Climate Change Narratives for the Indonesian Village -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Members: Advisors: Samantha Kelly -
[email protected] Brigitte Servatius -
[email protected] Nicholas Odell -
[email protected] Herman Servatius -
[email protected] Chloe Sairs -
[email protected] Sponsors: Shane French -
[email protected] Subik Baso -
[email protected] Climate Change Narratives for the Indonesian Village Abstract The sponsor for this project was the Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies (CERES), a community environment park in Australia. We conducted interviews with 32 Indonesian living in Melbourne collecting 10 hours of footage. Using the major themes raised by the interviewees we produced five short-form educational videos on flooding, changes in seasons and weather patterns, air pollution, development and deforestation, and improper rubbish disposal. These videos will be used by CERES to educate the school groups in the Indonesian village, and be accessible to all visitors through the CERES mobile app. We created an archive with detailed, timestamped notes that will enable the efficient creation of future videos by CERES staff as well as later IQP teams. This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree requirements of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions or opinions of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. 1 Climate Change Narratives for the Indonesian Village Acknowledgments ● Our sponsors, Shane French and Subik Baso, for their guidance and encouragement throughout the project. ● The Consulate General of The Republic of Indonesia in Melbourne, for the opportunity to present our project to a larger audience.