Unit Two (2), price and shall have no other recourse. Once BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC Our File No. CMS.02500 All that certain parcel of land in the Third as shown by plat of record in Plat Book 26, the purchaser tenders the purchase price, the TIDEWATER FINANCE COMPANY Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2018 Fnr19471 Civil District, Hamilton County, State of TN, Page 204, in the Register’s Office of Hamilton Substitute Trustee may deem the sale final in The sale held pursuant to this Notice may as more fully described in Book 1025 Page County, Tennessee. FOR PRIOR TITLE, see which case the purchaser shall have no remedy. be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option 24 ID# 118D-C-025, being known and des- Deed from U.S. Bank National Association, The real property will be sold AS IS, WHERE at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn ignated as Lot Fifteen (15), Block Two (2), as trustee on behalf of the holders of the IS, with no warranties or representations of the day of the sale to another day, time, and Court Subdivision of Fairfax Heights, filed in Plat Terwin Mortgage Trust 2006-5 Asset-Backed any kind, express or implied, including without place certain without further publication, upon Notices Book 15 at Page 91. Certificates TMTS Series 2006-5, to Israel limitation, warranties regarding condition of announcement at the time and place for the Being the same property conveyed by fee Amulfo Orellano, dated June 15,2012 and the property or marketability of title. sale set forth above. In the event of inclem- simple deed from Johnston Homes, Inc. to recorded on June 21,2012 in Book 9672, This office may be a debt collector. This ent weather, the trustee hereby announces Non-Resident Notice Wayne F. Hammel and wife, Edna Lucille Page 683, in the Register’s Office of Hamil- may be an attempt to collect a debt and any that the sale will be postponed for a period of State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton Hammel, dated 03/24/1950 recorded on ton County, Tennessee. THIS CONVEYANCE information obtained may be used for that two weeks. In such situations, notices will be Docket No. 18D1697 04/12/1950 in Book 1025, Page 24 in MADE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: Any gov- purpose. mailed to interested parties of record. W&A DIVISION Hamilton County Records, State of TN. ernmental zoning and subdivision ordinances Shapiro & Ingle, LLP No. 332630 SHIRLEY DEAN RAY Tax ID: 118D C 025 in effect thereon. Conditions, restrictions, Substitute Trustee DATED September 17, 2018 VS Current Owner(s) of Property: EDNA LUCILLE reservations, limitations, easements, any 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., ANTHONY EUGENE RAY HAMMEL AND WAYNE HAMMEL lien rights, etc., as set out in instrument Charlotte, NC 28216 Successor Trustee It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s The street address of the above described recorded in Book 2298, Page 652, in the Phone: (704) 333-8107 Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2018 Fnr19470 Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a property is believed to be 3956 Fairfax Dr, Register’s Office of Hamilton County, Tennes- Fax: (704) 333-8156 non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that Chattanooga, TN 37415, but such address see, but omitting any covenant or restriction www.auction.com NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE the ordinary process of law cannot be served is not part of the legal description of the based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, File No. 18-116613 Default having been made in the payment of upon ANTHONY EUGENE RAY. property sold herein and in the event of any familial status or national origin unless and Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2018 Fnr19468 the debts and obligations described in and IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for discrepancy, the legal description referenced only to the extent that said covenant (a) is secured by a certain Deed of Trust executed four successive weeks in the Hamilton County herein shall control. exempt under Chapter 42, Section 3607, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE by JOSHUA C. SCOTT AND SONYA M. SCOTT, Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton SALE IS SUBJECT TO OCCUPANT(S) RIGHTS of the United States Code or (b) relates to WHEREAS, default has occurred in the husband and wife, to Jeanine B. Saylor, Trustee, County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident IN POSSESSION. handicap but does not discriminate against performance of the covenants, terms, and recorded June 1, 2010 in Hamilton County that unless ANTHONY EUGENE RAY answers THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO ADJOURN THE handicapped persons. Ten (10) foot drainage conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated April Register’s Office at Book GI 9176 Page 784 and makes defense to said complaint in the DAY OF THE SALE TO ANOTHER DAY, TIME AND easement as shown, described or noted on 10, 2007, and the Deed of Trust of even date Inst#2010060100062; and modified at Book offices of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton PLACE CERTAIN WITHOUT FURTHER PUBLICA- recorded plat. Twenty-five (25) foot minimum securing the same, recorded April 11, 2007, GI 10230, Page 462, and Book GI 10251, Page County, Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after TION, UPON ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE TIME AND fieldline setback from all drainage easements in Book No. GI 8302, at Page 748, in Office of 792 and the beneficial interest of said Deed of the fourth weekly publication of this order, the PLACE FOR THE SALE SET FORTH ABOVE. THE shown, described or noted on recorded plat. the Register of Deeds for Hamilton County, Ten- Trust is owned by Bank of America, N.A., suc- same will be taken as admitted by ANTHONY TERMS OF SALE ARE CASH. ANY TAXES OR TV A Transmission Line Easement as shown, nessee, executed by Jerry L Cavitt, conveying cessor by merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, EUGENE RAY and the case will be set for hear- FEES WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE described or noted on recorded plat. Building certain property therein described to Larry A. LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP, ing ex parte or without ANTHONY EUGENE RAY PURCHASER. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR setback requirements as shown, described Weissman as Trustee for Mortgage Electronic and the undersigned having been appointed presence. ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE or noted on recorded plat. Conditions and Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Successor Trustee by instrument recorded in This 20th day of August 2018. SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY TO A RETURN OF THE easements contained in document of record Suntrust Mortgage, Inc., its successors and said Register’s Office, this is notice that the Larry L. Henry PURCHASE PRICE. THE PURCHASER SHALL in Book 2116, Page 186, in the Register’s assigns; and the undersigned, Wilson & As- undersigned will on November 13, 2018 at Circuit Court Clerk HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE Office of Hamilton County, Tennessee. All sociates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed 12:00PM local time, at the Hamilton County Chris Collins GRANTOR, THE GRANTEE, OR THE TRUSTEE. notes, stipulations, restrictions, easements, Successor Trustee by Nationstar Mortgage Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee will Deputy Clerk OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: MIDLAND FUND- conditions, and regulations as shown, de- LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper. proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest Attorney for Plaintiff: ING LLC, AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO scribed or noted on recorded plat. