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Masses: SATURDAY 4:30pm • SUNDAY 8am, 10am, 12pm, 5pm • MON - FRI 8:30am “Let me sow your love” REV. PETER F. KACZMAREK, PASTOR • REV. FRANÇOIS EALE DEACON ALLAN LONGO • DEACON JEAN CANTAVE • DEACON JAMES BYRNE Office Hours: MON - THURS 9am - 3pm • FRIDAY 9am - 12pm 29 Northgate Dr., GREENLAWN, NY • 631.757.7435 • FAX: 631.757.0469 [email protected] • THE BREAD THAT I WILL GIVE IS MY FLESH FOR THE LIFE OF THE WORLD JOHN 6:51 AUGUST 8, 2021 • NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OUR MISSION St. Francis of Assisi is a Roman Catholic Church steeped in history, yet forward thinking, creating a positive impact on our community while bringing brothers and sisters in Christ together to be the hands and feet of Jesus. In the true Franciscan way, we sow the seeds of the future in the good soil of tradition. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK LECTOR/EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 2021 Catherine & Angelo Penna, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 2021 11:30am - Mary Lemp Rose & Salvatore DeStefano 4:30pm - Lector - Eucharistic Ministers - Deacon Jim Byrne, 4:30pm - Patricia Fusaro Hammond, Carol Ann Gallo Russo, Mary Schlaikjer Michael Izzo, Raymond Kelly SUNDAY, AUGUST 8, 2021 SUNDAY, AUGUST 8, 2021 8:00am - Lector - Gawaine Esteibar 8:00am - St. Francis Parishioners Eucharistic Ministers - Deacon Jim Byrne, Diane Lake, Linda Costello Roth 10:00am - Frankie Fardette, Antoinette Crisafulli, Lisena Vilsaint, Fidele Charles, 10:00am - Lector - Peter Dowd Dolores Victor Eucharistic Ministers - Deacon Allan Longo, Lorraine Longo, Charles Giardino 12:00pm - Vincent Dunn, Martin Dolan, Ints. of John & Lindsay DeStefano, 12:00am - Lector - Neil Coscio Ints. of Grace & Jacob Donaldson Eucharistic Ministers - Deacon Jean Cantave, Thomas Buckley, Nancy Christensen 5:00pm - Rev Edward J. Kealey, Youth of St. Francis 5:00pm - Lector - Albert Porpora MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 2021 Eucharistic Ministers - Laurel Waite, Diane Young 8:30am - Ints. of Louise Tatora SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 2021 William O’Brien TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2021 4:30pm - Lector - Eucharistic Ministers - Deacon Jean Cantave, 8:30am - Rev John Denniston Emilia Carvousanos, Frances Takach WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2021 SUNDAY, AUGUST 15, 2021 8:30am - Rev Simon Palliparambil 8:00am - Lector - Rosemarie Esteibar Eucharistic Ministers - Deacon Jim Byrne, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2021 Catherine Armstronge, Clare Intemann Shirley E. O’Hara 8:30am - 10:00am - Lector - Michael Mordarski FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 2021 Eucharistic Ministers - Deacon Jean Cantave, Peter Dowd, Louise Mordarski 8:30am - Doria Frank 12:00am - Lector - Ellen Lobasso Eucharistic Ministers - Deacon Allan Longo, DEVOTIONAL LIFE - HOLY HOURS Lorraine Longo, Nancy Christensen Diane Young HOLY HOUR FOR PRIESTS 5:00pm - Lector - Mondays: 12:30pm - 1:30pm Eucharistic Ministers - Catherine Kitakis, Ann Ahlstrom Saxer SACRED HEART HOLY HOUR Wednesdays: 6:30pm - 7:30pm THE RECTORY office will be open at regular hours PATRIOTIC HOLY HOUR - Fridays: 2:00pm - 3:00pm 9AM - 3PM. Masks must be worn in the office. ADORATION - Mondays & Fridays: 9:00am - 5:00pm ROSARY - Daily at 8:00am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: HAITIAN MASS - Every 3rd Saturday at 6:30pm Saturday 2PM - 3:30PM 631-896-3747 Deacon Jean Cantave: Call Rectory for private confessions BULLETIN LIVING STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION PILLAR OF HOSPITALITY In the first reading, Jesus stands firm In today’s Second Reading, Paul calls each of us to be that He is the Bread of Life. compassionate and forgiving. This week, forgive someone who has hurt you in the past. If they are no longer with us, forgive them in your heart. The Pastor’s Desk a message from father peter Last weekend we hosted Fr. Paul Farin of Cross Catholic International who spoke of the work of this wonderful Catholic organization helping missionaries throughout the world. I want to thank the great number of parishioners who responded so positively to his message and requested more information. As a faith community we profit spiritually in a profound way from the visit of a genuine missionary priest with a heart for his work and a soul full of God’s compassion and love. Please keep Cross Catholic International on your “database” and Fr Farin in your prayers! For more info. on Fr. Paul Farin, visit their ministry website at: Working For Christ St. Vincent To do the work of Christ is really quite simple. de Paul Society It means to be faithful in little things, for to be faithful in little things is a big thing. August 8: Nineteenth Sunday It means to do one’s task, of Ordinary Time no matter how humble it may be, not only thoroughly but joyfully. In this Gospel the love that Jesus reveals It means to make oneself available, through the symbol