Middle Paleolithic Shell Beads in Israel and Algeria
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REPORTS Fig. 3. Images of gasket 6. M. Ascher, Am. Sci. 90, 56 (2001). 6.(A)AFMimagesat 7. W. Sierpinski, Comptes Rendus (Paris) 160, 302 (1915). 1.12 Â 1.12 mmand 8. S. R. Seidel, P. J. Stang, Acc. Chem. Res. 35,972 B (2002). 100 Â 100 nm. (B)TEM 9. M. Fujita et al., Chem. Commun. 2001, 509 (2001). pictures with 50- and 10. D. L. Caulder et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123,8923 20-nm scale bars for (2003). the lower- and higher- 20 nm 11. J. L. Atwood, L. J. Barbour, Cryst. Growth Design 3,3 resolution images, re- (2003). 12. G. R. Newkome et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 38, spectively (all images were 3717 (1999). obtained unstained). (C) 13. G. R. Newkome et al., Chem. Eur. J. 8, 2946 (2002). UHV-STM images (100 Â 14. P. Wang, C. N. Moorefield, G. R. Newkome, Angew. Chem. 100 nm) on a Au(111) A 50 nm Int. Ed. Engl. 44, 1679 (2005). surface at 6 K, reveal- 15. P. Wang, C. N. Moorefield, G. R. Newkome, Org. Lett. 6, ing a line of gaskets set- 1197 (2004). 16. E. C. Constable, A. M. W. 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This apparatus cules at 6 K showed a 1-eV energy gap. Traces of Regents. The authors also thank S. Z. D. Cheng, B. Wang, can generate images with atomic resolution by linear oligomeric as well as larger macrocyclic S. F. Lyuksyutov, A. Dhinojwala, and C. Wesdemiotis from directly measuring electronic states. UHV allows assemblies (fractoids) were also observed on the The University of Akron and M. J. Saunders from clean, controlled surface preparation and cryo- STM images (see supporting online material). Cleveland State University for their valuable discussions about TEM, STM, AFM, and XPS measurements, as well as genic temperatures to help reduce electronic noise F. Ernst and W. D. Jennings from Case Western University and slow molecular motion. Using the same dilu- References and Notes for their assistance with the TEM and XPS measurements. tion as for the TEM sample preparation, fractal 1. B. B. Mandelbrot, The Fractal Geometry of Nature (Freeman, San Francisco, CA, 1982). Supporting Online Material www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/1125894/DC1 construct 6 in acetonitrile was cast onto a freshly 2. D. A. Tomalia et al., Polym. J. (Tokyo) 17, 117 (1985). SOM Text cleaned Au(111) surface. STM images acquired 3. G. R. Newkome, Z. Yao, G. R. Baker, V. K. Gupta, J. Org. Figs. S1 to S7 at 6 K (Fig. 3C) verified a hexagonal pattern of Chem. 50, 2003 (1985). References the molecule (12 T 1nmdiameter,andÈ0.8 nm 4. G. R. Newkome, C. N. Moorefield, F. Vo¨gtle, Dendrimers and Dendrons: Concepts, Syntheses, Applications (Wiley- 7 February 2006; accepted 17 April 2006 in height), which was consistent with the computer- VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2001). Published online 11 May 2006; generated model of the structure. Tunneling 5. K.-i. Sugiura, H. Tanaka, T. Matsumoto, T. Kawai, Y. Sakata, 10.1126/science.1125894 conductance spectra determined for single mole- Chem. Lett. (Jpn.) 1999 (no. 11), 1193 (1999). Include this information when citing this paper. gested early beads lack reliable cultural and Middle Paleolithic Shell Beads chronological context or evidence of human man- ufacture. Four Glycymeris sp. shells with per- in Israel and Algeria forations on the umbo come from the Mousterian layers of Qafzeh Cave, Israel (5),datedbyTL Marian Vanhaeren,1* Francesco d’Errico,2* Chris Stringer,3 Sarah L. James,4 between È90 and 100 ka (6). However, no Jonathan A. Todd,3 Henk K. Mienis5 anthropogenic traces were detected on the per- forations, which are known to occur naturally on Perforated marine gastropod shells at the western Asian site of Skhul and the North African site the umbo of bivalves. Also, the large size of the of Oued Djebbana indicate the early use of beads by modern humans in these regions. The shells and the presence of pigment on one remoteness of these sites from the seashore and a comparison of the shells to natural shell specimen indicate that they may have been used assemblages indicate deliberate selection and transport by humans for symbolic use. Elemental and as ochre containers rather than as ornaments. chemical