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given and best bidder for cash the following property Pro Se HSBC BANK NEVADA, N.A. ORCHARD BANK Street Address: 8021 Birch Dr, Chattanooga, that the entire indebtedness has been declared located in Hamilton County, Tennessee, will be Aug. 31, Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Cnr19405 AND ESTATE OF WAYNE HAMMEL Tennessee 37421 due and payable; and that an agent of Wilson sold to the highest call bidder subject to all THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND Parcel Number: 149E A 048 & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances STATE OF TENNESSEE ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED Current Owner(s) of Property: Denise J. Fears by virtue of the power, duty, and authority of record. GENERAL SESSIONS COURT OF HAMILTON FOR THAT PURPOSE. The street address of the above described vested in and imposed upon said Successor Described property is Land in Hamilton County, COUNTY If applicable, the notice requirements of T.C.A. property is believed to be 8021 Birch Dr, Trustee, by Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Tennessee, being Lot No. Twenty-four (24) on Docket Number: 17GS8208 35-5-101 have been met. Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421, but such Mr. Cooper, will, on October 18, 2018 on or the plan of Bay Run Subdivision, of record Plaintiff: RANNICK KENNETH C ATTY All right of equity of redemption, statutory address is not part of the legal description of about 10:00 AM, at the Hamilton County in Plat Book 57, Page 48. Being the same Defendant: BISHOP JEFFREY A and otherwise, and homestead are expressly the property sold herein and in the event of Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee, offer property conveyed to Joshua C. Scott and Date of this Order: 08/21/2018 waived in said Deed of Trust, but the under- any discrepancy, the legal description herein for sale certain property hereinafter described wife, Sonya M. Scott by Warranty Deed from Appearance Date: 10/15/2018 signed will sell and convey only as Substitute shall control. to the highest bidder FOR certified funds paid Jennifer J. McDowell and husband, Jerry W. At 11:00 a.m. Trustee. This sale is subject to, without limitation, all at the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid from McDowell, II recorded in Book 9176, Page Appearance Address: Court of General Ses- If the U.S. Department of Treasury/IRS, the matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; a bank or other lending entity pre-approved by 782, Register’s Office sions, Civil Division State of Tennessee Department of Revenue, any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, the successor trustee. The sale is free from all for Hamilton County, Tennessee . Room 111 Hamilton County City Courts Building or the State of Tennessee Department of easements, or setback lines that may be ap- exemptions, which are expressly waived in the Property Address: 8511 Bay Run Dr., Hixson, 600 Market Street Labor or Workforce Development are listed plicable; any statutory right of redemption of any Deed of Trust, said property being real estate TN 37343 Chattanooga, TN 37402-1911 as Interested Parties in the advertisement, governmental agency, state or federal; any prior situated in Hamilton County, Tennessee, and TAX ID: 074LB054 ORDER OF PUBLICATION then the Notice of this foreclosure is being liens or encumbrances including those created being more particularly described as follows: Current Owner(s) of Property: JOSHUA C. SCOTT It appearing from the record in this cause given to them and the Sale will be subject to by a fixture filing or any applicable homeowners’ All that tract or parcel of land lying and AND SONYA M. SCOTT, husband and wife, that the defendant is a non-resident of Ten- the applicable governmental entities’ right to association dues or assessments; all claims or being in the Third Civil District of Hamilton The street address of the above described nessee, and certain property or money has redeem the property as required by 26 U.S.C. other matters, whether of record or not, which County, Tennessee, being Lot One-A (1-A), property is believed to be 8511 Bay Run Dr., been attached. 7425 and T.C.A. §67-1-1433. may encumber the purchaser’s title and any Final Plan of Re- subdivision of Lots 1 and Hixson, TN 37343 but such address is not One or more civil warrants have issued but This property is being sold with the express matter that an accurate survey of the premises 2 and part of Lot 3, Block A, Middle Valley part of the legal description of the property returned unserved, and an attachment issued reservation that the sale is subject to confir- might disclose. Gardens, as shown by plat of record in Plat sold herein and in the event of any discrep- and was levied upon certain property or money. mation by the lender or trustee. If the sale is The following parties may claim an interest Book 34, Page 187, in the Register’s Of- ancy, the legal description referenced herein IT IS ORDERED that publication be made set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at in the above-referenced property to be affected fice of Hamilton County, Tennessee. THIS shall control. requiring the defendant to appear at the time the sale shall be entitled only to a return of by the foreclosure: any judgment creditor or lien CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO THE SALE IS SUBJECT TO TENANT(S) RIGHTS IN and place stated above and defend this suit, the purchase price. The Purchaser shall have holder with an interest subordinate to the said FOLLOWING; Any governmental zoning and POSSESSION. or a judgment by default may be entered no further recourse against the Mortgagor, Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, through, subdivision ordinances or regulations in ef- If applicable, the notice requirements of T.C.A. against him. This Order shall be published in the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. or under any of the foregoing. Such parties fect thereon. This conveyance is made sub- 35-5-117 have been met. a newspaper by this County as required by law. MWZM File No. 18-000145-505-1 known to the Substitute Trustee may include: ject to Easements, Restrictions, Covenants Other Interested Parties: Secretary of Housing LARRY L. HENRY, CLERK Mackie Wolf Zientz & Mann, P.C., Substitute Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. and Conditions of record, including matters and Urban Development Kelly Cox, Deputy Clerk Trustee(s) Terms of Sale will be public auction, for shown on recorded plats. Restrictions as All right of equity of redemption, statutory Attorney for Plaintiff: PREMIER BUILDING, SUITE 404 cash, free and clear of rights of homestead, set out in instrument