May 2021

Steeping Catchment Action Plan 2020 + Refresh May 2021 …from the Wolds to the sea

May 2021


“Welcome to the update of the Steeping Catchment Action Plan.

Many of you will have seen that the first phase of de-silting the Steeping River has been successfully completed.

Before I talk about future works that the Steering Group wish to carry out, I want to pay tribute to all those involved in completing this first important phase that has undoubtedly reduced flood risk.

It has demonstrated the value of partnership working to deliver real benefit to the community.

The next phase of works will include further de-silting on the relief channel and natural flood management measures in the upper catchment to slow the flow in times of extreme rainfall. Steeping Steering Group Chair Robert Caudwell, centre, is with local councillors from the partnership, Joe Taylor and Wendy Bowkett, near Bycroft’s Bridge.

There are many other interventions which will add to the sustainability of the Steeping Catchment that are detailed in this updated Action Plan.

I ask that whole community in the Steeping Catchment supports this plan for the benefit of all.

We still face funding challenges, but we are determined to find ways of delivering projects to reduce flood risk to homeowners and businesses (including farmland) and a river and environment that all can enjoy and grows the local economy.”

Robert Caudwell, Chair of the Steeping River Catchment Steering Group

May 2021

The following tables are an update to the first Catchment Action Plan that was published in April 2020. This document should be read alongside the original one. The actions remain substantially the same with the following changes:  Action 1.2 – some additional lengths of river have been added to the dredging programme.  Actions 3.6 and 3.7 - these previously separated projects between the Wainfleet Relief Channel and the Steeping River. They have been reworded to split projects looking at the raised defences to the west and to the east of . The same lengths of defence are still covered and the aim is still looking to improve their resilience to overtopping on the effects of future climate change.  Action 3.10 – a new action to monitor silt volumes following the completion of the dredging project.  Action 3.11 – a new action to prevent river water escaping through the surface water drainage system adjacent to the Steeping River on Haven Side in Wainfleet.  Action 4.1 – the wording of the action has been updated to include more detail on what is being worked on.

Some delivery dates for the actions have also been revised where necessary.

All the tables now provide further information on prioritisation of the action (including if other actions need to be delivered first), progress made to date and future challenges or opportunities in their delivery. Comments in green have solutions that are being explored, comments in red are outstanding issues e.g. predominantly around funding that the partners are working to resolve.

May 2021 1. Improving flow through the system

Model run Action Who is Funding (if Action Where Cost Prioritisation Progress to Date Challenges/Opportunities Number involved Source applicable) 1.1 12c Continue effective weed Steeping EA, TBC EA HIGH – annual Two weed cuts were Maintenance bids submitted management throughout the catchment LMDB maintenance programme undertaken in 2020. annually through internal EA catchment. process. Effective weed management important for ensuring flow through the system. 1.2 12c Investigate dredging to achieve a Steeping River: Confluence EA, Approx. EA HIGH – 2020 to Phase 1 completed. Phase 2 of the dredging is minimum water depth of 1.5m all with Wainfleet Relief LMDB £1m Maintenance, 2022 This included the funded and due to begin in year round to reduce weed Channel to Thorpe Culvert. LMDB, Steeping River from September 2021 with lagoon growth. See silt distribution Wainfleet Relief Channel Thorpe Culvert to the construction in May/June diagrams on page 9 and page 10 (WRC): Lenton’s Bridge to County Council, WRC and short sections 2021. in the original Steeping Thorpe Culvert and at the upstream and Investigations continue to Catchment Action Plan. downstream of the railway District Council downstream extents of ascertain if additional culvert east of Wainfleet. the WRC. dredging is required and how it will be funded. 1.3 5c Investigate ways of reducing the Wainfleet Relief Channel EA Further TBC MEDIUM - 2022 Funding needs to be identified use of Wainfleet Relief Channel investigations and allocated. until it is needed. In normal required Follows delivery of To be considered in the conditions, more flow in the action 1.2 longer-term strategy for Steeping River will help to flush managing the Wainfleet Relief out the channel and be a more Channel. sustainable way of reducing silt build-up 1.4 3c Explore the opening of Haven Haven House, Burgh Sluice EA Minimal EA HIGH – 2021 to Follows delivery of Evidence to be gathered to House and Burgh Sluices to lower 2022 action 2.5 as the consider the flood risk river levels ahead of potential updated catchment benefit, impact on the raised higher river levels. hydraulic model will defences, water resources contribute further and ecology information. Some aspects of this work are dependent on the delivery of action 2.5.

May 2021

1.5 10 Investigate reducing pumping Thorpe Culvert Pumping EA, Up to LMDB HIGH – 2020 to Modelling of Witham Inspection of culverts under from Thorpe Culvert Pumping Station, Bell Water Drain LMDB, £350k revenue + 2021 4th IDB system Steeping River planned for Station during times of increased W4DIDB grant if currently ongoing. 2021 with refurbishment if flow – either by short term available required in 2022. Modelling of storage in the lowland system or Thorpe Culvert Pumped by emergency discharge to Bell System to be undertaken in Water Drain. 2021/22. 1.6 n/a Continue refining the operation Burgh Sluice, Wainfleet EA Minimal EA HIGH – 2021 to Follows delivery of Evidence to be gathered to and effectiveness of Burgh Sluice, Clough 2022 action 2.5 as the consider the flood risk Wainfleet Clough Outfalls and updated catchment benefit, impact on the raised Haven House Sluice (including hydraulic model will defences, water resources door opening mechanisms) for all contribute further and ecology flow conditions. information. Some aspects of this work are dependent on the delivery of action 2.5.

