Ramirez, Bruce A., Ed. Special Ed
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 282 380' EC 192 724 AUTHOR Jordan, June B., Ed.; Ramirez, Bruce A., Ed. TITLE Special Education Yearbook, 1986. INSTITUTION Council for Exceptional Children, Reston, Va.;ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children, Reston, Va. SPONS AGENCY Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC. REPORT NO ISBN-0-86586-168-4 PUB DATE 87 CONTRACT 400-84-0010 NOTE 155p.; For related documents, see ED 276 245. Tables may not reproduce. Some tables contain small print. AVAILABLE FROMCouncil for Exceptional Children, Publication Sales, 1920 Association Dr., Reston, VA 22091 ($15.00, $12.75 member price; Publication No. 316). PUB TYPE Statistical Data (110) -- Information Analyses- ERIC Information Analysis Products (071)-- Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Disabilities; *Educational Legislation; Educational Objectives; Educational Policy; *Federal Legislation; *Federal Programs; Financial Support; Futures (of Society); *Gifted; *Special Education; Special Education Teachers; State Standards IDENTIFIERS Canada; Education for All Handicapped Children Act; Project Head Start ABSTRACT This yearbook provides special education information (for the period July 1, 1985 to June 30, 1986) includingfederal policy actions, state policy, important reports, statisticaldata on exceptional students served and personnel employed, and directory listings of key offices and officials concerned with special education. Summaries are presented of legislation affectingthe education of exceptional children and youth, federal administrative actions, and judicial decisions. A set of goals is presentedfor providing exceptional children in the United States andCanada with a high-quality education. Other reports include the executivesummary of the Eighth Annual Report to Congresson the Implementation of the Education of the Handicapped Act and information regarding handicapped children in Head Startprograms. Six figures and 62 tables provide information on the number of exceptional children served in various programs, children served in Head Startprograms, environments where handicapped childrenare served, special education teachers, other school staff, federal special education funding, Canadian special education statistics, and special educationannual awards. Directory information is included for fcderalresources, state directors of special education, state coordinators for the gifted ane talented, and Canadian special education officials. (CB) 1988mod Education Yearbook Edited in June B. Jordan end Bruce L NOM The Council for Exceptional Chechen U.S. DEPARTMENT OFEDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 04nis documenthas been reproduced as received from the person originating It or organization 0 Minor changes havebeen made tO Improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions statedin this docu- ment do not necessarily represent OERI position or policy. official WRIcl A product of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children Published by The Council for Exceptional Children BEST COPYAVAILABLE ISBN 0-86586-168-4 A product of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children. Published in 1987 by The Council for Exceptional Children, 1920 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 22091-1589. Stock No. 316 Price $15.00 This publication was prepared with funding from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Ofikrof &trims/ Improvement, contract no. 400-84-0010. Contractors undertaking USapartmeadEdwilmi*seanthaidInP"wnw such projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their judgment in professional and technical matters. Prior to publication the manuscript was submitted to The Council for Exceptional Children for critical review and determination of professional competence. This publication has met such standards. Points of view, however, do not necessarily represent the official view or opinions of either The Council for Exceptional Children or the Department of Education. Printed in the United States of America. qo 3 CONTENTS List of Figures vi List of Tables vii About This Yearbook xiii Federal Legislation 1 Federal Administrative Actions 4 Judicial Decisions 8 State Mandates for Special Education by Age 11 Goals for the Future of Special Education 13 Executive Summary of the Eighth Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Education of the Handicapped Act, Volume 1 22 Handicapped Children in Head Start Programs 29 United States Statistics on Exceptional Children Served 34 Handicapped Children Served Under Different Federal Programs 35 Handicapped Children Served in Head Start Programs 53 Gifted and Talented