recorded in Book 918, and otherwise, and homestead are expressly Mayfield and Lester 5217 MARYLAND WAY redemption and dower to the extent disclaimed Page 712, in the Register’s Office of Ham- waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is Aug. 31, Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Cnr19415 BRENTWOOD, TENNESSEE 37027 or inapplicable, and the rights of Denise J. Fears, ilton County, Tennessee. But excluding any believed to be good, but the undersigned will PHONE: (615) 238-3630 and those claiming through him/her/it/them. covenant, condition or restriction indicating sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. STATE OF TENNESSEE EMAIL: [email protected] Any right of equity of redemption, statutory a preference, limitation or discrimination The right is reserved to adjourn the sale to GENERAL SESSIONS COURT OF HAMILTON Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 2018 Fnr19466 and otherwise, and homestead are waived in based on race, color, religion, sex, handi- another day, time and place certain without COUNTY accord with the terms of said Deed of Trust, cap, familial status, or national origin to further publication, upon announcement of the Docket Number: 17GS1305 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE and the title is believed to be good, but the the extent such covenants, conditions or time and place for the sale set forth above. If Plaintiff: ALLIED FINANCE Sale at public auction will be on October undersigned will sell and convey only as Sub- restrictions violate Title 42USC 3604(c). you purchase the property at the foreclosure Defendant: NELMS HOWARD SIRRANNO 18, 2018 at 10:00AM local time, at the west stitute Trustee. Subject to requirements as set out in the sale, the entire purchase price is due and Date of this Order: 08/21/2018 door, Hamilton County Courthouse, 625 Geor- The right is reserved to adjourn the day Legend of Final Plan of Re-subdivision of payable at the conclusion of the auction in the Appearance Date: 10/15/2018 gia Ave., Chattanooga, Tennessee pursuant to of the sale to another day, time, and place Lots 1 and 2 and part of Lot 3, Block A., form of certified bank check made payable to At 11:00 a.m. Deed of Trust executed by Denise J. Fears, to certain without further publication, upon an- Middle Valley Gardens, as recorded in Plat Solomon Baggett, LLC Escrow Account. No Appearance Address: Court of General Ses- Title Guaranty and Trust, Trustee, as trustee nouncement at the time and place for the sale Book 34, Page 187, in the Register’s Office personal checks will be accepted. You must sions, Civil Division for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, set forth above. If you purchase a property of Hamilton County, Tennessee. SUBJECT bring sufficient funds to outbid the lender and Room 111 Hamilton County City Courts Building Inc. as nominee for Hometown Lenders LLC on at the foreclosure sale, the entire purchase TO Septic lines easement and maintenance any other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be 600 Market Street October 1, 2014 at Book GI10318, Page 168, price is due and payable at the conclusion agreement retained by grantor in Deed of accepted. Amounts received in excess of the Chattanooga, TN 37402-1911 Instrument No. 2014100800140; conducted of the auction in the form of a certified/ Warranty recorded simultaneously with the winning bid will be refunded to the successful ORDER OF PUBLICATION by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed bank check made payable to or endorsed insured herein. purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed is It appearing from the record in this cause Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of record to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal checks ALSO KNOWN AS: 1728 Thrasher Pike, delivered. This property is being sold with the that the defendant is a non-resident of Ten- in the Hamilton County Register’s Office. De- will be accepted. To this end, you must bring Hixson, TN 37343 express reservation that the sale is subject to nessee, and certain property or money has fault has occurred in the performance of the sufficient funds to outbid the lender and any This sale is subject to all matters shown confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale been attached. covenants, terms, and conditions of said Deed other bidders. Insufficient funds will not be on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid may be rescinded by the Substitute Trustee One or more civil warrants have issued but of Trust and the entire indebtedness has been accepted. Amounts received in excess of the taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, at any time. returned unserved, and an attachment issued declared due and payable. winning bid will be refunded to the successful or setback lines that may be applicable; any THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COL- and was levied upon certain property or money. Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: Wells purchaser at the time the foreclosure deed statutory rights of redemption of any govern- LECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A IT IS ORDERED that publication be made Fargo Bank, NA, its successors and assigns. is delivered. mental agency, state or federal; any prior liens DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE requiring the defendant to appear at the time The following real estate located in Ham- This property is being sold with the express or encumbrances as well as any priority created USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. and place stated above and defend this suit, ilton County, Tennessee, will be sold to the reservation that the sale is subject to confirma- by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an Robert J. Solomon or a judgment by default may be entered September 21 - 27, 2018 Public Notices Page 21 www.HamiltonCountyHerald.com

against him. This Order shall be published in DIVISION I Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after the a newspaper by this County as required by law. IN RE: JAC’KELON KYLOR GRISSOM County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a fourth weekly publication of this order, the LARRY L. HENRY, CLERK VS that unless SERINA HORTON answers and non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that same will be taken as admitted by ANTHONY Kelly Cox, Deputy Clerk STONEY ELAINE CHUBB makes defense to said complaint in the offices the ordinary process of law cannot be served HANZAL and the case will be set for hearing ex Attorney for Plaintiff: It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton County, upon KATHERINE STOKES. parte or without ANTHONY HANZAL presence. Mayfield and Lester Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after the IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for This 12th day of September 2018. Aug. 31, Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Cnr19416 non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that fourth weekly publication of this order, the four successive weeks in the Hamilton County Larry L. Henry the ordinary process of law cannot be served same will be taken as admitted by SERINA Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton Circuit Court Clerk STATE OF TENNESSEE upon STONEY ELAINE CHUBB. HORTON and the case will be set for hearing