LSU Graduate Admission Requirements for Applicants From
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LSU graduate admission requirements for applicants from ANGOLA Degree required Licenciatura/Licenciado Higher degrees (equivalent to graduate level): Doutorado (Doctorate) Minimum required 65 or Very Good grade point average (GPA)* 90-100 = Excellent 65-89 = Very Good 55-64 = Good/Average 40-54 = Low Pass 0-39 = Fail TOEFL 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based) GRE/GMAT No minimum score set by Graduate School All of these requirements must be met for a student to be eligible for admission at LSU. *Note about required GPAs: Grading scales vary by institution. Generally, student must have an overall GPA at or above the “second level” of the grading scale. For instance, in the U.S. system, a student from a four-point system (A, B, C, D) must have at least a “B” average for admission. A grading scale should be found on each mark sheet and may sometimes be found on the back of the document. REMINDER: The applicant must have a transcript (with proof of degree or pending degree) from each institution attended, GRE or GMAT score, and an acceptable TOEFL score prior to admission. If a document is not provided, final admission may be delayed. This is a brief guide for the internal use of graduate admissions committees. It is not intended to be an exhaustive description of the educational system. Revised 06/2006 Marina V. Pereira/ LSU Grad Admissions LSU graduate admission requirements for applicants from ARGENTINA Degree required Licenciado/Licenciatura (4 years or more) Profesor de Ensenanza Media, Profesor de Ensenanza Secundaria Titulo en (Professional Title of) ______ (four or more years) Examples include:Arquitecto, Economia, Agricola, Ingeniero, Medico, Agricola, Ingeniero, Medico, Abogado, Odontologo, etc. Master/Magister, Medico Cirujano Higher degrees (equivalent to graduate level): Doctorado Minimum required 6 out of 10 grade point average (GPA)* 10 = Sobresaliente (Outstanding) A 8-9 = Distinguido (Distinguished) A 6-7 = Bueno (Good) B 4-5 = Aprobado (Pass) C 0-3 = Insuficiente/Reprobado (Insufficient/Fail) F TOEFL 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based) GRE/GMAT No minimum score set by Graduate School All of these requirements must be met for a student to be eligible for admission at LSU. *Note about required GPAs: Grading scales vary by institution. Generally, student must have an overall GPA at or above the “second level” of the grading scale. For instance, in the U.S. system, a student from a four-point system (A, B, C, D) must have at least a “B” average for admission. A grading scale should be found on each mark sheet and may sometimes be found on the back of the document. REMINDER: The applicant must have a transcript (with proof of degree or pending degree) from each institution attended, GRE or GMAT score, and an acceptable TOEFL score prior to admission. If a document is not provided, final admission may be delayed. This is a brief guide for the internal use of graduate admissions committees. It is not intended to be an exhaustive description of the educational system. Revised 06/2006 Marina V. Pereira/ LSU Grad Admissions LSU graduate admission requirements for applicants from AUSTRALIA Degree required Graduate Diploma, Bachelor’s (honours) degree after four years, Master Qualifying Year (earned after a three year Bachelor’s) *Bachelor’s degree earned after three years is NOT equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor’s degree. Higher degrees (equivalent to graduate level): Master’s (earned in addition to a four-year Bachelor’s or equivalent), Doctorate Minimum required Second Class Honours (I) or Credit or B grade point average HD = High Distinction A+ (GPA)* First Class Honours D = Distinction A Second Class Honours (I) C = Credit B Second Class Honours (II) P = Pass C Third Class Honours F = Fail F TOEFL Not required for applicants with a degree from Australia GRE/GMAT No minimum score set by Graduate School All of these requirements must be met for a student to be eligible for admission at LSU. *Note about required GPAs: Grading scales vary by institution. Generally, student must have an overall GPA at or above the “second level” of the grading scale. For instance, in the U.S. system, a student from a four-point system (A, B, C, D) must have at least a “B” average for admission. A grading scale should be found on each mark sheet and may sometimes be found on the back of the document. REMINDER: The applicant must have a transcript (with proof of degree or pending degree) from each institution attended, GRE or GMAT score, and an acceptable TOEFL score prior to admission. If a document is not provided, final admission may be delayed. This is a brief guide for the internal use of graduate admissions committees. It is not intended to be an exhaustive description of