May 2021 2. A resilient community and infrastructure

Model run Action (if Where Who is Funding Prioritisation Progress to Date Challenges/Opportunities Number Action Cost applicable) involved source 2.1 n/a Work with town and parish Across the LCC, EA, ELDC, Minimal HIGH – 2020 Wainfleet Town Council and the The current community focus on councils to help them Steeping LMDB, W4DIDB, to 2021 surrounding Parishes are working responding to Covid 19 has slowed this understand their local flood Catchment AW, NFU, Town (started) together on a joint Community work. The intention is to progress this in risk now and in the future by and Parish Emergency Plan for the area. the coming year with support from LCC, supporting them with the Councils ELDC and the EA. creation, and testing, of Community Emergency Plans that cover all locally identified emergencies. This to include exploring community flood mitigation measures such as fixed/demountable barriers. 2.2 n/a Work with residents to help Across the LCC, EA, ELDC, Minimal HIGH – 2020 Regular community updates Direct engagement, with events and door- them understand their flood Steeping LMDB, to 2021 continue to be shared with knocking, to ensure residents understand risk now, and in the future, so Catchment W4DIDB, AW, (started) residents that feature related their flood risk and are signed up to they can be prepared. This NFU, articles. A total of 7 have been appropriate flood warnings will take place means they will know how to Community produced over the past year. These when government guidance permits. reduce the impact of any are shared with the town and flooding and recover more parish councils as well as left in up quickly. to 15 key community locations in Wainfleet, when possible to do so. 2.3 n/a Work with businesses, the Across the NFU, EA, LCC, Minimal HIGH – 2020 Regular community updates are More direct engagement will be planned agricultural sector and Steeping ELDC, to 2021 shared via the NFU and left with when government guidance permits. infrastructure owners to help Catchment LMDB, W4DIDB, (started) local businesses when possible. A them understand their flood AW, Businesses total of 7 have been produced over risk and how they can be the past year. prepared to reduce the impact of any future flooding and recover more quickly. 2.4 n/a Develop an understanding of Across the LCC, EA, ELDC, Minimal HIGH – The National Flood and Coastal The ambitions of the National Flood and how the community, Steeping LMDB, Ongoing Erosion Risk Management Strategy Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy businesses, agricultural sector Catchment W4DIDB, AW, has been published. With long will be embedded in the actions delivered and infrastructure owners can NFU term ambitions to be resilient to as part of this plan. adapt to a changing climate. the impacts of a changing climate and ensuring communities understand their risk of flooding and how to take action. May 2021

Model run Action (if Where Who is Funding Prioritisation Progress to Date Challenges/Opportunities Number Action Cost applicable) involved source 2.5 n/a Continue improving the EA Across the EA £150k EA HIGH – 2020 Funding secured and project has Project is fully funded and work has Flood Warning Service by Steeping ring- National to 2021 commenced. Additional channel commenced. updating the catchment and Catchment fenced Modelling (started) survey has been collected, new flood forecasting models. This from And computer model nearing will improve the timeliness and National Forecasti completion before being ready to accuracy of flooding warnings Modelling ng run simulations and produce and enable work towards a And Budget results. community-based flood Forecastin warning service. g Budget

May 2021 3. Strengthening and maintaining defences

Model run Action Who is (if What action is being taken Where Cost Funding source Prioritisation Progress to Date Challenges/Opportunities Number involved applicable) 3.1 n/a Undertake annual visual inspection of Steeping EA Minimal EA MEDIUM – annual Inspection undertaken None - Part of established EA flood defences as part of a routine catchment programme in September 2020 maintenance activity. inspection programme to identify downstream of defects. Great Steeping