County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident J. Wheeler, D.C. GENERAL SESSIONS COURT OF HAMILTON IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for ex parte or without SERINA HORTON presence. that unless KATHERINE STOKES answers and Deputy Clerk COUNTY four successive weeks in the Hamilton County This 30th day of August 2018. makes defense to said complaint in the offices Attorney for Plaintiff: Docket Number: 18GS2891 Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton Larry L. Henry of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton County, Richard Brent Teeter Plaintiff: BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF TN County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident Circuit Court Clerk Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after the Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12, 2018 Cnr19463 Defendant: AMBOTIS JACKIE that unless STONEY ELAINE CHUBB answers J. Wheeler, D.C. fourth weekly publication of this order, the Date of this Order: 08/21/2018 and makes defense to said complaint in the Deputy Clerk same will be taken as admitted by KATHERINE Appearance Date: 10/15/2018 offices of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton Attorney for Plaintiff: STOKES and the case will be set for hearing ex At 11:00 a.m. County, Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after Ann Willard Fiddler parte or without KATHERINE STOKES presence. Misc. Appearance Address: Court of General Ses- the fourth weekly publication of this order, the Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 Cnr19433 This 27th day of August 2018. sions, Civil Division same will be taken as admitted by STONEY Larry L. Henry Notices Room 111 Hamilton County City Courts Building ELAINE CHUBB and the case will be set for STATE OF TENNESSEE Circuit Court Clerk 600 Market Street hearing ex parte or without STONEY ELAINE GENERAL SESSIONS COURT OF HAMILTON J. Wheeler, D.C. Chattanooga, TN 37402-1911 CHUBB presence. COUNTY Deputy Clerk Public Notice ORDER OF PUBLICATION This 28th day of August 2018. Docket Number: 18GS1864 Attorney for Plaintiff: The Red Bank City Commission will be con- It appearing from the record in this cause Larry L. Henry Plaintiff: CASH EXPRESS LLC Pro Se ducting regularly scheduled meetings on the that the defendant is a non-resident of Ten- Circuit Court Clerk Defendant: FINLEY CHARLES F Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 Cnr19435 following dates and times: nessee, and certain property or money has Chris Collins Date of this Order: 08/24/2018 1. Agenda Work Sessions on October 2, 2018 at been attached. Deputy Clerk Appearance Date: 10/15/2018 Non-Resident Notice 12:00 p.m. and October 16, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. One or more civil warrants have issued but Attorney for Plaintiff: At 11:00 a.m. State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton 2. Commission Meetings on October 2, 2018 at returned unserved, and an attachment issued Cindy Bice Appearance Address: Court of General Ses- Docket No. 18A161 7:00 p.m. and October 16, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. and was levied upon certain property or money. Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 Cnr19431 sions, Civil Division DIVISION IV All meetings will be held in the Commission IT IS ORDERED that publication be made Room 111 Hamilton County City Courts Building IN RE: NATHAN CAIUS SMIDDY Chambers at Red Bank City Hall, 3117 Dayton requiring the defendant to appear at the time Non-Resident Notice 600 Market Street VS Blvd. Agenda will be posted on our web site at and place stated above and defend this suit, State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton Chattanooga, TN 37402-1911 UNKNOWN FATHER www.redbanktn.gov and at Red Bank City Hall. or a judgment by default may be entered Docket No. 18D1462 ORDER OF PUBLICATION It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s All meetings are open to the public. against him. This Order shall be published in DIVISION III It appearing from the record in this cause Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a Tim Thornbury a newspaper by this County as required by law. KAYLA MARIE JUNE FLOYD that the defendant is a non-resident of Ten- non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that Interim City Manager LARRY L. HENRY, CLERK VS nessee, and certain property or money has the ordinary process of law cannot be served Sept. 21, 2018 Mnr19456 Kelly Cox, Deputy Clerk JAMES MATTHEW FLOYD been attached. upon UNKNOWN BIOLOGICAL FATHER. Attorney for Plaintiff: It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s One or more civil warrants have issued but IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for REGULAR MEETING Mayfield and Lester Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a returned unserved, and an attachment issued four successive weeks in the Hamilton County OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Aug. 31, Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Cnr19417 non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that and was levied upon certain property or money. Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton OF THE STADIUM CORP. the ordinary process of law cannot be served IT IS ORDERED that publication be made County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident Pursuant to the provisions of the Tennessee Non-Resident Notice upon JAMES MATTHEW FLOYD. requiring the defendant to appear at the time that unless UNKNOWN BIOLOGICAL FATHER an- Open Meeting Law, notice is hereby given that State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for and place stated above and defend this suit, swers and makes defense to said complaint in on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 11:30 A.M. Docket No. 18D1764 four successive weeks in the Hamilton County or a judgment by default may be entered the offices of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton the Stadium Corporation Board of Directors DIVISION Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton against him. This Order shall be published in County, Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after will hold a meeting in the Chancellor’s Skybox NEDINA KAJANOVIC County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident a newspaper by this County as required by law. the fourth weekly publication of this order, the 302 at Finley Stadium/Davenport Field, 1826 VS that unless JAMES MATTHEW FLOYD answers LARRY L. HENRY, CLERK same will be taken as admitted by UNKNOWN Carter Street, Chattanooga, TN 37408 for the ARNEL H. KAJANOVIC and makes defense to said complaint in the Kim Emmett, Deputy Clerk BIOLOGICAL FATHER and the case will be set purpose of conducting such general business It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s offices of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton Attorney for Plaintiff: for hearing ex parte or without UNKNOWN as may come before the meeting. Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a County, Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after Mayfield and Lester BIOLOGICAL FATHER presence. Sept. 21, 2018 Mnr19467 non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that the fourth weekly publication of this order, Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 Cnr19434 This 14th day of September 2018. the ordinary process of law cannot be served the same will be taken as admitted by JAMES Larry L. Henry PUBLIC NOTICE upon ARNEL H. KAJANOVIC. MATTHEW FLOYD and the case will be set for Public Notice Circuit Court Clerk The following vehicles will be up for auc- IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for hearing ex parte or without JAMES MATTHEW TO JOSHUA WESLEY LOWERY Heather Nolan tion in or around Chattanooga, TN on or four successive weeks in the Hamilton County FLOYD presence. LACEY BROWN LOWERY v. JOSHUA WES- Deputy Clerk after 10/06/2018 at 8:00am- Brown’s Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton This 29th day of August 2018. LEY LOWERY, In the Chancery Court of Hamilton Attorney for Plaintiff: Hook & Book 2924 Rossville Blvd- 2002 County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident Larry L. Henry County, Tennessee, Docket Number 18-0214 Robert Newton Meeks Yamaha JYAVP14E72A004455, 2009 Chrys that unless ARNEL H. KAJANOVIC answers Circuit Court Clerk It appearing from the record in this cause Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12, 2018 Cnr19462 1C3LC55D99N551920, 2001 Mercedes and makes defense to said complaint in the T. Skolfield that the process is unable to be served upon WDBPJ75J81A013000, 2000 Mercedes offices of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton Deputy Clerk Joshua Wesley Lowery, who is a Hamilton Non-Resident Notice WDBNG75J0YA036271, 1998 Mercedes County, Tennessee, within thirty (30) days after Attorney for Plaintiff: County, Tennessee resident, but the said State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton WDBJF65F7WA635771, 2003 BMW WBAE- the fourth weekly publication of this order, the Richard Brent Teeter respondent cannot be located to effectuate Docket No. 18D1837 V53433KM27262, 2004 Porsche WP1AB29P- same will be taken as admitted by ARNEL H. Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 Cnr19432 service of process. DIVISION 74LA64131 Eric’s Wrecker & Junk Cars 3601 KAJANOVIC and the case will be set for hear- It is ORDERED that unless you appear and AIMEE ALICIA DUMKE Clio Ave- 2000 Chevy 1GNDM19W2YB189759, ing ex parte or without ARNEL H. KAJANOVIC Non-Resident Notice defend the Complaint for Divorce on file in the VS 2005 Chrys 2C3JA53G15H650065 First presence. State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton above styled case within thirty (30) days after ANTHONY MICHAEL HANZAL Response Towing & Recovery 1619 Dodds This 29th day of August 2018. Docket No. 18D1776 the date of the last publication, a default judg- It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s Ave- 2006 Ford 1FDXX46P86EC81994 Larry L. Henry DIVISION ment may be taken against you for the relief Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a Uncle Ken’s Auto 2211 Windsor St- 2007 Circuit Court Clerk CHRISTOPHER LEBRON HORTON demanded in the said Complaint. non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that Ford 1FMEU73E67UB77354 Blakney Auto T. Skolfield VS Aug. 31, Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2018 Cnr19419 the ordinary process of law cannot be served Repair 1016 W. 33rd St- 2003 Honda Deputy Clerk SERINA RUTH HORTON upon ANTHONY HANZAL. JH2RC44J53M100897 Walter’s Service Attorney for Plaintiff: It is appearing from allegations in Plaintiff’s Non-Resident Notice IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for Center 5714 Ringgold Rd- 2011 Chevy Ryan D. Hanzelik Bill, which is sworn to, that the defendant is a State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton four successive weeks in the Hamilton County 2CNALBEC8B6478280, 2002 Saturn 1G8Z- Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28, 2018 Cnr19430 non-resident of the State of Tennessee, so that Docket No. 08D2310 Herald, a newspaper published in Hamilton K527X2Z211028 Hi-Tech Transmission & the ordinary process of law cannot be served DIVISION II County, Tennessee, notifying said non-resident Auto Center 5100 Brainerd Rd- 2000 Honda Non-Resident Notice upon SERINA HORTON. KATHERINE ELAINE STOKES that unless ANTHONY HANZAL answers and 1HGCG5640YA067771 State of Tennessee, County of Hamilton IT IS ORDERED that publication be made for VS makes defense to said complaint in the offices Sept. 21, 2018 Mnr19469 Docket No. 17A248 four successive weeks in the Hamilton County VANTWAN DEMETRIUS STOKES of the Circuit Court Clerk of Hamilton County,

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50 YEARS From page 16 Tuesday, September 24: Wednesday, September 25: Canada by Little, Brown & Co. F. Hale Jr. e election will be Ray Evans, vice president of William T. (Pete) Under- Publishing rights for England held at the board meeting Oc- disease unit to $518,000 since have been bought by Hodder & tober 9. Others nominated are the Fund began in 1956. Chattem Drug and Chemical wood, Negro lawyer, president Co., was elected temporary of the Chattanooga chapter of Stoughton. Charles S. Faris, first vice pres- Top priority items totaling Thursday, September 26: ident; Paul W. Shepherd Jr., $7,310,962 as part of the capital chairman of the board of direc- the NAACP and a member of tors for the $2-million Concen- the statewide Human Devel- second vice president; James improvements budget for A large contingent of local A. Chamberlain Jr., secretary; 1968-69 was tentatively agreed trated Employment Program. opment Commission, resigned and state dignitaries and more A nomination Committee from the commission Tuesday George McGhee III, treasurer, upon by the City Commission than 600 other persons attend- and Raymond F. Hale, director. today. e improvements has been elected composed of and announced he had joined ed the dedication program of John Crimmins Jr., chairman; the Republican Party. He will Ground was broken include street, sewers, airport, the Tennessee Tourist Wel- Wednesday for the new Big annexation, railroad relocation, George Hallmark, F. Earle Wil- campaign for Richard Nixon. come Center on I-75 in East liams, Dr. C.C. Bond and Mrs. omas H. O’Neal, Chat- Brother office building at Bailey Golden Gateway and Highland Ridge Wednesday, the new Avenue and Willow Street. Park Improvement. In addition, Leticia Wallace. tanooga attorney, has been state facility, the first of its kind Floyd C. Delaney, past pres- appointed coordinator of the Mrs. William L. Mon- the program includes $100,000 in East Tennessee. tague, member of the board of city hall renovation coming ident of Chattanooga Kiwanis campaign for Bill Pope, Demo- e Welcome Center is now Club, was elected governor cratic congressional candidate directors and chairman of the from the contingency fund. open 24 hours a day, seven days women’s division, turned the Ted Milburn, Chattanoo- of the Kentucky-Tennessee from the 3rd District. a week. District of Kiwanis Interna- Ellis K. Meacham, attorney first shovel of dirt for the new ga lawyer and civic leader, William A. Clift has been building designed by Derthick has been named 3rd District tional at the district convention and assistant city attorney, is nominated as 1969 president in Nashville. Delaney was the the author of a historical novel, and Henley, architects. Porter campaign manager for Richard of the Chattanooga Board of Warner is president of the Nixon. recipient of the Chattanooga “e East Indiaman,” just pub- Realtors to succeed Raymond Club’s 1967 Service award. lished in the United States and board.

