Laguna de Bay Experience and Lessons Learned Brief Adelina Santos-Borja*, Chief, Research and Development Division, Laguna Lake Development Authority, Pasig, Philippines,
[email protected] Dolora N. Nepomuceno, Assistant General Manager, Laguna Lake Development Authority, Pasig, Philippines * Corresponding author 1. Introduction introduction of fi shpen technology in the lake has produced economic benefi ts, but also has become a source of serious Laguna de Bay is the largest, most important lake in the confl ict on resource utilization and access that reached the Philippines. Its watershed contains 66 Local Government Units attention of the President of the Philippines. It took 15 years (LGUs), grouped into 5 provinces, 49 municipalities and 12 to develop a feasible and acceptable management plan to cities with an estimated population of 6 million people. The address the concerns regarding the lake. Rapid urbanization creation of the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) in 1966 started with a vision of /$*81$'(%$<%$6,1 1 the political leaders from the 7+(3+,/,33,1(6 'UDLQDJH%DVLQ%RXQGDU\ provinces of Rizal and Laguna //'$-XULVGLFWLRQ to cultivate the potential of the 5LYHU lake and its environs for further /DNH 6HOHFWHG&LW\ development and, at the same NP time, control its environmental degradation. It also refl ects -XULVGLFWLRQRI the wisdom of the lawmakers 4XH]RQ /DJXQD/DNH'HYHORSPHQW$XWKRULW\ in creating a separate agency &LW\ 0DULNLQD5 to manage the lake amidst the 0DQLOD 0DQLOD $QWLSROR&LW\ multiple political jurisdictions %D\ 3DVLJ &LW\ in the watershed. A unique 7D\WD\ 5 3DVLJ5 J Q feature of the jurisdictional $UHDZLWKLQWKLV R U DUHDLVRXWVLGH R area of the LLDA is that it goes //'$MXULVGLFWLRQ 0 beyond the lake’s watershed &DYLWH 7DQD\ (Figure 1).