analyses of sediment matrix adhered to one Nassarius gibbosulus from Skhul indicate Here we identify as beads three marine gastro- that the shell bead comes from a layer containing 10 human fossils and dating to 100,000 to pod shells (Fig. 1), two of which come from the 135,000 years ago, about 25,000 years earlier than previous evidence for personal decoration by Middle Paleolithic site at Es-Skhul, Mount modern humans in South Africa. Carmel, and one from the type site of the Aterian industry, Oued Djebbana, Bir-el-Ater, Algeria. arly evidence for beads and symbolic assemblage dated by optically stimulated lumi- The shelter of Es-Skhul is located at Mount behavior by modern humans comes from nescence (OSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) Carmel, Israel, 3 km south of Haifa, in the can- EBlombos Cave, Cape Province, South Af- at È75 thousand years ago (ka) (1–3). No other yon of Nahal Me_arot (Wadi el-Mughara), and rica, where 41 Nassarius kraussianus marine compelling evidence for bead use exists before 3.5 km from the Mediterranean shore (7). shell beads bearing human-made perforations about 40 ka, when beads appear at African, Excavations in 1931 and 1932 identified three and traces of use are associated with a Still Bay Eurasian, and Australian sites (2, 4). Other sug- main layers (8, 9):LayerA(20to50cmofsoft www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 312 23 JUNE 2006 1785 REPORTS sediment) contained a mixture of Natufian, niques of a molar from the Skhul II skeleton, determine whether purported ancient beads Aurignacian, and Middle Paleolithic stone indicate ages between 100 and 135 ka (18). were used as such requires evidence of human tools; layer B (about 200 cm thick and bearing Garrod and Bate reported the presence of four involvement in their selection, transport, man- all the human remains) contained Middle Paleo- marine shell species (Acanthocardia deshayesii, ufacture, and use. In the case of the multi- lithic stone tools; and layer C (shallow sandy Laevicardium crassum, Nassarius gibbosulus, layered Skhul site, the stratigraphic origin of deposits at the base of the sedimentary se- and Pecten jacobaeus), without indicating the the Nassarius shells also needs to be estab- quence) yielded only a sparse lithic industry and number of specimens recovered or their strati- lished. To address these issues, we analyzed no faunal remains. Layer B was subdivided into graphic provenance (7). sediment matrix adherent to one N. gibbosulus two subunits mainly distinguished by their hard- Oued Djebbana is an open-air site, located at from Skhul (Fig. 1A) and sediment samples ness. The upper hard earth unit B1 resembled Bir-el-Ater, 97 km south of Tebassa, Algeria, from layers A, B1, and B2 kept at the NHM plaster of Paris, whereas the lower breccia B2 close to the Tunisian border and 200 km from the (22), and compared the specimens from Skhul was similar to concrete. The lithics of Skhul Lay- Mediterranean Sea (19, 20). The site contained a and Oued Djebbana to modern reference col- er B were attributed to the Levantine Mousterian 36-m-long by 80- to 100-cm-thick archaeolog- lections of N. gibbosulus shells (22). and have been compared with those of Tabun C ical layer under 3.9 m of sterile alluvial Sediment samples from layers B1 and B2 and Qafzeh (7, 10), whereas the macrofaunal deposits. This layer yielded a lithic assemblage cannot be distinguished from one another. The remains in layer B appeared to correspond with that associates typical Aterian pedunculates with difference in their composition (table S1) ap- those of Tabun C to D (11). Ten individuals Middle Paleolithic tool types produced in some pears to be controlled by the varying amounts of (Skhul I to Skhul X), some apparently inten- cases with the Levallois technique. The faunal silica (predominantly from quartz) and calcium tionally buried, were recovered from layer B. remains, including Equus, Bubalis boselaphus, (predominantly from calcite). Rare earth ele- They are generally attributed to anatomically Bos primigenius,andConnochoetes taurinus, ments (REEs) are essentially parallel. Layer A, modern humans (12–14), albeit with some indicate a more humid savannah environment in contrast, shows a high concentration of apatite archaic characteristics.