Lane, MILK Boutique, Ruby’s Warehouse, Sept. 29, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., in the Tennessee 11:30 a.m. at the Chattanooga Conven- Events [email protected] Steinmart and Yacoubian Tailors. Room of the University of Tennessee at tion and Trade Center. Associate Pastor Light bites to be provided by The Big Chattanooga University Center. of Ebenezer Baptist Church, founder of Fresh Raise for Life Ministries and Once in a Blue Choo Choo Pfitzer. Chill, Culinary Creations Catering, La While there is no fee to attend, regis- Familia Mexican Restaurant and McAlis- tration is required by 6 p.m. on Monday, associate general counsel of Habitat for “This wildly popular event will raise It’s all aboard for sculpture when the ter’s Deli. There will be truffle sale full of Sept. 24. Lunch will be provided. Humanity International Natosha Reid Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum money and awareness for our 33-acre Rice will deliver the keynote address. sweet surprises and a cash bar. The workshop is being organized as part train departs the station from Sculpture international and extraordinarily unique Tickets: https://www.eventbrite. Tickets are $40 advance/$45 at the of MCW’s Healthy Sexuality Education Fields to celebrate Once in a Blue Choo sculpture park with larger-than-life com/e/2018-raise-the-roof-tickets- door. Information: www.bcss-chattanoo- Working Group’s response to the Choo. The event is the park’s annual – some even colossal – art,” says Bill 47024024122?aff=ebdssbdestsearch, ga.org/bra-vo-.html findings from a community-wide survey fundraiser Sept. 22 at 5:30 p.m. Chapin, chairman of the board of direc- 423 756-0507. tors. Information: www.sculpturefields. about healthy sexuality which was Guests are invited to don their favorite Healthy sexuality workshop conducted last year. blue ensembles for this one-of-a-kind org/upcoming-events/ The Chattanooga Mayor’s Council for event benefiting the 33-acre interna- The workshops are: Puberty Talk and Fashion fights cancer Women’s Healthy Sexuality Education tional sculpture park, the largest in the Self-Image, Healthy Examination Educa- Working Group is partnering with the Southeast. The BRA-VO! Fashion Show, benefiting tion, Gateway/Erin Laws, Birth Control: Breast Cancer Support Services and Tennessee Commission on Children and Know All the Options and Boundaries Blues and old-time jazz music by Gino celebrating local cancer survivors, will Youth to present a workshop on healthy and Healthy Relationships. The out- Fanelli will be featured. be held Sunday, Sept. 23 at 2 p.m. sexuality. comes of the workshop will lead Where are the Catch the train at Sculpture Fields, The fashion show features Chattanooga Targeted towards parents, relative to policy recommendations puzzles? 1800 Polk St. The event pre- and post- caregivers, and guardians of children, that meet the needs of area breast cancer survivors as models. Because of technical parties take place among 47 pieces of the workshop will include presentations the greater Chatta- They strut their stuff down the runway problems the Herald’s large-scale sculpture. Tickets are $250 wearing great seasonal fashions from from: nooga community. per person, and tables of four may be puzzle page is taking a area boutiques. All proceeds benefit •Elizabeth Condrey, Chattanooga-Ham- Information: bit.ly/ week off. reserved aboard the train. The event HealthyHabits2018. Breast Cancer Support Services, a local ilton County Health Department Check back next week has limited seating, so reservations are 501 c3 nonprofit dedicated to providing on a first come, first served basis. •Elizabeth Thomas, State of Tennessee Habitat for for the latest games. support, services and resources to Department of Health There will be a selection of blue-themed women, men, and families living with Humanity •Cary Rayson, Prevent Child Abuse hors d’oeuvres and cocktails, a four- breast cancer. fundraise Tennessee course dinner aboard the train, then BRA-VO will be held at a new venue this Habitat for •Susan Vandergriff, A Step Ahead desserts and coffee awaiting passen- year, The Signal, 1810 Chestnut St. The Humanity will host Chattanooga gers when they disembark. Each guest fashion show features fashions from Raise the Roof, an will receive an original commemorative six area boutiques: Alice Blue, Abby The workshop will be held Saturday, annual fundraiser, on cocktail cup created by artist Charlie Wednesday, Oct. 3 at www.hamiltoncountyherald.com Hamilton County Herald September 21 – 27, 2018 | 23

The New Orleans Ellsworth was recently awarded a Newsmakers [email protected] native has two $7,500 grant by the Footprint Founda- self-published tion for his varied and collective contri- books of poet- butions to the arts in Chattanooga. the new Chattanooga pro soccer team,” Reilly’s accomplishments at CHI ry, “Harlequin Pro Soccer Hankinson says. “I look forward to play- Memorial are supported by her long “Barking Legs Theater has established Fires,’’ and “When ing my part in building a championship standing, successful career in Catholic a solid reputation throughout the taps Hankinson the World was Southeast for supporting contemporary Chattanooga Pro team that Chattanooga and the region health ministry, with nearly 30 years of Round,’’ and is performing artists and providing a Soccer has hired will be proud to support.” healthcare leadership experience with often involved venue that showcases eclectic and ear- Tim Hankinson Hankinson grew up practicing soccer complex health systems in Michigan, Ellsworth with organizing and-mind stretching music at its fi nest,” as head coach of in ’s Central Park during Idaho, and Illinois. eclectic collab- Ellsworth says. “We have a unique its USL Division III his childhood and played on teams She has a strong background in all as- orative work with other performing platform to seek ongoing collaborative professional team. throughout high school. He competed at pects of acute care and long-term acute artists in the Chattanooga area. He partners and community support, so the collegiate level, graduating from the care hospitals, as well as senior leader- Hankinson attended the University of Tennessee at we can increase our overall impact in University of South Carolina. ship experience in strategy, growth, and brings decades Chattanooga. Chattanooga.” of profession- merger and acquisition activity. Clemmons is a Arts education has always been Hankinson al coaching Previously, Reilly served as the chief Reilly is market cultural organizer, Clemmons’s passion. She envisions experience to operating offi cer and chief strategy educator and an infusion of cultural and artistic the position, including time with Major chief exec at CHI offi cer for Presence Health, Chicago, the trained dancer. expression through her work with Full League Soccer’s Rapids and The board of largest Catholic health system in Illinois She continues to Circle Teaching Artists Program, which along with the USL’s directors of CHI with 11 acute care and long-term acute work collabora- is designed to help underprivileged and the . Memorial and care hospitals, 27 long-term care and tively with various school-age children with personal Hankinson