the educational system. Revised 06/2006 Marina V. Pereira/ LSU Grad Admissions LSU graduate admission requirements for applicants from AUSTRIA Degree required Magister/Magistra from a university (8,90, or 10 semester; or at least two semesters after the Bakkalaureat); Diplom-Ingenieur from university (10 semesters); Mag.Med.Vet. or Diplom-Tierarzt; Doktor Medicinae Universae or Doktor der Gesameten Heilkunde; Doktor Med. Dent.; Diplom der Diplomatischen Akademie; Post-Graduale Studien Higher degrees (equivalent to graduate level): Doktor; Habilitation Minimum required Gut grade point average (GPA) Sehr Gut (Very Good) Gut (Good) Befriedigend (Satisfactory) Genügend (Sufficient) Nicht Genügend (Insufficient) TOEFL 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based) GRE/GMAT No minimum score set by Graduate School All of these requirements must be met for a student to be eligible for admission at LSU. *Note about required GPAs: Grading scales vary by institution. Generally, student must have an overall GPA at or above the “second level” of the grading scale. For instance, in the U.S. system, a student from a four-point system (A, B, C, D) must have at least a “B” average for admission. A grading scale should be found on each mark sheet and may sometimes be found on the back of the document. REMINDER: The applicant must have a transcript (with proof of degree or pending degree) from each institution attended, GRE or GMAT score, and an acceptable TOEFL score prior to admission. If a document is not provided, final admission may be delayed. This is a brief guide for the internal use of graduate admissions committees. It is not intended to be an exhaustive description of the educational system. Revised 06/2006 Marina V. Pereira/ LSU Grad Admissions LSU graduate admission requirements for applicants from THE BAHAMAS Degree required Bachelor’s degree from the University of West Indies Higher degrees (equivalent to graduate level): Master’s degree Minimum required Second Class Honours (Upper division) grade point average (GPA)* First Class Honours Second Class Honours (Upper Division) Second Class Honours (Lower Division) Pass Fail TOEFL Not required GRE/GMAT No minimum score set by Graduate School. All of these requirements must be met for a student to be eligible for admission at LSU. *Note about required GPAs: Grading scales vary by institution. Generally, student must have on overall GPA at or above the “second level” of the grading scale. For instance, in the U.S. system, a student from a four-point system (A, B, C, D) must have at least a “B” average for admission. A grading scale should be found on each mark sheet and may sometimes be found on the back of the document. REMINDER: The applicant must have a transcript (with proof of degree or pending degree) from each institution attended, GRE or GMAT score, and an acceptable TOEFL score prior to admission. If a document is not provided, final admission may be delayed. This is a brief guide for the internal use of graduate admissions committees. It is not intended to be an exhaustive description of the educational system. Revised 06/2006 Marina V. Pereira/ LSU Grad Admissions LSU graduate admission requirements for applicants from BAHRAIN Degree required Bachelor’s degree awarded after 1984; Postgraduate Diploma in Education; Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery Higher degrees (equivalent to graduate level): Master’s Degree; PhD in Engineering Minimum required B average grade point average (GPA)* A = 4 Excellent B = 3 Good C = 2 Satisfactory D = 1 Minimum Pass E = 0 Fail TOEFL 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based) GRE/GMAT No minimum score set by Graduate School All of these requirements must be met for a student to be eligible for admission at LSU. *Note about required GPAs: Grading scales vary by institution. Generally, student must have an overall GPA at or above the “second level” of the grading scale. For instance, in the U.S. system, a student from a four-point system (A, B, C, D) must have at least a “B” average for admission. A grading scale should be found on each mark sheet and may sometimes be found on the back of the document. REMINDER: The applicant must have a transcript (with proof of degree or pending degree) from each institution attended, GRE or GMAT score, and an acceptable TOEFL score prior to admission. If a document is not provided, final admission may be delayed. This is a brief guide for the internal use of graduate admissions committees. It is not intended to be an exhaustive description of the educational system. Revised 06/2006 Marina V. Pereira/ LSU Grad Admissions LSU graduate admission requirements for applicants from BELGIUM Degree required Licence; Ingenieur; Diplome (after 4-5 years of study); Agrege de l’Enseignement Secondaire Superieur / Geaggregeerde Voor Het Hoger Secundair Onderwijs; Doctorat (Medicine or Vet.