3.2 n/a Prioritise repairs for the identified Steeping EA TBC EA + partnership HIGH – 2020/21 Repairs undertaken Works are covered by Recovery defects to flood defences. catchment funding have included vermin funding secured for works in the repair and toe Steeping Catchment for 2020 to protection covered by 2022. actions 3.3 and 3.4. 3.3 n/a Review, plan and carry out routine Steeping EA EA maintenance HIGH – annual Grass cutting of the Maintenance bids submitted maintenance to flood defences e.g. catchment + partnership programme embankments was annually through internal EA grass cutting, vermin control, funding undertaken. Works to process. protected species etc. exclude vermin and burrowing animals has been undertaken and continues when areas are identified. 3.4 n/a Plan and deliver a phased programme Wainfleet Relief EA TBC EA + Partnership HIGH – 2020/21 Work had been delayed Works are covered by Recovery of toe protection (Steeping River – Channel & funding by poor weather but funding secured for works in the Warth’s Bridge to Salem Bridge and Steeping River now due to commence Steeping Catchment for 2020 to downstream of A52; Wainfleet Relief in March 2021 2022. Channel). 3.5 n/a Plan and deliver a phased programme Wainfleet Relief EA TBC EA + Partnership HIGH - 2023 Programme to be developed of bank top levelling (Burgh Sluice Channel & Burgh funding and funding bid for. Relief Channel, Wainfleet Relief Sluice Relief Channel). Channel 3.6 n/a Plan and deliver works to increase the Wainfleet Relief EA + £3m + FCERMGiA + HIGH Work has commenced Application for Grant in Aid resilience of the raised embankments Channel and partners partnership 2021 to 2023 on developing the funding has been submitted to protecting the western side of Steeping River funding For business case business case to get the FCRM capital programme – Wainfleet to overtopping and the and scheme government funding. formal approval expected effects of climate change. development The action has been February/March 2021. Details of 2023 to 2024 updated to look at all scheme need to be developed. For delivery of the the raised defences Business case needs to be scheme protecting the western produced. side of Wainfleet All Additional partnership funding All dependent on Saints. needed; options are currently confirmation of being explored but not funding confirmed. May 2021

Model run Action Who is (if What action is being taken Where Cost Funding source Prioritisation Progress to Date Challenges/Opportunities Number involved applicable) 3.7 n/a Investigate how the raised Wainfleet Relief EA + £5m + FCERMGiA + MEDIUM – 2025 The action has been No funding currently allocated, embankments protecting the eastern Channel and partners partnership updated to look at all additional partnership funding side of Wainfleet can be made more Steeping River funding the raised defences will also be required. resilient to overtopping and the effects protecting the eastern of climate change. side of . Some of the work being delivered for Action 3.6 will identify the benefits that can be used to apply for FCERMGiA. 3.8 n/a Investigate, plan and deliver a project Lady Wath’s Beck EA + TBC FCERMGiA + HIGH - 2022 Opportunities to bring EA has applied for funding for to reduce the risk of flooding from Lady partners partnership this action forward have 2022 but this is currently Wath’s Beck (upstream of the B1195 funding been explored but this unconfirmed. Limited access bridge). Investigate bank raising of Lady has so far not been along bank to undertake bank Wath’s Beck (upstream of B1195 possible due to the raising, alternative approaches Bridge). work required and lack will need to be considered e.g. of funding available. controlled upstream storage. Unable to accelerate work due to limited resources available.

3.9 n/a Liaise with adjacent Steeping EA Minimal EA staff time MEDIUM – ongoing Work has started on this EA have commenced this work, landowners/occupiers to improve catchment long-term action. delivered through local teams. access to defences for inspection and Identifying priority locations and maintenance. Discuss activities which landowners. could impact on defences such as land management, Environmental Permitting regulations and protected species etc. 3.10 n/a Monitor the success of the dredging Steeping River and EA Minimal EA staff time HIGH – annual To be commenced once Can be delivered using internal *new delivered under Action 1.2. Wainfleet Relief programme the dredging works are EA resources. action Channel complete. 3.11 n/a Undertake works on the surface water Haven Side/Church EA/LCC TBC TBC HIGH - 2021 Planned as part of EA Solution will not prevent build- *new drainage outfall at Haven Side to Lane adjacent to Highways recovery works for up of surface water whilst river action prevent river water flowing back up Steeping River 2021/22. levels are also high. and onto the road

May 2021

4. Flood water storage

Model run Action (if Who is Funding Prioritisation Progress to Date Challenges/Opportunities Number Action Where Cost Applicable) involved source 4.1 11 Investigate methods and locations in the upper Steeping EA, NFU + Initial RFCC Local HIGH – Desktop studies and site Covid 19 has limited face to face catchment for natural flood management/working catchment partners £60k Levy 2020/21 and walkovers have been discussions with landowners and with natural processes to achieve flow ongoing completed. Several slowed progress of initial liaison reductions/natural water storage and wider multiple opportunities have been but different techniques such as benefits. The opportunities in the upper catchment identified where further questionnaires and phone would be the focus for biodiversity net gain, conversations with discussions have been/continue compensatory habitat and any species relocation as a to be undertaken until lockdown interested landowners may result of limitations to consider such in more restrictions are lifted. yield opportunities for sensitive lower catchment defence areas. The right partners being involved in opportunity decision natural flood management making is important when the time is right for upper measures. catchment design and implementation. 4.2 11 Work with landowners to investigate HIGH – As above. As above. changes to land management practices across the 2020/21 and catchment to reduce silt coming into the system. ongoing

4.3 11 Investigate provision of multi-use formal flood water Steeping EA, NFU + TBC Potential MEDIUM/LOW Previous investigations have Funding not currently secured storage area/s within the catchment and appropriate catchment partners through - Date TBC found that storage options Resources need to be identified payment. agri- (2025+) still require the raised banks to undertake the detailed environment, so greater priority has investigations which will identify FDGiA and currently been placed on options and expected costs to partnership delivering actions 3.6 and support a funding bid. funding 3.7.