is a proven winner, having Catholic Health senior living facilities, dozens of physi- Initiatives have grassroots and discovery and development. led multiple clubs to consistent playoff cian offi ces and health centers, home arts organizations appearances. appointed Janelle care, hospice, palliative care, behavioral “In order to educate our students, we Reilly as market Clemmons in Nashville and must understand their lived experienc- “We carefully vetted and interviewed health services and a clinical integra- chief executive Chattanooga. es. The recommended best practice several very qualifi ed candidates in tion organization with 4,000 providers offi cer for CHI She most recently served as the pro- would be to have teachers from among consideration for the head coaching serving 250,000 members. Memorial. gram director for Full Circle Teaching the communities in which they are position for the Chattanooga pro soccer Reilly Reilly earned a master’s degree in Artists program, a Barking Legs educa- teaching. Our education system cannot team,” says Bob Martino, team owner. Larry Schum- health administration at the University tional outreach project that has been be improved simply by hiring more acher, who formerly served at CHI of Missouri, and a Bachelor of Arts “Tim’s experience and approach to instrumental in arts education in the teachers and increasing funding alone,” Memorial’s market CEO, will now focus degree in chemistry and mathematics building a championship team coupled exclusively on his role as senior vice Hamilton County public school system. she says. with his energy and leadership skills from William Jewell College. president, CHI divisional operations, Clemmons works to promote Barking “We need to transform the education made us very comfortable with our southeast division. Reilly will report Legs programs, events and services in system by including the voices from our decision. He is the right fi t.” jointly to the board and to Schumacher.  eater adds the community. community,’’ she adds. “To come full Hankinson has coached at every level This appointment will become effec- Ann Law, CoPAC/Barking Legs Theater circle as an underprivileged artist now of the game from collegiate to profes- staff members tive upon appointment of a new chief Contemporary Performing Arts of founder and executive director, says: working for an arts organization that sional and international. He was the operating offi cer. A nationwide search Chattanooga announces Barking Legs “After running a non-profi t arts organi- celebrates the power of the arts as an fi rst American to coach in Iceland and has commenced for that position. Theater has added two new staff zation in this community for twenty-fi ve engine for social transformation, that to later led Guatemala’s U17 National Team. members. years, Bruce Kaplan and I have been me is putting the community forward.” At the professional level, Hankinson Reilly joined CHI Memorial as president looking for a collaborative partnership Bruce Kaplan says that the new staff helped found the Charleston Battery in and chief operating offi cer in 2016, and They are award-winning local artist in which to share our history, passion, was a strategic hire to support the 1992, leading the club to several playoff she has held responsibility for the daily and writer Marcus Ellsworth, who is the and dreams.’’ non-profi t’s growth and sustainability. appearances in its early existence. operation of the acute care hospitals, artistic managing director, and arts while providing executive guidance for activist and educator Ayana Clemmons Kaplan is the CoPAC/Barking Legs “After decades of Ann and I being the Later, selected cardiac, oncology, orthopedics, surgery, who was named director of education. Theater co-founder and music director. dominant voices behind the activities Hankinson to head Tampa Bay Mutiny, and hospital medicine. “What has emerged this year is and aesthetics of CoPAC and Barking where he led the team to consecutive Previously, Ellsworth worked as a a strong dynamic partnership with Legs Theater, it is an extraordinary playoff appearances in 1999 and 2000 “During her tenure, Janelle has led writer for MTV News Politics. He has Marcus and Ayana to create community, delight being part of a four-person staff, before heading to Colorado as the head efforts to optimize quality, safety, and served in leadership roles for various educational outreach, and a progressive Kaplan points out. coach of the Rapids, a club he took the patient experience in partnership non-profi t organizations around the arts movement within this quartet, I to the playoffs in three consecutive with our physicians, and maximize nation. He is also a Chattanooga-based “With the additions of Ayanna and fi nd an incredible aesthetic and creative seasons and twice to the quarterfi nals clinical operations to deliver value to poet, spoken word artist and the host Marcus, the synergies that have evolved diversity that promotes growth in all of the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup. the community,” Schumacher says. and organizer of The Floor is Yours at and the momentum that has been Barking Legs Theater. directions,’’ Law adds. created have been remarkable.” “For our soccer team and Chattanoo- “Her leadership and focus has led to ga, we are excited to secure a head CHI Memorial being ranked among the coach with top level experience in the top 0.6% of hospitals in the country by professional arena,” says Sean McDan- U.S. News and World Report, receiving iel, general manager and president. the nation’s top customer loyalty rating “We welcome Tim to Chattanooga to from the National Research Corporation, help build the professional team and and a four-star CMS Hospital Quality Get back to create an exciting experience for our ranking.” community.” Reilly’s led the integration of CHI In recent years, Hankinson was the Memorial’s newly acquired hospital, CHI being you. Memorial Hospital Georgia, shepherding head coach of Indy Eleven, which he led Full Function, Faster® to a 2016 Spring Championship and a investment in tele-tracking as a tool to berth in the 2016 Championship Final. improve throughput and patient fl ow Hankinson was named Coach of the progression, leading the electronic med- Year for his 2016 season at the helm of ical record vendor selection process and serving as executive sponsor, and guid- the Eleven. Most recently he coached The Medial-Pivot Knee System Montego Bay United. ing the formation of four key service line strategic plans that have resulted in MicroPort’s Evolution®MP achieves higher patient “First and foremost, I am grateful and signifi cant service line growth. honored to be named head coach of satisfaction than other total knee replacement designs on the market.1 Experience the difference for yourself, and reclaim your lifestyle with confidence. TRANSITIONS From page 16 a new slate of county commis- Contact one of your local Evolution®MP surgeons sioners who have not yet seen below to see if knee replacement is right for you or in government align ourselves the design plan. Henderlight visit, www.MyNewKnee.com/Chattanooga for more with everybody inside and hopes to start designing within information. outside of government that can a couple of months. and will help? How do we im- “Everyone should have a pact people so they can come chance to redeem themselves, PAUL M. APYAN, MD MBA back and re-enter the com- to become a useful part of the Orthopedic Surgical Specialists munity at some point as better community. Blount County Chattanooga, TN 423.803.4975 people, as productive people, has been a breath of fresh air better parents, better children, in that they really have bought siblings, employees?” into that,” he says. With so many hours of “It took a lot of work but research and planning behind Every patient is different, and individual results vary. There are risks and recovery times they did come to the consensus associated with surgery. Consult your doctor to determine if knee replacement surgery it, the Community Justice is right for you. that they want to do something Reference: Initiative will soon learn if the 1. Pritchett JW. Patients prefer a bicruciate-retaining or the medial pivot total knee other than just expand the prosthesis. J Arthroplasty. 