of bread is: self-giving, yet never to seek the limelight. sacrificial, healing, forgiving, in solidarity with It means to strive to make oneself useful the weak, confident in the power of God. without seeking to push oneself. It means to carry one’s burden, During the hot summer months many of the without, as far as possible, becoming a burden elderly, especially those who are sick, are not on others. able to find relief from the heat. Please help the In a word it means to be at one’s post, Society of St. Vincent de Paul to bring helpful and faithful, loyal and constant. respite and hope to them. *Checks made payable to Society of St. Vincent de Paul -Saint Mother Teresa and dropped in the collection baskets will help us serve our neighbors in need throughout the Greenlawn area. Referenced in Deacon Jim’s homily of July 10/11. St. Francis of Assisi Conference: 631.651.2655 our community page 4 12th Annual Parish BOOSTER CLUB Welcome to the start of our 12th Annual Parish Booster Club. Everybody loves a winner. So join up, be a winner and help St. Francis be a winner too. There will be a weekly and a monthly drawing The club will be a true club and your ticket(s) remain in play for an entire year (September 6th, 2021 to August 29, 2022) Just imagine – one ticket purchased and you are in the running every single week of the year! What Are The Rules? Each week (Monday morning) in the rectory, there will be a drawing and a $60.00 winner. The winner drawn during the last week of the month takes home $600.00! At Christmas (the 2nd week of Decamber), the monthly prize is doubled to 1200.00! Each week, the winner’s name appears in the bulletin. Monthly winners ($600) will be announced from the lectern on Sunday. Tickets are $50.00 each. You may buy as many as you wish, giving you more opportunities to win. All tickets stay in the bin all year. Purchase early and you have over 50 chances to win. You may, however, purchase more tickets at any time during the entire year. Also you can purchase tickets on behalf of others and give them as gifts. Return The Ticket Stubs With Your Check Two (2) tickets are enclosed for you with this letter. We encourage all parishioners to purchase both or just try to do your best! You may turn in your stubs and remittance in the Sunday collection basket or in the mail. Additional tickets may be purchased throughout the year at the rectory. Weekly Excitement! Weekly Blessings! “God loves a cheerful giver” and giving to the parish in this way is enjoyable - many like to “take a chance”, go to Mass, and find out who won! Please join at your very earliest convenience. The First Drawing will take place on Tuesday, September 7th, in the Rectory! Your participation will ensure a meaningful boost in the parish income during these stressful times. Thank you in advance for your generous response. My only regret is that we all can’t win the prizes. Remember that even without winning the cash, Boosters are all true winners in God’s sight! God’s Blessings, Rev. Peter F. Kaczmarek, Pastor our community page 5 HAITIAN STARFISH YOUNG ADULT COMMUNITY COFFEE HOUSE Contact Deacon Jean Cantave Contact us at 631.896.3747 • [email protected] [email protected] THIRD ORDER LAY EUCHARISTIC CARMELITES ADORATION CHAPEL Contact Mike & Ellen Lobasso Contact Tom & Anne Buckley 631.486.2155 631.651.2619 [email protected] [email protected] SERENITY BIBLEinstructed by Barbara STUDY Campbell CINEMA Contact Mary Ann Farmer Contact Ellen Lobasso 631.351.1148 • [email protected] 631.486.2155 Mary Vacca at 631.547.7023 [email protected] [email protected] HANDICAPPED DIVINE WILL ENCOUNTER CHRIST STUDY GROUP Contact Tom & Anne Buckley Contact Deacon Allan Longo 631.651.2619 631.754.6436 [email protected] OUR LADY’S HOME ARISE AND VISITATION PROGRAM Contact Barbara Magali BEYOND 631.664.2344 Contact Ellen Lobasso [email protected] 631.486.2155 • [email protected] STEWARDSHIP ST. FRANCIS SENIORS Contact Pat Brennan Contact Pat McDonough 631.757.8775 • [email protected] 631.261.4206 BETANIA XIII CHARISMATIC Contact Tom & Anne Buckley RENEWAL 631.651.2619 Contact Phil Mandato [email protected] [email protected] • 516.445.3884 our ministries page 6 ADULT CHILDREN’S CHOIR CHOIR Contact Contact [email protected] [email protected] RELIGIOUS USHERS & EDUCATION GREETERS Contact Anita Modelewski Contact Paul Sepp 631.754.6436 • [email protected] 631.368.7673 • [email protected] RCIA YOUTH Contact Deacon Jim Byrne 631.757.3389 ContactMINISTRY Ivonne Porpora [email protected] 631.499.3780 [email protected] TRINITY BAPTISM REGIONAL SCHOOL PREPARATION Contact Pat Ayers 631.261.5130 Contact the Rectory [email protected] 631.757.7435 PRE-CANA MARRIAGE INSTRUMENTS PREPARATION OF PEACE YOUTH Contact Diocese ROCK BAND of Rockville Centre Contact Greg Gullotti 516.678.5800 516.449.4346 • [email protected] LECTORS AND ALTAR SERVERS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Contact Mildred Torres Contact Patrick Brennan [email protected] 631.757.8775 • [email protected] Our Faith in Action Plan LITTLE PEOPLE’S Embracing Dramatic Missionary Growth.