Children Served 56 Environments Where Handicapped Children are Svved 57 Special Education Teachers Employed and Needed 69 School Staff Other Than Special Education Personnel 75 Federal Special Education Funding 83 Canadian Special Education Statistics 88 Special Education Annual Awards 97 Directories 100 United States Congress Committees Related to the Handicapped 101 United States Department of Education Organizatiun 115 iv The Council for Exceptional Children 120 United States State Directors of Special Education 123 United States Coordinators of Programs for the Gifted and Talented 130 Canadian Senior Government Officials in Special Education 136 v 6 List of Figures Figure 1. Primary or Most Disabling Handicapping Condition of Handicapped Children Enrolled in Full Year Head Start June 1984 55 Figure 2. Percentage of Students in Canada in Segregated versus Integrated Programs within Each Exceptionality 93 Figure 3. Distrioution of Students in Canada by Age Group within Exceptionality 95 Figure 4. U. S. Department of Education 115 Figure 5. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 116 Figure 6. Office of Special Education Programs 118 vi 7 List of Tables Table 1. Minimum Ages Mandated by States and Territories for Providing Special Education to All Handicapped Children: July 1985 11 Table 2. Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) and EHA-B By Handicapping Condition. During School Year 1984-1985 35 Table 3. Number of Children 3-21 Years Old Served Under EHA-B By Handicapping Condition. During School Year 1984-1985 36 Table 4. Number of Children 3-5 Years Old Served Under EHA-B By Handicapping Condition. During School Year 1984-1985 37 Table 5. Number of Children 6-11 Years Old Served Under EHA-B By Handicapping Condition. During School Year 1984-1985 38 Table 6. Number of Children 12-17 Years Old Served Under EHA-B By Handicapping Condition. During School Year 1984-1985 39 Table 7. Number of Children 18-21 Years Old Served Under EHA-B By Handicapping Condition. During School Year 1984-1985 40 Table8. Number of Children 0-20 Years Old Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) By Handicapping Condition. During School Year 1984-1985 41 Table 9. Number and Change in Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) and EHA-B. All Conditions 42 Table 10. Number and Change in Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) and EHA-B. Learning Disabled 43 Table 11. Number and Change in Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) and EHA-B. Speech Impaired 44 Table 12. Number and Change in Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) and EHA-B. Mentally Retarded 45 vii Table 13. Number and Change in Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) and EHA-B. Emotionally Disturbed 46 Table 14. Number and Change in Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) and EHA-B. Hard of Hearing & Deaf 47 Table 15. Number and Change in Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) and EHA-B. Multihandicapped 48 Table 16. Number and Change in Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) and EHA-B. Orthopedically Impaired 49 Table 17. Number and Change in Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) and EHA-B. Other Health Impaired 50 Table 18. Number and Change in Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of ECIA (SOP) and EHA-B. Visually Handicapped 51 Table 19. Number and Change in Number of Children Served Under Chapter 1 of EC1A (SOP) and EHA-B. Deaf-Blind 52 Table 20. Survey Results of Handicapped Children in Head Start by State (or Geographical Entity). Full Year 1983-1984 53 Table 21. Council of State Directors Programs for the Gifted. 1984 Survey 56 Table 22. Number and Percent of Children 3-21 Years Old Served in Different Educational Environments. All Conditions. During School Year 1983-1984 57 Table 23. Number and Percent of Children 3-21 Years Old Served in Different Educational Environments. Learnir; Disabled. During School Year 1983-1984 58 Table 24. Number and Percent of Children 3-21 Years Old Sek;ied in Different Educational Environments. Speech Impaired. During School Year 1984984 59 viii Table 25. Number and Percent of Children 3-21 YearsOld Served in Different Educational Environments. Mentally Retarded. During School Yeir 1983-1984 60 Table 26. Number and Percent of Children 3-21Years Old Served in Different Educational Environments. Emotionally Disturbed. During School Year 1983-1984 61 Table 27. Number and Percent of Children 3-21Years Old Served in Different Educational Environments. Hard of Hearing & Deaf. During School Year 1983-1984 62 Table 28. Number and Percent of Children 3-21Years Old Served in Different Educational Environments. Multihandicapped. During School Year 1983-1984