2011;26(2):224-8. project can move forward. jail and lock them up, which I © 2018 MicroPort Orthopedics Inc. All Rights Reserved. Blount County has just elected applaud them for.’’ 24 | September 21 – 27, 2018 Hamilton County Herald www.hamiltoncountyherald.com Chattanooga’s Bourdon shares work at Aquarium Photography is sometimes Picture,’’ an annual photogra- will be the only location outside referred to as a “hobby of a phy exhibit at the California of San Francisco to host the lifetime,” and in the case of Academy of Sciences in San collection. Donna Bourdon, that bit of Francisco. “is collection of amazing popular wisdom has certainly Since launching in images is a perfect fit with the borne out. 2014, “BigPicture’’ highlights Aquarium’s mission to connect e Chattanooga-based the works of the world’s best people with nature and em- photographer’s love of captur- nature and conservation pho- power them to make informed ing images began when she was tographers. decisions about water and 9 years old. is annual competition wildlife,” says Cindy Todd, the “My parents gave me my focuses a lens on the wonders Aquarium’s vice president and first ‘Brownie’ camera, and I of the natural world and critical chief marketing and communi- never looked back,” Bourdon environmental issues facing the cations officer. says, adding that she upgraded planet. “is exhibit will inspire to her father’s hand-me-down More than 6,000 entries more people to get outdoors, Minolta SR-7 as a teenager. from around the world were observe nature more close- Inspired by watching considered for the 2018 ly, and appreciate all of the episodes of “Mutual of Oma- BigPicture Natural World amazing ways that wildlife can ha’s Wild Kingdom,” her love Photography Competition, thrive.” of photography and wildlife which includes a shot Bourdon In the introduction to naturally intertwined. Soon, captured while in St. Augus- “Wonders,” a companion book she invested in better equip- tine, Florida. about “BigPicture,’’ famed ment and sought opportunities “is beautiful roseate oceanographer, explorer, and to capture spectacular animal spoonbill is flying into the conservationist Dr. Sylvia Earle imagery in some of the wildest nest with its wings in what is describes how technology en- places on Earth – a quest aided, referred to as the ‘orchestra ables more individuals to focus in part by her participation in position,’” Bourdon says. “I love on conservation issues. trips organized and led by the capturing beautiful images of “e photographs in this ex- Tennessee Aquarium. nature that inspire others to fall traordinary collection do more “ose made the dreams of in love with the natural world. than capture moments in time Africa come to life,” Bourdon Hopefully, my works inspire … they tell stories, arouse sym- says. “I took my first Aquar- others to promote conserva- pathy, provoke joy, and make ium-sponsored trip there in Photograph provided tion and protection of these you gasp with wonder. Images 1998. Since then, I’ve been on “Rhapsody in Pink” by Donna Bourdon (Finalist 2018) precious animals and vital such as these are precisely eight African photo-safaris, five resources.” what is needed to inspire new of those with the Tennessee have garnered international graphic Wild program “Caught Beginning Oct. 1, the “Big- generations of people to know Aquarium.” acclaim. One, an image of a in the Act.” Picture’’ exhibition will be and care about wild places and Bourdon has captured pho- crocodile taking a young cape One of her images, “Rhap- on display at the Tennessee wildlife, and to take action tos of snow monkeys, coastal buffalo, was used in an African sody in Pink,” was selected as a Aquarium, sponsored locally by while there is still time.” brown bears, puffins and red- segment of the National Geo- finalist to be included in “Big- Erlanger Health Systems and e exhibit is free with crowned cranes. Her shots also GET OUT Chattanooga. is Aquarium admission. Wood returns to shares work After spending several In 2011, Wood won a years in England, artist full scholarship, granted Grant Wood has returned by the Benwood Founda- to his native Chattanoo- tion, to attend the Florence ga and will be exhibiting Academy of Art, where he a recent body of work at spent a year engulfed in the Townsend Atelier. uber-traditional techniques e show will feature of the continental Euro- landscape and figurative pean academy. Upon his works painted in England return to Chattanooga, the and in America recording artist graduated in 2013 the coastal towns and local with a BFA in painting and people of both countries. drawing from UTC. Works include oils, water- Since UTC, Wood has color and gouache and will spent much of his time be available for purchase. traveling and living abroad, e public is invited Photograph provided namely through England. to an opening reception Grant Wood’s “Goat Man” While in England, he estab- Friday, Oct. 5, 5:30-9 p.m. lished a name as a landscape e show will be on view artist by appearing twice on through Nov. 3, Monday to Friday, 10 a.m.-4 the Sky Arts channel show Landscape Artist p.m. or by appointment. of the Year, which aired in October 2015 and Wood, best known for his sprawling 2016. He exhibited at the juried 2016 Royal landscapes painted in a loose and seeming- Art Exhibition put on by Queen Elizabeth in ly effortless style, is a classically trained oil London. painter. His love for painting grew with his Wood currently lives full time in Chatta- first apprenticeship under the wing of his nooga where he has continued to be pursued uncle, the illustrator and artist, John Wood. for commissions and exhibitions. Her skill After graduating from e Baylor School, should be shared, she received her certifi- Wood attended the University of Tennessee cation to teach art from Lincoln Memorial at Chattanooga where he continued to thrive University in 2011. In addition to teaching at under the tutelage of the world-renowned Townsend Atelier, she works in grant-funded Russian artist Daud Akhriev, learning the art programs throughout the city and teaches Russian academic tradition. independently. Photograph provided “The Fish Monger” by Grant Wood